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December 16, 1921 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-12-16

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"AE ,,,,LTR0111/1115116:11CO,NICL1:


Engagement Announced




In the Wholesale

230 Jefferson
Ave. West

ei taktiMaitil

Rabbi Henry J. Berkowitz spoke
before the Junior Wednesday Night
Club at the Phoenix Club on Wednes-
day evening last, choosing as his
theme "Ethical Problems of a Minis-

John Breitmeyer's Sons

1314 Broadway. Main 4260

Returning from Atlantic City and
New York, where they spent two
weeks, are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Siegel
of Boston boulevard.

David Whitney Building. Cherry 3991

6627 Mack Avenue. Melrose 407



Say it with Flowers




Smart Shoes—

Special and timely offering
of High Shoes—All Styles
—All Heels—All Leathers
—All Sizes. Shoes that
you want right now and in
the months jUst ahead.
Regularly $14.50 to $22,


Lu Q J•


1529 Washington Blvd., Detroit

mig UVUU 10110 1XIA U


At the December meeting of the
The Schwesterbund Club was en-
Sisterhood of Temple Beth El, at tertained at the home of Mrs. Leopold
which Robert Frost, noted poet, was Wineman on Tuesday afternoon, at
speaker, an urgent appeal wars made which Mrs. 1. l'ick of Haarlem, hob-
by the charity and Red Cross sewing land, was the honor guest.
committees for volunteers to assist
in the making of quilts and garments
The Musicale Coterie met at the
on Thursdays. Each member is asked home of Mrs. David Levy of Boston
to contribute her services to this boulevard on Friday last.
worthy cause. The need is especially
urgent at this season of the year.
Arthur Frank of Massachusetts
avenue was in Chicago the past week,
One of the most enjoyable tune- where he met his mother, Mrs. I.
tions of the past week was the beau- Frank, ere her departure for South-
tifully appointed dinner Friday lust ern California.
given by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zenner
•at their home on Boston boulevard,
Mrs. Victor Roemer entertained de-
complimenting their sister, Mrs. lsi- lightfully at luncheon and cards at
lore Frank, and Mrs. A. I. Wolf, prior her home on Virginia Park on Wed-
to their depagiure for Southern Cali- nesday last.
fornia, where they will spend the re-
mainder of the winter months. The
Returning to Chicago after a pleas-
affair was in the nature of a surprise ant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
party, very cleverly carried out. Frank I'urdy of Royal Oak Is Mrs.
Seated at one table were the guests, Charles Klauber of Chicago.
Mrs. Bertha Zenner, Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Sloman, Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Irving Goldberg of Mt. Vernon
Sloman, S. A. Sloman and Mr. and avenue left on Saturday for New
Mrs. Arthur Sloman. As the doors York, from which point he sails on
of the sun-room were thrown open, the SS. Aquatania for France and
the families of Mrs. Frank and Mrs. England. Mr. Goldberg will spend
Wolf were seated at an exquisitely the greater portion of his time in
appointed table. Baskets of fruit ar- Paris and London and in the latter
tistieally arranged and delicately tint- city will visit with the noted author,
eel candles in silver candelabra form- •Israel Zangwill, a classmate of Mr.
cal effective center decorations. Goldberg's father, the late Louis J.
Around this table were Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg.
Edwin Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Grover
Wolf, Mrs. Samuel Gage and Mrs.
Returning from Davenport, Iowa,
Arthur Frank, children of Mrs. Frank where they went to attend the eighty-
and Mrs. Wolf. An original poem, filthy birthday anniversary of their
written and read by Airs. Edwin Wolf mother, Mrs. M. Goldberg, are Mr.
(Retta Frank) was an enjoyable fen- and Mrs. Charles Finsterwald of Cal-
Lure of the evening. vert avenue.

Professor Solomon B. Freehof of
I Cincinnati, who is giving a series of
lectures under the auspices of the
Men's Temple Club, was entertained
on Friday evening last by Rabbi and
Mrs. Leo M. Franklin at their home
on Edison avenue.

TIF 74ouse of 'glowers


426-1530 WOODWARD AVE.

Furs for Xmas

All Society Item. spel other local notes should be communicated to the office of the
Cbrnuick by S o'clock sack Wednesday efiernoon in order to appear in the current •mIt's
Wile- rho. Glendale S126, Society Editor. Mail notices so a. tie be received net labia
' titan Wedneed•y.


Hudson Seal Wrap, Squirrel
Tuxedo Front

dfie Luset Oro.

oc al and

osenberg Bros.


Where quality
ix higher than



The attainment of the Perfect Grand tone
Length 5 ft. 2 in.
in a small piano.







at Sacrifice
Sale Prices


The engagement is announced of
Miss Beatrice It. Madiefsky of Theo-
dore street to Joseph J. Jacobs of
this city. Reception Sunday evening,
Dec. IS.

