141)entortklvis n (Attolilcie PAGE TEN "ABOUT HISTORY" the glory, because he hail asked th go with him into bat. THE LIVING BIBLE a woman culled NEW YORK DAILIES unto Zebulum "And be Naphthali, and ten thousand in UTTER VARIED VIEWS By Maurice Samuel. , came unto him, and Deborah st with him." The tramp of thou..., Express Different Opinion. on Immi• the occasion of a reacting by , (Oct --- feet on those little highway gration Law. , Irene Triesch, the great European of early Judaea, the villages emptied By J. L. PERETZ .---- —"Nod Jewish actress.) III, their strongest sons. the fields NE W YORK. -- II T. Al ill, then you must eel—and little whispering crod family use r wha t e uphemisms may be I used t o A friend of mine sat beside me on his t ell 55 sAns and if the matte Th e r e was a little w h e n gothered at the gates . . . A n)I a bench in Krashinskes garden, and know what that wus not sume- patient suffered much pain, and how to soften its effect, the immigration think that the best that wild song of triumph, attic the illness lasted, and what bill, as it stands in the Senate, means asked me why I WWI Sll sad. jubilant. ringiiar voice of Deb.)r • . • charms provedcfileacioas. If a doe-. outright discrimination against cer- thing to he read aloud—even in me- outright be such 8 the mother in Israel, an i nt to; icd to seeme n i and brew. e n gr ps of Euro pans "Graetz is deed," I answered. n chant, grata uole, joy, pride in Woo called in, whether he present). tai in thers," was the ed i- discrepancy between the more tha for o oucerta "Blessed are Thou...A true Judge!" Graetz of td red or green medicine. Or, maybe, (moor of of 19. the York egram of A pril It New goes on to mortal power of the words and even God of Israel . • exclaim,' the Jew. "Was after all, the medicine was white.... tonal comment the noblest of human utterances that She read the story of Samson. n u ?" this tow qestion, com- The which 90 out of 100 If a sooth.sayer was called in, uttered you I Tel , of men, merely give interesting figures as to the . of- the two could never be fittingly be rend strongest of the S011 estion, covered he the patient with fect of the immigration Provlsionl' bined. This was a Book to in his place, would ask or whether because his desires were stroo 1 ' ked would halve as meaning of the words Jews • of the a spell, than his faith. I used to think of epth ill ~ f b; the measure o f the d was tto he en. smoke as well. ....And it is not only . adopted: "What the Senate bill proposes can silently: the taken, and nod the sound. -st I II ail itch as of 0 I, morass into which we have sunk not 'n such impoilant affairs that you ask . croups there WILS SO m t• thing in thing that one does not hate, be learnedi from a few easy eakulat- Whotn does the Warsaw Jew W th the 1910 census , re !) a a new gar- oasis, the new law would donut fur. this not unrelateol to the gulf which more t‘um one hates an eat-thou know? Whose name is nut carried prestMns. When You see molt on a friend of yours, you want ti i " fl...• 40 ''''5 Germans 51 47'' has been created between ourselves tor another natural disaster. She on the tongue of the Warsaw Jew? -" - and the life which gave birth to the the Warsaw Jew rod to know how much he paid for the each • year -- mint of the old story of tui , si.oi Of whoa (10('S Ras. Bible. .After all, these were men of perfidy--0 necessary part. I c making. You even lift up the tail to o Irishmen and Britishers 33,069 'id 3,036 o suffered and turd ' talk? siting, 25,a03 Italians the lining is of good quality... l. not hate her, but when Irene 'Tr To tank)) the Ghetto of Warsaw t ing see "True," if smiled the Jew. "I cannot Greeks, to select a few of the Trim were blood, were anil exalted; this w wh o a life of rea Mid atrain : "A nd she cried to ' lose one's wife one need n u t exactly and children in the Dt•rhy, or chnib deny these things." the eirall admissioms nationalities. will be 99,335 On Ger- an ties, 1890 n turbulent basis and a passionate life, with these words every day, at "Yes," I interpostai. "And yet, if 04 Irishmen and British. loves, hatreds, longings after God. It