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June 06, 1924 - Image 6

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1924-06-06

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amine the reason for the persistence of Judaism
throughout the centuries.
Have there not been times in the history of human-
° ..:,1.:luny Ce., Inc_
Published Weekly by Tb. Jewish Chem.
ity when the Jew was recognized as an equal and no
Joseph J. Cummins, President and Editor
discrimination shown? There have been periods in the
Jacob H. Schakne, Business Mansion
history of Europe when the Jew held the most exalted
achieve a more or toss conclusive ad-
Aside from the important character
justment. Like an ancient prophet,
intend ai Second-clue matter March A lg.'. Ai it • ...WM. it
places. Even in our own day the Jew has been on a
of their mission to the Jews of this
Mich., under the Act of IA.
he sans a final resolving of his people's
plane of equality with his neighbors both in Europe and
and humanity's problems on the basis
they hold in their respective communi-
General Offices and Puil;catioa Building
America. It is pertinent to inquire how did Judaism
of reason, justice and enlightenment.
N order to make sure that his 8031
ties, the presence in Detroit of Rab-
850 High Street Wert
I will receive his education in the
Thus, in his addresses one finds the
fare in these homes and in these places.
bis Abraham I. Kook, Chief Rabbi of
Cel.lr AJdreeet Chronicle
Telephone: Glendale 9300
college which he attended, a Syracuse
fluent assurance of a man who pos-
Palestine, and Mordecai M. Epstein,
London Office
Alexandria, Spain, Holland, do not spell disintegra- minister has entered his six-months dean
sesses both a reasoned-out mental pro-
14 Stratford Place, London W, I, England
tion and decay of Judaism in the periods of their gran- old son in the class of 1541 in Col- bodka, was an occasion of interest to gram and a imetie conviction as to
$3.00 Per Year
University. The reason for this
Jewish destiny and world service.
Subscription, in Advance
the present writer from the point of
deur and brilliance, and in these golden ages our co-re- gate
taking time by the forelock is that
Thus it is, furthermore, that close as
of their peculiar personal char-
To Incur. publication. all correapondens and v.v. matter must reach this
ligionists were happy, prosperous and contented. Mod- the college in question in recent years view
he is to the people whom he loves with
acteristics, their charm and magnet-
office by Tuesday evening of le°1' week.
ern England, Germany, France, Sweden, Italy and the has had to refuse admittance to large ism. Each of the two scholars has a love such as few others bear, he
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle in•Ite• correspondence on subject. of Interest
numbers of applicants and that the
in a lofty mental sphere and
United States have been singularly free from anti-Semi- tendency in that direction would most more than enough in his intellectual moves
to the Jewish people, but dleclalme respon•IbIlity for en Indorsement of the
detaches himself from the maddening
and in the romantic nature
•apremed by the writer..
tism for many years, and yet the light of Judaism was certainly become more marked in the attainment
of his career to intrigue even the most
years to come.
Rabbi Epstein is the school man, the
Sivan 4:5684 not dimmed.
prosaic of persons. And yet these two
June 6, 1924
type of man which impresses itself
There is something constructively
men, aside from their piety, scholar-
We too often forget that Judaism is the progenitor suggestive in this determined plan of ship and devotion to the cause of Jew- upon those who like to search beneath
Law and Social Order.
of the best in Christianity and Mohammedanism, and a father to give his son an education. ish learning, apparently have little in the surface of events and conditions.
A scholar who attains to the master-
should like to see similar earnest-
The varied significance that attaches to the Feast if these faiths, philosophies and ethical systems can ap- We
ship of the Slobodka Yeshibah need
ness and farsightedness among Jews
Rabbi Kook's eminence as a many-
of Weeks only emphasizes the fact that the Jewish peal to man's emotions and reasons, surely Judaism in the matter of their children's relig- sided
leave no one in doubt as to the extent
intellectual man and his leader-
people regard life with a many-sided comprehension. has even a more potent appeal, especially when men ious training. Too long have Jews ship in the practical affairs of his and profundity of his Jewish scholar-
ship. The selection of a dean for this
prated about religion and missions
The purely agricultural event which Pentecost marked are freed from rancor and animosities.
academy is made with the searching
and pride without translating their
vivid and stirring a community as
in ancient Palestine is paralleled by the spiritual mean-
It is no accident that the most intellectual church glittering verbiage into meaningful Palestine Jewry well might enjoy, has earnestness such as would mark the
ing which is ascribed to the festival. To celebrate the in America, the Unitarian, has for all purposes accepted conduct. Many Jews seem content to brought him to the attention of the election of a president of Yale or
Johns Hopkins University.
their children roam through life
Jews of the world to an extent shared
giving'of the Ten Commandments on a day which was the philosophical tenets of Judaism, with Jesus as an let
As one would expect, Rabbi Epstein
without achieving a speaking ac-
few other men in his calling. As
observed as an important one in the calendar of the additional prophet. And it will be no accident if many quaintance with the history or relig- by
is charmingly unworldly in his gener-
a rabbi, his orthodoxy meets all the
