Americo( breivisk periodical eater 30, OHIO PEPETROIT/P1S/101:0. 1 4-6 0.241 01f51441 3g6 UNION NEEDS URGED BY DAVID A. BROWN PAGE SEVEN r. cripple an effective attack by immi- gration friends, Senator Walsh of alassachusetts and Senators Copeland an to have awakened to the terrible dan- (Concluded from page 1.) get for the fiscal year must be raised ger to the me Jews inherent to in oppose this pro- preparing it WOODWARD AVE msal Sad when it comes up. and at once. There can be no area- I vigorously Senator Copeland Joins 3 Per Cent. meat about that. The oppositi on to extreme restric- ''Th e plan proposed has been with- drawn, A new plan will be nresented I I tine in the Senate is very week. Sen- ator Copeland succeeded in muster- at the next meeting. ay Chas 11 Jmeuh.I (Cmpr•right, 1921. time every congregation in the coun- ing only eight votes for his amend- try must in some way raise an ment to retain the present 3 per cent ti my era icisin of the , her pi youthful minded synipathizer und that I ended one of me sentences amount equal to that which they of 1910 quota. the 1 st Zeta Beta Tau Q y The Sterling plan is the only big would ver th at critic becomes would have paid under the p an ju As osition. This unquonably is a he inous crime wathdriswo. This can be done by se- important remaining point left to h e with a p my esti of youthful minds. arouse the indignation curing individual subscriptions, by 1 t •d upon by the Senate for final asturallyrep b mom mature, he will discover that the world is more interest ed in what congregational participation disposition of the immigration bill, one has to say than in the way one says it. 1111V other method that may be de- except an amendment of Senator --:: Simmons of North Carolina to give A copyrighted cable dispatch to the Chicago Tribune in reporting the ci de d upon by the congregation. Must Work Fast. agricultural laborers a preference of Roumanian anti-Jewish riots states:' "We must work fast, for the need 25 per cent in the quota. This would is urgent. In accepting this further cut down Jewish immigration still "The anti-Semitic reign of terror, partly inspired by Henry responsibility, I did so only because more, as so few Jews are agricultur- Ford's book, gripped the Roumanian capital early this afternoon. I wm assured by the delegates that ists. beat Blank (the . . , 'Kill the Jews' shouted 'the students a< they It will now be easy for the Senate they would back me and my commit- great Roumanian banker). 'hurrah for Ford!'" to unite with the House, because the tee to the limit. --_-_-;; ; can Reform Jewry has a national origins basis is even more k .. omer• This is the man who says that he has nothing against the Jews and that be is not an anti-Semite. Ford and his press agents 'probably think that great responsibility resting upon it, discriminatory than 2 per cent of Ford. an inescapable responsibility, that of 1890, anti will fully meet the satis- the remainder of the nation is as ignorant as going forward in a larger w ay than faction of the house reactionaries. t lif., ever before. 'As I said in my few remarks, It is also extremely doubtfu a t is another Zeta bow -tvew from Berkeley, Liter • Still they come. here eed in this country is more the llouse will insist, in the forth- ho addressed a letter to "an unknown editor." In handing me this at he (Ace girl made this notation on the slip: "The spelling and grammatical what we n not less Jewishness— , coming negotiations with the Senate, religious training, a greater I on the retention of the House relative rrors do not stamp the writer as a college man." I am afraid the office Jewishness, exemption provision, to which the state- more s e girl expects too much. however, let us quote a few of the stinging spirituality and a finer appreciation Senate is opposed• nd, in a lengthy of our mission in the worl d as Jews.1 meats the letter contains: Senator Copeland, "That this must neceasarily he I b properly financed goes without ques- speech supporting his amendment to "A clipping of your journal has been sent me, dealing with tion. You, as an outstanding Jew, retails the existing 3 per cent quota, articles published in a recent issue of the Zeta Beta Tau Quarterly. made a special defense of the Jews, discussion has some The article has merit, Anythi ng that causes must be a leader. ntile as this article of fa "Upon receipt of this letter please and pleaded with the Senators to merit, even though it be as senile and in which I write. The most surprising thing is this . . . that any , get together with the others in your keep open America ," as h an asylum for ) smd, "have pro- periodical of this day and age, purporting to be especially community to make this effort sue- been them. "The New Jews York since 1654. Pet er i n N ll narrow pr, rate). mind, sma typical and so yellow , cessf ul. committee and I have pledged Stuyvesant admitted the first Jewish "The Sem itic p should llum wo uld be more of a a pop cerebellum rve Only on their oath that they ( p erh as Perverted --- ;;-- rs of the ' ourselves to do all in our power-11 settlers ; would forever maintain their own ws e the shed J e dis er charge to name several g oar sure you will not do less, proceehe The writer ndicat tingui characte who are "I am opening temporary offices at l PeePle without becomin ds Z. B. Y.