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November 25, 1921 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-11-25

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(Continued from Page 4)

Last Slay, the Union of American
him. When he saw Mr. Dog he was Hebrew Congregations held its ben -
so pleased with him that he told him nial council in Buffalo. One of the
to come right in and live there for- most important accomplishments of
that meeting was brought about by
You can just guess how happy Mr. the National Federation of Temple
Dog felt! Ile licked the man's face, Sisterhoods when by unanimous vote

and they went in, and the man took they decided that their organization
him to a beautiful warm corner with, would raise $250,000 to build a dor-
some straw under the steps, an
d mitory for the students of the Ile-
brought him a big fat bone to gnaw. brew Union College. To a group of
g said the blessin h
g a n d b ean
business men, this sum of money
loo eat,
Dowhen suddenly he ear d a lo ud
mewing and whining, and there stood would seem er small to be raised
oY country, but for the
throughout the
—who do you think? Mrs. fussy!
"You broke your promise! You v',om, "' the task is not so easy.
1 The communities which are nut in
broke your promise!" she said angrily.
"Now you are coming here, and there intimate touch with the institution
at ( incinnati do not fully realize
won't be enough for me to eat!"
"But I didn't know this u.as the what the Hebrew Union College
some house!" said Mr. Dog, "Andmeans and what a tremendous neces-
anyho•, Mr. Adam vounts to keep us sity a dormitory is, and therefore the
both. Ile won't turn you out because work of creating sentiment in favor
of me!"
of the movement is the great task
Retailers —Wholesalers
"No, no you must go away," said which the women of the Sisterhoods
MI Welke. Avenue
Mrs. Pussy, in a very wicked and sel- have set for themselves. It has been
fish way. You see, she was SO com. said: "The Hebrew Union College is
fortalole here that she was afraid to a Cincinnati affair. Lost the women
let anybody share things with her. Of Cincinnati take care of the stu.
So poor Mr. Dog had to keep his dents."
promise. He got up and went to Mr.
Such an attitude of mind is one
Adam, told him the whole story, and that is open to severe criticism and
said he would go at once. Adam felt the object of these remarks is to give
very sorry, but he knew that a prom- an exposition of what the conditions
ise is a promise and must be kept. are among the students of our great
Then he had a bright idea. rabbinical seminary and to show how
Or Recovered.
"Never Mind, Mr. Dog," he said, profound the need is.
"I"ll take you over to Seth's house;
Silk and Satin Baby Quilts,
Present Living Conditions.
he has children, too, and he'll want to
:'All Lambs' Wool Lined.
For those who are not acquainted
keep you." Seth lived very near, and with the location of the conege. 11
he took Mr. Dog at once, gave him must be said that the buildintss
more tomesand promised to be very situated in the suburb
Of Cincinnati
good to him. Seth's children played called Clift(on heights, one of the
with Mr. Dog; they loved him, but he mist beautiful in the entire country
still felt sail sometimes when he re-
However, it is not a section in which
Telephone Main 3428.
membered his mean Mrs. l'ussy had thepeople of the Jewish community
Jaen. Still, the law coommands us to
have settled and it is some three mile:
forgiveo each other, so
he made up his from the center
of the Jewish
orgite M
When he saw her out of doors, he lotion. As a result, the students du
ran up to her to tell her he forgave
her, but Mrs. Pussy had a guilty con- cotta They make their homes in
science. When she saw hint coming,
Dirty and Improperly Adjusted
she thought he was coming to punish Avondale and there the boys must
Gas Ranges, Lights and Heaters
her, no she ran away. Mr. Dog ran find their boarding places. Those who
Cause High Gas Bills.
after her right up to the house, but come to enter the college usually Is
Save gas and eliminate smoky ket-
she only grew more frightened and not come from homes of means, so
tles by having them properly
dashed inside. So Mr. Dog had to go that theyaredependent for their
cleaned and adjusted.
loack. This happened many times, livelihood upon their own earnings
Gas Piping Blown Out. Gas Fitting
and at last Mr. Dog had to give up while studying, upon stipends grant-
• Specialty. New Lines Installed.
ed by the board of governors or by
So the friendship was never made Sisterhood scholarships sent by the
Seven years as inspector with the up, and the descendants of the dog various congregations of the country.
and the cat have stayed enemies up
Some years ago, when the writer
Detroit City Gas Co.
to this day.
first came to Cincinnati, he was able
327 FarnsworthSt. Northway 1909
(By Sulamith Ish-Kishor. Reprint- to secure excellent room and board
ed'hy permission from "Friday Night with a Jewish family at $30 a month.
When living conditions soared, the
housekeepers could no longer afford
to keep a student at this rate and the
i have a new kind of puzzle for you board of governors, with its limited
resources, conuld only afford to raise
this week, and I wonder how you'll
like it. This is what you have to do. its stipends a small amount. So, as
Here are three famous verses from a result, the students had to look for
the Bible. Each of them has a word other quarters. The result was that
or two missing. Can you find out many of them merely contracted for
what the complete verse is? NOW try: their room and took their meals out-
side wherever they happened to be.
1. And Gml....let....light,
2. And I .... also .... give .... This meant that the students (lid not
have regular meal hours, nourishing
camels .... drink.
Showing the Latest Weave.
food, nor a definite program for their
3. Am .... my .... keeper.
Send your answres in a nice letter day's activities.
Room 207.09
When classes were over at 6 o'clock
and well see who's a good detective!
Broadway Market Building
in the evening, many of them had no
definite place to go for their evening
meal, and if they had important
Jewish Merchant Buys ■ Street.
studying to do, they would find their
You have heard of Jaffa, the sea- way to some corner restaurant sir
port of Palestine, haven't you? That cafeteria and pick up anything which
is the town at which you first set foot their slender means would allow.
-' Oil the soil of Palestine. It is a town Considerable illness
was the result of
growing in size and importance, too: this irregular living. The college
for with every step of progress that physician had to investigate the


