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June 06, 1924 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1924-06-06

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TrO)entotr, ionsn "troy KU


previously sonic Europeans had visited
them saying that they too were white
Falashas, but that they later turned
out to be Christian missionaries. As
a result of their activity, large num-
bers of Falashas had been converted
to the new religion and were lost for-
ever to the House of Israel. They
frankly told him they were fearful he
Was one more of these missionaries
who would attempt to wean them
away (rein the faith of their fathers.

QIIiiIrrn's former

Calls Property Management

Profession, In Paper at


Discussing the subject of "Proper-
Is, Management as a Profession" at
the annual convention of the Real Es-
tale Boards held in Washington this
swn ek,
t. II. J. Brachnian of Detroit,


First Volume Has Contributions from
Several Countries.

CINCINNATI—The Hebrew Union
College announces the publication of
the first volume of the Hebrew Union
College Annual, edited by a board of
editors composed of members of the
"Efficient property management is faculty and the board of governors
Finally, the intrepid discoverer took the foundation and principal factor in :
THE DISCOVERY OF THE spy, Di. ilalevy himself was aware o
of the Mutilation. Members of the
this suspicion and tenet that h
leave of them, and in the company of stabilizing real estate values. The I
board of editors are Dr. David Philip-
would he thrown into prison. On
the bribed servant, returned to the
son, chairman; Dr. Kaufmann Kohler,
home of his host. The latter shortly
morain e
president emeritus of the Ilebrew
bribed the servant and asked him to after became aware of his trip his
By George Cohan.
Union College; Drs. Julian Morgen-
be directed to the place where the sell- guest had made to the Falasha village
stern, J. Z. Lauterbach and David
ers of these swords and spears resid- and told him to leave the house, as he
Neumark of the faculty and Drs. {Wil-
The history of every people has of. ed. The servant agreed, and leading could net answer for his safety. Hale-
liam Rosenau and Ii. G. Enelow, ap-
ten been compared to a changing play Dr. Balmy for five miles over tortu- vy was thus thrown upon his own re-
pointees of the board of governors.
on the stage of time and the history ous hill. and valleys, set him on the sources with no possible means of
The table of contents consists of
of our own people, because of its un. road to the Falasha village.
keeping up the disguise he had hither-
the following:
usual character, is a never ending,
On the road to the village several to affected.
"A Study of the First Chapter of
thrilling drama. The whole world le
children saw him and they ran back
Ile returned to the Falashas and de-
Genesis," by M. Lambert, Paris; "The
its stage. As in a play, moreover,
to their parents. The inhabitants of cided to stay with them. He noticed
Three Calendars of Ancient Israel,"
where there is a reunion between long
the place quickly gathered and cried that they were now beginning tee treat
by Julian Morgenstern; "A Sugges-
separated brothers, no in the history
out with astonishment at the white him as a Jew. All the former barriers
tion As to Sequence of Some l'as-
of Israel lost and forgotten groups
complexion and the European dress of which had stood between him and his
sages in Isaiah," by William Popper;
arise in distant corners of the world
their unexpected visitor. It was the black brethren were removed. Ile
"Kharu, Chorine, Dedanim," by E.
and proclaim anew their unity with
first tine, that many of them had seen participated in their ceremonies, ate
Taubler, Germany; "The Riddle in
the Jews of the world.
a white man though they had heard and drank with them, and, in addition,
the Bible," by Harry Torczyner, Ger-
Perhaps the most astonishing and
that in the distant countries of Eu- seized this rare opportunity to study
many; "Implications of the Place of
dramatic event in many ways in re-
rope that there were men not as black at clone range their daily life and cus-1
the Book of Ruth in Editions, Manu-
cent years was the discovery by Dr.
as those they were accustomed to be- toms. During his sojourn with them
and Canon of the Old Testa
Joseph Ilalevy of the Black Jews of
hold. {While most of them gazed with they sacrificed a sheep, for, despite
ment," by L. B. Wolfenson; "Service
Africa. For many years rumors had
mingled fear and expectation at the the lapse of ages, they continued their
Tree in Bible and Talmud and in
conic forth from Abyssinia, in Africa,
newcomer, one individual signalled to sacrificial ceremonies of their anms-
Modern Palestine," by Samuel Krauss
that a peculiar tribe whose customs
of Vienna; "Early Chrietian Epi-
him to enter a neighboring hut. Others tors in Palestine. Like all Jews, they
strikingly resembled those of the Jews
graphy," by Ludwig Blau, Budapest ;
followed and saluted him. All how- carefully removed all traces of blood
lived in the interior of the country.
"Asenath, the Wife of Joseph," by V.
ever, refrained from coming in con- from the slain animal.
Information about them was very
Aptuwitzer, Vienna; "The Religion
tact with him or touching him in any
The Falashas were greatly cheered
vague, and a few of those who told of
of the Jews at the Time of Jesus," by
by Dr. Ilavely's presence. The women
the news had more than indirect know-
Louis Cinzberg; "Rabbinic Studies in
In the but they continued silently and children pathetically flocked about
ledge of them. Finally in DVS, the
, the Synoptic Gospels," by Jacob
him asking for blessings "as they are
Alliance Israelite UniverseIle, the to gaze at him. They wondered at this
1Mann; "Baptism for Proselytes in the
given at Jerusalem the Holy City and
French Jewish society of Paris, deter- strange white person who had thus
scope covered is more comprehensive Gospels and Its Relation to the Jew-
visited them without a word of warn such as God always hears." The syn-
mined to make an investigation.
agogue which they showed him was a in nature than in any other branch of ish law at the Time of Jesus," by
In that year they dispatched Dr. ing. Finally one cried out, "Sir,
large but with four windows, and dur- the real estate business and it run ' Solomon Zeitlin; "The Lost Confes-
Ilalevy, an explorer and scholar who doubtless you require a knife or
sion of Samuel," by Israel Abrahams,
ing their prayers, they bowed low to truly be classified as a profession.
