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October 26, 1923 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1923-10-26

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T NF Y)r7Pns'r hsct c

'v.... trip,

Engagentrnts j

11Zieline el ger. ..Pp...44y


The Gift of a Good Book
Strengthens Friendship

Mrs. Sarah Fisher of 4079 Scotten
avenue announces the engagement of
her daughter, Ann Ray, to Harry A.
Collins of this city. The wedding will
take place some time in January.

1448 Hhodward Amu.

Mr. and Mrs. 1. Grass of Euclid
avenue announce the engagement of
their daughter, Myrtle, to Alex
All imaelety Item. mut char local notes should I. cunkatod to Its• •ffica al
vu Schreiber of this city.
Chronicle by 5 o'c , ..cla Wadmoalay •Itornoom is order omm
in the currant isseale
Ph... Gioma.,. 5300, &empty Edit.. Mail matte. so

And nothing so simplifies the task of
choosing a gift.

to bordmatood mot la, •

than Woelmoolar

The spacious town house of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Kahn on Rowena
street was the scene of a delightful
family gathering on Thursday after-
noon last in honor of the marriage
of their daughter, Miss Lydia Kahn,
to Ilarry Lewis Winston, son of Mr.
and Mrs. S. Winston of Virginia park.
The music room, where the ceremony
was performed by Rabbi Leo M.
Franklin, assisted by Joseph, Kahn,
grandfather of tne bride, was beauti-
fully decorated with autumnal flow-
ers and foliage brought from Mr. and
Mrs. Kahn's summer home at Walnut
Lake, while vases of large shaggy
chrysanthemums adorned the mantles
at intervals. The bride, a well known
society leader and graduate of Vas-
sar College, who was unattended, was
charming in a traveling suit of brown
duvatyne, with small fitting turban
of French blue velvet, and wore a
corsage of orchids and valley lilies.
Mrs. Kahn, mother of the bride, was
gowned in black satin model, with
bands of embroidery, and Mrs. Win-
ston, mother of the groom, was at-
tired in black satin. An elaborate
dinner that followed the ceremony
was served at small tables. Many and
charming were t pre-nuptial func-
tions given for the bride. Those who
came from out of the city to attend
the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Kahn and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kahn
of Youngstown, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Lilienfeld of Wilmette, Ill.;
Mr. and Mrs. S. Flanders of Flint,
and Mr. and Mrs. R. Greene (Dorothy
Winston) of New York. Mr. and Mrs.
Winston left immediately after the
marriage for New York, from which
point they sailed on the S. S. Levia-
than for an extended trip through
European countries, after which they
will make their home in Detroit.

Autobiography, travel, exploration, adven-
ture, science, literature, art and music, as ‘ve.Il
as fiction, makes the selection of a book for
gift an easy matter.

