A lert-ea lavisk Priam! Cater CLIFTON ATINUI • CINCINNATI 10, 01110 PAGE SEI1121 ISJI 011:0NICIE IOW BYRON'S HEBREW MELODIES y of the Death of the English On the Occasion of the Hundredth Anni Poet, Who Died in Greece at the Age of 36. ----- By M. J. LANDA, London of ne to he et, irk re- ty. nto OeS .4 'e'n- ion. life dig- that ople :ion. f ter rev- for vies, translations in many languages, in- NOTED JOURNALIST TO DELIVER LECTURE Jai's, hose Chen andy mts. tr in es in m a orthy iy it. ether city. erne- their, is a n is ngage mea- n the I-room e than Candy Les be- t ena- ble ve- ers of s only Clean eif and plead- mere- estions knowl- lted out ue that equally homiest, d. It is to the and an mitt and sisitions kishness ose who standing realize satire of id moral perly in- s not in citement ations of how to society. clang for e disease ey labor iscover a est them- e do like- High-Grade Third Birthday Sale Now Going On Shoes FOR ALL OCCASIONS (0 0on We: 4, Fov t \C1s- fl We all know that peo- ple enjoy buying things they wantat a saving in 130511—Patent leather trim- med with dull kid. High or low Spanish, also low military heels. WP,,, Nothing is more pleasing and satisfac- tory than to r e turn home after a wonderful shopping day with the consciousness that you have spent money prof- itably, wisely. It really makes you happy. L. Alberta $10 2034—Black fancy alligator satin. 2061—Brown fancy alligator satin. High Spanish heels. We do not pretend to be public benefactors, but we DO try our best to be good merchants. We realize that noth- ing builds business like pleased, happy and sat- isfied customers. So, for this—our Third Birthday Sale, our one thought has been: HOW MUCH can we GIVE our cus- tomers. Lane that way Which I found very troublesome to pay—Canto 2, lxv. those unbelievers Believe the Jews, who Must be believed, though they believe not you.—Canto 5, lxii. Their cash comes from, their wealth goes to, a Jew.—Canto 11, lxxv. Who holds the balance of the world? . • . Lnd's Premier. Jew Rothchild, and his Fellow-Chris- Mercury" for culling this "re- tian, Raring.—Canto 12, v. American I am again indebted to the from the news items of the Chicago Ilerald and Examiner. It Mrs. Rabbi, the rich banker's squaw. ligious" gem Canto 3, lxxix. indicates the influence of the "cosmics" upon the spiritual life of the nation Atlantic, that the Solicitor General, Mr. Slesser, is a Jew who "has become a High Churchman in the Episcopal church," which leads me to propound that now famous question: "When is a Jew not a Jew?" and which sug- rots the answer, "When he is an Episcopalian." But we do find a Jew who is a Jey, though he holds one of the minor positions, so to speak--Mr. Shin- who is Secretary for Mines. This Jew has suffered imprisonment for his opinions, and we are sure he must be a liberal, because it is rare that a Conservative is ever impris med for anything. I think I mentioned some time ago that Rose Rosenberg is the Prime Minister's private secretary, or she was up until the time he went to London to take up his duties as Eng- avail notb• pected that over the smiled the great war, cat of our the feeling their Mum- ir state of atesmanlike will see the as interpreted in terms of Chicago: Religious enterprises do not necessarily require the sombre garb and unbnding mien. At least, that is the philosophy of the loyal e Bible Class of the Immanuel Baptist Church. They are Fellows' going to try to win the all-Chicago Bible Class attendance in the d their c lass spirit of a jolly frolic. To that end they havdivide 's e of 40 members into the "Sparkplugs," "Sassy Susies"s! "Heby Jeebies." Don Cunningham will be "Barney Google." lie will be assisted by Vincent Masten and H. S. Rappel as "Sunshine" and s make are policy which • other races e of persist- r those who or some day t, too, yield- eia. But we this realiza- nations have "Rudy." But it is in his trenchant satire, "The Age of Bronze," written just after the Congress of Allied Powers at Verona in November, 1822, at which England broke with the Grand Alliance, that he vented the full force of his merciless spleen, lashing the Jew as a symbol of unprincipled and relentless rapacity. Denouncing the Stock Exchange, he exclaims: But let us not to own the truth refuse, •: Was ever Christian land so rich in I am ashamed. I know I should have read it