werkam garish periodical eater CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO TREfiErROtt;1 13 ■1 till (1 RON ICU: 51.tf5-1-Cri: „ ••• ■ •• ■ ••• ■ W*SWim.aw• r artmilt •••• rth El *ngittaiti Nero Notre Miss Gerald Goldfarb entertainer •■•••■•■■ •••••.M.,••• ■■ •••••••• ■•■ ••• NI•e • A 4 Frail efSeuers , . . ._.___,. „T,„,,,..T.,:,_-_ . , ,\, , .‘.,imoillir,,',i,,,,pvill,- , , , , , .. i, -ir.,,„,..fif i /,,,, '1 ' ,— \ ■ , .4,„.0 og .g.Kgifillii.—! Eg4.1i.aliiiii- nor ...:1J.ki ,; three tables of bridge Monday, Ma 26, in honor of Mrs. Bessie Durlow, the house guest of Mrs. John immer- The annual confirmation services man. Mrs. Joseph Illunirosen of will be held Sunday morning, June 8, Munisitque wi n first prize. ICawinigkt. 11121. Br Clms. H. at 0:30, when a class of 40 girls and The shocking tragedy in Chicago should make some young people stop, 29 boys will be received into the re- Mrs. Samuel Marienthal entertained look and listen. Too much money. Too much loose living. One can only ligious household of Israel. The pro- at a bridge luncheon at the Elks Tem- sorrow for the parents of the young people involved. It seems incredible gram promises to be very beautiful ple last Tuesday. The tables were at this writing that the sons of rich men should kidnap and murder for the and inspiring. Because of the very decorated with spring flowers, sake of $10,000, which they are alleged to have confessed. It seems to me large congregation that is expected that when all the facts are discovered in the case something more than on this occasion, members and friends The last of the winter's series of money is involved. Most of us like to preach. And it is difficult to gel who wish to attend should be in their bridge parties was held Tuesday eve. youth to listen. But today there is a false standard of living among the places as near the hour set for the ning, Stay 27. The hostesses were smart set—and they do love to be called the "smart set"—so swagger, don't beginning of the service as possible. Mesdames Morris Mover, Paul Mar- you know), that sooner or later causes some of them to stumble and The doors of the lower auditorium ienthal and Its.bert Seitner. Prizes eventually leads to tragedies that sometimes find their way into the news- will be closed when the confirmants were won by Mrs. Sam Marierithal at papers, but more frequently arc confined to the inner circles. There is a enter the temple. Following is a list bridge and alrs. Alec Lek insohn at ,„„_„„,„„,,„,,,, reckless note struck by these wastrels that intoxicates them with the notion IT the confirmants and their ad- Mah dolga. , that they are quite the "owl's night shirt" (speaking in the language they dresses: best understand). So we have such tragedies that have saddened the Jew- Marvel Abelson, 444 Medbury ave- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Margolis of Al- ish community of Chicago, brought into the light of merciless publicity the nue; Rose Adler, 1676 Chicago boule- lentown, Pa , were the week-end vard; Julius Arkin, 4352 Seebaldt guests of Mr. 4111,1 Mrs. Joseph Roth- names of honored families. : avenue; Anna Ascher, 2531 Glad- ter. ' - v, --- Sometimes one wonders if older men who are at the head of social stone avenue; Bessie Avison, 1646 Glendale avenue; Gussie Bassevitz, , Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Simpliner were 11. 1 groups in our communities, particularly those who are the responsible lead. ors of social clubs, shouldn't exercise an authority to make loose conduct 286 Custer avenue; Hilda Behrman, the week-end guests of their mother, 5402 Holcomb avenue; Hubert Behr- Mrs. William Simpliner at lintel Bari- .t 11 . an unpopular business. No one likes to be a censor of somebody else's man, 30 Elmhurst avenue; Dorothy conduct, yet there are circumstances that seem to me to lay upon the elders Bloomgarden, 100 Colorado avenue; croft. ti i: , :ll , ' i, / of a community a definite community obligation to keep young people from Margaret Bradfield, 524 East Warren Mrs. Norman Grey of Port Huron making fools of themselves. Exactly as a home has an influence upon a avenue; Bernard Brown, 19470 Lu- , .. I 4 IC 'in- I ! 