Fin y)entoniloasn ORomicIA PAGE TEN PLAY AND KEEP COOL HOT WEATHER COMFOR,TS , 11011 MR 11111 1 111111111 111 41111111111M 1118 1111111111111111tale1111 1 111111l11111l e t1011 1 0410ali%%%%%Selit• W ISISICW SIS WaX IM IN te. Wallila lMS. Wittili.1041 .1• Wa lsWMVIS. M3V4300M363MICS31:11000616‘1630MIIMSMS34. Wi T.-10•WO FIVE OF SAMUEL'S ESCORTS MURDERED Pentecost, and the government Pst 'l wined the celebration till Monday, June 5, in order to allow the Jewish community to join in the celebration. The Palestine Arabs protested against the postponement, declaring that it was an indication of the extent of Zionist power in Palestine. This year the government refused to postpone the celebration and the Jews have consequently not partici- pated. The Arab press is jubilant over the affront to the Jews. %%5%5555555 GERMANY TO ADMIT ARTIFICIAL REFRIGERATION FOR JEWISH REFUGEES HOME HAS COME INTO ITS OWN For many years the principles of ions far more easily than can be done WARSAW.-0. C. — As pre- artificial refrigeration have been un- with the ordinary icebox, artificial re- frigeration (or more specifically, elec- viously reported, the German govern- derstooll and applied in a commercial trical refrigeration) is being adopted ment declared itself prepared to give transmigration facilities through Ger- way, but only in the last three or rapidly in all parts of the country. High Commissioner Returns "In private homes, clubs, hotels, many to 300 refugees expelled from four years have manufacturers nue- Safely to Jerusalem From seeded in adapting the idea to domes- hospitals, yachts, etc., it has trans- Poland, and to allow them to stay in formed the old-fashioned icebox into the country until they received their Mettulah. tic or household use. "It is agreed today, however," says a veritable cold storage plant, capable visas and were able to continue their journey. C. A. Benton!, president of Ileat & of manufacturing its own cold. JERUSALEM.--1J. T. A.) —The Dr. Spiegel, the representative of "The mechanism consist simply of Cold, Inc., 4490 ('ass avenue, local High Commissioner, Sir Herbert Sam- Kelvinator representatives, "that ar- a tank that fits into the ice compart- the German Red Cross, went especial- uel arrived safely in Jerusalem after DR. HELLER SAYS FINN ly to Warsaw in order to arrange de- tificial refrigeration for the home has ment of the refrigerator, and a small presiding at the exercises celebrating SHECH1TA BAN NOT NEW come into its own. In view of its electric motor and compressor unit in tails on the 010d. He did not arrive the inclusion in the Palestine terri- there, however, until after April 15, greatly increased convenience and its the basement, back vestibule or some tory of Mettulah, the northernmost by which elate the term fixed by the NEW YORK.— (J. C. HI—Finland ability to preserve meats and provis. other out-of-the-way place." Polish government for the evacuation Jewish colony. is not alone in prohibiting Shechita, Two more British gendarmes of the according to Dr. Max !teller, Rabbi Weeks and Gen. John J. Pershing of the refugees had already expired, 10 who were ambushed by Bedouins greeted the conference. Chaplain La- and the refugees who had been selec- of Temple Sinai, New Orleans, who after escorting the II igh Commission- zaron, Officers' Reserve Corps, delis. draws the attention of the J. C. B. er, are dead of wounds. This makes creel an address on "Religion for to the inaccuracy of its report on Ap- a total of five dead, and one captured. American Manhood." The important ril 27. "As for as I a minformed, "The Jewish Welfare Board is con- subjects discussed in the conference It hi now settled the brigands' attack Switzerland has for some time pro- tinuing its program of welfare activ- took place as the escort which served hibited Scheenita," Dr. Heller writes: ities for the 4,500 men of Jewish included the problem of the advance- as a vanguard for the High Commis- ment of the moral and religious life fact that prohibition, I believe, is faith in the service, and for the 1,000 sioner, who was with a rear party, "In f the army by the development of still in force; whether the strong agi- Jewish veterans still in government was proceeding mirth toward Matto- tation some years ago, in Saxony, suc- hospitals and contract institutions," resources within the military estab- lab, and not on its return trip south, lishment, as well as the utilization of ceeded, I cannot recall positively." said Dr. Cyrus Adler, chairman of th as previous reports had It. The brig- those resources which the nation as It appears that Finland's edict Army and Navy committee of the a while, through church and corn. ands, it is asserted also, were Be- against the Jewish method of slaugh- Jewish Welfare Board, who presided munity contact, auxiliary agencies douins from across the Jordan, and tering Animals is not new, the prohi- at one of the meetings of the Confer- and legislation, can give. not members of a Palestine tribe. bition having been In force for some ence on Moral and Religious Work in The English troops are fast on the time. Apparently the Finnish gov- the United States Army, at which was heels of the bandits. ernment had the prohibition under re- discussed the extension of moral and ARREST 300 JEWS FOR The name of the tribe to which the view and decided to confirm it. RESIDING IN DANZIG religious work for the army: • bandits belonged is not known. Sev- eral of the bandits believed to have The conference, which was held in DANZIG. — (J. T. A.) — Govern- been involved in the murderous deed PALESTINE JEWS WANT Washington on June 6 and 7, was at- ment agents swooped down upon the have been arrested. One was serious- AGENCY IN JERUSALEM tended by more than 60 distinguished Jewish quarter and arrested 300 Jew- ly wounded in his attempt to get away educators, clergymen of various de- from the British soldiers. nominations, leaders of welfare or. ish immigrants charged with illegally JERUSALEM.