_ r America larLsk Perky Ea! Carte .let sad Library o'clock. CUSTOM AMU{ - CINCIMMTI 20, OHIO 7itEDETRonintust (ft RON IC BOOK REVIEWS MUSIC AND MUSICIANS.A A Physician Who Writes Like a Poet. --- REVISITS AND REVISIONS ester. It Herman Fl By Joseph Krimeky. t48 pp. New Yolk Bloch Publiehing Company. ---- ti Dr. Joseph Krimsky, author of ''Revisits and Revisions,' is a physi- cian and publicist and a prominent figure in American Jewish affairs. He convert. it was who called the conference Wednesday, May 7. Gin.on Community House - The which resulted in the formation of In Congress. Thomas Boston, organizing dire, Family Saxophone Quartet, as the Antillean participation in Na -.rood fo. 1 ,!! .d artists. 19I8 he served in Palestine with the ,r Hadassah Medical Ilnit. Five years Music Week, May 4 to 10, lois I I ,,sh School -Concert by , • scris of .1311); concerts ..f the Detroit Institute biter he revisited Palestine to arrange arranged it con- fur the opening of the medical li- f .r the entertainment of the public of Nlo 1st; David brary and the X-ray laboratory of that will prove a revelation. This iluetor I L I the Hebrew University. ell is also o lefatigable worker has enlisted the I Iltermed into SCh001 liot .1 the author of "Pilgrimage and Serv- rt and co-operation of Detroit', t he band of the Cass l eave I • I To Clarence ice." ..most professional musicians and Mi ch School; is a little "Revisits and Reel:O. hers and has secured their sere- Ilyruc. • of their graduate Gala concert by a book of comments and impressions Are!, I. , as :dents for rectials of surpassing ex- quart, , - of the Metropolitan resulting from Dr. Krinisky's second ,,nee, variety and interest. The Opera I i.y under the manage- visit to Europe and Palestine. A melancholy strain runs ard of Education has used t he ment t •be I let rod :Metropolitan poetic 111111 through the book as the author looks local committee of National M usic Cono•rt Bloom. out upon the beauty and the sadness the daily use of its nine avail- Thursday, May B. Week that encompass the countries through able auditoriums and one intertnisli- ‘.%1 us it. Day i n the se111101, Over which he miscued)) don his way to the oe school (Hutchins), when these . 200 publK, private and parochial beloved object of his journey—Pales- .., a verts will be staged. The public schools will have special exercises tine. Dr. Krinsky, man of affairs invited to attend these concerts in featuring their most proficient stu- and scientist that he is, writes gift• immediate vicinity and by pat- dents in music. edlv, his power of description being in the Wayne County Jail (7 p. m.1— r mizing them and taking quite above the efforts of most writ- (turnunity singing show its appre. Concert under the direction of the ers not of the professionally literary (lotion for the artists who have ron• Chamber Music Society. class. There are times, however, tributed their services, the executive ('ass Technical High School — when the felicity of his style causes committee and the financial contribu- Duane Sawyer's Saxophone Orches- him to lose sight of the fart that ex- tremendous un- tra of 1110 instruments in recital. tors who agge•ated use of phrases in the place dertaking possible here, and finally, Northern High S c hool--Concert by of well rounded periods troubles the its desire to identify itself with a the faculty of the Detroit Conserva- reader and weakens the effect of a spirit of the movement the slogan of tory of Music. Northwe•ern High School—Con- piece of writing. which is "Give More Thought to The book closes with a one-act epi- cert under the auspices of the Detroit Music." sode called "The Herugee"--a vivid One of the concerts which will in- Chamber of Music. but harrowing depiction of the Jew's School Con- augurate National Music Week is the N eternal problem of "Wohin." A. C. recital at Temple Beth El under the cert under t he same auspices. William Howland, head Board of Commerce—Grotto Band direction of the voice department of the De- concert; Alfred Duwn, director. Friday, May 9. troit Institute of Musical Art, Sunday Detroit Institute of Arts—Concert afternoon at 3 o'clock, under auspices of the Chamber Music Reviewed by Siphra Bachrach. The choir consists of the following: Mitchell, soprano; Mrs. Society. Southeastern High School—The FANNIE COX'S COOK BOOK Sidney Allen, soprano; Mrs. Merrill By Fannie Ferber Fox, In collaboration with William Ham- Moslem Chanters. Silverstein, alto; Lavinia S. Schwartz. 