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November 09, 1923 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1923-11-09

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America ffewish Periodical Carter


71•1.71ft1 litNTJEWIS/1


rim="akg' 4$3gclibtai,v

Fraternal and
Club Notes

A Limited Number

Mother.' Club,

I ludson Seal Coats

Made to Sell at $750-$850
On Sale at


•mart full-length models,
quality garments which
1,, every bit their real worth. A
ritice purchase from a high-
maker. Shawl or chin col-
lar cuffs and deep borders of Mar-
ten. Black Fox, Viatka Squirrel or
Black Linx. Fastened at side with
handsome ornament. Linings of
gorgeous cut velvet, fancy Crepe
and gold find black brocade.

I •





connection with any other store

ti -, 1



Wonderful creations in relict, in
many alluring styles for the street,
the dinner or the formal evening af-
fair—exclusive, distinctive and pre-
eminently fashionable—with the add-
ed advantage of moderate price at the
Bernard Shop, "the best shop in De-
troit for gowns." You most assured-
ly should gee them before deciding on
your wardrobe for November's fes-

7,1- 11g(t)

(A Roil



, five divisions, the press, stage, church,
school and public opinion.
The advisability of giving India in
dependence was the topic for disco
slim at last Sunday's meeting. Th e
participants were Ilarry Borovitz, I-
ward Weiss, Sidney Koretz an d
Meyer Weisenfeld.
For this Sunday, "Resolved tha t !
Mrs. Mollie Rosenfeld and Mrs.
the Volstead act be amended to a
Bertha Greenspan were hostesses at
low light wines and beer," will be de -,: a farewell surprise party, at their
bated. henry and Jack Thumin wi II home, 5543 St. Antoine street, given
uphold the affirmative and Samue I • by the East Side Hungarian Jewish
and Jack Shulman the negative.
Ladies' Auxiliary in honor of Mrs.
Mr. Goldstein, chairman of th elLena Kupferschmidt, a member and
Philomathian committee, is assiste d former recording secretary, who is
by the following advertising staff :' leaving for the South for the winter.
Samuel Gurovitch, Sidney Shevitz , Covers were laid for 30 guests. A
Nelson Stocker and Meyer Vi eisen - :delightful luncheon was served. The
feld. The appearance of the nes t decorations were in black and orange,
Philomathian will mark the twenty - with roses and carnations centering
fifth anniversary of the organization . the tables. Mrs. Kupferschmidt was
presented with a beautiful gift.

At the regular meeting of the Jew-
ish Institute Mothers' Club, held on
Saturday, Nov. 3, the following offi-
cers were elected for the coming
year: Mrs. Ida Weisberg, president;
Mrs. Wilson, vice-president; Mrs.
Goldstien, treasurer; Miss Mary Cap-
lan, secretary.
An excellent talk by Miss Connolly
on social hygiene brought forth in-
teresting discussions. Future pro-
grams are planned with a view to
make meetings interesting and worth
while for all those attending. Moth-
Zionist Cultural Society.
ers who live in the vicinity of the
At the meeting of the Zionist Cul -
Jewish Institute building, 687 East
High street, are invited to join the tural Society, to he held Monday
evening at the Jewish Woman's Club,
Philip Slomovitz will review the re-
cent address by Israel Zangwill be-
Try.quare Club.
The annual dance of the Tryaquare fore the American Jewish Congress
Club will be given in the auditorium and will outline the effects of the
of the Jewish Institute, 687 East speech on Zionism.
High street, on Sunday evening, Nov.
18. The president, William Morris,
Madison Athletic Club
and the various committees are mak-
An interesting meeting of th
ing every effort to_assure a success- Madison Athletic Club was held Sun e
ful dance. The history of the club day, Nov. 4. In the future, the clu
dates back over 15 years of success- will hold meetings at 89 Rowen
ful activities in both athletics and so- street on Sunday afternoons at '2
cial affairs and the prospects are that o'clock. The club is looking forward
this dance will be one of the best. to success for the dance to be given
An invitation is extended to all our Sunday evening, Dec. 2. The Madi-
past and honorary members and to son basketball team, which is coached
by Arthur Steinberg, promises to
make this season the best the club
Y. P. S. of Detroit.
has witnessed. The public is invited
At the meeting of the board of di- to attend the Balch School gym
rectors of the Y. P. S. held Nov. 1, events and basketball games every
plans were completed for an open Tuesday evening at 9 o'clock..
meeting to be held Wednesday even-
ing, Nov. 21, at the Hebrew Day
Ukrainian Auxiliary.
Nursery Hall, 545 East Canfield ave-
The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Michi-
nue. For this meeting an elaborate gan Federation of Ukrainian Jews re-
educational and musical program has ports that the dance on Sunday even-
been arranged.
ing was a huge success. The thanks
The following standing committees of the society are extended to those
were appointed: Samuel Miller, chair- who helped in the affair. The lavalier
man of intellectual advancement; was won by ticket No, 1906 and will
Alice Weiner, social service; Edwin be presented to the holder upon pre-
Pollakoff, dance committee.
sentation to Mrs. B. Miller of 5431
The dance committee announces Third avenue.
arrangements for a juvenile costume
frolic to be held at the club rooms
Clarimont Club.
Saturday evening, Dec. 1. An ex-
t . • o f the Clair-
tensive program of social activities mont Club was held Tuesday evening
for the winter months is being plan- at the home of Max Wolfgang, 3714
ned by the society.
Brush street,
The purpose of the organization is
A crorespondence committee was
to give moral and intellectual educa- appointed and the list of members of
tion; to serve as a social center for the other organizations of this column
Detroit's young Jewish people and wlil be listed when received by Saul
give financial aid to the Hebrew Baby Glueekman, 1208 Clairmount street.
I Day Nursery, of which it is an aux-
The organization again discussed