had some knowledge of conditions in sword. Buy them in a large town, for
"Property management is the England; "The Origin and Composi-
the ground in the direction of North-
interior Africa to Abyssinia. Alone, the instruments we make are too
science of managing real property in tion of the Eighteen Benedictions,"
he left his native city, and armed but rough to suit a European."
In the neeantime one of the sur- all its phases; justifying the proposi- by Kaufmann Kohler; "The Arrange-
with his wits and sonic money, deter-
The Falashes, it must be remember-
rounding rhiettans had heard of the tion, organizing and conducting it in ment and Divisions of the Mekilta"
mined to make his way to the head- ed, were the skilled artisans and me-
appearance of a white man in the vi- keeping with good business procedure, by Jacob Z. Lauterbach; "The Unity
quarters of these people. A number chanics of Abyssinia. They earned
cinity. The Falashas actually feared protecting the capital investment and of God in Rabbinic Literature," by
of Europeans had already been killed their livelihood by making swords and
for the safety of their visitor. They securing a justifiable maximum re- , A. Marmorstein, England; "Sambre's
in the interior of the country, and spears, weapons in groat demand in
Philosophy," by David Neunuerk ;
held a consultation as to the fate of turn on that capital investment.
Dr. llalevy was taking very serious warlike Africa. Bence, the only rea-
"It is conclusively evident that a "Notes of Proofs of the Existence of
Dr. Ilalevy. It was finally decided to
son they could assign for the visit of
risks in this hazardous adventure.
God in Jewish Philosophy," by harry
secrete him in an out of the way but
Nothing daunted the courageous anybody not of their own kind was the
and then to await further develop- amental experience in and knowledge A. Wolfson; "Moses 1bn Ghiquitilia
Jewish explorer. Ile disguised him- purchase of the weapons of war.
As l'oet," by Samuel Poznanski, Po-
ments. At the same time they prepar-
self as a Turk, and thus attired, pene-
Dr. lialevy raised his hand in re- ed to dotes him with their lives and purpose, architecture, construction, ' land; "Glimpses of the Life of an
trated into the more barbarous por- sponse and spoke in the dialect that
Italian Rabbi of the Sixteenth Cen-
armed themselves accordingly. They
tions of the country. At one place most of them knew.
possessed no guns but carried long tising, salesmanship, publicity, insur- tury," by Alexander Marx; "Destruc-
where there were Christian converts
"My brethren," he declared, "I am spears and swords. In warfare and ance, building service, accounting, sys- tive or Constructive?" by I. Elbogen,
his Turkish disguise almost resulted
not a European, hut, like yourselves, in hunting they displayed great abil- tematizing, business procedure, law Germany.
in his death, for rumors had been
an Israelite. I mane not to trade in ity, for they threw their spears with and executive ability. Obviously
spread there that Turkey was sending
Abyssinia but to acquire into the state unusual accuracy and could strike then, in view of the fact that several
spies in order to conquer the land. As
of these callings constitute profes-
of my co-religionists. This I have been with ease a fleeting antelope.
an angry mob surrounded him, Dr.
Fortunately, tee strangers come to sions in themselves, property manage-
asked to do by a great Jewish asso-
Ilalevy quickly threw off his disguise
ment, embodying a knowledge of all
ciation existing in my country. You
revealed his European garments and
CINCINNATI.—Crossing the At-
must know, my dear brethren, that I live undisturbed in the Falasha vil- these, surely should be considered a
declared that he was a Christian.
lantic, passing through the vicissi-
study and a profession."
am also a Falasha. I worship no lage. His hosts asked him numerous
Finally he arrived at a town called
tudes of a century and a half, a copy
other god than the great Menai; and questions concerning the mode of life
Katka where a colony of Falashas was
of the first Jewish book printed in
I acknowledge no other law than that of their distant brethren and were
reported to live. Knowing that it was
Funny Men Will Open Next ' America has just been returned to
surprised to learn that the laws of
moot dangerous to reveal himself as
the city where once it lodged. It is
These lost words he uttered slowly sacrifice had fallen into disuse. Hale-
a Jew he kept up his Christian dis-
a copy of the evening service for
vy told them these were necessary
guise. When the news of his arrival and in distinct tones so that all might
Itoah Hashonah and Torn Kippur,
during the existence of the temple,
spread among the black converts of understand. The effect upon those
printed in 1751 by E. W. Weynar of
but they shook their heads mournful-
Clark and McCullough, the laugh Broad street, New York, for Benja-
Christianity, a large crowd assembled. present was most striking. Still they
ly and thought that the Jews of the makers of the century, late stars of
They beseiged him with questions con- shook their heads doubtfully and re-
min S. Judah. The book was pur-
European countries were wrong. Af- Irving Berlin's Music Box Revue,
cerning the Christian faith and Chris- mined skeptical.
chased abroad recently by Adolph S.
"You a Falasha," they said, "A ter a short sojourn, he bid goodbye head the bill at B. F. Keith's Temple Oko for the library of the Hebrew
tian ceremonies. Still novices in their
te his hosts and took the path towards Theatre the week commencing Mon-
faith, these black Christians desired to white Falasha ! Impossible! You are
Union College and was added to the
another English settlement called day, June 9. These funny men will
- elicit from the visitor additional infor- mocking us."
collection there.
Thegadie. This commuuity, he dis- be seen In two of the bits which they
mation concerning the new religion,
Still in its original binding and in
did in the Music Box, "The Inter-
Fortunately, Dr. Ilalevy was ac- lashes Keened impossible to them.
excellent condition despite its adven-
were performed only twice a year. The view" and "The Bath Between."
quainted with Christian theology and Generation otter generation, century
tures in many hands, this holy day
men and women of this community These two high-lights of comedy are
replied to their questions in a convin- after century, they had been taught
prayer book is unique. It carries on
cing manner. While thus engaged in that they were the last remnant of had but a few rags around their loins incidents of life exaggerated for Its frontispiece the bookplate of Ben-