—t indicate honorary "bro thers" then of t , the headquarters of the Union of I upon the community. To the honor e continues thusly: the Jewish population of New fraternity—after which he American Hebrew Congregations in York City, they have never broken "Why should broadmindedness be abhorrent to you? Is it be- ' Cincinnati and suggest that you ad- their vow. cause you are still groping in the dark? I should hate to read the "I have noticed the custom of the dress are there." _ sacreligious book review that the author of your article would write. Senate to speak of 'my ancestors who It would seem that the limit of your education has been an even 1 came over in the Mayflower.' Mine AMERICA ON EVE OF ignorant perusal of the Police Gazette, and that his ideals of litera- did and mine, too, were 100 per cent The most complete stocks of Toilet Requisites can be found in our Toilet periofficals and B ot Dawg. It GATES TO ' American, but some of these descend- sure are the editors of the I. W. 11' , CLOSINHG IMMI he even puts la Vie Parissienne on a pedestal. . . • ants have forgotten why their fore- GRATION Goods Department on the Main Floor. nsay be that ce en for such ignoramouses as your JEWIS fathers left their native hinds on the I bt•lieve it is rather out of plave . I must be hard up for soine- These stocks consist mostly of nationally famous brands with reputations • . Mayflower. Because of persecution writer to write as he (Concluded from page 1.) thing to write about, and his poverty is only equaled by his unmite • abroad they came and found an asy- of many years' standing. mint would have would be to preen- lum here. gated nerve and egoism." LADY ESTHER Jews Are Leading Citicens. completely cut off Jewish im- Whitener RICHARD HUDNUT lap Stick Anyhow I am sure that the publications of the Zeta Beta Tau are going cnlly Compacts "The Jews are among our leading Talcum Face Powder migration to the United States, since Three ['towel, Face Powder Soap to be much snore carefully edited in the future than they have been in the citizens. I am a Democrat, but re- Three Flower• Cream Lady Esther Four-Purpose Cream Three Flower• Compacts Three Howell Rouge past. Come on, buys! Keep sending me your letters. I enjoy them and the new quotas will be so much re- in toilet !aced that the racial Jewish popula- member that the Republican boss Three Flowers Perfume Three Flower Talcum IF,. highly recominend Lady Esther Three Flower• Toilet Water Three Flowers Sachet tin in Eastern Europe will make the New York is Sam Koenig, a Jew, and preparations for its s urpassing ereellence. they will relieve your feelings. __.;;_____ Three Flowers Bath Three Flowers Brilliantine dis- number of Jewish admissibles prac- a good man, too, despite his politics. Crystal.. The Jews are the major users of our The series of articles appearing in some of the Jewish newspapers LUXOR t i ca il y insignificant. Every article bearing the name Richard Bud- cussing the difficulties of Jews seeking positions in New York City is to me , libraries, the leading students in our Cream 1890 Census Attacked. Complexion Powder ned to dismiss these matters l for its unfailing de- Toilet W•ter nut ran be relied upon educational institutions. Among our Rouge Parfait of interest. Most of us are incli But we shoun't Bath Salt• ld Vanity Box Demo- distinguished citizens are alorgen- as absorbing of little bering on our individual lives. be so hasty.' Senators Underwood of Alabama Tolman Powder pendability. Tooth Paste a some bearing on the future of our children, not alone in l and James Reed of Missouri, Shaving Powder L p Pomade They may have Tooth Powder crats, in speeches attacked inunigra- thou, Adolph Lewisohn, Oscar and Perfume Smelling Salts Almond Cream HARRIET HUBBARD AYER Sachet Powder New York, but in other cities. I am astonished to learn that as a result of ' tion restrictions as exemplified by the Nathan Straus, the latter the greatest soap Olive single week — Shampoos . preparations are mule of the b A 1. , racy that in a ents us although Underwood Pet( times living benefactor of this generation. f Luxor toilet Creams offering Rouge. the investigation of the J(1,5113 