tiller of the soil is to affirm not only the dependence of of the sound intellects among the Modernists shall ac- ion of their people and with the posi- requirements of the Shulchan Aruch. al demeanor. That he braved the dif-
ficulties that beset Jewish scholars in
which they are to hold in the mor-
As a communal leader, he commands
mortal man on the spirit of God but the insistent need cept the fundamentals of Judaism on the same basis tion
Russia during the war and the official
al economy of the future.
general respect by virtue of his bound-
reign of terror instituted by the Bol-
of law as a regulator in human life.
There is no way of bludgeoning in-
as have the Unitarians.
less love and respect for men, regard-
shevist government, would seem
What the world seems to lack most is an affirmative
of their point of view, if it is a
When the smoke of battle has passed away, when that to deny young people a religious less
strange only to one who does not know
set of guiding legal principles, worthy of men's obedi- the persecutions and discriminations have ended, we education is to deprive them of their point of view honestly and sincerely the stern stuff of which the exponent
As a thinker, he probes
ence and compelling in their force. What now largely shall find that Judaism will make a stronger bid for rightful heritage, to rob them of mor- maintained.
of the Torah is made. When the town
deeply into intellectual problems and
goes for law is simply oppression, a corruption of the recognition as a valid mode of life than ever before. al strength, ethical stability and a combines the colorful richness of in which the academy was located had
to be evacuated, the Slobodka dean as-
richness of imagination that the know-
sort of law that makes for justice between men and Jews surely have no need to feel ashamed of their re- ing Jewish child acquires in the pro-
sembled his students and proceeded
imagination with the severe procedure
with them, as Caesar in his Gallic
men and for the peace and concord which is the ulti-
of the professional logician.
ligion, philosophy and ethics when they find the Chris-
wars, in the manner of forced
But above all, Rabbi Kook is essen-
mate objective of law. Laws of justice, of elemental tian world coming more and more to their position.
marches, first to one city and then to
tially a poet—a philosophic poet, not
American Jews would not like to be
humanity and of basic morality must, according to some
another in the interior of Russia. But
The eternal mystery of the persistence of Judaism
as soon as conditions had under-
people and groups of people, be guides for individual
zles the Jewish mind as it contem-
their children on the altar
is no mystery at all. It has not survived because of sacrificing
gone a favorable change, the dean took
plates the bright-hued chapters in me-
of foolish indifference and on that dis-
conduct, not for nations and for the world.
host hack to the seat of
Jewish history, the Spanish
The Jew thinks otherwise. He looks upon law as persecution ; but despite it. It will flourish and grow credited thing called comfort. But dieval
learning which generations of study
period in particular, as well as that
that is substantially what they are
and religious greatness had hallowed
the indispensable need of the world, the force that safe-
which records Jewish spiritual devel-
and made famous.
opment in France and Italy. The
guards the aspirations of men in their efforts to build up when hatred and persecution are forgotten. Judaism
We of this day, reading of our im-
has a place in the spiritual sun and no spiritual com-
close affinity between philosophy and
an enduring social order.
mortal sages, often wish that we
poetry in the case of the medieval
petitor can deprive it of that place. We want a return
might stand in the living presence of
poets and philosophers, consistent
GERMAN archaeologist, in a
to the times when men have more opportunity and time
an Akiha, a Hillel, an Abaya. We wish
enough when one considers the ulti-
book entitled The Discovery of
we might behold face to face some of
One Hundred Ninety-nine.
to think and meditate upon spiritual things, for then is
mate geld of both the philosopher and
l'aradise," proceeds to prove that Par-
the men who epitomize the deathless
the poet—the goal which Keats epi-
According to reports from Vienna there are 199 the glory of Judaism transcendent.
adise was not located between the Eu-
Jewish spirit, who personify the long-
tomizes in his immortal line "beauty
phrates and Tigris rivers but in Meek-
ing of man for the knowledge of God
professors of the Jewish faith on the faculty of the uni-
is truth, truth beauty"—is strongly
lenberg, 110 miles north of Berlin.
and the wisdom of truth. In Rabbi
marked in the chief rabbi's case.
versity. This is rather an astounding fact in the light
This quasi-scientific labor parallels
Epstein and Rabbi Kook we see Jew-
England and Yiddish Art Theater.
of alleged discriminations and stories of actual physi-
the doubtful demonstration that the
ish scholars who are doing today what
in his large, kind eyes, and the poet's
American Indians are the offshoots of
Akiba did 1900 years ago, who a cen-
cal violence against some of the professors. As a news
A. D. writes in the Manchester Guardian on the
joyous sympathy for his people and
the ancient tribes of Israel and that
hence will perhaps he as roman-
item this is given less space than a meeting of ir- performance of "Shabbethai Zebi" by the Jewish Art the Japanese are descendants of the for the world dominates his outlook tury
tic figures in Jewish history as Elijah
upon the problems of the Jewish peo-
responisble nationalistic students who pass silly anti- Theater Company, headed by Maurice Swartz.
of Wilna is to us of the living pres-
ple, the strangeness of its historic evo-
