rt IGDEVII)1111EWLS11 RONK= PAGE EIGHT SC UC T I KAWNINCS Kelvinator Frees Homes from Inconvenience of Old-Fash- ioned Refrigerators. Anyone who has lived in Detroit for any length of time need not be told of its manufacturing prowess. Automobiles, adding machinee, paints, stoves, overalls and cosmetics—De- troit's manufacturing "menu" reads like a page from an export catalog. There is scarcely an article of com- mercial importance that is not repre- sented. The last achievement to carry the banner forward is the perfection and exhibition Of Kelvinator, a domestic electrical refrigerating unit. At 2051 West Fort street is a modern version of Arabian Nights. Alladin's Lamp never did more than is being done here with a few simple principles of high school physics. Through the efforts of Kelvinator engineers, the present day home has been freed forever from the incon- venience and discomfort of the old- fashioned ice cooled refrigerator. It has gone the way of the wash boiler, sad iron, gas lamp and long tresses. It is no more. Instead of a cake of ice in the rea d frigerator, there is now a frost ce- ered metal tank. Into the modern home, in a volume that is mounting by leaps and hounds, this little frost covered tank is bringing perfect re- frigeration, greater convenience, bet- ter sanitation, and a brand of de- pendability hitherto unexpected from the old family ice ox. Even clubs, yachts, hospitals, ho- tels, laboratories, eta, are making use of it. Wherever there is a need for an extremely low, unvarying tem- perature, maintained automatically without human supervision, Kelvin. ator may be found. Kelvinator success is the forecast of a new industry, or at least the ad- dition of a new and highly important service in the electrical specialties field. By the same token, another advance has been made in the Stan- dard of living. Household labor has been lightened; food preservation im• proved, and health factors protected. Kelvinator distribution today is nation-wide. Its sales offices number more than 400. From the exclusive summer colonies of the Adirondacks to the ranch house of the Pan Han- dle, Kelvinator advantages are known and appreciated. Kelvinator is sold in Detroit and vicinity by Heat and Cold, Inc., 4490 Cass avenue, New Thompson Arcade. Selecting Awnings is an experience that housewives anticipate with fascination. Our materials are durable and are made to with- stand the elements. "We keep out the sun" Detroit Awning Service Co. 305 Woodward Main 7866 Cig•rs Cigars by by the the Boa Box ABE MANHEIM Special Brands of Cig•rs of the Very Highest Grade. DON PANCHO DE LI.?LE Made in Bond Pure Havana 434 DIME BANK BUILDING FORD TRUCK A TALMUDIC SAYING From my teachers I have gained much lore; From my fellow students greater store; From my loved disciples even more. Pneumatic tires. A wonderful buy. REO DETROIT BRANCH THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS 4104 Woodward at Alexandrine Glendale 8176 PACKARD TWIN SIX HENRY F. HURLEY When you hear the price you will want it. Electrical Contractor I REO DETROIT BRANCH Repair Anything from • Door Bell to An Electric Mator. 4842 Hamilton Ave. Glendale 0263 77 THE. HOME OF GOOD USED CARS 4104 Woodward at Alexandrine Glendale 0176 R. H. D house, Pres. ad Mr, F. C. Diesselhotter, Treasurer M. D. D Ihouse, Secret ry 7 ' ' NM D&C WIND CQ "PE li d 12324 Phone SANITATI 'ION Your windo home furnishin —dust is germ. you can avoid it. Window Shade Cleaners and Manufacturers. We Make Austrian Cloth and Fang, Holland Linen Shades. Curtain Rods, other ..F.AN ease— We will clean your shades, repair them and make them like new—and furthermore, we guarantee our work- manship. Let us estimate on cleaning your shades or making new ones--home or oflice. $2,800 Sacrifice Good, complete, modern six-room home on Ilague Ave., between Oakland and Brush. Nice kitchen, large light living and dining rooms, fireplace, bookcases, entrance hall, three bedrooms, bath, large attic, light basement. Hilt air furnace, garage. Good lot. Price $10,500.00. Term.. THE LAMBERT REALTY COMPANY Main "WHITE STAR ROOFS ON EVERY STREET" Regional Distributors Keystone Roofing Mfg. Co. Including BUILDING PAPER Miller House Cleaning Co. 3507 Gratiot Avenue, Near Moran Cleaning all painted walls, ceiling., paper, tapestries and woodwork; also waxing and polishing floors. Good Work and Prompt Service Melrose 3061 ee -meemew McDONALD'S WINDOW SHADES Scalloped and Fringed • Specialty. Full Lin• of Window Shades Made to Order Curtain Rods. Rubber Matting, Stair Treads L1 T..711.”, Main 1699 Cor. Grand River and Elizabeth Zionist Cultural Society. Israel Zilber will be the speaker at the meeting of the Zionist Cultural Society to be held this Monday even- ing at the Jewish Woman's Club. Mr. Zither will have as his topic "Balfour Zionism." Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society. The May charity ball of the Ile• brew Ladies' Aid Society will be held this Sunday evening at the Kirby Center. A home made luncheon will be served. Purity Chapter No. 359, 0. E. S. A public card party will be given by Purity Chapter No. 359, 0. E. S., on Monday evening, May 28, at the Eastern Star Temple, West Alexan- drine avenue. Members and friends are invited. Prizes will- be awarded to winners. The drawirig of the pair of Japaneseeandlesticks will be held then. The annual children's party will be held on the afternoon of June 11. Blue Bird Girl.. An interesting meeting of the Blue Bird Girls was held Tuesday evening, May 22, at the home of Miss Anna Gold, 665 East Kirby avenue. Final arrangements were completed for the dinner and theater party to be held Saturday evening, May 26. The girls will have dinner at the Hotel Taller, commencing at 6:30 p. m., and from there will go to the Garrick theater. The outing to Orchard Lake sched- uled for Sunday, June 3, has been postponed to Sunday, June 10. The uext regular meeting will be held Tuesday evening, May 29, at the home of 51iss Edith Sominsky, 565 East Palmer avenue. Philomathic Debating Club. Teh l'hilomathic Debating Club will proceed out of the usual routine this Sunday. The meeting will be held at the home of Robert Bernstein, 962 East Euclid avenue, where a so- cial will be held. There will be a mock trial with Samuel Leibovitz as the defendant, and Benjamin J. Salle and William Knoppow as attorneys. The prosecuting attorneys are Syd- ney DeYoung and Isadore Berger. last Sunday a current topics pro- gram for probationary members was held. The following participated: Cohen, Zionism and the Jewish prob- lem; I. Schlussel, the Jews in Poland; H. Rosenstein, the automobile of 1973; S. Steir, immigration as an is- sue in 1924; S. Talberg, the automo- tive industry. Benjamin J. Saffir was critic. Sigma Rho Tau. The Sigma Rho Tau Sorority an- nounces plans for a summer formal dance to be given in the rose room at the Hotel Addison on June 22. Further announcements will be made later. Kadimah Girls. Plans have been completed by the Kadimah Girls for an informal danc- ing party to be held in the ballroom of the Wolverine Hotel Sunday evening, May 27. The Misses Besse Grabow, Rose Gedrich and Anne Manson, who are on the committee, have spared no efforts in planning to make this affair a social event of the season. Tickets may be obtained at the door or from the members. Sigma Phi Gamma. The first annual hayride of the Sig- ma Phi Gamma Sorority, held Satur- day evening, May 19, at Jefferson Beach, proved a success. The cot- tage was beautifully decorated with sorority colors. Dancing, games and a novel lunch followed the program. