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December 16, 1921 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-12-16

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Delivers Coffield Xmas Eve— ' 1
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Which contains 20 stalls and upper floor 60x85,
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DECEMBER 16, 1921

Just as the statement implies, we will deliver the Coffield right to
home Xmas Week for only $7, and you need not pay another penny until
January 15th; then the easiest kind of easy payments.

It's So Easy to Give the

The sudden death occurred last week of Dr. Samuel Posnansky, Chief
Rabbi of Warsaw, at the age of 57.

• • •

The well known missionary society, the London Jews' Society, has ap-
pointed this as a week of prayer and thanksgiving for the deliverance of
Jerusalem by the British from the hands of the Turks.
• • • •
The death of Maurice Goetschel, the only Jewish member of the Swiss
Parliament, is reported from Zurich. The deceased was 62 years of age
and the death was sudden.
• • • •
The German commission to deal with the question of foreign credits
includes the well known Jewish banker, Mendelsohn, according to an an-
nouncement of the Imperial Chancellor.
• • • •
Figures compiled by the Constantinople Jewish emigration authorities
indicate that in the course of the last two months over 200 Jewish emi-
grants arrived there from the Ukraine. Most of them came via Batoum.
• • • •
It is reported from f3russels that Dr. Noah Pine, medical officer of the
Ukrainian Jewish Federation, has been appointed a Chevalier of the "Ordre
Couranne Belga," in recognition of his services in rendering medical advice
to the masses of Jewish emigrants and refugees.
• • • •
In accordance with the instructions of the executive committee of the ,
World Jewish Relief Conference, 40 of the Ukrainian orphans will soon
proceed from Warsaw to Paris. Rosenthal, a Parisian Jewish philanthropist,
has underwritten the expense of their passage, education and maintenance.
• • • •
Commenting on the proposed law granting civil rights to the Jews of
Old Roumania, the Jewish press in Bucharest insists that the law shall be
interpreted as applying simultaneously to the Jewish nationality in Greater
• • r •
An appeal to the Jews in the French colonies and provinces to raise
funds for relief among the Jewish sufferers of the war was made at the
recent conference of representatives of the "Ort" and other Jewish relief
• • •
The five-day conference called by the "Roswoi," a notorious Warsaw
anti-Semitic society, for the purpose of perfecting a systematic campaign
for the annihilation of the Jews, opened last week. It is characteristic that
the mayor invited the conference to hold its sessions in the local town hall;

Thanks to the intervention of the Executive of the Zionist Organization,1
the Austrian government has over-ruled the decision of the department of
philosophy of the Lemberg University to exclude the Jewish students froml
its courses. Those who had already been excluded have been invited to
return to the university.
• • •
The electro-technical courses recently organized through t he efforts of
the Zionist youth of Warsaw were discontinued by order of M ayor Seidlitz.
Notwithstanding the number of Christian students who had enrolled for
these courses, the anti-Semitic "Rozwoi" demanded that the schools be
• • • •
A number of Jewish financiers, scholars and intellectuals have met at
the invitation of Minister Solowecjik, to consider a plan for the founda-
tion of a Jewish University in Lithuania. A substantial sum is reported to
have been collected at the initial meeting, to be augmented, it is hoped, by
contributions from Lithuanian Jews in America and South Africa.
• • • •
The Jewish Ukraianian Committee in Warsaw, of which Noah Prilutzki
is the active head and representative in the United States, has declined the'
offer of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and the Joint Distribution Com-
mittee to co-ordniate the relief and emigration activities on behalf of the
refugees, it was stated authoritatively.

The anti-Semitic Vienna publication, Reichpost, expresses the regret of
"patriotic citizens" that the recent unemployment riots did not take the
form of a pogrom on Jews. On the contrary, this paper and others of that
brand argue what took place was a pogrom on Christians, inasmuch as
Christian shops and business places were demolished and looted.

Electric Washer
This Xmas

You can order the Coffield delivered Xmas week with
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pecial offer may be withdrawn at any time.
Remember, you are getting a Hill 8 sheet else, all cop-
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Display Room

1339 Broadway

Phone Cadillac 2866
Stores Open Evenings Until Christmas.

