jilL )91 .1 ta n r, fr.w isn en ton icu : PAGE SIX A Charming Bride. Rhinestone Bands Ostrich Trimming Sequin Bandings in panel widths Whether it is glittering Rhine- stone Band Trimmings, soft, rich Ostrich Trimmings or smart Se- quin Bandings, Nev' York Shops have the trimming that will lend your party gown distinction. All Society Items and other local notes Mould be communicated to the office of tke Chennick by 5 o'clock each Wedneedsyafternoon in order to appear in the current •eek's eine. Ilion. Wends:* Societ) Editor. ► ed notices m ae to lie received sot late •Iten N'edhesday . The Fresh Air Society expresses Mrs. Clarence F. llirshfield of 120 its appreciation to the following who Burlingame avenue was the chairman visited the camp during the past sea- of the reception committee at the en- son, bringing treats for the little tertainment given at the Twentieth guests of the society and special gifts Century clubhouse on Saturday night for the camp that have added to the last under the auspices of the Cor- Sequin Bandings in all the comfort and happiness of the chil- ners College Women's Club, given to dren: Mrs. A. E. Rosengarten, Eu- raise fpuls for the women's dormi- new colors; also Black. gene Sloman, George House, Mrs. A. tory of the university. W. Schloss, Albert Zenner, Miss More Fanny Wolenburgh, Mrs. Milford Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rosenhain Stern, Mrs. Samuel S. Van Noorden and daughters have moved from Colo- I Mrs. Joseph M. Welt, Mrs. Walter rado avenue to 211) Monterey avenue. Fuchs, Mrs. William Levy, A. Jacobs, Direct from Paris—Inn in the lot--in- Mrs. Bertha Zenner, Mrs. Mark Adolph Freund of Chicago boule- eluding the larger sizes—beautiful col- Fleischman, Miss Henrietta Robin- vard left on Saturday for an extend- ors and color combinations—marked as son, Mrs. Wolf Kaplan, Mrs. Moe Ehr- ed sojourn in various points in Flori- low as - lich, Mrs. A. Goldsmith, Miss Jo- da, stopping en route at Greensboro, sephine Lewis, Mrs. Benjamin Gold- N. C., and Cleveland, Ohio. --l'hoto by Itembrundt. stein, Milton Kuttnauer, Arthur heel, Mrs. Herman Lieberman, Mrs. Samuel MRS. HARRY L. ROSENBERG Mr. and Mrs. }ferry Newman of Glogower, Harry Z. Brown, Leo Wel- (Miss Bertha Green.) Lawrence avenue have returned from ling, Joseph Goldberg, Mrs. Newell, a delightful stay at Hotel Ambassa- I Louis Jacobs, Z. Ilimelhoch, Nathan A charming bride was Miss Bertha' dor in Atlantic City. . Gross, David Freer, Charles Levy, Green, who was united in marriage Charles Roehl, Moe Ehrlich, Mrs. Her- to Harry L. Rosenberg of this city Returning from a week's visit in Jan. 8, at the home of the bride's man Schmeer, Miss Anna Solomon, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. Gold- Grand Rapids and Chicago is Andrew parents, 649 King avenue, in the pres- man, Mrs. II. Schlee, Louis Simon, Wineman of Chicago boulevard. ence of relatives and intimate friends Mrs. C. Jacobs, Mrs. II. A. Krolik, Rabbis J. L. Levin and Joseph Thu- Mrs. D. W. Simons, Bessye Barnett, Mrs. Max Fruhotf of Hotel Stotler min officiated. The bride was gowned A. J. Levin, Delia Ehrman, Ilenry entertained delightfully nt luncheon in silver-brocaded white satin. Her Meyers, Miss Betty Anne Jacobson, and cards at the hotel on Saturday veil, forming a train, was crown fash- -- a ioned, made out of lace. The bride Mrs. It. Nederlander, Mrs. II. Marx, last. was attended by her sister, Miss Bes- Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eisman, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Brown, Mrs Eliel, Mrs. At a banquet given on Wednesday sie Green, as maid of honor. Henry Traitel, Mrs. I. Shetzer, Mrs. A. Klein, afternoon last by the Volunteer Aides Miller attended the groom. David Arta, the Misses Foote, Sam of the Marine Hospital Division, Red By JUDGE. HENRY J. DANNENBAUM Goldberg, Mrs. Ilannah Goldberg, Cross, Mrs. Ilenry Rindskoff, who Arthur Mansbach, Miss Caroline Wo- has been prominently identified with ("The only righteous test, the only test compatible with self-respect, is lenburgh, Miss Blanche J. Ilart, Ja- this work, was is guest. not whether a change would be made but whether it would be justified." ' cob Nathan, Mr. and Mrs. Ilenry But- This, according