REPartorr /mist' (it izoN PAGE TWO BOSTON JEWS MOURN LATE DR. CASTLEMAN m ent and for one year he was in I harge of the Indian Reservation cl lospital and the medical work of that not d e monstrated their willingness to LATVIAN JEWS CARE make use of the privileges given to LITTLE FOR AUTONOMY them. He reproaches the Jewish lead- BERGSON, EINSTEIN ON COMMITTEE OF JEWISH UNIVERSITY ers for the fact in the schools and colleges maintained by the Jews, the Education Minister Rebukes Them language of instruction is either Ger- f or Indifference. not any of the department. For several years pas man or Russian and his work has been identified with the Jewish languages. Noted Medical Man Killed in Auto- GENEVA. —(J. T. AS —The plan city of Boston health department. He , RIGA.—(J. T. A.)—The Jews in mobile Accident. autonomy was a member of many medical for the establishment of a university Latvia enjoy cultural ABOLISHES RESTRICTIONS I secured by special law and by the bodies. He had been especially In- at Danzig for Jewish at affect- BOSTON.—The Jewish community torested ni the drive in the interest , ed by the numerus clausus in Eastern existence of a Jewish educational de- The new Prime Minister of Saxony of Greater Beaton mourns the death of the Beth Israel Hospital. He also European countries was considered . . partment in the Ministry of Educe- abolished the restrictions placed by his of Dr. Philip Castleman, who was was chairman of the People's Relief by the intellectual commission of the! lion, decared Professor Stroibeck, predecessor on Jewish school children, i killed by an automobile at a down- Society and one of the board of di- I eague of Nations here. The meet- , Mr. Conrad, that Mr. Conrad is a ORIGIN OF THE SOCIAL thoughtful writer, a keen observer of , Latvian hlinister of Education. Pro- compelling them to attend school on town crossing. Dr. Castleman was rectors of the Federated Jewish (rig took place under the presidency! people and of things, and that his , lessor Strolheek has made grave Saturdays and holidays, without being born May 17, 1882, and spent three Charities. Ile was a native of Run- o f Professor H CLUB Henri Bergson, the fem. b ok are valuable reading. Mr. Da- charges against the Jewish ppula- excused even from writing. The new years at the Massachusetts Institute xis. Dr. Castleman was a widower ous I, rench philosopher. ly every im- tion of Latvia, .stating that although Minister ordered that every child in of Technonogy and two years at the and has one son, It years of age, mission decided to appoint a COM.' By Eve Caminsky, East Tawas, Mich. va idsoan - has mo d ee l d near cultural autonomy is secure, to attend Saxony is to be alto Lawrence Scientific School at Har- who is a student at Dean Academy. mittee of seven, including Profesaor - ortant pers on whom be has !net; their ke u s s e of it , and havt • many busts of lead- they do no make vard, where he specialized In the Bergson and Professor Albert Ein- . Sophie Brown had just been invited there are a great phases of medical work to which he BUDAPEST.— (J. T. A.) — Mrs. stein, to go into the matter in detail. to join the Young Ladies Social Club. era in the World War; you would subsequently devoted his life. He re- Szederkenyj, well known writer and The representative of Spain on the , This was quite an recognize Mr. Wilson, Lloyd George, i- ceived his degree of B. S. in 1906 and anti-Semite, has been elected ,rear- intellectual commission has offered on' club was one of the largest honor, and for most that who used to be Prime Minister of "Ti g er" subsequently taking a course at the dent of the League of Hungarian behalf of the Spanish government ,nt e a 'useful clubs in the city. At the first George Washington University he re- Women. Mme. Szederkenyj is a bap- site for the new university and the meeting Sophie became acquainted "Give More Thought to Music" ceived both the 'degree of M. S. and tined Jewess and the daughter of Ig- promise of an annual subsidy if the with all the members, and found out England; M. Clernenceau, the many others. National Music Week M. D. in 1911. Dr. Castelman was established in Spain. what her new duties were to be. At of France; Foch and Joffre, and religious university is Davidson May 4-10. . • . biochemist in the Interior Depart- flats Klein, a cantor and ia at the second meeting she attended oertInh Pr r mw a o nth"el ilp i in Vitals t tic i " rs.clto ment of the United States govern- teacher of Debreczin. GERMAN TO BE . Sophie was elected as a reporter. The 0 he makes statues which represent 1, LANGUAGE USED next Thursday she entered the club- instead of being just beautiful herself as ideas, WARSAW.