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February 03, 1922 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1922-02-03

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Sunday Services:

Dr. Franklin has chosen as his
theme for this week's sermon "Mak-
ing Religion Efficient." He will take
up various implications of the new
constitution and by-laws which were
recently adopted by the congrega-
tion. It will be to the interest of
All Society lima and other local note. should be communicated to the tithes of the
Chronicle_ by S o'clock each Wednesday afternoon in order to appear in the errant • Wee membera to hear this lecture, in order
ism.. rho. Glendale lilt, Society Editor. Mail notice. so is to Ise rectiv.d not tale to become acquainted with the new
titan Wedieeday.
congregational constitution.

Innumerable dinners, luncheons
and theater parties have been on the
social tapir the past week. Among
the many delightful and elaborate
functions were many charming affairs
given in honor of Miss Adele Siegel
of Boston boulevard, whose marriage
to Dr. Willard Mayer takes place at
the Phoenix Club on Wednesday
evening, Feb. 8. Among those who
entertained in honor of the bride-
elect were Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Sel-
ling, Dr. and Mrs. Emil Amberg, Dr.
and Mrs. Hugo A. Freund, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Siegel, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
seph Welt, Mrs. Ben Mayer and Mr.
and Mrs. Sol A. Wolf.

The many friends of Mrs. Henry
A. Krolik will be happy to know of Sabbath Services:
The weekly message will be de-
her convalescence from a recent ill-
livered by Rabbi Berkowitz. Serv-
ices begin at 10:30.

Mrs. I. Pick, who has spent the
past three months in Detroit visiting
with old-time friends, left on Satur-
day last for Columbus, Ohio, where
she will be a guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Feibel (Helen
Goldsmith) prior to her return to her
home in llaarlem, Holland.

Father and Son Dinner:

Under the auspices of the Men's
Temple Club, there will be a Father
and Son celebration in the Temple on
Wednesday evening, Feb. 15. Set
aside this date and let nothing inter-
fere with the attendance of all the
fathers and sons of the congregation.
Celebrated Pianist
Mrs. Oscar Robinson of Burlin- Every man can be a father on this
evening, for he is at liberty to adopt
game avenue gave a most compre-
At Orchestra Hall Feb. 7th
hensive report of the work of the a son for the occasion. Make reserva-
tions early.
Young Women's Ilebrew Association
I have played my works for the Ampico because of its
of the Jewish Woman's Club at the
absolute faithfulness of reproduction and its capacity to pre-
A profusion of lovely spring flow- annual meeting of the Community Temple Sisterhood:
serve beautiful tone painting. It goes far beyond any other
On Monday afternoon, Feb. 13, the
era—pink sweet peas, yellow jon- Union, held on Thursday last at the
in these particulars, which the pianist must demand in con-
Temple Sisterhood will present as its
quils, tulips, narcissi, daffodils and Board of Commerce.
sidering the perpetuation of his art—RACHMANINOFF.
speaker Dr. William L. Stidger of St.
asparagus ferns—centered the small,
Marks M. E. church, popularly known
round tables around which the guests
This great pianist comes to Detroit only once a year but
The new silks for 1922 are superb. Our silk shop shows
The N. S. Bridge Club was enter-
were seated at the exquisitely ap- tained delightfully by Miss Rose as "The Church with the Revolving
you can hear him and a hundred others in your own home
a gorgeous exhibition of color and design.
Cross." His subject will he "Keys
pointed luncheon on Friday last in
every day if you own
echt at her home on East Hancock to the Kingdoms." This promises to
the ballroom of Hotel Statler at avenue on Thursday evening last.
These luxurious fabrics were never displayed in more in.
be one of the most entertaining and
which Mrs. I. R. Myers, Miss Sadie
enlightening meetings of the year, as
citing variety.
Hirschman and Mrs. L. J. Hirschman
were hostesses to 200 guests. Receiv-
Spring and Summer 1922 will be big silk seasons and in
ing with the hostesses in the black Lean avenue left on Sunday for New form speaker.
In the Knobs or Franklin Piano.
and white room of the hotel were Mrs. York, where they will remain for
no other display in this vicinity will you find greater variety
Professor Freehof's Lecture:
Irving Hirschman, Miss Mildred Cars- three weeks.
of the very best offerings for the new year.
Professor Freehof's next lecture on
tens and Miss Annabelle Myers. Mrs.
Grand. from $1,975.00 up
Uprights from $800.00 up
Mrs. Hannah Freud of Hotel Wol- "The Jewish Liturgy" will be on Fri-
Myers was charming in a modish
In addition to a most complete display of the hest domestic
Knob. Warerooms
frock of black georgette interwoven verine has left for Cincinnati, where
cotton fabrics, our direct imports are coming in daily and add
with black beads. Miss Hirschman she joined her children, Mr. and Mrs. was necessary because of Professor
to a showing that has never been equalled in this store.
wore a beautiful costume of black Justin Rollman (Josephine Freud) Freehof's Southern lecture tour.
georgette with trimmings of jade and infant son for a trip to Palm
green beads. Mrs. L. J. Hirschman Beach, Fla. ,where they will spend Young People's Formal Ball:
1243 Washington Boulevard
Book Building
On Saturday evening, Feb. 11, the
was gowned in Alice blue crepe with the remainder of the winter months.
Young People's Society will give its
bandings of black. Mrs. Irving Hirsch-
formal ball at the Elks' Tern-
Mrs. Rachel Robinson of Chicago
man was lovely in black lace and
satin. Miss Carstens wore blue taf- was the guest at the home of her sis- ple. Those expecting to attend this
should immediately notify
feta with clusters of rose and blue ter, Mrs. Ilugo Hill of Rowena street.
the secretary, Miss Mildred Nadle,
bead rosettes and Miss Meyers was
Mrs. Bertha Zenner of East Ferry
attired in garnet panne velvet with
BY I. Z. A. OFFICIALS lace of corresponding hue. A string avenue left on Saturday last for Lon
Mr. and Mrs. M. Millner of Med
quartet from the Detroit Symphony Angeles, Calif., where she will spend
bury avenue announce the engage
Outlining a program of activities Orchestra contributed charm to this the remainder of the winter months
affair, which was one of the delight- Mrs. Zenner was accompanied by her
ment of their daughter, Bessie, to
Members of the U-Kno-All Club
Beeman's Evening School teaches you in 60 days. Afternoon and
harry L. Phillips, son of Mr. and for the local chapter of the Inter- ful functions on the social calendar sister, Mrs. Herman Orschel of will be entertained Saturday evening,
evening classes. Diplomas awarded. Positions guaranteed.
Mrs. M. Phillips of West Grand boule- collegiate Zionist Association, Miss this season. Out-of-town guests in Omaha, Neb.
Feb. 4, by A. Strauss of Merrick
4152 Woodward Avenue
avenue. An interesting program has
Esther Rosenstein, recently elected attendance were: Mrs. Rachel Robin-
Room 200 A
Telephone Garfield 5010
president of the I. Z. A., urged mem- son of Chicago, Mrs. S. Loeb of I,a- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Neustadt, who been arranged for this affair,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Landsberg of 1256
fayette, Ind.• Mrs. Marcus Marks, were guests at Hotel Statler, have
Michigan avenue announce the en- bers in her inaugural address to lend Manistee, Mich., and Miss Evelyn left for their home in Chicago.
gagement of their daughter, Birdie, all their efforts toward carrying out Lowman of Cincinnati. Ohio.
to Maurice Zechman of Chicago.
Mrs. L. Frankel of Denver, Colo.,
a program that would benefit the