to the Judge Dannenbaum, is the acid test of the compati- zel, Mrs. Sidney Ileavenrich, Mrs. Martin Ilersch of Susquehanna, Pa., Returning from a several days' bility of Zionism with Reform Judaism; nothing else matters. And from Benjamin Lambert, Miss Kate Fried- died in New York on Dec. 26. He thin point of view Judge Ilenry J. Dunnenbaum of Houston, Texas, promi- man, Mrs. J. Rosenzweig, Miss Jo- trip to Chicago and Grand Rapids, is was an uncle of Alvin D. Ilersch, a nent member of the Reform Jewish community, discusses the question of sephine Stern, I, Shetzer, Mr. Cohen, Al Hecht of East Hancock avenue. brother of the late David A. Ilersch Zionism and Reform Judaism in the New Palestine, the official organ of , Miss Mary Elkin, Jesse F. Hirschman, and a son of the late Adam Hersch, a . and Mrs. Jack Dryfoos of Ha- the Zionist. Organization of America. By arrangement with the New David M. Welling, harry L. Wein- charter member of Temple Beth F.I. Palestine, we are enabled to print this article.—The Editor.) stein, Mrs. Frank V. Martin, Miss zelwood avenue have left for South- The deceased left Detroit at an early Pearl Friedenson, Mrs. David Epstein, ern California, where they will spend age and settled in the city in which The house of worship in which I eral, of one land is translated into Rowland Fine!, Miss Sarah Pearlman, the remaining winter months. he lived the rest of his life. Ile was feel most at home is a Reform Tem- the language of the others . There Miss Rosaline Schlen, Mrs. Henry asso•iated with M. H. Eisman under Friends of Wallace Rosenheim of ple. This may be due to early en- is even all exchange of professors, of Wineman, Mrs. Mary Ehrman, Mrs. the firm name of Eisman & Hersch, vironment. But it is not without sup- students. Not only the Jews of Milton Loeb, Mrs. Louis Marymont, Pingree avenue will be pleased to department store operators, and was port in my judgment. At any rate, America but all cultured Americans Miss Sadye Keidan, Miss Celia Mey- know of his convalescence from a re- connected for many years with the it is the place from which I now would drink of the Jewish culture ers, Harry Jacobs, Dr. Lee, Mr. and cent illness. First National Bank of Susquehanna write. which flows from the rocks or is Mrs. Harry Jacobson, Mrs. II. Meyers and the Blue Ridge Metal Mfg. Co. Returning from a fortnight's stay I am also a Zionist. I was not al- drawn from the wells of Palestine. and Barney Wetsman. The National Although he had not been in good ways one. Nor was I merely a non- Nothing would prevent American Biscuit Company, Purity Chapter No. in Chicago are Mr. and Mrs. Milton health for some years, his end came Zionist in the early days of that Jews from bringing original offerings 339, the M. E. Club and the Mo'os Loeb of Elmhurst avenue. Mr. and . unexpectedly. Ile is survived by two movement in America. I was an anti- of the same character to the altars of Chitim were generous contributors, Mrs. Loeb were accompanied by Mr. sons and a daughter: Albert of New Zionist and at every opportunity, their polit'cal tillegian•e. The charge the latter giving $100e. A similar sum and Mrs. Jacob M. Roth of Pitts- York, Sidney of Susquehanna, and from the platform arid in the press, that any American Jew would be less. was received from an anonymous burgh, l'a'. Mrs. Maurice Fox of Providence, It. - - fought it aggressively. This change devoted to its institutions, would di- contributor. I., and his wife. Returning to his home in Chicago of front is my warrant for a word to minish in loyalty and public service, after a pleasant visit with relatives those with whom I was in recent ac- if a Jewish state existed in Palestine, Mrs. Adolph Sloman, as chairman cord. And I claim the hearing more has no basis in his psychology or his of the hospitality committee of the and friends in the city is Samuel Plumb. readily because of the conviction that history. The only righteous test, the Beth El Sisterhood, expressed program is not only con- only test compatible with self-respect, Temple gratification with the whole-hearted Mr. and Mrs. Milford Stern of East with Messianic Judaism but is not wdether a change would. be co-operation of the hostesses who en- DA NZIG— (J. T. A.) —La