—(J. T. Al—German , ms which dont I d nieau very much will be the language of instruction at house to enjoy but she was orh at the expecting first two meetings, mo d e l s a statue, ca I V en he mo the proposed Jewish university In very much mistaken. qithrenlo Corner Enrich Your Home and Home- Life This Spring—Now! With the Very Popular After the roll call and secretary's "Dawn," it is not just a beautiful Danzig, according to the decision of statement young girl carrying torch; he the intellectual commission of the report, the president arose and made makes a young woman a who is not "Friends and League of Nations, was the atate we have invited girls to particularly beautiful, but, as she sits made by Mr. Doktorowitz, the origin- members, this announcement: The club, because we wanted to on the rock, you see that she is full , ator of Zionist the plan. press is severe in at- join our how much we could help them. of eager strength, she looks bright, The see w —one of the most beautiful I We know how much we have im- fresh, vigorous, anxious to ork, an i tacking the plan of the new university models of the famous and Victrola on on account of the fact that the in- proved ourselves and helped others. healthy people ought to feel at dawn; struction language will be German. But now here is our problem: We and in his statue Of "Night," he does matchless Victrola line. the stage of have been asked to allow Rosie Leven- not make a solemn figure bringing Choicest mahogany or wal- the Garrick t down the darkness, but a human fig- way stein to join, because in tha inches high. we have a ure stretching his legs and getting' ( , nut case, NAMED AS MEMBER theater this we could help her. But Sound box, tone arm, etc., that shuts out Jewish girls. What rea'dy for a good night's sleep. That OF SCHOOL BOARD rule Sophie week in 'No, was shocked; she had not gives you the feeling of dawn and are gold plated. It is fully shall we do?" Grand Boulevard at Woodward — of night, better than the other kind equipped with Victor Record No,Nanette' Baltimore Baltimore Jewess Is Appointed to known this. Without further hesita- oo f satratti se .a l wAanyda tra he il rfeeling rotfa eat Now Playing v.oa t'll rkn Important Body. is a Victrola Albums. lion asihr lea ,a fro,sto to te ns as nie — ' eera el a e‘14 c t to cause the s f form. in t o only e and want to It, takes t No, 111 BALTIMORE.—Mrs. Louis II. Le- $225. Very Easy Term form, Only vin, widow of the late Louis H. Levin, breaking of any of your rules. There- create 1 1111‘1111111 9 I offer to resign my position as ■ 111111111111/111111 110 for years executive secretary of the fore MIIIM111101111111111111111111111 Ill 111 I But you know that artists in nay of this club." Associated Jewish Charities, was RP- member The girls were as astonished now create feeling. eld of work, whether they are paint- fi ember of the School m Pointed a Sophie had been a few moments ers or writers or musicians or sculp- Board of this city by Mayor Howard as tors do not make much money until ' W. Jackson. Mrs. Levin is one of before. "But you must have a reason," pro- they ' ' have been working for a good the most widely known women in el, in Baltimore and has taken an active tested the girls. "Tell us why you many years, and have become fa- d so few of them do become part in communal and cultural work. are resigning" "Yes, I have a reason, and I will rents cannot us t that many pa fam o an She is a slaughter of the late Dr. Ben- orting t's'Ieteits that am; ford to t a k e t e risk of su pp jarnin Szold, one of the foremost cab- ' tell you,' ar replied which A Sensational New Show their talented children in n the hope Jew- their bin and scholars of his day, and a sin- a Jewish girl." day make a hit am will some ter of Miss Henrietta Szold, director ish girls, and I t they wi th o art. FEATURING: The girls hated to lose Sophie, and that . e David- ay So m Jo by eir of the work of the Hadassah Organ- ization in Palestine. She is the Sophie hated to leave the club, but soani.'s tof annicialiv,e, Ihlinao were qatgoeolpo.onr.i mother of five children. Opinion in rules cannot always be changed, and of h I to work. Be went to work, 'lint this city is that the mayor made an there would have been much trouble go draw- exceptionally fine appointment in in trying to change this one. he spent the evenings in taking re Sophie liked the club's idea of ing lessons at a free school. I did Mrs. I,evin. Appointments 1 naming Original Comedian in Vaudeville. to the Baltimore School Board are helping others, and she confided this such fine drawings that he was given