111.trated. 535 pp. Northern High School—Concert by rick, alto; George Becker, tenor; Carl Boston: Little Brown & Co. $2.50. Pickard. tenor; William Howland, the faculty of the Detroit Institute of bass; Edward Kemp, bass; Abram Musical Art. With the young husband demand- Western Iligh School—Joint re- Ray Tyler, organist; Earl Morse, vio- ing delectable dishes and his help- ;ital by the Ligget.Abel Violin Decorating mate and cook looking for linist. • Slade, well-known The program contains the follow- School and Sam thrifty methods of preparing food. we Wall Papers Detroit vocal instructor. recommend a new cook book by Fan- ing, numbers: Southwestern High School--Joint nie Ferber Fox and Lavinia S . Period Furniture -America" director of recital by Miss Irene Darkume, so- Schwartz, two housewives who man- Thom. lionton. organizing tn.. .aging. piano; A. Lafis, pianist; Whithold Antique Furniture age their homes and their children Mimic Week con c Thy Melin, violin, and Grace Bowman, and still find time to shop and play ow Great Viii Anthem—"o lanai. Upholstering ........ Hazel Whitley, Tempel- • . Home" bridge. Double Q1 ..... ton Moore and Mrs. F. J. McQuillen. h The best and most useful of Amer- "" Violin Solo—"Arlo." and Carpets Mr. Morse. Northeastern High School—Con- ican and European recipes have been fillek Melody Girls, e Doei--"The Lord is My Light- cert by compiled to form a cook book for the Mrs. Silverstein and Mr. Howland. assisted by Gisella G. Feldman, piano; Window average housewife who does her own inT"Rejoice in the Lord" la ca• Antohreim Italskireff Ralph St. John, violin, pupil of David cooking, usually on a limited amount Objets de' Double Quartet. Cracov; ([den Knight, soprano, and of money, and yet wants plenty of ....... Wagner Prelude to "Lohengrin". Jack Downing, violin. free time for the social pleasures. Mr. Tyler. Wminer Saturday, May 10. Edna Ferber, in an introduction to ' Elie Dream" (Lohenerinl of Correction (for women) Mni. Mitchell. u will findd "He re sans: and Violin Solo---"Prise Song" alio Meister- book, exnert yous bl- . Waigner --Noon recital tinder auspices of I thee de licio .... . sii, .. •inget) ...... Chamber of Music Society. M r. Morse. Cass Technical Iligh School—Con-ing of foods. Not an egg is wasted, Anthem--:'Great un Jehovah. - the Lord" Schubert the Studebaker Band, assisted I not a spoonful of butter nor an ounce cake,' the cert by Helen 1 , of sugar. 'It's - 'Double Quartet. by Vivian Jones, pianist, and - (tanner lob' time houdfe used to say pride- •Star Spangled B Gale Howe, dramatic soprano. Northern High School—Recital by I fully. 'It's a one-egg cake,' says the The following is the list of events of today." scheduled, the programs of which will Mesdames Sharrill, Robinson, Hunt 1 cook Jewish recipes find a he published in the newspapers every and Newell, under the auspices of the place here. Miss Ferber says in n Tuesday Musical. for delicacy and flavor Jewish cook- day: Central High School—Concert un- ery cannot be excelled. The many Monday, May 5. e (Evening, unless otherwise speci- tier the direction of the Delta Alumni recipes which may t o Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota Musi-1 mouth.watering fied.) said to he the Jewish contr ibuti Technical High School--Joint cal Sorority. ('ass the culinary art amply prove the Northwestern High Srhoul—Grand l y recital by members of the faculty of point. the Detroit College of Music (Jean convert under the direction is Coldkette, director) and Marcus Kel- fessor Martillo Pacini (Italian pro. JERUSALEM.