A merica Awisk Perlalira! eater txJ,ror1 ,...• CINCINNATI SO, OHIO PAGE NINE METhalzoirkwisnaiRosiichs . Mr. and Mrs. Israel Cohen and Los Angeles, Calif., formerly of Detroit, are visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Cohen, of 678 West Hancock avenue. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS --- — dlowliter. Arline, of Mr. and Mrs. D..Ginsberg of Hotel . Toiler have moved to their own apart- merit at IS30 West Philadelphia live- was Saginaw of lien Kramer Mrs. a recent visit in the city at the home nue. , of S. Netzorg, Oregon avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar It. Blumberg of — avenue entertained on Sundsy Handmade Voile 'Blouses $5.75 — $7.50 Exceptionally beautiful blouses in very interesting styles and )alues. Round, Tuxedo or roll collars, trimmings of real Irish and Filet lace, hand-drawn work and hemstitching. Every .titch is handmade and their sheerness mid daintiness make' instant appeal. Two pictured. All sizes. tSIEGEL% "10•••31.41.+9.10.* versa woo.. 6 .earl DE 1 11(UIT, 1%11S:1116AS Moth Time!! Have Your Clothes Cleaned Safety's ---for Sake! P ROTECT your clothes against the moths! Have your appar- • el cleaned often, for the moth thrives on clothes that are embod- ied with grease spots, oils, etc. Try the Ja- coby way, and you are assured of perfect serv- ice, low prices a n d FRENCH good work- DRY manship. CLEANERS "MICHIGAN'S FOREMOST" 7452 WOODWARD — CORNER CUS#R PHONE EMPIRE 3364 the forthcoming issue most be in the office of The Chronicle not later thus II a. ns. Tuesday. __ ___ Jericho Lodge Officers to Installed on Board Ship. Be Woodward Thru to \Vashingto n Formerly the Washisgton Arcade Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alexander and Taylor n d shisissi s Miss Edith Alexander and dune 21, at Eastwood Inn, for Mr. a — Max II. Goldman and Nlr. and Lester Alexander, of Burlingame ave- Mrs. . - 3, Jericho of Tsledo. the , m . sr Tuesday hate returned from a delightful Mrs. Fred Goldman nue - eve- ''''' 0. July 0. F. ' together visit with relatives and friends in casion being Mr. and Mrs. Max H. lodge No. 490 I. , twenty-filth aversary, • ,, ith Jericho Rebekah lodge, N o. 3 28, Goldman's Chicago, • board the SS. Rapids King for verman (Ada 'will Mr. and Mrs. Bert S . 1* Al. Schoenfield, formerly of Detroit, Alkon) have taken up 4heir new rest- the moonlight trip, the feature of will be the installation of new now of Ilicago, spent a few days in apartments, 400 .which by l at the Whittier st week at the home ,,f dence the city the pa,„ 'ast Grand Master John ■■ ftleers drive. Burns Mr. and MorT70. Rosenberg of Ha- ' W. EISMall, assisted by the grand --- zelwood avenue. the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosenzweig lodge officers. The president of — boulevard have ret urned Rebekah assembly and her stall will Lewis, daughter of of Medbury Miss Josephine officers for Jericho visit with their par- • be the installing Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lewis of Grand from a delightful The fourth anniver- their summer home at Cedar Rebekah lodge. scahM. , has gone to Lexington, Mich.,, ants at be cel- stay of Jericho lodge will also where she will spend the summer Point. — • ebruted 011 this occasion. The steam- , months, visiting with friends. the foot of Brush street • Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Harris and ,q- will leave - new has returned from , mother have moved to their ;it, 8 :30 p. m., returning at 12 mid- i David A. Brown home at 1033 Marston court. night. a few days' stay in New York -- , the past week. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Klein (Lorene — Miss Adeline Cohen of Medbury . Simmons) of 2242 Ilazehvood ave- I boulevard has returned from a de- nue are taking a two weeks' motor s it with relatives and • tri ) to li g t h u f N It i Now York and other points, -- friends in Pittsburgh. trit11010110 Ininte r riss a t s Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Hershman — Mr. and Mrs. Israel Brown have are leaving for a two months' trip by moved from their home on Burlingame way of Quebec for Europe. ---- etc avenue and have taken apartments at In loving memory of our 'dear Mr. and Mrs. D. Rosenthal and son, Hotel Addison. mother and wife, Mollie Friedberg, Milton, and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ro- — Leo Newhouse is of New York spent senthal and daughter, Gertrude Ilel- who died the seventeenth day of Tam- a few days in the city the past week, en, have moved into their new home I muz, July 12, 1922. Her Loving Husband, Jacob en route to a visit in Kalamazoo, Mich. at 2400 Calvert avenue. — Friedberg, and Children, — Miss 11. Singer of Montreal, Can- 1 Morris Friedberg and Lil- Samuel Goldberg of Gladwin, Mich., was a recent visitor in the city the ada, is visiting her brother, Nathan lian Rosenthal. Singer, of this city. past week. City , a,,, IN MEMORIAM Robert Nidetch of this city is lean- Miss Lillian Peripsky of 240 Owen' avenue has left for an extended trip ing for an extended trip through the to New York, Philadelphia and At-' East, lantic City to visit with relatives. Miss Evelyn Levy and l'aul Pra- Miss Kate Schoenfield of Berlin- ger, of Byron avenue, have returned • game avenue left for a several weeks' from New York, where they were the visit in Youngstown, Ohio. guests of relatives and friends. Mrs. Minnie Brown of Savannah, Seymour Anspach Weinberg of Newark N. J. formerly of Detroit, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Levy of Byron avenue. was home the past week, visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wein- Mrs. A. Levy of Byron avenue has berg, of 1522 Monterey avenue. returned from a several weeks' stay at Mt. Clemens, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Max Grossman of Virginia l'ark left for New York from Mr. and Mrs. M. Levy announce which point they will sail on July 3, on the S. S. Acquitania for a three the marriage of their dauilster, Sea- months' tour to Europe. Dr. and Mrs. na, to Dr. M. D. Robinson, on June Irving Bittker will accompany their 24. Dr. and Mrs. Robinson left for children as far as Buffalo to with an extended Eastern trip. them bon voyage. IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII J. Austin Newman, D.P. Psycho•Analysis and Constructive Psychology 1059-1060 Book Bldg. Consultations 110 a. m. to 12-2 p. m. to 4 Cadillac 5466 IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII KERR SUMMER SCHOOL Miss Elizabeth Schott of this city, .vho is a student at the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, is spending a few weeks with friends ni Chicago and with Mr. and Mrs. Josef Folz, RUBIN—SLOMOVITZ (Helen Schott) in Kalamazoo, ere, corning to Detroit where she will One of the charming weddings of spend sonic time with Mr. and .Mrs. the week took place on Sunday even- Sidney Schott of Burlingame avenue ing, June 24, at the Ahavath Zion JAMES W. KERR outing. upon their return : Synagogue, from an Eastern when Miss Bluma G. Slo• . ROSE NEWZORG KERR movitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. at the Samuel Slomovitz, became the bride Henry Wineman of East Kirby aye-, of Abraham S. Rubin, son of Mr. and nue has returned from a pleasant stay Mrs. Israel Rubin, of Detroit. The 82 Seward Avenue in Charleivoix, Mich., where he accent- marriage ceremony was performed Detroit, Michigan ponied Mrs. Wineman and his son, under a canopy of white satin which July 5 — — — — August 17 James, who will spend the remainder had been beautifully decorated with Dynamic Symmetry Muntell Color of the summer season at that delight- an altar of ferns and palms, mingled Courser for Artists. ful resort. Mr. and Mrs. Wineman with white roses. The bride was An Teachers •nol Students for Children have taken the Isaac Goldberg cottage charming in clinging white georgette Special Cl For detailed announcement of courses which they will occupy for the heated crepe with cascades of Spanish lace, ,ni tuitions n-riie or phone to season. over a skirt of white silk. The court I train hung gracefully from the Muriel H. Netsorg, Sec'y-Registrar Empire 5421.W 8009 Brush St. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Welt and shoulders and was softly draped with Detroit daughters, Janet and Betty, of Con- a white tulle bridal veil made in coro- necticut avenue have returned from a • net effect, with headdress of a garni- •Ielightful visit in Niagara Falls and lure of pearls with necklace of sim- Watkins Glen, N. Y., and are now oc- ilar strand. She carried a shower cupying their summer home on Lake bouquet of white roses and valley lilies, with streamers of white bow- St. Clair. knots and large chiffon bow. Attend- The many interesting camps for ing the bride as maid of honor was girls in the various parts of the coon- her sister, Miss Bertha Slomovitz, try have already registered many of who was lovely in filmy peach georgs Detroit's best known young women. ette over satin and carried an arm lAmong those who left this week for' bouquet of pink sweetheart roses and Camp Songs in Casco, Me., for a tw) • maiden-hair ferns. Philip Slomovitz, months' stay.are the Misses Dorothy brother of the bride, acted in the ca- - .. i Ruth and Florence Frank, daughters pacity of best man, while Samuel of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frank of Bos- Heyman and Nathan Blazousky were ton boulevard, and the Misses Miriam ushers. To the strains of Mendels- and Elizabeth Fuchs, daughters of sohn's wedding march the bride came Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fuchs of Dela- in on the arm of her father, followed in train by Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin ware avenue. Slomonvitz of Bayonne, N. J., broth-'. -- Among students recently graduated er and sister of the bride, who were from high schools, with the cum laudelmembers of the bridal party. Mrs. honors, are Miss Nance Solomon, ' Slomovitz, mother of the bride, was' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sol- i gowned in a robe of black Chantilly' onion of Tuxedo avenue, Miss Harriet lace, and Mrs. Rubin, mother of the Levy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will- . groom, wore a charming costume of lam Levy of Burlingame avenue and iblack satin. Following the ceremony, Henry Hart Silberman, son of Mr.' . an elaborate dinner was served in the and Mrs. Sidney Silberman (Ida dining hall of the synagogue at which Hart) of Burlingame avenue. [the tabled were centered with artistic baskets filled with roses, snap-dra- Miss Nettie Rosen of 288 Rowena I gons and forget-me-nots, tied with avenue has left with a party of I large pink tulle bows. Among t hose friends to spend the summer in Ha- Ifrom out of the city in attendance at I the wedding were besides Mr. and' wail. , Mrs. Benjamin Slomovitz, and sons — of 569 Bernard, Harold, and Leo, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Weller, Paul Epstein of Bayonne, N. Chandler avenue, were delightfully I Mrs. S. and Miss Jessie Koenigsberg of surprised on Sunday afternoon, June J., Chicago. After an extended Eastern silver 17, on the occasion of their wedding trip which will include Long wedding anniversary, at the home of . and Atlantic City, Mrs. A. Katz, sister of Mrs. Weller, Branch, Bayonne York, Mr. and Mrs. 5426 Fischer avenue. A dinner and N. J., and New make their home in De. will Rubin dance at Elkin's hotel, Mt. Clemens, friarriagre New Frocks For Summery Occasions Frocks charming and chic for tea at the country club, luncheon in town, or the summer dansant. Printed Chiffon Frocks in an assortment of pastel shades, 59.50. Printed Silks plaited from neck line to hem. Dark or light backgrounds, 39.50. Georgette Frocks, delicately hued, for summer afternoon and evening affairs (sketched), 50.00. In the Women's and Misses' Q01.171 Shops OF ART U Exclusive Atkinson Between 12th and 14th; one of the fineat, most complete home. in this section; every feature modern and high class. Just the horne . for 700. Liggett Primary School Hague Bargain Fine 6.roomnear Ileaubien; an ex- cellent well-built home; priced below cost. THE LAMBERT REALTY CO. 1316 Dime Bank bldg. M•in 6580 This Exquisite Thirteen-piece Renaissance Dining Room Suite . niendous Saving for Quick Clearance At a T23. • FYFE'S Ten Floors of Shoe Service d g t- st CO White Linen Sport Oxfords for Women THE REJANE, featured here, is a distinc- tive model of style, personality and splen- did appearance. It comes in fine white linen with white kid trimming, or white linen with black kid trimming. Suitable for street wear. Priced at $11 Fourth Floor C. ling tj On account of the Fourth of July falling on Wednesday, all contribotions for publication in Woodward at Adams Main 6284 STARTING — LIGHTING — IGNITION For Automobile., Truck, and Motor Boats Genuine Parts — Factory Service AUTO ELECTRIC & SERVICE CORP. Phone GlasiaL. 