1 1 41 I i . - - ' '' - community and a community has an influence upon a home, so has every cerne drive, Palmer Woods; Norma spent last week as the guest of Mrs. club or other social factor an influence upon the community. So there is a J. Brown, 90 Moss avenue; Simeon Harry Lenick. Mrs. Grey, who is a, real responsibility resting upon the leaders of a club though they may nut J. Bogin, 221 Westminster avenue; frequent visitor, was Miss Caroline know it. But the day will come when thinking men and women will wake Maurice Dalitz, 2508 Taylor avenue; Levy of Detroit. --- up and realize that they have a duty to the community that entrusts beyond Millard Deutsch, 1961 Gladston. ave- Mr. and al rs. A. I). l'hillipe and their club membership. That this truth will be recognized now is quite too nue; Dorothy DeYoung, 2067 West daughter, Irene, and Mr. and Mrs. a much to expect. Euclid avenue; Blume Disner, 1460 Ben Kramer spent the week-end in. Glynn court; Marjorie Epstean, 1476 Clare, Mich. .... Chicago boulevard; David Ettinger, Thank you, Senator Norris, for riddling the great American myth. When a man has millions to spend in talking about himself it is amazing how 5008 Brush street; Rose Erna Fin- Jacoby Rothner, son of Mr. and many persons in the world can be made to believe that he is almost a god. stervcald, 7410 LaSalle boulevard; Mrs. Joseh Rothner, has returned But thank goodness that there are some level heads in this country even Miriam Fleishman, 332 Tuxedo ave- from Temple University, Philadelphia, if they cannot be found among those in the House of Representatives that nue; Jack Frain, 274 Frederick ave- for the summer. voted to give Henry Ford the earth and a fence around it. Senator Norris nue; Alwyn Vernon Freeman, 20 has shown himself to be a man of great courage in face of a propaganda Chicago boulevard; Bertha Frisch- Mr. and Mrs. Jessie S. Rich of that swept the country. Ile has shown that Ford is a philanthropist first, man, 3745 Brush street; Marvin Fine- Grand Rapists were the week-end I last and all the time for the Ford family. And that when it comes to berg, 1927 Antietam street; Bertha guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. making a business deal at the expense of the country at large he is as much Geller, 1705 Calvert avenue; Revah Israel Rich. a patriot as some of the other demagogues who tell the world what good Goldberg, 1706 Waverly avenue; Sylvia Goldsmith, 2516 Gladstone Americans they are—until it affects their pocketbooks. Miss Josephine Cohen of Denver, avenue; Rosaline Goldstein, 9001 Colo., is visiting friends in the city. • Twelfth street; Jeannette Gottschalk, saw an item the other day that was intended to show how ignorant I 13014 East Jefferson avenue; Archie' Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Seitner enter. barbarous people are. Many Eskimos, so we are told, believe that a person Ilarwith, 1738 Delaware avenue; has two souls, one which remains near a dead body until it enters that of Edith Harwith, 1738 Delaware ave- tained 12 guests in honor of the sixth a little child, and another which goes to the Eskimo land of souls either nue; Mildred Jakont, 251 Englewood birthday anniversary of their daugh- above or below the earth. This belief seems to me to be sensible and avenue; Hilda Jakont, 351 Engle- ter, Emilie. The table was decorated rational compared with that believed by civilized persons that a snake wood avenue; Charles Kaufman, 104 with china birds, which were given as favors. At the games Elaine Levin- tempted a woman. Avalon avenue; Adelaide Klein, 1686 sohn, Helen Selvin and Bertha Bren- Gladstone avenue; Sylvia B. Krell, dle won the prizes. •• Hillaire Belloc, a Catholic-11 high brow, too—writes and talks against 7425 Greenfield avenue; Jean Levy, the Jews. And Sig Sax, a Jew, who isn't exactly a high brow, writes and 95 Florence avenue; Herman Lichten- Among the guests attending Mr. talks against the Catholics. If you know Belloc or Saxe, well and good; if stein, 4059 Townsend avenue; Ethe- and Mrs. Charles Levy's 25th wedding you don't, I don't propose to eneage in any elaborate introductions. But lyn Litz, 1617 Glynn court; Bertha anniversary were Mr. and Ms. A. D. now comes Representative Sol Bloom, as fine a type of a Tammany Hall Lorig, 2081 Virginia park; Dorothy Phillippe, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Seit- American as can be found in the western hemisphere. Of course you know Love, 1432 Pingree avenue; Ervin ner, Mr. and Mrs. William Wolsey, Congressman Sol Bloom of New York. Governor Smith of New York is Markus, 1409 West Euclid avenue; Mr. and Mrs. I. Oppenheim, Miss Lilly a Catholic and Sol Bloom needs no introduction to his co-religionists. In- Melvin alarwil, 1734 Virginia park; Lenoir, Miss Edith Wolsey and David spired by his admiration for the statesmanlike qualities of "Al" Smith, our Elsie Mentzel, 392 West Grand boule- Wolsey. friend "Sol" breaks into poetry and the crash is heard around the world. vard; Harold Michaels, 7458 Kipling He leaps over