fl1arriac v9

The Jewish Woman's Club, the
noted Detroit organization, will op en
its season most auspiciously on Mon.
da y afternoon, Nov. 5 , at which ti
me I
a speaker of international pro
An event of the past week was the
nence will be presented. Proles
8 or ' marriage on Sunday, Oct. 14, of Miss
Earl Barnes, famous lecturer, form
professor of education in I.ela er I Ida Plotler, (laughter of Robert Plot-
Stanford University, who for the p nil' l eg to Elick Zitsnuin of Springfield,
15 years has devoted his time to I nst Ohio, which was solemnized at the
ec- family residence, 260 Hague avenue.
L uring in the United States and
abroad, will talk on "Over-stimula. The ceremony was performed by
tion of the American Child." Profes- Rabbi A. M. Hershman before an im-
sor Barnes, who is a noted author, provised altar of palms and ferns and
lived for seven years in European was witnessed by members of the im-
countries, lecturing in the Universi- mediate family, after which a recep-
ties of I.ondon, Oxford, Manchester tion for a small number of intimate
and the Welsh universities. The meet- friends followed. The bride, who was
r if lateen Beal ia dyed 31 ,4A , o f
ing will be held in tie chapel of Tem- an instructor in physical culture in
ple Beth El and will begin promptly the Detroit public schools, was
at 2:15 o'clock. Mrs. Samuel Glo- charming in a traveling suit of mo-
gower, president of the club, will pre- dish sand color duvatyne, with hat to
match, and wore a corsage of orchids
side at the meeting.
intertwined with a wreath of valley
lilies. At the reception, she was
Mrs. Joseph L. Selling, Mrs. Hugo gowned in rose colored velvet made
A Freund, Mrs. Joseph Welt and Mrs. after the prevailing fashion of long
Willard D. Mayer were in Ligonier, straight lines. Among the many de-
Ind., this week as guests of Mrs. lightful pre-nuptial affairs given in
Isaac Strauss, who entertained at an honor of Mrs. Zitsman was a charm-
zlaborate dinner party at her Ligo- ingly appointed dinner at Hotel Stat-
nier home. Mrs. B. Mayer and Mrs. ler, at which the Gamma Sigma Chi
Emanuel Becker of Detroit, who ha
b een visiting in Ligonier, were at ve Sorority was hostess; a theater party
so followed by tea at Hotel Statler,
guests of Mrs. Strauss.
given by Mrs. Samuel A. Asherson;
a theater party followed by supper
Mrs. Leo M. Butzel of Pallister as
at which Mr. and Mrs. Al Imernian
nue was one of the boxholders at were hosts, and luncheon and bridge
:Mezzanine Floor.
Orchestra hall on Tuesday evening, by Mrs. Jacob H. Loewenberg at her
when the Earl of Birkenhead, former lame on Virginia park. Out-of-town
Lord Chancellor of England, lectured guests at the wedding were Mr. and
on "My Twenty-five Years in Poli- Mrs. Joseph Sculler of Columbus,
tics." The lecture was given under Ohio. Following a wedding trip to
the auspices of the Woman's City New York and Atlantic City, Mr. and
Mrs. Zitsman will make their home
in Springfield, Ohio.
Mrs. Sol Salberg and daughter,
Mrs. Karl Shields, who came to De-
Mr. and Mrs. B. Swartz announce
The Temple Beth El dinner, a de- troit to attend the eighty-fourth
lightful affair that invarably precedes birthday anniversary of Mrs. Sal- the marriage of their daughter, Rose
the annual election of Temple Beth berg's mother, Mrs. Mary Ehrman of Charlotte, to Ilarry K. Mendelsohn,
El, which is at all times eagerly an- Tennyson avenue, have returned to on Oct. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Mendel-
Not' comes our initial display of
sohn will be at home to their rela-
smart things in beauteous velvet—
ticipated, took place on Tuesday their home in Cleveland.
tives and friends at 9311 McQuade
street and dinner go tout—fascinating
evening in the banquet hall of the
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bevier Williams, avenue after Nov. 1.
creations fresh from the fashion cen-
temple, and was largely attended. It
ters—personally selected by Mrs. Dok-
took the form of a buffet supper and
tor—an amity of charming CUII Cep-
was given under the auspices of the charming tea in honor of Mr. and
fi;ns that you will revel in--and de-
Sisterhood. w th members of the
Miss Goldie Rosenberg, daughter of
sels, Belgium. Among those invited Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rosenberg of 698
light tJ choose from.
executive board serving. Mrs. Josen
Lichtenstein was chairman of the to meet Mr. and Mrs. Lichtenstein East Warren avenue, was united in
supper committee, while the hospital. were Mr. and Mrs. Ossip Gabrilo- marriage to Albert E. Ehrlich of New
Ruby's shoes art
ity committee, with Mrs. Adolph Slo- witsch and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick York City on Tuesday, Oct 9, at the
flat high priced
man as chairman, were in the receiv- LaMond, the latter the famous Eu- bride's residence. Rabbi A. M. Hersh-
man Aciated. Out -of-town guests
ing line to welcome the guests. Mrs.
Wallace Rosenheim is president of
were Mr. and Mrs. M. Feinstein, Mrs.
Many charming and delightful af- A. Brener, Mrs. Mart Korenman and
the Sisterhood, with Mrs. Sol Wolf
and Mrs. Harry Farnstein as vice- fairs have been given in honor of A. Ehrlich, all of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mrs. Gus Kahn of Youngstown, Ohio,
who has been the house guest of Mrs
Milton Sloman of Virginia park, and
Otter Buck Black Trim
One of the beautiful weddings o
Dr. and Mrs. Emil Amhurg of Sec-
Mrs. Samuel Sloman of East Ferry the month took place in the French
Brown Russia Tan Trim
ond boulevard were hosts to several
avenue. Among those who enter- room of the Wolverine Hotel on Sun
physicians and their wives at a beau-
All Patent Calfskin
tained at a beautiful function for lay evening, Oct. 21, when Miss
1522 Broadway
tifully appointed dinner party at the
Sizes 2 ij to 8
Mrs. Kahn was Mrs. Frank Purdy, Fanny Wollenberg, daughter of Mr.
One Door South of Capitol Theatre