immediately upon its Jews? appearance, but I was so busily engaged in reading wholesome literature Those parted with their teeth to good like the Detective Story Magazine and Short Story Magazine that I really King John, didn't have the opportunity to get around to "Lummox" until the other And now, ye kings! they kindly draw evening. Fannie Hurst must have been fed on raw meat for quite a period your own: before entering upon the writing of that book. It is what quite young All states, all things, all !sovereigns persons call "realistic." It reminds me of Evelyn Scott's "Escapade," Sher- they control. wood Anderson's "Many Marriages," Ben Ileches "Erik Dorn," Arthur And a-aft a loan "From Indus to the Morrison's "Tales of Mean Streets" and that French Negro's "Bouatala"— Pole." of strong disinfectants. books that call for the use The hanker — broker — baron — - he is connected. Ile regrets this par- brethern, speed ticularly in the case of the Palestine To aid these bankrupt tyrants in their Restoration Fund. need. Convent to taking an active part in And philanthropic Israel designs to the cempaign now being conducted drain to raise funds for their admirable Her mild percentage from exhausted Philinethropist Recovering But Mutt work. Spain. Hay. Complete Rest. "Mr. Straus has recently returned Not without Abraham's seed can front the Holy Land and brings re- Russia march; NEW YORK.—Nathan Straus, ac- ports of the marvelous progress al- 'Tin gold, not steel, that rears the cording to an announcement from his ready made and of the work which is conqueror's arch. office, is recuperating from the ef- still necessary, as well as of the en- Two Jews, a chosen people, can fects of a slight operation performed thusiasm with which the new immi- command at his residence. The statement is as grant has gone back to the toil. At In every realm that scripture- follows: great personal sacrifice these settlers promised land:— "While Mr. Straus' condition is labor toward the attainment of their Two Jews keep down the Romans, and favorable, his physician advises a ideal , . All this should amuse the uphold complete rest, until he has entirely interest and sympathy of those who The accursed Hun, more brutal than regained his strength. This comes until now have stood aloof of the of old; It a very inopportune time, as he had movement to make Palestine again Two Jews—but not Samaritans-- expected, after a prolonged absence, the 'land where milk and honey direct to resume his activities in the various flows.'" Philanthropic Institutions with which Oh, well, let's be optimistic. NATHAN STRAUS ILL AFTER OPERATION 011101 , ` ;7 Some of the Special r4 and Very Desirable Features —that have helped to bring such widespread and de- served popularity to The Beautiful Victrola 220 The Price, Only $200 Record Albums Flat Divided Top Automatic Brake Gold Plated Metal Parts Speed Indicator Automatic Speed Regulator Accessroy Drawer. You know, too, that you've the recog- nized BEST when you've a VICTROLA. The model 220 is 311 ' i , inches high and 36% inches wide. Furnished in choicest mahogany or walnut. Make a small deposit—start enjoying it AT ONCF,—pay the balance a little at a time, monthly. It's a splendid uay to make your home more attractive, more inviting this spring. Victrolas $25 to $1,500. Vast stock of Records. Grinnell Bros Catalog of Vietrolan and Records gladly mailed you on request. HDQRS. 1515.21 WOODWARD AVE. DETROIT BRANCHES: near Monroe.Waxl•mrd at ra•aiena. J•.r•on corn Continental Motors. 22 llehiran •t 12nd. n ntar Yrrn•no. Jon . Camal hinek Shoes Jos Road. Crand River Jeffer•on near Riser Ro.•• Po•toffic•• Broad ••,, $13.50 1307B—All patent, piped with gold kid. 1441A—All black satin, piped with gold kid. 1357A—All white kid, piped with patent leather. High Spanish heels. Will he United men closed it has set f not un- thing left this coun- policy of an other heir wont- for them • ss of the policy re- mndenmed e pleasant r that was d achieved irs of the :y animosi- arious na- ontinue to '5S*3 In the British Museum, among the The world, with all the spirit of their Frank& Frank & Seder Seder's sect. What is the happiness of earth to 'ladi lieltriew, of Byron's "Hebrew them • nst • Joseph.) Br C1,•. It (Cap•wright, 1921 Melodies," is me in iddush. it la one A congress forms their "New er11111,'Fdr.l's nervy