rialto ffewisk Periodlad Cada mirror, sysHos - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO jiti)crRolt;//3iisnetitoNicir, 11*6 SEMINARY RABBIS- Coe,ifr, FILL NEW PULPITS GlAS. o s (Cwwirright, 1821. Be CAA.. H. lenwh.1 Those Jewish students of Eastern Europe who had pinned their hopes on the suggested Jewish university in the free city of Danzig are apparently doomed to disappointment, for, according to a well founded report, the au- thorities of Danzig have decided that it will be contrary to the best interests of the city to have a university established for any one racial or religious group. So the Jewish young men who are seeking higher education in the refined Christian communities of Eastern Europe will continue to dodge bullets, employed by the cultured Gentile groups to indicate their disap- proval of over-educating the Jew. I l l l ll lllll 0111 1 1 11111111 II 1 I 11 l l l 11111111111111111111111MMMIIIMMIM111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Mimununallillinthmillirulpllsinppumplimm 11111. Graduates of '24 Accept Posts In Various Parts of Country. NEW YORK.— The 1924 cons- Announcing to Our Patrons the Corset Sensation of the year THE NEW 4%- - Nemolastik inencement exercises of the Jewish Theological Seminary and the Teach- ers' Institute took place Sunday, June I, at Aeolian Hall. The program in- cluded addresses by Felix M. War- burg and Or. Elias I. Solomon of the class of 1904. The opening prayer was offered by Rabbi Louis Rosen- M•de by the m•ker. of the famous NEMO C llllll . Allowing for diplomacy in public statements, yet one must regret the that of Passaic, N. J., and the bocce- astonishing white-washing of Roumania by Grand Rabbi Schur in what he laureate sermon was preached by announces is the first interview he has ever given." The grand rabbi tells Rabbi Charles I. Hoffman of Newark us that Roumania is a country without anti-Semitism. This will be joyful at the Seminary Synagogue. Mem- of this country, but unfortunately it is too good to be true. berg of the classes of 1899, 1904 and news to the Jews of the European countries that has been outstanding in 1914 were the hosts to the graduata Roumania is one its anti-Semitic attitude. Can the grand rabbi believe for a moment that Ma At class. a recent meeting of the board we have forgotten the John Bay note? Or does he believe that we do not follow European affairs sufficiently close to know that before, during and of directors of the seminary, Lewis the war the Roumanians have treated the Jews so abominably that all Strauss was elected treasurer, sac- since the United States papers have carried the news? The grand rabbi may have ceeding Daniel Guggenheim, who had e good reason for smearing the Roumanian government, but father than served for 20 years. Solomon Ro- insult the intelligence of the American people, it would have been better senbloom of Pittsburgh and Felix Fuld of Newark were elected near had his "first interview" never been given. bars of the board. ;; Gr•domes Get C•11.. , Th cases of the wives of Rabbi Gottlieb and of Rabbi Feldman, who 1 ho following graduates of the have been refused admittance to this country and are now being detained seminary have received calls front" at Ellis Island beause of the decision of the Supreme Court that the quotas congreeations: Rabbi Norman Salit, have been filled, call for the intervention of all humane, right-minded citi- (a(:a R .i.7eation: Shaaa rea Tetallah, Far, ens. It has been the 'custom to admit wives of men in the professions, re- R ab b , I ' I.; H abb i Max Ant.. ,. ,' wa Israel, Gottlieb and Mrs. Feldman started Rabbi .te srael, Scranton i emo gardless of the quota, and when M s country they did so in the belief that there would be no difficulty Iiii.Aialilar\r‘is onaa.A; Rab th Shalom, a Ahawath for thi on the high seas 'the Supreme Court i R dolph b u While they were d in being down a mitted. handed its decision which barred them from entering upon their as-- Lupo, Congregation Ohave Israel, ,a.; is guaranteed not to rip or tear. Rabbi II man J. rival. This may be the law, but it is not justice and it is contrary to all the Brownsville, I Y dictates of humanity. I ant sure that Secretary' Davis, who has a keen sense Landau, Congregation Ahawath Is. It makes the figure permanently smaller and lighter in weight. of the fitness of the thing and who has an appreciation of human values, earl, New York Citv• Rabbi Louis No rubber comes in contact with the body or undergarments. ' Ahawath Is- will use his power to the utmost to see that these unfortunate women will Schwefel, Congre atcon be permitted to join, their husbands. And I feel sure that by the time this nod, Washington, D. C. It moulds the figure into graceful lines. some In connection with the sessions of paragraph appears, the secretary will have found soe way to relieve a the American Oriental Society, of It is adustable to the decreasing size of the figure. most distressing situation.' ---.;; which Dr. Cyrus Adler was president • It gives comfortable and gratifying support. The minds of the nation are turned on the Leopold and Loeb case. this year, an exhibition of rare many- Nothing like it has been known in the annals of legal history in this country.