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October 07, 1921 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-10-07

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Peracrjeorn (PI own rai.


armpit IS rill El

ol yrdrakkires-****te



h r woven of ;flowers

All Society limo and old local note , should be common.. Ceti io the office of the
Chronicle by S o'clock rach Wednesday •Iternoon in order to appear in the current wee k'.
issue Phone Glendale 11124. Society FAitto Hail notice. so as to be rereited not lafee

John Breitmeyer s Sons

than Wedneed•t

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rosenhuin
Activities in the Needlework Guild
hove started and donors to thisiand daughters have moved from Wil-
worthy cause are asked to send theirsun
avenue to 65 Rhode Island ave•
contributions to their respective di- nue, Highland Pork.
rectors as soon as possible, as the
need for garments in the various or-1
Sties h um ,. E l O v iI o f Root Palmer
from a two
urgent. If found convenient, a sum, mo th„ , visit to Atlantic City, Pitts-
of money equivalent to new articles burgh and Buffalo.
of clothing will be accepted by the
Jacob Strauss Moss of Astor Court
apartments, West Grand Boulevard,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Krolik en- has returned from an extended trip
tertained at a beautifully appointed to Minnesota and Northern Michigan.
, —
family dinner at the Phoenix Club on
Friday evening last, commemorating
Mrs. 1. Simon of Garfield avenue
Mr. Krolik's eighty-fifth birthday an- is spending a few days in Mt.
niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Krolik, who Clemens, a guest at the Park Hotel.
are pioneer residents of this city.
have hosts of friends in Detroit and
Sirs. Jacob Jaffe (Mabel Bofsky1
throughout the state who extend fe- ,,f Brooklyn, N. Y., is spending two
licitations upon this momentous and months with her parents, Mr. and
happy occasion. Mrs. A. E. Bofaky of Sibley, Mich.

1314 Broadway. Main 4260

David Whitney Building. Cherry 3991

6627 Mack Avenue. Melrose 407





4,4) vtAr%



Mrs. Jacob Klivens of Youngstown,
Returning from a motor tour
through New York and Massachusetts Ohio, is spending the holiday season
are Dr. and Mrs. Hugo A. Freund of with her father of 277 Garfield ave-
Chicago Boulevard.

Harry Bieberslein of Elmhurst ave-
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kahn, who at-
from a fox days'
tended the twenty-fifth wedding an- nue has returned
in New York City.
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Kahn, have returned to their home in
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barundess of
Youngstown, Ohio.
New York, who are spending a few
weeks in Mt. Clemens, spent the holy-
Miss Dorothy Krolik, daughter of
days with Mr. and Mrs. Moe Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Day Krolik of Rowena of Edison avenue. Mr. Barondess fs
street, has left for Poughkeepsie, N. a noted speaker and civic worker.
Y., to resume her studies at Vassar
Returning to their home in East



Launching of a Fall Sale of Furs that is really

By marvelous we mean that the quality and price of
these garments are practically impossible to better.

Therefore, • purchase from us at this time will be mu-
tually advantageous to all concerned.

We Cell For
and Deliver

Remodeling and

Main 7825

Eureka Bldg.


Visit the new center of Detroit's gaiety.

Detroit Conservatory of
Teacher of Dancing, Dra-
matic Art, Elocution

Returning from an extended con-
tinental tour that took them through
France and Italy are Miss Mildred
Simons of West Palmer avenue and
Miss Sylvia Simons of Pallister ave-


c.iceptional menu and service.


William Siegel of Putnam avenue
has returned from a six weeks' stay
at Bartlett, N. II.

o u•



ekirie HODS

Returning from the.r wedding trip
east are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Red-
field (Mimi) Cohen). They are at
home to their friends at 4620 Second

TABLE [ilium
°- , •
II . 25



Seymour Simons, son of ,Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Simons of Pallister ave. a
nue, has returned from an extended
trip through England and Belgium.

IN i

' Wechsler's Kosher Restaurant


1307 Broadway, B'nai B'rith Bldg., 2nd Floor

Phone Cherry 1404

Specializing ill

Good Wholesome Food, Conscientious Service and
Reasonable Prices

A Trial Will Convince You.

In Is amosomu9g®

Motor -- Oil -- Mining


For Cash, Partial Payment or on Conservative

L. H. Clarke Weekly Market Review gives the facts pertaining
a copy
ti. active Nada in the various markets Write today for

E. H. Clarke & Co.

Establish.d 1913.