rice mod- Grand boulevard left on Saturday made but long whether it American %5.01.11d be justi- '6111ucive to its fulfillment. fied. So as the Jew tertained the University of Michigan last for New York, where they wit- ern emigration stations fur the ac- There are various conceptions of students on Sunday at dinner. The commodation of the large number of nessed the opening performances of Judaism, ranging from nationality to does his duty as man and citizen, he students, 200 in number, were guests emigrants expected t clear through faith. In some minds, all of the con- may confidently expect to have the of the Young People's Society of the Metropolitan Grand Opera Com- here, are being erected by a Polish ceptions make a greater whole. Oth- good will of his fai r. mind" neigh- Ifemple Beth El and other affiliated , puny, prior to their departure on the company in which the Polish govern- ers contend that their individual con- hors. The good will of the others tirganizations of the Temple on the I SS. I Empress of Britain for a cruise ment is the largest stockholder. the West Indies, stopping en route of ception is exclusive of the others. he has not, has never had and will occasion of the seventh annual Stu- The Polish government had an- at Ilavana, Jamaica, Panama Canal, But all must admit that the Jewish nut acquire, though a Jewish state in dent Day. nounced its decision to have all emi- Venezuela, Porto Rico and the Ber- People is the vehicle i•• s hich the con- Palestine revert to an irridescent gration cleared through the port of mudas. ception lives and Ilt .,ugh which it dream. The basis of anti-Semitism, pleasant t I Ch . the free city for the benefit of the must be expressed. • Unitarian is here and elsewhere, is ignorance, plus and Wilmette, Ill., MissHortense The many friends of Mrs. Samuel Polish steamship companies. Pend- not a Jew, though the r theologies be fanaticism and jealousy. Krolik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Day Slum= of East Ferry avenue will ing the erection of the new emi- similar, and the assimilationist gradu- The Zionist Program. Krolik, has returned. Miss Krolik be pleased to know of her recovery grants' barracks, which it is estimated ally disappears from the Jev.ish firm- The objective of this article is to stopped in route in ( levelantl, where from her recent illness. will take two months to complete, the ament. It logically follow, that the government is allowing emigrants free'. prove that the Zionist program is con- she visited with Mr. and Mrs. Law- physical welfare of the Jet-eh peo- choice in selecting the port of me- ducive to the fulfillment of Messianic relics) Lang (Helen Schloss). Miss Alene Blitz Cohen of Louis- ple is a concern of every Jew who --- , ville, Ky., was the guest the past week barkntion. wants to perpetuate his own concep- Judaism, Ilere is the argument. Let The first announcement that Poland those who can refute it. Reason de. of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Glogower Mrs. I. Pick, formerly of Detroit, tion of Judaism. In these days of would compel all emigrants to embark anti-Semitism and of restrictions up- dares that Judaism as a spiritual now of Haarlem, Holland, who has of Elmhurst avenue. from Danzig had caused some excite- force should have the same elemental been spending several months in De- on immigration, it is unnecessary to Miss Aimee Rosenthal entertained , nient, particularly in Jewish circles, dilate upon the potential value of a content in every land. Variance and troit, visited old-time friends in this the teaching staff of the Arthur L. ' who charged the immigration author- publicly recognized, legally secured inconsistency spell confusion rind dis- city and Saginaw the past week. the relief of the local Jews are able Holmes School, of which she is prin- ities with creulty towards the emi- home foe Jews, in Palestine. integration. 