•. scripts and books from the library of It can be washed with pure soap and water. And not only the man in the street but such bodies as the American Pay- the seminary was arranged by Pro. chiatric Association are devoting their thought to this Chicago case. That f•ssor Alexander Marx, librarian, It doesn't chafe the skill nor cause irritations. these boys are abnormals and moral perverts there seems to be no doubt, and a luncheon was given by the sem- but there is developing an inclination on the pail of the press of ahe country inary to the members of the society. It doesn't bulge over the abdomen. to blame the parents for the predicament in which these bbys are now This exhibition showed the wide ex- It hasno disagreeable odor to cause embarrassment. found. I have before me an article 'written by Lindsay Denison, one of the tent of Ilebrew printing in Asia and experts on the staff of the New York Evening World,' which may be of Africa and of Hebrew literature in Persia and In d i a. interest to our readers. Morgan Library Donates. Donations to the library were re-1 „ ceived from Mrs. Jacob II. Schiff, Fe- Denisoa says: • . • lix at Warburg, the Pierpont Morgan "It is hard to resist the conclusion that their home life and their Library, Dr. Louis S. Dunn of Ches- inheritance have as much to do with their being in cells as those of ter, Pa., Dr. Samuel Sale, Dr. Harry Celia Cooney are responsible for her being in Auburn prison. The Friedenwald of Baltimore, William I.eopold and,Loeb boys have been petted and pampered every day of Cdoedel and Lbuis and Joseph their lives. The Leopolds, at least, have an aristocratic hiatory. The Stroock. The Stro,ock gifts are of an mother of young Nathan Leopold, new three years dead, was a dis- interesting character, consisting of a tant relation of Lord Curzon. Ilia f ather'sf ealth is estimated loosaly silver watch presented by the Pope to at .$10,000,000, accumulated in lake shipping and manufacturing. their uncle, the distinguished his- DEPARTMENT - SIXTH FLOOR Mrs. Leopold •was a sister of the Brothers Foreman, whose banking torian, l'rofessor Abraham Berliner, house is ,a highly respected Chicago institution. A search through and of an "Order" 'which Professor the memories of friends of the family of long standing does not re- lierliner received from the King of veal a,single scandal or an instance of departure from the rules of Italy. deceney and fair dealing in the ausiness or in the home." An important contribution to the library of the seminary came from . 1111!.:'1": , TI,' 1 71:1!;11T1111111191111131111MNILL111111111111111111111111 11101111W11111111111121111401116 the private collection of the late Continuing, Denison says: 11111013111111111111111111411111111111ilig111110:1I1W11:.111111111111111111111Elil i11111111111111111111111V,,1111141,1,1111111;11,1111b11111111:1111111111111441.11111111[1111111111111111111111i1111111,11:11 111111111111111111111111: ■ • Mayer Sulzberger and included many talked with a neighbor and close fiiend of. the Leopold and rare volumes. Loeb families and he said, though the father 'of 'Babe' Leopold. is a Seven young. met were granted the T11111111111111111111111111111111111111111HiliniiiiiiiiiiiiiiilillillillIllilli1111111111111111111111111111111Duala ' devout Jew, he failed to inakereligious influence a part of his eon's degree of rabbi. They are: Nachman training. An insistence On' an understanding and respect. for tfie Solomon Arnoff, Cleveland; Benja- Critics appraised him an artist of BALTIMORE CHARITIES father's religionwould have made all the difference in the world in NETZORG RECORDING , min Cohen, Bridgeport; Abraham GET $502,378 PLEDGE versatile parts. alway with Mayer !feller, New York City; Isidor that young man's development. The other brothers were (at religi ous in New York Mr. Netzorg FOR WELTE-MIGNON was While Nathan there Binswaneer Hoffman, Newark; Jo- ' t ry the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James BALTIMORE.—(J. T. A.)