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September 14, 1923 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1923-09-14

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A merico( 5cwish Periodical CeNter



-q1e:fWVZitnalak8gi ---,N.ieL-erw





ew fashion details, new fabrics,
and new furs for the new season

sale fashioned from the better pile
fabrics, such as Gerona, Vel-

verette, Vilmara and Arabella.

Collars and often deep cuffs of
Viatka Squirrel, Grey Squirrel,

the fashionable new shades.



When Teacher
Greets Johnny
and Sister---

East Palmer avenue has returnedt
from an extended stay on the Pacific

Louis James Rosenberg has return.
ed from a short trip to Chicago,
where he visited relatives and friends.

Cornell Klein of 346 Tuxedo ave-
nue has returned from Scout Camp
Camo Agaming, Elm Grove, W. Va.,
where he spent the summer.

Do They Look
Spic and Span?

Miss Dorothy J. Hyman and Anna
Buchner have returned from a visit
in Cleveland.


RE they singled out on the
very first day of the week as
children who are properly
They will be, if you send their
clothes to Jacoby Cleaners, FIRST!
Their oldclothes will look like
NEW when we send them back.
Our cleaning process assures a last-
ing good appearance for the boy or
girl of any size.
Cleaners are
a joy to the
and our low

prices are a
joy to their

72 West Adams Ave.

New Hats

In Advanced Ideas


Cr hen,




and others

Y. P. S. C. Girls.

We ‘vish to announce to the public that a new
modern, sanitary bakery is now at 8814 Twelfth St.
(between Gladstone and Hazelwood), where you
can purchase all kinds of bread, rolls, cakes, etc.
Special attention will be given to caterii • , for wed-
thugs and parties.
All goods will be delivered three tmies daily from
our well established bakery located at 5232 Hast-
ings St.

ss oti000rmtOOO-ctottoott000ttooto 011ottO00***Ott aixt or

Our Prices Are No Higher

We Deliver.


Seal 14, Hamilton-Euclid Market


Sunday evening, Sept. 30, will see
the coming to Detroit of a company
of real stars of the Yiddish stage, to
inaugurate the season here of the
Jewish theater.
Mischa German and Lucie German,
formerly of the Jewish Art Theater
of New York, head the new company,
whose headquarters are to be located
at Orchestra flail.
Among the leaders of the company
who will assist Mr. and Mrs. German
will be Mr. and Mrs. Skulnik and
Mme. Bertha Gutentag.
Mme. Gutentag is known as the
queen of the South Amercian Jewish
stage. Upon her coming to New
York from Argentine a year ago, she
attained a tremendous success in .the
metropolis. As a specialist in Jacob
Gordin's plays, she won fame as a
leader in her profession, and her ap-
pearance has created great enthusi-
usm in this country.
The featuring opening play of this
new company will be "On the Road
to Happiness."
The Yiddish theater in Detroit was
officially opened Wednesday evening
at Orchestra Hall, in "Women's Se.
ereta," in which were starred Mme.
Bessie Thotmishefsky and Elias Roth-
stein. A packed house greeted the
theater's opening. Greetings on the
occasion oft he opening of the season
were extended by Mr. Burnstein of
t he Forward, Leon Blank of the Day
and P. Slomovitz of The Chronicle.
Mr. Rothstein 81S0 spoke in welcome
o the audience.

Empire 5670



4104 Woodward at Ahmandelot
Glendale 11178

Seven-room house, lot 35'x125', with side drive and garage, con-

veniently located on West Philadelphia Ave. near Linwood. This

is a very modern home—only three years old and newly decorated.

better than the monthly rental.

See Mr. Pletsch

7351 Woodward Ave.:

Yom Kippur Flowers

Order them Now!

We will deliver them fresh and fragrant to any address in De-
troit next Thursday. Special prices on all appropriate flowers on
orders placed Monday and Tuesday.
Special Showing of Ferns and Plants for Home Decoration.