The Funniest and Most by the Art Students' matters of great importance, public I to Rosie Levenstein, with whom she p order t scholarshi In earn extra sentiment for years having insisted had become friendly. Rosie also a League. and suggested that upon the best persons available be- , liked this idea, money, he used to make burnt Be- named. President Frank John- , they form a club to do good. So it signs on wood; that is, he would take "The College Athletes" ing son Gooslnow of Johns Hopkins Uni- was that the Jewish Social Club was a piece of properly prepared wood, versify is a member of the present organized. This club helped all they and with a special sortof hot instru - por could and it soon became known ment he would draw bod. ar throughout the city for its good work. Premier Dancer All went calmly for one whole year. traits on the wood; then he would DISPUTES OVER WELLS Then one day the Jewish Social sell it. His parents wanted him to be a RECUR IN PALESTINE Club called a special meeting. This explained by the president: doctor. But young Jo was not at all - Character Comique• "Girls, we have been praised very interested in medicine; he studied ha- A.) —The .1 ERUSALEM. — (J. T. New Victor Records, Once a ''''s old quarrels over water wells in the much for our work, and I hope that man anatomy because that Is neces- Week. Every Week—Friday. conceited, but nary in order to be a painter or scalp- times of Abraham the patriarch, as praise will not make as enter a recorded in the Bible, were recalled will make us want to do more. We tor, but he did not wish to A Bit of Chauve Souris by the serious quarrel which broke have been asked to allow two girls, out between two Arab tribes in the who are not of Jewish faith, to join profession which he knew would a t bire a n did rotalr''Tt'oliwe neighborhoo d of the villige Valadzi• our club. If they join we must In a dispute over the the if':17:u satisfy him. the rights change our to club's name, and if they Catalog of Victrolas and Records he wandered into the of battle which do not—what will people say? It's wished to specialize in. clay-room But one day Detroit's Own Juvenile winter well in the vicinity, only w Mailed You on Request. The girls were undecided, but the Yale A rt School; he went up to two tribes engaged in a Sophie Brown and Rosie Levenstein the tables and started kneading and resulted in the death of one and the up to you. Hdqrs., 1515-21 WOOWARD AVE. modeling the clay. It seemed to take And America's Fastest Dancing Beauty Chorus wounding of eight. 40 Stores. 7 Detroit Branches, the ono: sda lil iegnszeartehdattsi.,emwa.eknei li shapes The authorities have started an in- said at once: It would be selfish to just i ie There's a Grinnell Store Near You. vestigation into the matter and have , refuse them." HENRY THIES AND JOE REICHMAN "Why don't they join the Young dispatched a force of three officers Ladies Social Club?" suggested one on modeling hours. he When he that fin- ally left the for building, knew and 18 policemen into the district. DANCE ORCHESTRA he loved no work as much as model- of the girls. "Why, they can't," explained So- ' and he was determined to become VOTE $3,600,000 FOR phie. "The Young La dies Social Club A Complete Number of the Entire Revue can be seen during PROTEST OF RABBI 91 JEWISH AGENCIES does not allow Jewish or Catholic a sculptor. His first job in this profession was dinner hour without paying cover charge. CALLS OFF BALL girls in their club, and their member- he had and unsatisfying one; NEW YORK.—(J. T. A.) — The ship has decreased very much lately." a hard help a man who was going to ex- Jewish Social Club finally de- to board of trustees of the federation for Religious Leader Condemns Indecent The Table d'Hote Dinner, $1.00•1.50 at the St. Louis the support of Jewish philanthropic Sled to open their doors to every- hibit some statues Dresses. the hard and tire- ne, of any faith, and they changed Exposition. All New York, at a meeting societies of. o A la Carte Service 8:30 p. m. to 2:30 p. en. their name to the Social Club. Its some work was given to him to do. held at the Harmonic Club, vote d BUCHAREST.