Niati, Floor Reel Eatate Exchang• Building, Detroit, Mick.

Cadillac 6150.1.2.3.

Private leased wires connecting all offices and markets




o , in lull siring, offering
the - greatest rallies in high-
dials, fashionable fur gar-
ments ire hove ever pre-
b'oresitiht proinplx
r in
your early selection
these choice, rare offerings.
Here are a feu• suggestions of
the n'ontierfrit opportunities.

36-inch model, Skunk
trimming, only $200

COAT, 30-inch
modal, only

length models,


CAPES, ezquisit•
modal $1500



"A Trustworthy House"



Before you buy a new or used car, come in, get acquainted
with us. We have a complete line of standard makes in
used cars. Our stock includes Buicks, Dodges, Maxwell,
Reo, Hudson, Franklin.

4116 Woodward Ave.

5901 Woodward Ave.

Ilitiorroitg of Detroit

LONDON.--(J. C. B.)—A deputa-
tion of British Labor M. P.'s will
shortly leave London to proceed to
Egypt and Palestine.

' . '"•••••• LANE





Jesigned to reduce
the figure and give
stout wornen deader.
g raceful linen

A day law class will be opened


next week, owing to the crowded

In white or pink
coutil or brochis,
sixes 26 te 45

condition of the evening classes.

5.95 to 18.00

For particulars phone or call Reg-


istrar, 630 Jefferson Avenue East.

Is white or pink,

315 to 56 bust
pc, .„ a 05

Cherry 8064.

atois.. •
1.137 WoOdtenall


Big Specials in
Children's Shoes

For Fall and Winter

Milton M. Alexander of Gladstone =
avenue has returned from a few days'
stay in New York.

se simwrinuommow

Fur Sale

fil111 1 1111 1 1111 11 11111111 11111 1111111111111 1111 11111 11 111 11 111 1 1111 111 1111111 111 1111111 11 111 11 111 11 111 1 11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114

Sidney Schott of Chandler avenue
spent several days in Boston, Mass.,
the past week.


Dining Rooms


Kindly Write for Appointment.


Mr. and Mrs. Max Stotter of Bur-
lingame avenue have returned from
an extended European tour.


Young People's Society:
The Young People's Society will
give an evening of entertainment on
Sunday October 16. The principle
feature will be a one act play, "The
Good Woman," to be directed and
acted by members of the organiza-
tion. Admittance will he by member-
ship card only and members are urged
to get their cards at once.

Our October

An extremely proficient teacher.
Now ready for new' pupils.




Miss Ethelyn
Rae griggs

Miss Irene Traub of Jackson, Mich.,
a newcomer to this city, has become
a member of the Temple Beth El

on the illuminated crystal dance floor.


Succoth Services:
Services for Succoth will be held
on Monday morning, Oct. 17, and on
M li onday morning, Oct. 24, at 10
o'clock. All are cordially invited to
the services at the Temple on these
- —
Sunday Services:
Sunday services at the Temple will
be resumed for the season on Sun-
day morning, Oct. 16, at 11 o'clock.
Rabbi Franklin will preach the open-
ing sermon em the theme 'Forms of
Religious Expression."
Sabbath Services:
Sabbath services will be held as
usual at the Temple this week at
10:30. The sermon will he preached
by Rabbi Franklin.
- --
Men's Temple Club:
On Tuesday, Oct. 25, the opening
dinner of the season will he given by
the Men's Temple Club at the Phoe-
nix Club. The speaker on this oc-
casion will be Dr. Harold Lynn
Hough, formerly president of North-
western University. Dr. Hough is an
outstanding scholar, a keen thinker
and a great orator. He should be
heard by every member of the club.
Applications for membership in the
Men's Temple Club may be sent to
M. S. Welt, president, 426 West Lar-
ned street, or to any officer of the
club. The series of dinners to be
given this year will be open only to
members of the Temple Club.