One thing is sure as daylight and
He expresses his appreciation in the following pane-
Semitic resolutions.
lution, its sufferings and its efforts to
Must we he fed upon sensational, terror-inspiring gyric: "Mr. Swartz is an actor of fine voice and pres- that is that if Paradise ever once was
in Mecklenburg it no longer is there.
stories to appreciate the sad lot of our co-religionists
ence who realizes the one element nobly. He has few No doubt the archaeologist was think-
in Europe. Even an understatement of the unhappy 'great moments' but the character is nobly and admir- ing of the happy days before the war,
and it is entrusted to him for his pru-
Germany was a land of happy
dent distribution. It is on Shebuoth
conditions. which obtain in Europe are sufficient to ably composed and felt. Even more impressive was when
burghers. But as for the actual lo-
that the Jew is again reminded that
arouse indignation and appeal to our sympathies. These the sense that every actor on the stage knew his busi- cation of Paradise, we thought it was
Shebuoth commemorates the anni-
the Hebrew word for charity, Zeda-
finally, conclusively and indubitably
contradictory reports are so difficult to reconcile. One ness to the smallest detail.
versary of a momentous event in the
kah, literally means justice. Accord-
shown that it is none other than the
to Judaism, charity is not an act
history of the ancient Hebrews, name-
is really hard put at times to draw the line between
"The groupings of the crowds are remarkable with eastern shore of Maryland, along the 13r the giving of the basic law, or the ing
the purely fictitious propaganda and the actual facts. their ecstatic chorus, their swayings to and fro and blue-green waters of Chesapeake Bay. Ten Commandments. It was on She- of supererogation, but a just obliga-
It would be no difficult matter to believe that all the their sudden silences. Here is a popular art, a folk art
The universalistic phase of Shebu-
buoth that, according to tradition, the
oth is to he seen especially in the fact
Israelites at the foot of Sinai pro-
professors in European universities had been dismiss- in a full tide of expression."
claimed in one accord: "All that the
that the Book of Ruth is read in the
ed or compelled to resign if all the stories emanating
NE does not often hear a great Lord bath spoken we will do!" And Synagogue on this festival. Ruth, the
Further on he says, "a slight acquaintance with
from there were accepted at face value.
Gentile, because of her sincerity in ac-
it is on the same day that the modern
German will help the Gentile listener far, in the first O musician deliver an acceptable Jewish
youth formally accepts the ob-
cepting Judaism, was worthy of be-
speech, but Ossip Gabrilowitsch' s plea
Now comes the startling information that in one
play at any rate, but the enunciation of the actors is so at the concert for the benefiit of the ligations of Judaism.
coming the ancestress of King David.
university 199 members of the faculty are Jewish. This
Similarly all proselytes, who of
clear that we would readily believe a universal lan- starving German youngsters for hu-
The Festival of Shebuoth is the
is not a piece of fiction but an actual report issued after
their own accord seek admittance into
mane feeling towards the childhood of
Festival of Revelation—a title which
are cordially welcome. Thus
careful, painstaking investigation. How many Ameri-
We have felt this way about the Jewish Art ing was enchanting. Mr. Gabrilo. the Pentateuch, Shebuoth is charac- on Shebuoth the Jew, who rejoices be-
can universities as large or even larger than the Uni-
priceless treasure which
terized as a purely agricultural festi-
versity of Vienna have so great a number of Jewish Theater for many years past. Some of the most de- did think—that nothing is quite so val which marked the conclusion of was entrusted to him at Sinai, is
ever experienced were fur- despicable as failing to feed and clothe the season of the barley harvest and forcefully reminded that Judaism is
professors on the facutly? Not a single one.
not his exclusive heritage. It was in-
the children of a people against whom
the beginning of the wheat harvest.
Some may conclude from the foregoing statement nished by the Jewish Art Theater.
tended to become the share of all hu-
a conquering nation has warred.
the second eve of Passover a meas-
This group of artists has the same significance and These children were innocent and On
that it is our opinion that there is less anti-Semitism in
ure (Omer) of barley was brought
Vienna than here. Such is not our opinion, nor is such deserves a place equal to that of the Moscow art should not be confused with their eld- as an offering to the Temple. From
who may have offended.
that occasion on the Ilebrews counted
the case. It is our opinion however, that by reason of Theater Company. Both organizations have refused ers, Now,
if children are to be fed,
carefully forty-nine days, or seven
the age of the Jewish community in Vienna, its develop- to compromise their artistic ideals. No actor or ac- though their fathers have lifted up weeks, and on the fiftieth day they cel-
is not only for the poor:
ment and integration, a greater proportion are engaged
people engage in the hating and the
bringing to the temple an offering of
it is also for the rich, for those who
in the learned professions, especially teaching. The position ; but is chosen as humanly possible for ability
smiting of people against whom no
two loaves of bread made out of the
are possessed of abundance of means,
immigrant generation is of necessity interested in the and merit.
war is declared? Men and women,
who are healthy and strong, success-
new wheat. The festival is thus call.
enough, or so it would seem
ed because it takes place immediately
ful and happy. The rich man is sur-
