lavish Periodical Coder CLIFTON ATINUI • CINCINNATI UN OHIO Ashen:our In-sn(linaNicu; Olt O AS . ~~ tiT5 JO SEP (Copyright, 1921. By Chas. II. Joseph.) Ford's International Follies have cloud a prolonged but very un• successful e ngagement in "A T ly on Justice" entitled "Injustice to the Jew." It was just about as elevating • performance as another (isle by another follies company. Front-page audiences will recall musement the ''Peace Ship Extuvaunza" staged some years with a by the ume amusement organization. It had • remarkably suc- ago eason in the newspapers but when it started its run across e ssful s th e ocean it ended disastrously and the company was disbanded. The omedian then assembled another group of performers and en- star c tered upon his latest failure. This time, instead of inviting laughter and derision as during the previous engagement, it invited verbal eggs o f ancient lineage, hisses and groans. While the price of admission was on ly 10 cents, yet so rotten was the performance that finally, in desperation, the management was forced to issue p by the tens weren't used, for the public of thousands weekly, but the p couldn't stand such an exhibition even for nothing. •••• ■•■ So Ford has put away his cap and bells for the time being and returned to his job of making Ford cars, reforming the nation, revo- lutionizing the monetary system, bringing peace on earth and increas- i n g the salaries of federal judges, and reducing the operating expenses of the railroads; in addition, being of so modest • disposition that his ver y nature shrinks from publicity, he is fighting the newspapers to keep his name out of print. Mr. Cameron, another astonishing per- former, who has demonstrated to what a low level • newspaper man can descend if there is enough money at the bottom, will probably continue on Mr. Ford's payroll; he has earned that. As for Mr. Lie. bo ld, the delightful private secretary—he will continue to "sell" his boss. The bums, the hangers-on, the grafters who follow in the wake of every circus, will now probably have to make up their minds to earn an honest living. • -•411•• • Sir Edgar Speyer has lost his English citizenship based upon the charger made by the British government that Sir Edgar was disloyal to his country during the war. The British government recently gave out for publication the reasons for taking the action it did. After carefully reading the government's report and Speyer's answer, I came to the conclusion that he was less guilty than he was obstinate and discreet Sometimes it is better for • man even of the importance i n are certain in the banking world of a Speyer to realize that there ■ prop that even he will not be permitted to transgress. at the age of 100. He Manuel Oppenheimer died the other day ■ put to shame those young fellows of 75 or 80 years who brag how they walk five miles every day. He conducted his shoe business until be was 90 years old. Then he thought it was time to take a rest. He ea • veteran of the Mexican War and received a few wounds. Men of the Oppenheimer type were the ones who gave to the Jew the repu- tation for longevity. • • Watch out, Rabbi Stephen Wise, watch out! You say: "That man is not • good Jew who merely gives money to and for poor Jews. For Jewishness is not • matter of giving but of living, not of giving to the poor but richness of life." Don't you know that when you say this that you are taking away from Certain Jews theri only excuse for be- longing to the House of Israel? I have heard men say that they are " r eligious" because they give alms to the poor. Of course every man has • right to define himself. Now I wonder whether I should take exception to everything that the Rev. Dr. John Roach Straton of New York says about the Jews in the theatrical and movie business, or to try to discover if there isn't some truth in a part of what he says. Let's read this paragraph: As one New York preacher I wish to enter my protest against any endorsement of the theater in its present condi- tion by any Christian church. It is the arch-enemy of the church. It is under the domination and control of a little handful of Jews—men who are not only utterly alien to all Christian ideals, but who are not even loyal to the teachings of the Synagogue. The moving picture people and the the- atrical forces of today are making a concerted, determined and heavily financed campaign for the destruction of the Christian Sabbath, and through that for the overthrow of the Church of Christ." This seems rather an humiliating confession for • prominent Christian clergyman to make. If the hold that Christian leaders have on their followers is so slight that it can be shaken off by movies on Sundays and if that further involves the overthrow of the "Church of Christ," then one is inclined to believe that there is something the matter with the church. They fail to supply the spiritual needs of the people because it is scarcely thinkable that any churchman would willingly exchange the probability of having his soul damned forever, and that he should endure the torment of hell fire, for witnessing ■ movie performance on Sunday. As for the "handful of Jews" he speaks about in guise of arch- conspirators, some of them are probably not much good, and some of them are probably as good as the average Christian, and the balance of them may be • whole lot better. Some of them may not belong to Jewish congregations, though they probably go on New Year and the Day of Atonement. Though speaking straight from the shoulder to the Reverend Straton, I am quite sure that the Jews in the theatrical profession are found as frequently in synagogues as the Christians are in their churches. The trouble with most ministers of the Straton type is that they blame their own failures on others. At the second annual conference of the Federation of Ukrainian Jews the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, Joseph Hertz, called attention to the "astonishing fact in the moral history of contem- porary humanity that one of the blackest pages in the annals of man keg just closed, and yet the world knows nothing or next to nothing of the unspeakable horrors and infinite crimes perpetrated artainat the Jewish people." Rabbi Herta was right in inferentially condemning the newsp•pers of the world and Christian civilization for permitting all these atrocities to occur with virtually no protest. Christian civilisation seems to delight in wanting itself recognized but is indifferent to the responsibilities such recognition involves. Three million Jews have been made to pass through the horrors of hell and, in face of this, what has the Christian world done? I am interested in knowing. Joseph Lipman died in New York the other day. In life he never bulked larger than his fellows, at least to my knowledge. But in death he achieves • small measure of publicity through the fact that he wills his estate to his daughter on condition that she does not marry out of the Jewish faith, nor shall she become an actress or • professional singe r or perform professionally in any theater for pay. On the face of it, it does seem as if parents who make wills of this kind are seri- ously unfiar to their children. Beards, lip-sticks, wigs, "perforated cobwebs" (hosiery) naked shoulders, short Aids, chests uncovered—all these I find inextricably tangled in an editorial in the Jewish Tribune of New York. It seems that Rabbi Lyon. of Brooklyn, in his paper, The Supplement, in an unhapp y and uninspired moment, seized the opportunity to inveigh against the beards of Orthodox Rabbi and layman and wigs of Ortho- dox Je The Rabbi seemed to be under the impression that beard s promote anti-Semitism. So the doughty and ever•vigilant editor of the Tribune struck back and I think with considerable j.• tine. Beads (in Poland) may promote discord and often on the East Sid e of New York, but it is scarcely correct to any that they increase anti-Jewish feeling. And I am also inclined to take my place along- tificial promotion of side the Tribune editor when he says that the ar a certain kind of "hard beauty" is even more offensive than beards or ncomfortably quite Wigs. In reading the history of savages one feels u are found to paint and beads and anklets at home when references ■ and ear rings and nose rings and "costumes au neutral." I was much interested in an article written by Julius Mork:en on ■ discus- George Brandes' book, "The World at War." It was really sion of Brandes more than of hsi book. Mr. Moritsen attempts to n-Jewishness of Brandes show that despite the general opinion of the u nsciousness left in the distin. that there is a remnant of Jewish co mazing story that the Alliance toiaed Dane. He tells quite an a francs to have o ne of Brandes' Israelite of Paris refused to pay 200 Pamphlets defending the opp d Jews translated and that Brandes ha s never forgiven his co-religionists for this. It seems incredible. Brandes reprimands the Poles for their anti•Jewishness and goes into details in his book. Whether he writes as Jew in behalf of fellow Jew s o r whether he writes as n a