comedy purposes. No funnier scenes
a religious discourse, he noticed at the Israel, that they were the only Jews while the small children romped
jamin S. Judah, for whom it was
around naked. On Sabbath alone did have been produced in a revue or in
side of the market place five negroes left in the world, and that all others
printed, and also contains the name
vaudeville. They were written orig-
who paid no attention to the rest of had passed away. It was beyond their they present a better appearance, and
of a later owner, Alice Davis Menken,
the crowd. Without arousing too imagination to conceive that there
who is believed to be a member of
themselves to more spiritual activi- fit their particular details to perfec-
much suspicion he went over to them were other Jews like them who had re-
the family of Nathan Davis Menken
and asked them in the local dialect mained true to their people despite all ties,
of Cincinnati.
Haley), continued his travels, going Lou Lockett and Peggy Page in "Say
which he had mastered whether they trials and tribulations.
Benjamin S. Judah himself is an
Dr. Ilalevy reassured them. He told from one community to the other and It While Dancing," with Pauline Ihg- interesting personality in the early
were alohammmlans or Christians.
card at the piano; Jimmy Lucas, as-
They answered that they were neither them there were many Falashas in the creating astonishment everywhere by
history of the Jews in America. Ile
world and that some of them still lived the news that there were many white sisted by Goldier Redding, in "Vam- was one of New York's most promi-
and quickly disappeared.
Falashas outside of Abyssinia. He pires and Fools;" Hazel Mann and
Later on he saw another group of in Jerusalem.
nent merchants in the eighteenth
The latter word, mentioned quite labored under great difficulties. The Eugene Strong in "Garage Love," by century and was an active member
the same men selling spears and
Will M. Hough; Viola Rudell and Ed-
swords. Under the pretense of exami- accidentally, had a tremendous effect heat of the sun was terrific, while all
ward Dunigan in "Musical Comedy of Congregation Shearith Israel
ning their goods he edged away from upon them. A burning curiosity seized around roamed warlike tribes on the
there, His signature is affixed to a
hunt for human victims. The food he Revuettes ;" Perez and Marguerite,
the crowd and drew near them. The the whole company.
petition asking on Feb. 13, 1789, that
"Oh" they exclaimed, "you come ate was of a primitive kind. At times originators of the jazz balls, in a de- Vermont be admitted into the Union
crowd was suspicious of his actions
and followed him. He managed how- from Jerusalem, the blessed city? he was forced to subsist on the shrub- in sensational high perch act and Ae- as a separate state.
ever, to whisper to them, "Are you Have you seen with your own eyes bery. Nothing, however, discouraged sop's
Fables and Pathe Weekly.
Jews?" They looked back at him with- Mount Zion and the House of the lard him. At one place he discovered a
out a sign of understanding. Then, of Israel? Are you acquainted with colony of black Jewish monks, who,
while the atttention of the crowd was
cerning his activity were aroused once
for a moment distracted, he whisper- el, with glorious Bethlehem, the home retired from all worldly cares and had more And the local chieftian prepared
of our King David, and the town of concentrated themselves upon prayer to act. To prevent any misfortune
ed again, "Are you Israelites?"
(Concluded from page 1.)
These black merchants fell back in Hebron, the shrine of our holy pa- and fasting. These priests asserted the black hosts of Halevy went to the
that their order was founded by
astonishment, but mingled with their ria rchs?"
chieftian and told him that a co-relig- a performance that can be attained
The Jewish explorer replied to all of Aaron, the brother of Moses. At an- ionist of theirs had just arrived. They overnight.
surprise, Dr. Halevy could see a sign
of Militarism.
of assent. The crowd drew near their questions. They told him, in re- other place he came into contact with assured him that Ilalevy was horn at
that they had thought that Pal- a group of 27 Falasha families, who Jerusalem, the son of a Falasha pil-
"Armaments are not a cause of war,
again and the intrepid explorer was
compelled to refrain from further estine belonged to the Christians. De- possessed only one copy of the Book grim and white mother, and that he ' they are but the effect, a symptom of
questions. Though these were the spite the conversation, they still could of Psalms called by them the book of heed returned he Abyssinia tea visit rel- the disease of militarism. Unless the
disease is attacked, war is inevitable."
only words he exchanged with them not believe their eyes and remained David (or Daurt).
At one village he came across a col-
David W. Simons presided at the
he managed to discover from others skeptical. It was impossible for them
Bakal later went to the govern-,
to conceive that there were Jews in ony of Falashas who were well-to-do. or. For greater safety he armed him-, service, which was attended by 250
the place of their residence.
They made baskets and puts which
Dr. Ilalevy in the meantime was ne- the world who were not black.
self with a boded revolver which he persons. Cantor Tovia M. Kittay of
The strange visitor was perplexed they sold to their neighbors. They placed beneath his outer gaments. New York, who conducted services at
in at the home of his host, one of the
leading Christian converts of the vil- by the skepticism of his audience. He were good reckoners, but used pebbles This he did ire order to prepare for the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue last
them what cood it would do him when they had to make difficult cal- any emergency which might arise. Ile Sabath, sang the "El Motel Racham-
lage. Somehow, the suspicion of the
native was aroused, for he feared that to adopt the character of a Jew and culations.
corroborated the words of the Falash- im." The Shimmy Zedek Boy Scout
At a town called Wahini the news of as and accounted for his white skin trout) and children of the Sunday
himself ta unnecessary danger.
his guest was nut a true believer but
an impostor and perhaps a European They told him that a number of years his arrival spread. Suspicions con. by the story that his mother was a School decorated the soldiers' graves
white woman of Jerusalem. Ile spoke with flowers and flags.