Face Powders Talcum. finest materads, insneing at all times a high "We can not afford to shut the four of the New York dailies published classified or advertisemence through conceded the need of a general re- Vanity Bones by inf er Lotions gales to the downtrodden and op- striction. Reed declared the only standard of quality. over 2,000 positions to non-Jews, either specificaly famous preparations Harriet Hubbard flyer's r tb reli gion." In following up 54 advertisements, limitation upon immgi ation should pressed unless we repudiate our his- er te are used by iminien who know, who select their the general term of unde "sta T. A. replied name f "Harriet Smith," stating her qualifi- be a character and physical test, and tory and national origin. We could ' DAY DREAM o perfumes, creams, etc., with the greatest care. Talcum at c cations as typist, with the further information that "Harriet" was "Ameri- nationality or race had nothing to well afford to be a little more gener- Perfume " "Harriet" was lucky, because 'she received 22 h the fitness of immigrants. ous at least and continue the 3 per Crone• the.tPowder f •it Water • TOIle l t . MARINELLO can, white and Protestant. Lip Stick e in the cent quota for a few more years." But "Frances Levy, an The only relieving feature There is it subtle suggestion of daintiness and replies for a personal interview , a record Rouges Senator Copeland based his plea Lettuce Brand Cream Hebrew faith," didn't receive a single reply, though her qualifications were , I St which the defeat by preparations ena was e Soap ! , good taste about Dag Dream Face powders for an asylum on a graphic descrip- Toilet Waters vote of 46 to 16 of S enator Harris Talcum lends a pleasing personality and irresistiNe f "H exactly those oarrie t Smith." sus- tion of the terrible conditions in East- Perfumes For Ti,. Scalp Lotions corporations in New York City that do , Georgia, amendment to totally novae Cremes (harm to the user. ern Europe, which he visited recently, appeal afreptgly to . pond immigration for five years. Marinello preparations There are hundreds of firms and Senator Copeland, after the adop- but his picture was so gloomy that it not want Jewish help of any kind. And of course this some situation oh- , women who are fastidious about their appear- '. CAPP! g ns plan, an- probably had the opposite effect in- ,I Toilet Water tains in many other large cotes. I wonder if our readers appreciate how our sons and daughters? 1 lion of the national Perfume Per and tended on his restrictionist col-' a efe. B• ill Salts Cdalli nity f or d that he wou ld offer r ortu occa of oppare make , Rouge fi Lip Stick mu ch this narrows the eldt there Powder si on al circumstances which leagues. For example, the Senator Vanity WOODWORTH t ha instances suggest themselves to our minds, but I speak on behalf of his amendment to Cupid preparations are known everywhere and can for selective readily understan help and d such I retain the existing 3 per cent of 1910 declared that he found on his trip Toilet Water K Fiancee Perfume highly praised by discriminating women. ' law, but he afterwards admitted pri- that everybody in Eastern Europe tiive); one food for thought. Kamm Talcum Fiancee Powder this wholesale discriminaon g wanted to come to the United States; Karess Smelling Salts Fiancee Bath Salts BONCILLA This is heartening. One of my readers acquaints me with the fact that ivately that his amendment does not that he did not see anybody who Fiancee Brilliantine Karen Sachet Cream of the Masonic order of Pennsyl- , have the slightest chance. Powder Clasmic Pack Fiancee Lip Stick KarenLiquid Face Powder Karen didn't. This is exactly the argu- Congregation 13'nai Israel of , Senator Walsh of Massachusetts An incomparable combination, to be used sep- Fiancee Cream the late John S. Sell, past grand mastt Vanity speech in opposition K ments that the immigration restric- ero the ous Fier.. Cream Lotion from a trust fun. It ma de a vigoro n of the quota to 2 per vania, left among other bequests sun arably or, if the best results are to bo obtained, tionists have been using. A group of toilette spfcialtien serving the beautifier oses, s, , to the reducti Greensburg, Pa., and the income of $100 annually h e religious purpos should be used in miff: first the Senator Colt also made a vigorous requirements of the well-groomed in a therrongh- is indeed rare are that many a nonJew leaves for bequeathing Jewis cream. and then the powder. Pact,/, though there instances of money non-Jews money to Jewish ' cent of 1910, as provided in the (Cies mic Pact,/,the I pending Senate bill and urged that speech attacking the 1890 census, but ly satisfactory manner. philanthropies. There would be much less hate in this country and more : no departure be made from the exist- all these efforts were futile. • • s ins 3 per cent law. religion, if there were more John Sells. ...