Or ran effect a :condor-
' fill saving on the highest

grade, luxurious for gar-
ments at this store - -now. As
an example, this beastifill
root of Carneul with Kolin-
sky, for only



Mrs. S. Freeman of Bridgeport,
Ill., announces the engagement of
her daughter, Rae, to Samuel Male- at
mud of New York City, Thanksgiv-
ing Day, Nov. 24.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Malinoff of
638 Aiedbury avenue announce the
engagement of their daughter, Bertha
Elizabeth, to Seymour L. Eppstein,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eppstein
of Hogarth avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Edelson of Chicago
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Anna, to Louis Jacobs, son
of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jacobs of this


• * ". 4* 1E11114

Mrs. Harold Simons, a former resi
Mr. and Mrs. II. Farber announce
dent of Detroit, now of Milwaukee, the engagement of their daughter,
has left for Southern California, ac- Dora, to George Smith of this city.
companied by her grandmother, Mrs.
S. Dokter, where they will remain for ,.•••• ■•■•■ •Monoly.I.
the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Kositchek of Bur.
lingame avenue left on Sunday last
for Los Angeles, Calif., where they
will remain for the winter season.



Mrs. A. I. Dents announces the
Miles M. Goldberg, general direc-
tor of the Michigan State Jewish Re- marriage of her daughter, Dorothy,
to Henry Barsook of this city.
lief Appeal, left Tuesday for St.
Louis, Mo., from which point he will
engage in similar work through the
South and West.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hettler of
Cleveland, Ohio, have issued invita-
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Rosenfield en- tions for the marriage of their daugh-
tertained at a charmingly appointed ter, Clara, to Jack Coskey, formerly
dinner for 12 guests on Thursday of this city, the marriage to take
evening last at their home on Second place Dec. 25.

Mrs. Hugo Freund entertained de-
lightfully at luncheon at the l'hoenix
Club on Wednesday last, followed by
bridge, at her home on Chicago boule-
vard, complimenting Mrs. Charles
William Wurzberger, who spent a
Klauber of Chicago, who was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purdy few weeks with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Wurzberger of Chicago
of Royal Oak.
boulevard, has returned to his home
in Hollywood, Calif.
Returning from Saginaw, where
she spent two weeks with her chil-
Miss Lucille Finsterwald, daughter
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Max Philip of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finsterwald
Ileavenrich, is Mrs. Adolph Enggass
of Calvert avenue, is home from Bos-
of }'allister avenue.
ton for the holiday season. Miss Fin-
sterwald is attending Simmons Col-
Mrs M. I. Schloss, formerly of De- l ege .
trait, who visited with relatives and
friends in the city for a short time,
Mrs. Electra Von Dolcke-Rosinski,
returned on Thursday to her home in
well known vocalist, who with her
husband and daughter has returned
Following a trip to Boston, where to the city after a several years' ab-
they spent the past six weeks, are Mr. sence, sang a group of songs at the
and Mrs. Louis Welt of Chandler reception tendered the noted writer
and lecturer, Mrs. Charlotte Perkins
Gilman, given by the Progressive
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Freiden- Civic League at the Twentieth Cen-
berg of Second boulevard have re- tury clubhouse on Monday last.
turned from New York, where they
After spending several weeks with
were the guests of Mrs. Theresa Ben-
her children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Rosenfield of Glynn court, Mrs. I.
Mrs. Henry Van Baalen of St. Jo- I,obsitz has left for her home in Syra-
seph, Mo., has returned to the city cuse, N. Y.
: and will make her home with Mr. and
Mr. nail Mrs. Ben Falk entertained
Mrs. Morris Rosenberg of 1217 Glynn
at a midnight luncheon on Friday
night honoring the noted actor, Lew
Following a pleasant visit with eel- Fields. Mrs. Falk was formerly a
latives and friends in Cincinnati, Mrs. Webber of
& the
Music cast
Hall of
home Weisman has returned to her
home on Burlingame avenue.

The Misses Shanette and Selma
Mrs. Arthur Swartz of West Grand
boulevard was hostess at a beautifully Baer and Geneva Rhinehart of To-
Ledo were week-end guests at the
appointed luncheon followed b y
bridge at her home on Frida y after- a home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snyder of
1Wilson avenue.

