A NCliCalf ffeurish Perlafix! eater CLIFTON AVZNUI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO fitt Pentot PAGE NINE (iittoraca; SAVAGE TREATMENT OF in hum- to teach us how to account for us I have done, can truly bow ree and EMIGRANTS IS CHARGED to our lip. I could not for the failed atit Shall I say that me I taught these . girls bcauhey ffere a slendid life ! f come me rememb .1. the lon Krish- I ourselves in the American scheme of bit grude before those f g t strains. As we rudged p d that I things. When Mohammed found that mighty o (Hebrew night prayer) na w WARSAW.-11T. A.)—The de- m WARSAW.— o the hall-bedroom lives of my , ma to study ' opportunity Russian sisters of the I used to rattle off every night. I the mountain did not m coe to hi, he homeard, arm irm, I was over- cision of the Polish government to for, somewhere vocifero usly conic with emotion midway upon the path which had sep- direct 00 per cent of the emigration for whose problems I had a genuine , prayed some infantile verse ending, just stood there, shouting By MARY , in beatific inetreetive phrases. thy? No! Probably if I were: "I pray Thee my soul to keep. Keep '. • Then, impulsively, I ran over to the arated our lices, we had found each through Danzig in order to patronize • l'olish steamship agencies is bitterly maufactur er who other, My father and I. silent, gloomy night, for I see nothd d o i ng it now, that would be my mo-: it, Lord, and give it not w ' siden 1. resented by the !faint, a Yiddish " Mr. h. rig, I know nothing and I feel noth- live. In these days, we worked co-: When age prays, it calls for reneed a cuppeakn hardly s , but could pret alienm. father clime to America, i GIRLS BIRD BLUE daily appearing here. next on H. ',naively for we needed each other, strength to bear life's burdens is ounced, "I'm ng. . " I ann but it ('homer I, found all his townspeop i am The paper charges the "free city" I , an d she contributing her when impt. uOU y on s, Then across my clearing conscious- s ! itives-w working at the garment father at my side. "The carbolic mite and I the open sesame to our diloquently wants death and wants it the program" authorities at the emigrants' camp Before he had en time was the I ness, I hear the familiar voice of my lati permission, Mrs. Morrie Deltoven of 1130 Put- inl ill Galicia, my father had been quickly, and then let the whole world to give with unparalleled cruelty towards the a, villa. entertained at a lotto ode. In adopted mother-tongue. the United-So-; put on sackcloth and ashes. So I fell platform. Shapse Straw was poUnd- na f woodenware for gran- emigrants. Besides the extortionate acid!" Someone cries, "Quick, the ' I steri , On Fridley evening, . and slept the calm, refreshing ing the reader's desk, "Orlier, order, party kin Saturday afternoon, Jan. 7. . I tin utensils were yet inven- prices which are exacted from emi- asleep , . its, and .! Nt ll , r.. cultist-I toile-Zionist- rerntoria 1. We ate with , carbolic acid!" The guests lil l'mt,It. sha, sha. . ,,,,, i , , m ,„.,. E 1 grants and the unspeakable food sons of the future. Alcove the merry-making bedlam, 1 moss, Mrs. E. w My finger had been caught in thetganization was hoisting a mass meet- sleep of youth. III. soothes spoons, the baby played withl! which is served to them, the authori- , . arus and the Itlisses Lucille Freed, : I The Krackoviakers had been wor- be.gan, "Niels and women of Kracko- was had ever wooden dolls and bread wits prepares ! machine. 'rhe needle went through : ing at Arlington Hall. Sonia ties have invented a means of tor- When the center and out the side, having asked me to go along. As I d ' shiping in a room in a rear building viak. I am a child of Krtiorarlak; nut Anna Kurtzman, Ida Greenwald and turing Jewish girl emigrants, several kneading trough. ide ■ len new exper i ences , prov a a WOO t, that served as a vest shoo during the I am also an American. As tia're are Tillie Halperin. Miss Halperin was w that for six days of work a been deflected by the bone. Sly Nth-lenge, for of whom are known to have attempt- ee , I won hi sa ithout . unscrewed the neeelle from itsl there was no a d m i ssion f , . (r as a place of worship on tens of thousands like me in this awarded a prize for winning the most definitewage was reeei.vd . w and a t us e d place, and then first was I able to null ! The hall was alive with moving fig- tte, the Sabbath. On Friday, at 4 o clock, neighborhood, I am speaking for them. number of games, and Miss Freed was ed suicide. week tbe attendant uncertainties th re c i ga o f , loud c avy e - ,, "First of all, yiai have lsough - t a ae.a . iewarded the. Issoby prize. A delight- machines were shoved aside and is worry him in Krakoviak, he, too, in Y oan" awaY. Then he drew out I uses in a h ,, Let me. wish you 'mead toy , len , , ,uncaeon was served by the hast- PALESTINE IRRIGATION TO von after his arrival, was turning out the steel and I began to feel pain. smoke—on a Sabbath eve. Leaver). 