'I'he history of thought, Mrs. Karl Fechheimer is spending cipal, at a unique and delightful party grants. Terms of Mandate. the history of faith, show that con- a few weeks at the home of her at her home on Tennyson avenue on A Jewish state in Palestine has tact of yariant ideas, contact of vari- parents in Cincinnati, Ohio. Saturday evening last. been much decried. There are fears ant faiths, weaken all unit tend to of a union of church and state, with produce a blend that is neither the Returning to their home in Chi- Returning from New York, where consequent intolerance and persecu- one nor the other. Certainly it is she visited at the home of Mr. and cago after a pleasant visit at the tion. A sufficient answer is that the true that customs, ritual, Sabbath and PHILADELPHIA.—At a quarter- Mrs. Herbert Weil, formerly of this home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. terms of the British Mandate secure Holy Days bend to environment, they city, is Miss Carolyn Epstein, (laugh- Louis Weisman of Westminster ave- ly meeting of the board of governors religious liberty to all the inhabitants are the outer expression of the in- ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Epstein nue are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Solo- of the Dropsie College for Hebrew of the land. It is possible, as are ward soul. They hold the spirit as and Cognate Learning, the president, mon (Edith Weisman). of Royal Oak. most imaginary things, but not prob- the glass holds water. Without them Dr. Cyrus Adler, reported that 70 able, that in the public affairs of Pal- Judaism becomes an abstract theism; Miss Rosalie Freuger of La Cruces, students were registered in the col- After a pleasant stay at the home estine, spiritual factors may exercise he theism of Plato as well as of N. hi., who is a student at the Uni- lege this year, 18 in the day course an excessive influence. That they itoses; the theism of Thomas Paine of Miss Edith Ileavenrich of Pingree versity of Michigan, spent the week- and 52 in the evening course. All will exercise some influence may be as well as of Isaac M. Wise. A Jew- avenue, Miss Elizabeth Guiterman end with the Misses Charlotte and those in the (lay course are men. The expected from the People of the ish center where customs, ritual, Sab- has returned to her home in Cincin- Marcia Ermann of East Hancock advanced students represent the fah Book. And no stndent of modern his- bath and linty Days are observed in nati. lowing institutions: avenue. tory can fail to realize that the ethics Johns Hopkins University, Frank- 1 -•ir pristine vigor, where an all- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schroeder of of religion are becoming a strong ele- .:wish life will foster an all-Jewish Mrs. Charles Finsterwald was hos- lin and Marshall, Saskatchewan, Am- ment of governmental policy in P' ,pirit, will strengthen religious Jews St. Louis were recent visitors in the tess at a charmingly appointed lunch- herst, Columbia, Rochester, Temple, tighten, d countries. It world not Is diroughout the earth as the same city, guests at lintel Stutter. eon followed by bridge at her home Jerusalem Teachers Seminary, l'enn- a mean tole for the Jewish people to earth is warmed by the rays of the on Calvert avenue on Tuesday after- sylvania, University of Bern, Yeshi- express through the institutons of a sun. Reform Judaism is not without bah of Brest-l.itovsk and Biddle Uni- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marymont of ' noon. Jewish state those legal principles proof of the value of such a center. Delaware avenue have returned from versity. Two are graduates of the and social conceptions which are Its pulpits have been supplied largely a pleasant stay with friends and rela- Dr. Ilenry Hurwitz of New York, Jewish Theological Seminary. characteristically Jewish. And there from the foci of Jewish life. Of the students in the evening chancellor of the Intercollegiate Me- tives in Chicago. remains work for the development of Jerusalem, the Holy City of world norah Society of America, who spoke course, 30 are males and 22 females. those principles and conceptions Jewry, will hove its analogy in Rome, A special course in Bibliography Mrs. Edwin Rosenthal of Boston at Temple Beth El on Sunday morn- which Jews are not unfit to perform. the Holy City of world Catholicism. boulevard entertained at a beautiful. ing. was entertained at dinner by Mr. will be given by the president and An associate fear is that the exist- The difference will be that from the ly