problems of making a livlihood. It is only after the
One can scarcely conceive higher praise than that singularly
to some of us, at one time were chil-
following the seven most important
rounded by perils nad temptations of
material needs have been satisfied that people are able bestowed upon these artists in these words of A. D. dren and looked up to their elders with weeks of the harvest season. Its which a poor man has not cognizance.
to turn to spiritual and ornamental pursuits.
"One could readily believe a universal language to be eyes of innocence and dependence. In other name, Pentecost, which means Ile holds power in his hands, and all
eyes of Goal, whom some of us still
fiftieth, is derived from the fact that
power is a source of danger as well
But the stubborn, withal pleasant, fact remains already discovered." A group of men and women in- the
worship, even men are children. How
it is observed on the fiftieth day fol-
as utility; therefore he needs protec-
however, nearly 200 of our co-religionists are on the terpret life, portray it with such verisimilitude, realism can we hate or neglect to succor the lowing the beginning of the harvest tion and strength in the hour of dan-
ger. Great wealth is likely to bring
faculty of a university in hatred-swept Austria.
and artistry that you are made conscious of understand-
But those questions fail to bring
with it a certain numbness of moral
ond eve of Passover.
Not the least of the ugly aftermaths of the war is ing a wholly foreign tongue.
forth a satisfactory answer and we
Shehuoth is also known in the Pen-
power, a deadening of spiritual force.
the propaganda mania. It may have served a useful
On their return to America there is the possibility have ceased to wonder why.
tateuch as the festival of first fruits,
Otherwise, how shall we explain the
fact that the wealthy classes appear
purpose in arousing the necessary spirit to carry the that they will become fashionable on a parity with the
season (which lasted the entire sum-
to have less use for religion in their
war to a successful conclusion. Those who wish to Moscow players. It is our fervent wish that they do,
A Will With • Will.
mer) during which the farmer in an-
daily lives than the poor?—London
keep us keyed up to the danger of anti-Semitism may not so much for their sake, as really for the sake of
cient Judea had to bring his first fruit
Jewish Chronicle.
HE father-in-law of Philip Gue-
as an offering before the Lord. In
reason that exaggerations are permissable, if not nec- those who understand some German. They have miss-
della, one of England's noted
times this festival has natur-
essary. This reasoning does not appeal to us at all. ed dramatic treats surpassing in value more than 95 critics and author of The Second modern
Clarence S. Nathan, of New York,
ally lost its agricultural character for
Empire" and "Masters and Men," has
son of the late Gershom Gomez Nath-
We have been fed on horrors long enough. We need per cent. of the offerings on the American stage.
the large majority of Jews. It con-
bequeathed a large fortune to his chil-
an, died on May 10. Mr. Nathan was
however, to impress upon them
peace and constructive effort. Enough of shrieking
What can in this day compensate the people who dren with the stipulation that they re- tinues,
a member of the Empire State Society
the lesson gratitude and charitable-
know, understand and love the Yiddish if such per- main in the Jewish fold. If the Roths- ness. Shebuoth brings home to the of the Sons of the American Revolu-
and excitement.
Sassoons and Schiffs had acted
Jew that all wealth comes from God
We offer a suggestion to the protagonists and back- formances would no longer be given. And lest we be childs,
with similar caution they would, for
ers of the University of Danzig. If they want to build
blinded by the glamor and witchery of that which is far a generation or two at least, have kept
of all their offspring undi-
a university because there is too much discrimination
away, we want to mention that in Samson and Delilah the blood
It seems strange that, being
against our brothers, they had better suppress infor- Ben And, formerly of the Jewish Art Theater, support- luted.
good financiers and for the most part
mation of this sort, and report the number of students ed by Lucy and Mischa German, gave a performance loyal to the Jewish religion, they
in Polish universities. If, however, the Danzig project recently of poetic quality and superb artistry in our should have overlooked the potent pre-
ventative represented by a will with
is based upon the need for another European univer- own city.
teeth in it.
She stood breast-high amid the corn,
sity, we recommend it. We have discussed our position
But the position of subventioned
Under no circumstance do we wish to deprecate
ones is not to he envied. Some
Clasped by the golden light of morn,
in the Jewish university at Danzig. It needs no further the Russian, Italian or English drama, but we like to faithful
wags will say that the conformity of
Like the sweetheart of the sun,
discussion here.
share our delights with those who can understand a Guedalla's relatives, however ardent,
Who many a glowing kiss had won.
It is not our purpose to minimize the bitterness of language much more than they do Russian or Italian, is a thing of compulsion. the violation
which may mean the withdrawal of
anti-Jewish feeling in Austria, or in other points in and who will enjoy this drama more than English be- of
their precious source of income.
On her cheek an autumn flush
Europe, but we do insist upon a sober. reasonable cause it is conceived upon a higher plane and executed
Deeply ripened ;—such a blush
statement of the facts.
with a finer sense
Let Us Protest.
In the midst of brown was born
dramatic art.
ELIX M. WARBURG has returned
Like red poppies grown with corn.







