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September 30, 1921 - Image 27

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-09-30

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Lost: A Parcel of Transgressions

and understand that Ile was not in God. Neglect not my children, my
of honest mars respect. They also ly no more," you must set the exam- the fire, storm or earthquake, that Ile kin, my brothers, the dear ones of my
appear to believe they can raise chil- ple by n stricter observance of the was revealed in aeft and benign whis- soul. You must do something to save,
dren to be good and happy men and Sabbath. You must honor your se- pers. God admonished hint that the to rescue them. Make resolutions, de-
women without the moral influence of md cause by attending to it person- world did not (lie out when Elijah vise means in your minds on the moun-
the duty of an radicals to hold on to
The story which I ant almut to re-
ally in all public meetings of the con-
tain before the Lord. And with such
religious instruction. They think
their ideas. I am not the only one
dies, and charged him to anoint an-
(Continued from page 6.)
man might be rich and comfortable gregation, in divine worship or any other king and another prophet. God's resolves let us open the portals of late to you, dates from the first day who is of this opinion, there is any
It . began,
charity and societies Of benevolence. and do a lucrative business without other religious gatherings. You must promises must be fulfilled, however the Future and enter with the King of last Rosh Hashanah.
amount of such radical orthodox peo-
But at the same moment it was
any religion; therefore they have torn 1• zealous at your homes as Well as in wicked -this or that generation may of Glory, Who will bless, protect and thus:
While erforming the ceremony of ple like myself.
understood and misconstrued by many down Thy altars, and also, (ibis! the public that the word of God be made be. Coil's word is eternal, but gen- guide you all.
And now that you are aware what
May the year open with the light
others into emancipation from all altars of their children, the altars of a known to the young and the old by erations come and go. The Midrash
is transpiring in our congregation I
need to respect what heretofore had rising generation! The fathers have all Imams at your command. In brief, adds to this: "%1'hoever depreciates of truth, the sunshine of prosperity by the actions of Reverend Doctor shall relate to you what I had found
been esteemed as sacred and vener- eaten sour grapes and so the teeth of you men and women in Israel must he Israel, let him look out not to lie de- and happiness to all. God grant you llotsmach, shaking
in that package, which the Reverend
able. Such persons have thrown down the suns are set on edge. The fathers Jews and Jewesses of the present cen- preciated himself." Isiah said, "And hre, pea, and happiness. God grant his garments.
I was anxious to learn what possible Doctor llotsmach lost at Tashlich.
Thy altars and adopted the cults of imagine they can do without religion tury, as you can no longer be Israel- i dwell among a nation of impure you contentment, satisfaction and
I picked up the parcel with tremb-
Mammon, Venus and Bacehus. They and so the sons do without it. One ites of a previous date, and set the ex- lips"; and by way of reply he . he- joy. May God protect your health, in- transgressions a divine is apt tu dis- ling hands and shoved it hurriedly in-
have threwn down 'rhy altars and re- wicked noun leads many astray; one ample to others by cherishing the con- ceived a burning coal with which to crease your wealth, enlarge your pose of at Tashlich. I admit, that
my Itlachsor and started for home.
turned to an abandoned heathenism. Satan consumes many victims; one viction that our Judge, our lass Giver purify his lips. Moses said, "Bear, sphere of usefulness, pervade your people are gossiping about him, hut
my Machsor
is there anybody exempted from be- The very thought that
"This is nothing, that is nothing, all debased ringleader leads many to cor- our King and our Saviour forever.
ye, rebellious ones," and he was told souls with heavenly light. Amen..
"And Thy prophets have they slain
ing ridiculed and criticized by our contained a lot of sins, caused my
is nothlng," is their crude motto; "let rupion. So reform was abused, so
"Thou shalt not bring this congrega-
Jewish brethren? The Talmud relates,
us eat, drink and be merry, for tomor- the altars were torn down, so good with the sword."
these are!
tion into the Land of Promise." Elijah
that even Moses our great Law Giver, what sort of transgressions
mw die." "Knowledge ansl learn- morals, intelligence itself was defiled
Elijah complains furthermore, as if said, "The children of Israel have for-
has lean talked about. It was rumor-
ing may be good for professional no they have deserted Thy covenant. he intended to say that all hope of
gotten Thy covenant," and he was an-
Examining the parcel, I found two
ed that he had some intrigues with a
nice," they say; "intelligence and en- They hay, o utcrown the forms of the reformation and restoration appears swered, "Go and annoint Elisha ben
NEW V( LK.--The Rabbi Isaac
sermons. One was written in a true
lightenment may he necessary fur Middle Ages and have not grown high to be lust. For the misguided people Shaphat a prophet in Thy place."
