AMOY- CU 'offish Periodical Cotter Nlichigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English aims snows cxscisma 130, outo IFEbETROIT LWISR HRONICLE Telephone GLENDALE 8-3 -26 - MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION VOL. Xl. NO. 14. DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1922 PARIS DELEGATIONS POSITION OF LITHUANIAN CLASS OF 75 TO BE COMMITTEE APPEALS JEWS OUTLINED BY ENVOY INITIATED BY B'NAI FOR JEWISH RIGHTS B'RITH THIS MONDAY. Memorandum Submitted to League of Nations on Behalf Of Jews of Danzig Representative at Washington Explains Differ- ence in Attitude on Part of Poland and Ukraine in Statement to Correspondent ' Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents Washington, D. C., Rabbi 'Desecration To Speak Here Sunday Sabbath „ D isu n itesHamtramck ( IS RAISED IN N. Y. FOR RELIEF ON FIRST DRIVE DAY $1,100,000 Girls Give Dance on 7riday Night, But Lack in Support, and Holy Jewish Institution Triumphs ‘._ —' Jacob M. Loeb Makes Scorch- at Temple Beth El Held in Honor of Herman Weiss. Ceremony to be By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ T H E sanctity of the glorious in- , stitution of the Sabbath w as at stake, and Hamtramck's I Jewish community found itself "a house divided against itself" on the question. TOUCH ON QUESTION OF ing Attack on Indifference re of New York Jews. By MAX RHOADE LADIES WILL BE GUESTS PAPERS URGE GENTILES (Copyrighted, Jewish Correspondence Bureau, 1922.) OF I. 0. B. B. AT AFFAIR TO SUBSCRIBE TO FUND WASHINGTON.—After a moat eloquent description of Lithuania's sin- Conditions of Minority People cere friendship toward its Jews, as shown by its intention to confer minority Two parties suddenly sprang up in rights upon them, and the complete absence of anti-Semitism, Dr. Waldemar Rabbi Franklin, Louis Cohane, the village that neighbors on Detroit, Garment Workers to Give in Latvia Outlined in State- Carneckis, Lithuanian representative in Washington, was asked to explain, Judge Keidan to be the and in the cycle of human, everyday if possible, why Poland, a near neighbor of lithuania, and the Ukraine, also ment to League. Earnings of Half a Day as events, there was enacted a drama of geographically intimate, manifested such an entirely different attitude to- Evening's Speakers. Jewish life that is, perhaps, common, ward the Jews. Their Contributions. yet always interesting. PA RI S. — The Council of the "I can otter no explanation whatever of this situation," replied Dr. For the first time in the history of ' Like other communities of its kind League of Nations, which recently Carneckis, as he shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "What you say con- NEW YORK—(J. C. B.)—The and size, Hamtramck has a small syn- convened in Geneva, had to deal, at cerning the enimity of others against the Jews, particularly on the part of Pisgah Lodge No. 34, Independent agogue. Connected with the syna- campaign for New York's quota of its last session, with several problems Poland, is quite true, and is familiar to anyone who has followed events. Order of B'nai B'rith, ladies will be gogue is a Talmud Torah which off- $5,000,000 towards the $14,000,000 permitted to attend an initiation of of vital interest to the Jewish popu- Such hatred of the Jews is inconceivable to me, as to most Lithuanians. ers the only means the Jewish boys which the American Jewish Relief lations of various countries in East- For centuries great numbers of the Jewish people have dwelt amongst us, members according to an announce- ' Wednesday by Joseph S. and girls there have of learning things Committee expects to raise through- • ern and Central Europe. These prob- , but we have always been the greatest of friends. In the fifteenth century ment made Jewish and acquiring a Hebrew edu- out the country, was begun in New lems were as follows: Question of the Grand Duke (sovereign's title) of Lithuania invited the Jews to settle Garvett, chairman of Pisgah Lodge's cation. York on Sunday evening, Feb. 19, initiation committee. foreigners' citizenship in the Free in the country, and we have been liv-® The initiation at which the ladies DR. ABRAM SIMON, In its religious and communal life, with a scorching attack on the indif- City of Danzig; condition of the mi- ing together on excellent terms ever ference of the New York Jew by Jacob will be guests will be held this Mon- Hamtramck is no different from other