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February 09, 1923 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1923-02-09

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Iii i i i i l i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1am i

David A. Brown, candidate for
mayor, filed the necessary nominating
petitions, bearing 12,350 names with
City Clerk Lindsay at the city hall
Friday afternoon. The petitions were
presented at the city clerk's office by
Charles Smith, Mr. Brown's secretary.
For the primary election which will
he held March 7, only 6,080 names are
necessary to get a place on the non-
partisan ballot. This number is two
(Prom cable. of J.,.i.b Correnpoodenee Bureau and Jewish Telegraphic Amoy.)
per cent of the city's total registra-
tion of 304,000.
The appointment of Abram Rosenthal of New York City us Deputy
The maximum number of names al- Attorney General was announced by Attorney General Carl Sherman.
lowed under the law is 12,160, but Mr.
Brown submitted 12,350 to insure a
King Hussein of the Iledjaz may assume the Galiphate, in opposition to
safe margin for any possible errors.
the new Caliph appointed by the Turkish Nationalists, the Daily Mail de-
There were thousands of other clares it learns.
names on his petitions, but it was not
• • • •
necessary to file them under the pro-
The Instone Airline, now operating between Lend n and Berlin, is extend-
visions of the law.
ing its service to Constantinople and Palestine. The new mid-east service
will be by way of Vienna.
• • • •

The Palestine Exploration Fund announces that it is raising f,5000 with
W A RSA W — (I. T. A.) .—Senator
which to commence the excavation in Jerusalem of the historic sites of Mount
Oilinsky, who was elected on the Zion and the City of David.
ticket of the Christian National Union • • • •
is touring Eastern Gali.ia delivering
Forwarding of private letters to persons in Russia has been discontinued
inflamatory speeches in which he
urges all l'olish parties to unite by the Soviet Consulate in Warsaw, in consequence of the present rela-
against their common enemy, the Jew. Dons between the capitol of Russia and Poland.

Senator Orlinsky's name was Amschel
Pilules before he was baptized.
The National Socialists are preparing to spring a revolution and bring
about a pogrom wave throughout Germany, the "Welt am Montag," warns
the government, urging it to take precautions to frustrate the Fascisti plans.


Lists of inhabitants entitled to vote at the approaching elections for
members of the Legislative Council have been posted in Jerusalem and
other towns. The lists are subject to corrections which may be made
until Feb. 19.
• • • •

Recalling that the martyred President of Poland, Gabriel Natutowicz,
had sought to establish peace between all parties, his family have petitioned
President Wojciechowski to pardon the assassin Niewradomski, who is
awaiting execution in Warsaw.
• • •

Single Homes,
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R ealty

A proposal to abolish the percentage norm against Jewish students in
the Hungarian universities was rejected in the National Assembly by a
vote of 83 to 38, members of the government and deputies of the govern-
ment party voting against lifting the disabilities.
• • •


8748 Linwood, Corner Blaine
Garfield 2423.5380

Indications are that an overwhelming majority of the delegates to the
Conference of Palestinian labor organizations will be members of the
Achduth lla-Avodah, the socialist labor union, which has defeated the
Ha-peal Ha-zeir, who place Zionist interests above socialism.
• • • •
The recent statement purporting to have emanated from an official
source to the effect that the French government is favorably disposed
towards a union of Syria and Trans-Jordania under the Emir Abdullah,
ruler of the latter place, is denied in an official communique issued by the
French Press Bureau at Damascus.
• • • •
Four Jewish deputies in the Latvian Sejm have been constituted as a
special group to insure harmonious action on questions affecting Jews. It
is intended that the group will be in the Latvian Seim what the Jewish
Sejm Club is in the Polish National Assembly. The fifth Jewish deputy, who
is a Zeire Zion, was not included in this group.

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Shibley Junta!, Secretai y of the Arab delegation, who spent many months
in London and other European capitals in a campaign against Zionism, has
sailed for New York on the Celtic. It is Mr. Jernal's purpose to conduct
in the United States an agitation against the liritish Zionist policy and to
collect funds among Arab and Syrian residents in America.

Bums of MI Kind. at

1342 Brewster St.
Cadillac 1708
Cadillac 1709

Adolph !littler, leader of the National Socialists, the nucleus of the
Bavarian Fascisti organization, announced that he will review on Saturday
200,000 Bavarian Fascisti armed to resist the French occupation. This an-,
nouncement has given rise to grave anxiety in Jewish circles where it is
feared that a possible uprising in Bavaria will result i nanti-Semitic attacks.