tortured him so that his soul ear steeple of the city. .. It „,,, has become unmal tu us because we the highest she told us is enough to he a cab.horse, and fall You have hodhers in the whole wide mans, 3,572- 75,' , hali „„,„ , 3,653 RiNsia ' have been sundered from it: Jewish near ghter across the tram lines.. . • world, you are not at all curious to ' how that treacherous daughter life in exile has been but a pale re- Yet, it is not enough if one is a know how they are faring. And, if and 3 8 Greeks. Philistines wearied him, day "In other words. of a total of 161,- one writes the history of your brothers have been suffering for I day, with her importunations, vv thousands of years already, you are' 000 of new immigration expected, flex of that vivid life of Palestine; Graetz—if one Mc from his anguish the seer when people. I had informed my neigh. not curious to know the details of their Great Britain. Ireland 597 and and Germany lived all centuries Rug- we the have inspiration of these others, feeding on on the And .lewish SAWS then that h his strength--it I would account for 114, he said: lives in alt th at time." erce hir- rose in !ay soul, a furious, Imre the fierce I sia, Italy and Greece for only 7,443. shadow. bar what Graetz had d W ritten, und I never r understood the bet s proves to me conclusive- "And s 16,000 niore ,,coma of t and the tense 'personal ing hatred, us though n in s such a "Ahl History! " And that yu epeat the words f rom the 11'ith 1890 as a basi, were committed before my eye. Germans could • man act - ear h ed at Bible, until I ho n,' with Irishmen, Britons and h vo ice, as if he were ast onish d prayer ' 'All Israel are brethre s, I could prevent it. And again for which than if 1910 were the basi eks Irene Triesch reading from the Bible. ing that someone had accompli she cerit as you repeat'Next • but muc h siny satisfaction of revenge comthe Russians, Italians and Gre a at one eggs as It was not that the words lost their OW e tim of eating 12 hard-bolded the fnt through me. as it went thrall; year in Jerusal em' ". ' would be 53,0S4 fewer." e. • • • ' lofty power, but that, in her utter- those who heard the words, wit et Urges Drastic Measures. d again r ' th their • human And when I positively jumped out - th t h ey ) f found Hint, were told how' Samson laid his The New York tiers ld-Tri hone, "But, yet I feel that I love Jews." ' of my skin, he asked, naively : however, does not believe that the contact. These early heroes and on the pillars of the Temple o oYou are mistaken." "And what benefit have we derived "I will are prove my statement. But, immigration laws enacted are drastic enemies of the Jewish people, who - eon, and how he prayed that G tumultu ure "You just saying that." obsc e it against the that from his history?" • in its leading deitorial of w alk • • • arly w or l d, store to him, for one moment bac us okground April 20, it states that the new im. of the strength that had once bet first answer me a few questions hen- April "Are you a Jew?" I asked. ' migration measure does not meet the became themselves again; they lost and how he leaned with u tiy a their idealisation, and in proportion "I think so. ," he smiled, as if he ,,, strength upon the pillars, and whole problem. It continues: e ll!" "w would say: "A little more than you." "An alien registration law such as they gained in human power. And the jubilant mob beneath the "Do you love your relatives?" "And do you love Jews?" the Department of Labor proposes is nut they alone, but the life around I do not believe that anyo "Net all of them." "How then? Hate them?" a necessary corollary to the immigra. them, became focussed in her read- owth__ y n o t all of them?" enrollment found a sharpness that was al- a Jewess could read the Bible a enrollme ' ' ing, omit "Po you know that Alexander of - "Do I know what you are asking? Lion law.. An annual Triesch reads it. Only a child I . 