jetclIunetwr invisii al RON ICU eIGE SIX Cotat The Reports Are Corning In fundamentals, there may come that transition from Fulmn'uonnoluse=Nusynol ETRO IT BW1511 ORON1CLA ....., - utopia to science in Zionism—a change which will h AS WE GO ALONG By AAV HAMON GOYIM place the movement upon a solid, sure, substantial basis, and perhaps in the process, many illusions, en- be thrown s o ver- thusiasms and beliefs may have world Jewry a w ell ing house situation In order to deter- Prent d an Editor Joseph J . Cummins,esid The end is definitely in sight. The mine the possible relation of adult ta n a a n n ena Z n allann allnentlf board, with the resultant benefit to w Jacob H. Behnke., Business M anager final solution of the problems which ge to t have fatigued the American public for vgahondaruancy. The is Young as to Zionism. Men's Advancement League soon to Reflection. Zotered as Becond.clas• matter March I, 19111, at the PostofAca at Detroit, For one thing, however, we are deeply thankful to these ninny years is rapidly approach- Mich, under the Act of March 3, 1E9. publish the report of its special com- UGO STINNES, it is said, never ing. Those who have not followed the Dr. Ruppin. He has at least given a frank, straight- puttee appointed la months ago to in- looked at the ethical side of a General Offices and Publication Building of the various commissions quire into the relation of walking to forward statement of what he conceives the ultimate question. If business required a activities West duly appointed by the Federal Gov- the solution Of municipal transporta- SAW to 850 High Street Cable Address' Chronicle ruthless proceeding, Stinness ernment and by the State, municipal position of present day Zionism is. tton problems. This report promises it was gone through with be- Telephone. Glendale 9300 it that and county governments, not to men- to offer constructive ideas in the work- London Office: The solution of the pressing, urgent problems of coming cruelty. If anti-Semitism tin the city clubs, civic leagues, 14 Stratford Place, London ■ _________-------- W. 1, England ing out of a prbolem that has tanta- served the industrialist's purposes, European Jewry are such. that one can scarcely be church federations and current prob. lined the City Council, the State Legis- .... ....... .... ........ $3.00 Per Year nothing was left undone to arouse .. in Advance........... ... blamed for seeking Utopias. Men have sought Utopias the populace against the Jewish peo- lems associations, have only the puni- lature, as well as the community as a Subscriptio correspondence and new. natter must reach this from the time of Plato down through the centuries. ple. It never occurred to hint that to est c o nception of the tremendous Whole, for .years unnumbered. To insure publication, all commissions amount of work these bodies have ac- office by Tuaulay_rening of each week. malign a people for selfish ends con- These are not the only Many of the glorious ideas envisioned by Utopians complished. lit work. They merely suggest stituted an ignoble act. One might no Tbe Detroit Jewleh Chronicle invitee correspondence on ttubjecte of interest to y is by no means in- have been incorporated in our ever changing social and ment the tasks to the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indoreement of the use his imagination for a vivid mo- that the community' Consider for a m o • • problems which press •Iews expres•ed by the writers, ilemnt to economic structures, but not once has a whole Utopian ment and ask what were the thoughts which these commissions have app le for determination. Quietly and un- themselves. If you still have nnsgiv of this sinister man of wealth as he Niaan 21, 5684 program been realized. lay on his death-bed waiting for the ings as to the felicitious times th obtrusively, and without the slightest April 25, 1924 Dr. Ruppin will scarcely bionic is in America if we t' n our civic and education- will be ushered in when the . mall tiun, . end to conic. themselves If only one could invent a mechan- do these multifarious inquiries re al societi es are dedicating themse insist upon taking a scientific attitude to his ultimate ism by which men might be put in a to the work of bringing about a syn- translated into appropriate legis a- Dr. Ruppin's Zionism. the attention of to justification of Zionism. We call temporary state of reflection such as tion, you are hopelessly out of ci 1- thetic correction of the economic, so- Dr. Arthur Ruppin, who is described by ''The Dr. Ruppin and his confreres the failure of the most a man would indulge in just before sonance with the trend of modern li e vial and industrial ills and abuses and one indifferent to the di.