A merica 5eprish Periodical Cater CLIPTON 011'401 • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE NINE fittPETROITfrmnininucut 11•111 ■ 1 dezaniov,kketc"catriszf,AlcPw HEADS COMMITTEE FOR PURITY CHAPTER DANCE All event looked forward to with much interest is the fourth annual ball by Purity Chapter No. 359, Or- der of the Eastern Star, to be given on Monday evening, Feb. II, at the Eastern Star Temple, Alexandrine be- tween Woodward and ('ass avenues. A complete novel program of en- tertainment has been arranged for Our Entire Stock of # i Quality Furs In a Real Sale ;e, or ate ch The January clearance of fur coats and wraps offers unrestricted choice of our entire stock at sub- stantially lowered prices. And the furs, remember, are high-class de- pendable furs; furs that we guar- antee; furs that we stand back of. Prices which make possible values unprecedented. Buy for next season. 6e, DM CO.l. ••00•WilD • STAII ye: it 30:4,00ka:15Fil -k:':c.isoaet.,%51131 1 MRS. NATHAN D. METZGER DETROIT LADIES HEBREW BABY DAY NURSERY Financial Report June 1st, 1923, to January 1st, 1924. s-- ra gas, and and 3111 :s INCOME !faience Dues . Donations Opening exercises Affairs and parties Plates, collections Hall and Minyon Sale of bricks Children'smintenance Ball, .0.,. (net income) I.oan 8 729.6(1 1,111.68 1.502.08 1.121.15 374.10 1,088.25 130.00 159.20 1,011.75 $ $11,961.26 8,000.00 -- 11.961.25 (Dank of Detroit) 10. TUT Mr. and Mrs. Max Hamburger of Taylor avenue announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Selma Elaine, The following additional names 0 to Manuel Arden, sen of Mr. and Mrs. patrons and patronesses are 011 Bert G. Arden of this city. flounced by the Detroit chapter o ! The engagement of Miss Betty Hadassah for the Elizabeth Gutmat concert, to be held at hotel Statler Harley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. m , ! Morris M. Harley of 521 Holbrook 4 , on Monday evening. Feb. Beck Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Bern avenue, to William Greenstein of this Louis city was announced last Sunday stein, Dr. Peter Bernstein, David Cooper, Jacob Davis, Mr. and Mrs. evening at a reception held at the Hotel. One hundred Ira t nedenberg, Sirs. J. (,ermansky, Wolverine Marvin Gingold, Mr. and Sirs. Irving couples were present. Goldberg, Airs. Louis Gordon, Armin Mr. and Mrs. B. Rosenberg of 430 Hartman, Samuel Hartman, Sirs. A. Jacob, Mrs. Maurice II. Kaplan, Mr. Frederick street announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Esther, and Mrs. Israel Kaplan, Mr. and Sirs. Samuel Kavanau, Judge Ilarry B. to , Benjamin ('open, son of Mrs. Anna 19 yingree avenue. n Keidan, Sirs. Myron A. Keys, Abra- Cohe hab Levin, Capt. Isadore Levin, Mrs. Harry Meyers, Mr. and Sirs. Maurice Moscovitz, Mrs. I. Payne, Miss Lenore Payne, Milton Petrovitski, Samuel Rhodes, Julius Rubiner, Sir. and Mrs. Samuel Sasasohn, Miss Mildred Si- mons, Harold Smilansky, Aloe Srere, SHORE-BECKER Mr. and Mrs. Moyer Sulzberger, Air. and MN. I. Becker of King Harry Wein, Mrs. Harry Weingarten avenue announce the marriage of of Flint, Albert Weiss, David Welling their (laughter, Ida, to Maurice Shore and Israel Zilber. of this city. The ceremony took place An event of the toot week was the on Tuesday, Jan. 22, at the home of – this affair, headed by Master Aubrey Cherkose,a talented young singer and dancer. Attractive souvenirs will be distributed and refreshments served. The patrons and patronesses for this affair will be Rabbi and Sirs. Henry Berkowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Morris II. Blumberg. Mrs. Moses Metzger. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Scheinman, Hon, Ilarry B. Keidan and Hon. Louis James Ro- senberg. The committee in charge is Mrs. Nathan D. Metzger- , chairman, assist- ed by Mrs. Markus Weinbeck,. Mrs. Samuel L. Kavanau, Mrs. Theodore Sweetwine, Miss Helen Horowitz and Miss Paula Schmittke. 312.139.02 DISBURSEMENTS Provisions, table expenem Coal. gag. electricity, phone, laundry k'urniture •nd diohts Salaries, cook, nurse, secretary House janitor expense Printing, stationery, adverti•Inlf Sundries . S Building of new hall and repair of old building Payment on house Small loans paid out Insurance and interest to bank 36,747.26 700.00 726.00 99.85 e. Shaarey Zedek Y. A. to Hold Annual Formal Dance March 8. 1211.55 975.02 662.64 17.26 113.46 132.36 12.011.24 0,322.11 510,363.35 1.776.67 Balance to January 1st 02 81,0.0 has been mid on the bank note of 11.700. - - Announcement is made by the Young People's Auxiliary of the Shaarey Zedek that the annual formal ball will be held on Saturday evening, March 8, at Hotel Statler. On Tuesday evening, Feb. 12, a pat- riotic dance will be given by the so- city at the Shaarey Zedek, in celebra- tion of Lincoln's Birthday. A nomi- nal fee will he charged for admission. Mr. and Mrs. Lestee Gam are re- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kelter ceiving congratulations on the birth (Irene Wiener) and Sirs. Anna Wein- of a son, Seymour Allan, on Jan. 12. er have returned from a trip East and are now home at 2457 Calvert ave- Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry Srere of 2514 nue. West Philadelphia avenue are receiv- ing congratulations on the birth of a Mrs. Rose M. Lipson addressed the son, Alfred, on Jan. 24. social service class of the Young Woman's Hebrew Association Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lee Marx day evening, Jan. 29, on "Family (Theresa Alexander) announce the Case Work from the Point of View birth of a son, henry Alexander, of the Private Agency." It was an Thursday, Jan. 24. interesting and instructive lecture. Sir. and Mrs. Arthur B. Berman Sirs. W. A. Cohen of 1621 West (Sarah Ilimelstein) of 978 East War- Euclid is in Toronto, Ont., visiting ren avenue are receiving congratula- with relatives and friends for a fort- tions on the birth of a son, Sidney night. While there she attended the Seymour, on Jan. 16. Simonsky-Burnstein wedding. Mrs. A. A. Blitz (Winifred Cohen) of Toledo is visiting her parents, Sir. and Mrs. W. A. Cohen of 1621 West Euclid avenue. The Bernard Shop, •hieh has earned the enviable name of the "Rest Place in Detroit for Gowns," now have on display the most beautiful gowns it has ever been their pleasure to offer, and really at more remarkable prices than you would expect to pay. e...R;271arCi-) 1522 Broadway One Door South of Capitol Theatre Shaarey Zedek to Celebrate Father and Son Week Fri- day Evening. The Friday evening services on Feb. 8, at the Shaarey Zedek, will be in the form of a Father and Son celebration. A. Louis Gordon, super- intendent of the Shaarey Zedek Sun- day School, will speak for the fathers. Israel Levin, local attorney, will speak for the sons. Miss Mary Nathanson of Phila- delphia avenue entertained at a luncheon and theater party on Satur- day afternoon in honor of Sirs. M. Shore (Ida Becker), whose marriage took place Tuesday, Jan. 22. ONCE A MONTH Once a month you settle your bills. This is possible only because you receive a regular income. Arrange NOW to provide for a con- tinuance of that regular income to your wife and family, after you have passed on, or after your earning capacity has become a thing of the past! We have a proposition which will insure the payments by the Detroit Life, of that regular monthly income to your dependents. We would like to give you the details in connection therewith, with. out any obligation at all on your part. Fill out the