The Delta Phi Sigma sorority met
Samuel Gage of Tuxedo avenue
has returned from a two weeks' stay, , at the home of Miss Frances Cohen
of West Lafayette boulevard on Tues.
in New York.
day evening last.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Meyers of Long-
After spending a few weeks with
fellow avenue entertained at a family
dinner on Saturday night last cam• . , .. relatives
and friends in St. Louis,
memorating their fifth wedding anni- Al : Mrs. William Sable and son,
R onert, of Tuxedo avenue have re-
Among the interesting social func-
Mrs. Samuel Funkenstein of New-
tions given in behalf of the Vassar
Endowment Fund will be the sub- ark, N. J., who has spent some time
scription dance at Hotel Statler on in Alpena, Mich., was in Detroit for
Monday evening, Dec. 19, under the a few days, the guest of Miss Golda
direction of the Misses Ruth Franklin Ginsburg, en route to a visit with
and Hortense Krolik and Mrs. B. D. friends and relatives in Toledo, Ohio,
Welling. Patronesses for this affair and Wabash, Ind.
are Mrs. Leo M. Franklin, Mrs. Hugo •
Miss Elizabeth Ann Lieberman,
Hill, Mrs. Benjamin Siegel, Mrs. Day
eroo f Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Krolik, Mrs. Joseph Selling, Mrs. daughter
of Chicago boulevard, was
David A. Brown, Mrs. Leo M. Butzel,
Mrs. Melville Welt, Mrs. Henry Wine- hostess to 75 young people at a de-
party at Gaines'
man and Mrs. Henry Fechimer.
Dancing Academy on Friday night
Rabbi Leo M. Franklin spoke be-
fore the Unitarian Laymen Associa-
tion on Tuesday evening at the Uni- . Mrs. George Bloom entertained at
tarian church. Rahbi Franklin chose an exquisitely appointed luncheon
as his subject "The Corelation of followed by cards at her home on
W ednesday last, honoring her moth-
Religious Thought."
er, Mrs. Adolph Marx, a former resi-
The Sunday School class of Temple dent of Detroit, but now of Long
Beth El, under the supervision of Beach, Calif.
Harry Scheinman, will give a candy,
Returning from Cleveland, where
ice cream and cake bazaar in the
gymnasium of the temple on Sunday they spent a few days with their chil-
afternoon at 2:30, the proceeds of dren, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bassichis
which will be given to some worthy (Elsa Decker), are Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
family for Chanukah.
seph Decker of Alger avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kleinman
One of the pleasant events of the
past week was the delightful affair (Evelyn Finsterwald) have moved to
g. ven by Mrs. Rosa T. Rosenfield of their new home at 8633 Third ave-
Winona avenue in honor of her nieces nue.
who reside in this city.
Returning to New York after
Bernard Ginsburg, Z. Himelhoch spending a few weeks with Mrs. Lewis
and Morris Caplan have been ap- Golden of 89 Delaware avenue is Mrs.
pointed on the "What-do-you-know- Anna Lurie.
eiout-Detroit'!" committee of the
Returning from Chicago, where
Board of Commerce, a recent adjunct
to the manifold activities sponsored they visited a few weeks, are Mr. and
•by the board.
Mrs. David Wilkus of Virginia Park.

Mrs. II. S. Sheresky (Rose Lieber-
man) and Miss Sylvia Gittleman en-
tertained delightfully at the former's
home, 1610 Delaware avenue, for
Mrs. Leon A. Gersten (Theresa Lie-
berman) on Saturday afternoon, Dec.
3. A luncheon was served for 14

Miss Rae Freeman, whose engage-
ment has been recently announced,
left Wednesday night for her home
in Southern Illinois to spend two
weeks with her mother. Miss Free-
man has been making her home for
the past year with her cousins, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Rouff of 336 Owen, hav-
ing come from Texas.

Holiday Party
$6.50 to $12.00

The popular and dainty one-strap in
patent leather, satins, suedes, silver 'cloth,
etc. Heels both regular Louis and medium.
All wonderful values at these reduced

Buckles .

Jet, cut steel, rhinestone, etc.;
many sizes and shapes, and prices
just about 50 per cent less than one
year ago.

Silk Hosiery

Furs of
Quality and

For yourself or gifts. The always
good black silk in all sizes, as well
as all the shades, and novelties,
Wrapped in fancy Christmas boxes.

To be attired in one of Baer &
Polansky's Fur Coats is to be •t-
tired correctly.

We are showing • most wonder-
ful variety from which you may
make your choice.

Mink Coats and Mink Wraps
from $650.00 to $1,850.00.



A Gift from the
Walk-Over Shope
/Nwak. its
Own Quality.



Remodeling and Repairing

Wa Call For and Deliver
Eureka Bldg.
Main 7525

Important Notice to Christmas Shoppers

This Store Will
Be Open Evenings
Until Christmas

To accommodate the thousands of people who find


Gifts of Furniture at
Prices and on Easy
Terms of Payment.

It almost impossible to fill their Christmas shopping lists

during the day, we will remain open every evening be-
ginning Monday, and up to and including Saturday night.
Bring in the kiddies to see "Hippo"—the funny clown.
He'll be here every night.


Michigan Ave. at Washington Blvd .

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