- final curtain lowers. It might New Palestine" as one "whose opinions on the eco- which obtain roundabout them. ambitious social and economic experiment ever at- the hese commissions is zeal- voted efforts of the readiest minds of One oft nomic development of Palestine take precedence tempted by man—Russia.. Aside from political, dip- solve ninny a wearying problem. ously gathering material for its re- the nation. a over those of any contemporary," sets forth his views oat on the subject of "The Abolition We shall make mention of only lomatic, external economic reasons, the failure of Rus- Cruelties of History. of the commissions and surveys p on Palestine in an article bearing the title, "A New sia to achieve a communist society was due to the lack H ISTORY will not leave . the gteat few which have been operating in recent of National Newspapers as a Fundamental of Efficiency." Another has Jewish World Message," in the issue of April 11, of of industrial equipment, and technique, and a scarcity LI alone. It is .always investigat- times. Even these few will give you launched its inquiry into the subjea inc something or other, someone or "The New Palestine." of skilled labor. These facts apply even to a greater another. Until recently, ' Solomon a pretty comprehensive view of the of Government regulation of the bounties which are hound- stenography and typewriting profes- We are anxious to anticipate any asperities or extent in Palestine, for in addition. to the deficiencies Levitan, state treasurer of Wiscon- prospective ing our way. When the fruits of sion as an element in the program of sin, was heralded as the first Jew in unfounded criticism of the point of view hereafter of Russia, it has neither raw materials nor fertile soil. these investigations are incorporated business reconstruction. A third has this country la, hold so exalted an of- set forth. We are pronouncedly, distinctly in favor into the life of the nation, the Ameri• brou ght in its findings of its inquiry fice. On the basis of this fact, our into curfew laws as an aid in the re- can people will have indubitable cause of Zionism, but that adherence does in no manner good friend Mr. Levitan made cease- for rising as one and calling the in- ductile of the high cost of essential Jewish Publication Society. less copy for the Jewish papers. In- predispose us to accept any half-baked, uncritical luxuries. This report answers the The annual meeting of the Jewish Publication So- terviews with him came often, photo- vestigators blessed. The reign of the B. C. L is doom, Utopianism as to the method of acquiring a Jewish question affirmatively and maintains in as many poses as his pie- s l os t ciety was held March 30. This act alone may hot be graphs i s about to breathe. hi with an assurance supported by vo- ed. I turesque form made possible adorned Homeland, either in Palestine or elsewhere. .. . is w in -. the throes of a miserable ale luminous scientific evidence that the of special import. To those who are unacquainted the papers and wise saws were drawn Dr. Ruppin, Chaim Weizmann, our friend Judge and nee nizing death. It is true that tion Society a statement from his lips to inspire ambitious higher wa', Iftire of the community, par- slow, hut with the work of the Publica . is inordinately Rosenblatt (to select three figures in the Zionist young men gazing upon the distant ticularly as it relates to. the question his pai-ssing' f ts efforts is both opportune and necessary. the prolongation of his tortures should movement) are so well versed in the history and tac- of i horizon. The Society has contributed in a silent. persistent ' in But, alas, this was not to remain of Europe that t all soda fountains, ice-cream par- perpetuity. Some anxious fellow be a source of gratification to us. tics of the social and economic movements Inca and candy emporiums he compel- manner its share to whateyer knowledge n e i that they 'will unhesitatingly subscribe wretched life is being ma ne insulter_ led to close at 10 o'clock, • an - able by the blows directed against These casual references to investi- discovered that the first Man to hold c to the dictum that every social and eonomic mote of state treasurer was Leo- him by the consecrated commissions, gallons being made in this comniun- damentals if it is to remain vital anti continue to of subjects has been limited only by the financial and the ffiee for two terms took `' surveys and investigations at work as in every other ammmunity of . u ll Levy, who icy, physicist handicaps which it has had to overcome. A p charge throughout the length and breadth of of the finances of Indiana a population of 1,500 or over, indicate Thus the Levitan tradition is rude- issued