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September 30, 1921 - Image 44

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-09-30

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Rabbi Leo M. Franklin Delivers Dedi.
cation Address During Impres-
sive Services.

Gigantic Stones for New Temple Betb
k.I Arrive from Indiana Stone

Let Your IV ame and the Names of Those Whom You
w •
i sh to onor and Remember Be Inscribed Herein

The public gene, nor are quite dia.!
SAGINAW.—The most beautiful interested in the process of stone cut-.
and impressive services ever held in ins. Did you e,:er, in passing the
the Jewish community of Saginaw Temple Beth El, the new public lila-
were the ceremonies dedicating the rely or any other such structures,
new Temple of Beth El Congregation stop for a moment to ponder over the
on Friday evening, September 23. question as to who made those mass-
The building, which has hew) made to tae columns, or how these equisite
serve both the religious and social cornices were constructed? For ex-
needs of the community, is the reali- ample, when the new Temple Beth
zation of years of planning and effort El will have been completed, and the
spent b ythe leaders of the congrega- row of majestic columns confront
tidn in tha direction.
you, will you not he interested t.0
'.Witnessed by a capacity congrega- Know who made the.., sal whence
Clover Hill Park
tion of members and their friends the atone came. If the ra ..ar is in-
frhnt Saginaw, Bay City, Flint, and tersteil, scud on.
other neighboring towns, the service
Unique Among
The stones for the new Temple
was opened with an organ prelude hove already been cut. About sty
lays Miss Jennie It. Dembinski, during miles from French Lick, Indiana those
which William Wo!Key, oldest member gigantic stone quarries are located.
of: the eungregetion, led the process- The stones are quarried in this man-
ional bearing the scroll to the ark. ner. From six to fifteen feet of sand
Unique, among comber.
After the scroll was deposited in the and dirt are first removed from the
atic the choir sang the "Etz Chayim" surface. The solid stone is usually his of this country and
response by Schlesinger. The perm
found about those distances below.
tual lamp was lighted by Miss Irene Large splicers are next brought into particularly among Jewish
Philippee, after which Isaac Oppen- play by the use of derricks. These' Cemeteries, stands out
heim, chairman of the building com- splicers arc used in the same fashion Clover' Hill Park Ceme-
mittee, presented the key to the Tem- as those you've seen on our city streets a
ple to Mr. A. D. Philippe, president of in cutting out blocks of asphalt before tery, with its beautiful lo-
the congregation, who accepted it with patches are made in the streets where
landscape garden-
an appropriate response.'
there were ruts. These splicers keep
The Sabbath Evening Service was on chopping in a straight line until Mg,
pavilion, artificial
then opened by Rabbi Cori N. Her- the stone is cracked a certain length lake fountain, myriads of
man of Canton, Ohio, followed by the on top then they are put into play
following program:
perpendicularly and across until the trees, and other beautiful
Dedication Anthem-110w Lovely stone is cracked into one large square effects. This most beauti-
are Thy Habitations"— Setlamae, or oblong mass. Tracks, which have
Choir; Dedication Address—Rabbi already been laid within reaching dis- ful of Jewish Cemeteries
Leo M. Franklin, Temple Beth El, mince of the spot, enable a giant der. comprises 50 acres of roll-
Detroit; Bass Solo—"Blow Ye the rick (on trains) to approach and lift
Trumpet"— Andrews, Mr. W. J. out the giant stones trine its natural: ing ground, gravel soil,
Ilrydges; Dedication Sermon—Rabbi home and hoist it on a that freight car,, and is situated on Fifteen
batik Wolsey, Euclid Avenue Temple, ready fur shipment.
Cleveland, Ohio; Sacred Solo—Mrs.
!Mile Road just east of
Temple Stones Arrive.
Harry Winegarden, Flint, Michigan;
The stones for tne new Temple] Woodward avenue, easy of
Address—"What the Congregation Beth El have already arrived i
n De"' approach lay street car or
Can Do For the Temple"—Rabbi Al- trod, and are lodged in the mills
vin S. Lucius, Temple Emunuel, Du- the Acme Cut Stone Contently. The atutomobile. Even now at
luth, Minn.; Address—"What the general impression that the designs the tender age of two
Temple Can Do For the Congrega- for the columns are
all chopped out years it is noted for its
tion"— Rabbi Carl N. Herman, Can- by hand would readily be dispelled by gorgeous landscape effects,
ton Hebrew Congregation, Canton, one visit to this large cut stone far-
Ohio; Tenor Solo—"The Lord is My tory, which is the largest in Michi-a imposing entrance, and
Light"—Allitson, Mr. Abner Gold- gas. Crimes, which are operated in a general all-around beauty.
man, Bay City, Mich.; Fellowship Ad- this all steel structure, enable them A place of more profound
dress—Rev. Dr. N. g. Bradley, Find to lift these giant stones with as much beauty and solemn sacred-
Congregational Church, Saginaw, ease as you would lift a hand bag,
and deposit them on various types of less cannot be found.