st and most pathetic of • Jerusalem," of the queen nearly all of the accurate inforinot Since World, the Ns s tin chures—a tiny home-node booklet Where baronies and orders both attempt to grab Muscle Shoals is to be found or'.. ■ •ei afraid to s, stitched together with ■ Wle • invite— of a few pags It may be of interest to readers of (dher newseseeN revealed grab, to learn that a private poll of the I crude cove r of colored paper torn Oh ! holy Abraham! dost thou see the t eh the slaleS11 1, II, gulf "play up" Ford ta rab, &feat the The penis 01,.. tamphlet. light? the fact that there are at present more than enough vol. - from some I find If yrOil, OW )etOf reVOIL backed by Ford project. And much of this is due solely to Senator N.,ir of the angels," a themselves a re cuttings from a Yid- Thy followers mingling with these was "on 'sit''' per, and the translator the World. The word "seandal" is being teed now freeIN n vonnection dish newspa royal swine, dreamer, but with constructive ideas; with the Ford bargain-counter offer. The Congtesdnen who Noted so cheer- has written his Millie 1111,1 IIII,IreSS in Who spit not "on their Jewish the t)ther, it member of ow Sata nic fullo Fd, of course, didn't know what they were voting for: some of ink—Nathan Horowitz, Rowton gaberdine," School of w Titers, condemned, by or y f I r a tn sure, thought that Muscle Shoals referred to some new break- There it lies, But honor them as portion of the W hit seduipel, II., 1920! Southey, as persons of "diseased them, fast food that Ford innded to produce. I am only surprissel that with this a simple, tau chime tribute, to fill what show— hearts and depraved imagination." distinguished statesmen handsome gift of the te government's property, ear l 'could other % vise have been a gap in (Where, now, tib, Pope! is thy And yet amid the doubts its to the in the lower house didn't present Ford with $100010, ono. The only possible the National Reseed at the centeoary forsaken toe? sincerity of much of the versatile out- A pnl Could it not favor Judah with some put of the fitful, flamboyant, oisl explanation must lie in the fact that Ford forget to ask for it! of the death of a great poet — orowitz is it Yiddish jour- kicks? 19, 1t121. II theatrically adventurous life, the dees In the current issue of McClure's Magazine, there are two articles of nalist in Lon I don. His translations ore have the true poetic in- Or has it ceased to kick against the will ever render homage for the "He- unusual interest and value in connection with the Ku Klux KIWI. They graceful am brew Melodies." are written by men who write without prejudice and •he offer some semi On Shyloek's shore behod them stand stinet minating facts. Max Bentley discusses the Klan in Indiana, and I call afresh, ill u Byron teas not moved to voice your attention to this very significant statement : something of the grand tragedy of To cut Crum nations' limits their "pound of flesh." Israel as he Wall inspired to take up "The Indiana Ku Klux Klan," said one of its leaders, "contem- the cause of Greets.. As is matter of plates complete disbandment. This includes abandonment of the True, not alone at has a-ere the fact, some of the 23 poems commis- (Concluded from page 1.) name itself, throwing away the robe, putting an end to the mummery isle the group were written before he shafts sit his scorn furiously hurled. and incantation. We are not Klansmen of the recognized stripe. undertook, at the request of the lion. Byron, moreover, first published the Gomm dramatists. :Maly of them We never have been. There have been no law violations in this 1111,1 Douglas Kinnaird, to write verses for poem in "The Liberal," anonymously , have been published in book form, state even remotely connected with the Klan. There have been no no melodies composed by Isaac Nathan and "let himself go." But the frenzy several have been produced in New acts of violence, no maskers roaming the countryside at night, (1792-1S61); others, as only too (M. reads strangely familiar and modern; York a n d elsewhere. Ills tianslation robed figures crowding up to the pulpit to had over a few dollars. vious today, have no connection with it might well have been the model of of Leonid Andreyev's great tragedy, Our robes are kept in the lodge room in charge of bonded custodian. anything Jewish. When Nathan