THE Periaor0 tsrt (11KONICLE PAGE EIGHT JEWS ARE WOUNDED IN WARSAW RIOTS WARSAW.—e(J. T. A.)—A large number of Jews were attacked and several wounded in a riot caused by a mob of Jew baiters who gathered at the Philharmonic hall, where a concert of Jewish music was sched- uled to take place 4,n Sunday night. The announcement that the con- cert had been called off had little ef- fect on the incensed mob, drunk with victory at having succeeded in calling off the concert, proceeded to the Co- perniculs monument, where members of the Roswoj party delivered in- flammatory speeches. Immediately following these speeches the mob fell on the Jewish bystanders and admin- istered beatings indiscriminately. A number of Jewish students were bad- ly hurt while attempting to protec: some of the older people. '600 ATTEND ANNUAL SYNAGOGUE MEETING Important Motions Adopted on Questions of American Jewish Life. the world." The resolution was adopt- TOLEDO RABBI SPEAKS ed unanimously. HERE FRIDAY, FEB. 10 The third and fourth sessions were held Monday morning and Monday Rabbi Michael Lichtenstein of the afternoon at the lintel Astor. The ad- —, nai Israel Congregation of Toledo, dress of Professor Louis Zinzberg, , u will speak at the Friday evening chairman of the committee on Inter- services on Feb. 10, at the Shaarey pretation of Jewish Law, was the co- Zedek. Rabbi A. M. Hershman is ex- casion of a long and stimulating (Ifs.' changing pulpits with Rabi Lichten- cussion on the present status of Jew- stein for the night, and will speak in ish faith in America. Toledo. The subject of the abuses resulting This Friday evening Rabbi Hersh- to the regulation for the withdrawal man will speak on the theme "Back to of sacramental wine was thoroughly Methuselah," discussing George Bern- discussed and the final decision was ard Shaw's book of that name. A to refer the matter to the Rabbinal Assembly with recommendation that they advise as to how these various abuses may be obviated. alaginatu Notts Nelson Glueck of Hebrew Union College conducted services at Tem- ple Beth El on last Friday evening. "Illusions" was the title chosen for the sermon, based on Wasserman's "The World's Illusion." At the close of the service Mr. Glueck met with his class for the study of Hebrew, and on Sunday morning with the Bible class, at which time Sir. Glueck's subject was "Jeremiah," followed by a general discussion. 000-000900000000000000000-0-000-0-mmo0o000000 c05 Announcement NEW YORK—Over 600 represen- 0 tatives of congregations, sisterhoods 0 and young people's societies, from 0 practically every ',art of the United States and Canada, gathered at the ° 0 Hotel Astor on Sunday morning, Jan. The Junior Auxiliary held its regu- Jewish Education. 22, to participate in what proved to lar meeting on Sunday afternoon at The subject of Jewish education in he the most important convention in the Community Center. Current I the history of the United Synagogue, this country was then taken up and 0 events were discussed and it was de- and one which promises to stimulate after a good deal of consideration it cided to present a Purim entertain- and strengthen traditional Judaism I was decided that the adoption of Miss ment on that festival. I Sulsmith Ish-Kishor's Biblical His- throughout the country. HIS MASTFKS MACE" The esprit de corps of delegates was tory be urged in all religious schools 11. Ma OM, On Thursday evening the Junior DANZIG.—(l. T. A.)—One mil- splendid. There was an air of en- affiliated with the United Synagogue Auxiliary ,chaperoned by Miss Lillie and that the United Synagogue should 0 lion German marks have been sub- thusiastic expectancy and a desire to Lenhoff, visited the Home for the take steps immediately for the publi- scribed here in the course of the visit do and sacrifice for Judaism. Aged and presented a delightful pro- of Kurt Blumenfeld, secretary of the The convention opened with a pray- cation of a second edition of the first gram, the participants in which were Berlin committee of the Keren Heys.