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September 30, 1921 - Image 31

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-09-30

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"The Dawn of A New Y ear"



An interesting meeting of the Bicur
Cholem Jrs. was held on Thursday,
September 22, at the Shaarey Zedek.
w t, or at present on the threshold correct words and phrases used in
The installation of its new officers
w era. There is for us a prob. languages of Slavic countries, to
of a ro
Ice that not only concerns getter with a disrupted German and too place.
t ,,
Alfred Mendelsohn, the newly elec-
as American Jews, but that tends, faulty expressions, a discorder e
d tun
to the betterment of the gue—the Yiddish was evolved. Should ted president, gave an emphatic talk,
a ' solved, people, regardless of race, such a vonglomeratodi be encouraged touching upon every phase of the or-
for perpetuation among intelligent
religion or sex.
We are a homogeneous populace, people! Now that the walls ot•the
and hopes cannot "Yudengasse" have men oemolished,
whose as
and should not be diverted to any that we are free to use in sun-
ulterior purpose than service of the shine and freedom, let our mode of ex-
greatest good for the greatest num- pressions be in conformity with mod-
ber of people who dwell in this blessed ern and universal practices. It will
land. This is an incomparable coun- be a progressite step towards Amer,
try with its mosd bt-netirent laws, its icanization, if the jargon is discarded
liberal government and generous pub- and the English takes its place.
lic. Wc need no enabling acts for the
We are at the threshold of a new
exercise of our functions. All are era. The world's war, despite the
equals before the laws of the land, cruelties, destructions, horrors, has in-
its statutes and enactments. Every fused ardent hopes in many hearts,
avenue of prosperity, honor and hap- that tend to bring to us ever possi-
piness is open to us. We who are bility for contentment. We have prov-
immigrants or children of immigrants en during the horribly inhuman strug-
may vie with each other and all of our gle that the Jew is the equal in valor
fellow citizens for the attainment of and patriotism to any other man, no
material success and most favorable matter where he lived or fought. Ile
positions of honor and emoluments.
may not as he does out, receive today
The dawning day presages for us a all the recognition his acts merit, but
brighter, a better vista of tomorrow, the law of compensation to reward
if we will it. The horizon widens with the deserving and to punish the tra-
every coming hour for all who look ducer will eventually be the just ar-
with honest and ambitious intent to biter.
the rise of another sundown. But this
For us in the blessed United States
being vouchsafed do not let us dere- of America the outlook for ourselves
lict in our duties and obligations as and dear ones was never better. That
dwellers in this benign land.
we also must contrbute our share
It has been said by one of our wise towards the general good of all, not
and co-religionists that it is of para- alone to our government, but the wel- ganization's important work, and the
mount importance and obligatory to fare of our fellowmen, needs no argu-
co-operation essential for a successful
every Jew "to learn the language, to ment. We have no right to reap un-
obey the laws and to follow the cus- less we sow. This is fundamental to
A musical program took place con-
toms of the country in which he our success and happiness. Discon- sisting of Sol Sarnoff, vocalist, as-
lives." This is obvious and permits tent is only too often imaginary and sisted by Miss Gertrude Sarnoff, at
of no dissent and I want to emphasize the source of many illes that are the piano; Miss Elizabeth Weiss, vo-
this axiom with all the power within avoidable. Be it my friends that each calist, assisted by Miss Francis Adel-
and all of us aim for an ideal. Aim stein; a piano selection by Miss Gert-
Is there a cogent reason why we as high, our sages aptly said. Ile is rude Sarnoff; and a recitation by Mr.
Jews should dress differently than powerful who can control his desires Paul Gerelick completed the evening's
our neighbors. Have we not had and subdue his passions. With laden- entertainment.
enough of the "yellow badge?" Let tial will-power, the higher we place
The next meeting scheduled for
our costume then, be according to our ideal the more gratifying ends Thursday, October 6, will be an im-
the costume of the land. Ancient de- we can attain. There is no reason portant one, and all members are
crees can readily and without con- for the Jew in this country to be else urged to attend.
scientious scruples be net aside. These than hopeful and optimistic for a bet-
A musical program of unusual
are not basic to true religion.
ter and happier future.
merit is promised.
Regarding obeyance of laws, no
I conceive that generosity towards
good and true man will want more
all people is on the increase. Even a
than a reminder, that a failure to more harmonious relation between all
comply meets with deserved punish-
religious sects is evident. The wave
of present intolerance •is gradually
A Poem by Mrs. Miriam G. Slobin.
And as to language. Why should
the Jew persistently cling to the use
happily this country knows little
of Yiddish as a vernacular? If the
It- cone again to chide our thoughts
immigrant from the Slavic states if anything of the "Kastengeist"
And higher ones inspire
cannot acquire the language of our (caste) as exists in foreign lands and And we must take our concience
country, there is some plausible ex-
Unto our Godly Sire.
cuse to talk the Jargon, but to teach the obtaining rule of equality and op- It is most holy to pronounce!
it to the children and to perpetuate portunity. With the honest ambition
Our Rosh liashona.
it in all sorts of ways, I consider as and determination of all foreigners to
detrimental to the best interest of the adopt American ideas and ideals, The year we passed in folly,
Jews. Yiddish was originally the there is an increasing realization of
Or with revelry made jolly.
language of the Ghetto—the sunless, the spirit of democracy upon which Upon His ledger of accounts, it stands
darkened, narrow streets with high these United States were founded and
On Rosh liashona.
walls that were closed with iron doors evolved into permanent and perpetual
at evening hours, so that the Jew existence.
It shows us those commandments,
I close with the hope that the "dawn
could not mingle with the Gentiles.
That ever will renew
Driven and deported from various of a New Year" will bring with it The charity and virtue in the
countries they congregated wherever progress, peace, good will and hap-
Heart of every Jew.
tolerated and were then herded in piness as for all who abide within the
Our Rosh Hashona.
the wall and doer bound alleys. From border of the "Land of the Free and
the babel of voices—a variety of in- the Home of the Brave."
Whether we're cold or erring,
Resolve comes back witit,daring,
On Rosh Hashona.





