Amerkam meth Periodical Cotter C.LIPTON AV1NUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ■ PAGE THREE ThEY)LTWIT1/.1 , 15116IRONICLE Club Pontiac Notre 0 Young Judaea . . ■ Notes The Jewish Ladies' Aiol Soviet!. 2 held their regular monthly meeting Vednesday, Dec. 7. It was voted to contribute $.15 for the East relic A •' mid. The following officers were re lj WEST END SYNAGOGUE'S g CONCERT FOR CHANUKAH •lected: President, Mrs. Berry Net g ri , zorg; vice-president, Mrs. Morri 0 Mrs. Benjamin Gold Arrangements are being completed Fine; secretary, by the West End Young Judaeans for stein; treasurer, Mrs. Julius Levin. $ — a most interesting concert to be stag- Mrs. Harry Hirshberg delight fully etl on Sunday evening, Jan. I, at the n t 4 o p synagogue on Twenty-ninth street and entertained 20 ladies at a bridge e nr,,,,h, of party Thursday, Dec. 8, at the Unique t Michigan avenue. Th for the Tea Shop. A three-course luncheon n B this entertainment will go Talmud Torah connected with this was served. I'rizes were attained by I Gift Handkerchiefs : Mrs. Louis Klein, Mrs. Morris Fine, 0 syna gogu e. 0 0 0 The pro gram, which is expected to Mrs. Benjamin Goldstein and Mrs. g B be among the most interesting ever Joseph Barnett. The out-of-town / For Women, 50c p..,1 at were Mrs. J. Alpern and Miss u the oc casion of Cha- gests t" --- - nukah, will include three sketches, L ottie Hill of Detroit. [4 . recitations and songs Bernard g: 14 0 Samue I Buckner is visiting tI r l Ihso•b urit ' o . ‘ s ko, •- d superintendent of the U a Ile- daughter, Mrs. Max Weinberg of Bad 0 has written 0 somis of Detroit, :oaten Pure linen handkerchiefs, all white with colored borders or of solid colors,.are daintily trimmed with touches of em- broidery in one corner. La brew sketch for this occasion. The Axe, Mich. sketch will be acted by Molly Cha- Pontiac B'nai B'rith members were bensky and Naomi Buchhalter, both members(of the Tikvas Zion, and by well represented at the annual meet- % MI linen handkerchiefs, full size, with narrow henintitched one of the boys in the Wilkins street ing and election of officers of the 2 Talmud Torah. Micligian Council of B'nai Il'rith hems are specially priced ro)e. In addition, there will be a humor- lodges which took place in Flint, Sun- ous play, "A Birthday Gift," which day, Dec. 11, at hotel Durant. The will be presented by a group of 'mom- following were present: henry Jo- hers of the B'nos Yisroel, a West End coloson, Jack Fink, Bob ,Alvin, Archie Decorative folders in which to send handkerchiefs are 15c Young Judaea circle of which Miss Barnett, Sidney Barnett, Mr. and Bertha SItomovitz is the leader. All Mrs. Joseph Barnett, Mr. and MI,. Gift boxes arc furnished without charge. to 35c. of the girls in the playlet are students Benjamin Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. at the El Moshe Talmud Torah. A Saul Orman, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Healy's—Main Floor third sketch will be presented by 10 1 Fine, Mr. mod Mrs. Norman Buckner, .P4' 1.1miconsinamennecoalliimanill•limummitrinnmindamtilmminusammunna boys, members of the Bar Koala.' Miss Alma Buckner, Mr. and Mrs. 2' 4111110 ,ludaeans. Julius Levin and Mr. and Mrs. I.. 0 Goldie Goldstein of the Tikvas Zion S o l omon . will sing several Hebrew Chanukah songs, and Fannie Blondy and Rachel Goololfaden of the same club will give Chanukah recitations. Other songs and recitations will be given. Rudolph Zwieback and I. Levenson are actively interesting themselves on behalf of the El Moshe synagogue in Coming to Detroit Tuesday to Sell Newspapers for Fund. this entertainment. For Men Gift Folders 0 0 2 Fyfe's—Open Saturday Till 9:00 DAVID BROWN WILL OCCUPY HIS USUAL GOOD FELLOW STAND 0 ChriOnsa Olipper% A ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOR ANNUAL BANQUET It is most gratifying this season when the cull is for gifts of service to present a collection of Christmas Slippers more varied and complete than we have ever shown before. Prac- tically every approved style, color and material is here, includ- ing many excellent types, at the popular and moderate prices. The Fyfe imprint adds prestige. C AVALIER for Men—A deluxe slipper of soft calf, kid or morocco. Its quiet elegance ap- peals to all men who prize comfdrt. $6.00"7 Main Floor F ELT Comfy for Women—One of the most popular members of the celebrated "Comfy" line. Padded sole. All colors. $1.8 5u P —Downstairs and Third Comfy for Women — I' Softly quilted throughout and cATIN finished with extreme daintiness. $9 9c Felt or leather sole. All colors. Pair "• " —Third Floor H Y-1.0 Felt Slipper for Women —When desired it can be but- toned snugly around the ankle. A truly serviceable home slip- 3 per in colors —Third Floor DUSS-1N-BOOTS for Children- '. Wormy, cozy and comfortable. Either red or