—With their parents. service). The religious observancewinch had been taught the older sena Marcus, New York City; Isidore W. Kerr. Mrs. Kerr, who is a sister subscriptions totaling $502,378, the Greed oa f ple, greed for 'self- easur , were the human -• Newman, New York City; Isador Immigrant Aid Society Names Four Diatinguished Pianist Accepts Invita- of Mr. Netorg, and her husband are fund campaign of the Associated not taught orl to hint. br others owei, greed for gold dly•p Sinaer, Montreal. w was greed for leading figures in art circles in the Jewish Charities has come to a close. to Study Conditions. indulg ence, tion to New York. impulses of which he learned front the friendawho came tizethe Leo. • metropolis. Quiet solicitation will continue until . pold home and from those whoge homes he visited," the entire $610,223, the budget total, In order to study the conditions of Bendetson Netzorg, the distin- has been pledged, according to Albert Jewish refugees in the various ports guished Detroit pianist, spent the "Dick" Loeb., according to Mr. ,Denison's informant, was 'as. spiritually TWINS GET PHI BETA KAPPA D. llutzlcr, chairman of the cam- of Europe, most of whom have Amer- past week in New York recording for neglected as was "Babe" Leopold. ' T'he 'mother, though a Catholic, •con- ican visas but who cannot conic to the Welte-Mignon reproducing piano. EAST ORANGE, N. J.--Jacob and paign. sented that the boys be brought up as,Jews. The father has been an almost this country on account of the new The Welte-Mignon periodically in- Edward Friend of East Orange, N. J., helpless invalid for years. Their Uncle Jacob has had charge of the Chicago • household for the last few years. Mrs. Loeb ha's spent from eight to ten a t ConfirMation Temple Beth exercises El Sunday; were June held, 8, immigration law, a commission of the vites eminent artists of the piano - twin students at Columbia University, BORIS BOGEN HEADS Hebrew Sheltering and immigrantt forte to record for it. The invitation were awarded Phi Beta Kappa keys. months each year at the Charlevoix farm. Such was the situation in the LOS ANGELES CHARITIES Loeb household. Mrs. Loeb, when she heard of her son's name in con- when the following 'completed their Aid Society left New York last Sat- to Mr. Netzorg is regarded as a rec- They look alike, dress alike, sing in LOS ANGELES.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. nection with the kidnaping, simply refused to believe that her model son Sunday School work and were con- urday on the steamship Majestic. The ognition of his attainment to high the Glee Club together, go to the Boris Bogen( formerly director of the could be guilty of such an unthinkable crime. And, it is interesting to firmed: Rose Bloch; Eleanore Ilea- commission consists of Aaron Benja- rank among the outstanding pianists game classes and for four years have received identical marks. In receiv- American Jewish Joint Distribution learn that when she heard of the kidnaping of Robert Franks, she hurried venricha Shirley Hirshberg, Zella Im- main, B. C. Vladeck and M. Wein- in America. Committee activities in Soviet Rus- home to Charlevoix to save him erman, Jake Nover and H elen ing the keys they become the first . berg, members of the board of di- Last March Mr. Netzorg appeared Seit - her little son, Tommie, from the chicago has been elected executive di- , • ner. Rabbi Gordon was in charge of rectors of the society, and Isaac I,. in recital at Orchestra hall and made twins to be elected to the Phi Beta sia), from the possibility of being kidnaped. • rector of the Federation of Jewish . :• the services and A. D. Philippe, presi- a profound impression. Ibis playing Kappa honorary fraternity. The only Charities of Los Angeles. His duties dent of the congregation, presented Asofsky, general manager of the ar- was marked both by introspectvie 'tins difference in the keys is the first Denison says that here 'Mrs. toeb,showed that she was a mo er ganization. are to commence July 1. According to cabled information, derstanding and dynamic power. name on the back of each. did not know as much as she should about Ilea own son. The neighbors the diplomas. The opening prayer knew if she didn't, that when she insisted that Uncle Jacob should see that was given by Shirley Ifirshberg, the th ere are at present about 3,000 Jew- Dick went up to bed every night at 9:30, he locked himself in, climbed out floral offering by Zella lmerman; the ish refugees in Roumania, 200 in l'o. of a back window and was out gallavanting With girlsof all types. She did address to the congregation by E lea. land, 700 at I.ibau, 600 at Rigs, 500 Protect himself in these clandestine affairs by na re Ileavenrich; the meaning of Ju- at Bremen and Hamburg, 600 at not know that he lied to . saying he wanted to read in bed and must not in any was be disturbed: Mrs. d eism by Helen Seitner; the address Cherbourg, Havre and Southampton Loeb did not know that her son had a great reputation for "holding his to the parents by Rose Bloch, and the and 600 at Constantinople. Almost liquor" in flapper parties in his own set, and that sonie pretty rough parties closing prayer spoken by Jake Nover. all of them are refugees from Russia were held at the Loeb home when Mrs. Loeb was away. The opinion is The temple was decorated with white and have American visas, but due to quite prevalent, however, that Leopold is responsible for destroying young lilacs and greens. Mrs. D en