so that exhaustive and accurate that the American people are alive the country. function and grow. Consequently we feel assured year book is shattered. The former Jewish ten Over in Washington, behold General to Jews may be tv migrant who attained to eminence in that they as well as the other leaders of Zionism will information on all matters of interest commanding the national to their needs to and are tenaciously de- termined effect a condition of things A work of fiction, Wisconsin will have to seek other Stone - breastworks, aided by a several mil- available for those interested. that will be characterized by ifulsonw accept any constructive criticism as a valuable sere - laurels. If only the investigators lionalollar corps of antiprofiteersmen, history, a volume of essays or poetry are the usual con . silent service men and investigators. prosperity and widespread haPPiness. not to would stop investigating. ice rather than a disservice. These inquiries, of course, are ---• In a recent biographical sketch of Weizmann, tributions during the year. Ile is a mighty general, Stone is, as la. confused with the multifarious sur- Last year the poetry of Ibn Gabirol, translated by you may have discovered on behold- Mingling With the. Great. veys that arc being conducted by in- his biographer told of his early associations with the his picture in the papers; an in- unon the "island set in the silver ing trepid warrior, not unlike Jason of old dividuals throughout the United leaders in of Europe, the various social economic manta and how he and bested them in move- many Israel Zangwill, was the outstanding literary event. the England not of the _dip- symmetrical strength. States and its island possessions. Only This genius is surely a superman. Not only is he a t L' o sea," and occasional inklings of the labors of in large and , the commercial attaches amhatg aCcoantitearNeVdtlitiall it is his equally intrepid co-war- thesekainntnatluifirin disputations. Dr. Ruppin in the article reveals an novelist and dramatist of the first order, but a thinker - but of the poets, comes Robert But • rums who are going to bring home the - Bridges, poet laureate, hoary with of unusual brilliance and profundity ; an essayist of ex - c m t 0 A expectant ,a nnt tnn intimate and extensive knowledge of social and eco ns of these investigations it ap- a a t atthge n. age, calm with mature attainment, Golden eii en pePinnies u tuurr Just pears that pertinent and invaluable nomic movements, while Judge Rosenblatt in his cellence. One could think this sufficient for our man, master in the technique of poesy, to - volume on but he has in store a real surprise. lie is an liebraist complete their investigations and cur- tleationnsiaaratf. itrnetnaceattioathrey,oafa gd,nefluaetnacdeanotfa his a n , c o mik nli t cntortn,en rie Zion Commonwealth has nOntributed sprneaad the soaf - veys. biJi rgaiye them an Tooppztunity able to make a translation of Ibn Gabirol which is tie the land tenures proposed for Palestine which leaves ofaMichigan. Like the ,! personi fled ipn( its national congress, fnesUnnVerYsity - conduct ifhroerir '`' Mr. its stinky legislatures and various- no doubt himself in the mind his readers that has ac Glared by experts to be of such beauty and charm that impatient wI u t lereitTerya. peripatetics of ancient quainted With of ancient as well 'as he modern g the campus hearings, take down depositions and hued city councils and county com Bridges will walk along Greece, movements which have for their purpose the freeing of one would readily imagine that Gabirol had written his of the university in the company of gather evidence. The plan of attack slum, that will herald the event of t he 4 ow iese•na meow w wawa.. Ce., Inc. Publl•hed Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Ayr.. H - is quite obvious even to those who are young men seeking the point of view new and most blessed era. the land from the numerous burdens imposed upon it. verse originally in English. The Publication Society issues such gems with of the old bard, the art of his speech, not particularly adept in the science To these commissions, surveys, quiries and investigations, whether of modern economic inquiry. approach to those problems that In the studies which they no doubt have made, one out- regularity. They bring home to the people of Israel his Now turn your gaze in either di- conducted by organizations or indi- are more vital than those of sociol- that every Utopian realm. Where will you turn first? viduals, singly or collectively; wheth- fact has been movement finally gave revealed way to a — scientific movement all the learning and wisdom of the past, as well as the . a and economic s. ' standing