—(P. T. A.) —The lerman, bass. grand. - quota for new arrivals in Palestine Eastern Iligh School—American Central High School--Recital by has been enlarged by an order of the new visas the faculty of the Ganapol School of Lithuanian-Russian concert under di- government, granting rection of Professor Alfred Blackman for the next three months for skilled Music. Eastern High School--Joint recital and Madame Civet Blackman, fea. laborers and agricultural workers. by the Ukraniun Duet and Caroline utring a Russian chorus and orches- The recent industrial and agricul- II. Benson (special children's pro- tra in costume, Lithuanian dancers tural development in Palestine has in costume, and two winners of the been of such a progressive tendency gram). Detroit Civic League vocal competi- that the unemployment which was Tuesday, May 6. Detroit House of Correction (T P. tion, Emma Lazaroff, soprano, and prevalent several months ago has m.)—Recital under the auspices of Stefan Kozakevich, baritone. been considerably relieved. Sponsored by At each one of these concerts the the Chamber Music Society. Northern High School—Concert by audience will be invited to participate ,p, o eoainrkpaobsilte beauty, and one Playing f etnhte obfesrtem in the salute to the flag and the sing. the Central Concert Quartet. edr-i Madame raer's brilliant tto ve e b Southeastern High School—Salva - ing of the national anthem. tlaurreco tmopotsheer; otu Mr. Boston will visit all the audi- Professor VIVET :ion Army Band concert. and Acting Mayor Martin ALFRED BLACKMAN Western High School—Second re- will ad • .. address the audience daring the Portici ;" Max Bruch's celebrated ar- na BLACKMAN trio dm h e cital by the Ganapol School of Music. rangement of t tassel.. the lemma Arena song of atonement, "Kol Nidrei;" se- SU Pans LI., method Eastern high School—Concert un- intermission at the co Euro . pad need ! - lections from the latest musical corn- W. ye3 ,11 o Pianoforte play- Gardens. in ence peri peen ex -- edy hit, "Wildflower," featuring the II &dam leg. ant Ita ly. Rome, Receive popular "Ilambalina." seol finally, oet Blackman in • moat Central Europe as Music Rimsky.Korsakoff's "Casr:ecio Es- Cando opera end .thoriutive teach- ginger end Prizes for co.e pagnol," the most remarkable tone- sr of her bralant teacher. Beginners, picture of Spain ever composed. method, and hoe adverted Nods and profehional singer. Thomas Byrne, English horn solo- accept had many year.' At the eed. P it la i I e broad.ing R a r e - In connection with the Detroit ob- ist from the Detroit Symphony, will taught to be peen eaperienc• in NI • • Week play the solo in the Herbert selection; church. concert •nd Cheleciana. Noway, servation 0 .'a : en played by Phil- grand opera. May 4 to 10, the National Associa oKol Nidrei" Will In Dresden, Berta. Teasehe rgs ere aed Rome.. kale. lion of Music Merchants is offering lip Abbas, first cellist of- the same or- Wag. roff, Doric Greenberg, , and recognized as one of whose ganization mm• to those members Teacher of Cantor Kimel, E ov All proceeds go to charily r.. ■ and . Stef•n Kosalich LacaOthe window displays show the highest ar.1 the finest artists in the country. ADMISSION 31.00 tistic arrangement in lay-out, make iThese musicians lend increased dis- Registration of Pupil• Accepted Now. the greatest sales appeal and win the tinction to the excellent program widest attention of the public in urg, which Mr. Werner.has prepared and Northway 3519 rig it to ''Give More Thought to Mu- which is sure to bring another ca- in pacity audience to the Capitol The- — sk." This is really a competition ate , window dressing with musical met-, chandise and should enlist the keen- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111;11111111111111111111111111111MIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIL4 - F.7- est minds and arousee the imagina.. , OtttglloP0111,Nll 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111 of Detroit's leading [i o ns 1 is .