Kremer the fact that no more than about Loeb's adaptability for fine, decent things and may have been the working trained the glass of confirmants. F ol. 1,700 immigrants from Russia will be out of another of Leopold's "scientific adventures" into destructive sense- lowing the -confirmation exercises the able 'to come here under the new im- parents of the confirmants held a re. migration law, only a small number . . Cons. of them will be able to join their --::-- . • ception in the community center. After reading all this and much more, I cannot agree with any of the — re latives in this country. The corn- . writers that the responsibility for the terrible end to whicaLthese young Mrs. John [merman, 922 South mission, in co-operation with the Jew- analysis of the foregoing - men have come with their parents. An most home!' the same general Jefferson, was hostess at a bridge ish organizations abroad, will try to statements of Mr. rests Denison's will show that in conditions prevail excepting the instances of the nieht parties to which MoodaY. June 2, in honor of her do everything possible for these un- specific reference has been made, I am of the opinion that these boys are house . guest, Mrs. Bessie Barlow. I fortunates. For Immigrant. 'in Cuba. l to Mrs. I. Rich, Mrs. Honors fel Bealal es the ab ove mentione ' d re f o- degenerates and beyond the influence of any normal home environment. , evinsohn and Mrs. Alex Le- L ouis L —;; ________ gees, there are about 6,000 Jewi sh immigrants in Cuba destined to the Rabbi Ilerbert S. Goldstein, president of the Union of Orthodox Con. vinsohn. gregations of America in welcoming home Dr. R . P. Mendes, Rabbi Emeritus Mrs. I. Rich entertained two tables United States who will not be able f New York, after a four years' Question I , , to come here under the new law. An y d itself to of brid e June g Thursda afternoon of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue o . exhaustive report on the conditions sojourn abroad, took occasion to say that the union had pledge aid the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union in its fight for a 5, in honor of Mra. Barlow. Honors III Cuba was brought back by Miss ry Lenick. 40-hour week. This is the first instance that has r come under the notice of were given Mrs. }lo ( eceba Razovsky, who, together with — Mrs. Vera Shimberg, visited Cuba at a group of Jewish congregations entering definitely into a laboe dispute The Ladies' Auxiliary of Tem pl e th instance of Mrs. Etta Lasker Re- involving hours of labor. Of course, religious groups of all denominations entered the lists for an eight-hour day in the steel industry.- I wonder 11'nel Israel gave a dance at the Audi- st:ea' agn head of the immigrant aid what the reaction will be to this action of the Orthodox congregations of toriurn June 3. Among the out-of- a ork of the Council of Jewish Worn- . town guests were Mrs- Beasie Bur- en. As a result the Hebrew Immi- the country. a low of Newark, Miss Josephine o Chan rant Aid Soci' •tv appropriated i a--- • - at 1 avana, Cuba, "America's foremost Jew" is what Max Steuer, who presided at the tea- of Denver, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. alarry i f und to establish Answer: timonial dinner given to Rabbi Stephen Wise by the American Jewish Con- Hirshberg and Lionel Hirshberg of ' a social service center, in which there gress, said of the guest of honor. Judge Mack said that it was through Dr. Pigeon and Louis Lowenstein of Mid- are to be, among other things, an em- Wise's close friendship with Woodrow Wilson that the rights of the minority land. Several guests were present ployment bureau, a reading room, made a part of the peace treaty. There can be no question of from Bay City and Flint. classes in Spanish and English, a syn. peoples agugue, a recreation room. An able Dr. Wise's widespread influence in worldJewry. Ile is one of the most The monthly meeting of Beth El social worker will be in charge. Ar- aggressive, one of the most fearless, one of the most progressive liberals in Sisterhood took place Wednesday, rangements will also be made to have the religious field in this country. June 4. The hostesses for the after- a nurse to take care of the women ;:------ , A Christian clergyman in one of the smaller cities in Pennsylvania seta noon were Mrs. Gerald Goldfarb and , and children requiring attention, ' and for medical treatment for the needy. monizet1 recently on the Jew in this country. Ile seemed to think that we Mrs . Louis Fink. Part of the expense of this work will have harmed ourselves by not conforming with the ideas of the Chriatian : covered by the Council of Jewish on such matters as observing Sunday, and in opposing the teaching Alex S.Levinsohn left June be Mrs: %%omen, while the Union of Orthodox of the Bible in the public schools. Ile goes so far as to say that we should 3 for ner home n i