DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page twenty-thre Flint's Very Finest Structures Were Promoted, Designed and Constructed under the Personal Supervision of J. W. COOK INDUSTRIAL BANK BUILDING ■ MI . , '4, A.:!" 0 Sslil I.,,, -- 11 .:=`' til ilif rC , 1 1 * • 1' I, i .1 , . P": ,.....„,....1 . . - O 12074A101 g,...,:g tii 1 -'‘'.. 41.844 ' 41■■ =..Z . ,1,-. -- -- -, . /0------ ------ --- -" ---7----- - ' __------ la r ir 4 " 4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING - - Y - THE FIRM, J. W. COOK, INC., has been active in Ar.As , V - .....,.. GENESEE BANK BUILDING . making Flint look metropolitan. The finest and handsomest structures in the city were erected under our supervision. Many of these buildings were promoted by us, then designed and constructed. If you intend building in Flint, see us. SMITH-BRIDGMAN BUILDING A-C SPARK PLUG BUILDING BOTH ERECTED UNDER OUR SUPERVISION J. W. COOK, Inc 703 GENESEE BANK BUILDING tion and the eve, put, The mol vet the, ern idet hoo str( mm ons 1 whi orR tin, lin of IS ing lea ech WI inn din a till ma dei Br AR eR wo th, CI F. on of in th in •