—(J. T. A.) —The ganizations, military officials, and 25 residence in Dmizig. The bandits involved in the slaying Attempts have been made to have National Council of Palestine Jews at of the five gendarmes are believed to chaplains who rendered exceptional belong to a group which has been its meeting recently, adopted a resolu- service (luring the World war, at the the arrested released on bail until their court hearing, but thus far they preying on the villages round-about tion urging that the seat of the Jew- invitation of the Hon. John W. have been unsuccessful and the 300 for some time, killing many people ish Agency be in Jerusalem and that Weeks, Secretary of War. are still in the custody of the Free and bringing about general destruc- Palestine Jewry be adequately repre- Dr. Adler, speaking about the pres- sented thereon.. The resolution is ad- City officials. tion of property. ent activities and future plans of the Sir Herbert is leaving for London dressed to the Zionist Organization Jewish Welfare Board, which in ad- the end of this month for an extended which, under the terms of the Pales- dition to its work in developing and Emanuel Completes Plans For vacation. Sir Gilbert Clayton, Civil tine Mandate, is recognized as the New Synagogue. stimulating Y. M. II. A.s, Y. W. II. Secreatry, will act for the High Com- Jewish Agency. Official figures published show 969 A.s, Jewish Centers, tend kindred or- missioner until the latter's return in ganizations throughout the country, At a meeting of the Congregation Jewish immigrants entered Pelestine `September. works with the men in service and in Emanu-El, held on Wednesday, June Completion of arrangements for during April, 20, a final decision as to plans for Mystery surrounds the death of a government hospitals, said: the Palestine loan and the jurisdiction "The program of the board con- the new synagogue building, to be lo- of the local Jewish communities in Jewish boy and girl who were found cerns itself with the spiritual and cated at Taylor and Wilson, was dead on the beach near Tel-Aviv. Ev- l'alestine, are among the questions the moral welfare of every individual of reached. The congregation also de- High Commissioner is expected to con- erything tends to the belief that the Jewish faith in the service. Every cided to engage a financial secretary sider with the British government two, both aged 20, committed suicide. Their names have not yet been ascer- means at its disposal is utilized in its on a salary basis. Experienced book- during his holiday. cial Army and Navy committee, rep- keepers desiring to devote part time On Saturday, June 2, the birthday tained. effort to minister to the men. A spe- to'bilecongregation are asked to ap- of King George V. was officially cele- resentatile in character, for its per- ply to Ralph Weizman, 7475 Wilson brated here. As the King's birthday LIEBERMANS ON BUYING TRIP sonnel comprises members of all na- avenue (June 2) was on Sunday, the Jewish tional rabbinic and congregational or- Max Lieberman, senior member of population made representatoins to ganization, has been organized to di- the government asking that the cele- the Lieberman Furniture Company, bration be postponed to Monday an 629-639 Gratiot avenue, left on Tues- rect these activities. Representatives of the booed conduct religious serv- that the Jews should be able to partic- day for Grand Rapids to join his son, Sam, who is on a buying trip. They ices periodically, and wherever possi- ipate. Last year the King's birthday co- will visit other markets before return- ble, meet the men individually. Where camps are located adjacent to Jewish incided with the Jewish festival of ing. communities the men are encouraged to attend services in the synagogue. "In the high holy days of 1922 1,600 service men and disabled vet- erans, of whom no less than 1,000 were in the United States army, par- ticipated in observances arranged at 50 central points by the board. Our. ing the recent Passover 61 celebra- tions, each of which included the rot LILHTIST UKIAH BOAT MOTOR Olt MB WAicit Seder service, were attended by 1,700 men and disabled veterans, of whom approximately 1,000 were in the United States army. They came from 125 posts, stations, prisons, ships and hospitals. In accordance with Jewish tradition, Matzoths to the amount of 10,000 pounds were supplied to 3,500 Jewish service men and disabled vet- erans, of whom more