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benderoff of Toledo and Messrs. Max Katz and Dave Kasdon of Ann Arbor. Miss Mildred Bachrach of 629 Hague avenue will be hostess at the next meeting. Avery Ave and (rand Trunk 14. K. ....... -M.. 6' North Woodward E. J. W. W. 0. The North Woodward branch o the European Jewish Women's Wel- fare Organization Wednesday after- noon, May 23, installed the following new officers at a meeting held at the horned of Mrs. Louis Friedman of West Euclid avenue: Mrs. M. Gold- berg, president; Mrs. George Cohen and Mrs. Fred Epstein, vice-presi- dents; Mrs. S. Schaflander, treasurer; Mrs. Jack London, secretary. The installation ceremony was con- ducted by Mrs. Joseph Zuckerman, president of the main branch of the organization. Various talks were given by new and retiring officers, and reports were rendered on the work of the past year. Encouraging preparations are being made for the activities of the corning year. The planned campaign for mem- hers woo discussed and a number of workers volunteered to secure mem- bers. Mrs. M. Goldatick, the retiring president, announced that a get-to- gether festival will be held at Belle Isle on June 7. Y. P. S. C. Girls. At the meeting of the Y. P. S. C. Girls held Wednesday, May 16, at the home of Miss Tracy Flanders, 539 East Kirby avenue. plans were made for the purchase of arm bands bear- ing the name "Ypsc." The next meet- ing will be held Wednesday evening May 30, at the home of Miss Ida Ro- senberg, 548 Ilendrie avenue. 6580. Phones: Northway 190:-1111 Fraternal and Club Notes .11e . Clairmont Club. The Clairmont Club deeply regrets that it had to cancel the annual May- time dance 4: the Kirby Center, be- cause of the Shavuoth holiday. The club will endeavor to treat its pat- rons to a moonlight in the near fu- ture. Thalia Sorority. The last meeting of the Thalia Sorority was held at the home of Miss Clara Wolgin, Wednesday evening, May 16. The hike to Redford was reported a success. The girls are now planning an outing on Decora- tion Day, May 30. All arrangements will be taken care of by the enter- tainntait committee. An open meet- ing was held at the home of Miss Gertrude Wolgin Wednesday even- ing, May 23. LETTER DESCRIBES SUFFERING ABROAD Hias Representatives Here in Interest of Immigrant Aid Society. D. Keller, field representative of the Hies, the Ilebrew Immigrant Aid So- ciety of America, addressed a number of synagogues during the week and reports progress in the work accom- plished in collecting funds for the im. migrant aid society in Detroit. Mr. Heller is continuing his efforts here and mays he is encouraged by the re- sponse made by Detroit Jews. Extracts from a letter from the Warsaw office of the Dias are descrip- tive of the manifold activities in be- half of the Jewish wanderer. The let- ter was addressed to Isaac L. Asof- sky, signed by A. S. Schluger, direc- tor of Warsaw Hias. Extracts fol- low: "While the sufferings of our breth- ren has not yet ended, I think that the last chapter of the sufferings of the Russian refugees has already been written, and written in Danzig, on Friday, April 13. "On Thursday, April 12, I received a long distance telephone call from Danzig, telling me that the Danzig a uthorities are closing the border to the Russian refugees who are to get out of Poland by the fifteenth, and that I must come at once, for Mr. Werosoub told me over the telephone that he had already made an appoint- ment for nie in the Danzig Senate. "I arrived at Danzig Friday morn- ing and was met by our Mr. Werosub and the director of the Auswanderlag- er. We immediately went to the Sen- ate, there we were told that there will be a meeting of the special committee dealing with the subject of the Rus- sian refugees and we should be pres- ent at the meeting. "Meanwhile, our Wercusub and my- self went to the police station. There we found that this order to free the people had not come yet. We were told to come back at five P. 51 The emi- grants were, naturally, provided with food. We reported to the police sta- tion and at 5 o'clock promptly and found that the emigrants are ordered to return Poland. You can just imag- ine our feelings. After an hour's pleading with the Police Commission- er, I succeeded in getting permission for the orphans to remain in our care in the Emigration Station, but the rest of the emigrants, women, children and a few men, were ordered back to the railway station for deportation to Poland. "I have never witnessed a tragedy so deep. I have never