appointed luncheon followed by and Mrs. Sidney Frank at their home members of the faculty. ence of a Jewish state in Palestine one the collective voice of Rabbi and a bridge at her home on Friday after- on }errand Park. Rabbi Abram J. Levy has resigned may affect the political status of Jews teacher will be heard and considered; . noon last. his fellowship in the college and has in other lands. There is no doubt that from the other the single voice of a Myron Kurzon of Chicago is in the been appointed fellow by courtesy. the Jews of Palestine would be na- Pope is heard and obeyed. And in The library now totals 22,859 vol- Among the charming guests in the city for an extended stay. tionals of that country. But it does the one would be absent that prolific city the past week who came to at- umes. Among the additions to the not follow that Jews in the United source of antagonism to the other— tend the bachelors' ball is Miss Bess Mrs. Adolph Traub and Miss Irene manuscript collection was a volume States would become nationals of Ar- the claim of temporal power over the Auer of Milwaukee, Wis. Traub of llotel Taller have returned of 180 parchment leaves containing gentina. International law even rec- nations of the earth. --- from a delightful visit with friends occasional prayers, most psalms and . A family gathering was held at the ognizes the right of expatriation, to If Reform Judaism refuses to ac- poems. The arrangement of the and relatives in New York. change allegiance. We are familiar knowledge the basic principle of Zion- home of Adolph Barlow of Wood- psalms and prayers are of an un- with the case of the immigrant who ism; if it refuses to caknowledge oth- land avenue on Thursday evening Miss Ethel Rosenthal of Farns- known rite. is granted the full rights of citizen- er elements in Jewish life besides last in commemoration of Mr. Bar- worth avenue was • member of the ship when he takes the oath pre- theological concepts, it will sail close • low's seventy-seventh birthday anni- committe on preparation for the Col- ELECTIONS AT VILNA scribed. But the former Englishman, to the rocks of assimilation and un- . versary. lege of Law of the University of De- PROBABLY POSTPONED German or Frenchman ig not required belief. Within the present memory, troit chapter of Kappa Beta Pi Soror- or expected to forswear devotion to a distinguished layman cried out, in Kenneth Simons, son of Mr. and ity at its first nanual ball given in the VILNA—(J. T. A.)—The various the culture of his nativity. True, in the agony of bewilderment: "What is Afrs. William Simons of West Grand palm room of Hotel Cadillac on Sat- the second or third generation that Judaism?" Only recently, another boulevard, spent several days in the urday night last. Miss Rosenthal is groups in Central Lithuania having failed to agree on the question of par- devotion is lost. But what is the dif- layman, not less prominent in liberal city the past week. an alumnus of the University of De- ticipation in the forthcoming elec- ference in political principle or state Jewish cricles, proposed the abandon- — troit Law School. tions to the Vilna parliament fixed policy between a cultural devotion ment of the historic Sabbath. the re- After a pleasant stay in the city, by the Polish military authorities for which lasts 60 years and one which is jection of the words Jew Synagogue the guest of relatives and friends, Returning from a six months' stay Jan. R, it is likely that the elections transmitted 600 years? Fortunately, and even Temple. It behooves those Air. and Mrs. Troy Kaichen have re- with relatives and friends in Denver, will not be held on the announced the complete answer is that there is who lead the forces of reform to con- turned to their home in Cincinnati. Colo.. is Miss Esther Cohen of Gar- date. no longer any antagonism between 9:der whether the pew is not losing land avenue. Miss Cohen was accom- Before leaving Vilna General Ze- the cultures of the earth. Nations something of t'•e Jewish spirit, Returning from a trip to Montreal, panied by her sister, Mrs. F. B. Green are borrowing of each other. The whether t at something will not be where she visited with her parents, and children, who will make an in- ligowsky announced