r —

1 11111 el hi) Cl1S

Woodman! flin



Knit frocks cling to

fashion and now have

wide borders of con-

Mr. and Mrs. II. Freed of Second
boulevard have left to spend the win-
ter in Florida.

trasting colors and nov-
elty yarns. Simple of

Miss Adel Holinstat of 6003 Van
Court will be hostess at a gathering
at her home Saturday evening, Nov.
10. Music and dancing will be the
diversions of the evening.

smart and comfortable,

Tine they are doubly

$22.50 and up

Mrs. F'. Kimehe of Warren avenue
has returned from a two weeks' mo-
toring trip East, where she visited
with her daughter at the home of
r. and Mrs. P. F. Alverty of New
York. Miss Mollie Kimehe will re-
main East, visiting with New York
an d New England friends until after
the Yale-Ilarvard game.

In the Sport



An interesting event of the past
week was the reception given by Mr.
and Mrs. Z. Muscovitch of 2247 Ha-
zelwood avenue in honor of the en-
gagement of their daughter, Blos-
som, to Bernard Jacoby, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Philip Jacoby, at the Wol-
verine Hotel, on Friday, Oct. 28. Bas-
kets of roses and crysanthemums
graced the tables, at which about 200
guests were seated.

A delightful affair of the past week
was the surprise miscellaneous shower
and dinner-bridge given by Mrs. Har-
ris Horwitz on Thursday at her home,
2236 Glynn court, Nov. 1, in honor
of Miss Ruth Peritz. The color
scheme was carried out in the Hal-
lowe'en spirit and favors were in har-
mony with it. A miniature bride
formed the centerpiece of the table.
Miss Peritz WAS the recipient of many
beautiful gifts.

New biwtinctide
street Models by
such as only
the Ip?use

Hannah and Della Cohen of 75
Harmon avenue entertained 12 guests
at a Hallowe'en party on Wednesday.