intellectual championing the cause of opp eased ed humanity, his aid is welcome. TELLS STUDENTS OF WISDOM'S BEGINNING (Continued from page 1.) whose eccentric dancing proved a de- light. Act three affcred "K. K.," a musical comedy number, which was admirably presented by Gertrude Reisman as the Vampire, Joe Fein- berg as Mr. Kerwin and Betty Lind, Ruth I.ipsitz, Sylvia Lind and Nan- nette Ettenheimer as the "Flappers." The act was written and directed by Gertrude Reisman, with music by Manuel Arden. ' The p roperties, "erY and lighting effects were in charge of Harold Harris, Leon Zech- man and Leonard Simon. Supper for Students. PAGE FIVE BALFOUR REPEATS ZION DECLARATION MADE NOV. 2, 1917 (Continued from page the conditions, very different and much more difficult, and conditions which it is not easy for anybody liv- ing on the western side of the At- lantic Ocean fully to realize or un- derstand, but which I suspect is bet- ter understood among the Jewish population in America than any other section of human society, so far re- moved from the historic scenes, with which Jewish memories are connect- ed. I see that no separation from the eastern homes of your forefathers, no length of time, no sufferings in the past, no prosperity in the present, has cooled the ardor or patriotism, which desires to see Palestine restored as a home of Jewish people. jur.791r71';/4,, IVOODWARD AVE. fit:Aitsdifili'- Aili; - s; i• if ---- ■ , 4. -(;„;;;c . .... E.:1 L ' A IN f rep t . ... . :' 1 4 4 ti 1. Britain and the Jews. "You must to your work here. The British government is doing its work in Palestine. The two must co-oper- ate together; they must show diplom- acy, consideration; they must show no undue haste, and there must be no moments of slackening in the en- deavor they are making to complete the work, which, after all, we must only frankly agree is only just begun. "It would be unfitting, it would perhaps be impossible, that I should in any detail discuss the Palestinian question, for reasons which you will all sympathize with, that I have not for some time past been abreast of the details that have been going on , but I can assure you that my interest in the cause, my belief in its final success, my intense desire to see the ideal of the Jewish home really rising in happy success before our eyes, has not diminished or suffered any cooling during the years that have elapsed since the original declaration was made. "Where I stood then, I stand now. "The hope I then entertained, I en- tertain still; the ideals for which I have striven are my ideals at this moment, end it is a great happiness for me to think that in the work in wihicb,l feel so great an interest there are those like yourselves, able and willing to make some sacrifices, al- ways with the highest hopes, and be-, lief in success; to co-operate in they work, and make the first quarter of the twentieth century memorable in the history of the world." P. D. L. IS DECLINED SEPARATE RECEPTION WASIIINGTON.—(J. T. A.1 — A number of reasons are adduced to ex- plain the absence of the members of the former Zionist Administration from the reception given by Mr. Bal- four to the Zionist representatives in this country. That they were invited, to send representatives to this recep- tion is shown by the list of organiza- tions announced by the Zionist Or- ganization of America. That list in- cluded besides the various Zionist or- ' ganizations the leading corporations interested in the economic develop- (*tint of Palestine. It is stated on good authority that on receiving the invitation from the Zionist organiza- tions, the leaders of the Palestine De- velopment League informed Mr. Bal- four that they preferred to be re- ceived separately. Mr. Balfour's re- ply, although not made public, is un- derstood to have been to the effect that all invitations to the reception ' were in the hands of the administra- tive committee of the Zionist Organ- ization. This reply is reported to have been sent, not by Mr. Balfour, but by his secretary. The Zionist Organization of Amer- ica will probably issue a statement explaining the absence of the mem.' hers of the past administration, only one of whom, Nathan Straus, attend- ed in his capacity as honorary chair- man of the organization for the American Jewish Congress. • • • E,' , :;! Pi Eiz F_1 .F...i ikal ,1 k P r: : 1 We are selling good clothing at the lowest prices in many years. n ..,..a The market is in an extraordinary condition and we are "taking in" wonderful purchases of extra fine suits and overcoats at almost our own prices. And we are putting them in our big sale at Lan .571.. P---.4 ..dial rri ra. .