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April 11, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1924-04-11

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On 1 me!
i Spring Coat Week. For


Three Groups of Women's Coats Unite to Make
This the Most Thrilling of All Coats Weeks!

Coats Made
to Sell at
$25 and $30

Coats Made 37 Coats
to Sell at
to Sell at WW
$75 to $85
$50 to $65


We don't like to appear to be bragging—but we're mighty proud of these coats!
These three groups of coats make what we think to be the best rounded out sale held

in Detroit, so far as we know.
Before we bought a single coat, we planned on having a sale at about these prices.
These three groups are the qualities that will please all women who were planning to
pay between $25 and $85. It means practically that

Coat Week! $5.95
Coats at $3.95

This is Every Woman's Sale

Dainty Ones for Miss Two-to-Six

Then our buyers searched the markets, for the very best values tc be obtained at
these prices. It happened that a number of makers had anticipated an earlier spring—
they offered price concessions to keep their stocks moving! From your point of view—

Only 200—we wish there were ten times as
many—for these are truly remarkable values.
Seven charming models--as simple and youth-
ful as any mother could wish. Blue, rose, tan
and lighter shades. $3.95.

This Means Better Quality for the Price You Planned on Paying—or the
Quality You had Chosen—at a Decided Saving!

$6.95 Coats, $4.95

Either way you save—richly! So much for the selection, the values, the quality!
You have to see them with your own eyes to appreciate their fashionableness. There
are length
long, slen-
who are
der models—dressy, embroidered, trimmed with gold braid and
coats-quar tho
ical three
are pract are
coats that will capture the fancy of every young
seeking models that are a happy compromise bctween being dressy and tailored.
Plaids—stripes running either way—flecked materials—raised patterns in self colors—all the shaggy
weaves that are so smart. In every color. And in every size. Surely every woman's sale—at $25, $37

Also for two-to-six year olds. Trig tweeds,
polaires, granite cloths and wool crepes.

$10 Coats, $6.95

The very swagger ones that are miniatures
of mother's! Shadow plaids, polaires--some
with belts, some with fancy collars and pockets.
All the smartest of spring colors.

and $59.

500 New Fur Ja cquettes
at $29, $39, $49 and $79

100 Former $25 to $29.50 Coats

On Sale From 9 to 10 Only, at


AU new-for-spring models—good materials-
us 100 of them—to go
well-made—wide choice. Jt
to early shoppers, at just $11.95.

Coats for Girls 8 to 18---
A Feature of the Week
at $16.89!

Crowley•Milner'.—Fifth Floor.

Crowley-Mil net's—Sixth Floor.

We don't know when coats as fine as these in every way
ry beginning of the season—
have been offered—at the ve
at such unexpectedly low pric es as-



95 $15

the largest we ever made—added to
An enormous purchase—One of
an already large stock—made it p ossible!
—just enough to give you a sugges-
Some of the styles are pictured
Lion of what to expert.

Coats at $12.89

The Group at $9.95

Fir girls 7 to 17—the widest kind of variety. Plaids,
stri and rich-toned tweeds—all the wanted shades, novelty
cs, many perky stand-up collars and boyish models.

Includes stunning coats of Fancy Plaids—Plain Polaires—Kelly Plaids
—in all th e gay or more subdued tones for spring. Fully lined. Sizes
and misses. Certainly astonishing at just $9.95.
for women

Coats, Capes, Coat-Capes, $9.89

The Group at $12.95

Sizes 7 to 16. Handsome sport coats—mannish coats—
dressy coats—plaids, checks, overplaids, stripes, tweeds, mix-
tures—of Polaires and velours—the new colorings. Just $9.89.

Offers Shadow Plaids—Tweeds--Cut Polaires—Berkshire Plaids. All
fully lined! Models to please every taste, from extreme to very con-
servative. In all the newest colorings—and sizes from 16 to 44.

The Group at $15

200 Little Girls' Coats at $5.85

Includes coats of Stevens Steamer Plaids—Rioden's Bolivias—Poiret
Twills--Shaggar Cloth. Sport Coats—Street Coats—Dressy Coats—
even Fur-Trimmed Coats. Sizes 16 to 46. Every wanted color. Very

For girls 7 to 17—the widest kind of variety. Plaids,

—unusual stitching and cording. Of homespun, tweedS, velours, serges,
polaires and fancy mixtures. The first 200 mothers will snap these coats

up—tomorrow—at just $5.89.

Heighland fleece, velvetone, imported fleece,
imported stripes and plaids. Smart little coats
that show plainly the mark of fine tailoring.

Popular Price Section Coat Week Values
That Will Make Women Proud On Easter!

Coats so attractive in every way that even the most fas-
tidious girl will find it difficult to limit her choice for just one!
Soft, velvety fabrics—shaggy sport models of plaid wool-
ens—coats in the gay colors that are so fashionable this spring
—boyish coats made of sturdy tweeds. A world of them to
choose from—all new and youthful! Very unusual at just


$12.95 Coats, $9.95

ml samples—simply
A maker's surplus stock a
lain and trimmed-
marvelous values! Sealines,
. ey in white, beige,
marmota—natural rabbit—cot
— natural gazelle —
platinum and beaver — tiger -
cocoa and brown-
squirrelette—caracul in beige,
riking combinations.
matmink—silver rat—many s
All very specially priced!

remarkable, at just $15.

Crowely.Milner's—Fif th Floor.

Coat Week Values That
Welcome Large Women!

They come from specialists in coatmaking—failors who
know the scientific rules by which a large woman is given
SD,T6 a line of slenderness, of length, of grace.

Simple models—simple lines, but subtly youthful and
becoming. Many of them attractively trimmed.

All these points make them truly astounding values at

$21.95 $24.95 $29.95

An excellent choice of the most desirable spring colors,
including black, navy, tan, rookie and cocoa.

Note the Sizes

2—all generously propor-
—they range from 421/2 to 52 1
tioned and carefully designed in every detail.

Crowley.Milner's—Sixth Floor.

Crowley, Milner & Co.

,ti,.' Sore
t for Horner. 3. E. Carnal' Gratiot and Library.
Ent're• Store Remain. Opts Until 6 o'clock.
Maio Stem GratioL Library and Farmer
ay N!
Night• th•
Moro Houra, 9 to 5 30 Saturd to 30 Suburban Cams and Torn..

100 New Spring Coats, $5

Made to Sell at $8.95 to $10, From 2 to 10 Only, at

Plaids and plain weaves—all fully lined—sizes 16 to 42. Hurry
-- for 100 coats will be taken quickly by eager shoppers at just $5.

Popular Price Section—Sixth Floor.


Coat Week Sale Men's Topcoats!

We're ready with a Big Assortment—Style Correct—New
Box Models—New Shades—New Patterns — VALUES!

$24 $29 $34

Get set, men—we're ready with a great collection of fine Top-
coats! But that's only the beginning of the story! We've spent
weeks in preparing for this event, buying only where makers co-
operated so that we could offer you Detroit men something OUT-
And we've done it— the fine quality will tell you that!

Fancy Mixtures
Serviceable Gabardines

Fine Tweeds
Good-Looking Whipcords

New box models that swing f um the shoulders—raglan models
with belts—set-in-sleeve models! Chesterfield style for older men!

New Spring shades and patterns!

Popular Price Topcoats, $18

Gabardines, whipcords sod rich mixtures—in box and raglan
models! Raglans with one-half and all-around belt! Tans, grays

and browns!

Crowley•Milner'e—Second Floor

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