-- 411111111111111111111111111111111111 911111911.11111111111111111111119116 chants. Those taking part in th concert are requested to send photo- Fa Tal1111111111111111allanttlfiglfalittnaleafanentalite o 1st or ers graphs of their window displays. to- , = e res ex plaining Music , ether with letters the Music Indus. = Week "tie-up" tries Chamber of Commerce, in New ! = York, where the awards will he made != in June during the industries' con. vention at the Waldorf-Astoria. This is an unusual opportunity for De- .1.7— bs • trait's progressive music merchants .= - to show their mettle, and several ex.:E- ceptionally interesting show windows '= of the Chamber of Program for Music Week Ens- i braces Splendid Series of 1 Events. nl Iligh School - -Salva. 0 'tun,' Jewish Of Detroit's Craeov, well as those ',art made the — ortheastern nigh of A Cook Book for Which Men Will Be Grateful. Mother Nature Adorns Anew Mr, . Leona The season is here when Mrs. Exterior Painting Interior expert and I. Furniture Henry Haug, Draperies Rugs Lamps and Shades Shades Art Bobbie's }louse Mother Nature paints anew All with which she has to do. Who is there that does not feel the Springtime urge, to join this invisible force which beautifies the world for us—by at least adding new pieces of furniture here and there to rejuvenate and brighten the home? Dean Studios offer some striking examples in finer furnishings—the kind that the longer you live with the more you love—the kind you do not see elsewhere. Anti prices are invariably lower than you imagined possible for such quality. "Obey that impulse" to visit Dean's and see these beautiful things. HAR Mc' J EAN f" a 12 egg 1227 Griswold St., between Grand River and State Telephone Main 0224 e t 1 1,500 Spring Term Spring Term Franz Liszt Method of Pianoforte Roman- Italian Bel-Canto Singing On Sunday Evening, May 11, at 8 P. M. -- DETROIT LODGE NO. 55, K. OF P., HALL 3153 CASS AVENUE be A 10 prizes Studios, 5415 Woodward Ave., near Kirby. Phone music suer- 1 UNDO ✓ COMPANY VizA ase Bridge Prizes well tisanes and ribbons ready for presentation. Place Cards Tallies Favors Table Decorations I I I I I I I III may be expected. Thomas Boston, local organizing ! director of National Music Week, := with offices in the Washington Boule- var.I building, will forward all sub- .= = a mined material to New York. = Array of Soloists Features Sym- ,= a phony Concert at Capitol. Werner, director of the &L . Capitol Theater Symphony has arranged programs of the season now rapidly drawing to a close, to mark the in- = auguration of Detroit's National Mu- sic Week celebration: At the Capitol Sunday = - Theater the forward two of EF. noon concert o artists from the Detroit ri : Symphony Orchestra as soloists, ES while in addition to the fine program a and the soloists Manager Thomas = Moule invites the concert patrons to remain and witness the first showing depicting the most inter- of _ es g ts in the life of Franz Fs Eduard the . finest. Orchestra, one of the strongest izt l _ twenty third brings a film DENNEN'S BOOK SHOP 37 Grand River East Main 3117 Families to Help Themselves." "Help Honorable Ne•cdy to chosen collection of Bridge Prizes, all attractively wrapped in appropriate colored LADIES AUXILIARY OF B'NAI B'RITH First Dance Displays. 1 THE The Benevolent Loan Society Will Hold Their Merchants to Attractive Furniture Upholstering and Refinishing at Moderate Prices. eAnnouncement Schubert, to which Conductor Wer. ner will play selections chosen from the most famous compositions of the great composer. The A the •=_ of Chopin's famous ,7_, — . "Polonaise Militaire," which the pub- n zmat lic knows through the perfiecre orchestral program contains stirring following numbers: arrangement tone Order Her a Box of She Will Appreciate MARY LEE CHOCOLATES Honest Old-Yoshio/led Quality ae DISTINCTIVELY WHOLESOME ABSOLUTELY PURE Twenty Spotless Shops ..... r. "'" AIMIIIIIIIIIIM1111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r11