norities in Latvia, and national au- si nce. day, Feb. 27, at 8 p. xi., at Temple I Who will deliver the sermon at Tem- communities of its size. The men are, M. Loeb of Chicago, in a speech In Fault With Poland. tonomy of Jews in Lithuania. !Seth El. The class to be initiated ale Beth El this Sunday morning, on as a rule, too busy to devote much of the Hotel Commodore. "I do not want to assail the Polish A special commission, including L. will be known as the Herman Weiss "God Our Healer." their time in caring for the Hebrew Those present at the dinner took up Motzkin, secretary general to the character, but having been brought Class, in honor of Herman Weiss, one school. True enough, important holi- Mr. Loeb's challenge by immediately Committee of Jewish Delegations; M. up myself among Jews, even to the ex- of the oldest Pisgah Lodge members. days will find them in their synagogue subscribing $800,000 for the fund, Aleinikoff, assistant secretary general , tent of being familiar with Yiddish, Weiss Freee years ghis and their donations for its upkeep as while representative Jews of Brook- and the permanent representative of and knowing the Jews' habits and se enty-fifth bi hrta v well as the upkeep of the Talmud lyn, meeting at the Hotel Baltimore, the commute sin Geneva; Z. Aber- psychology, I am obliged to express Cantor Minkowsky's "Samson was a member of the board of trustees Torah will be liberal. But the gen- raised $300,000, which brought the son, was appointed for the purpose the opinion that the fault lies not of Pwilsiogakhn eLwo dhlri n e , a etvias. neu b lonvg fibs eral business of routine and detail total to $1,100,000 for the opening and Delilah" Music is of taking up Jewish interests in the with the Jews, but with Poland, or for running the Talmud Torah has night, or 22 per cent of the total , any other country who oppresses and various questions set forth above. Praised by Artists. and loyal worker for B'nai B'rith. been left to the ladies. which New York is called upon to For a long period had the Com- hates the Jewish people." inc e purpose of inviting the ladies Thus, a ladies' auxiliary was organ- subscribe. Dr. Carneckis has been acting as mittee of Jewish Delegations devoted to the initiation is to point out to ized. The ladies, in their turn, inter- I.ihtunian representative in Washing- Mr. Loeb's scathing attack w The finishing touches have been put much of its attention to the Danzig' on New them the importance of B'nai B'rith, Milton problem, owing to the fact that the ton since last fall. Ile has already to the Hebrew operetta of "Samson M. Alexander Pictures ested their daughters, and, as custom York Jews apathy as striking so that they may Join the ladies' aux- d goes, a junior auxiliary was formed. throughout, distinct in his o wn and Delilah," to be staged on March reaching its climax when law relating relating to foreigners' citizenship achieve iliary of the lodge, and that they may Him As Foe to Exclu- he said that the Jews of Greater New Danes Idea. was seriously endangering the inter- try, having bee nio n Mi nister of Com- 6 at Orchestra Hall, and confidence is use their influence in encouraging the York will not escape if in this cam- eat of Jewish foreigners who had : mu nications in the Lithanian Cabinet running high in Hebrew circles and men to join the order. sierra Law. Next to electing T young paign among the committee in charge that been residing in that town for some : prior to his departure for America. folk organize a society, usually comes paig they fa i l as in previous cam- , As an associate of the statesmen it will prove superior to the triumph Will Initiate 75. for wa r relief. years discussion of giving a dance, and our discussion now at the helm of Lithuanian affairs of last year's play. Members of the class to be initiated "George Washington, if he were Hamtramck girls were no exceptions "Shall Not Escape." Series of Memor•ndums. he speaks therefore with added au- The leading feature of the produc- are urged to come at 7:15 p. m., in alive today, would demand the re- to this rule. "They shall have to appear before In a series of memorandums ad- thority. order to prepare for the initiation. peal of present immigration laws," a tion will be the music of the play, es- The dance idea was naturally the bar of their fellow Jews through- dressed to the League of Nations, the The interview with Dr. Carneckis Announcement is made that