4111 • 1.104 Saki.. A followed in the evening. Covers were troit. laid for 50 guests. Mrs. Weller was JACOBS—SCHWARTZ the recipient of many beautiful gifts. Morris Schwartz announces the Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Harrison, of marriage of his daughter, 'Helen, to 1494 Edison avenue, left for Los An- Maurice Jacobs of Chicago, on June geles, Calif., where they will make 17. Rabbi A. M. Hershman per- their future home. They will spend formed the ceremony at his home, the summer months at Long Beach, and a wedding supper was served at Eastwood Inn, covers being laid for Calif. 20 miests. After snending several' A delightful function of the past weeks in Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Ja- the graduation party ten- cobs will make their home in South week Was dered Howard Robert Weisberger, Bend, Ind. graduate of the Highland Park High School, by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. SOLOMON—YAROVSKY Harry H. Weisberger, of California Among the beautiful weddings of avenue, Highland Park. the month was that of Mary Yarow- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Berman, of sky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Louis Solomon, 534 East Hancock avenue, are receiv- Yarovsky, to Mark ing congratulations on the birth of a son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Solomon of Detroit, which took place at the daughter. Hotel Statler on Sunday evening, Rabbi A. M. Hershman Mrs. Maurice Pevin is accompany- June 24. ing her sister, Mrs. Benjamin Klein, performed the ceremony, following on • trip to Rochester, Minn., via CM- which an elaborate dinner was served cago, where they will remain for the the guests in the banquet hall, the tables being laden with white and week-end. pink peonies and roses. The bride entertained on was beautiful in a simple frock of Miss Sally Solomon Saturday at a theater party and din- cream satin and lace. The groom was attended by Dr. Morton Yarovsky, ncr in honor of Miss Mary Yarov- brother of the bride, while Miss Sally 'by, %eh , se marriage to Mark Solomon evening. Solomon acted as maid of honor. WAS an event of Sunday for 1? guests, ti- Helen East, Hattie Yarovsky, Bettie Posers were laid scheme being carried out in yel- Epstein and Ruth Breitenback were color Solo- • the bridesmaids. Mr. and Mrs. low. mon left for a motor trip to New - Dr. Emil Amberg returned on Mon. York and Atlantic City and will be 1 at 1926 West Eu- day from a trip to Charlevoix, Mich s lat home on Aug. where he accompanied his family. slid avenue. Italian Renaissance Furniture The revival, by the best of our modern manufacturers of furniture of designs artfully adapted from the Italian renaissance should be wel- comed by those who seek distinction in their home interiors. For in no field of furniture construction has there been a result so dignified and correctly beautiful as the expression of Italian renaissance. The style is best known for its fine feeling in pro- portion, its chairs are formal and stately and its severity of outline is relieved by artful paneling. Ameri- can walnut, in its soft-in-the-wood finish, is much used in modern adap- tations. &elusive This massive solid walnut dining suite correctly inter- prets the spirit of the Italian renaissance. Beautifully fin- ished in two tones. Made to tell for $1,760 and formerly priced by us at $1,050. For quick Buffet Table Side Chairs Server China Cabinet Host Chairs Mirror and Candlestick to Match Two Large Floors of Fine Furniture and Rugs From the Best Makers Nome 7urnishinv WO U 11111 1 U "Just a Little Better for Just a Little Less." At Gladstone - 8810-8812-8814 Twelfth St. A. C. Krenz Merchant Tailor The Shop where courtesy 10347 Wood'rd and service prevail ad' ► "'let co inswood