Mrs. Fannie Rundbakin of Brook-
the dance to be given Armistice Day
lyn, N. Y., is visiting her sisters, the
at the Kirby Center and tickets were
Esther, Jennie and Pearl
Irnos Zion.
again distributed. Al Dewey's Wol-
Plans are being made by the verine Orchestra will furnish the mu- Greenbaum of 127 Seward avenue.
B'nos Zion for a tag day to be given sic, while several songsters have been
Max Freedman and daughter, Fan-
in the near future, plans to be corn. engaged to furnish the entertainment.
pleted next week. Details will be an. Harry Grossman is in charge of the nie, of Alger avenue are visiting in
York City. Miss Freedman will
nounced as soon as the plans are com. dance.
remain in the metropolis for a fort-
night to visit with her aunt, Mrs. Wil-
Kadimah Girl.,
liam Harris,
Emanuel Sisterhood.
The masquerade Hallowe'en party
The Sisterhood of Congregation was given Saturday, Nov. 3, at the
Miss Esther Mittenthal has re-
Emanuel met at the home of Mrs. home of Mrs. Joseph Stein, 3900
Sachse on Monday evening. Plans Fairview avenue, for the members turned from a delightful visit to New
Chicago and Hartford, Mich.,
were made for a card party to be held and friends of the Kadimah Girls.
in December. The next meeting will Those on the party committee were to her home on Collingwood avenue.
be held at the home of Sirs. Gold- Miss Ann Wilder, Mrs. Rose Gudis
Miss Frances Levine is returning
berg, 2002 Gladstone avenue, on and Miss Lillian Rosenblum.
Thursday from an extended visit
Monday, Nov. 19.
with relatives in New York and At-
Athena Girl. Club,
Near Statler Hotel
lantic City.
Baby Day Nursery.
At the last regular meeting of the
At the board of directors' meeting Athena Girls discussion of various
of the Hebrew Ladies' Baby Day activities took place and it was de-
Nursery held Monday evening, Nov. cided that a theater party be given
6, at the nursery home, it was decid- for the club girls on Thanksgiving Rabbi Glazer Quotes Nehemiah to
441741102W ila
ed to invite the general public to a Day. Plans are also being made for
Imperial Wizard.
large meeting to be held on Wednes- Athena anniversary night, Tuesday,
day, Nov. 14, at the home building, Nov. 20. The next regular meeting
NEW YORK.—The following tele- C
645 East Canfield.
will be held at 8 o'clock Tuesday gram was sent by Rabbi Simon Glaz-
The annual ball will be held at the evening, at the home of Miss Lillian er to II. W. Evans; Imperial Wizard,
Arcadia on Thursday , Dec. 0.
Knights of . the Ku Klux Klan, Atlan- C
Lewis, 626 East Euclid.
The nursery is daily open to
ta, Ga.:
1404 Washington Boulevard, near Grand River
Sigma Phi Gamma,
"The press reports your quotation

An interesting social event of the of Nehemiah, sixth chapter, verses 1,
Philomathic Debating Club.
past week was a Hallowe'en party 2 and 3. It is impolite first to accuse
Mr. Johnson, coach of the High- given by the members of the Sigma the Jews like a Sanballat and then C
land Park Junior College debating Phi Gamma Sorority. Miss Beatrice raise the issue by pretending to do the
team. will address the members of the Miller of 141 Leicester court was hos- great work of a Nehemiah. Being of
Philomathic Debating Club at their tess. The decorations were artistical- Nehemiah's race and faith, I feel jus-
next regular meeting at the Kirby ly arranged in colors of black and tified in replying to the Ku Klux
Center on Nov. 11. The club is sched- orange, in keeping with Hallowe'en. Klan's accusation against my people C
The early part of the evening was with the words of Nehemiah, which
uled to debate with the highland
lark Junior College team in January. spent in various entertainment: you will find but five verses below C
The speaker at last Sunday's meet- games, dancing, etc. At midnight a your own quotation of Chapter 6,
ing was Milton M. Alexander, whose buffet luncheon Was served to 22 Verse 3. Look for your answer in
New showing of the finest seta
Nehemiah, Chapter 6, Verse 8:
topic was "Propaganda." He classi- guests. Dancing followed.
" 'Then I sent unto him, saying,
fied the means of propaganda into
The next regular meeting will be
held at the home of Evelyn Vine of there are no such things done as thou
Josephine avenue.
gayest, but thou feignest them out of
thine own heart.'"
J. A. D. Club.
This correspondence grew out of
At a recent election of the J. A. D. Rabbi Glazer's recent challenge to Ev-
Club, the following new officers were ans to meet him in a joint debate.
Exquisite Bridge Lamps, Junior Lamp., Table Lamps, Fulper Pottery
chosen: Rose Ginsberg, president; Evans declined the challenge by wire.
Tea Set., Cloissoine Novelties, Imported Necklace. and Bags, Vases,
Victoria Ilanels. vice-president; Rose
Grace, secretary, and Estelle Schnei-
Book End., Lustre., Novelty Bracelet. and • thousand other exclusive
Sigma Beta Sorority.
der, treasurer. A Hallowe'en party
An Important meeting of the Sigma
Gift Suggestions—all modeartely priced.
Was given on Saturday evening at the Beta Sorority will be held on Tuesday
Fine Fur-711'1(re foe home of Miss Gertrude Brod on Glad. evening, Nov. 13, at the home of Miss .1 0.,W.1.1.1aWCIMIC.WW.I.ILWAVAICIAVatiV1WOMMAXIM.IA
stone avenue, for 20 young folks.
Florence Corn, 287 Medbury.


1522 Broadway

One Door South of Capitol Theatre

71.1• 100, WELL

The Arch Preserver Shoe

HE Arch Preserver Shoe keeps
T your feet WELL —also LOOK-
ING WELL. Foot comfort and foot
health combined with smart style.
Let us explain the exclusive, pat-
ented features of this better shoe.




