• S evisk Periodical Cater ATISNOI CINCINNATI SO, OHIO curma PEW oonJosisn (Ai:mum: ,,w,v,,w00000..voop.A.A....-o.-.0..................Nsv...............;. ;>..% ■ ...,....woobv.a...............ww........00..w.............)., ,; NOW! .... ./ I/ e Place Your Confirmation Order NOW! CLASSIFIED :-: ENGAGED AS CANTOR Abe Max Among Leaders in Chevrolet Sale Contest. FOR FEAST OF WEEKS It is not one moment too early to to lace your ,,. „-____‘ ,,,,, • B'nai order for Confirmation Pastries, II FOR RENT - Furnished room for Samuel Bernstein to Officiate at Moshe Synagogue. /I gentleman or lady. Phone Empire •/ During the past three years we have an- or , - - S UGGEST: I WE nually helped hundreds of our patrons to e• 0511-111. i l I FANCY Cantor Samuel Bernstein. formerly make Confirmation Day a real success by far. 0 , r• COOKIES, /A #4, FOR RENT-Furnished apartment, of Hungary, will conduct services fishing those delicious delicacies that we are el so famous fur. •• CAKES three rooms, on Blaine, near during the Feast of Weeks at the /A Ors SALTED Twelfth. From June to Septem- Wool 0Imhe Synagogue, Garfield and art // This year we are prepared better than ever /A TORTEN e• ber. For price of rent unfurnished. Boaubien streets. Cantor Bernstein, // rr' before to serve you. ALMONDS Responsible party. Call Garfield who scored an artistic success at the OA Al and 0842-M. OA concert he conducted at the syna- PECANS AO gogue May IS and created a deep ini. II EDISON AVENUE-Reed home for / 0. 1 9138 TWELFTH ST. Empire 5391 pression as it musician, singer and 0/ sale; 55-foot hot. Steam heated, authority on Jewish liturgical music, 04%voov4V4wcwcWW•4 •••• ••••4%.4•4:4 ••• NwtO garage. Must be seen to be appre. was retained by the congregation for 444%.,ASAWNW4%•%S.NANINNNNW4•• ••• •4v4v4%.w4v4•N loot elated. Price $21,500. For in- the Shabuoth holiday. formation call Hemlock 4744. The cantor was born in Klausen. Ir. burg, Ilungaria, and received his mu- FOR RENT-Furnished room for young gentleman, with private sical education in the Conservatory of Builaiwt. Ile has held positions family. Phone Empire 7429. as cantor in Budapest, Prague and FOR RENT-Furnished room for one Vienna. During the war he served or two gentlemen or couple, with as an officer in the morale service of refined family. 5714 Fourth Ave. the Hungarian army and devoted tirne to developing choir and mass Schiff. singing among the soldiers. Ile is FOR RENT- Furnished room for the author of a number of musical couple. Housekeeping privileges. compositions that have been played Call Empire 2568-J. in Budapest and other cities of Eu- • rope. FOR RENT-Furnished large room with private family for gentleman. Surprise Bill Starring Clever East Forest, off Woodward. Call Performers Promised at Glendale 7140-M. /0 ,r/ Perwein Pastry Shop ■■■ ■ ■ ■•■ ■ Common REFINED country home, 17 miles from city hall, East Jefferson Lake- shore, is for sale or lease. Can make very attractive terms for re- sponsible party. For appointment call Roseville 39-R, 2 rings. 1950 EAST CANFIELD AVE. Melrose 0705 FOR RENT-Upper duplex, include ing steam heat, beautiful decora- tions, eight rooms, strictly mod- ern; four bedrooms, two baths; ga- rage; with many conveniences not usually furnished. Call Empire 1470. FOR RENT-Room rosily furnished. With private family. Gentleman preferred. Phone Garfield 3260-R. - - Full RENT-Nicely furnished room for gentleman or couple, with small family. A. Mendel, :324 E. Can- field Ave. A Bank with a Welcotne FOR SALE-Furniture for five-room flat. Must be sold at once, giving up flat. Iligh grade, complete or separate pieces. Slightly used. 1151 West Philadelphia. Empire 2655-M. SUGGESTS: "Give the Shabuoth Graduate a Real Thrift Gift." START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT FOR THE BOY OR GIRL IN THE Highland Park State Bank Rabbi Henry J. Berkowitz will de- bate with Judge Vincent Brennan be- fore the Social Workers Club of Wayne County on the question, "Re- solved, That the Social Results of Prohibition Have Been Beneficial," at a luncheon to be held next Tuesday at the Tuller hotel. Rabbi Berkowitz will uphold the affirmative. The de- bate is open to the public. "Open Monday Night 6-8" Fire Brannrhes for your conrrnience. Woodward at Richton John R. at 10Ianchester Woodward at Geneva Hamilton Boulevard at 1 Oakland at Tennyson DEAN ELECTRIC CO. Fans, Lampe Repairing of All Kinds. Wiring, Viable., 13 F.. Baltimore Northway 4144 DRUGS Investment Securities Cherry 2760. 