heard such heart-rending lamentations as I was forced to hear when those women and children were led forth, surrounded by a cordon of police in the direction of the railway station. I have no words to describe this heart-rending scene. You know very well how hardened po- lice, officials and policemen are, yet even they, who led the procession, were crying like children. "It may be known to you that the railroads running from Danzig to Po- land have been assigned to Poland by the League of Nations. Because of that, the soldiers and policemen who led the emigrants had met with some complications at the station. The po- lice commissioner was called to the telephone. The police explained to him their complications and also the impression this little group of emi- grants has made on them and the crowds on the streets. For the streets have immediately been filled with a multitude of people, watching these emigrants carrying their little bund- les, and asking whether these people are led into captivity. Whatever the case may have been, the police com- missioner turned to me, I was still on the scene, and said: Take them, I com- mit them to your charge, in the Aus- wanderlager. "Our Mr. Werosub immediately went tee the station and I took the or- phans to the Auswanderlager. When Mr. Werosub announced to the emi- grants that they are free, about six of them collapsed. Of course, we had to take wagons and bring them to the Auswanderlager. And now, it is true, that it is Hias that saved these emi- grants, for the word of no other or- ganization would have been taken by the Danzig authorities as guarantee, but it has been done after these poor people hoe endured as much suffer- ings. I had to stay in Danzig for an- other day and had a meeting with the Senate and influential people in town. I organized a committee, and while, officially, Danzig was against that the people should be driven out of Poland to Danzig, yet they withdraw the po- lice from the station so as to permit us to take the last remnant of the flee- ing refugees under our care and pro- tection." LIEBERMAN'S n FUNDS FOR NEEDY SICK Mr. and Mrs. Julius Epstein of 8640 LaSalle boulevard celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary on Sunday evening. Tables were set for 60 guests. The decorative scheme was carried out in pink and lavender, sweet peas and roses adorning the tables. A rich musical program was presented, the Misses Leonora Kauf- man and Edith London giving vocal solos. Abe Srere acted as toastmas- ter. Friends of Mrs. II. Harry Moss of Gladstone avenue delightfully sur- prised Mr. and Mrs. Moss on Thurs- day evening, May 17, at a dinner in honor of their thirtieth wedding an- niversary. Forty ladies were in at- tendance and Mrs. Moss was present- ed with a beautiful gift by her friends. Mechanics Attention • We have on hand a few used corn that need mechanics' attention. These are priced to sell at once . Why ride on a street car? REO DETROIT BRANCH THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS 4104 Woodwardso Alexandrine Glendale 6170 New Eastwood Inn Building to Be Ready Decoration Day. The Eastwood Inn, located at the Eight-mile road and Gratiot avenue, announces that the new addition to the present building will be ready for Decoration Day, with a total seating capacity of 600. Joseph I'. Weyer, the proprietor of the Eastwood Inn, is known among his Jewish friends as the former manager of the Phoenix Club. The inn is open all year round. Entertainment is furnished by An- Airs. Ruse Solovich and daughter, derson's syncopated singers. Ethel, of Virginia park have return. ed from their winter's sojourn in "Seventeen," a dramatization of California, Arizona, Texas and Mex- Booth Tarkington's popular novel, ico. and which served Gregory Kelly so well as a starring vehicle, will be Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Klein and their the offering of the Bonstelle Com- mother, Mrs. Cora B. Simmons, have pany at the Garrick next week, be- moved from 7414 Second boulevard ginning Monday night. It will also serve to re-introduce Neil Martin to to 2242 Hazelwood avenue. a Detroit audience, he having the Mrs. Sarah Fineberg of 1610 Wav- role which raised Mr. Kelly to stellar erly avenue has as her guest Mrs. L. ranks. a• Kusmer of Cumberland, Md. Mrs. Sam Smitt of Taylor avenue left for New York City to spend a month with her daughter, Mrs. II. G. Warren (Helene Smittl, who is leav- ing New York tee make her home in Cleveland. 