Notwithstanding the assurance contained in the new Prime Minister's
pronouncement regarding the fulfillment of the minorities' "justified cul-
tural and national demands," 13 deputies representing the minority nation.
alities in the National Assembly joined with six others in opposing the vote
of confidence for Premier Tuipik. Sixty-five members voted in favor of the
new government's policies.
• • • •
The Roumanian Minister of Education has been urged to take action
in what amounts to a boycott of the Jewish students of the University
in Bucharest, following the disturbances Friday and Saturday when Jews
were prevented from attending classes. It is pointed out that in reopening
the universities Jan. 22, and inviting the students to return to their classes,
the Jews were assured they would not be again molested.
• • •

Considerable fear is entertained in Communist circles for the Jewish
Communist dailies which since Jan. 1 ceased to receive government sub-
sidies, on which they had been largely dependent for their financial re-
sources. The Enies, the Weker and Communistische F'on are making great
efforts to increase the number of their subscribers, hoping that they will
thus he able to continue their existence as daily newspapers.
• • • •
Hon. Max Levy of Newport, It. I., was re-elected judge of the First
Judicial District, Rhode Island, at one of the stormiest sessions ever held
by the State Legislature. Judge Levy lives in Newport, which he repre-
sented in the House of Representatives for a number of years and later,
was its spokesman in the Senate. He is identified with a number of Jewish .
organizations and is a former president of the Towro Synagogue in America.

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Tte concession negotiated by the Jewish Colonization Association pro-
viding for the establishing in various parts of Russia and the Ukraine of
a network of Jewish credit institutions has been ratified finally by the
Economic Council of the Soviet Government. Under the terms of the con-
cession the agreement is to remain in force three years and is renewable I
simemesemi am us for a further period of three years if neither party objects to its continuance. I
• • • •
There are clear indications that Fascism is spreading to Upper Silesia,
anti-Jewish and anti-Republican tendencies having become so pronounced
as to cause misgivings in government circles. Armed bands are said to bei
forming alt ng the lines of 'littler's forces in Bavaria. Collisions between
these forces and the authorities have become frequent. Persons in position
to know trace this development to the influence of the Bavarian Chauvenista
and anti-Semites.
• • • •
Cables describing the situatoin in the Ukraine and imploring the as-,
MI NM ■ Nowert am Oil
sistance of Jews and others in combating hunger and exposure, which is
spreading again at an alarming rate, have been received here by the Federa-
tion of Ukrainian Jews. Epidemics are said to result from the famine, and
appalling mortality is witnessed in consequence of the epidemics. It is
Crash. and Marble
imperative to provide immediately medical treatment and sanitary measures
to save the surviving, advices add.
• • • •
Reports arriving in London from Munich convey the alarm felt there in
connection with Adolph Hatter's preparations to review Saturday 200,000
564 Wieder Street
armed Bavarian Fascisti. The danger of massacres of Jews is plainly
Phone Cadillac 48
depicted in these reports, urging Jews abroad to intervene in an effort to
Louis A. Wart.., Representative
avert a pogrom wave. Liberal German newspapers confirm the prediction
The Only Jewish MONUMENT
of a general uprising engineered by }littler and his National Socialist fol-
Dealer In Detroit.
lowers, to establish the dictature of the Fascisti by Saturday.
• • • •
The fiftieth anniversary of Chaim Nachem Bialik, the Hebrew poet
laureate, was celebrated Tuesday by his Berlin admirers, who overflowed
the large Philharmonic Hall. Zionist leaders attending the meeting of the,
greater actions committee took part, Nahum Sokolow, Vladimir Jabotinski
and Rabbi Chajes delivering addresses extolling the poet. Saul Tchernichow-
City MA Mat of lows Work Done S•fel,
ski and Zalman Schneer, two distinguished Hebrew poets, joined in the public
tribute to Bialik. Mr. Bialik did not attend the function in his honor, having
previously voiced his distaste of public celebration of this sort.

Floyd Rickman Superb Orchestra

Henry the Hatter

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Going to Europe surrounded by
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This company maintains a week-
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transfer in England to the prin-
cipal Baltic ports.