11 mit • • I onia me t on his road of victory And if a relative of mine opens a bus- would enable the government to keep most agonizing. people could bring again to a nation only of women?" "What a question!' I think the tale iness just like mine, near me, as if track of every foreign inhabitant. She read from the Book of Judges: those agonies which flied rho BUICK MOTOR COMPANY — DETROIT BRANCH he is tto be found in the Bible. And may- there were not enough businesses in Let registration cards be issued to "And the Children of Israel con- in the sight of tnd and thousands of years ago. GENERAL MOTORS BUILDING thm e , n let one who believes, as she does, be it was told nut by the teacher of the world outside of mine, gets into those entitled to ft to to th e death of Jel. A ry tin e d aer eve f.i. to pr oo f abyd this Telotte Buick Co. d of undying spirit of our peup 1 the hangned my road, drags my customers away alien be Bemb.Robinson Co. the Hebrew school." of put his legal right to remain in the in Lo 8911 Grand River Ave. Ow en & G raham Co. dof them into who reigned evoke the past and confound 444 East Jefferson Ave. }sou know at what period of from me by foe, force, takes the piece of , dence nited King , Jab "Do y Statea" 2543 E. Gd. Boulevard at 12893 Woodward Ave., tiqb- the U in Razor, and the Captain of his hosts the present. I felt, hearing h West Side Buick Co. Oakland Jewish history the Kingdom of the bread out of my mouth—shall I not he1 land Park 5836 West Fort St. Or, if a was Sisera NV hn dwelt in Charoseth the seeds of that all but fo House of David and the Kingdom of his enemy for that? Harley Buick Co. . at Or- Louis Rose Buick Co. anstzick Karm 352 Ca. Ave. Ilagoyim . :knol the children of Israel life sleep in us, but that so) the House of Israel were divided- mentber of my wife's family is a `Yankele St•nley Krajenke Siegel-Zeckendorf Co. cheitra Hall April 27. cried unto the Lord. for Sisera had they will waken again, in the when, of one Jewish nation there be- drunkard, or a deliberate Sabbath- Pfent & Decker 11620 Jos. Comeau Me. 4234 Woodward Ms. 0740 Mack Ave. breaker—shall I love him?" This Sunday evening will mark the ' nine hundred chariots of iron . . ." which they are native. came two?" I cannot forget those words "nine "And, outside of these?" "What? What good is it to me to never GRADUATE NURSE GI i hundred chariots of iron." "Outside of these—yes. I love all farewell of Idisha and Lucy German, i told The story n know that^ s d as a fitting climax to a remark- knew how horrible nine hundred m y relatives whom I know." SCHOLARSHIP Al the Bible" . a , chariots of iron were; I never untler- I example, able season they will present New For know. al do not "And what became of the Kingdom have a first cousin in America whom y„ries greatest musical comedy, stood the cruelty, the brutality of of Israel?" J USA LENL—A year's B ut w h e n 1 ankele haimanstz ic . "The Kingdom of Israel, we are I have never seen. " Miss Lucy German, the talented chariots of iron. the Words, and her ship in maternity district nut Triesch uttered 'Then you really-- c ?' I suggested. told is on the other side of the Ricer been conferred upon Miss lb b, I shad- nd exhuberant actress, will take the voice broke almost into a so a 'Hate him? No. liut I do not love ro Sambatyan." imagine ' role of a young, frisky man in por - dered, for I felt those nin e hundred Rehobot, Palestine, a gradual cannot "And what became of the Jews who class of 192'3 of the Iladassd ick. per- fraying Yankele Karmanstz chariots passing over my body, and ceoiioyl- o i,ne- a n one hi h terilsr : like. . were driven out of Spain?" h a s iih:a tweither. To prepare this tremendous pro- harrowing !eh seen? I have my flesh. But what a Training School. The scholar e ow has never "They ran away, dispersed them- grouted by the Maternity ductoin 20 muscial numbers were when she said: . ) never seen him." selves." Nursing Association for Pal "Anil Jews in general—do you know I written by one of the greatest writers change in her voice "And those who were twice driven I of today, Sch. Secunda. New, special "And Deborah the Prophetess; the group of London wo men scenery was imported for the per- wife of Lapidoth, was Judge in Israel tht)n out of France?" . . ." There was a hint of whom is Mrs. Joseph Hertz, "Where should they be? A portion