1 the covered, chairs were placed in rows sehool. CO 8 MILLION DOLLARS I kaOW how you ,,,,,,‘ !handed, voluble workingmen were stylish little cloaks for nidive-born They thrust my linger into the neck have luck toiled and planned for it these American children, hefore I hail even of the carbolic bottle and tied it with Planni"g for the millennium with and the little pine, cupboard-like ark (good ) because . LONDON. -- (J. C. 13.) — Pinchus a neg from the heap on the floor. The serious, pudgy shop-maids; for a Itus- was brought prominence. For years, into my father, as the reader many years. Before any of you ei)vn YIDDISH PRESS EXISTENCE dreamed of possessing one. Ruttenherg, who is here to further your own h o m es, you have bought one ma- s e wing continued as if nothing had sion Jewish meetingrarely starts at IN RUSSIA IS THREATENED and irrigation lie w as willing to toll at t the his electrification hour. Now and then, fa- of services, had been agitating to buy e ,or your God. In ancient times, when I m i ght a k e ad- happeneet, but the. sunshine was gone , 0 scheeluled -- - names high in the literary or a house that should be used exclu- chine in order that scheme, is founding a company with a that shines: mIlus . if the eelucational opportuni- fvem me. ale.nly There is no 111,111 and RIGA. - O. T. A.) — The Soviet nominal capital of £2,000,000, a con- w•t- tee warmth colorful' philosophic world were uttered by sively as II Krackoviaker school. The a people was transferred front con- 1 vantage . ; i, 1, , t People of Tarnobreg had two of them, (loured territiry to foreign lands, that Galicia had denied him. h e one th a t ha n gs in i those at I spen f Raswadow had one, and thee always adopted the gods of their government has decided to discon• siderable portion of which has been ties p am l' ! l aces as i ! f th ey h ke his burden lighter, b r illi ance as t . o 0 ' im. I I sort o f the press appear- new bon, H o t tb e Jett, was ht iu in memory's sky. B hen I think of it all their lives in lecture ha s. I used to work during the summer The speakers of the evening, Mr. those of Kolbuszowa were building a handsome brick synagogue. IN by must Babylon or in Persia or scattered over ing in the Yiddish language, it Mos- subscribed, it was announced. One summer I was ern- all 110W, far and long from the mad- report states. The reason given e; e galuth, has always taken cow v acations. t Sitter and Dr. Myrkin, stars in the th e e ntir I as piece worker at fancy Leath- denims strife of shop and machine,I firmament of those people, spoke in the Krackoviakers hide their God as ,e, his God along with him and built his for the withdrawal of this support is I et erS. to make pompons by Bath- it all seems like a terrible nightmare : if they were ashamed of him? sam.tuaries and spread the. knowlellge that the "bourgeois Jews" dunot take sling I had skimpy little feathers which I' to me. Sweatshop toil. Excessive I Yiddish, but when at the height of Finally, they bought an old private their emotion they broke into Rua- house that had come to bemoan the of him so that his Word became sear- kindly to the official Soviet press in bound with wire into fluffy, zinnia- ebild labor? I have known the un Since private ..ublications Yiddish. Shampooing, Marcel Waving, Ma- sian and then calmed Mr. down into was plain absence • like balls to adorn pretty ladies' hats. forgettable bitterness of both. "mamme lushon." Sitter of luxurious finery of a for- ed upon hearts. Yiddish press! "Now, our good men and women of are not permitted, nicuring, Hair Dyeing, Water When the season was at its zenith,: mar generation which was now hug- n about to he dis- I hope they adorned plenty of ugly this decision Waving, Facials. K rackoviak, you have bought this is by black mustard ones, too. The dye of the feathers th e e qwrators decided tel demand an l seeking the precious ills of the languish- ging steam radiators uptown. They entirely. 