iTitorr PAGE EIGHT intaslar. GIVES FIRST 'TALK ON PALESTINE TOUR acid1 arsenal The Cost of Spring Suits is Very Little when you consider the great amount of wear one can get from a good looking suit. A suit will save your coat and dresses many times. We have a very complete showing at moderate prices. 25 ® to 75 ® David A. Brown Speaks at April Meeting of Hadaesah. David A. Brown delivered his first public address on his recent tour through Palestine at the April meet- ing of the Detroit branch of the Wednesday Organization, dassah evening, April 23, at the Shaarey le- dek Synagogue. Mr. Brown told of the work of the Hadassah organization under the di- hould be ceratauele•tod to ti.• offic• at The I rection of the "Florence Nightingale All e Horns end other local 5 o'clock Wodoosday •I wooers in order to App.., in tho cu rrrrr oroclee Chromic!. by received not low I of Palestine," Henrietta Szold. The Issue. Phone Glendale 9300, Society Editor. Hail Bookn oas to n ' Hadassah has charge of the medical time W.d...4.7• unit, the clinics, the milk stations and Mr. and Mrs Leo Butzel have re- I of the Miss Emma Butzel gave a farewell il we of lfare work I chd told scorch- luncheon Thursday at the Women's turned from White Sulphur Springs, lines people wai ting in the ing sun and in the rain for the treat- City Club in honor of Mrs. Walter W. Va • Ileavenrich, who leaves the first of .alexander spent last iment which is given to all who apply , Milton M I . despite the lack of facilities a nd May for llolland. week-end in Columbus, Ohio. The difficulties surrounding dends the work, he said, are accentuated by Mrs. Isaac Strausa of Chicago is Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Van Vliet the fact that there are no waiting the guest of her sister, Mrs. Belle took their departure on Friday for Mayer of the lintel Addison. Mrs. Fort Lauderdale, Fla.,- where they rooms for the patients and those ac- Strauss came on to bid bun voyage will open their new home. They will companying them. Laud. Hadassah Workers. to her nephew and niece, Dr. and Mrs. be away about it month .. Mr. Brown paid a tribute to the Willard D. Mayer, who left for a Hadassah workers who, he said, are year's; trip abroad. Mrs. Walter S. Ileavenrich sails on inspired. They use no time-clocks May 3 on the steamer Rotterdam for but do their work cheerfully. Ile Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Sloman and Europe, where she will visit her sis- said that no better monument could Samuel Sloman returned on Tuesday ters, Mrs. Conrail Craandyk and Miss be erected by a wealthy Jew than a (ruin a two months' trip to Cuba, Ja - Marie Marymont, who live in The nurses' home for the untiring work- maica, Nassau, Panama and Ber- Hague, Holland. Mrs. Ileavenrich ers, who are the "balance wheel" in muda. will spend about two months abroad. Palestine. They are trained social workers and doing their utmost to James I.. Van Vliet has returned aid in making Palestine a modern, Mrs. Hugo Freund and Mrs. Joseph Welt returned Sunday from a visit in to the University of Michigan after • spending the spring vacation with his livable . country. New York. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van Vliet of , I .Mrs Cooper, at assisted by Miss Abraham llarriet Ingersol the piano, Mrs. S. A. Rosenberg and daugh- Edison n avenue.— I sang three German songs before the ters, Irene and Madeline, of the Ho- Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goldberg have I lecture. Reports by the chairmen of I the various committees were given. tel Addison have returned from a week's stay at the Park Hotel, Mount returned from a trip to Washington, •. D. C. Clemens, RUPPIN WILL NOT RESIGN ---.. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hersh and I FROM ZIONIST ,EXECUTIVE Look Mendelsohn has returned to , Buffalo of • Herbert, the city after spending the winter in small son, David LONDON.—(J. T. A.)—The ru- Europe, also traveling in Egypt and N. Y. spent the Passover ho l idays mors that Dr. Arthur Ruppin, agri- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ja- the Iloly Land. Mrs. Mendelssohn is with their ' cultural expert and member of the still abroad and will not return for co llerah of Hague avenue, w Zionist executive in Palestine, would several weeks. Miss Gertrude Smith of 266 Er - resign from his post were denied here , Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Blumberg and skine street has returned from spend- by the Zionist Organization At the same tinte that this denial family of 2284 Taylor avenue have ing a delightful Easter vacation with moved to their new home at 2446 her sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. was made, it was indicated that there exists a difference. of opinion be- Carl Dement of the Hotel Admiral, West Euclid avenue. tween Dr. Ruppin and the other mem- Chicago.. On Sunday, May 4, Dr. Leo M.1bers of the executive concerning the Miss Jessie Phyllis Kopatz of Tay- lor avenue has returned from an ex- Franklin will speak in St. Louis un- I future colonization policy of the tended trip to the East and will spend der the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.; clared executive in Palestine. It was de- that Dr. Ruppin would present the Passover holidays with her par- his views to the Jahres Konference, of that city. ' ents. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Silverberg gave and "will not resign if his•policy is - ,,accepted." Mrs. I. Williams of Pittsburgh, Pa., At a banquet given him before his a reception Sunday evening, April her sister, visiting ocv l:s se oern ,. has b ;pro 20, at the Wolverine Hotel, to an , departure, under the chairmanship of f 322 the engagement of their Nahum Sukolow, Dr. Ruppin stated U avenue, left for home Tuesday, after nonce ughter, Helen, to was William Boekky. that he was satisfied with the results The French Room artistically da a two weeks' stay. SUIT SHOP—HEYN'S FIFTH FLOOR EYN HWOME NS WEAR Woodward Avenue Between Grand River and State. The Bernard Shop maintains the most varied collection of frocks in De- troit and so moderately priced as to make them exceptional values. The new Summer styles are here, fash- ioned of the fine French silk crepe, georgette and crepe de chine—the lab- tics Detroit finds on smart for after- noon, dinner and evening wear. : Beau- tiful models in all colors and with a distinct individuality in each gown which makes them offerings that only The Best Shop in Town for Gowns" For Spring and Summer and children's aprons, etc. S We for are women's showing most complete displays of CORES of crisp, new, Springlike fabrics dainty cottons and mixtures. In Ginghams, particularly, the offerings are especially in- viting and embrace a very broad showing. The Fabric Shop is a very inviting place to shop these early Spring days. The J. L. Hudson Company decorated with a profusion of spring of his work in the United States. • Milton Sorock, son of Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Sorock, was bar mitzvah at flowers. Al . Dewey's orchestra fur- SIX JEWS ELECTED TO the Shaarey Zedek on Saturday, niched the music for the 225 guests ITALIAN PARLIAMENT , April 12. Dr. and Mrs. Sorock were attending the reception. 1 at home to their friends on Sunday, ROME.—(J.T. A.)—The elections Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leikson of April 13. Oakman boulevard have as their to the Italian Parliament resulted in the seating of six Jews, one on the and guests Misses Sally Dollinn The • North Woodward Branch of ticket, three on the Socialist the Jewish Women's European Wel- Bertha Schorr of Cleveland. Fascisti Reformist ticket and two on the So- fare Organization will give a public , cialist Maximilist ticket. i card party at the home of Mrs. Hel- In connection with this election, it per, 227 King avenue, on Tuesday will be recalled that although the afternoon, April 29. Prizes will be' Jewish population in Italy is not awarded at each table and refresh- large in numbers, many Jews are ments will be served. PRESS-WE1NSTOCK prominent in social and poltfical life, The marriage of Miss Dorothea having found no obstacles to their Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Daniels of Chi- st• cago are visiting their parents in this Weinstock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. entrance It was only recen ly, under therein. the Fascisti regime,of Mu .. city. Mrs. Daniels was formerly Ma- H. instock, to Louis Press was I so B. Wed under a canopy of smilaxls°11ini. that some signs of anti-Semit- bel Porvin of Detroit. and roses at the Stevenson Hotel, ' ism Jew became apparent. The has been elected on fact the that Fas- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Deutsche and April 15, at 730 p. m., Rabbi J. L. I a . The bride was cisti ticket, at the present time, daughter of Cleveland have returned Levine officiat ing. ld seem to indicate that the home after visiting Mrs. Leon Gold- charming in • gown of white romaine 1%112n fathers of the Fascisti move- 1 smith of 55 Massachusetts avenue. crepe trimmed in beads, her veil b e- anent, wh.ttch . has become extremely held in place by a crown of beads. m nti- enu ic isi all countries but Italy, Mrs. Jack Wagner of Brush street She carried a shower bouquet of anti-Semitic distinguish between Jew do not now entertained Tuesday afternoon, April roses and lillies of the valley. Mrs. 15, at her home for her twin daugh- II. Brownstein, sister of the groom, ters, Marcelle and Sarnia, celebrating attended her as matron of honor and and Roman. ZIONISTS their fourth birthday. Covers were was gowned in black georgette trim- en if teW _ SFCO RSE . D T I. N A .M O laid for 15 children at the table. A med in beads and carried a bouquet uquet Marriages luncheon was also served to the moth- of orchids and roses. Dr. Freedman MOSCOW.