qty ' ..Iew felt like a mouse caught in 1 n—an antitounee- the chief rabbi. Since her triumph and salvation—an of them surely went somewhere. And a trap. lie threw himself now to this', formance. side, now to that. Yanekle Earmanstrick I is a whirl- meat, a proclamation, rather than a tion, Miss Bashist has recta the rest stole back into France. What graduate training o infant not pool of mirth and laughter and a play recital of simple fact. "It is useless," said I. "You do wor and for the last few no a question?" love Jews in general. Because you , that will be enjoyed by young and They lived before me, Barak the "Ito you know what the Jews have has rendered service as her son of Abinoam, a warrior and yet a in gener l. You I old alike. suffered and are still suffering in Per- have no idea of Jews infant welfare station at S timid, and Deborah who, with a touch I have never seen them." (Pause). sia, Roumania of disdain, took away from him half nah in Jersalem. "What does a Jew deal in?" I ask- ell; with a question. "In l'ersia I do not know. Of Rou- "As the Lord has commanded." mania stories are frequently told at ed. "Provisions," he answered gloom- ' "Which of you, I asked, is the wis- the synagogue. They make one's hair er, you or your child who) is only just ily. and nails stand on cad." "Nos have lived in the world about coming into the world?" o "And of the Crusades do you kn w Ile grew serious. ,. 50 years." anything?" ' "The eggs often say that they are "Fotty-five" he corrected. "Ask me something easier." Due to broken arches—no remedy on earth wi "Let it be -15. In your life-time you - wisatr than the hello.") of wet It was evident to me that he did momently slop that pain except a noir •'llut what do the hens say? Would not know what the word Crusades have become acquainted with 200 Jews. Of those, you throw half into you trust a boy of six or seven with meant. I hail used the German term. the water—those who are not ortho- your money, your business?" I gave him the Hebrew word. "Of course not. Am I mad?" "What sort of a language is that?" dna, those who say one prayer instead "Why not ?'' Of those who do not Thousands of folks everywhere have benefited 1,1 brew word. Don't you of another "It is a Hebrew "I should have to buy a beggar's wr:su scientific shoes. A demonstration will prove it t know that because of the Crusades pray at. all, nothing need he said. Epi- satisfaction. MIRTH-MACK thousands of Jews were killed. Whole (weans! Into the fire with then!... wallet at once." "What is wrong? Cannot a six or sr.; Calltta communities were wiped out and dis- Of the remainder, you take another good few and dash them against the seven-year old boy' carry on business?" aan SE I appeared." You refer, of course to the doings wall. With one Jew you have a law'- "It would seem that he cannot. suit. The second is a competitor of , What practical experience has he of Chmelnitski the tyrant?" Scientific Shoes for Men, Women and Childr. In the I;r ,lest Laugh Produer "Of the Jews of :Morocco you know yours, crawls into your liver. The had?" 5203 HASTINGS, AT FARNSWORTH "And for the Sallie reason the whole third has said something against you. nothing—eh?" • Mail Orders Promptly Filled. "Morocco? No, I never heard of it." T the fourth you owe money. The of the dowry is not at once handed wife of the fifth quarrelled with your over to the newly-married couple, be- "And would you like to know about wife. . .. The remainder, as many as cause, to succeed in business one must it?" I have had some experience. And the bt•Chess By Herself • "Bah! And what is there to know they may be, you probably love.. slew was silent, thoughtful, ab- newly married young man has only of 'Morocco? Have they other sorts of The J will like hint I crept nut of his corner behind the trouble there? Are things carried on straeted. And I struck the iron while just I stove. Is that not so?". differently there? Believe me, it is the it "Of course it is stJ." love e means to know. same world everywhere. . . .1 thank love t NEW s h lo ov "To "In such a case, one looks for a man SHOW Card that I forget about the far-off all