barriers of creed to pay his tribute. I quote some of this avenue; Stanford Morris, 1250 Bur- Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levy and inspiring verse, which is set to music. It gives us an Idea of the virtues an lingame avenue; Doris Ruth Nathan, daughter, Adelaide, are visiting Mr. American statesman should possess in order to be a great leader of the 1707 Atkinson avenue; Estelle Pe- and Mrs. Adolph Seitner. greatest nation on earth. Also it gives us some idea of why he is a Con. reira, 125 Richton avenue; Jesse Rice, 1977 Gladstone avenue; Laura- gressman. Confirmation services will be held belle Robinson, 110 Chicago boule- at Temple Beth El, Sunday, June 8. vard; Henry Rose, 1523 Seward ave- "East Side, West Side, all around the town, nue; Ralph Rosen, 104 Massachusetts You can hear his praise sung, a man of real renown; avenue; Rhea Rosenthal, 309 Fred- The type of man like Lincoln was, erick avenue; Ameroll Frank Roths- Courageous. simple, true. child, 893 Delaware avenue; Alfred For Al is a pal of the people. Rouda, 904 King avenue; Pearl Ry- Memorial Day Program: And what they desire he'll do. nek, 2261 West Euclid avenue; Ruth Now he's not high falutin'; At the recent Memorial Day pro- Richardson, 665 West Hancock ave- lie's plain and likes square shootin'. nue; Paul Salomon, 2236 Glynn gram held at the Jewish Institute in No matter where, the South, North, East and West, court; Amelia% Segall, 1175 Lake- honor of the graduates of the Jewish Facts prove the need of changing. wood boulevard; Dorothy Shapiro, Institute citizenship class the follow- We need some rearranging— 2453 Atkinson avenue; Jerome Si- ing 28 men, ranging in ages from 28 So here's a little change I would suggest. mon, 2091 West Euclid avenue; Max to 60, were awarded certificates and (CHORUS) Simon, 5858 Dix avenue; Adolph several historical documents, includ- Take the "C" out of Cal and that leaves Al. Slatkin, 8344 LaSalle boulevard; Irv- ing the Declaration of Independence, And Al means Smith. ing Wartell, 583 Woodland avenue; Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, United We know where he stands—respect he commands. - Sylvia Weiss, 60 Rhode Island ave- States Constitution and a letter from Ile's the man we're with. nue; Clement Weitzman, 95 Monte- Lincoln to Mrs. Bixby, who lost five He's always been fair, 'cause Al's on the square. rey avenue; Jeanette Wineman, 572 sons in the Civil War: Sam Okum, His career is a fact, not a myth; Medbury avenue; Virginia Wolf, 51 Louis Fabian, Jack Wilner, Hymen So take the "C" out of Cal and that leaves Al, Stark, David Barthian, Harry Gold- McLean avenue. And Al means Smith." stein, Max Goldin, Harry Danuloti, Isadore Rachlin, Jot. Solomon, Benja- Closing Service: min Kress, Albert Singer, N. liennish, I have always maintained that the feet of the Klan and the head of the With the confirmation service next Julius Lansky, Barry Krow, Meyer Klan frequently to not co-ordinate as one has a right to expect from a normal body. Some innocents belonging to the Klan look upon it as an Sunday, the Sunday services for the Belinsky, Nathan Sobelow, harry extension to the Main Street Society for Religious Uplift, and cannot realize season will come to a close. Sabbath Bliznik, Harry Chernick, Hymen Feld- through some peculiar kink in their mental machinery that they must hear services, however, will continue un- man, Ben Amitin, Isadore Newhouse, interruptedly throughout the summer Hymen Olshansky, Mendel Goldman, a share of responsibility for the vicious elements in the Klan. like those at 10:30 until July I, after which L. Jacobson, al. Dombrowsky. guilty of the Louisiana outrages. At any rate I am reminded of these things they will begin at 10 o'clock. Each graduate received a silk flag by the following item appearing in a recent issue of the American Israelite; which was donated 1.y Frank C. Sib- Dormitory and equipment, consecra- chinery on the farm that is doing the ley of the Detroit Americanization THOUSANDS HONOR "During the recent B'nai B'rith District Grand Lodge No. 7 con- tion of memorial and festive trees and work." Committee. vention held at Alexandria, l.a., all of the leading establishments, in- laying of the cornerstone of the $85,- In accord with the wishes of Dr. KRAUSKOPF MEMORY A tableau entitled "Hail Columbia" cluding the leading K. K. K. merchants, displayed cards of welcome. 