- er by liabbi J. J. Gittleman of Louis- volume and that a second volume Emily Oppenheim, Edward Seitner, sod. Two hundred and fifty thousand ville, Ky. A. U. Zinke greeted the con- should be published as soon as pos- Helen Seitner and Lucille Green- sible. It was further decided that marks have been paid on account of vention in the name of the New York baum. branch of the United Synagogue. Dr. Altor F. Landesman's Curriculum for the subscription. religious schools should he printed im- Elias L. Solomon read his message, Sirs. I. Rich entertained four tables containing a summary of the work mediately. The convention also rec- of bridge on Saturday evening for that the United Synagogue has ac- ommended that the Executive Coun- LANE BRYANT . complished the benefit of the dormitory fund for in its last 10 years; its cil create a Board of Publication Hebrew Union College. Ilonors fell growth from 22 congregations to 350 which should have full charge of all to Mrs. M. G. Meyers and Sirs. I. subsidiary bodies and 3,000 contribut- educational publications of the United Oppenheim. ing members reaching about 25,000 Synagogue. A motion to create a spe- families; its worth in the field of edu- cial fund for text books was also cation, publication of text books and adopted. Monday evening the convention the helping of hundreds of commun- WORN BY OVER A ities; care of the college students, etc. banquet was held at the Hotel Astor. MILLION 51071116RE A. U. Zinke, president of the New Hope. for Peace. York branch of the United Syna- Conforms scientifically RABBI M. LICHTENSTEIN Philadelphia Gives $100,000 in Cash Dr. Solomon expressed the great gogue, was toastmaster. Dr. Cyrus to Ws rtmnging thrum During Sokolow Visit. hope that the disarmament conference Adler of Philadelphia, and Emanuel choir of synagogue members will lead supporta without corn- amnion. Easily ad- should prove successful in at least les- Hertz of New York City delivered ad- the singing. NEW YORK. — (J. C. It.) — The Junto& Pro mot.. sening the enmity and hatred now ex- dresses. Sol M. Stroock delivered the Rabbi Samuel Sachs, who is in busi- .55th sod comfort. isting in the world. Ile appealed for address of the evening. ness in Detroit, having left the pulpit Zionist Delegation has just com- pleted the most successful week of the relief of the Jews suffering in Dr. Elias L. Solomon was re-elected a year ago, was the speaker last week. 3.95 to 12.50 Eastern Europe and for the upbuild- president of the United Synagogue, Rabbi Sachs is doing organization the tour. Not only have they aroused MATERNITY ing of Palestine. Amongst other and the following were appointed as work in Gary , Ind. but is devoting all enthusiasm for the fund in every city things he said: Dams.. Oman. Skirts, additional members of the Executive of his time to the business and has and stimulated the permanent organ- Wasps, Iretticawto, Braaalores, "The Jew is the greatest lover of Council: Dr. Cyrus Adler, Lyon Co- not returned to the pulpit as has been ization of Keren Hayesod work on an intensive scale, but have succeeded in Csonloolm, Nightgowns. Etc peace. Israel has been nurtured on hen, H. B. Freedman, Meyer Good- erroneously stated. that ideal. Our people have also been friend, Rabbi Charles I. lloffman, Among the important out-of-town raising the turn of $250,000. At Philadelphia $100,000 was the greatest sufferers from man's in- Professor M. M. Kaplan, Dr. Jacob speakers who will come to the Friday humanity to man. It is, therefore, Kohn, Moses Kreeger, Dr. E. L. Solo- evening services in Detroit soon will raised. The most influential leaders lag mew. 1817 Weedwfird natural for us to exhort the nations mon, David Steckler, S. Herbert Gob be Rabbi Jacob Kohn of New York of the Jewish communities co-oper- to cease their internecine strife, and dne, Professor Israel Davidson, Dr. and Louis Levin of Baltimore, head ated in making the visit to