--_—_ lie denied the need for further re- "NO LONGER AN r : just about as irresponsible a is fli ted with in a great many stricken, stating that if Congress, the AS YLUM FOR OPPRESSED" The present House of Representatives ts and religious and NEW YORK.—(J. T. A .)—"The e g legislative body as this country as zations would spend Johnson n ill which has pass ed the years. It is possible to get almost any 'kind of freak laws passed with its sta social organinsidering not only the towns i s frankly and modestly in tend abnormaly low mental average. It made Ford a Christmas present of calculati1on, more time co This service does not stop at supplying the demand ed as an improvement on traditional Years, of government property so valuable as had to be impos to them, they , problems concerning immigrants, but with the best preparations; we go still farther. We for a few million dollars. If Muscle Shoals belonged Americanism," was the ironic remark of assimilating I maintain a staff of experts, who will gladly advise you wouldn't have been so insanely generous, but what belongs to the people is also the problems of the laboring , of the leading editorial in the New t discriminatory immigration classes, its • • Id cease to exist, regarding, your hair or complexion. This service is ab- World " The editorial ' Evening . ' • • Main Floor, an. another story. It, of addition course, passe In his speech in favor solutely without cost to our patrons. started a rumpus with Japan in face of the mines Caucus Favors R ed P e Repub- continues: by hi Slate. Yes if You want dumbbell legis- bill possible, and in ated of the measure, the author expan- Si' • outlook cri• • solemn protest of the Seat 3 decision in favor of Sri you can get it now. God speed the day when once again t erc lican cauc us national tor Reed's origins plan and I slimly announced as one of its pose- the H ous e of Representatives! per , five improvements on the past: 'This ii be a reign of reason in the next two years, country will no longer be the asylum very unusual gift has been turned over to the Jews. The Senate of the cutting mp of immigration to 1 of the oppressed of the world,' ''To old-fashioned Americans this A. Danzig has given a plot of ground for a specail university for Jewials cent of li yet official been made students who are discriminated against in the universities of Eastern Eli- had not f improved. ind policyy ha s No from Enalanii, France, the Democrats, but it is not be•' Premise more shocking than in- This means other , among ill be governed by an international h commission consisting of Ger. two . by cation o g . was stria can be expected tgings, that any foreigner, inspired rope IC w • 1 that e representatives from America an( by the spirit of liberty, and compro- many, Italy, Poland and leaders Russia. of It is understood that of this movement nsored by the Jewish societies Eastern Europe. It from them, as most the the Demo- in certainn . cratic t Senators are of from South mised with the powers that be in his raditionally opposed to immi- own country by a militant desire for been sp o e intolerable conditionss t hat exist s i th h will surely afford relief from 'self-determination' and threatened gr ation of the higher institutions of learning where edcaoodlum have inc Senate again voted—this ti me with prison or the gallows or the fir- lly—in favor of Japanese exclu- ins squad, shall no longer find an right of way. of Temple Israel, finally asylum in the land that has boasted the sion. I am in receipt of letter from Rabbi Joseph Jasin , by a majority vote, for a century that our gates are star because he I The Senate Miami, Fla., asking that the widest publicity be given to a Jews, denial that for the victims of despotism. ing discrimination the . Ile further against advises that it is gravely I adopted per quota cent of 1890 cen- ti as 2 the for the immigration hotels of Miam i are prac ti c "There was a revolution in the , bill may become Germany of '48, and the leaders and from Miami on this account. sus m the time the asserts that such is not the ens WM' f o Greater Miami, unjust to warn Jewish tourists to participants found asylum here, en- s us thathe has! law until July 1, 1927, at the exp Such a course will serve only to work great inju ry tassure riching our citizenship with some of Rabbi J assin part i cu larly ex to the Jvveis h tigation of the entire situation and that the hotels Lion of which period the Reed no- the best blood that has ever been ustive are inves community. free from anti-Semitic discrimination. Clonal er origins in Southern ha Miami exceptionally this