Elchanan Theological Seminary, 301-
Now is there any wonder that I be- orthodox .style while the second
writers, orators or professors; enough to understand the lofty prin- of his day had deserted he covenant
:1, East Broadstay,
held graduation
reform. At first
but We live, we take life as it is, we ciples of a purely spiritual religion. destroyed the altars, the doctrine and
Well do we understand all this, for exercises on Thursday, September 22, came inquisitive to find out what the sounded more iike
Reverend Doctor llotsmach was try- the incident looked rather queer, but
are practical men. Persons of this They have overcome the fear of hell the deed had been ',reverted, and history emphasizes it frequently.
at the Ohab Zedek Congregation, IS ing to exterminate from his Prince upon reflecting a little 'while, 1
stamp are characterized by the words without learning the hate of the lird; most irreparable loss, the only men Whatever individuals, whatever a
West 11 fith street, when I1 of its
thought of the American fad, to in-
of Ecclesiastes, And the superiority therefore they scolf with infidels and who could bring about a change for class of individuals may do or say of
Albert coat?
students were ordained. The grad-
Suddenly, I saw a package of paper vite outside speakers to lecture on
of man over beast is naught, for it is laugh with the frivolous; but they the better, the prophets, had been Israel as a community of all ages and
uates were as follows: Joseph Burg, dropping from beneath his garments. strange pulpit on the exchange basis,
all vanity." For they are but little have not learned to think and reason slain with the sword! Might we not generations, the holy One huts said,
Michael Charlop, Jacob Joseph Fried- "Ah!" I contemplated to myself, as much as the Americans and Ger-
evolved beyond their simian ances- with earnest men. They hove forgot- today utter the cry of despair: "We "Verily, thy are My people, children
man, Isadore, Goodman Simon I.evy, these are but papery transgressions mans are in the habit of exchanging
ten everything and learned nothing. have no more prophets?" The proph- who lie not." Israel always was and
professors among themselves. "Per-.
They have torn down Thy altars. They have thrown oti the burden of ets are gone and ignorance has in- in now faithful to his God. The Ini• Max Lichtenstein, M. Rabinowitz, after all, they are not serious."
lienzion Leon Rosenbloom, Joseph J.
Nevertheless, my decide to pick up haps," I thought to myself, "this Rev-
They would not go into the old syna- the Sabbath, the yoke of divine wor- creased. Those who are appointed to malty must not be taken as typical,
gog, and do not show their faces in ship, the restraints of the law without replace the genuine prophets are to cundemn the majority. One man Schwartz, Reuben Seltzr and Julius L. the paper package in order to examine erend Doctor liotsmach has a double
its contents was increasing. Such is invitation from two different congre-
the new temple. They did not pray submitting to the dictates of reason, "your prophets," who reveal unto you one class of men, yea, one generation, Siegel.
Most (.1' the graduates have already human nature; one is anxious to re- gations, one being reform, and the
in Hebrew and do not pray in English the imperative decrees of ethics, the messages of falsehood and seduction. may fail and fall, yet "the word of our
beeause they cannot pray unless demands of humanity, self-control and Almost anybody appears in our days God will stand forever." The holy
veal the ways of the clergy; the hid- other orthodox, hence these two con-
Representatives of ninny national den secrets of the God fearing and touting sermons."
to be competent enough to replace religion of Israel is beyond human
Providence smites them with misery. self-perfection.