Authorized Sale and Service Stations

I Elec. Eng. Co. 153 E. Elisabeth Mt.
Crowley, Milner d Co, Basement.

Smith Brook lido.. Cue 10210 Kerebra.I tie,
Fisher Bros. Ildoe, Co., NIS15 Mack Air.
[Hiner, Bros.. 71100 Slack Air.
Nolan Hasse. Co., 7314 Meek Are.
C. I'. 31111er liaise. Co. Tills °suttee Air.
Melte Furniture Co., M1322 Gratiot Ave.
Moon Brea, Inc., 0330 Grader) Ale.
Ildoerd 11. J effrey, ,330 (leaflet.Ave.
Leo. Kirchner Co.. 21)30 Greflot Ave.
: Kirk & Ffither 11dor Co.. 1,57 Concord Air.
11. W. Lindeman Fury. ('o., 1330 (Hallo) tie.
Gurlitch Hardware, DIM E. Fore.) Lae.
Marshall's II•rdonr, 11200 llotriciels.
Thiry-Keeler. Co., 4251 McDougall i.e.
Morrison Electric Co.. 11412 E. Jeffereen One.
'Benin-Ingo Hasse., 7035 Gratiot.Ave.
Hacker-Gehrken Slane. Co.. MHO Kerchrsal.
F. G. Zimmer Haile., 1134 lirschei el

MI111 11115
Floyd Plotter Electric Shop, Northillie.
E. IL Bondy Electric Store, Ither Roans
Mellon-Wright oe Hof at Oak.
J. II. McBride Haile. Co., Birmingham.
Jager-imam, Moe. Co.. Ws•ndolle.

NORTH 7111111
W. Ilank• 11dwe, Co., 13524 Maims, II I'.
Leo. Clarke Ildoe. Co., 11615 linmlll OR lihd.

Ford Eirririe Co., 12352 Hamilton BBC
Alien Hardener I O.. 131453 Hamilton Blvd.
Peninsular ilder. oe 13217 Hamilton Died.
Orr lire, lido, to.. 120411 Twelfth Mt.
11..1 Teak liardonre Co., MMON Twelfth ML
'7rudenu- lager thine ('0.. 0322 Twelfth MI.
1:. II. 1101411HO le to.. Inc.. 4141) Greenssood Ave,
Lino ,,,,,1 HOOP, Co.. Mlle [Aniseed.
Ilet arson Music Co_ 7 111s '1% oudoard.
Timis ltd err to.. 55.911 J.. Comeau.
echurnst• Ilthie. I
MOO Oakland.
Cantor Furniture l'o., trues Oakland.
Cress Ilro, lldwr., 111325 Weedoerti.
Highland Perk Shine. Cu e 13653 Hamilton Ills&

M ENV sins:.
%rule. Machine attire Co. 4010 Ills Ave.

re., 07113 Groat] Mier Ave.
II. Schell Ildoe. Ce e 5,1711 Grand Illier Ave.
1101,e II-Scorn I 0., Inc., 21121 50, lirand Riser.
el ret hntoor Electric Shop, Grand Ills re and

Tirmenn Hardware Store, 5412 '71erma,
Huhineen lido, Co.. 4755 K Herren star.
E. J. Hamilton Eire. Mier, 720 Junction Ale.
j ow.
Hartge lldur , Co.. 22411 Myrtle Ave.
Booklets Mier. Co.. 11151 Ferry Park.
Singer Phonograph I
41041 Michigan Ave.
LOON Ii010O10111%kl. 7123 MIchigoo A..
It. Iirooketrin Furniture Co., 4737 511chigan Ave,
Mine. 1'0.. 41110 Illy .Air.
Berger lime.
0.. 1110115 Fort Weal.
Berate. Bree.
O., 40011 tiLe As,
Leo. II. Si
t, 345m Baker Ave.