Silk Quilts Made
To Order

Michigan Millinery Co.



J. Lieber

Custom Tailor


Largest, fastest steamers in the
wcfrld. Exeellent treatment of pas-
There is a local agent in
Tutu town or nearby.


To Poland, Lithuania, Uk-
rainia and all Baltic States
vi Hamburg:
. Dec. 8
3d CI.
I Cabin
1; I
Tax $5.00
Viki Cherbourg, Southamp-
ton, Liverpool and Glasgow:
Dec. 3

Via England or Hamburg to Dan-

rig, $106.50; Libau, $110. Tax $5.

Plaestine makes, Jaffa is one of the home in which the students lived and
first towns to gain.
a welfare committee was aointed
The chief street
Jaffa, the one
togo into the various lodgings of the
where the greatest stores and toffees students to see if they were suitable.
are, is Ilustrus street. This street was For years the faculty grappled with
owned, until a short time ago, by
a this situation.
wealthy Arab named Su rsuk
f he women of the Cincinnati room-
But now a Jew has bought it from
him. This is Mr. Barsel, a Porto- m
t unite became interested in the mat-
They slid their best to list all
!curse Jew, who is a wealthy tobanao en.
dealer in Sideon. This street he paid the desirable homes which would take
for with a half million dollars. So students at a reasonable price. They
now it is in Jewish hands and subject did their best to eliminate the non-
to Jewish plans. It is a fascinating Jewish homes from the list, feeling
idea, isn't it, that a whole street in a that a rabinnical student, far away
Palestinian city could be bought at from his family, should not lack some
one sweep? Jewish home environment. But grad-
ually there are and crystalized a 'sen-
timent for a dormitory. The stu-
The Blessing to be Recited Over
dents themselves dreamed of it and
talked of it as the great ideal. A
Blessed art Thou, 0 God our King,
number of experiments were tried by
The Lord of life and everything,
the board of governors. They se-
Creator of the fruits of earth
cured large homes in which some 15
(For all things owe to Thee their
20 of the younger students could
be housed. But these failed because
—Jessie E. Sampler.
of the lack of faculty supervision and
The Talmud says, "Who is a brave because of the lack of thus influences
man? The man who conquers him- of the older students.