•••••••11 •

The Rabbis Who Visited Detroit








Judaism and Perbecution.

Many superficial leaders in Jewry are actually hap-
py when they read of the persecution of our co-religion-
ists. To them Judaism shows signs of vitality only
when those who subscribe to its tenets are made to suf-
fer. They mistake group herding and solidarity (clue
to attacks by a common enemy), for the substantial
genuine values inherent in Judaism. Who will say that
there is a greater understanding of the ideals, philos-
ophy and ethics of Judaism among our people because
we have been compelled to recognize our identical rac-
ial and religious origins. True we have felt a more
profound sympathy and realized a more intimate kin-
ship with our co-religionists, but has that of itself given
us a more intimate appreciation of the glories and
beauties of our religion, philosophy and ideals.
We have contributed large sums of money to relieve
famine and distress, but has that induced many to ex-


The attitude of a country is often more clearly re-
vealed by a seemingly isolated event than by a whole
program. At Harvard University we learn of the con-
version of a professor to Judaism. and in Poland we
hear that a professor was dismissed because he had
attended the funeral of a Jewish friend. The twentieth
and the eighth century right before our eyes.

Another evidence of Nordicism triumphant. Mem-
bers of the K. K. K. in full regalia and masks, on the
streets of South Bend, Indiana. This spectacle ante-
dates the Christian idea, it belongs to the childhood of
the race, but perhaps the oft repeated claim of modern
psychologists that the average intelligence is between
10 and 12 years is correct. Indiana offers striking con-


-2*' "S ■ • 44•••

from a tour of Palestine. Ile
was enchanted with the country. nil-
pressed with its economic possibili-
ties and thrilled by the spirit of self-
sacrifice of the pioneers who offer
up their brawn and devotion in the
national upbuilding. But—and, like
the poor, the conjunction "but" is
ever with us to spoil a thoroughly
happy party—but he cautions against
the everlasting indulgence in talk.
Palestine needs work and workers,
men and money and deeds, planning
along economic and cultural and
spiritual lines. The time calls for
action, and talk must be banished.
But what will the newspapers,
columnists and the vast army of prop-
agandists do? What will the Zionist
orators and the gentlemen who once
were in and now are out do if their
lips are to be sealed? Mr. Warburg
would deny Zionist eloquence its very
breath of life.

'-24°. IN. --I& "A`

Round her eyes her tresses fell,—
Which were blackest none could tell;
But long lashes veiled a light
That had else been all too bright.

And her hat with shaded brim,
Made her tressy forehead dim—
Thus she stood among the stooks,
Praising God with sweetest looks.

Sure, I said, Heaven did not mean
Where I reap thou shouldst but glean ;
Lay thy sheaf adown and come
Share my harvest and my home.




It% AO' "S ■ •

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