fact er by business me.n's_asaoaciataiso,nass anad . It really makes no difference, for no A fine experiment this, one that of with consequent increased strength and soundness to best which modern Jewry produces. We may talk end- ogy matter whither you look you will come will follow with a view lessly about our literary and historical heritage but, educators .group absorbed re societies determining whether the plan should f ?Pon some inqu and study c m t. s• , no mote u nions dorbp131)1.1,el whont concetv: it is closed up in books which we are unable to read in the labor of investigating investigating sonie so- hoe be adopted in other institutions o. ter where, when or . by . movement. if be- ed—to thes learning. But strictly speaking it is cial or economic problem the solution e investigations, inquiries, and understand we can only take the word of those We feel that the long introduction is necessary not so novel that as it pervades appears. The cold of which should eventually vouchsafe surveys and commissions we can only - atmosphere the class cause we were impressed by the purely Utopian char who are able to read that language. fruitful and multiply" and delectable boon of one kind - e. g es o ntantd thaepurely If you are really interested in Judaism, its past aster of Dr. Ruppin's position on the problem of Pal tnor soother. otaher. There is, for example, the say: "Be si tween teacher and pupil do not result commission appointed by the senior yield unto us the glorious boon of bounteous prosperity. anti present, and if you want it to be more widely leonTil ofreolNiocolle satins as a Jewish Homeland. class of Beatitude College for Worn that the educe Dr. Ruppin sets forth the communal co - operative appreciated in the future, no better way of accomplish- in the understanding.tablish en to investigate the r lotion of the ,between cola to the physical POWER OF SCIENCE character of the agricultural and industrial enterprises in this purpose can be recommended than the reading instructor . ive process should es and instructed. We sorely high cost of coca need the personal contact between and mental stamina of the American in Palestine as contrasted with the individualistic en- and study of the boons issued by this organization. people. Or take the survey that is be- teachers and learners. ----_ in conducted by the Argosy Culture I attended a gahering of scientkt' terprises in Europe and America. gislative bud_ The Jewish point of view from very u I certain branch 01 "It is not the conscious desire to experiment which Club of the various l e in na i l ce t Gompers on Immigration. olden times was that men should • deterhmine the relative o ia h - i aaleadttliiiny. alert • v. rtr e riasemble gets in order t ihter know)- gave the colonies. their communal tinge. It was the Samuel Gompers, president of the American Fed attach leo sienvernaplresttaatteees learn tiring ea r,seektte hig r, men and women from Norway, Japan the wise {iifiptonzetaintaeonw h t i and Gar thefraternal combination of circumstances and the natural instinct eration of Labor, has sent a special communication to Holland, England, Italy . i r teasche curia many. Almost every nation was rep rned from eduestionai leag dancing in modern , The Jewish so wise all the organizations affiliated with the parent body. of the colonists." and the not resented. And here they were al In closing Dr. Ruppin asks for the support of Zion - He urges organized labor to support the Johnson immi- sages knew how 'to respect the sa cub. united by • a commas It is quite refreshing to note that .s united, joined together . • gacity of youth and the young men endeavor, their differences banished ' e per cent. of the American 9a nearly ism "This for the indeed following reason: teachers as loving sons is the ultimate justification of the gration bill. If he had his way about it the Johnson followed their minded the various tones blended Into on population is determinedly absorbed fathers. Men bill would be tabled and a bill to exclude all aliens follow high in the ponderous ( uestions which will the genie that it will furnish to the perplex - walked the streets of Palestan and b, be answered if, as the Arneri- accord, one bramony. iri, Such is th Zionist movement — Babylonlan cities and exchanged with have people have relentlessly vowed, power of science, miser such a b l e, ed idealists and leaders of the western world a unique would Samuel be substituted. can Gompers is an alien. He is an English turine one another the treasures of their uu nly 'srpc e "m ar de the period of economic bliss is to be a na (g1 i'i feratint.enceV htaotsapern ryaen of a social order, something which they Jew. In this connection we must mention that