11• continued Scalp Treatments a Specialty. . o colored my nails and hands and even increase on the price per coat. Ilymiei Phone Cadillac 790 ing universe. the bathhhouse. The first story was dis- ritual bath-house for the woollen in my face. The feather fondly stuck , Gross was delegated to the office to seeds to cue Ile had no faith in home- to me. They were in my hair and make the operators' demands. A few old method of praying for the me- turned the basement into a ritual housef God. ; You provided for armed of inner walls and formed the' the basement you have have quarters ": worship and you have rooms puoio. walk- minutes later, Herzog, the boss; Fein- raculous return of Israel to its on my skirt, so that when I was you con eat herring . Society, a ,,,,,,,,., wv,...,, n r ing home from work I was picking gold, the designer, and Katie, the land. You can't expect God to mix in your petty affairs. Hasn't Ile done auditorium; the top floor served as and pumperniekel on Saturday after- forelady, came straddling in, wildly wi feathers all the way. rooms for the Burial dams. Pray what have you dine for When I received my first pay en- excited. The excessively animated enough when he made the world for meeting kindred organizations. I went with it to my father' party looked into the faces of two you? Give item a rest from Ifs job. the Ladies' day Shurod Sewing from Circle and me? ' of removal shop What has - , you done for all the. On the and get the land ve 1.EN .10 SHOP — Makers of ladies' and .1..Yfully handed it to him as he rows of standing workers, stolidly de- It's up to you to go there was great joy. boys and girls like me? What re- an y more to synagogue, and children's dresses. Altering of ra y n't p e d o it. w d r ule . an ligious heritage. are you handing down the day's ds work at the termined in their accusing, eloquent nishing many kind; moderate prices. Shop, wash machine. After tearing the envelope, silence. The electric strap runners like the old Overman in the synagogue, All the people of Krackoviak were to us in this country? What classes ei, oi, Gottiniu, drop me an oit- going to attend divine services. , 505 Fisher Arcade. we counted two dollars and eighty had ceased their seemingly intermin- otm My mother donned her black, satin and clubs have you provided wlwre cents! He looked at me, full of dye able revolutions and the shop was in- ' zer The (foturne1!" derision with which this was chuppah dress that came out only on we eau lea rn in a language. that the we expect its breath. pm Bits Do NICE' LARGE ROOM—Steam heat- of undertand? and feathers, saw how tired I was tensively, vividly holdin which it pro- festive occasions. The duration h ilarity y socialistic "What do you mean?" cried Mr. ,sooikdedandotyhee Th ed, for one or two gentlemen. 291 ideal a a Galician wedding dress is remark- Owns:ends of us, who are running and drew his hand over one side of East Forest avenue. Glendale Herzog, wobbling to and fro. "I never , I remember my grandordher's. looye to wore,hip like you when yew • his pale, shiny face. tf , ,Idly shut the dors in env. faces? " 7140-M. said shall nut go there any more," had any strike's in my place and I': rude shock. My dormant love for my all While I %%les speaking, I beheld a' he said emphatically, "you shall not , won't have any nwo. Every man and people and my respect for their man- Having done splendid service up in , woman of you knows that my deal- ner of life were outraged. )low could the woman's ted gallery for men's thirty quarters years, to the shaking their I eads in disapproval NICELY FURNISHED ROOM for go Slowly, back!" unconsciously, I sat ekwn ings with you have been just. Im a mockery and the so-called tolerance it was prom o rent. Centrally located. Call 4442 beside my father and -started to turn socialist! Do you hear? A socialist!" of a broad intenationalism dwell in below, where it spent its greenish. and others, exidrsionless and open-. Brush. Melrose 4571-M. capes on the right side. My father The season was in full swing. the same soul? black, declining veteran years on my mouthed. The gas dint jets light made cast me throw by the the of flickering back in slipped the shape - Months before, the work had been • a cattail. My mother on her scene in perspective so that I saw the „ Son" I said, "I feel out of place grandfather's JEWISH GIRL. wants home with re- o tha slow and manually un sto was naturally em d for an d all of thod beautifully coiffured wig and her, walls and these of the surrounding I • e. I want to go home." he always had to have contracte fined family. Call Monday. Cherry skilled so moved not -- a ll, excep t my little pointed lace hat on top of that, tenements lifted up; and tier upon • a "helper." Ile used to look up for and i‘ r "But it is only 1 o'clock and we 3991. short cape full of limp, tier of Chinese-like temples full of a strapping young. fellow who had' father. Liae:!oiit, hea, rd the best speakers. The and her living, throbbing beings seemed to: "Why don't you stand, father? facetiously.spangles and beads. It was early, 8 0 i , . ■ (Du Ann t , close just stepped off Ellis Island whom STEAM HEATED ROOM, nicely fur- "Sonia, if you go to ed so ate, she sat down and waited for my, listen to the pleading cry of the tow. he taught how to sew so that the Don't cce deserve a raise? Is our lot ' ey, h put us out, ' she nished, good location. For one or n completed on time. so plentiful that we don't need any?" how can vou rest before tomorrow's father, who was nervously walking' went youth. two gentlemen. Reasonable. 