Phila- to banish war from the world. We Louis M. Epstein and Rabbi A. E. of the Federation of Jewish Charities. delphia a success. At Buffalo excellent arrangements eagerly joined with others in encour- Ilalpern. On Feb. 17, Isadore Levin will ad- aging our government in the matter dress a special Father and Son serv. were made to receive and entertain of disarmament. We should continue ice. A special Father and Son sup- the distinguished Zionist guests. They our efforts in that direction." WELFARE ORGANIZATION per for members of the congregation were received at the city hall by mu- Has moved to 6827 Hastings SL, and state dignitaries and the "The closing of America, the asylum TO HEAR MRS. WINEMAN and their sons will be held on Feb. 15, nicipal near Medbury, where you can buy Fathers freedom of the city was conferred for the oppressed and the wronged, plates being $1.50 each. the best Kosher Meats and Poutiry. in the face of the victims of misgov- must bring their sons to be permitted upon them. At the subsequent ban- Prompt Delivery ernment, race-hatred and religious The North Woodward branch of the to attend. A special Sunday school quet and massmeeting $27,000 was persecution, fills us with grief and hil- European Jewish Women's Welfare assembly will be held on Feb. 12 for raised, of which $7,000 was in cash. Mr. Jabotinsky, Colonel Patterson miliation. The result of the policy of Organization will meet Wednesday af- the Sunday School boys and their 1 and Professor Warburg raised $22,- immigration restriction, and particu- ternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Irnai fathers. 000 in St. Louis, of which $7,000 was B'rith clubrooms. Mrs. Sidney Wine- larly of the quota system which has in cash. This section of the delega- kept families asunder, has been to man will deliver an interesting and 3 CLASSES INITIATED BY tion then to Omaha, where cause added anguish to our hapless instructive paper on "Woman's Serv- Near Frederick, Opposite Commonwealth Bank PURITY CHAPTER NO. 359 they were proceeded presented with a check for brethren who long to escape from the ice as Seen in the Bible." 504 FREE PRESS BLDG. $5,000 in addition to the large sum The drawing for the $25 ladies' hat European Gehenna in which they General Real Estate, Insurance, Purity Chapter No. 359, Eastern placed in pledges. find themselves, neither dead nor at the Irving Hat Shop of the Fisher Choice Homes, Two.Flats, In- The full report now received from alive. We fervently hope that our Arcade will take place at this meet_ Star, initiated four classes of candl- vestments and Store Property Records Delivered Open Evening. and Sunday. government will soon return to the ing. Refreshments will be served as dates Monday afternoon, Jan. 23, af- Minneapolis and St. Paul shows that PHONE CHERRY 1195. ter which a delicious 6 o'clock dinner the sum of $51,000 has already been glorious traditional policy which made USUAL was enjoyed by 200 members. At raised in the Twin Cities. The local America great, noble and free. 7:30 work was resumed again and committee, however, is by no means The Wins Question. „s0•00*-04:8:100-0-0-Mils9-0- 000*-0-0- 00000SUMOCIes0atittM*00 oo 0 I two more classes were initiated, mak- satisfied and is continuing the work PHILOMATHIC CLUB "The violations of the law relating ing a total of 23 candidates. intensively. to wine for sacramental purposes is The past matrons assisting. in ex- One of the most encouraging a matter of grave concern to us. The emplifying the degrees were Mrs. events of the week was that some of Jews, as a people, are among the most law-abiding of citizens. The duty of marked the end of another Philo- Gordon of Kilwinning Chapter, Sirs. the little hamlets and communities of mathic term. Officers for the ensu. Franc Nichols of Keystone Chapter, 10 to 20 families have begun to catch reverencing law, the law of the state Mrs. Nora Black of Highland Park the spirit of enthusiasm which the as well as of God, has