the Milton M. Alexander said in an ad- unanimous one. But friction came out the land," said Mr. Loeb, "per- • pecially written by Cantor A. Min- committee requested the latter's in- took place in the office of the Lithuan- kowsky of the Shaarey Zedek Congre- class to be initiated will consist of 75 dress at a Washington birthday party when Friday night was proposed as force plead guilty and accept the con- tervention on behalf of Jews threat- Mn Bureau, housed in a fine old sump- gation. Cantor Minkowsky's compo- candidates. It is expected that the given under auspices of the Detroit the one night in the week for the demnation of right-thinking men ened to be deprived of their citizen tuous mansion near the George Wash- sitions for the play have bon'de- Temple will be filled to overflowing, recreation department in the Jewish dance. everywhere. Perhaps, defiant, they rights in the Free City of Danzig. ington and American Universities. In scribed as "real, pure Jewish music and members, the ladies and their Institute Wednesday night. "Jews close their store. and shops will prefer to plead not guilty and In addition to these memorandums, j appearance the Lithuanian represen- in modern form." friends are therefore urged to come "He would have frowned upon an earlier on Friday's and will come to stand trial. Still they shall not es- the Committee of Jewish Delegations I tative reflects credit upon the diplo- early. y. our dance." Music American with a cash register for a Original, Jewish. cape. No alibi, be it ever as corn- had undertaken direct negotiations ' matic service of his country, being a The initiation committee in charge heart and an adding machine for a This was the majority-argument Plate, will avail. No defense, be it Members of the Detroit Symphony with delegations appointed by the Po- man of distinguished bearing, of re- consists of Mr. Garvett and Elias head," the speaker continued. "Ile offered, and as this decision carried ever so well prepared, will suffice. No lish government and that of the Free finement of manner, and general per- Orchestra, who will play on the night Goldberg, who is vice-chairman. The would have vigorously denounced the and predominated, the action in Hem- Plea, be it ever so eloquent, will con- City of Danzig by the League of Na- sonality. Ile impresses you also with of the performance, were full of ad- degree team in charge drama began. of this initia- closing of doors of hospitalbe Amer- _ , vince. No counsel, be it ever so as- " snick's tions. Mr. Sahm, president of the his earnestness and sincerity, and one miration and praise at the rehearsal Lion will consist of Messrs. Garvett ica to the worthy immigrant. Ile n The morning following the meeting, tute, can acquit. Front Southeastern Danzig Senate, promesd, in the course does not have to converse with him last Sunday for the work of the can- and Goldberg and the following addi- would realize that any exclusive law which the decision for the Friday Europe, in hordes, cadaverous men (T of these negotiations, to the Jewish long to discover that he is a fine type tor. The selections are marked by representatives to consider their sug- of European culture, who at the same their originality and Jewishness, with tional members. Maurice Klein, Har- based upon an arbitrary figure is un- tr ght dance was reached found Ham- will prosecute them, ravished women old T. Rosenthal, Harry Gurovitch and fair as well as unsound. mck Jewish mothers divided into will bear witness against them, and gestions aiming to smooth the ques- time embodies the best qualities of a modern touches that help materially. Sol Sham. tw Among the moat interesting of the "Washington would have stood out na o camps. The champions of the perishing children will condemn tion of citizenship for foreigners. Lithuanian patriot. Dr. Carneckis is Pisgah Lodge's degree team is one , courageously as an enemy of all re- i n nctity of Friday night here predom- them." The promise made by the head of the a man evidently in the early forties selections is one from an ancient Danzig government will be of a dark complexioned, wears a pointed melody of "Lamentations," played of the best known in the country. On strictiona on immigration, except en ated, but they were not strong Mr. Loeb concluded, Felix numerous occasions, the team has been those which are based on deficiency ough to cause a change in the night Warburg, who presided, said: marked influence upon the condition black beard, and at first glance re- during certain moments of Samson's called upon to act at initiations of of character and ideals. If Wash- o f the dance . of the Jews in that town. minds you somewhat of our own Dr. disgrace. Another composition is "You have heard the challenge of Soon fathers also began to take an modeled after the closing prayer of lodges in Michigan cities. Pisgah ington were alive today he would be At the last meeting of the Council Weizmann. , Chicago. Let us meet it." the Day of Atonement. Lodge is the only lodge in the coun- a militant progressive in politics; a interest in the controversy and the of the League of Nations in Septem- Promise. National Rights. He then called on Louis Marshall, A song composition for which Can- team. try that has an organized degree' man of the strong, fearless, unselfish members of the auxiliary society's ber, 1921, both the Lithuanian and Dr. Carneckis expressed his surprise who said: , type, all too uncommon in our halls camp themselves began to split ranks, Lettish governments had pledged I at the report that the Jewish national tor Minkowsky received particular Glee Club to Sing. until membership dwindled down to "A challenge has been presented to of state. themselves before the League of Na- right clauses were endangered, declar- praise is the one played during the The Glee Club, also recognized as half. Then came a change in the aux- the Jews of New York who are here lions to satisfactorily grant the Com. ing that it was news to him that any wedding ceremony of Samson and "In his understanding way, Wash- iliary's name. Already the girls real.. one of the leading among B'nai B'rith assembled tonight and who are the mittee of Jewish Delegations' claims responsible authorities in Lithuania Delilah, when the Philistians get lodges, will assist the degree team in ington would realize the passion of ized that it would not do for them to representatives of a million and a on the question of minority rights had called into question the granting drunk and make merry. Every in- the initiation ceremony, Mr. Silver. immigrant souls for freedom to ex- go on under a Jewish name, no long halt of ews in this great city. On in both these countries. These goo- of national rights to the Jewish minor- strument in the orchestra laughs as man, an accomplished vocalist, will press their own personalities, as they as th ey were to desecrate a holy Jew- their behalf I ask you whether we are it plays this song selection. ernments were to submit at the last' itY. render a number of selections as part cannot in shackled lands across the ish institution. ! ready to accept the challenge?" Kirsch Coaches Actors. session of the Council of the League ' "Whatever the nature of these ru- sea. His imagination would conjure Morris Kirsch, who is coaching the of the ceremony. "Just This Once." "We are," replied three or four of Nations declarations in this direc- morn, I wish solemnly to declare my a vision of a greater America built lion, but as they did not reach in conviction and to extend niy utmost play, said that he was making all ef- Louis Cohane, chairman of the In- by the calloused hands of the immi- It is said that Ilamtramck's Sab- tellectual Advancement Committee of ba th-breaking dance was not called time, they were postponed for fur- assurance that when the permanent forts to give the operetta a modern Pisgah Lodge' grant," I am sure that we are," continued will address the class . off because several of the girls recei- Mr. Marshall. "I wish to say to Mr• ther consideration until the next ses- Lithuanian Constitution is ratified, it intonation so that the modern public and will extend the welcome on behalf Pictures of the Revolution and sion of the Council of the League of will contain a clause in every way ful- will be able fully to understand the of the order. Judge Harry B. Keidan, Washington were shown by H. P. ved encouragement from their moth- Loeb that there is no one here who Nations, which in all probability will filling the declaration of my govern- theme. Mr. Kirsch is devoting all of ers, who said that just this once it makes the slightest complaint of the his time for the play. He has had who will be a member of the class, Eichqr• A copy of a letter from convene next April. (Turn to Page Ten) would be all right for them to give language that he has used, the plain- much experience on