The Old System.
self. %%rho is a wise man? The man
let it be understand that many
all MI
=II EMI who is not too proud to learn any-
thing on earth."
of the students were very happy in
the homes into which they were
. taken.
Some of Cincinnati's finest
families considered it a privilege to
help in the work and took students in
and treated them as if they were
their very own. This was decidedly
one of the advantages of the board-
How they did it—that's what inter- ing system, but onlyl small percent-
ests everyone about the great peo- age of the students could be so for-
ple. To have seen Michael Angelo ' tunate. Even these lovely homes had
carve a statue (they say he worked the disadvantage of being several
like one in a frenzy), Raphael paint miles from the college building, ne-
a picture, Beethoven or Wagner in cessitating the expenditure of pre-
the act of swift seizing and transcrib- cious funds upon carfare and the use
ing on paper the maddening and al- of valuable time in going back and
most bewildering onslaught of musical forth.
The disadvantage can best be ex-
inspiration—that were something to
pressed in terms of student morale,
Well, we've seen how Richard college spirit and the advantage of
Strauss conducted his own composi- intimate daily contact between stu-
tions and now we're going to see how dent and student and student and
he plays his own songs and how he faculty. Living over a widely scat-
thinks they ought to he sung. At Or- tered area made it almost impossible
chestra Hall, on Dec. 7, he returns to for the students to study together
Detroit with Elizabeth Schumann, the whenever they wished; to have access
soprano, to give ■ Richard Strauss to the college library during their
song evening.
evenings of study; and to have the
The opportunity is a rare one and 1constant advice of their teachers,
may never come again. Hearing these some of whom would live in the dor-
beautiful songs, so melodious, so rich- mitory
ly and happily harmonic--considered
This matter of the library at the
by many to represent the greatest college is worthy of special mention.
phase of his great genius--will make There are certain books which a stu-
memorable a season that already
dent needs for constant reference in
counts the amazing (ovation Richard the preparation of his work. Such
Strauss received at Orehasera Hall, books are
rare and very expensive.
Nov. 7, among the distinctive events.
A student cannot afford to own them
This "Soiree Intime" will bring
for his private library. At night.
this man and his great gifts nearer
when preparing for his next day's
to us. People who will sit down with
recitation, he cannot come all the way
us and gossip or tell engaging toles
draw us into the circle of their per- hack to the college in order to have
the use of these books. If he lived
sonal warmth and besides giving us
a renewed sense of vitality, establish on the campus, the library would be
at night and he could accom-
firm and lasting bonds between us and
plish much more in the pursuit of his
Richard Strauss sitting at the piano,.
with the lights lust right, playing. What New Dormitory Would Mean.
with delirious intimacy for a charm. , A brief summary of the foregoing
ing woman with a lovely while acts clearly indicates what the new
lormitory would mean to the Hebrew
she sings his songs, provides the
of experience which d es nut come Union College. No longer would the
often in successive musical seasons— 5 tudents be compelled to look for ac-
the experience of personal conduct e ommodations in various parts of the
with a great . personality in the act of e ity. They would be concentrated in
reproducing the things which have . ne commodious and comfortable
brought him world-wide fame, the sue- b uilding on the campus. They would
ens of which things has served to ire together under the guidance of
further enhance the already ccmpell. t heir teachers. They would be able
ing magnetism creative geniuses pos. t study together and the younger
Infd NIelowaa'a &wort OrsNisi'' ►
, tudents would have the advantage of

Henry the Hatter RICHARD

'iDetroit's Exclusive Hatter


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8c Each

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looked around to nee who had saved