51rs. Smitt will also visit with her father, Morris Gellert, and sisters, also in New York. SS FURNACES SOLD BY THE MAKER DIRECT .\ TO THE USER • nd the maker guarantee. suc- cess backed by 50 yean of sac- ce..ful operation. If you need • good heater just phone us. Phone Garfield 3722 and got our price and plan. Fr ee bookietstructive —lo and use tut wi th any furnace. Send tar on and phone for estimator to tell you what your heating will cost. HESS WARMING & VEN. TILATING COMPANY NONE BETTER 8720-22 ARCADIA AVE. ............... The Ladies' Auxiliary of Pisgah Lodge No. 34, I. 0. B. B., announces plans completed for the card party to be held at the Palais de Danse on June 12. There will be refreshments and prizes will be awarded to win- ners. Proceeds will go to charity. BUILDING SUPPLIES Ask U. for Prices and Estimates. GRAVEL, CEMENT, LIME, DRAIN TILE, FLUE LINING, PLASTER, SEWER PIPE, PARTITION TILE A beautifully appointed shower was tendered Miss Edith liermanoff by the Blue Bird Girls on Saturday evening, May 19, at her home, 323 East Warren avenue. This affair was one of many given Miss Hermanoff, who is a popular June bride. The decorations were red and white, roses adorning tables. Miss Herman- off was the recipient of many beau- tiful gifts, among them being a beautiful large Roman cut work ma- deira centerpiece presented to her by the Blue Bird Girls. H. H. DICKINSON CO • Nortbway 4170 LOOK At your window shades. We clean all makes to look like new at one-third the cost of new shades. Holland Linens Our Specialty. Miss Ada Fink was delightfully surprised on Sunday evening at a birthday party given in her honor by Miss Camille Haas at the home of Miss D. Greenbaum, 3755 Brush street. Out of town guests were Iler- ALL WORK GUARANTEED Re-Shingle r. S. D. McCLELLAN CO. Weec Shingle Roof Contractors Hemlock 8736 yl 2993 and you'll get service Mich. Shade Cleaning Co. 1946 Twenty-third Street DETROIT REO TOURING Enjoy the fine drives around De- troit at a small payment down, balance monthly. OISE TESTIMONY TO OUR WORK STARTING — LIGHTING — IGNITION For Automobiles, Truck, and Motor Boats REO DETROIT BRANCH THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS 4104 Woodward at Alexandrine Glendale 8176 '— HUNDREDS Or BUILDINGS EREMS COTTAGES TO SKYSCRAPERS Genuine Parts — Factory Service AUTO ELECTRIC & SERVICE CORP. 91.109 Sold.. Avenue nos. Glearinlo 4121 CLEAN UP and PAINT UP USES ; \\\ ;'‘. ,,f t4 leOTS otloc e 1 a k Mt‘la ... a a , . as. 1 iiN - os .0400- it4 eV .se se. • , \ \ I , ‘ 4 \'44, 13\ . E NI : t _\ N NS k \ • M -k v.\ I VRTEEVEN WM, A\ s\, , \‘,& A NT \‘‘st‘ 4ittlis l , ,P I S •HIGHEST QUALITY AT NO GREATER COST --,. , - SOLD BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE rmyrri" rn Ifrnipmormirrr nrrmcm-ww- Why Invest in an Unknown Quality Paint? LIFETIME FURNITURE LIEBERMAN'S So V Piece Wiidut Dining Suite - Specially Designed ,and Executed for Popular Size Apartment Now Being Shown in One Leading Furniture House in Each City We have secured this unusual suite for our exclusive and particular trade. Solid Walnut Exteriors, Solid Mahogany Interiors This should appeal to those interested in Dining Suites. We Consider It a Privilege to Show You Through Our New Building iet mum mifure R U GOING? Bicur Chalons Excursion TASHMOO PARK. JUNE 3 Boat Leave. Foot of Griswold 9:15 Sharp. man Fineberg, Max Tarnow and My- ron Sbiffman of Ann Arbor and Emanuel Dulberg of New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenbaum and Mr. and Mrs. II. Fink chaperoned the affair. A City Wide Furniture Store RPLA. 629-639 Gratiot Avenue