Israel means to be hound up with, And a Beautiful Fast Dancing Ballet MON. not 20 or al Jews, but with the whole of experience to tench the young man troubles. • .." (A pause, and another sigh.) "And tell me, you read the pa- of the present generation which is I —an elderly business partner." LAST TIME SUNDAY No doubt. It seems you think that scattered and spread about... .A na- pers, what news is there?" Added uncultured Jews have no common Harry (Hickey) Levan I Hon is like a cone." o f t h e s eeeee . e B ee , One Other Smart Vaudeville Acts. "Ni,," I said to my neighbor, you itoot "God forbid! I think nothing. But f of sugar. On the h a alto?a" "Let tt do not love Jews." The Season's Greatest Vaudeville and Photoplm e:e' , I beg you, do not children be. "What proof have you? If I give top, our father, Abraham. The fur- s te lnI s m no money, it is because I have none. ther down the broader and broader !tune men and women in time?" seen - "Certainly. After they have •011'1 The Sen•at:on of the New York Hippodrome Three Years. The Germans have money. They give it grows. Our loaf of sugar is, in re- I a ality, not a true cone. The center of the world, had some practical experi. Carden Show it." From the Neal Meter it has been eaten away by mice, sod- en.. .. acquired knowledge, learned "I don't mean that." ER "INNOCENT "You see, it i tthe nature of 11. son den by water.... As we go lower, the things, come to know what is good of Adam that he wants to know ev- figure splits up, Ball crumbles away.. and what is bad." SHOWN IN ANY CAFE — AND " you see, a philosopher has said THE GREATEST DANCING ACT erything which affects his friend' or Our units are separated one from the Waters tIOW between them, that yesterday is the teacher of to- his relative. If you], for example, other. d ay .) , meet 0 relative whom you have not steppes stretch away, lands spre NO "Ilave you to wait for a philosoph- V ,ss, 6 TO CLOSE ettmloeToJte „\ ad M FRO ',en for several years, you do not tnih,t.7ns,eltc:,eiso,):.utth. c.w.h..kTv CONTINUOUS DANCING ch er to tell you that? A s ool boy grow weary of questioning h im re- t Exhibihng in R SI MONS L . V e eeeee eeeeeee e e means to k•vc all, to understand all, knows it from experience. Orchestra Ii. Directing ganling how he fared in that time, e The world is an expensive teacher," to realize e rything with one's heart, and what his experiences have been: J Call 6960. e a , Reservation, ighed s I" . an d t • a n I h. Si: a ,1:1,a.131.e, Voss would ask how his wife and chil- tone's brain, and one ' s biota "In order to gain something from • • • dren are faring, has any member of one's experience, I imagine one mo,t at Bo: 0 , ceI denied that this is in- Contestant, Should Enter Names Now "It cann• • ser . f x 1; 4 • DOROTHEA NIEISON marked my neighbor a ha,',',4 'Onf nclf.mro teresting," Norwegian VIolinms Oa < BASIL & KELLER minute - later. 0F., ... "And if, , for example a in falls • AND OTIS FRANCIS F re than interesting.o s "RECRUITING" i s ill with fever, and forgets -every =I ,Composer Pianist. . 1 I. "It is a necessary thing. Ilistradialing?" — • thing?" — I one of the foundations on which the, "Then it is really bad. One must • An °poor. Z '• whole of Judaism—t ex rt begin teaching him the alphabet. That The tun1ts. for .4 Shashat. " man sugar, R1, to say, is Met-Twat, Jealous n ancient nation. I is what happened to Itel) when a Jolliest Woes to "You see, w e are nn "And what happens bpplest See Them- And yet in this particular thing other hag 110 memory at all, is born without selves as Photeple) ) E• nations are much wiser than we. of Others E• 1 it was not only the 'European nations a memory—God help him?" MI5. See "Dots it ever happen?" Dana'. Theo, which read, wrote and learned history L et us assume it ':'4.) - Career. " For instance. not only the Greeks, the Romans, notions of ancient col- does." = sad the other hitter as gall. Such as ) I "It is certainly = tare which guarded their history l earn anythihe lived =I if it were the apple of their eye—not a man con never not even if aleh. Too be w ith- caned their history in stone, on walls, to the age of Meth GLENDA ex peri- = l ORCHESTRA HALL the genuine out a memory is to usb e without - but even = Ion pyramids, = ' savage natioas also understood his- thee." FAREWELL PERFORMANCE "And eon a boy of six years of age, Si ltory. Africa and Am- haying a memory, be wiser than he?" !..