been inculcated mg term were elected. Harry H. Platt was elected speaker. Chapter, Mrs. Ilarry Schiller, Mrs. delegation is arousing in its visits to in us by Judaism ever since we have been a people. This duty of the Jew I Wilbur DeYoung now holds the office Mittshkun, Mrs. Lowenberg and Mrs. the larger centers. In New Phila- is crystallized in the Talmudic in- of clerk. The assistant clerkship Sam Schmitt of Purity Chapter. delphia, Ohio, for instance, a meeting junction, the law of the land is the went to Aaron Weiswasser, and Louis The past matrons welcomed in the was called and addressed by Rabbi law. We are, therefore, particularly Carpol is the new sergeant-at-arms. East were Mrs. Henry Schiller, Mrs. Simon Vinagrod of Canton, Ohio, and aggrieved against unscrupulous men, The members of the Board of Direc- Sam Schmitt, Mrs. Weinberg of Ono- $16,000 was raised. New Philadelphia Gymnastics, Hydro-Therapy, rs comprise harry H. Platt, chair- way Chapter, No. 362; Mrs. Lowen- o has about 25 Jewish families. who under the cloak of religion, abuse t Local Treatments. Pocahontas Heights, a community the privileges extended to observant man Dan Budnitzsky, Wilbur De- berg Mrs. Marks of Pine Tree Chap- Young, Aaron Weiswasser, Ben Safer ter, No. 261, and Mrs. Graybower of The Beat Equipped Swedish hist'. of 12 families, of the Blue Ridge Jews under the ruling of the Revenue and Louis Carpol. tute in Detroit. Elbeise, No. 326. mountains, called a meeting which Department, and thus bring shame to 1507 WOODWARD AT CLIFFORD At the next meeting the new offi- The past patrons welcomed in the was addressed by their Hebrew teach- Special Treatments for Rheuma- our people. , The Rabbinical Assembly cers will be formally sworn in and tism, Lumbago, Indigestion, Obe- of the Jewish Theological Seminary the new term will commence. While East were Sam Schmitt, Harry Schil- er, a Palestinian named Magrill, and sity and Nervous Troubles, Etc. which meets this week will devote a the term just ending was altogether ler and our honorary member Her- an apreciable sum in cash was raised by the Keren Hayesod. good part of its program to this successful, the new one is expected man Weiss. Phone for appointment or call Mr. Weinberg, Worshipful Master problem and we trust that together to mark an era of prosperity hereto- between 9 a. m. and 6. p. m. of l'erfection Lodge, addressed a few with other rabbinical bodies, it will JR. WELFARE SOCIETY Expert Attendants. fore unsurpassed. interesting remarks to the chapter. succeed in finding a remedy for this Speaker Max Cohen will perform DANCE SUNDAY, FEB. 5 Sanitary Dressing Rooms. abuse." his last official act as leader of the Branch Institute: Mrs. Charles I. Hoffman spoke of Philomathic at the oratorical contest CRIMSONS The second annual dance of the the growth of the Women's League of next Thursday evening. lie has been LENOX HOTEL, Opp. D. A. C. Junior European Jewish Women's the United Synagogue and appealed instrumental in the organization's Cherry 1363 236 Madison Crimsons defeated the Defenders of Welfare Organization will take place for the kind of work that will help progress and has time and again Main Institute: to keep the family together. She brought glory to it by his activities the White and Blue; score, 10-1. Fol- this Sunday evening at the Addison CHARLEVOIX HOTEL Hotel. Numerous interesting enter- said: "To the Jewish women of outside. Characteristically Philoma- lowing is the line-up: Cohen tainment numbers have been arrang- R F' Main 6352 2025 Park Blvd. America, our appeal goes out: 'Be thian in his ideals, he has done much Frank Martel ed for the occasion. Proceeds are to strong and of good courage, be not to impart to members the true signi- Goldsmith ......L F ...... Departments Thomas go for the European war orphans. C terrified, neither be thou dismayed, ficance of Philomathic teachings, and Pearl For Ladies and Gentlemen. G....... Jaroslaw for the Lord thy God is with thee, commands