Out-of-Town Customers, Look for the Colnield Dealer—Simply Insist on Seeing the Collgeld

NOOP.410404110§4:04044WehoWaiitbttiOlglitAgit4ANO t.

The first Congress of Jewish Communities in Jugo-Slavia, held at Zagrev,
adopted a resolution appealing to the Jugo-Slavian government to protect
the Hungarian Jews against Ilorthy and his band. An executive committee
of 24, representing the Ashkenazic, Sephardic and other communities in
Jugo-Slavia, was elected as the administrative body of Jugo-Slavian Jewry.
• • • •
Statistics compiled in Kovno show that there are 120 Jewish schools
receiving government subsidies in which 13,000 children are receiving in-
N. Pries
Telephone Cherry 1223
L. Marshall
struction. In 60, or half of the total number, Hebrew is the language of
instruction; in 40 of the schools Yiddish is the language of instruction,
while the other 20 are being conducted as Orthodox "chedorim."
If You Want to Enjoy • Reel Home Cooked Hungarian Meal,
• • • •
Go Where the Crowd Goes.
Official Urkrainian sources • in
Berlin • have been actively engaged in
spreading statements declaring their affection for Jews in the Ukraine. Far
from assuming the responsibility for the wholesale msasacres by Petlura
and other insurrectionary bandits, Ukrainian spokesmen here are endeavor-
ing to create the impression that the Iletman had even warned the Jewish
population against massacres perpetrated by the Soviets.