The pageant, "The Jew Through- is the guest at the home of her chil-
Zionist idea and increase the interest
out the Ages," showing the handi- dram, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Obenfelder
in the movement among the college
work of Israel in art, craft, music, of Gladstone avenue.
literature, science and other fields,
Returning from n several days' trip
Miss Rosenstein was installed as was opened in a most auspicious man-
president by Paul Goldstein, retiring ner Sunday evening at the Jewish In- to New York is Day Krolik of 110-
Mrs. Slobin announces the mar- chairman. Other officers for the new stitute building by the Lyric String wena street.
riage of her daughter, Celia, to Israel semester are: Sam Weisberg, vice- Quartet, composed of members of the
Sirs. Sadie R. Jacobs, social direc-
Brown of this city on Jan. 29. Re- president; bliss Esther Holtzman, Detroit Symphony Orchestra. The
ception will be held at 1409 .Burlin- secretary, and Joseph Erman, treas- quartet, whose personnel is made up for of the Y. W. II. A. of the Jewish
of Victor I'olant, Leo Hellman, Bruno Woman's Club, has been appointed
game avenue Feb. 5.
Among the activities proposed for Steinke and Florian Whitman, gave resident-manager of the Jewish Wom-
the coming term is the formation of a highly entertaining program, the an's clubhouse, 89 Rowena street, as-
a Hebrew circle for the study of the numbers played being of a kind to suming, her duties on Feb. 1. Mrs.
Ilebrew language, under a capable appeal to the uninitiated as well as Jacobs is a well known and trained
teacher. A number have already en- to the trained musician. They were social worker, having come here from
enthusiastically received by the vast the East, where she was head of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Hayden tolled in the circle.
The literary program of the or- throng who came to view the pageant Dorchester Settlement House, the
(Isabelle Levin) announce the birth
Jewish welfare center of Boston,
ganization will be in charge of two and were generous with their en- IP
of a son, Louis Lee, Jan. 24.
Mass. Mrs. Jacobs will retain her di-
committees, who will act at alternate cores. The Glszonnoff "Orientale,
in the "Y" in connection
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Fishman of meetings. Paul Goldstein will be first offering, which, in turn, was fol- with her responsibilities of her new
2045 Gladstone avenue announce the chairman of one committee and will lowed by the special arrangement of position.
birth of a son, Albert Lee, on Sun- be assisted by Joseph Erman, Minnie "Eili, Eili" and a dainty Polodini
Telanof and Sam Zellman. Shirley
day, Jan. 29.
Mrs, Joseph Aarons has left for
Horowitz, as chairman of the second waltz arranged by Mr. Whitman. Mrs.
committee, will be assisted by Harry Harold Redfield (Myra Cohen), mez- Southern California, where she ex-
pects to remain for the winter
Platte and Victoria Sheifman.
College students have been extend- the singing version of "Eili, Eili," the months.
ed the invitation to join the chapter
Returning from Cincinnati, where
and take an active part in collegiate also appeared as soloist, playing the
traditional Hebrew melody, KolNidre, she spent two weeks, was Mrs. Sid-
Zionist work. Meetings of the or-
of Monterey avenue.
ganization are open to all.
The next meeting of the I. Z. A. touched the hearts of the listeners.
Sirs. William Pixel entertained de-
In loving memory of Frieda Ra- will be held Wednesday evening, Feb.
The annual luncheon of the Jewish lightfully at luncheon honoring Miss
binowitz, who left an three years ago, 15, at the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue.
Woman's Club is scheduled for Mon- Adele Siegel, whose approaching nup-
Jan. 27, 1919.
day, Feb. 27, to take place in the tials were recently announced.
Gone but not forgotten.
MIZRACHI, REFORMERS BOYCOT main dining room of Hotel Wolverine,
Her Loving Husband and
Returning from New York, where
POLISH RABBIS' CONFERENCE when Mlle. Clement of the faculty of
the Sarbonne, Paris, France, will be he spent several days, is Harry Z.
of McLean avenue.
speaker. The committee on arrange-
WARSAW.—J. T. A.)—Following ments announces that tickets for the
In loving memory of Gertrude Ap-
Mrs. S. Loeb of Lafayette, Ind., is
plebaum Miller, beloved wife of Mou-
luncheon will be mailed upon receipt
rice and mother of Robert Miller, newly founded Orthodox Association, of check and in this way avoiding visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edward
who passed away two years ago, Feb- a conference of the members through- congestion and confusion at the door. Rosenthal.
out Poland has been called, which Checks should be sent to Miss Emma
4, 1920.
opened here.
Mrs. Hannah Ilelfman of Eliot
Butzel, 89 Rowena street. Early re-
About 100 Rabbis belonging to the
street, who has been spending some
Her memory is as dear today
sponses are requested.
Agudath Yisroel and Chasidic circles
time in Waco, Texas, visiting with
As in the hour she passed away.
relatives and friends, has gone to
Her Sorrowing Ilusband, Son, are participating in the conference,
A delightful affair of the past week Southern California, where she will
Father, Mother, Sisters and while the adherents of the Mizrachi
and Reform Rabbis are staying away. was the informal dancing and card remain for the winter months. Mrs.
party given at the Phoenix Club on Heitman was accompanied by her
Saturday evening last. A buffet sup- niece, Mrs. A. Ilarris.
per was served at midnight.
f rom Gran d R,
Miss Evelyn Lowman of Cincinnati where they suent several days, are
If highest quality at surprisingly low prices means some-
is the guest at the home of Mrs. Meg- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Selling of Bo-
nus Butzel.
tel Addison.
Will Conduct Services