Announces to America the Most
Economical Automobile 'Built

Here is a car that will cost you lees to
operate and maintain than any other auto-
mobile that you can buy.

The Chevrolet has established a new motor
car standard of value for those who wish
to purchase and maintain low-priced,
quality automobiles.

The Chevrolet Motor Company, has built
the best car in the low price field that
money and brains have yet produced.

Here is a car ready for you to use and en-
v n eroy 3uInorus ovre for r r
will tai?e
your business a
'I g o r y i . . a u"t omo
recrea tion. And ityo comes to you fully
equipped—ready for the road.

This car, at its low price, represents the
fullest value of today's dollar. It is built
of materials priced in accord with today's
market. It represents all of the present
day economies.

See for yourself the car which changes all
former standards of motor car value, and
offers the modest buyer the kind of an
automobile he has been unable to buy



Here Are the Features of this Chevrolet:

Valve-in-bead Mote,

Light weight

Mechanical acceintibility

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Correct Weems!

Complete equipment

(PowerfcA ••.Mc/A d••••d.

High tire mileage—M.1 •t••
nominal tire sis•

Unusual hill climbing ability

Eager Acceleration over wide


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St andard clutch, brake, and

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See this automobile into which has been built sturdiness, dependability
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CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, 'Division of General Motors Corporation

( 5800 Woodward Avenue,
Retail Stores:— I General Motors Building,


Phone Northway 500-1-2

Grand Boulevard West and Cass.

Service Station: 441-5 York St.

Through tears and with repentance,
Our soul seems much relieved,
For voluntary sin and others
Our sentence seems reprieved.
On Rosh Ilashona.