Upon persuing the sermons, I found
They could not listen to the old melo-
Moses and the Prophets, their pre- power to injure. Well do we know
pious people, who are often led
For the sake of my brothers and my cepts and the eternal truths of his- how the large majority of this congre- rabbis from every section of the coun- astray.
them to be abundant with various
dies of the old-fashioned precentor,
and have, no ear for the uplifting
tory. Any young man of common gation, in fact, all of our congrega-
But before describing the contents Talmudical phases. in his reform
The Sabbath preceeding the gradu- of Reverend halm Ilotsmach's par- sermon he made mention of the Tal-
music of our choirs; it does not af- needs to be spoken, I beseech yo u school education in our days any bank- tions, are faithful to God and Israel.
ford them the right excitement. They
opt man who hits failed in his res- But Ile is my God Whom I humbly
eel, I shall be forced to chronicle the mudical aphorism, stating that, he
did not read the Bible or any other sake of those who sink, go under, and pective profession or trade, any ordi- worship; they are all my own people stance of the Union of Orthodox Rab- latest incidents which occured at our who is expectorating in a Shul is spit-
ting in the apple of his eye, then, he
religious book and do not read any drag others down into the whirlpool nary man who perchance has read a my own flesh and blood, whom I love; bis of America in the orthodox syna- Congregation "Temple Jacob."
book now unless, perhaps, it contains of self-destruction, let me cry out, hook and was lucky enough to become this Law of God is my law before gogues of Greater New York and the
At all appearances, the present quoted a Midrash, where it says, that
a sufficient amount of the salacious "Heal, rebuild the altar of God, which wealthy—almost anybody has become which I meekly bend my head. There- country, in which the work of the situation of our Reverend Doctor llot- he who is possessed of lore, but is
and sensational. They worship not is overthrown!" You, he better men a substitue for the prophet, author- fore I mourn, I weep fur those who Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological sma•h's position in ou r congregation lacking common sense, is like a per-
on the Sabbath and propose now to and better women in Israel, who stand ized to tear down and uproot to scoff fail and fall and disappear in the cur- Seminary and its place in Jewish life is rather shaky; he hits been on the son who possesses bread but is want-
deceive God and man also on Sunday. today upon the mountain before your at things sacred an d laugh at the rent of popular vices, and cry, with in America was explained.
decline for sonic time. SoinehoW the ing the medium of eating it. Then,
On Sunday, the Theological Semi- members are not contented with him. again, another passage of hte Talmud
There is no God in their ears, God and Father; you who do not bend teachings of reason, and a blind mul- the bereaved mourners: "Horrid deep,
therefore none in their houses and your knees before Baal, who love titude pleasure loving and amusement give hack my children!" Therefore I nary Alumni Association will meet
The real pious Orthodox Jews, dis- where it says: "That he, who is pray-
families, none in their children, none truth and righteousness, God and hu- seeking, worship this idol or that fe- mourn with mourners and weep with and discuss problems affecting Juda- like him on account of his too great ing aloud, is considered a believer of
to sustain a moral character. They manity—you must do something to re- tich, is bribed and corrupted by a the wretched; with Mother Rachel in ism in America.
flattery of those so-called reformers, the inferior sort, and is likened unto
The program includes, addresses by while the latter, have a grudge a false prophet, and furthermore, all
boast Of what they do not and believe claim the fallen and the falling. You laugh or pleased by scandal. May we Rama do I cry: "Woe unto our chil-
not, although they would not care to must make up your minds to give not exclaim, "Anti Thy prophet have dren who run to self-destruction!" Rabbi Dr. Bernard Revel, President against him, because, they think he precepts are supposed to benefit man-
the Faculty; Rabbi Dr. Ph. Klein; is flattering too much the Orthodox kind, but when they happen to be a
they slain with the sword?"
tell what they do and believe.
Therefore I call, from the recesses of
I do not overdraw; you know I of His laws, to give honor to Israel by
torture to humanity, they shall be ig-
my heart, to you, men and brethren, Rabbi M. S. Margolies; Rabbi Dr. B. people.
Rabbi B. Leventhal; Pres-
do not. There are quite a number of
Thus, the poor man is east between nored."