the establish. me at of tuenlied be the Zionist program. thought, ethical, scientific and gen Mr. and Mrs. B. Bernstein, is Mrs. definite stay in the city. (ere-cot with its seat in Vilna and in Charles C. Simons of Connecticut a special proclamation fixed the elec- avenue. Mrs. A. J. Norman of West Ferry tion day for the new parliament. The avenue was a member of the com- response to this call does not seem to William Friedman of Erskine street mittee in charge of the Isaac F. Mar- have been heartening, however, since was ■ visitor in Chicago the past cosson lecture on Monday evening the Ruthenians, White Russians, and Main 4216 101 JOHN R ST. week. last at Orchestra Hall, given under notably Jews, have indicated their un- the auspices of the College Club. willingness to have nothing to do with Miss Miriam Goldman of the Wood- the new government. stock apartments has returned from Miss Henrietta Rosenthal was elect- -2 a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. a member of the executive board of DECISION REVOKED and Mrs. David Cohen in Wabash, the Zonta Club, which met on Wed- Indiana. nesday last to plan • tentative pro- gram for the national convention of BUCHAREST.—(J. T. A.) —The S .A. L PEItIN, Mrs. Marcus Marks, formerly of Zonta Clubs, to be held in this city findings of the Land Commission, Auction Bridge Editor Cincinnati Engel .er, Detroit, now of Man'stee, Mich., who on May 27, in Hotel Stotler. which proposed that Jews in Bessa- ANNOUNCES cis ted with relatives and friends in rabia be evicted from their land, have ()peeing of School for Complete Instruction I. ■ Auction Bridre. ;Pittsburgh, is the house guest of Mr. Returning from a trip throughout been rejected by the government 433 Book Building• MAIN 5063 and Mrs. Adolph Finsterwald of La- the Southern states is Ilenry Fried- upon investigation into the anti-Semi- i Salle Gardena tic activities of the commission. man of Garfield avenue. Party Gowns Tunica Ale First Arrivals $29.a). Spring Millinery orldiok, For those who desire to make early selection we offer choice from very distinctive styles. W..7_ mpir gala° 1514 Woodward Avenue Opposite Grinnell's Fourth Floor, Main Building. ZIONISM AND REFORM JUDAISM FORMER DETROITER DIES IN NEW YORK DANZIG EXPECTING LARGE EMIGRATION E,J,ionist 70 ENROLLED FOR DROPSIE COLLEGE The Linen Shop Real Laces and Art Linen Embroidery LEARN TO PLAY AUCTION BRIDGE The J. L. Hudson Co. THE VANGUARD By DR. ALEXANDER GOLDSTEIN, Member of the Sokolow Delegaton. Since the first Zionist World Con- gress convened by Dr. Herzl there has not been it time as momentous as the present. Then, as today, the fortunes of our Tuitional ideal depended upon our people's responses to the great Ilerzl had believed in our peo- ple and he was crowned with success. When in the course of his historic negotiations with Baron llirsh, Dr. Herzl had been asked by the great philanthrpoist iron] what source would he, Ilerzl, obtain the funds and men fur the materialization of his ideal if the Jewish millionaires were to withhold their support, Dr. Ilerzl quoted Ferdinand Lassale's reply to Bismarck: "Flectere si neques su- peros, Acheronta movelso." (Should I fail to move the occupants of the heights, I shall set in motion the in- habitants of the deep). Events proved the prophetic author of "The Jewish State" to be right, The powerful owners of the palaces turned a deaf ear on him and scoffed at him; the masses forged his words into deeds; his call into a magnifi- cent national movement. The wings watchwords of the • • up by the masses, stimulated them to turn the first Jewish assembly into the first chapter of "Isaiah the Third." Beginning of the End. The 24 years that followed have brought as to the beginning of the end. Reality has outstretched the imaginations of the boldest optimists. Ilerzl's political prophecies have been materialized. Balfour's declaration and the San Remo treaty have pro- claimed to the world our national lib- eration. The external, political im- pediments in the way to Zionism its nut exist any longer. But the gates of the country of our future may be kept open to the multitudes of our hurrying, enthusiastic pioneers and Palestine turned into the Land of Israel anew only