651 garments could be comp At the side of me, ,Shapse Straw,' up and down our little bare foam till: After a couple of weeks, the assistant I asked. King avenue, near Oakland. the frowning variety, , 'N‘ hat shall I do? What if they w ork?" it seeined he was walking round and who had bun usually received 30 per cent of the oing. round it. Usually, on Sabbath morn- ruse excitedly Shapse was a miser gross wages; at the end of the month, tell me to go, after? Does not Katie • „ p h, it is this that keep us mi A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM for that is why they nicknamed hint 50 per cent; and nt the end of two make it insufferable enough for me This is the w 'II r ol r., e ing my father drank a raw egg and, and a gentleman. Call mornings only. No matter how much the, practiced a little singing, just to see , " straw. . months, he not only balked at work- al ready? I am a bearded Jew 111111' Think of wehatloU l'hone North 18254. ' how. his voice would ring. That morn- Krackoviakers squeezed him for a plansi,ed i • far bettering mcussl ing fur, but with my father, having hire they let me keep the Sabbath. : we 1- I not discuss (1120110N C. VRINA. loan or a donation, Shapse remained ' R d not feel like singing. ‘ ! e 1 she ( , raw 0 ,1hc ei el, i, ,,0 far outstripped him in skill an d spee d. How can I stand before the Ark and' „ our conditions.„” H. T. Ewald. president of the Northway 18253 he said at last, "today we like atrium, for no juice came out of Melrose 4942-R work pray for a multitude if I am a striker disappointedly, "you are like all ing Campbell-Ewald company, Wanes-- Therefore, when bundles of • • i Blum le Think of it him. In Galicia he had been an oft. SACIIS A BELSKY Blume le. day announced appointment of were being dealt out, they were grab- and rub elbows with anarchists who American girls!" She had thought muss t re j o i ll, George C. Fries, as manager of the Orchestra failed We have lived to see a Krackoviaker driver; and there an o-driver is con- bed on all sides while he was still know not God? I am glad to be left me a kindred spirit and I had fad publication department at the com- sidered a ruffian. Even six-drivers Music for All Occasions. school in America!" struggling with an unfinished lot. alone." And be bowed his head upon ' her. o pany's Detroit offices. Mr. Flea le , a , , Sachs, Leader, 4729 Antoine "11 Avrumele how are ,, hum n an I it s happened that ow ' n ca I r joice rejoice one of the best known space buyers On Friday afternoon, he would the machine. The intelligent Russian woman un- Roht. Belsky, Mgr., 639 Medbury in the middle west For 20 years. up for justly views her American sister with can I rejoice? Will our children be when Shapse came to America he ooh, but they at thes e cease pressing the pedal, for his Sab- ho has been engaged In the study bath had begun. Ile packed up it. a one I protested. huge bundle of coats and took So I another," decided quickly and stood up On aloof contempt. She has entirely happy about it too? Our children are grew more. and more pious each year. of publications and space buying. I 'e of the CLEAN-CUT MAN desires room and . . • slowly leaving us." She bent her Glorious paradox! In fact, his piety The last 10 years be has been with I the h sweet camareic en Power, Alexander & Jenkins, De- garage with refined family. Box with the rest. Ile looked at me with , missed woman. Medieval Gal ici a weeping head upon his shoulder and became so proverbial that he was Ameri home, where all of us children helped troit. Previous to that, he was with had not prepared me for Sonia's ra- we all turntsl our guilty little faces made the shammas (sexton) of the an alarmed, withering stare. NIL Sunday. 