000 Joseph I. Krauakopf Memorial Li- Krauskopf, founder of the schwi, sev- and a patriotic dance were given by The Alexandria Klansmen assist the local B'nai B'rith lodge with brary Building. eral hundred memorial trees were con- the Jewish Institute dancing class un- I many of their entertainments." Guests from Philadelphia and Balti- secrated, with an address by Louis der the direction of Miss Mildred Vest Crowd Present at Founder's Day Nusbaum of Philadelphia. more were present and many promi- Tompkins of the department of rec- Eserciers. If you can beat that, I wish you would let me know, nent business men took taut in the Abraham Erblingder of New York reation. Roses of Zion. In complimenting the men for hay- I ceremonies. Dr. John M. Thomas, was a luncheon speaker. It was Here's another record hung up in Pittsburgh, Pa. A so-called "silent DOYLF.STOWN, Pa.— More than president of Pennsylvania State Col- through his direction as executor of The Roses of Zion Club held its ing prepared themselves for the re- campaign" has been under way to raise funds for a new hospital for the sponsibilities of citizenship, Milton 5,000 persons were present at the first lege, delivered the Founder's Day ad- the will of Rosetta NI. Ullman that the annual picnic May 30 at Palmer Jewish community. There has been no publicity to speak of. A small dress. Alexander, chairman for the evening, newatormitory building was made pos- group of men undertook to canvass the situation and discover to what extent Park. Games were played and a pic- said that with the training they had annual Founder's Day of the Nation- "The education of the man with the sible. the community would he willing to place itself on record, financially, for nic luncheon served. For the com- secured they were better equipped to al Farm School here last Sunday. Fea- Herbert B. Allen, Building Commit- a new hospital. Over $700,000 has been pledged thus far and the total ing meeting each member of the club meet the obligations of citizenship tures of the day included dedication hoe is out of date," said Dr. Th..mas. tee Chairman, presided at the corner- "In this age we are turning out men has been asked to write an essay en- cost of the campaign is less than $1,000. This may give other communities than some of the men in Congress who of the new $105,000 Rosetta Ulam who will be able to operate the ma- stone laying of the Memorial Library. Am a Young Judaean." "Why I titled an idea of how to reduce the cost of ''drives." It seems that sometimes Owing to the illness of its leader, voted in favor of the Johnson immi- "secret drives" are more productive than public ones. Miss Helen Kass, the Hadar Zion gration bill. Judge Ernest P. l.a Joie of the Cir- Club has been meeting with the Roses cuit Court who delivered an address In the New York World appeared this itern: of Zion Club. on the "Significance of Memorial IMy" was the principal speaker of the eve- "Ralph Pulitzer, publisher of the WOrld, was fined $25 for ning. speeding." The program ended with the singing of "America." And only a few weeks ago as a first page story in the World was the Weekly Dance: The last 1'. W. H. A. dance was announcement of Pulitzer's divorce. I wonder if our readers can appre- ciate the significance of these statements? It means that the New York held at Temple Beth El Saturday, Mother. Club: World publishes the news; and that it is absolutely fearless and independent May 31. The stances will be resumed The Jewish Institute Mothers Club whether it is leading the attack on the Klan, or on Henry Ford, or on the in the fall. will hold its monthly meeting Satur-i Japanese exclusion, or in behalf of the Washington investigations. I wish day afternoon, June 7, 3 o'clock, at that every city in this country had such a newspaper; the interests of the Camp: the Jewish Institute, 687 East High Registration opened Sunday, June street. Mrs. Abraham Victor will public would be conserved to a greater extent than they are now. And I am glad that the inspiring spirit of this newspaper was a Jew. So we have 1. A fee of $5 must .be deposited speak on the "Status of Woman— the two greatest newspapers in the country controlled by Jews, the Times when registering, and no application Past, Present and Future." and the World. Further, I want to hammer home to those timid persons will be considered without this fee. , :ho are afraid of Jewish control of American journalism that if they could This fee of $5 will be deducted from he sure that all newspapers established by Jews would compare favorably the first weke's board. if after reg- Zionist Cultural Society: There will be a symposium on var. istering, a member cannot attend with the Times and the World they should pray to hasten the day. . l_l camp, she must notify the office two ions aspects of the Zionist