the stage, having will speak for the candidates on his Washington to the Jews in Newport, the dance, so long as they don't give ness of his speech and the directness Memorandum on Latvia. impressions of the initiation ceremony. R. I., was read. Miss Katherine Pe- played in Yiddish theaters with STUDENT MASSMEETING another on Sabbath eve. So the tick- of his attack." The memorandum on Latvia which Maurice Schwartz, the celebrated star Rabbi Leo M. Franklin will also ad- reira and her pupils presented a co- ets were printed in a hurry that an Ionia' N. Y. Times Editorial. dress the gathering. and has been submitted by the committee patriotic dance and Boy WILL BE ADDRESSED BY of the Yiddish Art Theater of New excuse be mailable for not postpon- Last Monday evening's meeting of Scouts gave the pledge of allegiance and later supported by negotiations York. Commenting on the Jewish Relief ing said dance. PROMINENT DETROITERS Pisgah Lodge was addressed by Judge directed entered into in Geneva, out- to the flag. At the close of the party The scenery and costumes of the Appeal, the New York Times of Feb. Then one of the men offered to pay 19, said editorially: lines the claims of the Jewish mi- play will be the most elaborate that William F. Connolly, who spoke on members of the citizenship class of nority in that country and draws par- Collegiate Zionists to Meet at Shaarey could be arranged for the occasion, ac- "Washington and American Ideals." the Jewish Institute were given cer- for all expenses incurred, only that "The amount to be raised seems the dance be given on another even- icular attention on the persecutions Zedek Wednesday; Gathering Ar- cording to members fo the committee. Judge Connolly delivered a stirring tificates of citizenship. ing. His offer met with a flat refusal. large until it is compared with what end reprisals of all kinds which the Having profited by the experiences of address on the works and life of the ranged by I. Z. A. has already been given. It seems The dance was held last Friday eve- Jews and especially repatriates are last year's production, the committee Father of the American Republic, and ning and its result—so Hamtramck small to those who know what must subjected to one the part of the Let- has seen to it that the richest stage outlined the Washingtonian idea of yet be done before millions can find Collegiate Zionists of Detroit will loyalists say—was an object lesson to Americanism. He urged a deeper tish government.It further lays meet in massmeeting this Wednesday settings and costumes be provided. the Sabbath-breakers. It is said, by homes and live in peace and the most stress on the fact that Latvia has not . evening, March 1, at the Shaarey Ze- Tickets for the play can be secured study of the American history as a meagre comfort upon the earth again the se who are in a position to know, fulfilled the obligations other govern- dek, the purpose being to outline at the office of the United Hebrew means of getting a better understand- tha t Hamtramck girls will not again after the greatest tragedy since the a ing of Americanism. NEW YORK.—(J.,C. B.)—Ortho- giv e a dance on a Friday night. For, dispersion. The portion of the fund menu (such as Lithuania, Poland, cultural Zionist program for students Schools of Detroit, at the Wilkins etc.) have fulfilled towards their na- dox Rabbis connected with the "Rob- the attendance at the dance was an ex- that goes to relief in Russia will be and the attraction of an added num- street Talmud Torah, and from the tional minorities. binical Center" are reported to be cus e for a crowd, and the failure in administered through the Ainericrut ber of collegians into nationalist Jew- chairman of the committee, Joseph H. Regarding Lithuania, the repre- ish work here. Ehrlich, 227 Gratiot avenue. against the use of unfermented wine the face of all the energy spent to Relief Administration, but-there are sentatives of the Committee of Jew- for sacramental purposes. dra w people, w-s taken as a direct re- hundreds of thousands of helpless or- The meeting is being arranged un- ish Delegations have addressed to the' der the auspices of the Detroit chap- PROCEEDS OF KABALYST Declaring that the wish to "live up buk e to those who would desecrate a phans and refugees this side of Rue- sit still living a fugitive existence in Council of the League of Nations a I ter of the Intercollegiate Zionist As- to the Bible and the