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September 30, 1921 - Image 24

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-09-30

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PlEpErKonjoami (A ROM IcIL


The Vision of Moloch's Reign



Dodge Brothers Flooded With Com-
ment.; Ohio Editor Inspired to
ling to the last, my savory drink off-
Pay Eloquent Tribute to
ering shall be.
"Great has been your sin, ye weak
and worthless children of man, and
What comes after the purchase
great shall be the sin offering that ye
shall bring. If a single soul commit price?
a sin, a single life may be offered. If
Ever since this cryptic phrase began
a nation commit a sin, many lives appearing in the national magazines,
shall be offered. But if mankind be tally papers and on billboards
steeped in sin, then nations the sin from one end of the country to the
offerings shall be.
other, Dodge Brothers, who pro-
"I shall not, indeed, destroy all na- pounded the question, have been re-
tions. Eternal I am, and eternal my ceiving an incessant stream of com-
worship shall be. Life will ever grow ments. Some were from critics who
and blossom, and death will ever questioned the prudence of flaunting
strike and slay. Man will ever tor- a "negative suggestion" before the
ture his brother, and sacrifice his life world. Others were from admirers
to me. Mankind I shall not destroy, who wanted to say that it was the
but nations my offerings shall be.
'best attention-getting slogan they
"In the distant and snowy North had ever seen." Hundreds came from
two of my faithful nations dwelt. One Dodge Brothers Car owners who
was great and mighty, covering the hastened to venture the opinion that
face of the North, towards the rising "satisfaction" or "dependability" or
of the sun. The other, not as great, "low upkeep cost" would soon be
but mightier by far, dwelt in the flashed across the country as the of-
North, towards the setting of the sun. ficial answer.
My faithful sons, whose hearts were
But the great majority of these
pure, without a stain of ancient vir- comments, many of them scrawled
tues of mercy and kindness, whose across the margin of an advertisement
souls were devoted to my name, my torn from a newspaper or magazine,
Four brazen basins, engraved with altars and my offerings, I net on were humorous references to perplex-
ancient, mysterious character and fig- thrones to rule them. Faithful were ing situations in which motorists have
ures strange, were placed at the four my beloved little Molochs, and faith- found themselves after putting down
sides of the mighty image. And four fully served me their trusted servants
the purchase price.
little human beings Mood solemnly my holy priests. The sacred fires on
"Jail," wrote one, adding that "our
and silently at the four basins. And my altars were never extinguished, speed cops never miss a thing."
when the ghastly black light, emitted and pure, innocent, childish blood fil-
In the opinion of those who had op-
from the blazing fire of the furnace led my sacred basins to the brim. The portunity to see all these comments,
flashed across the faces of the four sweet cries of tortured life filled my however, the masterpiece, the true
little human beings, a weird black godly soul with eternal bliss, and the summarization of all the impressions
smile quivered at the corners of their sweet savor of singeing, scorching, expressed in the mass of letters and
withered lips, and their eyes cast a burning human bodies filled my be- marginal notations which reached
fierce, glaring glance.
ing with eternal life.
Dodge Brothers, was an editorial
But an unhappy wave of ancient which appeared in the Ohio Daily, of
Suddenly, a mighty chorus of num-
berless voices of mysterious beings, life, long bilried in the sealed sepul- Elyria 0. Judge is merit for your-
unseen in the darkness, sang in won- chres of the ancient gods, broke forth self. It I follows:
through an unperceived fissuer of the
derful, wierd, enchanting melody:
"A well known car has been carry-
quaking rocks, and shook the air, and ing an advertisement for the past
shocked the minds, and moved the month or two, with the one sentence:
"Worship, rising nations, ....
hearts of men. And mighty changes 'What conies after the purchase price.'
The glorious god of hosts
The great and mighty Moloch." were wrought in the universe. As the
"We were reminiscent when we
air was shaken and currents changed, read this. What does come after the
And, as the sounds of the myster- the waves of light passed with a rap- purchase price? Well, we remembered
ious voices melted away, thousands idity unknown over the universal airy there was the license to run the car.
upon thousands of aroused pale be- sea. And the human eye was affected There was the membership in the
ings, whose heaving bosoms quivered and began to perceive things in a automobile association, which the
and glittered little Molochs of silver light, which I have forbidden. Man's secretary insisted we should take out.
and gold, joined their voices in a song mind soon began to conceive life and There was the spot light we had to
being as seen in the forbidden light, get for self-protection. There was
exalting mighty Moloch's glory.
and his soul turned away from me to the gasoline and the oil, and then
Suddenly the four little human be-
follow other gods. And sacredness of there was the puncture, 19 miles from
ings who stood at the brazen basins,
human sacrifice was denounced, and a hair cut, and 15 miles from a lemon,
lifted up their white withered hands,
the abhorrent virtues of peace and and we had left the pump in the gar-
and the singing of hymns ceased. Sol-
love were proclaimed. My beloved age, and we did not have a spare
emnly and silenty, thereupon, bent the
little Molochs were deposed, and my tube. And then there was the colli-
four aged, mysterious beings and dip-
altars demolished.