The closing service was read by cutting machines.
Though Clover Hill Park
Rabbi Wolacy, followed by the "Aden
The next process is quite interest- • Cemetery is still in its in.
Odom" by the Choir, and the cloning ing in as much as it enables one to .
the work of beauti.
prayer and benediction by Rabbi understand and just how such perfec- fancy,
If talon has progressed ra-
tion in design is obtained. When
Officers of the congregation are as Corinthian, Doric, Ionic or any par- markably fast, and is still
follows: President, A. D. Philippe; titular design is wanted, a solid steel:going on at a rapid pace.
Vice-president, Israel Rich; Secretary, blade is shaped into that particular This burial ground though
David A. Wolsey; Treasurer, Samuel design desired by experts whose sped-
belonging to Congregation
ally is shaping knives.
Sunday afternoon, September 25,
The giant stones after being cut, Shuarey Zedek, Willis and
the Temple.was, again filled to capa- into slabs by a dreg saw, ore placed' Brush streets, is open to
city to witness an interesting program an a circle saw where they are ripped all Jews. It is not run for
for the dedication of the community into the exact width. They are then
Perpetual main-
put on the planer and moulded into profit.
The program was opens 1 by a pray- the different designs of the architect. tenance is guaranteed.
er by Rabbi Carl N. Herman, followed The next machine used is the jointer.
lip an address of welcome by Alex S. On the jointer they are jointed to the
Levinsohn, chairman of the afternoon proper length. They are then {arcked
program. A feature of the after- up by the cranes and carried over onto
noon f the ,presenkation of a, beau- the banker for: the stony cutters woh
tiful e4dWilag the children cot with pneumatic air totals. The
of the abbath School, The presenta- detail finishing and sawing is done by
tion poem, written and delivered by hand at the mills and also when the
little Helen Seitner, was fittingly re- stones are already laid on the build-
sponded to by the chairman. The ing.
following heads of the various Jewish
organizations delivered short ad-
Miss Lillie Lenhoff, President, La-
dies' :Aid Society,• Mrs. Morris Nover,
Vice-President; Beth' El Sisterhood,
(in the absence of Miss Pepi !leaven-
Because of the steady influx of co-
rich, president) ; tAra. B. I. Rosenberg, religionists into the northwestern sec-
President, Ladies' Auxiliary of B'nai tion of the city, Rabbi Jacob Ilienen-
Israel Congregation; Mrs. Samuel feld of Congregation Emanuel, with
Seitner, Founder and active head of the Board of Trustees, of the con-
the Sabbath School; Mr. Louis Ablo- gregation, have been compelled to ac-
wits, President, Saginaw Lodge No. quire space for the holding of auxili-
636, Independent Order of Irnai ary services.
Brith; Mr. Milton Gre•nehaum, l'resi-
The Westminister Community Cen.
dent, Junior Auxiliary of Temple ter, Glynn Court and Hamilton boule-
Beth El; Mr. A. D. Philippe, !'resi- vard, has been obtained for that pur-
dent, Beth El Congregation.
pose. It has a settling capacity of
The addresses were interspersed by 1,200. Artistically appointed, with a.
the following musical numbers:
light and comfortable auditorium, up-
Vocal Solo, Mr. Abner Goldman; holstered pews and comfortable arm-
Violin Solo, Mr. A. A. Schott; Organ chairs, the building will afford maxi-
Selection, Mrs. R.M. Kempton. Ed- mum comfort for worshippers. A can-,
ward Lichtig of Bay City and Ben for has been engaged for the sees.'
Wiener of Flint, who were called up- ices.
on for talks, responded. A most in-
The hours of services will be Sun-
teresting and impressive address was day and Monday evening at 6 p. m.,:
delivered by Rabbi Herman, followed Monday and Tuesday morning at 7:30
by the singing of "America" by the a. m. Rabbi Bienenfeld will preach at
audience. The guests then adjourned the Monday and Tuesday morning
to the dining room of the building services at 11:15 a. mite Services
where a dainty buffet luncheon was be concluded at 12 o'clock sharp. The
served. The following program was subject of Rabbi Bienenfeld's morn-
then presented:
ing sermon will be "Rosh Ilashona—'
Vocal Solo, Mrs. harry Winegar- Its Significance." On Tuesday he will
den; Piano Selections, Mr. Gerald speak on "The Answer."
Marks; Vocal Solo, Miss Fannie
Sunday, October 2, will be the last
Schonmueller; Vocal Solo, Mr. Jay day that reservations can be accepted.
Lenick. The rooms were then thrown A committee will be in attendance at
open for dancing, which was enjoyed the office of the congregation, 1 Pei
until a late hour.
West Euclid, corner Byron, from 10
Assisting Mr. Levinsohn on the en- a. tat. to 4:30 p. m. As seats are net
tertainment committee were the fol- reserved, it will he imperative that
lowing ladies: Mrs. A. Greenbaum, only those presenting tickets can be
Mrs. Morris Nover, Sirs. Louis Le- admitted. Those who have nut yet
vinshon, Mrs. Max Hirshberg, Mrs. received their tickets are asked to
John (merman, Mrs. B. I. Rosenberg apply either Saturday afternoon from
and Mrs. Philip Sobel.
it to 11, tar Sunday, from 10 to 4:30

Memorial Chapel Near,

C omple t ion.

