PIEVentortfonstiffiRCMQ4 'PAGE EIGHT Engagements I Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Levine announce the engagement of their daughter, Rae, to Joseph Blatt, on of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blatt of 1564 Leslie avenue. The Detroit Motorbus Company At the request of many citizens the Detroit Motorbus Company publishes this map showing its 47 miles of bus routes and important intersections with transfer points. Special attention is called to the recently inaugurated service on the Grand Boulevard, affording direct connection east, west, north and south, to those important sections of our city on the Grand Boulevard system. •AS WINO PICRE. Wt. MOTORBUS ROUTES I Jefferson Avenue % John R. John R. St. & Dexter Blvd. Cass Ave.---Second Blvd. 0 Lafayette Blvd.---West Grand 0 Kercheval Ave. O Boulevard & Tireman Lafayette Blvd. 0 East Grand Boulevard Transfer Regulations Transfers Are Issued for Continuous Passage in One Direction Only Transfers Are Issued Only Upon Request When Paying Fare Transfer Points Transfer Points Are Indicated on Map by Circles O 0 O O 0 Woodward & Jefferson City Hall (Woodward & Fort) Grand Circus Park (Adams and Woodward) SOUTH General Motors Blvd. WO Gr B (VSZot n • anlycl d.ST: c d 1 ) Nor'west. High School ( Z:g Ba ll) West aI Lafayette & West Grand Boulevard Jefferson and Gray Ave. ® Belle Isle Bridge 0 John R. St. & East Grand Blvd. GENERAL OFFICES, TERMINAL AND EDLIE ST. PHONE HICKORY 5901. Fraternal an, Club Note. Y. P. S. of Detr,t At the meeting ' held Wednesday even . Mr. end Mrs. David Rosen of 288 society held its first Rowena street announce the engage. planned to have sim :or ce ment of their daughter, Netta, to once every month. Philip Dresser, son of J. Dresser of The social service •. , n. Philadelphia avenue. ported 14 suits of over to the Hebrew ery for the orphans. The open meeting I Canfield avenue on Dee. 201 social success. Ilynue C. r Jack Thumin of the MARKLE.FINK bating Club staged a bate on 'Resolved chit ■ ] , 1 The Green Room of Hotel Statler become the fashion " Nu: was a veritable bower of beauty and Cohen gave a humer,.. , charm for the marriage of Miss Harry Appel, violin P; Dorothy Janet Fink, (laughter of Mr. haut, Miss Bernice I . , and Mrs. Meyer Fink, to Harry Carl Horowitz, pianists, and S Markle, of Pittsburgh, Pa., which was tenor, contributed t“ , r, solemnized by Rabbi Leo M. Frank- gram. Dancing fell ,a, I lin before an altar banked with palms gram. 'and fernery and illuminated by Tickets for the cemi , tapers, on Thursday evening, Dec. 27, be held at the Elks' 1. a in the presence of the immediate and Lafayette. on Suer , .0 families only. Jan. 27, • will be plaeed The bride, a popular young society week. girl and a recent graduate of the Uni- versity of Michigan, was radiant in Ladies' Loan Assor ■ ii a draped model of chiffon and silver Detroit Hebrew Ladies' lace and carried a white prayer book sociation will meet at tie. with marker of valley lilies. The corn- on Holbrook and Bits', bination of an exquisite veil, a family day, Jan. 7. Non-members heirloom, worn by the groom's moth- to enlist, as the association er at the time of her marriage, and of supporters in its worth) the tulle in the train, gave the cos- tume a fairy-like effect. Miss Ruth Junior Hadaszah Fink, sister of the bride, as maid of Oriole Terrace will be tl honor, was charming i in a modish the Junior ❑ adassah b cloth of silverfrock, with arm boo- partyon Sunday afternee Marriages quet of Ophelia roses and sprays of from 2 to 5 o ' cl o ck. tic violets and valley lilies. Mrs. Fink, will be served and prize mother of the bride, wore a hand- The proceeds will go towar some gown of black lace over a foun- ing the eight Palestinia dation of black satin, with trimmings adopted by the Junior III of jet. Mrs. Markle, the groom's mother, Tedakah Club. was attired in a beautifully draped The Tz'dakah Club will costume of sliver cloth and delicate shadings of Nile green and wore a party on Wednesday aHe corsage of pink la Frnace roses and 16, at the building of asparagus fern. The groom, a Har- Federation of Women's CI vard graduate, was attended as best and Hancock. Proceeds man by Lee Ferbstein of Akron, Ohio, ing baby layettes, the se a classmate. Those acting in the ca. to go to Palestine. pacity of ushers were Louis Gruskin Hebrew Ladies' Aid of Kittanning, Pa., Jack Markowitz of Pittsburgh, Melvin Fink and Louis The Ilebrew Ladies' at a meeting on \\Wile , Fink of Detroit. Following the ceremony, an elabo- Dec. 26, with Mrs. Harr; rate dinner was served in the Louis siding, decided to give a VII room, where the decorative ball on Sunday, March 2. scheme was particularly artistic. Center. Mrs. Joseph Fie Those from out of the city at the eral chairman, assisted I, wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fixler, Mrs. James She Levin (Stella Fink) and children, and Mrs. Harry Lipson, Mary, Robert and Theodore; Mrs. The card party on De Cass Sunstein, Mrs. Fred Wolfe and social and financial s children, Rose, Betty and Fred, Jr., next card party will he Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Markle, Jack meeting