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so convincingly that the governor ac-
tually believed what he told him. The ;
assistants of the chieftian refrained
from searching him, an act which say-'
ed the life of II alevy, for had the load-
ed revolver been discovered on his per-
MT, his doom would have been sealed.
Thus lialevy was once again per-
mitted to ceentinue his investigations.
He discovered that a number of years
preciously a Zionist movement had
started among the Falashas, and that
many of them had actually set out
for Jerusalem. The people marched
barefooted for many days, headed for
the nearest seaport. On the way they
recited psalms of thanksgiving. They :
persuaded themselves that the mira-
cles of old would be repeated and that
they would regain the land of their
fathers. They crossed rivers and as-
cended valleys, but finally, lack of pro-
visions proved their undoing. The
struggle and suffering continued sev-,
eral years, but the harsh conditions
thinned their ranks. On the third
year of their journey they could en-
dure their hardships no longer and
cave up their plan to return to the
Promised Lane'.
The time for llavely's departure fl.
nally came. lie bade the whole com-
munity farewell. The Falashas in
turn sent their greetings to the Euro-
pean Jews. A young lad was given
is him to be educated in the Hebrew
language and in Jewish traditions.
Requests were sent through the daunt-
less explorer tee the Jews of Europe,
for the establishment of Hebrew
schools and the dissemination of Juda-
ism. After a year he returned to Eu-
rope and brought the first news to
his co-religionists in the wider world'
of the actual discovery of a lost tribe
of Israel.