At Marks'
you will find
the most
complete and
finest selec-
tion of furs
and fur coats
in Detroit—
you will find
it pays to
buy of the


constant contact with those who had
reached the upper classes. From a
practical standpoint, the expenditures
of money would be materially de-
creased, because the sums devoted to
Mrs. Alex Werbe of Burlingame
the living expenses of the students avenue entertained her card club at
would under a dormitory system be a luncheon Saturday in honor of her
scientifically handled and adminis- sister, Miss Frances Becker of Cleve-
tered. Proper food and proper hour- land, who is the fiance of Joseph Ball
ing would lie on a uniformly high of this city. The following ladies
plane. The quality of the college life were present: Mrs. Benjamin Paerl-
itself would be greatly enhanced and man, Mrs. Nathan Siegel, Mrs. harr•
the spirit of the students raised high. Cohn, Mrs. Maurice Sider, Mrs. Ralph
Parents in all parts of the country Levy, Miss Edna Steiner, Mrs. Isau
could send their sons to Cincinnati dare Blumenthal, Mrs. Edward Fish-
without the necessity of sprouting er, Miss Sylvia Levy, Mrs, Sol Gold-
months in deciding upon the proper berg and Miss Ella Werbe..
brew fur their boys. They would
have the assurance that in the dormi-
Mrs. B. Si. Shapiro and her dough-
tory there would be the best environ- ter, Alice, are leaving for Los An-
ment, the finest supervision and the geles, Calif., Saturday, Nov. 19, to
highest opportunity for development spend the winter. They will make a
during those years when a youth is stop at Chicago', where they will visit
in the formative period. Mrs. Boyarsky. They will also stay
Where Lies the Responsibility?
a few days at Denver, Culu.
The congregations throughout the
land are sending up the cry that the
Mrs. P. N. Bernstein of the Na-
rabbi should he strong, virileand earn• apartments, Woodward terrace.
modern. They want men to come entertained 25 guests at the Garrick
from the college morally, mentally theater on We'dnesday last, foliowed
and physically equipped and they by tea at the Hotel M'olverine. Mrs.
have a right to expect that their had- Bernstein is planning to leave for
tors be developed to the highest point the south shortly, where shiu wiq
of efficiency. If they demand these spend the winter months.
characteristics in the man that they
choose, they must surely feel that
:qr. and Mrs. David Robinson of
theirs is the responsibility of mak- Rowena street are spending the win-
ing it possible fur such men to be ter in California.
turned out. The problem is much
more than one of simple household
Bernard Zeiger and Robert Roth-
economics.It is aqui salon of the fu- man were recently elected to Aso-
tore of the moral leadership of Amer- Isles, an honorary philosophical so.
icon Judaism. We have the sad spec- ciety of the University of Michigan.
tide today of men who are forced to
retire from the active ministry when
SIr. and Sirs. J. I'. Rosenthal of
little past the prime of life. The tre- Boston boulevard are visiting in New
mendous pressure brought to hear uun York with their son, Harold, who i•
the rabbi in the modern community a student at the "Rabbi Isaac El
IllTes,itates a strong physical founda- Chonon Yeshiva."
lion and that foundation masstbe ob-
tained during the period of his youth.
Walter E. Rothman of the Hebrew
Our communities hive taken delight Union College of Cincinnati is spend-
!' honoring their rabbis. They have Mg Thanksgiving with his parents in
in many cases seen to it that they 'loyal Oak.
have every possible comfort, that
financially they are beyond want.
In honor of her sixteenth birthday,
They earnestly hope end pray that a surprise party was given for Miss
their spiritual leaders will be spared Lena Michelson at her home, 234
to them in health for long lives of Euclid avenue east, Friday evening.
usefulness. Since they are so con- The guests were the Misses Blum
siderate of them during their active Danto, Anna Ilarris, Lucille Mari-
ministry, it is perfectly logical, nay, sun, Rosalind Meyersohn, Ruth Ber-
it is imperative that they be even ger, Eleanor Scher, Bessie Weinber-
more deeply concerned about their ger and Messrs. Howard Bloom, Iler-
years of development. beet Peritz, Emanuel Walters, Milton
The women of the National Feder- Ponnusky, Jesse Bern, Erwin Rapen-
ation of Temple Sisterhoods have in- port, James Van Vliet and Jerome
deed undertaken a noble work. The Manheim.
sum of money asked for its almost
negligible wherowe take into account
S. D. Goldsmith of 437 Garfield
the wealth of our congregations. But avenue