— (J. T. A.) —A he had earned enough money When budget of $3,(149,214.65 for the main- m. Cover Charge $1.00, Saturday $1.50 charity ball organized by Jewish stu- he went to the exposition himself. tenance of 91 institutions for 1924. membership work mere one . After 9 p. every year and and Food it is considered But meanwhile he had been work- dents in Orademnari, Transylvania, This sum represents an increase of o f the best clubs of its kind. first for the purpose of raising 50,000 lei too. The ing at making statues, $312,808.76 over the budgetary sum ° tion For R WM. RICH statue which he received a commis - for a Jewish hospital in that town, for 1923. The tota 'budget of the 91 in- JO DAVIDSON Phone Northway 3861 sion to do was one of "David." But has been called off owing to the pro- stitutiOns for 1924 is, K018,623.78, Mr. Davidson, like a true artist, him- tests of the rabbi. which was approved by the trustees. Rabbi Benjamin Fuchs strenuously By Sulamith self saw the faults which other peo- Did you ever make mud-pies? Or ple did not see in his work; he was denounced the arrangements commit- or else snowballs? Of course you did, greatly displeased with his statue, tee of the ball from his pulpit last you wouldn't be human boys and which he felt was quite ordinary. Saturday, declaring that Jewish girls girls. Perhaps some of you didn't He determined to do better next would dance in indecent dresses, and ' stop at that, but went on and created time. But next time, he made a that money raised through such meth- snowmen—with bits of tile for eyes statue called "Primitive Music," and ods would taint the hospital. Because and with pipes stuck in their mouths; again it was praised, but he himself of this expression of the rabbi's or built snow fortresses that froze felt that it was bad; it did not mean opinion, the plan for the ball was so solid and real you felt as if you anything. abandoned. 1923 were standing on guard in a battle The local Roumanian paper, "Gyil- There was something the matter Ices," attacked the rabbi editorially, boldly repulsing the enemy. Perhaps he decided. He must learn with him, still more ambitious ones collected more of life. He went to Paris, and charging that on account of his inter- the snow and made heads of people , ference the sick people of the town m of folks attended a fa ous art school. But have been deprived of the necessary or' tried to imitate the faces he left it after three weeks. They hospital facilities. The local orthodox knew. ,they not teach him what he wanted That's probably what Jo Davidson could to know. lie threw up everything Jews, however, have held a meeting at did, when he was a young boy. He and went on long tramping trips 1 which they declared their adherence came of a very poor family of Rus- through Switzerland, 'studying the I to the rabbi. sian Jews, who had immigrated to people he met, having adventures, oh- America. He went to City College serving nature, making friends. He I AIDS MUSICAL GROWTH High School. When there w as change; OF PHILADELPHIANS heavy winter, and the grounds and found his work beginning to had no patience any more with the flights of stone steps and the ter- he figures that did not create a feeling. I races were deep in soft snow, young His new statues made people look ati PHILADELPHIA.— The granting 1924 Jo most have thrown down his books them with real interest, as one looks recently of the Bok Philadelphia and gathered a pile of snow and be- a person whose face shows that he award of $10,090 to Samuel S. Fleish- Cold Store your FURS, RUGS, DRAPES, CLOTH- ' gun to make heads of the teachers he at founder of the Graphic Sketch er, feeling some emotion. His works ' liked. We can be sure that, if he is Ricken bacl(er ING, ETC., with us.. THE ROLLINS CO. is an old Your were exhibited in many galleries in Club, brings into notice the fact that did, the other boys soon came crowd- Europe and soon they were exhibited Edwin A Fleisher, brother of the win- Furs Are Sedan established house long famed for its ing round him, and as he quickly ner, is also actively interested in the America, too. Safe formed one face after another, they in It is 15 years since his success be cultural advancement of the youth of 2526 Miles When 'recognized them, and shouted: "Oh, and his genius has been con-' the city. Mr. Fleisher, himself a Reliability, Good Service and Low Prices look; that's Jonesy, all right!" "That's gan, Stored at full musician, has found happiness in the stantly growing. Ills statues are Smith—look at his whiskers!" of strength and life, and of the development of musical talent through The Jo really could make--or as we Every careful attention given gOods stored here. not depend on the medium of the Symphony Club, does call it, "model"—portraits out of any beauty which You Rollins have sometimes, founded by him in 1911. The need aterial, so that they could be easily mere curl,,. for such an organization was roug Prices are very low—only 3 per cent on values over $150. Co. recognized. Now that he has grown seen pretty people whose faces are, of young of 45, he is considered not as pleasant to look