sion, and the repair man and then
ped their hands in the basins. Seven
"These rebel nations to slaughter there was the insurance, and the
times they bent and seven times they
I have devoted. Your sin offerings speeding, and the cop, and the judge,
dipped. And as they lifted their
they shall tie. Peaceful death will not and the fine, until it finally reached a
hands, at last, a horrid sight shock-
overtake their lives. The invader's point where we began to wonder if
ed every living heart, and a deep fear-
avenging sword, devastating step, we ought to figure up the cost after
ful silence reigned in the horrified
and burning trial their land will the purchase price, and we concluded
world of night. Streams of blood
mark, and stsrvations slow and mis- that he had better act like the man
were flowing from the upraised little
erable death the inhabitants will con- whom we asked how much his car
hands. And as the ghastly, black
cost him: this was before we owned
light of the blazing fire of the furnace
"The sin offerings I have chosen, one, and he said, 'I do not know. I
flashed across the flowing streams of
kept track of it until I found I could
blood, there was revealed in every
trembling, sparkling drop of blood way of sacrificing them I made known not afford it, and then I quit keeping
track.' We thought that was wise
numberless miscropic human beings
for many a man to do.
convulsed in burning agony of dying will perform.
"But then there is the other side.
"Is there • people willing to per-
The automobile is a tremendous boon
On their knees fell the silent
business. It has undoubtedly kept
throngs of the nightly world. Terror kind's sin offerings to death? Is there
stricken, they beat their breasts, kiss- a people whose children have not gone down the cost of transportation. It
ed the dust of the sacred ground, and astray, whose hearts have not been makes it possible to get packages and
shedding tears of fear and repentance weakened by feelings of mercy and freight there on time, and it simply
prayed to Moloch that he may forgive kindness, and whose minds have not annihilates distances and time, so that
been perverted by conceptions of the person living three miles from
their sins.
righteousness and justice. Is there church is but six or seven minutes
"'but the oldest of the four little aged
a people worthy of being consecrated away. It turns every country town-
men who dipped their hands in the
to my sacred service, worthy of be- ship into a neighborhood, and it trans-
blood of the basins, came slowly and
forms the city back into the country.
coming my priestly nation?
solemnly forward. And high above
Silent stood the nations in the dark- It unites families for a joyful holiday.
the prostrate, terrified, weeping and
ness of the night. Every living heart which cannot he estimated in value,
praying throngs rang his mighty
was thrilled with hope and fear. But and it brings many out into God's
no people came forth to dedicate it- great out of doors, and gives every-
"Blaspheme not, ye sinful sons of
self to Moloch, to be his priestly na- body a prospect in life, which they
earth. Speak not of mercy to Moloch,
knew nothing about heretofore.
and shed no tears of repentance.
"Much of this other expense can be
Suddenly from the depths of a deso-
Mighty Moloch knows no mercy. Mu-
late vale in the North faint voices avoided. To he sure, you must have
loch, great, has no pity! }lumen
a license to run the car, and while
were heard calling.
blood as drink offerings he accepts,
"Save us, 0 Moloch, and we are membership in the automobile associa-
human bodies into ashes he turns, and
yours. Free us and we dedicate our tion is a valuable thing, you can live
human souls to his raging, burning
without it. You do not have to get a
life to thee.
soul he returns.
"Oppressors have deprived us of spot light. Punctures do not happen
"Now hearken, ye sinners, the word
our place under the sun. Three as often as they used to; in fact we
of Moloch, for his spirit speaks
neighboring nations have parceled up have driven five thousand miles with-
through me, and his word is on my
our land and took possession of our out a puncture, and there are people
tongue. My holy commandments ye
soul and life. Our pride they hum- who have driven for 15 or 20 years
have forsaken, and the dead virtues
bled, our body they crushed and our and never had a collision, and of
of ancient gods long departed ye have
soul they defiled. Great has been our course speeding should not be in-
acquired. And when you do come to suffering in bondage, but greater still dulged in in any case.
pray to me, their abhorred virtues you
"There are some things a family
our hate. Our blood has been turned
bear on your blaspheming lips.
into gall, our heart is beating with a should have before they have an auto-
"Wherefore mention ye mercy in
lust of blood, our soul is inspired with mobile, but we do believe that the
your paye to me—the god of torture
hate, and our mind is taken with re. automobiles have kept families to-
and death. Wherefore shed ye tears
venge. Save us, 0 Moloch, and thy gether, have dissolved approaching
in your prayer to me—the god of holy
consecrated nation, thy priestly na- divorce cases in the then air, and have
o drops
y a ncdo o rcrool o r em., eN ry
been an anexhaustible joy to the home.
tion, we shall be forever."
watery mois-
"Yes, the automobile is worth what
Great rejoicing broke forth among
ture of decaying souls my burning
the assembled nations. The four it costs to every family which can af-
soul desires. But streams, aye,
mysterious little beings who stood at ford to have it. After the purchase
streams of crimson, boiling, gushing,
price, is business, pleasure, union,
(Continued on Page 10)
living blood of mighty lives, strugg-
mingling with others more frequently,
and brotherhood. As the fellow said
about marriage, it costs more than to
be single, but it's worth it."