blue- $1.65' -Downstairs ■ nd Second Gift Certificates—All Department. Woodward and Adams THERE IS NOTHING Appreciated more by the LADIES Than • Beautiful Smart Hand Bag We have them in won- drous models, elegantly fashioned— $3.00 to $40.00 Ladies' Suit Cases Attractively lined with silk, some of them fitted with Toilet Articles of Ivory, Shell and Amber. Week End Cases — Luncheon Sets — Game Sets Sewing Sets and Baskets — Hat Bose. Overnight Bags — Collar Bags — Collar Bags Soft Collar and Handkerchief Cues — Manicure Sets THE OSHKOSH WARDROBE TRUNK MARTIN MAIER & CO. The Defenders of the White and Blue have completed all arrangements for the second annual banquet to take place this Saturday evening at the 0.' K. Sanitary restaurant. A program of interest has been prepared to in elude talks by the members and lead- ers. Local leaders in Young Judaea have been invited to attend the ban- quet. David Rocoosin is leader of the club. KNIGHTS OF JUDAEA At the program of the Knights of Judaea last Saturday evening, A. Honigman spoke on "Jewish Educa- tion in Modern Palestine," and Na- than Zack outlined the activities of the Zionist Commission to the United States. On Saturday, Dec. 17, there will be a debate on the question: "Resolved, That Yiddish be added to the curri- culum of the Talmud Torahs of the 1567 Woodward chairman of the National Appeal for $14,000,000 for Jewish relief, in a communication to The Detroit Jew- ish Chronicle, expressed his regrets n at his inability to send out the usual Good Fellow letter to his hundreds of friends in Detroit, who always re- sponded generously by contributing to the Good Fellow fund. g g p 0 Mr. Brown announced that he will # be in Detroit on Tuesday, Dec. 20, for the main purpose of being at his old corner of Griswold and Fort streets to sell papers for the fund, as every year. Ile plans to return to New York the same afternoon. Check can be sent to his Detroit office, 2457 Grand River avenue, in the Absopure building, or he can be reached in per- son on Tuesday between 12 and 1:30 at the old stand. Mr. Brown writes: "I believe that this year the people of Detroit will want to support the Good Fellow fund more than ever because the demand upon the Good Fellows is greater than ever before. No child in all of our city should be without a complete IA Christmas. I know of nothing that can make a child unhappier than to I A United States." The affirmative will be upheld by Team 1, composed of Max Weine, Aaron Lipshitz and Har- be forgotten Christmas morning." ry Seligson, who will be opposed by Team 4, consisting of Sam Firestone, Sol Slomovitz and William Lankin. The Knights' part in the Young : Judaea Chanuka entertainment will consist of the presentation of a Cha- , nukah play, entitled "Chalutzim," Takes Steps Towards Formation of written by the leader of the club es- Larger Organisation of Jewish ' pecially for this occasion. Young Men. Present Prices on Furniture Average About 40% Less Than Those of a Year Ago Rahhison-Cohen Co, High Y. M. H. A. COMBINES WITH LOCAL HEBREW ATHLETIC SOCIETY /1■■ ■■■■ •■■ \1 LI LI 00 ILW • ■■ • 11. ■•■■■■ 1■ WOM.1 ■ ■■■■■•■■■ WI 1• ■•■■4 The Quality Cigar . . , ■ • ' • .\:--; ..... .... ..44 Sincc 1890 Of Course! - -, . • • "— •-,- ... ,...... -- ,,...-•*• ■ ' - C. ,. . . . , . . ,.,- --- .. . Every bit as much a part of Christmas as the holly wreath, the family party or even the star-crowned tree itself is "the quality cigar." Little Sister must have her doll —And Dad his box of La Palinas He'll welcome " the quality else with unqualified delight. He expects it. Every man's fascinated by its fra- grance, flavor and matchless blend of Vuelta Abajo Havana filler with finest Java leaf wrapper. The demand for over 100 million La Minas this year proves their superiority. Start your La Patina smoking, today. - •6.', _.. ...... . .. ....., . . ' ..rd-- - __ ,--- %.--- --:> --,: 4,11, -..“.., .7... - /--- _,.,......4 , :II= C:.. - '-'4:. ,; e: , ,,- DA PA LI NA 19 Popular Shapes and Sires Senator . • . a for 25e Best . . • 2 for 25c Corona Chic.4(In cedar lined canisters) 45C 13c . . . Magnolia . . Perfecto Qrande . 