The memorial ch a pel

laving coniitructed at Clot.
er Hill Park Ca nastily is
i n.,tialf ring
tT i i he i

structure was recently
placed and work le going
on os rapidly as materials
arrive on the job. The
glass has been ordered and
upon arrive], the interior
work will lie started. This
unusual strut tithui ia ,: . auvhwa
made pass able
t horse wlw saw
re of a
splendid opportunity to
perpetuate the memory of
seine dear departed rela.
tail. or friend. The lime
is out t00 late for those
who have not remembered
those ilea r to them who
have passed sway, to have
their names inscribed in
tnntrailivent hrorze
Mrmurial Cabinet s I ia ai
to be placed in a h •
trance of the Meascrial
I Impel. The name of tio•
donor together with that
of the person ie whai•
memory the donation ens
nuttle will apenr (41 sera.
ate little plots and will
rand sonu•w;hmt as tollu'ns:






in Memory of His
Mother, Miriam


• 1111.111111a •



• —


Letters are being =cut
taut to members ad' rain.
grtagation Shaarey Zasirk
showing portraits of the
Memorial Tablet, and urg-
ing that this opportunity
to make the Manorial
Chapel their 'Memorial be
oaken advantage of. Let-
ters are also being sent to
those who have made their
donations asking them to
make sure that the names
for the plate as given by
them are correct. In this
latter group are many who
are not members of the

Bronze Memorial Cabinet, to be placed in the entrance of Memorial Chapel,
Clover Hill Park Cemetery


In accordance with the established
policy of the Philomathic Debating
Club in celebrating the Jewish Holi-
days, the club staged at its fourth
sbssion of the forty-second term a
Jewish program of great merit. Eight
Members, with choice subjects, well
learned and of good authority, fur-
nished the bulk of the evening's pro-
gram. They traced, briefly, the his-
toric troubles of the Jews; the cause
and result of social antagonism; the
possibility of the re-establishment of
a Jewish nation; the significance of
the day of atonement; while Lee
ItOsensweig chosen the best speaker
and Jack Thumin, second best, pre-
sented two well constructive and in-
teresting discussions on "The Jewish
Traits and Peculiarities" and "The
Spring of Endowment" respectively.
The other speakers were: Joe Fine-
inan—"The Jewish Nation;" Gilbert
Applebaum— "The Jew, as Soldier,
Patriot, and Citizen;" David Ilarack
—"Great men of the Jewish Race;"
Hertel Shur—"The Day of Atone-
ment;" Ben Roscnstien—"The need of
European Jewry;" and Louis Rosen-
sweig—"Rosh Ilashona."
:J. Burly Horwitz, an honorary mem-
ber of the Philomathic, also delivered
an eloquent addresd to the members
relative t othe welfare of the organ-
Another prominent man to address
the organization at last Sunday's
meeting was B. Isaacs, well known in
Jewish circles, and principle of Wit-
kin's Talmud Torah. He spoke on
"Jewish Education." Ile outlined the
growth in the movement to give Jew-
ish children a Hebrew education. As
a whole his speech was very entertain-
ing and instructive.
There will be no meeting this Sun-
day, October 2, due to Rah Haahona.

Vibp.41.4......• •



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Patrons of the Colonial Theater,
Woodward and Sibley, will be treated
to a One bill of Marcus Loew vaude-
The bill next week will be headed
by "Let's Go" with Batchelor, Vert
and Kramer & Co. comedians, who will
present the laughable farce, "Fun in
a Railroad Station," which is said to
be a scream. Other acts on the bill
will include Bravo, 'Michielena and
Trujillo, former musical stars, who
will appear in a revue of Spanish
songs and dances while clad in the
picturesque native costumes of sunny
Spain; Walter Kaufman, a well
known fun maker, in the skit, "Home
Brew," which is good for several
laughs; Buhla Pearl, a soubrette who
will present a repertoire of popular
songs, and Peters and LeBuff, comedy
acrobats, in a series of bumps, bounces
and falls.
The picture offering will bring to
the screen the powerful actress, Paul-
ine Frederick in "Roads of Destiny,"'
a play suggested by 0. Ilenry's story.
The story is that of four women
who seek to escape the fate which
destiny seems to have mapped out for
them . No matter which road they
take they run into the very fate;
which they try so hard to escape. Miss
Frederick enacts the four different
women, a task which calls for all the
splendid ability which she possesses.,
The cast supporting her includes
Grace Darmond, John Bowers and
John Tucker. Shorter screen subjects
will also he shown, • comedy and a

be included.

The Bronze Memorial Cabinet open, showing the name of each contributor and the
departed one in whose name the memorial is given


An exact reproduction of a memorial plate, which is to be inserted in the
Bronze Memorial Cabinet as illustrated above


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