at as the faces , to his attention by a group to be a man men ,and in the fall of 1911 the idea the greatest portrait sculptor of of others who are not so pretty, but i America. When you go into a room who think and feel more deeply. It' became a reality. The club began with has made, is the some with Jo Davidson's work; 65 members and now has more than 922 full of the busts which he powerful mood, 1350. in marble or in bronze, you feel al- it has a spirit, a ic Sketch ga Club, the Like the most as if these famous men were which impresses you, and makes you organization This expert department is under direct . Graphis an hony Club REO w S t • New Styles are ready—NOW. tending before you, because he not remember i it, as tt y ou without dues. The membership is free supervision of a very competent fitter, a man people. only copies their features but also and interesting N to men, women, boys and girls, regard- SEDA ' This department is under the direction of designer --_____ ng ha o life; and is thoroughly prepared to accept all h te feelif gives each face less of age, creed or color, while the of unusual ability as a style creator, t they erstand w nd fitter. a you seem to und instruction and use of everything in NEW YORK SISTERHOODS kinds of Fur restyling, repairing. relin- are thinking about, what they would Low Priced We show not only our own adaptations but also MEET IN ALBANY, N. Y. the clubhouse is free of charge to all ing, glazing, or matching any kind or the complete importations of II. Jaeckel & Sons. say if they opened their mouths; and members. and assortment' of pelts is now at ' to make them seem alive is much The selection color of Fur. Prices very Moderate. NEW YORK.—The annual meet- most reliable. ' harder than merely to copy the fea- their best. The workmanship is your LONDON RABBI COMES order now New 1924-25 models now on display. Prices are at their lowest. .Place tures. You've heard of Dr. Coue, ing and conference of the New York from TO N. Y. CONGREGATION State Federation of Temple Sister- —a deposit carries you until Fall. ' haven't you? You can just see, looking at Mr. Davidson's bust of hoods will be held in Albany April take NEW YORK.—(J. T. AS—Rabbi him, what a good, sincere man he is, 27, 28 and 29. The sessions will 4906-4907-4908 and we will send for your Furs; Call Cherry on Sunday, April 27, and con- Isaiah Levy of London, grandson of an d ho w he really tries to help every- place body; and if you look at the bust of ti nue for tw days, conluding April the famous rabbi of the last century, The sessions wi e Samson Raphael Hirsch of Frankfort- Fersior Chaliapin, the greatest singer 29. in the world, you feel that he is not Temple Beth Emeth of that city and on-the-Main, arrived here last Friday Lonely Fur Jacqueltes there will be present delegates from powerful on the Aquitania. and Chokers on display. only a great artist, but ■ Stunning Apparel the sisterhoods in the entire state. Rabbi Levy, who has had a dis- Vey Alodeemely Priced. personality and a good man; and you all On Display In Our almost think his lips are going to The conference will open with a mass tinguished career as a communal Cloth Salon. MICHIGAN SALES, meeting on Sunday evening at which --a Door* East of Adonis Theater worker and spiritual adviser in Eng- , open and his beautiful voice is going us Maros w.. to come forth. Perhaps you have there will be addresses by Nathan .1. land, the country of his birth, has Phones: Miller, chairman of the New York accepted a call to become the associate the books of Joseph Conrad, and Edgewi --- ---/ read the Union of rabbi of the Rev. Dr. Philip Klein, Glendale 8175 enjoyed his marvelous sea stories„ executive committee of Herbew Congregations; of the First Hungarian Congregation although they are rather hard to un- American 4104 Woodwar Temple Emanu- Nathan Kress, Ohab Zedek, one of the oldest and derstand until you are really grown Rabbi 2271 East Jeff er 47 W oodprdi haveas not read El New York, and Mrs. J. Walter largest orthodox Jewish congregations ORIOLE TERRACE VICTROLA 111 Ernie Young's Springtime Frivolties FRANK LIBUSE PROSPER AND MARET BODALI AND RAE FOLLIS AND LE ROY ANITA GAY Grinnell Bros LEW JENKINS Here Theg Al "Gle itoffinc fbi RE° COUPE and Insurance Your New Fur Garment • Made to Order • Fur Remodeling and Repairing 1 e Gt:RA - fins £9 Merchant A.. C. Krenz Tailor 0 3 t w n The Shop Where Courtesy ee Be t wee C al vert and , and Service Prevail. Collingwood uge;mbuyteeavewneuifidyrnew soon as Freiberg, president of the National in America. Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. you looked at Mr. Davidson' ■ bust of