• 4 rti 5 o $1650 and 11 rii 1117:4. Men who buy real estate, stocks and other securities at ground-floor prices can buy clothing now on the same basis. It is a wonderful time to pick up rare "snaps" in suits and overcoats of the right quality. Frank 8z Seder's Men's Store—Third Floor. I I fl PRESIDENT HARDING RECEIVES SOKOLOW WASHINGTON.—(J. T. A.)—Na- hum Sokolow, president of the execu- tive committee of the World Zionist Organization, now visiting the United States as the head of an European delegation of Zionist leaders, was re- ceived by President Harding at the White House. The conference lasted over half an hour. Mr. Sokolow is understood to have reported to the president on the con- dition of Jews, particularly in East- ern Europe, and on the work under- taken by the Zionist Organization in Palestine for the re-settlement of the country. He also spoke of the po- litical situation in relation to the con- firmation of the Palestine Mandate and told of the work of the Zionist delegation. Mr. Sokolow was accom- panied by his daughter and personal physician, Dr. Celina Sokolow. • It JEWS OF NEW YORK ORGANIZE TO RAISE WAR RELIEF QUOTA (Continued from page 1.) paign for relief was ended. But it could not be foreseen that ' , Russia's misery would be intensified by famine and starvation, he said. Julius Rosenwald of Chicago, who gave $1,000,000 to the Jewish relief campaign in 1919 and $250,000 this years, declared the Jews of Europe were not beggars, but were stripped hare by a great catastrophe and that if the has fo America failed them they were lost. Worse Than the Middle Ages. Mr. Lewisohn, honorary chairman, said that "not since the days when the Roman legions overwhelmed the Jews in Palestine had such a catas- trophe befallen the Jewish people as that which had proceeded without abatement since the outbreak of the great war. It exceeds in horror the agonies piled upon our people during fie massacres and crusades of the Middle Ages and the Spanish Inqui- sition." "In many sections the need for emergency relief is ended," said Mr. Lehman, chairman of the Reconstruc- tion ('ommitte of the Joint Distribu- tion Committee. "The new task is to 'ielp these people to recover from the paralysis of economic life." Secretary Hoover sent a telegram to David A. Brown, national chair- , man of the American Jewish Relief Committee conference, saying that latest reports indicated the most ur- • gent need, especially for clothing and medical supplies. The delegates adopted a resolution pledging themselves to raise the quota. The conference concluded with a dinner at the Hotel Astor. Among the speaker' were Rabbi Stephen S I Wise, Dr. Boris D. Bogen, Dr. Frank I Rosenblatt, Samuel C. Lampert, Ns- 'han Jonas, R. Warner and Shalom At the conclusion of the entertain- ment program a delicious supper was served during which college yells and songs were given in a true college spirit. After supper, the gymnasium and vestry rooms were turned over to dancing, with two orchestras sup- plying the music. Refresments were served during the evening. Colored lights, balloons and other forms of decorations were used to add a con- genial atmosphere to the Temple. Tickets will noon be distributed for annual formal ball, which the Y. P. S. will be held this year on Saturday evening, Feb. 11, at the Elks Tem- ple. A demand far surpassing the Asa. supply of tickets in expected. One of the Features of this Great Sale is a 9 Piece Italian Renaissance Dining Room Suite--- '502' This is an Italian Renaissance Walnut Wax Finish Dining Room Suite of beautiful propor- tions and including 9 handsome pieces—sideboard, extension table, serving table, 5 side chairs and one arm chair. This suite is marked at a tremendous reduction as the style and quality would indicate. !WWI It4-nuirmance Walnuts Wax Flnieh rag 'loom Suite of 9 places—sideboard. eaten- 'awl table. china cabinet. side chairs .11 o ne arm chair 2 25 same smite a. above consist-s Ing it It 14ines.- sideboard, el- table, ten. on table, serving ehina cabinet, I aids chairs •n4 1 une arm chair 1/4 Off On Our Entire Stock of Furniture Sixty-five display rooms filled with furnishings for homes of refine- ment, all of which is marked at a reduction of 1-4 from the original selling prices makes this the moat important furniture news for some time. 15% Off On All Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums Pringle Furniture Co. 431 Gratiot Ave. One and One-Half Blocks From Broadway 50