The proposal of Dr. Solowecjik, Lithuanian Minister for Jewish Affairs,
to recognize Yiddish and llebrew as the language of instruction at the
Kovno Teachers' Institute provoked much opposition. Socialists opposed it
the ground that it would lead to the adoption of religious methods; the
Christian Democrats because they feared Russification. After a stormy
21$1 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Bet. Elisabeth and Columbia.
debate, Dr. Solowecjik's motion war adopted at the first reading.
Wu Serve High Grade M.O. at Moderate Prices.
• • •
A revival of interest in works of Yiddish and Ilebrew authors is mani-
festing itself in Italy. The Yiddish and Ilebrew works of Sholom Ash and
the late I. L. Peretz have already appeared in Italian translation
and have
been welcomed by Italian literary critics. The publication in Italian of
Pinsker's "Auto-Emancipation," together with selected essays of Achad
Ila-am, Ussischkin and Martin Bober, is expected.
• •
Jewish prisoners, captured in the course of operations in•the Tambow
uprising, are almost invariably shot, according to a dispatch by the Ilelsing-
fors correspondent of the London Morning Post. Occasionally, the cor-
SO Weekly Deposits
respondent continues, the prisoners are "mercifully" but severely flogged.
In general, the uprising has assumed serious proportions, according to this
• • • •
The "Joint" representative left Warsaw for Pinsk to take charge of the
work of rebuilding the Jewish homes destroyed by the recent fire. The Pinsk
"Landsmanschaft" has raised $2,000 towards the rehabilitation fund. It is
{desisted to organize a building co-operative society, which will advance loans
to those desiring to rebuild their houses, the Pinsk Kehillah to receive the
money repaid on these loans. A loan fund for workers is also being
• • •
You Will Receive Your Cheek About Dec. 12th Next Year
Reports have been received from many • towns in the Ukraine containing
details of the organization of Jewish self-defense groups in all towns. There
seems to be particular activity in the Poltava district, which has been
visited by a holocaust of armed bands. Pillaging groups have surrounded
the entire district. Ukrainian peasants have joined hands with Jews in
the organization of self-defense groups against the common enemy.
• • • •
That no definite steps have as yet been taken by the British govern- 1
ment to meet the requests of the Arab Delegation, although the govern-
ment has by now come to the conclusion that it is impossible to carry out
the Zionist view of the Balfour Declaration, is the keynote of an editorial
dealing with the Palestine problem in the Morning Post. Parliamentary
opinion is sympathetic to the moderate case presented by the Arab delega-
tion, the writer asserts.
OF IDE11..1
• • • •
The Jerusalem press publishes a letter by Mr. Safrasky, a
E. II. Clarke Weekly Market Review gives the facts pertaining to
ber of the Jewish political committee
the active stocks in the various markets. Write today for a copy.
of Rostov and of the South Russian
Main Office, Lafayette and Griswold—or Any of Our Branches
Zionist Center, who makes the statement that Mr. Jabotinsky did not treat
personally with Slavinsky, Petlura's representative,
Gratiot and Meetings
Iforert and VanDyk•
but all delegates from
Jon. Campaa and Newton
South Russia to the Zionist Congress at Carlsbad.
Mack Red Mt. Elliott
Mr. Safrasky further'
Gd. River and virgtnia Park Hamilton and 'Webb
asserts that the so-called negotiations with Petlura led to no definite results
et. Clair and Mack
Woodward and Eliot
Shoemaker and Youtcla r
and that there is no agreement existing today. •
Linwood and Vicksburg
ge mdale and Springwells Mane and Gratiot
Established 1913.
Scott. and Suchanan
• • . • •
Ninth Floor Real Estate Exchange Building, Detroit, Mich.
The Jewish population of Kovno is profoundly agitated over Advocate
Cadillac 61504.2-3
Rosenbaum's unauthorized trip to Warsaw in the interests of
a Polish.
Lithuanian understanding. Upon Rosenbaum's return to Kovno, a
Private leased wires connecting all offices and markets.
meeting of the Jewish Sejm members and National Council was held, where
was decided to request Mr. Rosenbaum to explain this secret mission and
his negotiations with Poland. Immediately after the adoption of these reso-
lotions, Mr. Rosenbaum announced his resignation as president of the Na-
tional Council and also as a deputy to the Sejm.
AMM3•110,113113•3616113,1CICIVRIMISIIS7CIS9A IXIA ∎
• • • •
Saml L.
Alex. L,
An interview with Chaim Nachman Rialik, the Jewish poet laureate,
purported to have been reprinted from the Jerusalem daily, Ha-Aretz, has
ready to recognize the right of other loaves a
appeared in the Golos Rossei, the organ of the Russian colony in Berlin, BRITAIN RECOGNIZES
day, requested that the uniiir,
alleging cruelty and incompetence on the part
THE AGUDOTH ISRAEL organizations, besides the Zionist Or- representng 3,800 men, delegate a
of Soviet officials. Owing
ganization, to participate in the Jew- committee of five to meet with a like
to the attention the interview attracted, Mr. Bialik has written to the paper
ish Agency for Palestine.
denying having given out such an interview and stating that the charges
committee of employers and a nun-
VIENNA—(J. T. A.)—The main
made against Cossacks of the old Russian regine and not against
artisan chairman to discuss a reduc-
al were
(Ace of the Agudoth Israel is in re-
tion in wages and arbitrate disputed
ceipt of a /fitter from the British
• • • •
Polish Deputy. Thon prevented the adjournment s t : .he present session Colonial Minister, Winston Churchill,
lin answer to their memorandum de-
The employers also called a meet-
of the Sjem before the consideration of the Jewish ,-
estions. The pray- manding that the Agudoth be per-
ing of their executive committee at
%idiom had proposed an agenda comprised of II questi, .s dealing with fiscal
NEW YORK-1j. T. A.)—In a 799 Broadway to discuss plans for
mitted to participatdOn the Jewish
matters. Dr. Then interposed that the question of lewish disabilities as
move to reduce the price of bread in action in event the anion either ac-
Edgewood 1787
well as the organization of the Kehillah must come up for discussion before, Agency, which, accordhig to the man- Jewish bakeries from nine to seven cepts
St. Aubin, Corner Fraoalin
or refuses the invitation to con-
date for Palestine, has been accorded
the session adjourned. Dr. Thon was supported by the majority of
to the Zionist Organization. Churchill rents, the New York Master Bakers' fer and arbitrate. Edward J, O'Mal-
deputies and, as • result, a committe was appointed to [raft a
new agenda., writes that the British government is Association, numbering 400 employers ley, Commissioner of Markets, was



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who make approximately 125,000 asked to attend the meeting.

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