basis plan the will total go into number effect. of shed on American battlefields. After made an nd grants admissible per year will the Irish rebellion of '98 and '48 rth Miami Beach are largely controlled hy one man. and U records of Detroit will furnish the names ose i n No there was a veritable flood of Irish while th he about 162.000, or a reduction from here there may be cause for some complaint but the situation is improving. i patriots to our shores, and these and he , the present law of over one-half, of scores of enterprises which were launched, en- ---;;-- their descendants have served us in 1890 Censu s Adopted. riting the Senate has passed the immigration bill limiting This t joyed an all too brief period of prosperity and now adopting 2 per cent our wars with all the fervor of a lib- At this w The 1891 quota to 2 per cent of the nationals based upon the census of 1890. Prejudice and hate of 1890 came after a very peculiar erty-loving race. are forgotten. f Ku Klux Klanism in this country. "Now that it is proposed to close ust and un-American. Restriction parliamentary situation hail arisen. is th e ne t result o n • , un j is a es e The merchants of the city who :lase weathered the The first vote taken was on Senator our doors to the victims of tyranny r behi n d th e measure. ae immi g rants from is an insult to our in-I I of immigration is desirable, but to say that soldiers of liberty, we enter citizenship passing of the years are recognized as good financiers. American aterial for upon e tter a m rope telligence, make b and reflection that portion of our citizenship that has Willie' amendment to reduce the upon a new phase by the repudiation elf intellectually keener than the Nordica, that this infamous quota under the present bill to 1 per and the old policy." You always will notice that men of this type keep in close of an Tort( World says that the Nordics of 1910, instead of 2 per cent d 't , s a cent rerted shown its po by the committee. This la NV touch with their bankers. ey measure seeks to subsidise. s and reduction was in accordance are getting too fat and too lazy and too thick in the head, and Ru they s kiewc Rblican caucus decision and was WILL DESCRIBE WORK Every man is not a born financier. but every citizen epu cohens, the l'attullos, the Caprinis, the them- passed by a big majority. Later Sen- envy th e Lev. the IN CRIMINAL COURTS and d ay to fit his banker. and working night can get sound, constructive advice from ator Ilarrison of lalississippi, still in- other non - Nordics, who are studying as e. selves for the highest obligations of American citizenship. tent on substituting Your banker knows conditions and he takes a personal A. L. Jacoby to Lecture on "B a statement make a suc- the Presi- offered an amendment to that effect, I Dr. hind Court Room Scenes." It's a very simple matter for President Coolidge to issuefor interest in your success, for successful citizens upport to him in exchange t by l which o ffer his s Muscle Shoals, as has been intimated n ot outrageous 32. In was this passed way the adopted dent's support to the by Senate a vote of 47 to that Mr. Ford did Dr. A. L. Jacoby, city psychiatrist, cessful city. 1 he nerve country possessed he the Dearborn hide. the 1890 census. However, ation thus resulting called the for situ- only will address I'isgah Lodge No. 34, I. Senator Norris of Nebraska. If a Jew in thisl, Get your banker's viewpoint on an investment BE- B., Monday evening, April 2a, , B. k for what Ford is asking o as ono- ph a 1 per cent quota and Senator Wads. 0. and th e unm itigate d gall t FORE you make it—it may save you many regrets. The Iworth of New York, apparently think- at 8 o'clock, at the lodge's headquar- Penden would b e printed in red and evey r one of Ford's human as a t h and Adams streets. ho their "master'oice"—in denouncing the been Jews men- going too ters, corner s v away man or woman with limited capital should always talk per cent of 1890 was e work in connection graphs would ec sident of the United States has of hun dreds ing 1 thereupon offered an amendment Dr. Jacoby, whos e. In the meantime the Pre won ving menac far, , with the criminal courts has to their banker before investing their money. tinned in connection with a "deal" that means the erty gi to henry Ford's family. to increase the percentnee to 2 per tional recognition, will speak on "Be- which was passed by a vote of 1 I hind the Court Room Scenes," Come to the Bank of Detroit wiih your financial of millions of dollars worth of government prop cent, which 56 to 23. Plans are being completed for an g I lems. Here you will find trained men who • 1 , St•nator .ter ing'. \fighting the entrepreneurs, an merchants have been arrested on the portionment plan, which