a position of respect from Frank ... ...... It Zeman L G. Welling whither soever thou goest.'" Philomathians, young and old. S. Edelstein and Dizik substituted. "Let the artistic sense find expres- Crimsons also defeated Ullman's sion in our homes—Jewish art as ap- team by a close score. L. Dresser, plied in the beautiful kiddush covers, SIGMA PHI GAMMA regular guard, was not able to play the silver mezzuza, the elaborate Cha- because of a bad shoulder. The team nukah lights, the picture of Jewish A meeting of the Sigma Phi Gamma would like to book some games with celebrities, and the many other sym- bsis of Jewish thought. Comfort as Sorority was held on Wednesday eve- 16 and 17-year-old teams. ning, Jan. 25, at the home of• Miss well as beauty, heart-to-heart talks between mother and son about the lit- Anna Baron, 2S3 East Hancock ave- MOTHERS TO MEET tle incidents of daily life, and the nue. Election of officers was held and the following were elected: Evelyn hopes for the future, yes, and even A mothers' meeting will be held at V ine, president; Myra Myers, sacra. Showing the Latest W about his 'best girl ;' carefully planned the Jewish Institute, High and Ilast- celebrations in the home of all those tary and Treasurer; :Mildred Bach- ings streets, on Saturday, Feb. 4, at Room 207-09 festivals and special occasions which rash, chairman of l'ress Committee. a 3 p. m. Mr. Sehuldinger will speak Broadway Market Building mark the Jewish year—these are the Following the business meeting dainty luncheon was served by the in Yiddish on arts and crafts. Danc- things that will help to hold the fam- ing of the Russian Sherrily, etc., will hostess. ily together." follow the meeting. 0' Sounds Call for Youth. Children under eight years of age R a bb i Israel Goldstein sounded a EUROPEAN JEWISH i ne d b R ea r ti o n e b en t y th e ec well e erta EWISH call for the Jewish youth of the coon- Department. WELFARE ORGANIZATION No postals will be sent, the news- try to rally about their faith. "That the Jewish youth in this country has papers being used as the only medium A board of directors' meeting will to get the announcements to the been neglected," he stated, "is the most serious indictment which can be ! be held at the home of Mrs. Rosen- arraigned against our short-sighted', stein, 404 Holbrook, Saturday eve- mothers. elders. Reform and Orthodox Jewry' ning, Feb. 4, at 8:30 o'clock. A play SIGMA MU I alike have connived, perhaps unwit• will be given at the Circle theater on' Fastest modern -steamers in the tingly, in this crime of omission. Be- , Wednesday evening, Feb. 15. This of world. Excellent treatment yond sounding the alarm at the re- play will harmonize with the work ' , The Sigma Mu Fraternity recently passengers. There Is a local agent ligious apathy of the young people, that the organization is doing and the , held the election and inauguration of in your town or nearby. nothing constructive has been at- co-operation of the public is asked to !officers in their new clubrooms in the To Poland, Lithuania, Ukrainia, tempted on any large scale. No or- assist in making it a financial success' Balch school. The retiring secretary Russia and all Baltic States via gaeized effort of any considerable and help to bring the European or- administered the oath of office to the ;new executives. Hamburg • . • Hamburg. proportions has thus far been made ' phans to America. I The Fraternity has completed a March 7 to enlist and to train in the cause of 1 SAXONIA I very successful year, both financially Judaism, the thousands of young pro- Cabin $130.00. 