Tawas, Mich., after spending a few
Returning from Toledo, where she days in the city visiting with rela-
visited with her mother, Mrs. Adolph tives and friends, are Mrs. A. Bark-
Feiss, is Mra. Albert Schloss of man And son, Julius,
Grosse Point.
Miss Dorothy Parst u ill of West
Miss Ruth Kahn, (laughter of Mr.
Kirby avenue has returned to Couch-
and Mrs. Albert Kahn of Rowena er College, Baltimore, Md., where she
street, left on Thursday last for
is a student.
Troy, N. Y., where she enrolled as a
-- --
student in Emma Willard School for
Returning from a several weeks'
sojourn in Toronto and other Cana-
dian points is Mrs. S. Harris and fam-
Returning from a few (lays' stay ily of Elmhurst avenue.
at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, New York,
— -
are Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Fechimer
Mrs. S. A. Rosenberg and daugh-
of Pallister avenue.
ters, Irene and Madeline, left on
Thursday last fur San Francisco,
Mrs Mayer Sulzberger and dough-,
Calif., where they will spend the win-
ter, Evelyn, have returned from Nevi ter months visiting relatives and
York, where they spent several weeks
visiting with relatives and friends.
A. C. Brown of Edison avenue has
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Selling of returned from a trip to New York
Hotel Addison have returned from and Washington.
a motor tour through New York and
G. Sufinsky spent a few days in
New York the past week.
Miss Hortense Krolik of Rowena
street has returned from a several
weeks' visit with friends in Chicago
and Milwaukee.



Holy Day Services:
Services for Yom Kippur, both at
the Temple and at the Auxiliary Syn-
agogue, will take place as follows:
Tuesday evening. Oct. 11, at 7
o'clock; Wednesday morning, Oct. 12,
at 0:30. Children's service 12:30 to
2:00; Memorial service, 4:00; after-
noon sermon, 4:30. At the Temple,
Rabbi Berkowitz will preach the Yom
Kippur morning sermon and the other
sermons will be given by Rabbi
Franklin. At the Auxiliary Syna-
gogue, services will be conducted and
sermons preached by Professor Sol
B. Freehof of Cincinnati.

Mrs. Isaac Mendelssohn, who via- —
Rid with her sisters, Mrs. Bertha Zen- =
nor and Mrs. Sam Sloman of East 1 7=
Ferry avenue, has returned to her
home in New York.

Returning from an extended con-
tinental tour through Switzerland,
France and Italy are the Misses
Mary and Fanny Weisman of Vie.
ginia Park.

Lawrence Seeger, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Simon Seeger of Webb avenue,.
has gone to Ann Arbor, where he has
entered the University of Michigan.

Miss llattie Groneman has return-
ed to Detroit after a year's absence
in the Bermuda islands and the east,
and is taking up her residence at
lintel Modison, Madison as enue.

Alexander Wurzberger, who was s =
guest at the home of his parents, Mr. E
- -
and Mrs. Bernard Wurzberger of -a
Chicago Boulevard, for the past =
month, has returned to Sioux Falls,
S. D.
- ---
Miss Valerie Ruegger of Brussells,
Belgium, who has spent several
months in Detroit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred (loch of Burlingame
avenue, has gone to Charleston, S.
C., to become head of the piano de-
partment of a school for girls.

Mrs. Louis Morris of Traverse City
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Join (merman of 40 McLean avenue
en route to a visit with relatives and
friends in Cleveland.
Returning to her home in Chicago
after a pleasant stay with relatives
sad friends in the city is Miss Helen
- -
Returning from Brussells, Belgium, ' ,
accontranied by his bride. a naive of I
Belgium, is Irving Segal of Burlin-
game avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Segal I
will make their home in this city.

William Green has returned from
an extended stay in Tennessee.

We had a big disappointment last week. We advertised
an exclusive special in The Jewish Chronicle for Friday, Sat-
urday and Monday. But on account of postoffice congestion,
the papers were not received until Monday.


So we are going to give you Friday and Saturday of this
week, and all of next week, on these Children's Shoe Specials,
and we want you to come in and see them. They are specials
which, for quality and style, cannot be duplicated. All are
the latest models, in which any youngster may take pardon-
able pride: and they will give service as well.

Misses' Shoes

Boys' and Growing Girls'

$4 • 95

These are broken lots, but contain
values up to $14.00.
If his or her size is

Black and brown with white tops;
very smart; values
$5.00 and $6.00;
a great "buy"


Childs' and Little Gents'

is to IL
$5.00 values;
10 to 13
$5.50 values; made to stand the west
and tear of strenuous


Growing Girls' Oxfords


Dr. Weiss, Foot Specialist

Is permanently located on our third floor at 1059 Woodward.
Examination without charge, and advice in the correct fitting of
all shoes, men's women's and children's. Let him advise you.

Sae Ared

Woodward, near the Campus

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