Phoenix Club on Saturday evening.
i.vho complimented the Detroit guest and Mrs. Jacob Arfa, was united in
honoring their brother. Dr. Samuel
it a bridge party at her home in marriage to William Adelson, son of
Amberg of Rochester, Minn., who was Royal Oak.
Mr: and Mrs. Moses Adelson. Rabbi
their guest the past week.
A. N1. Hershman performed the cere-
Accompanied by her three sons,
MM. Louis Simon of West Grand Joseph, Russell and Leonard, Mrs. Ja- mony at 7:30 p. m. and a reception
followed for about 100 guests. The
boulevard has returned from a de-
cob H. Davis of Chicago boulevard
1529 Washington Blvd Statler Hotel Bldg.
lightful throe months' stay in New will leave on Monday, Oct. 29, for bride was given in marriage by her
brother, Alex Wollenberg, and was
York, Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Miami and Miami Beach, Fla., where attended by her sister, Miss Gertrude
where she was the guest of relatives they will remain for the winter
and friends. Mrs. Simon is enter- months. Prior to her departure for Wollenberg, as maid of honor, and FIANIMs
'Wl I 01211.1
1101 11 kW IMMO h1101111. v,
taining her son, Kenneth Simon of :he southland, Mrs. Davis was charm- her sister, Mrs. Samuel Atkins, as
New York, who came to Detroit from ingly entertained at many lovely din- matron of honor. The bride made a
Cincinnati, where he spent several ners, luncheons and theater parties.
robe, studded with pearls. Her veil
Among the affair!' given was a dinner was held in place by a coronet of
it Hotel Statler, at which Mr. and
Mrs. Waiter,Lilienfehr (Hortense Mrs. Samuel Davis of Toledo were duchess lace trimmed with orange
blossoms and she carried a shower
Krol . `t and son, Edward. of Wil- hosts.
arrangement of white roses and val-
mett^. Ill., are spending a few weeks
lilies. Miss Wollenberg was
at th' home of Mrs. Lilienfeld's par-
Adolph Freund of Chicago boule-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Day Krolik, at vard is in St. Louis, Mo., this week, gowned in flesh colored crepe ro-
trimmed in pearls, and car-
their home on Rowena street.
where he went in the interest of the ried a bouquet of tea roses. Mrs. At.
Cleveland Jewish Orphan Asylum.
was French blue crepe
Grand Boulevard at Woodward
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Moser of Zu-
romaine, trimmed in black velvet, and
rich, Switzerland, spent a few days
Mr. and Mrs. S. Joseph of New she carried red roses. Little Rosalind
in Detroit the past week as guests of York are in the city visiting their
Arta was the ring-bearer and - was
Me. and Mrs. Edmund Lichtenstein many relatives and friends and are
dressed in a quaint white lace frock.
(Elsa Ruegrer). Mr. Moser, who is guests at Hotel Statler. Mrs. Joseph
Irving Stern served as best man and
noted architect in Zurich, is travel- was formerly Mrs. Flora Adler of ',
e ushers were George Arta, Carl
ing in. the United States, studying Detroit.
Arfa and Samuel Atkins, Among the
American architecture.
out-of-town guests present at the
For Particular Women
Dr. A. B. Swartz of Milwaukee was wedding were Mrs. Ada Rosenthal
Mrs. Charles Mayer and daughter, in Detroit the past week in attend-
and Mrs. Bertha Carp of New York;
Prancer Margaret, who sent several ance at the conference of medical
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Chester and Mr.
weeks in the city visiting with Mrs. men which convened in this city. Dr. and .
Mrs. Morris Fine of (folly, Mich.,
'Nfayer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Swartz was a guest at Hotel Statler.
and Mr. and Mrs. Sol Cohen and
lace Rosenheim of ,Pingree avenue,
daughter, Sylvia, and son, Bernard,
has left for her hoMe• in New York.
An out-of-town visitor who has of Cleveland. After a wedding trip
During her stay in the city Mrs. been delightfully entertained during
West, Mr. and Mrs. Adelson will be
Mayer was the recipient of many so- her stay in the city is Miss Fern Jane
at home at 1918 Pingree avenue af-
And His Famous Orchestra
cial attentions.
Goldberg of Duluth, Minn., who is ter Nov. 15.
visiting at the home of her uncle and
Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Rothschild aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finster-
M•ks R
ions Now for the Hallowe'en Party, Oct. 31st.
(Ilerma Kopple) of St. Paul, Minp., weld, on Clairmount avenue.
The marriage of Edith Rae Baskin
who have snent several weeks in New
to Bernard Chreene was solemnized
York and Washingtoh, are in the city ' A recent delighttul affair wn$ the
on Sunday, Oct. 14, at 6 n. m., at the
as guests of Mrs. Rothichild's par. bridge party given by Mrs. Nathan
Congregation Ahavath Zion. Rabbi
ents,•Mr. and Mrs. Eugene II. Kopple Ndrman at her home on West Grand
A. J. Levin officiated. A reception
of Coloredo avenue.. Dr. Rothschild boulevard, honoring Mrs. Manfred'
followed at the bride's residence. Mr.
will return to St. Paul after a short '.11aidstone. who, with her son Edward,
and Mrs. Ghreene left for an extend-
visit, while Mr's. Rothschild will re- recently returned from a two months'
ed trip to Chicago and Milwaukee.
main, for a longer period.
sojourn in Pasadena, Calif. Autumn
flowers and foliage in their russet
01 =30=10 P0=0 ,----i0=0==so=m=eae.
hues formed the charming setting at
Herman Spalter of 338 Owen ave-
the guest tables, and beautiful prizes nue announces the marriage of his
Were awarded the successful winners. daughter, Lottie .Sella, to Samuel
Salzman of this city, which took place
Mrs. Charles Finsterwald of Clair- Sunday, Oct. 21, at the Shaarey
mount avenue has gone to Croton-on- dek Synagogue. Mrs. A. Weisberg, ids-
the Hudson, 'N. Y., where she will I ter of the bride, was matron of honor.
visit with her children and grandson, 1Mr. and Mrs. Saltzman left for an
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rowe (Corinne extended Eastern trip.
Finsterwald) and Charles Rowe.