Speed, comfort and service un-
excelled on these giant oil burn-
ers. In addition we maintain reg-
ular railings on new, fast and ele_
gant oil burners to Liverpool, Glas-
gow, the Mediterranean and spe-
cial cruise to the Holy Land.
Rates to suit every purse.
Cunard Money Orders payable
in POLAND and RUSSIA. Quick,
safe, reliable.
For further inforrntion apply to
nearest agent.


1227 Washington
Detroit. Mich.

Adolph flitter, the Bavarian Fascisti leader, made bold by his victory
over the Bavarian Government in having demonstrations of the National
Socialists permitted while the country was in a state of martial law, has
been making speeches threatening Jews, English and Americans. With
reference to the Jews, he said that no member of that faith will ever be
permitted to touch the National Socialists' banner. Addressing Fascisti
meetings Ilerr Hitler declared that unless England and America intervene
to stop France's action in the Ruhr, the "presence of British and Americans
in Bavaria will not be tolerated." This threat was very enthusiastically re-
ceived by Fascisti hordes.
• • • •
A draft of a law abolishing the disabilities from which Polish Jews are
suffering and which have been in force since the Czarist regime will soon
be submitted by Deputy Apolinary Ilartglass. Dr. Hartglass has been chosen
to present this bill by the legal commission of the lower house. An urgent
demand for the introduction of percentage form against Jews is expected to
be made by the so-called People's Democratic Deputies. The name wing
announced its intention' to contest the legality of the law prohibiting political'
agitation on the part of the Rozwoj. Reports from Lemberg-and Lodz say ,
that the local police has successfully put down attempts to introduce '
economic boycott of Jews.

• • •

A body which hardly could•ome into existence in any other country than
Great Britain is the "Messianic Fellowship," which has just been formed
to assist Christians to know Judaism sympathetically, says the "Aanchester
Guardian." This organization, of which the Rev. Paul Levertoff, sub-warden
of St. Deiniol's Library, Ilawarden, is wardeni and Canon T. Hands, of
St. Mark's Vicarage, Old Street, London, E. C. 2, the treasurer, with Miss
Naomi Semen as secretary, wants to help to bridge the gulf between the
church and synagogue and to unite Jews and Christians in fighting unbelief
and unrighteousness everywhere. The methods to be followed, according
to the particulars of the Fellowship, are the formation of Fellowship groups
where Jews and Chrt-tians live in contact, the provision of a neutral pat-
Ind Christian scholars may expound their religious
form on which Jew:
I non-controversially. and the publication of litera-
I views constructively
ture bearing on Jude -1 and Christianity. A periodical is in contemplation,
for which contributions of a constructive type from Jewish and Christian
II scholars are invited.

FEBRUARY 9, 1923

"Dave" Brown

For Mayor

A Business Administration

The biggest business in Detroit is the City of Detroit itself.
It is owned by more than a million persons who work for its common good.
These owner-workers pay all the expenses of running the city.
These expenses, direct and indirect, amount to nearly 100 millions of dollars yearly,
Supervision of those expenses is largely delegated to the Mayor, who is the city's gen
eral manager.
To safeguard the interests of the people of the city it is absolutely necessary that the
Mayor, or general manager, have a wide and varied business experience.
The people who own the city MUST be SURE of . this before the Mayor is installed in
the City Hall as general manager.
The people of this city can BE SURE of "Dave" Brown.

An Economical Administration

He has risen from newsboy to the presidency of one of the greatest industries of its
kind in the country.
He is interested in many other business concerns.
It is a fact of vital importance to the people who own this city that the many busi-
nesses with which "Dave': Brown is associated are healthy, flourishing and
And the reason is that "Dave" Brown is a business man in every sense of the word.
And since he has made a success of his own and extensive businesses, he will surely
make a success of YOUR BUSINESS running the City of Detroit.

A Human Administration

In spite of his many and varied business activities, "Dave" Brown has never lost con-
tact with his fellow beings.
He has thousands of loyal friends in every walk of life who love him.
And they love him because they know him as a kindly, thoughtful, sympathetic man
and friend.
His time and his money have always been at the disposal of any race, religion or creed,
or any worthy cause, not only in Detroit, but anywhere in the world.
Dynamic, forceful, courageous, capable, yet human in the fullest sense of the word
that is "Dave" Brown.

He is the kind of manager you need to
manage your business, the great City of
Detroit. Vote for "Dave" Brown March 7.

Published and paid for by friends of David A. Brown.

Fil 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

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