1 118 Penobetot Members Detroit Stock Eachanle. 1Lewis Drug Co. 11505 Hamilton A rrnae Hemlock 3209-1640 GRAND OPENING JEWELERS 1 -,-- i DIAMOND INSURANCE SATURDAY, MAY 1 - - ON L AKE ORION A personall super. bed edaskaalloa of your le. entirely Red. TBM eau prevent • Noriou. Ion. Roholve Sedges m II .u num mountng.. i MOE EHRLICH The Most Beautiful Summer Resort Around Detroit. Adams at Hasil:Iss Room and Board, also Fish and Chicken Dinners. We Cater to Part'. Especially . MOVING LIEBERMANN'S INN ..... V‘Ws••• ■ •••~ ■ %%%. Hint St., Lake Orion, Mich . Telephone Orion 154 I Perfection lodge No. 480, F. & A. hold a special (. 0111MUIliefl- Wednesday. June 4, at 3 p. m. M. Sl. degree. Banquet et 0:30. C. K. SANDORF, See. By Order of JOSEPH KI,EIN, W. M. NMs TAILOR 205.7-9 Broadway Mkt. Bldg. Imported and Domestic Nuts, Date., Figs; Imported and Domestic Beans of various sorts; Raisin. (all kinds), Canned Milk, Mol P HOTOG R APHE R S i• M .to 06 DODGE STROH B ROTH ER5 Four PRINTING THE STYLER PRESS Stylers of Good Printing. C. C. Berghoeffer, Prop. FORT SHELBY GARAGE Phone Main 5517 Passenger Coupe Radio Service Honey, Matches, Sugar, Etc. Radio Sao, r MOVING. MEYER BARRON. Free. Dow. at Alt Knob •t WASTE PAPER 1342 Brewster St. Cadillac 1709 Cadillac 1708 f r tor.rorroal nr.rol rrrrr CHL% ROI F1 • ?PING ar lot CRATING •gs Catering to Those Who Demand the Utmost in r • • • / 0 r r # QUALITY FOOD STUFFS , • • • 5 And Efficient Delivery Service. • • • • • Northway 5570 Adds Luxury Subtracts Expense next winter install Nokol in your Prices Per Set of 4 Gabriel Snubbers Installed-1924 Models present heating plant now '4 handler Hemolck 8140 6534- 40 Case Ave Telephone Northeoy 4192 S 16903 EAST JEFFERSON, GROSSE POINTE NVVINISSCIAIMICIMISSISWeVelsVel•WkWAVISVANNVICIA111.11AS•• ■■ .. 36.46 . . ....... '.end. mobile (I lakedl 'Iteolorrd I Vorr114 .1Slokrohm er Pond d Ir. the F■drht. and ...... 32.n 16.16 31. .441 3..4 Abe says: i l l ' i ‘ s itisa ''fP n(1 •kiledebaker knee. •Slodobaker 1101 4 and South. freight rates. DRY INTERIOR - GOOD APPEARANCE PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION Ask for Literature. Brady at H•sLn 404 Pe•obscot Building ■ in Hamtramck Chevrolet Sales I I 4 2 fi Joe. C•m pa u Hemlock 9010 MOVING Cut-Rate s.b.Crbit: 1957 Grand Rivt‘ Ave. SHEKELL Phone, Cad. 6853 4679 and n Mori ig [ STARTING - - LIGHTING - IGNITION sad Meter Rests Fo•A,,t.,,,,, ,..., Genuine Parts .-- Factory Service AUTO ELECTRIC & SERVICE CORP. Phone Gleeelide 4111 91•1.• sea... Meas. Tru•ke E. Merewether & Co. Publit. Accountants AUDITS SYSTEIVS TAX SERVICE A.1• T.I. heels. IWO Snubbers d ABE MAX 41 ■•■•••■■ • /1•41'. Hur taro for Greater Riding ComfOrt Detroit Common Brick Manufacturers Association ,,‘• int Phones: Melrose 4 714 9 Gabriel If You Would Be Sure of See one if you THE ROBINSON STORAGE CO. Gabriel Snubber Sales k Service Co. 1931 Jahn R. h. Florida, f, west. V, 'SW DEMAND COMMON BRICK BASEMENTS Cherry 5040 A.116 35.541 r9.514 19.15 11 .4 341 211.15 29.13 32.66 11.A 59.16 I6.7S ...... 29.7% litru GABIOLI, _ . ..... No..11rOpen 5.41 (110.41 nolrlonrt 41.1..molyi 0.P.1 • • • • .• Ilateiwatit Oil Ilootko la- Nome. the car from jars and jolts. 17.111 31.64 ...... ♦ o-lt 4 . k Hickory 2530 Gabriel Snubbers give to any car, they more than earn their cost by saving '41 6 orl I ord -I -ton I 'Ai. k 1 -rrrIkiln 'I •1 1 o ymohl ' ,Jr,, oil 'onkel 4 1.11%.11 With all the added lux- ury and riding ease that 19.1.7 'Iblrien1 4 . -k.