attached card and mail it to the Detroit Life Insur- FLOWERS At Prices That Save You Half. ance Company. - Service That Is U Detroit Life Building, Park at Columbia, Detroit, Michigan. Deliveries to All Parts of the City. SUBWAY FLOWER SHOP NAME ADDRESS 231 Gratiot A Park Avenue Building, on or about February lat. Total resources of $27,000,000.00, show 100`,.e growth in the last five years. We welcome your business and will strive to make the con- nection satisfactory in every respect. S'∎ •∎ The first of a series of social events planned by the Women's League of the United Hebrew Schools of Detroit will take the form of a bridge-lunch- eon to be held at the Kirby Center at 12:30 p. m. Wednesday. Hostesses for this affair are Sirs. Woolf Kaplan, Sirs. J. l'erlmutter, Mrs. R. Zuieback and Sirs. J. G. Israel. Sir. and Sirs. Marcus Levin of 4845 St. Aubin announce the engagement of their niece, Flora S. Levin, R. N., to Dr. Louis L. Perkel of Jersey City, N. .1. Miss Levin, whose home is in Detroit, graduated from Central High School in 1916 and from Bellevue Hospital Training School for Nurses. She is at present supervising nurse of a surgical ward in the Bellevue Cor- nell division. Dr. Perkel is a Cornell graduate and is now completing his internship at Jersey City Hospital. OF DETROIT "The Bank That Service Built" MAIN OFFICE 633-637 GRISWOLD STREET and 24 Branches KSMItItIt3M3434343CMIMNIMISWVILWOMM ISSMICSIMWCWOM183438NISIMIS WIMICIMIVIMMCISIMa. Sir. and Mrs. Si. Winkelman have moved to their new home at 2482 West Philadelphia avenue. Sir. and Mrs. Leon Winkelman of Sault Ste. Marie, who are en route to New York. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M. Winkelman. You really owe it to youtrell to investig•t• Deinrer values before buying furniture any• mve • where. Not merely became w• say that Dein,. prices bemuse the proof of • third or more, but Deinter saving. rests with yourself. Just make comparisons— then use your own lodgment. Imagine a well-construct ad, dust-proof, two. tone walnut bedroom noire of three bed, d Actual comparison of furniture values will surely convince that it is very much to your advantage to buy your furniture at the Deinzer Shops- and chifforot• — a quality throughout that you von be proud to own— for as little as 3181.00. That Is one of the not only because typical values an our floor—and wad like Deinzer prices are lower, but more important still, the quality you get for the price you pay is greater at Deinzer's than anywhere else. to have you make comparisons. And in Dining Room suites the sante greater values ar• apparent. For instance a complete 8.plece suite, with solid walnut tops, handsomely d d, with chair seats Metal :Mt I n Bumping .7 Trimming and Slip and Covers Body Repairs DR. BENJAMIN LEWIN 1924 LECTURER FOR NEW YORK YESHIVA upholstered in genuine blue leather, that Is cu•tomarily said for $250 or more el.• where, le priced only 9198 here. Be sure to investigate th•. NEW YORK. — Dr. Benjamin Lewin, a Hated Jo-wish scholar, for the past 12 years head of the Nezach Is- rael schools in Palestine, has just ar- rived in America and will lecture at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theologi- Street cal Seminary during 1921, Dr. Ber- Flow furniture Since M49 nard Revel, president of the seminary, announces. One of the leading edu- cators in Palestine, Dr. Lewin is Just one block north of Jefferson on widely known throughout the Jewish the next street east of the world for his many scholarly works, : Big Garland Stove. particularly the "Letters of Sherira 11 Gaon" and "Ginze Kedem." His lec- ture subject will be "The Gaonic Period and Its Literature." Deinze r . 