ask- much that was written 0 century later "Anathema," was produced this . . . We are opposed to the Klan in those states where the slightest ed him to explain what scriptural —in 1922—after conferences conse- spring. violence is countenanced. Long ago we lost respect for the polic ion Authority on Jewish Affairs. has declined reference there was in the poem, "Oh! quent on the Great War. Byron's of the Imperial Klan. . . . Our paid up nil During all his journalistic work, Snatched Away in Beauty's Bloom," venomous accusation of Jewish world- from nearly 400,000 to less than 250,000. As a Ku Klux Klan, we Byron replied, airily, "Every Tilled control was sheer twaddle. It reads Mr. Bernstein maintained a deep in- plan to disband." must make its own references." The pitifully in the light of the re- terest in Jewish affairs and was one ng poet's own favorite, when he used to creation, after the overthrow of of the earliest, after the Russo-Jewish w for the message from Texas, presentsel by the former sums giup join Nathan in singing when they Napoleon, of the ghetto-walls that had exodus, to interpret that element of N o editor of the Houston (Texas I Chronicle. here is the way he s worked together, was apparently the crumbled before the tidal Ware of en- the "new immigration" to the Ameri- the situation: first of the set, "She Walks ill lightenment set rolling by the French can public. He also did much to in. Beauty"; it was written immediately Revolution; and of the utter inability form the American people about inter. "The increasing weight of an awakened public opinion is mani- on his return from a ball at which of the rich Jews of England to secure nal Russian affairs, especially matters fested everywhere. Influential citizens formerly in the Klan are connected with the Jewish question, his ready susceptibility had been emancipation in this country. out in the open against it—the dropping out of the disillusioned, particularly during the agitation in stirred by the sight of the wife of a disgusted and alarmed Klansmen of the better element is taking on Curious in the extreme is the coin- relative. Nevertheless Byron did cidence that the anniversaries of the 191t for the abrogation of the Russo- the proportions of an expeditionary movement. The element re- not Was maining is turning its whole attention to capturing political control know his Bible, even if he deaths of Byron and Beaconsfield fall American treaty. In 1922 he was elected secretary of particularly roused by Jewish his- sqi the same day—April 19—for there at the State House, and the Democratic primary this year will bring tory, and in "Oh! Weep for Those," was affinity between the two, Beacons- the American Jewish committee, a about the supreme and, it is thought, final test of the Klan's power." the best known, in which occur the field's father, Isaac Disraeli, was a position which he held until the fol- lowing year when he founded the well- Here's an amusing item regarding this same Texas Klan. When it was oft-quoted lines: friend and tremendous admirer of kuown Jewish daily, The Day, of formed in Houston in 1920, there was a parade with all the dramatic trap. Byron, and the future Premier of the editor for two years, pings. At that time, so the writer informs us, the robes of the "knights" Tribes of the wandering foot and England was brought up in a house- which he was when he acquired the American He. were made by a Jewish overall firm in Houston for $1.50 each; later, when weary breast, hold in which the poet's name was brew of which he was the publisher the Klan became Simmonized, these robes were made by a subsidized Gee. How shall ye flee and be at rest! held in utmost reverence, amounting Yen, 0011 friends and The wild dove bath her nest, the fox almost to a religion. That early and editor for three years, after tile Protestant firm in Atlanta, Ca., at $6.50 net. which he resumed his newspaper work. his cave, atmosphere dominated Beaconsfield's true, there is one born every minute. Mankind their country—Israel but the early life, influenced his writings, Two years ago he published "The II is- tory of a Lie" in which he exposed The summer season will soon be with us. I am not looking at the grave! moulded his youthful character, with- the notorious "I'rotocols of the Wise calendar when I write that, neither and I looking