laws of the Uni- heel T y Jewish institution, SMOKER FOR MILK FUND memorandum, attaching there to a sociation and will be addressed by ted States," these rabbis have prom- , he controversy is at an end, and open fields and forests or sheltered as declaration made to the said Cam- ised the Assiatant United States Dis- f mittee, on Aug. 5, 1919, by the Lithu- prominent Detroiter,. Fred M. Out- spirit of the Sabbath is preserved unwelcome guests in borderlands that set and Professor Samuel M. Levin Hamtramck Jews, in spite of the are unable to care even for their own. In order to raise money for the Washington's Birthday Celebretios trict Attorney to make changes in the anian delegation near the Peace Con- accepted invitations to speak for the The sympathy of the entire commun- to Be Marked by. Interesting handling of delivery sheets for sac- mis takes of a few Pisgah Lodge milk fund, the Ka- faience, on behalf of the Lithuanian ent s. addition, In it is expd A ecte ramental wines, reducing the oppor- nd while gossip is dying down and ity should be enlisted by this appeal Musical Program. balysts will present a smoker at the government, whereby the Lithuanian that S amuel J. Rhodes and Lo uis old Elks' Temple on Monday evening, tunity for abuses. out, Hamtramck Jews will probably and all will hope for the complete sue- Semple, on the eve of seeing its dream Cohane will also speak. Rabbi Benzion Pearl is the head of long remember the efforts of the chief cess of the campaign." March 6. of national independence carried out, The program for the monthly meet- this "Rabbinical Center." Under the caption, "For Jewish Re- promises to grant to the Jewish mi- ' Arrangements are being com- The mission of the milk fund is to (Turn to Page Two) pleted by the I. Z. A. for the student supply sufficient. milk every day free ing of the Y. W. H. A., which is to be lief," the New York American pub- nority full autonomy. Thanks to the invitation dance to take held at the Shaarey Zedek, Feb. 26, place lished an editorial from which the fol. of charge to the poor babies in De- Lithuanian government's attitude day evening, March 25, at t he Shaarey troit. All elements in the Detroit at 2:45 p. m., is being arranged by r lowing final paragraph is taken: during the last two years, the Jews of Lithuania found it possible to or- Zedek. Plans are being made by the Jewish community are expected to the Trotty Vecks. Miss Betty Gold, 1 1 "Jews are asking only Jews to president of the group, promises an but it ought to be a pleasure for every anise a life of their own by crest- committee for a number of interest- join in the drive. interesting meeting, which is to take person in New York who can spare ing features. Entertainers of note Leon Zeckman is general chairman the form of a Washington's Birthday ing a national council represented a near the government by the Minister will present a musical program. penny or more to Join in this salving.- of the smoker. celebration. Kathlyn I'ereira and a ing of a people to whom humanity for Jewish Affairs. number of her pupils will give a few owes so much." Following Disgrace dances in colonial costumes. Miss Philistine? Hands Garment workers all over the coun- Frances Schwartz will read excerpts try will be &eked to contribute the from the address delivered by Daniel earnings of half a day towards the Webster at the centennary annivers- $14,000,000 Relief Fund, in accord. ary of the birth of George Washing. ance with the decision of the General ton. There will be a musical program, Executive Board of the International (V. S.) Miss Ferber did not deliver a lec- social hour and refreshments. Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. On Saturday evening, Feb. 18, the ture (in the ordinary sense of the This decision was reached at a gen- Fred M. Butzel is to be the speaker On Sunday morning Dr. Abram Si- , opportunity and pleasure of hearing word), but read two of her own short of the afternoon. s! eral meeting of the Executive which mon of Washington, D. C., will oc- the well known authoress, Miss Edna stories—one "long, short story," as listened to a report by Alexander A new literary club met for the elpy the pulpit of Temple Beth El. Ferber, at the Orchestra Hall, was she termed it, by the name of "The han, chairman of the Peopl ief. The subject of his sermon will be , given the people of Detroit by the Gay Old Dog;" the other a "short, first time Monday