231 Gratiot Are.
Cherry 9171
"Fresh Flowers--with the stems cut long and the prices rut awfully

oixoci-o-ociou ciao oo-oop000000-0000titboo,ouctuapoo Do oatria ocumoixt


Leading Agency

" "71

Company of Smite"

M. Fishman,



Members of the Fishman Agency:


0. Aronson
11. Altman
Jos. Chaggi
Benj. Fishman
I. Finkelstein
Jos. Kaufmann
Moe Goodman
J. Grosberg
D. Krakovsky
Jacob Katz
J. Lasser
S. Lieberman
H. Landau
S. Maddin


A big bargain at $13,500, with reasonable down payment and terms

the people. Every mother and father desires to have
the children receive a good education, for a good edu-
cation is the best inheritance parents can leave children
It cannot be taken away from them.
It increases their earning capacity.
It places them on a higher social standing.
It gives them a touch of refinement and culture that
everyone, especially parents, admires so much in
Any Detroit Life Agent will be more than pleased
to demonstrate any of our juvenile policies to you.


Just out of the paint shop; ha.
e•ul tire, motor. Car Is in excellent
condition throughout. The best four.ryl-
Inder ear os the market.

For Sale by Owner

The Detroit Life now issues a complete assortment


I wish to empress my heartiest whhes for ■ happy and prosperous
Now Year to all my patrons and friends.

Choice KOSHER Meats

Opening of Season.

Haat and Cold Move to Wood-
ward and Willis.

Heat and ('old, Inc., distributors
of the Kelvinator and Kleen Heat, a
standard oil heating device for fur-
naces, moved this week from the
Thompson Arcade on Cars avenue to
Woodward and Willis avenues.
This change of location WAS neces-
sitated by the increased business of
the company, which has prospered
under the efficient management of
Charles A. Benford.

Stage Here; Capacity

Audience Greets Official

Max Rosenzweig of 633 West Han.
cock avenue has returned from Cedar
Point and is at home to his friends.

0 0 uootio



Mrs. Edward N. Finkelhor of the
Whittier has returned from a two
weeks' visit with relatives in Chicago.


Tel. Empire 6327

Star Company to Play on Yid-

of juvenile policies, which are finding great favor with

Mr. and Mrs. H. Satlow of Buffalo,
N. Y., are visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Max Schubiner of Carter ave-

O illleettsgmet


One must try them on to be-
lieve the grace of line and
poise achieved by these spe-
cially designed c o a t a and
dresses. All the whims of the
newest fashions are cleverly
adapted to your comfort.

-- ---
Mr. and Mrs. C. Oppenheim of 83
East Palmer avenue announce the en-
i.ai.(murt of their daughter, Sara
Elaine, to Louis Leo Ilanelf, son of
Mr. and Mrs. P. lianelf of this city.

Endowment Maturing at Age 21

Mrs. Max Schubiner and family of
Carter avenue have returned after
being absent from the city during the


For Larger Women

Detroit Life's Specil
Juvenile olicy

Mrs. Jack Jacobson of 3788 Gar-
land avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Winters, who are touring the East,
are visiting en route at New York,
Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Washing.
ton and Baltimore.

imemeinmeoameosmosi•omaso•spowito•tosometworw (0

8419 Hamiltea Ave.

The resignation of Benjamin J. Sa-
fir as speaker of the Philomathic De-
bating Club, at the last meeting, ne-
cessitated the election of new officers.
Sydney DeYoung is the new speaker
of the club. Other officers elected
are. William Knoppow, clerk; Isa-
dore Berger, assistant cletk; Jack
Thumin, sergeant-at-arms. Hymen
I Barahal was elected to fill the va-
cancy on the board of directors.
A farewell party for Mr. Safir was
arranged for this Saturday evening,
at the holm( of one of the members.

Miss Clara Weller of 569 Chandler
avenue has returned from a three
weeks' stay in New York City, where
she visited with Mrs. Wilfred Gra-
ham (Lillian Wagner).

Jew. I.



Philomathic Debating Club.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Hanauer are ac-
companying their daughter, Virginia,
on her return to Mt. DeChantel Acad-
emy, Wheeling, W. Va., from which
point they will otor to New York to
visit with relatives and friends.

At Pack


Mr. and Mr,. Henry Rindskopf of
1141 Philadelph.a avenue announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Marguerite It., to William Stark of
Detroit. The marriage will take place
early in October.