out of the window to see out, fortunately, impairing his depth clumsy forgery, the sort of weather we are haing. No, dear miler, I ant convinced of the he did sense the age-long sorrow of Men of Zion" as Fl ea and genuine feeling. When he anti, in a series of articles in the of summer throughh reading Rabbi Joel Blau's plan appearing the Jews. There are others, too, which father . It traveled abroad he wrote to his near approach an together. ]learnt newspapers, he revealed some in the B' hot B'rith News, of how to bring Jew and Christi o-hen come worthily within the scope of the that he had met Byron's boatman at the of the links in the chain which con- is a real hot weather plan: the sort that is created during period title; and in the threnody "My Soul Geneva, that he had seen the poet's meted the Ford agitation with dis- one's head is inclined to become affected by the intense heat. Our usually is Dark," which he wrote with frantic name scrawled on the doorpost of gruntled Russian monarchists in this level headed rabbi suggests a sort of Vesailles peace conference when leaders haste—"in a flash, as a madman Tasso's cell in Ferrara; to his sister of Protestantism and Judaism will draw up resolutions, cinch promising to would write," as he explained—the he communicated the interesting in- country. behave nicely toward each other. Every apartment house will be thrown formation that he had obtained a lock wide open to all comers, Jew or Gentile; small children will no longer hurl lines, PICTURIZING THE BIBLE of Byron's hair cut "off the corpse the epithet, "Christ Killer," at other children of Jewish faith; the Klan will I tell thee, minstrel, I would weep, nt Missolonsehi" (where he died) by camphor their night shirts and dunce-caps; Jews and Gentiles will rock Frank Scholten, English philoso- Or else this heavy heart will burst; "Tita." The latter was Byron's de- together on hotel porches, engaged in community knitting and intimate voted servant, and later traveled for pher, announced that he would pic- gossip; the loveliest sermons will be preached from every pulpit; peace, show that Byron could, at moments, torialize the Bible in 22,000 photo- two years with Beaconsfield in the good will, justice and mercy will prevail to the uttermost ends of the earth. enter into the feelings of those of East. Ile WAS one of the many links graphs of Jewish geography, land- And all this is to be brought about by a written agreement entered into by scapes, ceremonies, customs, imple- and Gentile. Well, they have tried everything from whom at other times he wrote in con- between the two men, whom Beacons- ments, flora, fauna and whatsoever representatives of Jew ventional, cruel strain. Although not field brought to England, cared for the beginning of time to straighten out this niisunderstanding between Jew visible objects mentioned in the Bible all on a high plane, the Melodies live to the end, and afterwards secured and Gentile, so why not give Rabbi Blau a chance? I, for one, am perfectly are extant. poems. Nathan's music has not a pension for his widow. RS survived—not, that is, as far as the Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of Dropsie College, also president of the l general public is concerned. The first rincipaf six were set to synagogal tunes. These Oriental Society of America, which includes in its membership the pnote were: "She Walks in Beauty," Lekoh scholars in Oriental subjects in this country, sounded a sens o Dodi, the Friday evening invocation warning in an address before the society at Columbia last week. Be urged that men versed in Oriental subjects, and who had a keener understanding to the Sabbath ; "The Harp the , of he Orietal mind, should he invited to put their services at the disposal Monarch Minstrel Swept," Yaaleh, t n governments to promote a better understanding between the the Atonement Night Hymn; "If of western That High World," a Kaddish two peoples. (Sanctification) still in use; "The :• Gazelle," Yigdal, the Friday and Among other things Dr. Adler said: Festival evening hymn; "Oh! Weep for Those," the l'riestly Benediction; "I ant sure that any student of Japan could tell the wise men at and "On Jordan's I3anks," Ma'oz Tsur, Wasington that no aunt mo of economic reciprocity, expressions of h noble charity which was extended to Japan Rock of My Salvation. Byron