And yet, however just that prophet's fathers and mothers, sons and dough- ident of the Union of Orthodox Rab-
people who have become libertines in to human nature by going before
The above is a clipping of his ser-
two fires, and for awhile, he sought
complaint appears to be, it did not ap-
this respect, and appear to believe others with good examples and in- pear entirely so to the Almighty.God morial. I cry: Go out, come forth bis of America, and Rabbi Joseph J. to grasp some opportunity, to lecture mon which he prepared for the reform
they can, without cherishing any re- spiring deeds. "That they may hear admonished that zealous man to know and stand on the mountain before Schwartz, Valelictorian.
at some out of town congregator, with
ligion, he good, moral men, deserving and may see and deal presumptuous-
His orthodox oraton though, was of
a view of capturing some of the new
an entirely different nature. Ile
I wish to remark that by a singular claimed that the fear lest the young
paradox, the older menders of the generation may cease to attend the
Shul, are the ones, who strive to mend SW is entirely groundless. There
of the ways of the wayward Shul-go- were times he said when the houses
era. They strive to stop expectorating of worship were entirely vacant, yet
on the floor, to cease conversation the idea of reform Was never toler-
during the reading of the Torah; they ated.
There is a story about Rabbi Elie-
are agitating to popularize the ideas
of the younger set for a general im- zer, who came to Shul once, and there
no Minion to "daven'', his efforts
provement in Shul affairs. On the
other hand the young radicals, who to find the tenth member was in vain,
compelled to set one of his
never "Daven," or make a "Broche"
nor do they observe Sabbath day, or male servants free, in order to re-
fast on "Yom Kppur," they are the plete the Minion, he, rather than es-
ones who strongly protest against re- tablish a choir of Shikses, and an or-
form, and claim to be strong Ortho- gan in Shul, chose to deprive himself
of the use of the servant.
What more do you want, here is Mr.
As far as cleanliness is concerned,
Lipkindson, the culture Zionist, who, this was good enough while Israel has
as everybody knows, is an infidel of been upon his own soil, now, however,
the first calibre, even he, is preaching since Israel is in exile, it is best to
against reformed Judaism.
comply with the admonjahnsertr of
"Excuse me may dear Mr. I.ipkind Rabbi Jehuda, who.advlsen us no': to
son," I thus accosted him with my In- make too much ostentation in the
terrogation. "flow is it possible for Shul. For it is more appropriate, for
a person of your ideas, to cherish so the sake of the Jewish spirit of humi-
much orthodoxy? You, who have such liation to leave moss to be accumula-
liberal views; who has a reluctance ted upon the sacred walls of the sanct-
towards anything Jewish, you, who uary, than to display any gaudiness,
besides culture Zionism have no faith that the scriptual saying may be ful-
in Judasm whatever, how can you filled. "And I shall lay your sanct-
tolerate orthodoxy?"
uary waste," meaning, that even if
"This matter can be easily elucidat- the Shut will remain unswept and un-
ed," Mr. Lipkindson declared without cleaned, it will still continue in' its
the least hesitation, "just because I sanctifid state.
am so liberal and disbelieve in Jud-
When the eve of Succoth arrived I
aism whatsoever, is reason enough for made up my mind to return the ser-
me to detest reform. Since such im- mons to their owner. I shall, by so
provements, as to prohibit expector- doing, perform the Mitswah of restor-
ating in Shul, to stop talking, to pre- ing lost articles to their possessors.
vent promenading between those pews
Upon handing the parcel to the
such reforms are apt to animate the reverend gentleman, he remarked po-
Jewish religion instead of decreasing litely: "You, Mr. Karp, must not mind
it; such improvements are apt to at- the variable mood of my sermons now
tract the young generation, who in days the rabbi must be very shrewd
fact hate a tendency towards religion and possess the faculty and skill to
since it became a fad in America. • revolve upon all directions. Judaism
• It looks like religion is a part now days is fathomless, and one must
of the necessities of life, I am there- be well versed in human nature in or-
fore of the opinion, that the reformer der to comply with the wants of the
greatly interferes with our liberal Various creeds and sects of the differ-
views, while the real orthodox Jews, ent communities. One must essen-
who are strictly adhering to the an- tially possess the art of mind reading
cient traditions, as smoking cigar- and expose to his own knowledge the
ettes in Shul, drinking schnaps, and psychology of the various congrega
all together transforming the blouse tions. This is a fact which you nee(
of Worship into a saloon and club nut keep as a secret either, go ahead
house, such people are actually driv- and put it in print, by so doing it wil
ing away the young generation from at least give me notoriety. For pee
the Shul, as the young Americans will ple of our calibre, advertisement takes
never tolerate such exercises in the a leading part. A happy new year
House of the Lord. It is therefore and thanks for your trouble, so long.'

On Mount Horeb




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