011 him with the sewing Krackoviaker school. He was of tre- Critddield & Co. for three and one- he muttered under his away and pretended not to see. half years, and with the Cherie. "Sit down? . dicalism and I was the daughter of a Katie Sheir, the forelady, did not '. H. Fuller company Ms and one-halt "Sha, she, you naarele, you little ! mendous build, As I said, Shapse relish my father's closing shop at an breath. "Don't repeat what you did : Chassid. WANTEDL13y young refined Jewish c n ssid. years. H. already has assumed Ms " h e . ai 1 while trying to arrest 1 arose. lady, home in private Jewish fam- unofficial hour. Every "botched" last year!" said "In Russia," she continued," we are tool;' . , rho autumn before, I had taken "Whom is it," he yelle.d as in ox- doiles• with the Campbell-Ewald ' ily. Address Chronicle, Box 605. not afraid to go out alone at any the tears from his own eyes, for a company, cloak that used to come hack from mock political party school. Girls with cam- soft time. We go fearlessly after our late Galician Jew can weep like a woman. driving (lays, "that we put up to chide the the examiner, she recognized as his; part in in a high Do we need the daughter of but used she could never a outwit him, floe Ile'" homesand manners and voices t meetino, singing in the night as we "It isn't so had. At least we can , as? he to make little, cryptic Such . Jeroboam, the son of Naiad, to coax ') r iss sI wokv woods and broad ' miry still pray as minis as ever." eei neinon heart-aches lie.oenclit them so us into a new religion? What will you brew mark on the bark side of the match, spoke on the principles of the truss pin-ticket. She couldn't see why he two great political parties of the no- fields. But I will take you home if closely together that when they felt have? Maybe English, too? And per. If you are in the market for ■ good business location, consult us. On are the afraid." way, I shrank within me as themselves sinking beneath the on- hops an urged and shickslach to sing should be singing Hebrew at the ma- lion I was a child of the sweatshop ' you in Je. and mine was the voice of the. tine- chine. Did he think he. Wan meats. I had therefore the forum here and there shadows flitted out rushing tide, they were sinking to- ' and a moos ing pictcheh?" ' "Mine girl what she goes to high rusalem? Indeed, his voice of ten privilege to speak upon the principles from doorways behind early morning gather. rang out above the noise of the whir- of the party that promised most to garbage cans, shadows not of men, . Later on, when 1 had straightened school, heard her spik on Social's. but of boys, restless and uncontrolled. up the room and given each child a mum!" someone called out. ring machines. He used to sing "Re- ,, came hoarsely s • • member us unto life" and "Thou sus- exercise the ideals of social justice em- When I had gained my doorway, So- chunk of cotton-seed-oil-raisin cake, . „.,, ialistke! , . 7.521?-52t '' " 2525 h its decoders at to least bothered tamest the living," and the other selves enough promise me t some-nix's little figure vanished back into a delicacy among us, I hurried away , t ,,in the rear. operators joined in like one great An ana rchistke!" wailed an old the new synagogue. In the hall, th,,g. So far I had received the most the darkness and to the bread of her 1 to innacent of any heard my father's mellow baritone plan. With them the two terms were i chorus, even if it was concrete lessons in civics from ha_ life, at Arlington When ray father Hall. opened the door, . full of unusual strength and pathos. interchangeable synonymous 111111 harmony. When death stared us in the face, ran ues delivered sop reeking her- curb-stone era- I could see that he had nervously sat All week he was only a "hand" at with free life, free love and free W i we had learned from our Chassidic ring barrels. When a tor, g seeing my shawl-covered little up and waited for me. Ills manner cloaks and a poor one at that; but thought, a condition incompatible today, he was more than a whole • fathers to sing bravely of life. But with Jew's and Judaism. por te nded a coming storm. soul, the admired as times were continually changing, body cried ou t, "Is your f at h er a can "What!" continued Shapse, "One " W h ere have you been?" he de- body. Ile was a ' .. ' of a crowd, a superman. Emma Goldman is an affliction it was difficult to keep pace with elec- maser? Does he make thousands of ' mantled peremptorily. Behind the curtains the women, tree machines and the needs of a , (aps a year? How many caps do : . 'At Arlington !talk' I answered. 