left on Thursday by motor
it is the difficulty of making people for Los Angeles, Calif., where he
understand which makes it necessary will spend the winter. Mr. Goldsmith
for such facts as have been stated and his mother, Mrs. henry Gold-
above to he brought to light. What- smith, recently returned from the
ever the few odd thousand dollars are east, where they spent several weeks.
that make up Detroit's quota, it is While there they attended the golden
safe to say that when collected they wedding anniversary in Scranton,
will leave no void in the aggregate Pa., of Mrs. Goldsmith's uncle and
resources of our people, but their col- aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Katz.
lection will be of inestimable value to
the cause to which they are dedi-
Dr. and Mrs. I. Z. Taub of Hotel
sated. They will yield immense Addison have returned from a short
profits and pay tremendous dividends trip to Kalamazoo, Chicago and Mil-
in the human resources that go to waukee.
make up the rabbinate of America.

The 'gamins of the Sunday after-
noon concerts of the Detroit Symphony
orchestra are having presented them
this year a very remarkable series of
programs which will give, by the
time the season is over, a very com-
prehensive view of the musical char-
acteristics of the composers of all na-
The Blue Bird Girls Tuesday even-
There has been a French program, ing entertained for Miss Molly Han-
a program of romantic composers, del, a member of the club, at her
who are of Teutonic origin, and now home, 311 Palmer east, the occasion
there will he, next Sunday, Nov. 27, a 'being her approaching marriage, to
Slavic program, devoted to the music take place Tuesday evening, Nov. 27.
of Czecho-Slovakia. The founder of
The Misses Ethel and Lillian
Bohemian music, Smetana, will he
presented on the program my the tone Brandt Sunday evening entertained
poem, "From Bohemias Fields and for 25 guests at their home on lien-
Meadows," one of a cycle of six tone drie avenue.
1,01•111S called "My Country." Con-
temporary Bohemia will be represent- I
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert I. Kallet
ed by Novak in his "Slovak Suite," (Mabel Bloomgarden) have returned
which will be performed for the first from an eastern trip and are at home
time in Detroit.
to their friends at 1630 Virginia
Dvorak, the best known in America Park.
of all Bohemian composers, will be
represented by a .work which he com-
Mr. and Mrs. David Robinson of
posed in America. It is the famous Rowena street have left for Cali-
Fifth Symphony called "From the fornia, where they will spend the
New World," and of which "The winter months.
Largo" has become one of the most
popular numbers in the Orchestral
Mrs. Ralph Levy of Merrill avenue
has returned from a week's visit in
The program will end with same Chicago.
of the Slavic dances by Dvorak, which
were his first compositions to bring
Miss Shirley Isaacs will leave De-
him fame outside of Bohemia. They
troit Dec. 1 for an extended eastern
happen to come under the notice of
trip, visiting New York City and
Brahms, and to the helping hand
Syracuse, N. Y., her former home
which Bruhn's gave the young mu-
city. Miss Isaacs expects to return
sician he owed the beginning of his
about Jan. 1.
world-wide fame.
The Fifth Symphony of Dvorak is
Miss Sylvia Levy motorist to Ann
a particularly easy one to follow in-
asmuch as the leading melodies are Arbor, where she spent the week-end
very striking, and their adventures,' as the guest of Mrs. Harry Ilootkins.


through the symphony movements,
very clearly delineated.