movement, •. weeks before the date for which she Monday evening, June 9, at the Jew- ', Some very nice ladies and gentlemen are identified with the drama— has registered, in order to allow the ish Women's Club, Fiti Rowena. Four the spoken drama, the silent drama and the rowdy drama. It seems that office to fill the vacancy. Register at minute speeches will lie made by the 'here are all too many drunken loafers of both sexes permitted to entertain the clubhouse from 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 following: "Introduction to Zionism," he public, and the newspapers give almost as much attention these days to p. m. daily. Simon Richardson; "Mizrachi," Jacob the dramas of the rowdy actors and actresses as they do to the legitimate The rate is $11 a week. The fare .11114(41; "Ilastaaaah," Mrs. Joseph Ehr- performances of their more worthy brothers and sisters. Frank Tinney is via Windsor ferry is 15 cents, lich; "ZeM Zion," Solomon Wessel-- a very funny gentleman; you pay money to have him make you laugh. The Wednesday night suppers, man; "Junior liadasaah," Mary Wetz- Tinney is the latest to get front page attention for the beating of a woman. which have always been a feature of man; "National Fund," Philip Stoma- am not interested in the circumstances leading up to the trouble, but the summer camp, will be continues] vitz ; "Koren Hayesod," Aaron Kur- WALTER WISNIEWSK; General Manager. when a man beats a woman he ceases to be funny, and the self respecting this summer. Register at the club- land; "Young Judaea." Max Wine; American audience ought to make him "beat it" for the exit. If the Blue house the Monday before the Wed- "Cultural Zionism," Aaron I). Mark- N'Oge3 who are spending all their time sniffling over the sinners who are nesday on which you want to come. son. t rYing to take the blues out of Blue Sunday and attend to a few other more The charge for supper is 35 cents. Inasmuch as this will be the last important matters maybe we could raise society to a more decent level. meeting of the season it is urged that all he present. Plans will be discuss- JEWISH ARTISTS SAIL I read with interest where Horace . Kellen and Bertrand Russell went to ON PALESTINE TOUR ed for a summer outing. a dance the other night. And whisper it! They danced until 4 in the morn- Inf. I am not surprised at Professor Kellen because with those tortoise- PARIS.—)J. T. A.)—A group of KLOTZ, FORMER MINISTER, hull glasses he looks somewhat like Harold Lloyd and I am not surprised if he breaks out once in a while. And I am told he danced without Jewish artists have sailed from Mar- IS VICTOR IN ELECTIONS 3630 MILITARY AVENUE, DETROIT seilles for Palestine, where they will his coat. As for that older cut-up, Bertrand Russell, my informant advises stay for six weeks collecting material me that he threw his A. B. C. of Atoms out of the window, and that he for the publication of a book on mod- PARIS.—(J. T. Ad —M. L. Klotz, Phone Walnut 0252 decided "The Proposed Road to Freedom" for one night at least should be ern Palestine. The expedition was . Minister of Finance in the Clemen- via a jazz orchestra. Well, well, well, our conservatives may cheer up when organized by M. Alexander Kogan, ceau Cabinet during the war, who was human. Anyway, no one will dare say they find these deadly radicals so who accompanied it. The members at first reported defeated, has been that Bursae!! and Kallen have educated their feet at the expense of their include the following: M. Nahum elected to the Chamber, making the beasts, for between us, quite confidentially, Horace Killen has one of the best Aronson, Professor Pasternak and M. fifteenth Jewish Deputy. M. Binder aueds in all these United States, while our English friend enjoys the repu- Eizig Feder. has not been elected u was previously tation of possessing the best mind in all England. Naturaly both of them The book will be published in reported. M. Andre Payer has been with most great case are unassuming, modest gentlemen, as is usually the elected. France in • number of languages. men, GIAS. I+. JOSEPH Confirmation Services: 4: I , el= ,I si 11 i ' El-r,g. EE EU KLEIN ,.,,,,,,,;,6E Egg lig , r ili Ana— 1 x thixpRwi Sensational Underselling Campaign INSTITUTE NOTES A Quarter - Million Dollar Stock-Lowering :-, Sale in All Departments Of This Stolle 6 Days Only, June 9 14 See Our Advertisements in the Daily Papers for the Greatest Money-Saving Events We Have Ever Printed Young Judaea Club Notes Y. W. H. A. NOTES Shabuoth ._ greetings _ • . Michigan 1\4;Iiina and Beverage C(Impany, , Incorpor:,:d HIGH GRADE FLOUR AND BEVERAGES