some minds In academies ,f)rfe Sure saclae(al and "thy culture" and forget what intintnhaeirintma ii,Lalt,ich Etahcah noaf - elan sages - and thou owe to the dead ages-1 themselves may have dreamed of, but have been em youth sat eagerly at weeks ago in this column while speaking of Secre organizations disciples and Egypt and Greece, to Rome and Jeri potent to create in their own world. If this should ran readily he categorized has un- the feet of the wise. Democracy Ni Salem come to pass, it would in reality be nothing more than tary Davis we had occason to state that often the fact dertaken to solve one or more phases the acquisition of experience did not id not dispose him to accord The truth revealed by Newton at . of the problem of social unrest, to a man was an alien e d undermine the aristocracy of learn Galileo and Copernicus and Evade . 'peo- the secularized realization of the prophetic dream of that which about 99 per cent. of the aristocracy's ett; the same privileges to others which he was enjoying. ing. It only enlarged unuostic, fermi- ea rned tirlirl'eginSeari aaZth&m pie are labnrtously, if unconsciously, the Jewish people ; the formulation in modern an d We are unable to understand his great pertur - domain. contributing gargantuan snarls. the ancient message which it set out to bring muse of Shakespeare and Goethe al bation in this matter. lie is actually panic-stricken . • The Manufacturers' Association has no logy Of Revival of Paesover. llorMer and David belong to eve to by the prospect of the defeat 'of the bill. This is a s)Assonen was celebrated by Jeaas • directed its executive committee the And the future brotherho the world." race. a commission to study Almost identical terminology can be found in the of man will read with wonder a l throughout America with much designate advisability of recommending to the gusto. Whether it was the insistent preamble of every Utopian experiment from Owen and sample "A of bill it: of greatest importance to the interests of h u- laugh with amusement at the chi university the erection of a Greek ash generations who spoke of "i ties, or ,an awakening urge of social manity in general and labor in particular is pending in Fourier down to the last communal experiment in Am- religious impulse, or the stirring open-air theater as an aid in the cam- truth" and "thy truth," "my ligl the Senate and House of Congress. The opposition to this paign to attract outside industries to erica. If one should take the trouble to read the ex - and "thy light, " "my culture a memories of perhaps the most sig bill is so trenchant, so. active, on well organized and no the city. The Amalgamated Parents "thy culture."—Dr. Joseph Krina cant event in the life of Israel that tenant book of Hindman on "American Communes" politically influential that there is danger that the oppo- and Teachers' Associations are en- in "Revisits and Revisions." brought the restless ones to the fam- anion will succeed in preventing action at this session of of the city's lodg- survey the same idealistic. Utopian terminology will be found, a gaged in ply board, no one can say with any Congress unless all organized labor and friends of hu- and what is more, in many of these communes, which degree of definiteness. Or was it the manity act immediately. The bill is the 'Immigration Re- cold blasts of unfriendliness that , had equally lofty and sublime purposes, the material striction Bill.' " h flapdoodle and have been blowing upon us here of hich conditions were far more propitious than those w late that explains the revival of in, Th is alarm for humanity is so mud exist in Palestine. Besides, the communes were from ti.neresett i;;Iats h,neveSe;ler and in the mean- the very outset self-supporting, receiving no assistance balance: humbug. if The fate of humanity does not hang in the ing at the Johnson bill is defeated the country will all event:, the first part of the the from any outsiders, while the members of the corn- festival of freedom was observed in WhO is like unto Thee to uncover the deeps, were fitted by training, education and traditions not go to perdition and humanity will not be destroyed ok and corner in American without hope of salvage. Samuel Gompers knows this. And who hath Thy power to raise and cast down? -i t h more than habitual en- Jewry r - nwo . e n for the they undetook. hail been destroyed It may be of greatest importance to labor in particular, Ye thusiasm. Both the secular and the Show Thy marvelous love to the captive who weeps, And work even which if these experiments teyb,ei t lsuc ahn t l live ) rderlatois.,4z:new 0 Worker of wonders, of awesome renown! and had not disintegrated, they would not have proved but even in this