'lough! Out upon the soap-box! " t the e with heavy earrings ( 1 ang fig a growing and numerically increasing vou own?" I felt that the premise's Meanwhile, I saw only two burning "What did you do there?" drawn-out ear holes, shook Rs syllogism justified his ironic family. Knowing all this, and being "I went to hear Dr. Myrkin and end of y eyes. They were my lather's. their heads and complimented in familiar with coat making from home conclusion. I said nothing lather's eyes are bluislogray, and onwhow my Mr. Siller.” mother on how well he 1,vas doing. about this practice, I was henceforth my father's at home at the time, but ag Socialist. That evening, the Pillat's of the when anger kindles them they an. father had teamed from an acquaint-. life "helper." He exclaimed the one word till the 1 ,„_, very roof of our basement home, with Krackaviaker conggation, with a like dead, ith gnat' ashes leaping same, whose (laughter attended the ' My work was closing linings ' blue to flame. a consuming sea ' school. that I had mach. a o of hiredmusicians of the Atrial- again w band same. lined capes padded with buckram. I Straw lifted the ninety- Mr. ' the in stories of sleeping occupants Then sewed together the sides of sleeves odor spe.aking on Socialism. The r ! towering above us, shook with the gainated Harem:Meal ()lbw, had been re . four pounds of me and put me (10W11 si ' echo. That one word wits the final carrying through the streets the amidst the disorderly roar of the and ■ . sleeve linings and sewed these result was a small domestic clan anathema and my father hail pro- mining scions of the Law [non the . crowd. Corpulent Mr. Getz thought l together with a cuff between them.• se.ntiments. ' : nounced it upon rne, for whose sake previews place of worship in the shop "Arc' Then I closed the sleeves and their the joke so huge that his hemisphere: Presently, Katieespied me. "Ai he was toiling bitterly at what na- to their new home. It had been a was heaving up and down with iaugh- linings at one run. I used to do that p . you, too, standing? ' she hissed. " 11 -- " w . to about fifty sleeves without sto ping. At times my back was break- old are you? I'll send the inspector lure did not fit him for. lie felt like triumphal march. The harmonica) • tar r. ' the slave who sees his offspring torn amalgamation played "ilatikvah" and 1 was so bewildered that I did not ing beneath the weight of my droop- after "My You." age is about as doubtful as from him forever while he is chained. "Coale, Isrulik, and oke and were half everybody sang Come along Aheim," and marched know just what had befallen nle,I ing, weary shoulders. though this I knew in my subcon- 17 and The children aw W05 The vacation heat was so intense. Your." I answered, for e, I was 12 and ,!,. o pity and irritably crying. My along and two policemen kept order. setuusness, that they would never w h e re as s h At the synagogue, my father had that my clothes were pasted to my looked 12, body. The noise was so tumultuous was trying to look 17. Katie blushed mother crept down from her bed in that the silence at noontime was beneath the static roses on her tong her wigless bekerchiefed head which joined in the ceremonies of dedicatory again before let them. my father What get hail up and I done? pray, I iI ud of strangely deafening. At 2 o'clock we and perfectly serious face upon which made her look like an old woman at consecration. speakers were there. Among Several them were bloated Mr. had only meant to make him proud MY FATHER . AND I HOTEL ADDISON BEAUTY SHOP NEW SPACE BUYER WHO HAS JOINED CAMPBELL-EWALD -:- CLASSIFIED -:- kre, s ,_' g .. os,it rpv,soeuxiid,,,,b7.‘i. i, STORES TO RENT DREIFUSS BROTHERS Market 5079 815 Ford Bldg. Cherry 2966 We Must Have Money For it limited period, every suit and overcoat in our stock will be sold at actual cost of materials and mak- ing, plus a small fixed amount for overhead ex- pense. But for our circumstances, it would simply be out of the question to offer the finest quality clothes at such prices. "Sha, sh a, Avrume le," she plead ed, G wanted to be a judge, and Dr. Wol- I felt a hand placed roughly on my alt arun d ale out upon the soothing l Sabbath. Pray, do kowitz, WhO Was MO 11 Kralik0Vialeh (Ma of the noisy street, for there wa.: the "I know your kind," she yelled us and it is eMployed by the con- Position, the monotonous work made i not make a 'misha berach' (public to be sore, kit a welcome quietude in that noise. truculently. "When the inspector gregation in a way. Each member Even the Ghetto had a grim beauty me forget just where I was. w." Some dual personalities are a baf- comes, you hide in the woman's wash - • scene) no My father's accusation stung me paid sacral five cents quarterly and away from Dr. Wolkowitz gave all medical treat- sometime., in the cool evening when fling mixture of good and evil, or ' room!" She was entirely mistake.n, run the practical and the ideal. Mine i for when the inspector did come my' poignantly. I had high