9oillire &lops 511 ,Qtzib CUSTOM AUTOMOBILE PAINTING We have excellent facilities for turning out high grade work on open or closed cars. Careful work- men, expert supervision, clean, light and fireproof workshop, best materials and varnishes enable U3 to pro- duce work second to none. Let us show you our large range of colors and suggest an individual color scheme for your car. All our work is guaranteed and only two weeks time required. 1469 Vial Grand Blvd,.. eltdomabilanishingr ea Lincoln 3556-• ..... NS, Fine furniture for Living Room, Dining Room and Bedroom Miss Miriam Orman of Palmer ave- nue has left for an extended visit with friends in Muncie, Ind. DIE ANEIRJCAN STATE BANK AigsAl 7i:7172.1 .............. DATEOF BIRTH..........._ .................... Cherry 9171 Sirs. Charles Marienthal of Tinny son avenue entertained at a prettily appointed dinner last Saturday even- ing, in honor of her sister. Miss Mi- riam Orman, who is leaving for a visit in Muncie, Ind. The evening was spent in playing bridge, after which luncheon was served. 0 better serve our customers in a rapid developing business T section we will open a new branch in the High iders Trimmed in the nos!. beautiful im- ported bares, the new Spring styles in Gowns, now displayed at this une- waded Shop of the "Gowns of Dis- tinction" have created a tumult of desire among the Socially Busy women of Detroit. irtlp Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Hollander of 110 Orchestra place are leavnig for Los Angeles, Cal., where they will spend the remainder of the winter. y Sports Shop Irving. Miss Shirley Monoson of Chicago, formerly of Detroit; is a guest at C'e home of her cousin, Mrs. Morton II. Espar (Rita Kort) of Lasalle boule- yard. t ;570 A delightful vogue of flannel appears in youthful sports frocks, tailored along smart boyish lines. In plaids, checks and plain colors, begin- ning at $29.50. card party given by Abe Rosenberg the bride and was followed by a beautifully appointed dinner. of 440 East Ferry avenue, on 'Wed- nesday, Jan. 23. Tables were laid GOLDMAN-FINKELSTINE for 10 guests. A delightful midnight Mr. and Mrs. M. Finklestine of luncheon was served. 3019 Parker avenue announce the marriage of their daughter, Florence, Sirs. Louis Koblentz has returned on Sunday, Feb. 3, to Emanuel M. to her home in Chattanooga. Tenn., Goldman of Cleveland. The cere- after n month's visit with her chil- mony, followed by a reception, will dren, Sir. and Mrs. Samuel B. Plotler be held at the home of the bride. Af- and daughter of 8212 Greenfield ave- ter an extended trip to New York and nue. Cuba, Sir. and Mrs. Goldman will re- turn to Cleveland, where they will Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Glass of 454 make their home. East Ferry avenue left on Sunday, Jan. 27, for Chicago, from which point they will leave for Hot Springs and Los Angeles. They were accom- panied 85 far as Chicago by their (laughter, Mrs. A. 'reicher, and son A surprise birthday party was given for Miss Dorothy Selik at her home, 9014 Lasalle boulevard, on Jan. 26. Covers were laid for 30 guests. Miss Selik was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. A New Location in a Downtown Section 5 Flannel Frocks iliarrialm3 •BS EBEL@ or- tuna grntritts facial-and iersortai Comparison proves that Deinzer policies and dealing direct give furniture buyers greater advantages than is possible to find anywhere else— come and compare. Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings PERFECTION LODGE Perfection Lodge No. 486, F. & A. hold a special communication Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 7 p. m. M. M. degree. C. K. SANDORF, See. M., will By Order of JOSEPH KLEIN, W. A. C.Krenz . _ ri Merchant The Shop where prevailBowes. courtesy 11)347 Caheet sea an d Tailor C•asinvestl