-2.Vc • 33.16 A.441 22.311 211.4 01.341 Joked/ let eland ..... .1'olumb46 I lodge . ....... '1Nolgr 1444%07 '14ort AUTOMATIC HEAT CORPORATION 10351 WOODWARD at COLLINGWOOD 4 'HAle k 4 ..... . r6.50 'Mk kI........................55.1.5 o holm,* A.75 .4 handler (Opoo) 32.15 .......... while the coal is out of your basement 6547 WOODWARD at GRAND BOULEVARD • • V4VC!41m4%svJo.w4V4V41,w,W4V4WA,,VCWV4Woocw4%Ie4w4 Michigan Paper Stock Co. T 0 RACE ti Cadillac 9170 Repairsea sate Radio Cao. Work. See as. asking WASHINGTON RADIO SHOP Male Meg 1501 Washington Blvd. y klil$121043145104i.lialiWESNIKAISISWilklisleaSallelk%VallaWiffilkaffilli Fifth Floor Steven. Bldg. BLDG. RADIO SERVICE 2457 RUSSELL STREET, EASTERN MARKET Cherry 6346 DENTAL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT Bum:slim Portraits of Children Exclusively The Briggs-Kessler Company heating comfort ■46 %••••V~s ■ WISWIS11113S See Incorporated 1904 I Chas.A.Gilligan Co. 695 Division Street Phone Cadillac 1230 • Hon GREETINGS! For Prompt and Safe. H. SCHINDLER MOVING .4 AND STORAGE CO. • 4 , M., will CAN SUPPLY YOU With Everything You Need in the Home. Tuxedo Select Your Table Delicacies for Shabuoth Now. STORAGE City and Suburbs • MOVING and , • e Only 30 miles from Detroit on paved roads. PERFECTION LODGE H. Goldberg RESULTS FROM PROHIBITION Cadillac 5970 ELECTRICAL Hamlin, Kay & Nathan HOUSEWIVES! TO DISCUSS ' 931 1 armed St. E. par high gr•de investment. It is Detroit'. first opportunity to buy common stock in • money making, le•ding hotel. Partial payment plan if desired. for further information. LIEBER FOR RENT-Nicely furnished room fur gentleman or lady. Reference required. S. Weiss, 1604 Hazel- wood Ave. TENTS, ETC. Detroie• new magnificent hotel. Located in the city's most (•- emed hotel district. Thi• is a Mr. Morris Gitlin and funnily of 21152 Clairmont avenue wish to thank their many friends for their kindness rendered them during their recent bereavement. FOR RENT-Furnished room for two gentlemen or refined Jewish couple. :3271 West Euclid Ave. WINDOW SHADES, AWNINGS, And most CARD OF THANKS FOR RENT-Nicely furnished sun parlor fur gentlemen. 1687 Vir- ginia Park. Phone Empire 1111-W' Products. J•quaDetroit $10 Per Share The Chen ',let 01.itor Company will at the end of Slay award as first prior a de lure Chevrolet touring: car to the authorized dealer selling t le preati - t number of cars. The wi 1- mug dealer in turn will present the car to the salesman in his organiza- Oriole Terrace. tion who has made the highest selli ig Ernie Young's Revue, whose ree- record. As second prize, a cash awn 41 ord.breaknig run at Oriole Terrace is of $100 will be given, besides adds making history in Detroit. is at its tional cash prizes which the various best just now with an interesting and dealers are awarding. This selling contest has created a diversified bill, of which Frank !A- buse, eccentric character comedian, 'treat amount of interest and mem- bers of various sales organizations is the featured performer. The ensemble of the revue has are now running close. Abe Max of been changed several times during its the Hamtramck Chevrolet Sales is engagement but the high character among the leaders and expects to of the performance is maintained and win. Ile is trying extremely hard to public interest shows no signs of wan- close up his pending deals before the ing. The principals are show people contest closes. ht r. Max has been as- of reputation and the chorus is come- sociated with the Chevrolet retail ly, young, well trained, elaborately sales for the past two and a half costumed and able to sing acceptably. years, and has made some admirable William Rich, whose management sales records during this period. has made Oriole Terrace the most BUSINESS NOTICE popular of Detroit cafes, is authority Dr. Morris Rand has moved his of. for the statement that the revue will be succeeded next week by a surprise fives from 9243 Joseph Campo ave- bill of vaudeville starring some of the nue to 3513 Woodward avenue, cor- cleverest performers in the profes- ner Stinson, Room 10, Arcadia sion. Building. Phone Glendale 3114. FOR RENT-Room for one or two gentlemen. Blaine between Four- teenth and LaSalle, one and one- half block from Twelfth, near two car lines. Phone Garfield 6827-R. CANVAS CO- ' DETROIT Buy Hock in Rozycki Brothers BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE -House and lot including seven rooms and bath. 541 East Forest Ave. Price $10,000; $2,000 down. l'hone Melrose 3078. AWNINGS Stock We offer this issue at ■ General Carpenter Contractors Shopping Directory • We Recommend HOTEL IMPERIAL . ■■ ?AGE, NINE .. ■ •• ■ •••we' _ - Monthly Bookkeeping Service "VERY REASONABLE RATES" Phones Main 6042-6043 Offices 515 Tenth Stret