Miss lilache (fart, executive secre-
tary onf the United Jewish Charities,
aluminises that Mrs. Joseph Rosen-
zweig presented the Charities with a
Century Electric automobile. Miss
Hart said that the machine will be
placed on sale and the proceeds used
for charitable purposes. The auto is
now at the DeNlond Auto Co. sales-
rooms on Woodward avenues. Those
wishing to buy it are asked to get in
touch with Miss Hart.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parish and
Mrs. Hannah Morse have recently
moved to 2282 Taylor avenue. Mr.
Parish is visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry G. Starr of Pitts-
burgh, Pa.

The West Side Jewish Youth will
hold its next regular meeting on Sun-
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the
El Moshe Synagogue, Michigan and
Twenty-ninth street.
An address if interest to the mem-
bers of the club, as well as the com-
munity, will be delivered by Miss:
Mary Kaplan, the well-known social'
worker. Good entertainment will be
provided, followed by dancing.
The club welcomes all young peo-
ple over 10, and applications for mem-
received at the meet-1



IITOR if it should be, dis-
Cj eliminating Detroiters will
tell you of KING'S. Not only
their parents but their grand-
parents came here in search of
novel and unusual gifts from
all parts of the world—and
found them in great profusion.

Miss Ethelyn
Rae Briggs

Detroit Conservatory of

Teacher of Dancing, Dra-
matic Art, Elocution

An extremely protinet t teacher.
Now ready for new pupils.

Kindly Write for AppoiatmeeL

ers sal
pros!) ,
the ti




Co., s
for It



fa a
its pr

new t



From All the World


"Odd Things Not Seen Elsewhere."

M oll*


WU - Al(110)1/MISN


boryry Aveme,(10 tail Crone RI.,

: 7



the a


E.tabllshed 1848

of In


Musical Buds

Syncopators of Music and Harmony

Lane and Freeman

Phillips and Eby

In an Amusing Skit


"A Satire on the Mo•ies -

Jack Simonds


"The Man of Ease"

"The Military Athlete"

First Detroit Showing in a Story of San Francisco's Night Lit


Star of "The Penalty"




High- Class


EN who appreciate really good garments will
be pleased to learn that we have opened new
quarters at this address and that we are pre-
pared to make in our own shop the highest grade of
tailoring and leave it to our customers as to fit, finish
and make,

Our Product Ranges from Sixty-Five Dollars and up

We'll Appreciate Your Call

Louis Solovich of Seward avenue
has returned from a week's visit at
the Battle Creek Sanitorium.
— .
Mrs. Edward Fisher of Medbury
avenue entertained 12 guests at
luncheon and cards Saturday, No-
vember 12.

The Misses Winston entertained a
party of 10 couples in honor of their
the Misses Frieda Sussman
and Jean Sherman of Denver, Colo.,
evening, Nov. 17.
Perfection Lodge No. 486, F. & A.
M., will hold special communication
Wednesday, Nov. 30. E. A. degree
Miss Edna Steiner of Chicago is
at 1;30 p. m. Banquet at 6:30 p. m. the house guest of her sister,
Also ladies' night. _Owing to lack of Ralph Levy.
space only one lady may accOmpany a
C. K. SANDORF, Secretary.


Established in 1849

On the occasion of the eighth an.
niversary of the marriage of Mr. and
Sirs. Sam Jacobs, a pleasant surprise
party was given them by their
friends at their home, 1418 Virginia
Park, on Sunday, Nov. 20. The
guests were bir. and Mrs. J. L. Palis-
tran, N1r. and Mrs. harry Dizik, Her-
bert Dizik, Mr. and Mrs. J. Grabow,
Mr. and Mrs. Fit. Bornstein, Mr. and
Sirs. S. Cugell, Dr. and N1rs. A. Ja-
cobson and Alfred Ruby of Chicago.





2036 Woodward




Second Hoer




For ■




An All Strauss Program

Dr. Strauss at the Piano

Tickets at Grinnell's.

$2.75, $2.20, $1.65, $1.16

111 430=111:932CSCI=10:1

Chronicle Want Ads 'Bring Results

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