As one of a syndicate of sixteen large furniture
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Michigan Ave., at Washington Blvd.

Refugee Request for Socialist Found-
er's Reburial.

PARIS.—(J. T. A.)—M. I.onguet,
the grandson of Karl Marx, the
founder of modern socialism, refused
the request of the Soviet government
for permission to transfer the body
of his grandfather from Highgate
Cemetery, London, to Moscow.
In refusing, M. Longuet pointed
out that the Bolshevik interpretation
of Karl Marx's doctrine was entirely
wrong, and for that reason he
thought his grandfather would not
like his memory to be associated
with it.
As reported before, the delegation
of the Soviet government participat-
ing in the Anglo-Russian conference
in London has been carrying on ne.
gotiations with the British govern-
ment for the transfer of the body.
The Soviet government had intended
to spend over $500,000 for the erec.
lion of a monument to Karl Marx in
the Red Square in Moscow.

P=1111 1 1 1 1 1111111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i ii willE


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LUBLIN.--(J. T. A.)—Fifty thou-
sand Jews from the remotest parts
of Poland assembled here to partici.
pate in the laying of the cornerstone
of the great Yeshibah which is being
built here. The Chassidic rabbis of
Ger and Chortkow were among the
notable guests present. The gov-
ernor of Lublin welcomed the cele-
bration on behalf of the Polish gov-
Maurice N. Papouchado has receiv-1
Information coming from all parts
ed permission for the publication of of Poland shows that there are about
a Spanish-Jewish newspaper in Cairo 20 well-organized Talmudical amide.
which will be named the La Verdad l mien, with thousands of pupils in at-
( Truth.) I tendance.

and Monroe


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