regard ny we are not persuaded or- danger even from an that unpre- in it an uncommon source of inspir- o ut ganized l abor is in a - anything, for the fact that a group could work ation and import. Only the unknow- Thy children beloved intoned a new song its destiny anti salvation. either religious or economic, cedented influx of Eastern and Southeastern Euro- c n l a itlhtaot ing any), When Egypt's proud host found a watery grave, cevents d Jihee Exodus, the would by uo means prove that the hundreds of millions peons. The American Federation of Labor is made up of preceded There was praise from the saints in their jubilant and the developments that living in Western civilization could follow the experi- skilled workers who really have a vested Interest in followed it, one great unwersla les- throng applicable not only to Jews but their skill and ability. These immigrants for the most son ment with any success. , When the wheels of the chariots clogged in the to the whole world, the world that, European Jewry which has suffered untold misery part belong to the unskilled classes, and no sincere like the Bourbons, never learns, but, wave. and privation can take but little comfort in Zionism if genuine effort has been made to organize them in the unlike the Bourbons, always forgets. "the ultimate iustitIcation of the Zionist movement" 40-odd years since the American Federation of Labor Thy fondlings storm-tossed were all weeping and tired Why the Sporting Page? -consists in the fact "that it will furnish perplexed ideal- When the great roaring flood-tides before them has been in existence. R. EMANUEL LASKER'S recent ists and leaders of the western world a unique develop- exhibition in this country of his Perhaps the fear Mr. Gompers has is founded upon D arose, chess player made it pos. social order.'"Iney want things more sub- a as the notion that the monopoly of jobs controlled by the skill But Thy hand led them safe to the haven desired foes. ment on a sible for the newspapers to add va- stantial. We want something more substantial, and American Federation is in danger if ninny immigrants riety to their sporting pages. But And the waterns returned, overwhelming their more especially trom our Zionist leaders. We want should come here. This artificial monopoly cannot be why the 'sporting pages? The game which scholars and princes of the something tangible, real and substantial for the suffer- maintained even though no immigrants come, inasmuch realm played in order to reveal their The chariots of Pharaoh and all that great host ing Jews, where they can at least eke out an existence as the economic changes going . on of mental agility has as much relation- God cast in the billows and covered them o'er, . in the industries rt ificial con- ship to baseball and boxing as Jap- in the new home. But His people trod sea-bottom, coast unto coast, anese cherry blossoms have to the We here in America, who have no immediate and America are constantly undermining the a He admonished the sea and it dried like the shore. investigation into the oil scandal. The n a measure exer cise. they iute who contested with Dr. Lasker / urgent need for a change of residence can view the trol wh ichundis pd fact rema i ns that in the last year Men The last Tuesday and Wednesday even- whole experiment objectively and dispassionately, and Thus, Lord, do Thou Zion support and uphold, render a verdict as to the feasibility as well as the de- with a restricted immigration policy the American Fed- ings are hardly to be classed with Arise, for the hour of her grace is at hand, pugilists, tennis players and mara- mobility of the experiment. We are not wholly satin- eration of Labor lost more than 1,000,000 members. thon runners. We are not asking- The day long appointed to sing as of old. feed with the social and economic arrangements of The fate of organized labor does not seem to depend chess players to draw their skirts God reigneth, His Kingdom forever shall stand. r the Western civilization, but. in the light of past con- much on immigration. We must really look to other about them lest they be soiled. But just as art news, book reviews and foreign affairs have places in the SOLOMON IBN GABITI0 1 ap. munal efforts under infinitely more favorable condi- factors. newspapers in which they logically a nn m drk laa b n or d . s tudy of labor needs and less (Translated by Israel Zangwill [ions, we can hardly subscribe to this Zionism if such to helpful both belong, so ought there be a becoming peal to prejudice and laziness will be place for news of chess contests. IS its ultimate justification. humanity ii o Out of all this searching of souls, and criticism of humanity - - - - - - - A Passover Psalm