3 for 5oc CONGRESS CIGAR COMPANY Maanlactunns. U. S. A. Remember Its Imporiedjava Wrapper ADELPHI The Adelphi, • new Jewish social circle, WAS organized on Dec. 4 at a TWO STORES meeting held at the home of Hyman • Between Congress and Lamed Neiditz, 1021 Holbrook avenue. The David Whitney Building • following officers were elected: Miss Anna Slomoviaz, president; Simon Axelrod, vice-president; Anna Book- stein, secretary; David Markel, trees- , urer. The club decided to celebrate Wizs.100004:9=34=0;304V4Veaga the festival of Chanukah with • "Latke" party on Dec. 24 at the home of H a s B. Kaplan, 62 Pena nue, H ighland Park. Any Jewish by or girl of 16 and over wishing to join is asked to communicate with Miss Slomovitz, 545 Kenilworth. Chronicle Want Ads 'Bring Results Street at Hastings Open Evenings On Dec. 21 there will be a debate By consolidating with the Detroit on the question: "Resolved, That a Hebrew Athletic Club, a body of Jew- Socialistic government be established ish young men with their headquar- in Palestine by the Jews." ters at 5744 Hastings street, the Y. The third annual "Latke" party of M. II. A. has increased its member- the club will take place on Saturday ship to over 500. Through the con- evening, Dec. 31, at the home of Wil- solidation the Y. M. II. A. is in a po- liam Lankin, 9647 Cameron avenue. sition to keep its promise, made when first organized, that of giving the city of Detroit an organization it MACCABEES OF JUDAEA should be proud of. The Detroit Hebrew Athletic Club The Maccabees of Judaea, under the leadership of Miss Sylvia Goldsmith, was organized on Sept. 1 with only has elected a new staff of officers as a handful of members. Their purpose follows: harry Salle, president; Sam was to give the young men who lived Silverstein, vice-president; Arthur north of Forest avenue and south of Wendell, secretary; Sam Penslar, the Boulevard a place to meet their treasurer. The first program under friends and a place where they could Miss Goldsmith consisted of a debate get physical benefit. When first or- on the question of whether Palestine ganized they met in the homes of the is to be built on a commercial or agri- members, but the venture proved such cultural basis. Charles Blondy, Maur- a success that within a period of two ice Goldman and Sam Silverstein par- months they had increased their mem- ticipated. In addition to the literary bership to over 300 and found it work of the club, a strong basketball necessary to lease their present quar- team is being built with Allen Blondy, ters. The Y. M. H. A. was first organized former Cass High School star, as through the consolidation of the coach. Washington Progressive Club and the Trysquare Club about March 1 of this year and during the period in exist- KAPPA BETA LAMBDA ence proved to the satisfaction of the At the last business meeting of the Jews of the city that a Y. M. 11. A. Kappa Beta Lambda, the following is a necessity and that they are the officers were elected for this year: ones to put it over. The present officers of the Y. M. Harold Harris, president; Joseph Feinberg, vice-president; Emanuel H. A.. are: J. Freedman, chairman; Arden, secretary; Ralph Kleinsmith, M. Salesnek, vice-chairman; 0. A. Skolnek, clerk; A. Messenger, secre- treasurer. Elaborate preparations are being tary, and J. Camenier, treasurer. The present D. H. A. C. quarters made for the installation of officers, which will occur after the first of will be retained and will be known as the north end branch of the Y. M. the year. H. A. and the main branch will still remain in the Jewish Institute build- ing, where they have the use of two BLUE BIRD GIRLS well furnished club rooms, one of which is being used as a library and A most interesting meeting was the other as a meeting room. They held by the Blue Bird Girls on Tues. have the use of the gym twice a week. day evening, Dec. 13, at the home of , The north end branch is at present Mrs. Kea, 151 Avalon avenue, High- equipped as gym and will be used as 1 a nA d Park. such until different arrangements can sion Was held regarding An be made. invitation dance which the girls are Most of the plans for the coming planning to give in the near future. year have been formulated. A first If the suggestion carries, there will class basketball team under the lead- only be a certain number of tickets ership of S. J. Rosenberg is being put printed and sold before the night of in the field. the affair, but no tickets will be sold Arrangements have already been at the hall. made for a large dance to be given at Election of officers for the coming the Hotel Statler on Jan. 22, 1922. term, which is now six months in- The committee in charge consists of stead of three as heretofore, took H. Manson, chairman, 0. A. Skolnek, place. Miss Ida Greenwald was elect- J. Gelfand and D. Freedman. Tickets ed president; Miss Ida Solomon, vice- can be obtained from the members or president; Miss Edith Sominski, sec- at either club rooms. On Tuesday evening, Dec. 20, the retary• Miss Sarah Dorfman, treas- urer, Miss Sadye Solomon, sergeant- consolidated Y. M. II. A. will have at-arms, and Miss Anna Kurtzman, election of officers for the coming year. The meeting will be held at editor. the north end branch, 5744 Hastings street. Established 1865 532 Woodward Due to his absence from the city and lack of time, David A. Brown, do WM. KRAUSS LEE & CADY Distributor. Is. Detroit and Michigan TAILOR 1637 Broadway Second Floor A. C. KRENZ T ttierclraut The Shop where caudal and mirvit• }ma 4739 Woodward Just !Vodka Format Awe.