evening at the club- . Pt The collections will be e rusted to house, 89 Rowena street. The work "God Our Healer." short story," called "The Homely Business Women's Club. the People's Relief Cor ry tee which Heroine." of this club is under the direction of Dr. Simon is one of the fo re most The question that came to the mind form part of the Joint istribution men in the American Jewish minis- of the audience was, what was this The first story dealt with the prob- Mrs. A. F. Eliel. The members invite Committee. trY, being widely known as an elo- woman like—who could make every lems of Joe Hurst, a man who prom- all "Y" girls who are interested to quent speak er a keen in er. reader of her Emma McChesny stories ised his dying mother that he would join next Monday evening. Mrs. Oscar Dr. Simon has been for a number of , want to "knock" the bold traveling not marry until his three sisters were C. Robinson, chairman of the Y. W. 11. A. governing board, and her com- Years president of the board of edu- salesman, who gets into Emma's way, provided for. Joe kept his promise, ration of tho city of Washington and down; who could make the readers of because of which he lost the woman mittee, have put forth every effort to ha, held many important positions in any of her books laugh at one mo- of his choice—for his sisters did not form classes in which the girls would the capital city. Ile is also vice- be most interested. ment and sympathize with the poor marry until late in life. President of the Central Conference girl or man, as the case might be, in Dr. Ilugh Cabot, dean of the Medi- Miss Ferber read the story wii the of American Rabbis. Dr. Simon the second moment? cal College of the University of Mich- fervor of an intimate friend of Jo, 'a, LATVIA GRANTS ITS should be heard by a very large on igan, will be the speaker at the din- At the introduction of the president and made everyone feel and sympa. MINORITES NATIONAL ner of the Men's Temple Club, tak- to the Detroit Business Women's Club, thize with Joe. 1, ing place Tuesday evening at 6:30 On Suklay, March 5, Rabbi Frank- a medium-sized woman, who appeared AND CULTURAL RIGHTS The second story was of a heroine "' will c nitnue his series of book ; no different than any other, stood up o'clock, at the Phoenix Club. sermon s o was out of the ordinary run of seco nd of is a - before her audience, wearing no who Dr. Cabot, who also heads the Uni- dresses 'a " heroines, for she was homely, fat and '4 1 111—J. T. A.)—Minority groups Shaw's "Back to Methu- badges of fame to reveal her identity. versity Hospital, spent several years unlovely. But she could cook! A fact he first of these addresses, abroad during the war as the head of of Latviahave been declared autono- But at the sound -of her voice and which gained the friendship, but only which Lea J. James Tissot. hea rd y a large congre- words, people began to Copyright by de Brunoff, 1904. , a large medical unit. Ile is taking as mous in'fie administration of their realize that Ration friendship of a traveling sales- t Sunday, man most en- this was really Edna Ferber, the the his topic for the Men's Club address, national ano -ultural affairs by proc- man. The above shows one of the scenes in the operetta, "Samson and De- Pulliastica ly received. Temple serv- lamation adopts' sit a second reading lialah," to ica , "Surgery on the Battlefields." Michigan Jewish girl who has earned be atagod on March 5 at Orchestra Hall, by the pupils of the Miss Ferber's audience left the hall at 11 o'clock. All are cor- for herself the reputation of an au- of the constituen. convention. The Members of the club are urged to with an everlasting impression of the United Hebrew Schools of Detroit. Samson is bare shown when "the Philis- ted. organizations of these Inority groups make reservations for the dinner at thoress of note. charming authoress. tines took him, and put out his ayes, and brought him down to Cam." once, in order to avoid an overcrowd. are publicly and legs' erecognized. (Judges XVI.21.) ing similar to that of the last meeting. AUTONOMY IN LITHUANIA ANCIENT MELODIES TO FEATURE PLAY SAYS WASHINGTON WOULD AID ALIENS ORTHODOX OPPOSE UNFERMENTED WINE Mb FRED M. BUTZEL WILL ADDRESS 'Y' MEETING SUNDAY or =or Samson Turning the Mill DR. SIMON TO SPEAK AT TEMPLE BETH EL ON SUNDAY MORNING EDNA FERBER LEAVES EVERLASTING IMPRESSION WITH LOCAL AUDIENCE give, at DR. HUGH CABOT TO ADDRESS MEN'S CLUB I