Joseph Zuckerman, - formerly of the
Detroit Board of Commerce, attached
For patrons who seek a wholesome-
to the Alien Free information Bureau, I clean and scrupulously Kosher diet, With life and light anew,
is president of the American Travel the opening of the Riverside Hotel in
Hope follows, shining, true,
Bureau, with offices at 1519 Broad- Mt. Clemens, Mich., carne as a wel-
For another Rosh Hashona.
me boon. The Riverside Hotel,
co me
klr. Zuckerman, upon hk resigns- ranking as one of the biggest and
, i it not completely equipped hotels in the
lion from the Board of Commerce
opened the Zuckerman Foreign E x- health resort, is conducted as it strict-
ly Kosher hostelry with its own
Shochet and MashgiaCh.
The curative qualities of the min-
eral baths at Mt. Clemens is well
known in every part of the United
States and other countries. The ad-
vantage which this city holds over
other health resorts is that the climate
is suited to the baths throughout the
entire year.
It is interesting to note in this con-
nection that the Riverside Hotel was
built adjacent to the original Mt.
Clemens mineral well which supplies
the bath-house of the hotel with its
healing waters.
The hotel and bath house are under
the same roof. The bath-house is per-
fectly appointed, large and airy, and
has a modern gymnasium i in corier-
thin with it. It is situated on the
charge, under which name his bureau bank of the Clinton River and is ad-
was known until recently, when scent to a beautiful park. Three
changed to the American Travel acres of lawn fronts the hotel. All
roonis are well lighted, and ventilated,
Mr. Zuckerman, because of his un- furnished with steam heat, hot and
the foreign elements of the city in cold running water, telephone and
foreign exchange, steamship tickets, all other convenient accessories. The
rear rooms of the hotel look out upon
passports, etc.
al Mr. Zuckerman because of his un- the Clinton River and the front rooms
usual linguistic ability, his thorough face the spacious lawns, tennis court,
knowledge of European conditions croquet grounds.
The lobby and parlors are taste-
and his comprehension of the many
difficulties that beset the average fully decorated. The dining rooms
spacious, with a tea-room in con-
foreigner who does not understand
the language of our country, was very venient connection. The hotel is
accessible by Electric car serv-
successful in his work as interprter
and advisor of the Alien Free Infor- ice and the Rapid Railway.
Hotel is notified in time, aut-
mation Bureau, in which capacity he
served many thousands of Detroit's omobiles will meet the guests at the
rooms. Further information
foreign born folk during the two
can he obtained by writing directly
years he was so affiliated.
Mr. Zuckerman has as his business to the hotel.
partners A. J. New well-known De-
troit broker and member of the De-
troit Stock Exchange, and George J. LEAGUE OF NATIONS

00-5V=1-0 50 54, 51 +1 . -.

ee. Tof, iReeooet&f,eoeoeee

Good Store Lighting
Is Good Advertising


l'ITTSBURG.—(J. T. A.)—The
sale of the Dearborn Independent has
been prohibited here by City Ordin-
ance, but Ford's publishing company
intends instituting suit against the
municipality of Pittsburg for the ar-
rest which occured last week, of two
newspaper venders who disobeyed
the city's rules and sold that paper
on the streets. One of the young men
arrested was from Buffalo.
Representatives of the Independent
had asked the City officials for a per-
mit to allow public sale but were re-
fused. The arrests took place sub-

GENEVA.—(J. T. A.l—At Wed-
nesday's session of the Mandate Corn-
mission of the League of Nations'
America 's attitude to the question of
mandates was again the subject of 1
discussion. The majority of the
members maintained the view that
the question would have to remain
pending till definite decision on the
part of the United States government
was forthcoming. lard Robert Cecil,
on the other hand, maintained that
America's view on the matter was
well known and that nothing could
be gained by further postponement.
After considerable debates, the
commission adopted a resolution urg-
ing the powers to come to an agree-
ment on mandates as soon as possible.




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Buy Diamond Tires from as and you'll learn the truth of the minim,
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We handle all standard makes of tires,

Everybody is attracted by bright, skillfully
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A store so lighted as to catch the eye of
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The Detroit Edison Company

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