Specially Featured 'Values
Exceptional for Their Style & Value


ill twelve distinct models—plain
or with Dyed Squirrel, Kolinsky,
Red Fox or Lynx Collars and Cuffs
_each model a superior value at

$285 to $895


Every human emotion is pictured in worik
between the covers of books and the charader.
we are, we would be, or we would like to hi
are created before our eyes. So no matter wL.
the personality of the recipient may be, thd
;s some book or books that will be sure to plea*

There is an atmosphere about the book silo'
at Hudson's that invites selection at leisure and
there is such a broad assortment to choose
that you will find just what you seek.
and scores of old friends and stories that
never die, works of standard authors, and hob-
nobbing closely with them, the best literature
our modern day.

The Children's Book Shop is a store in itself
and if you would make some little boy or girl
happy, there is no better gift than a good book
and no better place to choose it.




Alfred1RUBY Inc





• • • SPECIALS o #
• •


Dancing and Dining

Every Evening



■1■ ■





• •

• •







The Early Holiday Shopper

Finds That It Pays

Salespeople can devote more time to you. Stocks are more complete and
then the whole job is over about the time most folks are hurrying around mak-
ing last-minute selections.

A Mah-Jotigg Set.

Will solve the gift problem for many this
year. You'll find a most complete selection
of sets at Rap's. Come in and see them.
Also Playing Cards and Poker Sets.


Miss Mary Caplan, head of the edu-
cational department of the Jewish In-
stitute, has returned from a delight-
ful stay of several weeks through
0 nortions of Southern Califronia.
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Rosenbaum
While - in Los Angeles, Miss Caplan
(Ann Kramer) are receiving con-
was the guest of her sister, Miss Irene gratulations on the birth of a daugh-
Caplan, former Travelers Aid work- ter, Marjorie Suzanne, on Oct. 13.
er in Detroit, who is now affiliated
with Jewish relief work in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer B. Kauffman
(Essie Stern) of Indianapolis, Ind.,
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Cohen were announce the birth of a daughter,
0 hosts at a charming family dinner' Arline Helen.
party at their home on Glynn court
on Friday evening last.
Mr. and Mrs. Saul J. Benyas (Pearl
Weber) of Omaha, Neb., announce
Maier Finsterwald of • Clairmount the birth of a son, Robert Alan, on
avenue has returned from a pleasant Oct. 12.
stay in Boston, where he visited with
his sister, Miss Lucille Finsterwald,
Mr. and Mrs. Jimea Sobel of Lei-
who is a senior student at Simmons cester court announce the birth of a
College for Girls.
daughter, Elaine Doris, on Oct. 19.








01=0,---"I0i=0= 1 0e=0

0 I

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George A. Kleinman of Clairmount
avenue has returned from a few days'
stay in l'hiladelphia ,where he visited
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.

Italian Crash Linen Bridge Set. It
A good value at $10

Crash Linen Towels, Value $1.50,•for
All Silk Chiffon Hose priced pp to $3, for


Complete lines of Silk Underwear, Negligees,
Linens, Madeira Work, Hosiery, Cut Work



KOWNO (.11 T. A.)—More than
one-fourth of the population of Kovno
Abram Vineberg of Montreal is is Jewish, according to
e gda
i nl a t i ves
an d S t iisst i9c 1 s ,372re oafu . T
The t i t popula-
where e i a s ether guest of r e
691 are

We specialize in finest imported linens and offer
for the holidays our unique and exclusive stocks at
introductory prices, making a double appeal to the
discrimin ating woman who desires the individual in
lingerie and who can now buy at a price





Neat'Door is Washingtoa Gift Shop.





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&.\1110■ ∎ ■■∎ ■■••■•

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