Baasett, Nebr. Hebrew Congregations will provide arrange to change our Sabbath to Sunday, thus making it unanimous. Of for the religious needs of the refu- course, the Seventh Day Adventists would ould still be outside the pale, as well Harry Ilirahberg and Mr. and as one or two other groups w ho believe that Saturday is the seventh day eon were the house guests g ees. we Foes of of the week—and the day set aside as a day of rest by God. But then mustn't be too hard on this Christian clergyman, for Zangwill himself sup. of Mr. and Mrs. Max Hirshberg. RIDICULES ANTI-SEMITES gested the very same thing. But then Zangwill is Zangwill and we are pre- Milton Greenehaum and atorrey IN GERMAN REICHSTAG pared to make allowances. Keen were the week-end guests of ::----- It's about time that the forces of religion unite to eliminate unneces- Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenebaum. Mrs. BERLIN.—(J. T. A.)—A heated sary brutality in our police department methods. Walter Wilson, instructor Greenebaum returned to Ann Ar- scene Was enacted in the Reichstag of mathematics in the Harvard School of Chicago, was beaten with a bor with them Monday. last week when representatives of — rubber hose and tortured into saying "yes" to the accusation that he had the Voelkische Partei indulged in a kidnaped and killed the boy Franks. This reminds one of the old system Mr. and Mrs. Henry Girard and rain of insults upon the Jews. "The Bank of Personal Service" of discovering the guilty party by an ordeal, where one who could stand daughtera spent the week-end in Replying to this anti-Semitic mani- the most punishment was adjudged innocent. The decent folk of the nation Mount Clemens. festation, the Socialist Deputy Loeb — have tried to eliminate brutality that would shame any civilization, from declared that he did not gee any rea- some of our prisons. One is astonished that from thousands of pulpits can Edward Seitner returned Thursday son for the excitement of the Voel- folk, whether from Ann Arbor to apend the summer ' same when these all men, go up prayers to God, the father of kische Partei against the -Jews at a they be in the pulpit or pew, must know of the inhumane, ungodly punish- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adloph time when they themselves do not Industrial Bartle Building rents that are being inflicted upon the unfortunates. Some of our prisons Seitner. , ref rain from asking help of the Jews still remain • shame to any c iv iliz a lion . But there is no reason why men when they find it necessary. Loeb The principal synagogue in JISSi arrested should be tortured as they are tortured in nearly every large city (Roumania) was destroyed by fire. revealed the fact that the leaders of in the country by police ofacials. It is natural for the police departments The building vas 300 years old and the Voelkische group, Graefe and to lie about these things, but everybody knows that these brutalities are con- was considered by the entire pont]. . Henning, had asked the head of the tinued until even innocent men, women and en-en boys are forced to con- lation with awe as holy relic, hav- political police, Weiss, a Jew, to pro- feu that they committed the crime with 'which they have been charged. Isn't ing survived many fares which had ' test the idol of the Voelkische Partel, it about time that we tent a few missionaries to these places and let the General Ludendorff. occurred before. "heathen" alone for • while? illIMTIMPF 7111f111111111111n1II MMI Self-Reducing Rubber Girdle H B At last the Ideal Rubber Girdle makes its appearance, and it is only natural that it should be the product uf such famous house as Nemo. The NEMOLASTIK Girdle differs ill many ways from the ordinary rubber girdles, making it, ill our estimation, the best Self-Reducing Girdle on the market. NEMOLASTIK is a pure gum rubber fabric covered both sides with fine Italian silk. Can be kept hygienic and be worn at all times, Summer or Winter. And what's most important, each girdle is backed up hy the Nemo people as well as by us. IMPORTANT POINTS ABOUT THE NEMOLASTIK It The Nemolastik Reducing Girdle is of the closed-back step-in or pull-over type; made with four garters in a delightfully lustrous peach shade. Even sizes, 24 to 38. Attractively priced at $10.75. We invite you to come in and try on the Nemolastik. Experienced fitters to serve you. RAN usET "Sn ll lllllllllllllllllll llllll WILL AID REFUGEES IN EUROPEAN PORTS 2. 1 tt±feiritre For what purposes may s loans be made at the Industrial Bank? Q A WIIS MTS. g. For any definite, worthy, s purpose ; such as to build a home, to' buy furn)ture or clothing, to provide an education, to help needy relatives, to pay taxes, to provide insurance, to centralize old debts, or to defray almost any kind of necessary expenses. The Industrial Bank 1219 Griswold St. "At Capitol Park" ■ 111 ■ 111.1111.1110.111111111111m11 11 1.