than 2,000 were in the army. The other holidays, As easy to carry as a pair of oars. The which included the Feast of Weeks whole family can use and enjoy it. Takes and Tabernacles, the Maccabaean apart quickly for packing in handy suit case. Festival of Dedication, and the Feast Slides under Pullman seat. Requires no of Esther are also appropriately cele- batteries. Has built-in Quick Action Mag- brated." At the opening session Secretary neto, Real Float Feed Carburetor, Spark ,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 %%%%%% Vs. HOOLIGANS SHOUT "DEATH TO JEWS;" TWO ARE WOUNDED let for transmigration through Gr- many had left l'oland. The permission of the German gov- ernment no longer Maids good, but Dr. Spiegel declares that he hopes that the German Red Cross will be able to per- suade the government to allow 300 to WARSAW.=(J. T. A.1—Shouting 500 refugees who must leave Poland a fter Sept. 1, to stay in Germany un- "Death to the Jews," a gang of hool- til after they have obtained their Am- igans invaded the Jewish quarter lute erican visas. Saturday night attacking Jews on ADLER ADDRESSES ARMY CONFERENCE SCORES DIE IN ARAB FEUDS JERUSALEM—(J. T. Asl—A seemingly endless series of feuds is raging between Arab tibes located between the provinces of Aleppo and Hama, in French Syria. Scores of villages are reported to have been virtually wiped out. Approximately 100 Arabs are reported to have been slain in recent clashes. Krochmadna and Gnojna streets. Jojne Siegelman and Wulf Rosenfeld are among the more seriously wounded. Panic caused by the disturbance among Jewish shop keepers and pass- er:shy continued until one o'clock in the morning. In addition to the din- turbers of the peace several Jews are being held. etyma -tor o e HOME REFRIGERATION WITHOUT ICE II II The 2•Cylinder, 2 H. 0 OUTBOARD MOTOR that WEIGHS 35 Pounds Complete ONLY and Throttle Control, Instant Reverse, Uni- versal Steering and other exclusive features, Not an Experiment The Lightest The Speediest and Most Durable Outboard Motor White Lily DE LUXE in the World. A time-tested but up- to-date Washer, • built for service. Now as low as Give us the opportunity to convince you now, while prompt deliveries may be secured. '125 Moderately Priced. WAYMAN TAYLOR WARD CO. ' Combines the best fea- tures of the three pre- vailing types — simple and easy to han(ll e. INVESTIGATE. Phone Main 0457 403 Real Estee Exchange Bldg. Eastern Michigan Distributors Write or phone for demonstration J. R. VROOMAN, Retail Mgr. DETROIT AWNING SERVICE CO. Main 7866 305 Woodward g E E g E E Fans For the office and home. New stock bought for our big new store'. Best makes and reasonable price's. You're sure d f quality and service here, I The ELECTRIC g r, SERVANT CO. g r r 131 Csdillsc Square, near County Building ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I • A Cadillac 4000 1*.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■•■■ 49 E. Congress St. Phone Cherry 4570 For Free Trial JEWETT Solid Porcelain Refriger- ators. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 111111 11 I U ■ Householders, Builders, Engineers, Me- 0 chanics and the public generally will find it pleasurable and profitable to trade here. l Home Heating Without Coal. ■ ■ g Also Distributor. for KLEEN HEET U ■ I Phones Glendale 4736, 4737. 4490 Cass Avenue, Thompson Arcade ■ ■ rt HEAT AND COLD, INC. U ■ re,......... ■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■■■■■•■•■■■■■■■■■; t Buy a Fan Here and Keep Cool & FA E Kelvinator eliminates the ice man. with his inconven- ient hours and his dripping, dirty ice. Kelvinator is so much more efficient than ice that there is literally no comparison. In the first place, Kelvinator fits right into the ice chamber of the refrigerator box you now have. It sup- plies absolutely dry cold—cold which is several degrees , lower than ice temperature. Kelvinator is perfectly clean, very inexpensive to run, anti it is always there. Mechanically right—not built to a price. Resolve now to do away with ice. by installing a Kelvinator. Get the facts. ■ ■ ■ The Johnson Water Bug Is Said in Detroit by • ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ U I U ■ ■ What the Ice Man Means to You To the average citizen the ice supply is just about the same as the water supply—taken for granted. This is particu- larly true of Pittmans & Dean customers because of the regularity with which the ice man makes his appear- ance at their doors each morning. Each Pittmans & Dean Serv- ice Man has a certain number of homes to supply with ice. Routes are limited to assure our customers prompt deliv- ery and relief from worry about ice. You will find our men accom- modating and courteous for they realize that they act as both the salesmen and distri- butors of Pittmans & Dean Ice. The service they give must be unfailing, because ice is practically a necessity in Detroit homes today. If you are not one of our cus- tomers, phone Main 1180 and you will receive steady and satisfactory ice service. PITTMANS & DEAN CO. ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ FARWELL BUILDING MAIN 1180 III ■ ■ ■ 11 UUIUUI ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ nomo•