abuse shod'. consists of a surprising ability for de- chair and I stuck to each otha' like cant and irreligion, back to the Sab- taunt that the member's family might, arise in the parks the the tall indistinct, electric lights two cotyledons. Whereas, he could '\ both of my own home, only to be or might not, need, exclusive of serv- never ling multitude. From Hamilton Fish I have tachment from I my environ- , see t a good part of me above the ma- thrust back into--nowhere. If he ices during childbirth. meat so that live narrow in a boundless had said more, I might have found heard of such remarkable arrange. Park 1 heard the music of the manic'''. pal band flare forth a Yiddish melody universe full of color and melody', chine level, he was never wiser as to tongue to explain; but the silence ac- mints anywhere out of the East Side, nit every tongue on the liv- where I freely sing what my actual' how much of me extended below. ins; was trotoirs. But my heart was filled self longs to pour forth and where a During that traublous week-end, cased me and intensified my guilt. when: a congregation engages the that throng of kindred beings values me my father was sorely displeased with ' And of wavering doubts that rocess beset rabbi. services of a physician instead of a with self loathing for I had disgraced my father in the eyes of Krackaviak, Mr. Getz gave a pompous oration on for what I strive to be and not for' me and I knew that he had based all my mind in the pain-racking p On opening his and the weight of my accomplish_ I am. So I wandered back in the. hopes of his rough-coat-making, of adjustment, I was not wholly gui Kona citizenship. neat was heavy like toe load that What nlY imagination, far, far across the : life upon me. In my ambition to live. less. Let us search our hearts, those ' mouth to speak, he astonished me. Young Isaac More upthe mountain to COVernuus sea to the lanes and byways of : death alone shall stop me from aim- of us who are graduates of the My father drew me to the full flare Krackoviak whence I had come five ing to achieve the blessings of life Ghetto. Who of us had them not? From the deep recess of his c-light, on my own account. But all my Yet, during the school year I was chest emanated only an effeminate father could do was to save his soul.' daily eating bread that 1 was old falsetto. lie admonished them to be of laughing ar Ile the still squinting, shook with indignation and years before. The with lanes of scorching Krackoviak sand were burning cos- . Years before 40, he had parted com- enough to get out and hustle for and law-abiding citizens in a land which the light made his face look ghastly ered hot, my bare feet. My throat was parched. pony with ambition and shoved his did not. Henceforth, each bit would permitted them to carry scrolls of the so h_ I ran, ran for water. The faster I hopes on the shoulders of the next ' be to me like Vie bread of affliction Law on the streets. As if those timid Pale. Ile drew my face toward the running over the yellow earth generation. I did not realize at the' and each drink like the waters of Galicians had the temerity to be any- light and, like Isaac, I meekly All goods marked in plain figures and there are no strings, except that we must have cash. sticky countenances shone like blur- nose as if it had suddenly stopped in Seventy Dollars Up The Jennings Company Tailors 414 David Whitney Bldg. Abraham Cooper David Cooper was and across green fields shot with • time that trying to save one's soul lIlarah. thing but law Ile was glad I was ready that abiding! the Krackoviakers, many mitted. of and closed my eyes. for the knife my spears of meadow-gold, the stronger from oinking into the depth. when ' How easy it would have been if done years. I felt warns, salt the sun seemed to be shining. There weighed down by a cultural dead.: father and teachers and friends had whom were his lodge brothers and sad Then he' in did to me what he had s new place of worship. fow- drops falling on my face and hi was sun on the earth and sun in the weight of centuries, is far more (hill- ' spurred me on in Americanizing and clients, A were prosperous enough to , dosed myself grateful emo- ever, sky. Everywhere were heavy, scent- cult than to fish up a brand new one delaising me! to I the could have aban- open if any of them ever happened to rough, straggly beard brushed against Dons which our dear land evoked in be in trouble, he would always be. my neck and, in the sight of all the ed, pure air, acres of yellow denote- i without anchorage anywhere. world—he kissed me. II. • "Tochtershee, my perele," he said lions on tall, brave