will have the ) intensive drive for will the be made in fund which advise you in your business affairs, RENEW 'WARFARE ON sent to Siberia. effect of p ractically cutting off Jew- I the ose of the slightest pre texts; and future. The rp bonds bearing rest p bear PRIVATE TRADERS Most of those affected are Jews. As ish immigration, and is so intended, he near is to sell intesought , a bond is- economic policy, depression, the desire did not come up for a vote, but Sen. drive for the $100,000 a result of this I for or Sterling is amend. as de- sue having been effected. In view of as stated ever to that push he this dual Soviets Making Individun Enterprise and grown I[ermined the fact that the proposed building for emigration from Russia has for meat and will present it for a vote. I Difficult. Ille reiterated that Senator Reed of , is to serve as a Jewish social center, again very acute. the subscriptions for the bonds, which ------_ OPPOSITE POST OFFICE had approved Pennsylvania — (•1. T. A.) — The fight Cs per cent, will not be lirm MAIN OFFICE-241 WEST FORT ST. amendment and promised to support will yield in ROUMANIA MAY FIGHT members of Pisgah Lodg e but against the traders and merc ants, pri- ARCHES the Jewish public. De- TO HOLD BESSARABIA it. although when asked about this iced to n spite ofofficial sanction of the o FIFTEE N CONVENIENT B R MICHIGAN-31ST BRANCH non-committal and de- will be ope to Reed der the Nep (New vote trade under By a was late unanimous decision taken I tails as to the drive are being are MICHIGAN BRANCH dined to Indicate his position. ranged by Samuel J. Rhoades and Jo- T. A.) — "If! 4800 Michigan Avenue (at stss) DELRAY BRANCH Economic Policy), has been started BUCHAIIEST.—(J. 7164 Michigan Avenue (at Chopin) GRATIOT BRANCH 6101 West Jefferson Avenue tat Caryl t uses orce to again by the Soviet government. again GRAND RIVER BRANCH 6376 Gratiot Avenue at M•ddrom) is • the Senate, just prior to adjourn- , sePh Staub. The merchants and traders who the Soviet government WEST END BRANCH of Roumania to • 5601 Grand River Avenue (•t Hudson) for WESTMINSTER BRANCH 7960 West Fort Street INear West End) d ebate has been restricte d each • NEW YORKER UNDERGOES oumania will t ake ste p JEFFERSON BRANCH have gone into private enterprises as Bessara 1201 Wmtmin•ter Avenue (at Delmar) HASTINGS BRANCH 10 minutes en REJUVENATION OPERATION 12500 E. Jefferson Avenue (at Censor.) a result of the Nep find thernselves1 contest the right rig ght respected, " deelnre d: each[ S e nator to he FERNDALE BRANCH friens d of immi- as a 1" m ake its 270t fiaetingt Street (Near Di•iision) amendment. T — CHENE BRANCH now i n a very position 7900 Feeedale Avenue (at SPrinr•ad) WOODWARD BRANCH only critical of the heavy taxation I Pme Bratianu, at eels- i gration may benefit by the inability ri Minister Ernst 5401 Chen. Street at Ruby) oration held yesterday in the Kishineff,I T. A.) — VIENNA -- (J. HAMILTON BRANCH 31119 Woodward Ave. (Opposite Adelaide) result not ly of Sterling and other supporters of DIX BRANCH e ' 11401 Hamilton Avenue (at Ewald/ Lowey, -l-year-old New York mil- b- RUSSELL BRANCH imposed by the government, but by th the capita o f 6247 Dix Avenue (Oppesite unreels) the racial g roun to spea a lionain underwent a rejuvenation 6330 Russell Street (Near Kirby) The celebration was occasioned h Y fact that the government trusts are op f his limitation; on length becau se operati , which was declared suc- competing severely with the private h anniversary of the annexa- the Gen sixt of Bessarabia by Roumania. the other hand, the debate restriction cessful. St enterprises by opening retail stores. and Representatives of the entire Beason- may have just the opposite effect The government recently created a Special department for the purpose of GAAS -H-. c_J S EP Ft- t iS loilet Aids to Beauty s- a DS 'St ah , !SS m- eet Jn- ;es yo- so- ses tal- ion of has jest the fes- of has uiry re- shot the ,sins vo- , the pa r- stiml ands par- npel- gesti- man- ty of Heats alive ly de- hings !some ,loess. not to s; sui- t))) in- jnited , Only 1T% of Within eel re- it ap- iluable he of- try, as ogress, arious- ommis- ; of the Is, in- vhether indi- wheth- ons and 1555, la- no mat- conceiv- ;an only dy" and boon of Seder Fran k & Toilet Goods Service CE ;dentists anch of ssembleil y, Japan, nil Ger- 550,0 rep- were all common banished , into one • h is the he genius puny ins- culture" et what I ages—to and Jeru- )wton and Einstein of Verdi and the loethe and to every rotherhood order and the child- e of "my 'my light" allure and h Krimsky s" ylI VVr r CONSULT YOUR BANKER 4., C C1‘, B ye. 3ilant n the NK OF DETROIT r foes. er, shore. • 11 111 01. a n gw i ll .) USINESS prob. will gladly tired them .nd. ii sat