Mrs. Rubye Wolf Klein of 346
Tuxedo avenue has returned from a
delightful sojourn of two months
with relatives and friends in Wheel-
ing, W. Va. From Wheeling Mrs.
Klein went to Atlantic City and New

Blanche HartShoppe


I 3E_ figageturnts

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ullman of
Chicago boulevard. accompanied by
their son, Henry Ullman, have gone
to I'eoria, Ill., where they spent the
holiday period with relatives and
After an enjoyable fortnight's stay
at the ponutar Gratint Inn, Gratiot
Bench, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ro-
sonberg, accompanied by their (laugh-
ter, Miss Madelyne Rosenberg of Ito_
taeAddison, hale returned. Miss
Irene Rosenberg, who spent several
days in Lansing, where she was the
guest of friends, joined her parents
and sisters at Gratiot Beach for a few
— —
Mrs. Joseph Wetsman of Virginia
park has returned front a delightful
stay of several weeks at Mackinac
Island, where she was the guest at
the Grand Hotel.


Woodwdrd Thro to 1Vdshington


The Y. 1'. S. C. Girls met at the
home of Miss Rae Bernstein of 962
East Euclid avenue on Sept. 5. Plans
were made for a bunco party to he
given at the home of Miss Diana L'f-
berg, 7920 Richmond avenue, on
Sept. 26. A luncheon was served fol-
lowing the meeting. The next meet-
Miss Carolyn Epstean, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. David Epstean of Royal! Mg will not •take place until the
bunco party, affair, on account of the
Oak, returned from Camp Tripp, Me., I
where she acted as counsellor at this,
popular camp for girls during the
summer season. Miss Epstean was
accompanied to Detroit by Miss Eve-
lyn Sulzberger, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Mayer Sulzberger of Puritan



Mr. and Mrs. A. Sapiro of 2.537 West
Grand boulevard are receiving con-
gratulations on the birth of a son,
William Harris, on Sept. 8.

Mrs. Mayer Sulzberger of Puritan
avenue is in Mackinac Island, Mich.,
where she contemplates remaining for
a few weeks' stay. Mrs. Sulzberger
was accompanied by her niece, Miss
Catherine Kahn of Youngstown, 0.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius
Kahn, former residents of Detroit.



One of the exceptionally charming .
affairs of the week was the bridge
luncheon on Saturday afternoon, at
which toe Misses Yoletta and Myra
Finsterwald, daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Finsterwald of Massa-,
chusetts avenue, were hostesses to 40
guests in honor of many of the
younger element who leave shortly
for the various colleges. 'the tables
were beautifully arranged and the
decorative scheme was carried out
most artistically.

Mrs. Arthur Pollack and sons
Philip and Richard, of Atkinson ave-
nue, who spent the past summer
months at Far Rockaway, N. Y., have
The list of the series of dances to
returned to the city. Mr. Pollack
be given by the Ladies' Auxiliary of
joined his family in Far Rockaway, I'isgeh Lodge No. 34,
1. 0. B. It., will
returning with thorn.
lie held on Sunday, Sept. 30, at Hotel
Mrs. Hugo Parschall of Glynn
This series of dances will he held
court was hostess at a delightful , oil the last Sundays of every month.
luncheon in compliment to her nieces Mrs, Benjamin Gould, chairman of
the Misses Vera Marx, Ruth Breiten the committee in charge, reports all
barb and Frances Lewis of Tulsa, arrangements for the first danc• com-
Okla., who is a guest at the home of pleted.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bloom of Ten-
Mrs. Gould is assisted on her com-
nyson avenue.
inittee by Mrs. Esther Fleishman,
Miss Anna Kaufman, Mrs. Anna Ru-
Mr. and Mrs. I. Applebaum of benstein. Tickets can be procured
Taylor avenue have moved to their I from this committee.
The next meeting of the auxiliary
new home at 1646 Boston boulevard.
will be held Monday evening, Sept.
at the B'nai B'rith club rooms.
Miss Ruth E. Oppenheim of 81

Beaver, Wolf and Caracul. All



Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Lurie
(Ireta Netzorg) of 3312 Taylor ave-
nue are receiving congratulations on
the birth of a daughter, Barbara
Jean, on Sept. 2.

---- -
Mrs. Ralph Davidson and children,
Dorothy Mary and William M., of
Brush boulevard have returned from
a season's outing at Lorraine, Ohio,
where they occupied a cottage with
Mr. and Mrs. Morse Saulson (Fannie

at their best in the coats in this



A. Mendelsohn
.1. Miller
M. Nissenbaum
P. Portnoy
S. Reuben
M. Rosen
E. A. Rosenberg
A. S. Rubin
M. Rosenfeld
.1. E. Stearn
A. W. Sanders
II. J. Winokur
M. Wagman
Zuckerman Bros.


_ i

Bow offirc Building




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