stalks, sweet but- During school months, in the even.' me and flown upon glorious clouds ' glad help out. On to the East Side, the only w ay a with suppressed emotion, "so long as bove it But I bad to live the past tercupa and pale satTron sheets of l I used to Russia. teach English new arrivals from One of to the which I could not shake off, and the physician can be distinguished from there is strength in these arms, they wheat waving gently in the imper- : ' ing, res- the common run of men, is the Van ,a la shall guide miles and miles of stitches. of which I dreamed in a ron- Dyke beard. ceptible, hot breeze. owitz Dr. Wolk The waving grain often reminded girls whom I taught was Sonia Pal- future ap c , of ent whose complex mehaos too, like mode, said he was not a speaker as So long as there is strength in on these p il e . I. was me of the people in the synagogue. ton. Nature has a freakish way to feet, they shall heap up pile up his forte lay in another direction. he Was the day stormy and turbulent? endowing some of her children, giv- slant troment type the' war. And you s ht all no a type. She was the of like inf antae Was The Minstalks were bowing to the ing beauty of spiritual person without cos Sonia, dine beauty, a or e' . of the thousands who had already Still, let not the previous speaker m. You will go to college!" ___ , . , .. .,_..e.. s.--..ree as reesnon .___ ... .,1 .. red niessia: and I, think that he is the only one anxious' 1 1,,,,1 'in...hind the. slinri,,,. of me life e on the Day of Atonement. Was loving ,come life. Su rise, because of the prom- sunshine? It the was noble in an mind ugly and shell. Sonia heart was encased the re- type of the thousands who are yet to to be of assistance to them in There is a time in life g Ga- st rugle. career? reer? No! At that day luxurious with joy of living cipient of the latter, having high, come from pogrom-swept pious ,chen the physician is necessary, and ise of a college been happy could as on Pentecost, full of nose and a chin !Reis. e I' no Protest like the moment, I flat r a bore r. cheek bones, a And now, the grain- possible dimensions. But when , So I lay me down on a little wire although the and growing. o f im spoke of liberty for Russia, of !cot that was a shrouded mystery by medical—by making people healthy— with w the prospects because of a shop l father my as surprised heads, upturned in adoration, were she the Krac- nevertheless wishe d all ous sleeer p by he . the sun- pros_ kissed me. In our sordid struggle thanking the invisible for day an d a miracul shine humanitarianism and Russian liter al h a d long koviakers health, wea lth and for existence, we lost the inclination 'The Sabbath candles . to ni ht • b Per • for endearment and the finer express- But I must run on, for my throat : ' tore, her shoe- u Isince mingled their stuffy,dying There was one prominent men from fire. strange hedge-podge New York Jewry to sons of life. Long-drawn-out tragedy with the heavy atmosphere; is parched and my lips are bleeding. burn with a I reach the well behind our house at. In Russia, Sonia had thrown bombs, I fumes an closely together meetings but the gleaming brass of my moth- all deliver a real, soul-stirring message. can knit us quite The been present at undeground candlesticks stood witness to the of uptown as quick, life-nourishing comedy. the edge of the crooked lane. preparatory schools , er's Ten years ago leaders hand in the park let the of rest and peace that were not dear oozy well, how cool it looks! I . —the Bolshevik looked at us, children of the rabble, The brass once missed by the police when' day jhe largnette, little reckon- "Star Spangled Banner" float over rush to it and lower the bucket into, —Was as through volley of sound. None refreshing depth. I want to pull she had hidden in the ark among the mine. My heart melted in stifled, throat- its I found that I .ng that the time would come when our heads in a the gall o f a up the bucket out of the darkness, ; scrolls of the law in a synagogue. She offspring of the proletariat, would but those who have drunk ve, Moat hut I cannot do it. I cannot even I was of the quality of Russia's valiant could aching weepingnd w feel e When oppression for an undeserved shame• prayers sit in judgment upon them for having, from the lowered) legion, the Battalion of Death, and n the simplest w a d I bowe d pull my hand away pale. It is dark down there, like a she fascinated me. The Cooper Agency General Insurance Service State Managers Indianapolis Life Insurance Co. Our Life Insurance Plan Will Interest You UNION INVESTMENT BUILDING 320 West Fort St. Phone, Cadillac 7509