— ers of the small guests. The little acted as best man. Miss Laura Ellis, of the 60 Zionists arrested here have Misses Wagner are grandchildren of Miss Reba Press and Miss Rosalie Ma- been released. This number includes Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Frank of Vir- donus were bridesmaids. They were Belkowsky, Bichowsky, Lebedinsky ginia park avenue. gowned alike in orchid beaded ro- and Tschudakoff. It is expected that maine crepe dresses with hats to the release of the others will soon Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Slobin and match and carried bouquets of Amer- take place. The reason for their in- children of 1,409 Burlingame avenue icon beauty roses. Jack Fischer, carceration is still unknown, inas- are spending Passover week at the Charles K ahn and Kam Keller served much as there is no Zionist organize Hotel Elkin in Mount Clemens. Mrs. as ushers. At laid the for dinner following, covers were 50 guests. Bas- tion in Russia, and no official Zionist Slobin recently returned from Hot Springs, Ark., where she went to re- bets of sweet peas, roses and lillies activity. gain her health. I centered each table. The out - of - town guests were Julian Zemon and Victor Klein Charles Kahn of Muskegon, Barney! have returned to Harvard after 'ress of Somerset, Pa., and Dr. and spending their spring vacation with Mrs. Charles Davis of Denver, Colo. I The couple left for an extended' then. parents. trip through the East. 1 Mrs. Mark Alpern is spending sev- eral weeks with her parents in Os- coda, Mich. have to show. / 000020,,,„0 1522 Broadway On. Door South of Capitol Theatre That Old Suit is Good for Another Season Don't throw it away! Just have it cleaned by wonder at the remarkable improve- . and you will ment we have made with it. And look at the sew- ■ new suit when your old one can ing! Why buy be made to answer rose the purpo•e? Just phone Mel- 6570. ODORLESS AND PERFECT The Forest Cleaners and Dyers "A Modern Plant With Modern Method." 533-37 Forest Ave. E. Phone Melrose 6570 Mrs. Robert Lohengrin is spending two weeks in Mount Clemens. SPECIAL CARDS AND ENGRAVINGS -- FOR — Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoll and Miss Anna Stoll are spending 10 days in Atlantic City. MOTHER'S DAY SHE MAN'S • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kraus (Rose Kolomer) announce the birth of a son, April 18. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Kaplan and Miss Mildred Simons are staying in Lakewood, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stein (Ida Erusall) of 2182 Webb avenue are receiving felicitations on the birth of a daughter, Shirley Mae, on April 20.1 Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Simons are in Atlantic City for the present. Miss Sylvia Simons, who has been studying in New York, is with her parents. Engagemritts Y11111 Opening @Announcement The Franco-American Importing Co. The Franco-American Importing Company wishes to inform the worthy public of the opening of one of the most exeliedNe food stores at 8751 TWELFTH STREET Which is the only one of its kind in the city of Detroit and one of the very few throughout the country. Our buyer has spared no effort in obtaining the highest grade foods from all foreign coun- tries and parts of America, where top-notch quality food products are preserved. We are certain to please the most discriminating testes and cordially invite fastidious people to our opening. on Satur- day, April 26, where we are mire they will be convinced. SATURDAY, APRIL 26 OPENING WEEK SPECIALS Extra Fancy Columbia River Salmon, large tins Extra Fancy Columbia River Salmon, small tins King Oscar Sardines, large tins, two for King Oscar Sardines, small tins, three for Spiced French Sardines, per tin Gingharns and Wash Fabrics 40c 22c 35c 25c 10c Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levenson of East Warren avenue announce the engagement of their duaghter, Ade- line, to Sydney Tauber, son of Mrs. R. Tauber of Virginia park. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Mayer of Colum- bus, Ohio, have announced the en-, gagement of their daughter, Aileen, I to Newton King, son of Mr. and Mrs. I David King of Whittier Apartment Hotel, 400 Burns drive. OBITUARY MRS. RACHEL EDWARDS The death of Mrs. Rachel Edwards, widow of the late Aaron Edwards, oc- curred April 21. Mrs. Edwards is survived by her children, Mrs. Esther Singer and Isadore, Max, Nathan, Paul and Jennie Edwards. The funeral was held from the family residence, 320 Horton avenue, Wednesday af- ternoon, Rabbi Henry Berkowitz of- ficiating. HARRY GUROWITZ Harry Gurowitz died April 21 it his home. 3502 Brush street, at the age of 58 years. Mr. Gurowitz came to Detroit from Winnipeg 28 years j ago and had made his home here I since then. Ile was a member of the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue and of Pis- crab Lodge No. 34, I. 0. B. B. The burial took place Thursday, Rabbi Hershman officiating, at Clover Hill Cemetery. Mr. Gurowitz is survived by his wife, Sarah; three daughters, Mrs. Wilford Cohen, Mrs. Alvin Fruech and Mies Fannie Gurowitz, and three sons, Harry, Abe and Sam. • demonstration-ride will A reveal to you what V-63 • owners already know—that • added to the unrivalled dependability of former Cadillac types is a motor car performance absolutely without precedent or equal. • • ' • 1 •• • • • • • CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY Jefferton Avenue Divrston Iktrm Branch. Jetlert..n Avenue at Walker St Can Avenue at York St. spla, Room General Motor% ButLlIng ■ AMIturnal P CADILLAt