In the sullen silence of the dark and
dreary night there fell upon mg-ears
some solemn sounds. Concentrating
all my attention, I discovered the di-
rection of the waves and sounds.
Shortly they grew in strength and
clearness, and I heard a solemn call.
"Awaken, ye nations, and worship
your God!"
As the voice ceased, there arose a
great bustle of nations stirring in the
darkness of the night. Glaring eyes
cast wild, wandering glances, piercing
the deep darkness. Suddenly they
stopped and fastened a wondering
gaze at the center of the earth.
I turned my eyes and behold, a
mighty, wonderful image of gigantic
human form is majestically seated on
the highest of mountains, at the cen-
ter of the earth. Its head was of glit-
tering gold, and its eyes, of diamonds,
reflecting the light of the distant
stars. Around the eyes was a frame
of lead, shedding molten burning eyes.
Its stretched, mighty arms were of
brass, and its red hot knees supported
a mighty open furnace, from whose
mouth a black raging fire was rising.


In addition to the hand-
some appearance and
complete appointment of

PT) .

Nedium7Vol:Ot Six


a few of the important features are sub-
mitted for comparison.

Six-cylinder Continental Red Seal

7 R Motor, developing over fifty,
horse-power. 3 1 .' bore by 4 15'

New General Motors approved










r. 0 B.

Dept r•ir

Borg & Beck disc clutch.

Frame seven inches deep.

Extra long spring suspension.
Combined length of springs 184'.

115' wheelbase.

Steel felloed wheels.

32' x 4' Cord tires.

Alemite high pressure lubrication.

Scripps-Booth Corporation

Detroit Branch, 8231 Woodward Ave.

The announcement of the new
prices of Chevrolet Four-Ninety mod-
els—$525 for open models and $875
for closed cars—comes at the time
when the public wants to buy auto-
The public wants the utmost value
for its money today. The public re-
sponds to the appeal of price and
The new Chevrolet prices meet
these terms. They give the public a
completely equipped, dependable and
economical motor car at the lowest
possible cost.
Every possible saving in manufac-
turing cost is effected in the eight
Chevrolet factories. The public is to-
day receiving the benefit of these sav-
ings. This alone enables the com-
pany to build a car so complete as
Chevrolet Four-Ninety at its new
price, $25 f. o. b. Flint, Mich.
The improved Four-Ninety, with a
spiral bevel ring gear and pinion in
the rear axle assembly, tapered roller
bearings in front wheels, a new hand
control emergency brake lever, new
clutch pedal and brake arrangement,
positive alignment of transmission
and other new features, added to the
well known units such as Auto-Lite
starting and lighting system and Wil-
lard storage battery, which make up
its complete standard equipment, is
of greater value than ever before.
Chevrolet Four-Ninety models are
selling at prices lower than have ever
been reached by Chevrolet models be-
fore. The new prices are far below
pre-war levels; in fact, they go back
to 1915, and considering the improved
quality of the Four-Ninety and the
regular equipment it carries, this
sturdy Chevrolet model is selling at
a lower price today than it hu ever

The Pike's Peak hill-climb contests

were divided into three separate
events, according to the piston dis-
placement of the entries. Hudson
was catered in only one. But its
time of 19 min, 16.2 sec. was faster

than any other car ever made the

course, regardless of class or price,
except another Super - Six special,
which set the unequalled record of
18 min. 24 sec.


Hudson Wins
at Pike's Peak

Breaks All Time Records Except Its Own

A Hudson Super-Six special, entered
and driven by the Hudson dealer of
Oshkosh, Neb., again won the Pike's
Peak hill-climb classic up the highest
road in the world defeating teams of
much costlier cars, driven by such
noted professionals as Ralph Mulford
and others.

Hudson won the Penrose cup for the
fastest timeofanycarin the threeevents.
Hudson's time was 19 min 16.3 sec-
onds. This time has never been equalled

except by another Hudson Super-Six
special, which in 1916 set the record
for the course of 18 min. 24 seconds.
That record still stands despite the fact
that time after time the costliest special
cars have struggled to match it.
Isn't it convincing evidence of Hudson's
superiority, that a car entered and
driven by a dealer, so decisively de-
feated the specially built, professionally
driven teams that the makers of cost-
lier cars sent out to win?

Now *1895 f.o.b. Detroit


Sales Dept. 444 E. Jefferson Ave. Main 3786.

Branch, 61 Charlotte A... Cadillac 53


Members D. D. D. A.—Responsible Automobile Dealers Who Sell Only Reliable Cars.





Where Buick Automobiles are
on display in Detroit and Author ,
ized Buick Service rendered

Buick Motor Company

General Motors Building

Harley- Buick Sales Company

3752 Cass Avenue

Owen & Graham Company

2843 East Grand Blvd. at Oakland

Starkweather-Buick Company

3766 Woodward Avenue

Siegel-Zeckendorf Company

4234 Woodward Avenue


Division of General Motors Corporation

Pioneer Builders of Valve-in-Head Motor Cars

been priced before.


KOVN0.—(J. T. A.)— The tele-
graph offices here are accepting cables
written in Yiddish and in Hebrew .


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