New Spring Silks and Cottons


Janney-Bowman, Inc.

The J. L. Hudson Co.




Our Entire Stock of Furniture is Included in Our

February Sale


at a Genuine Discount of


Cantor J. Shlisky, Tenor


Monte,Im Street, Between H•stings and Antoine


Plotkina Book Store, 2639 Sastings Sreet, Corner Adelaide,
Cordon's Book Store, 3009 Hastings Street,
Goldberg's Phonograph Store, 331 Gratiot Avenue,
Goldberg's Phonograph Store, 2813 Hastings Street,
Subar's Book Store, Hastings and Warren,
And at the Synagogue.


$150 to $2.50

Sirs. Karl Fechheimer of Monterey , Mrs. Maurice Marks of Manistee,
avenue has returned from Cincinnati ' Suck., who has been a guest at the
after a pleasant stay with relatives home of freincls in the city, is now
and friends. She was accomnanied . snending two weeks with Mr. and
by her sister, Miss Eleanor Offner, Sirs. Albert Zenner of Boston boule-
who will remain in the city for a few' yard.
Mrs. S. B. Fixer (Mildred Grabow-
Mrs. Alfred Wise entertained on skyl and son, Larry, of Ilarrisville,
Tuesday afternoon at luncheon and Sick., were recent guests at the home
cards at her horse in the Willoughby of Mrs. Fixer's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
apartments, West Grand boulevard, I
complimenting Miss Adele Siegel,. Grabowsky of Brush boulevard.
whose marriage to Dr. Willard Mayer
Sam Marks, Jr., of St. Louis, Mo.,
takes place on Feb. 8.
was a recent visitor at the home of

his grandfather, Ellis Snyder of East
Palmer avenue.

Now in Progress

Finsterwalds Great

The Most Important Selling Event
of the Month


Mkiagaa Ave., at Wasidagtem Blvd.

Mrs. Frank R. Hamburger has
moved from Glynn court to the Pasa-
dena apartments on Jefferson avenue.

A Shiffman has left for Southern
California, where he has joined Mrs.
Shiffman and daughters, who are so-
journing there for the winter months.

Returning from New York, where
he spent a few days the past week, is
Maurice Dreifuss of Farrand Park.

A. Lapin-Cohen of Burlingame ave-
nue has returned from a several days'
trip to Chicago and Milwaukee.

Morris Myers of Chicago is spend-
ing a fortnight at the home of his
mother, Mrs. Sara Myers of the Lea-
high apartments, Brush street.

Returning from Bay City, where
she spent several days visiting with
relatives and friends, is Miss Dorothy
Grabowsky of Colorado avenue.

Mrs. Minnie Myers of Garland ave-
nue is sojourning in St. Petersburg,
Fla., for several weeks.

, Returning from a trip to Grand
IRapids the past week is Wolf H. Kei-
dan of 5424 Brush street

to you when selecting new furniture, then our February
Sale, with its genuine discount of 25 per cent, is a sale that cer-
tainly will be well worth your time to attend. The finest products
of Berkey & Gay, Sligh, Widdicomb, Royal, Karpen and other
manufacturers are offered at 25 per cent less than the regular
prices, presenting to you an opportunity that is of more than pass-
ing interest.

Take, for example, a chair which ordinarily sells for $80.

Right now you can get it for $60. And at the close of this sale
the price will be the regular selling price, or $80. We merely
use this to illustrate our point, that you actually can get America's
finest furniture here now at prices 25 per cent lower than they'll
be for months to come! The tremendous number of people this
sale has attracted is evidence of the fact that it does offer extra-
ordinary values.

Make Use of Our Deferred Payment Plan

This convenient service, enabling you to pay for your
furniture in monthly remittances, is at your disposal during
this sale. Make use of it, and please note that in doing so
you pay no more than the actual sale prices.


2314 Woodward Ave.
(Near High St.)

lilt ntttatmtnttmminaetnitll alts




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