if the voice of this majestic historic moment will re- sound in the hearts of the messes, if the nation will rise to the sublimity of the hour, to the grandeur of its requirements. The Keren Ilayesod is the begin- ning of a second chapter in the book of our liberation. Even as in the days of the first congress we are now building all our hopes and deeds on the fundament—of implicit faith in the power and goodwill of our people. The Koren Ilayesod demands an ex- traordinary exertion of all classes and parts of the Jewish nation. We trust, nay, we are certain that the people will make the exertion, bring the sac- rifice, fulfill the duty, for we know our people, we know of the treasures hidden in the holy of holies of its heart; fur we trust in the healthy instinct of the millions of the Jewish masses. But in order that our faith may he- come glorious reality, that our peo- ple's potential sympathy lie turned in- to gold of kinetic energy of deeds, our vanguard must set the example to the entire army; the volunteers of the first advancing columns must demon- strate to the innumerable reserves a grand display of true sacrifice and unfeigned enthusiasm, now when the future of our people is being deter- mined. The Zionists must be the first, the Zionists must be the best; a flood of unheard of sacrifices must sweep the Zionist rows. Nothing but the concrete example of the urgers, nothing but the astounding liberality of the propagators, can turn the Keren Hayesod into one of the most glorious pages of our history; can beget the miracle of a people without a country or government creating a grand national capital. "M " Laid at Altar. The Zionists hese fulfilled their duty throughout t e world. "Masser" (u tenth of their income tic property) has been cheerfully laid at the altar of our national lw'sls. This cheerful willingness to gi,() ungrudgmely, to give magnanimously must In' dsplay. ed in the same, if net in a greater niessure, in the United States Zionists of the United Stat e , ' For long, long years have you carried on your daily, difficult Zionist work. There were happy (lays, disconcerting and beclouded days; there were vic- tories, there were defeats; there were months of sublime hope and niemnet of pessisfil, painful doubt. But through all these flustuations and metamorphosis you have stink to your gnats. With untiring effort and indefatig- able patience, with trust and (1)yu4ion did you trod the long and thorny road leading from the night of exile to the dawn of our rejuvenation. Yull have covered the most difficult part " f the road. Another effort and front Dan to Beersheba will begin the work of materialization, of building and cre- ating, of turning the devasted, de- serted land into a Jewish national center, of finding sources and re- sources, of labor and sustenance for tens, for hundreds of thousands of Jews in Palestine. I cannot believe, I shall not believe, that now at the end of the road there will be the Zion- ists who will not show by the unsel- fishness of their sacrifice that the hour of the national call to our peo- ple has not struck in vain. Your work will be successful, and our. ..national dream triumphant only then when you, the vanguard, will be thhe first to give, when you will pave the way. The future tars hsds eof the Keren Ilnyesod is in your zkmis 17y f ! the United States, ful- fill your CONNIA Woodward at Sibley Week Beginning Monday matinee. Conti I to II P. M CHILDREN ROMANCE . in lur bat pholopLty glie MMUS MIS S REVELL Appears as • Girl Who Must Choose. L. WOLFE GILBERT America's Foremost Song Com - poser. Author of 1,000 Song Mils. Assisted by R. RFII LY At the Piano I FPITZI LIPTON The Song Mind "Tid-Bits of 1922" A Syncopated Musical and Dance Revue. Other Entertaining Acts THE LYRIC STRING QUARTET OF DETROIT Victor Polant, First Violin Florio,, Wittman, Viola Leo Hellman, Second Violin Bruno Steinke, 'Cello le now available for C ts, Recitals and Private Music•les For particular. apply to 52 Garfield A LEO HELLMAN Phone, Glendale 4954 THE ORIGINAL SCHOOL OF MILLINERY Beeman's Evening School teaches you in 60 days. Afternoon sr,I evening classes. Diplomas awarded. Positions guaranteed Room 200 A 1452 Woodward Avenue Telephon• Garfield 5010)