Specialised by




Near Washington

1529 Washington Blvd.

asilington gift *pp



New Holiday Novelties
Now on Display

Mah Jong




. $5 to $40

Every Gift Individually Selected C

Lining l?nom,

Dining Room
and Bedroom


Dining Room


its hat off to no one in quality

and value. In fact, actual compari-
son will bear out our claim that the
quality you get for the prier you Pay
for Dining Room Furniture is greater
at D•inzer's than anywhere else.

Fur this Pre-Thanksgiving period of
8, ra her, when the Dining Room
eo. , cs in for its due consideration, we
See featuring Dining Room Outfits
sh,ch we gladly submit to any rom-
ps, ison you would like to make. We
sincerely believe them to be extreme
tmlue s at their regular market prices,
and linheatable at Deinzer's prices,
winch save a third or more.

Actual comparison is
absolute proof that Deinzer
furniture is equal in quality
to the finest obtainable at
any price—

b Streoert

51 1

Pine Pismstrnes Slate 1854

re, ■■•■■ ■•■••■ ■ W I LIKIIMMIIM.11.\\ILWOILIIMW10011,14011. ■ 1KWaRLWILW11

Opportunity Calls


Original Designs, Together With Highest Quality and
Workmanship, Make These Coats Better.

Kina Klub,



The Bins Klub, following the meet-
We have just a few sample fur coats, specially designed
ing held at the home of William
by us and of the highest standard quality, which we are selling
Wolf, 633 Westminster avenue, on
Sunday, is making final preparations
at a more moderate price than any furrier in the city. Rare
for the annual banquet. Arrange- C in their individuality—charming in their loveliness, these coats
ments are in the hands of a commit-
are attracting many Detroit women and bringing them to our
tee consisting of Milton Golden, By- 0
store. Here is your chance to get just what you want without
ron Rosinaky and W. Wolf.
Membership applications are being
paying an exorbitant price.
received. The next meeting will be
Alterations and high grade remodeling work are also done
held at the home of William Halpert,
by our experienced help, who can make you realize the stand-
997.Theodore avenue.


Actual comparison of furniture price tags
will also convince you that Deinzer prices
save a third or more of the price you pay
for equal quality anywhere else.

Pr!. es on Dining Room Furniture
rani ,' from $198 for eight handsome
through $298 for nine pieces,
lin. the scale to $1,400 for a marvelous
8.0 ' in solid mahogany. You are
said to come and see these Dining
Rcom seta—compare them—find out
for yourself how much finer quality
you secure for the same or less money
at Deinzer's.

Lastchane.• Club.

The Lastchanese Social and Ath-
letic Club opened the year's activities
with a meeting at the Balch School.
The following officers were elected:
Louis Garbeur, president; Samuel
Solomon, vice-president; Al Schwartz,
secretary, and Bob Fogel, treasurer.
Membership in the club is open to
young men of 16 to 20. Applicants
should apply at the Balch School at
8 p. m. on Wednesdays.

This saving comes from
Deinzer's method of dealing
direct and eliminating the
middleman's profit—a
saving that makes it worth
your while to come and
compare before buying
furniture anywhere.


Jost aima black North at Jeffers..
es the nut @true out al to
Big C.elaad Stem




ard of our workmanship.

Nu Beta Phi Sorority.

Among the affairs of interest this
Sunday will be the charity bridge tea
to be held from 2 to 5 p. tn. in the
banquet room of the Whittier Apart-
ment Hotel under the auspices of the
Nu Beta Phi Sorority. Tickets may
be obtained from the members, Miss
Rose Berick was appointed chairman
in charge, assisted by Ruth Grosberg.


Ideal Fur Company


"Where Originality of Design Prevails"

La Besse Girl..

The recent Hallowe'en party of the
La Bests Girls was a huge success.
A number of additional entertain-
ments are planned for the year. Of.
ficers chosen for the club are: Miss
R. Margolis, president; Miss F. Ar-
noff, vice-president; Miss C. Kapitan-
sky, secretary; Miss C. S. Alperin,
treasurer, with the Misses .1. Seaman
and R. Pensler on the standing com-
mittee. The next meeting.wlil be
held on Tneaday, Nov. 13, at 9320
Brush street.



614-616 Capitol Theatre Bldg., 1550 Broadway
Main 1024

,■■■ • i.`ww L.1 %.■■•■■■■■ 1t,ICI a a a MI Welk

A. C. Krenz m

■■■■ t■■■■•■■■ •

The Shop where courtesy
and service prevail

11. ■ .■■.‘

10347 Wood'rd

B•tw•al Calvert •all


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