of Jan. 16. Th, Markowitz and Miss Fanny Markle of ing will take place on J. Pittsburgh; Mrs. Fanny Marks and Miss Florence Marks of Philadelphia; Suffolla Club Lee Ferbstein of Akron, Ohio; Louis The Sufrola Club will Gruskin of Kittanning, Pa. open meeting of the sea After a wedding trip to New York n . ay , Jan. 8, at the h' and the Bermuda Islands, Mr. and Flor' ence Rosen, 1014 Mrs. Markle will be at home after avenue. A bunco party Feb. 1 in Pittsburgh, where the for the meeting. groom is a practicing attorney. Alpha Vetae Sor MARKS-GILLMAN The weekly meeting The marriage of Miss Helen Cor- Vetae Sorority was held nelia Gillman, daughter of Mr. and 28, at the home of Mis Mrs. J. Gillman of 2083 Taylor ave- dow, 1730 Hazelwood nue, to Jerry Mayer Marks, son of New Year's frolic was Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marks of 697 the home of Miss Beatri, West Palmer avenue, took place Sun- 1190 Longfellow avenu day evening at the Shaarey Zedek, meeting will be held at with Rabbi A. M. Hershman officiat- Miss Lenore Brown, 11 ing. The bride was charming in a avenue. gon of beaded satin on Patou lines Kynthian CI, with silver threaded lace, caught with a large rhinestone buckle. Her veil was of the Princess Marie style with Is purely sne.;.,1 and liter: real lace coronet. She carried a bon- at A s Ineegw ° rrgmaen eiztaintgi9 hn el ul a quet of white bridal roses and lilies 1, of Al Wolf, 633 Westin. of the valley. The Misses E'sther The following officers Marks, Eva Siegel, Janet Marks, Samuel Greenbaum, pia Edith Alberts, Anna Marks and Anna mont Sweetwine, vice-pi Gillman acted as bridesmaids. Ushers ' Novitz, secretary; PI were Alvin Schneider, Morey Schla- treasurer. t h e The n z t l t far, William Gillman, Meyer Klein I will be the main event and J. Simons. The bridesmaids wore I to be given in the nea full skirts and carried Ophelia roses bracing tied with Matins ribbons to match their gowns. Rosedale Marks, the maid of honor, wore a gown of rose metallic cloth, trimmed with silver, and carried a bouquet of roses. R. Jacobs acted as best man. Mollie Jewish Institute Moths Gillman, a niece of the bride, acted The regular Januar as flower girl and Herbert Siegel, the Jewish Institute nephew of the bride, was the ring will be held in the and bearer. Following a wedding trip to Jewish Institute Satur , California, Mr. and Mrs. Marks will 3 p . m. Miss M. Wei, make their home in Detroit. housekeeper, will spa Values." I. Rosenbert ABRAM-BOESKY lected readings in Shop INSTITUTE A charmingly appointed affair was the wedding of Mies Golds Boesky to Harold Abram, which took place Sun- day evening at the Hebrew Baby Day Nursery Hall. Dinner was served in the dining hall of the nursery to the immediate families and friends of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Ab- ram left on a honeymoon trip East. HASS-FR1EDLAENDER Citiseaship: Register at once fat unship class which is day, Jan. 6, at 9:30 Westminster. Many F this course and after found confident to t: Pape rs through the cot tailed examination. 1 mum good in the cc must be a citizen tali active interest in ctiy , tional affairs. J. H. B instructor and never ft class very interesting. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Friedlaender announce the marriage of their daughter, Sophie, to Arthur Hass, on Sunday, Dec. 23, at Temple Beth El. Rabbi Leo M. Franklin officiated. A wedding dinner for the immediate Profeseor Lenin to Le families followed at the home of the Professor S. Levin, bride, 451 East Ferry avenue. nartment of history an Detroit City College, the Home and Cultur 13 at the North End Jewish Institute. III The subject will be tory" and the lecture Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Franklin, 6 p. m. sharp. It is (Goldye Gerson) of 938 Virginia meeting and an invite' park are receiving congratulations to all those interest( on the birth of a daughter, Carolyn ject. Irene, on Dec. 26. 1 Firths Dr. and Mrs. S. B. Danto (Sylvia Pisgah Lodge to K. Gittleman) are receiving congrat- Officers Mt ulations on the birth of a son, Arthur Coleman Danto, on Jan. 1. Officers of Pisgah i. 0. B. B., for the er Miss Elqizabeth Cleveland to he elected at the men Deliver Lectures for this Monday evening B'rith club rooms. Child Study Clan. At its meeting a The activities committee of the Jewish Woman's Club announces that a decisive step was t the child study class will continue its Lodge for the foundii course, starting at 230 p. m. on Jan. munity building in menting the adoptio 8, at 89 Rowena street. The last three lectures of the course proportions to the Cr will be given by Miss Elizabeth Cleve- ing Association, a con land, supervisor of girls and women's that the various soci activities in the Detroit public schools. ing in the project 1 Her subject will be "The Adolescent steps for the foundir Now that agreement I Period and Its Problems." For new members only, the hospi- on vital points in tho tality committee of the Jewish petted that work w Woman's Club is planning an after- once to promote the e noon affair. The date of this party raise the needed fun( ing. will be announced at a later date.