•- "The wild tribes of iterttansien,eley!.." ',C 1 eAr.illaarendstEilslegritnintfiesbroaunti,,nna,k,feolgikne Oh T T hearte ,i os t 007 1 sthai nng in yaniu A Bitter Humoresque. There I II In 1923 Buick sold 219,226 motor cars the public paid 302;152950. - not including war tax or freisht ADDISON ROY MACK PRESENTS HOTEL f bOre rli: When Your Feet Hurt---- T rf Tot" of th e Hack's Arch Corrective St HACK SHOE CO WOODWARD and MORRISEY "Hank the Mule" CHARMING ELEANOR-WILLED/5 JIMMIE DUNN—you DAINTY RENNE RAYNE Attraction! "WOMEN WHO ( DEFAY NANINE and MADELINEBERLOI EYES" 5--DIVING GIRLS--S COVER CHARGE 6 TO 9 Daughters of the Sea .. Tank. 1 Possessing Divine Forms Amateur Contests F-Tr„: , 4 7:,,,11,,G „,1:!` S . few gommommiumminsummimmonmumnommiungui thummummumummommionwil "It m• At hiliterzcak/ • j 11/ 11 — s ...- - --- ,..... = = 2 7 = = ".E.. - = ..:7 -.7 -E . . . = Our showing of home•furnishing• been more complete nor has attracti•e than it is this spring, Creations from the workshops of the country's foremost m•nufac- timer. are to be found here at uric. that are surpr isin gly low, and on credit term. unusually con- ...limit. Visit this store and share in the wings that can km effected en furniture you will be proud to •-•. This, in a large measure, explains oar ability to otter, ronstarotly the incom- parable rabies that hair helped to make this store the Outstanding in- stitution that it is today. te dy s Michigan Ave. at Washington Blvd. I i2 u iii3F) OA 0: 11101k li bt YOUT D010 Du-mum Furniture of Character At Low Prices On Easy Credit Terms We are one of a syndicate of sixteen stores located in nine states whose combined pur- chasing power makes it possible for us to offer such exceptionally tine furniture at prices so unusually low. The very substan- tial price concessions we receive from manufacturers are in turn passed on to our customers — to whom, we believe, they rightfully belong. I Mischa and Lucy Geri . ' =st un; li = For "momenta, they wear brass rings eidunl but also a nation must have a = i n th e i r neses, s ea-shells in their up- And, the folk-memory is per or lower lips, leather bracelets on memory. Without history—like' the history. their ankles, horns or feathers on heads. Their naked bodies are , man without a memory—no nation New York's Greatest Success. = their wiser or b etter. Wb ere i s tatooed in many colored figures, a an becometo obtain e xperi ence in ba d ratittn • I t the . . n. tooted with oil. And even that history is times, advise and hope, if every gen- I age nations also know necessary to them. And, because the oration, with its sorrows and joys, men are always occupied with war- faults and virtues is 'cut off and put TWENTY MUSICAL N away,' if, whatever goes into the MUSICAL COMEDY WITH fore, hunting and fishing, the w•omen i Tickets Now on Sale at Box Office. must remember all that the tribe has , grave is gone from the brain?" tales at ev- "Truly," said he, "in bad times we ' lived through, and tell the me ow become, _ lose our heat hs. We soh ery opportunity." "Maybe this is merely a custom P='as a flock tof sheep. Whoever wishes `- take horns unto himself and be- to these tribes?" culler to our "And Holy Law—how does it , comes a ram—the great leader of the THIRD AVENUE CORNER . flock." • • • begin, if not with history?" 97.5.125. I North of Grand Blvd. Unreoricted. "On that question Ras hi says noth- any other sir "Take my advice, and buy yourself handle. Prtce $150 ner foot cheerer than ing." History' ., a Graetz' • • • "And money?" "And whet do we really want his- I was left without a solution, tory for " (Translated by Hannah Berman.) "Have you any children?" I answer- 511;11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:1111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E SUNDAY EVENING, APRIL "Yankele Kann anstzic APARTMENT SITE MAX BROOCK, INC. Main