3rd Cl. $103.60. MACCABEAN SPORTS land socially. Many delightful affairs pie who in another decade will be ' Tax $5. !are being planned for the present sea- upon to take up the task at the Via Cherbourg, Southamp- called The Marcabean Sports are continu-, son. point where their fathers shall have ton, Livirpool and Glasgow: left it—of preserving and transmit- ing their progress in their undertak- 1 the Jewish heritage." ings. The membership list has been GRACE KURLANDER SATURNIA -------Feb. 16 ting The afternoon session was devoted doubled in the last few weeks. The (from Portland) to a consideration of the problems of primary purpose of the organization . The regular meeting of hte Grace Feb. 18 organization. It was decided to ar- is to encourage athletics. At the last Kurlander Aid Society was held on ALBANIA range for seven districts in the coun' meeting held at the Jewish Institute Wednesday evening, Jan. 25, at the (Cabin only) each one with a regional director,! a fine program was arranged by the , home of Mrs. I. Harris, 535 Hendrie Feb. 25 try, ALGERIA who would have the right to appoint committee consisting of J. Thumin and avenue, and all arrangements for the Feb. 25 . a charman for the smaller divisions S. Pomerantz. Due to the efforts of , society's dance to be held on Feb. 18 CYNTHIA. A. Katz, the athletic director, a sue- .. his district. at the Eagle Temple on Brush and Via England or Hamburg to Dan- of The Young People's League is to ceesful basketball team was formed Bethune, were completed. Detroit Branch: Cass Ave. at York St. zig, $106.50; Libau, $110. Tan $5. have representation not only on the which defeated the Lotus A. C. by the I Luncheon was served after the Executive Council, but also in every score of 16 to 9. , meeting. branch organization of the United The members of the Grace Kur- Synagogue in the country. Lander Society are cautioned against AMITIANS Resolution we Pope's Death. Before the close of the session, a giving funds to any men soliciting do- A new Victor-Victrola music shop, one of the most beautiful in Detroit, has just been opened with a complete line of Victor- Maternity Corset $250,000 IS RAISED BY KEREN HAYESOD Victrolas and Victor Records. Visit this complete shop, make your selections and hear any of the world's greatest artists in your own home. Lane Bryant BEN CANWASSER WESTERN MUSIC SHOP [Maloney-Campbell Realty Co., Inc. 5239 Hastings Street Phone Northway 3935 Schell's Swedish Institute Swedish Bath and Massage ANNIS FUR POST 35TH (Est. 1887) ANNUAL SALE J. Lieber Custom Tailor The recent reduction in the price of the New Type 61 Cadillac, conceded to be the best Cadillac produced by this company in twenty years' successful building of high- grade motor cars, makes available to the motoring public the greatest motor car value in the world. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY MAIN 1491 AI SPI1UNK ENGRAVING CO . Commercial Artists mm and Engravers - it !ILIA. DETROIT go- dues for the resolution was adopted on the death The Amitians held their weekly nations or N collecting o one has been authorized to 7 ' ' toc of Miss Goldye o t SO of Pope Benedict XV as follows: meeting at the tonic . United Synagogue of Amer- , Velick, 1489 Euclid avenue , west, "That the lea, in convention assembled, give ex- Tuesday evening, Jan. 31. Many top- NU BETA PHI pression to its sincere sympathy with ' ics of interest were discussed and the tte fellow citizens of the Roman Cab- entertainment committee has made A regular meeting of the Nu Beta loss they have' plans for a card party to be held at she church in the great sustained in the death of his lioli- , the following meeting at the home of Phi Sorority was held Wednesday ness, Pope Benedict XV. Miss Ida Becker, 995 East Philadel- evening, Jan. 26, at the home of Miss "We pause in our labors to honor phia avenue, Tuesday evening, Feb. 7. Ruth Ilarrison, 8050 Third avenue. the memory of one, who largely con- The regular sewing session followed The next regular meeting of the sore- tributed to the spiritual and moral the adjournment of the meeting and rity will be held Wednesday evening, influences which were devoted to the a dainty luncheon was served by the I Feb. 16, at the home of Miss Ida Sil- ver, 590 Palmer avenue east. I cause of righteousness and peace in hostess. CADILLAC 'The Standard of the World