was not kind feelings or even impressed either with the music or the after the great earthquake, would compensate that proud nation for composer. In a letter to Moore, his legislation that would, in their opinion, stamp them as inferiors, and biographer, dated February 22, 1915, that the peace of the world, if not for the moment, may in the future he wrote, "Curse the Melodies and depend upon the interpretation of our government of the actual state the Tribes to boot. Braham (the of mind of the Japanese nation." famous tenor) is to assist, or both --:• Rabbi I.ewis I. Newman of New York has been chosen to occupy the assisted, but will do no more good than pulpit of the late Rabbi Martin Meyer of San Francisco, whose untimely a second physician." In another let- death saddened all American Israel. I understand that Rabbi Newman was ter he referred to Nathan's "vile a former pupil of Rabbi Meyer. The pulpit of Emanu.F:1 in San Francisco Hebrew nasalities." has been recognized as one of the most important and influential in the Whatever inspiration Byron may and considerable interest has been taken in the choice of a rabbi have derived, in his capricious way, :Vat itioal , ', by until' the congregation. Reports have it that a new temple and community front Biblical themes, he a-as uncom- Moyie Week "Cite center are to be erected. The young leaders in American Jewry are surely plimentary in all his other references —.way 4-10 Mare Thought being given every opportunity to prove themselves worthy of the respensi- o Jews. There are several passages, to Manic." bilities that are associated with the foremost pulpits in the land. Vie have t some auto-bioeraphical, in "Don only to think of the successors to several of the moot famous of the so-called Juan" in which they are mere money- older school of rabbis in this country to realize that youth is predominating lenders: in the leading congregations. Jews are represented in the Of any creditor the worst a Jew it is. In looking about to discover to what extent new Labor government in England, I discover, according to a writer in the In my young days they lent me cash 0-1AS. red cio SEP1-1-‘=— In his novel "Venetia," Beacons- field introduced Byron under the name ' of ('adurcis, in whom the critics also see something of Disraeli himself. 'Syron and Benjamin Disraeli had kin- • ship, alike in some of the qualities and the lack of them which mese for self-idolatry, and a disposition to eoxeentliry and affection. There was much that was "Byronic" in Beacons- field, literally so on occasion, far the diligent student will find the genii, thing beyond the mere a nd even sometha iv of the epi- n a fi' htal, of more grams of the novels in the pm-try of Byron. And yet, alike as they mei, /I 1,-.1 in many r es pects, there was We want you to leave our store at any time during this sale with the feeling that never ill your life have you been treated more royally by any store. Eighth Floor. This is our THIN) BIRTHDAY. This stile is our party, and ,ve hope you will come. Bear in mind that merchandise to be :11 these sales is of the list grade, and what peoplt. want. 1443A—All black satin. 1'0013—All patent leather. High Spanish heels. Fofi 't Wear sge tI ii2A1:0 Every resource of great buying organ.:::- tion—one of the In powerful in the worm'' has been exerted to t 1 ,, utmost in securing goods for this sale. —And every del i - ment in our entire f,()re from top to bottom •%ill have offerings that ;ire little less than asto' lllg in price. This Is Important! 1473A—Gold brocade trimmed with gold kid. 1474A—Silver brocade trim- med with silver kid. 1395—Black brocaded velvet. 1414A—Brown brocaded vel- vet. High Spanish heels. Foc Ikar 4:461t — en Remember to look 2,, announcements in the papers. It will be more i - portant to the majorIty of the people of Detroit than the baseball score, the stock m .. arket reports or any other news." It means that • wonderful opportunity is be- fore you to buy spring al, panel, hate, shoes, girls' and boys clot hin g, hosiery, o • e s, underwear, alike, piece goods and our user. chandise • at such prices as are seldom seen Nagy store. to $12 15053—All patent leather. 15625—All Jack Rabbit ooze, with piping of patent leath- er. 1575B--Airedale ooze. with piping of patent leather. 15315—All white kid. and block heel& Low military