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September 30, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-09-30

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octal And



Per Month

A prize of $250 is offered by the'
National Federation of Sisterhoods
to a member of any Sisterhood in
the organization for the best sugges-
tion as to possible ways and means,
of raising money for the building of '
a dormitory at the Hebrew Union
College of Cincinnati to alleviate the
housing shortage and to provide con-
genial and suitable surroundings for
the Rabbinical students. This offer
expires on Oct. 15 and all communi-
cations are to be sent to Mrs. Ab-
ram Simon, chairman, Washington,

You can avail yourself of our
Deferred Payment Plan, the
most dignified credit plan to be
found anywhere. No extra
charge or interest. Ask us
about it.

D. C.


With Gray Enameled Tank




from every standpoint the greatest
washing machine value on the market.

Its ten sheet capacity, almost double
that of other washers—its absolutely
harmless and etTective method of forcing
the hot, soapy water through the clothes,
thereby washing them clean—its conven-
ience and simplicity—and the fact that its
makers, the Syracuse Washing Machine
Corporation are the largest manufacturers
of washing machines in America—make
the "Easy" the most inexpensive and pop-
ular washing machine made.

Let us demonstrate an Easy in your
own home now—today. There you can
see for yourself how easily all your wash-
ing can he accomplished. Let us know
what day is most convenient for you.

Elaborate plans are being formu-
lated by the program committee of

the Jewish Woman's Club in outlin-

Our Display of
Furniture Is
Delightful in Variety

ing a program of unusual interest to
be presented this coming season. All
regular meetings of the club will be
held at the Federation Club house,
Hancock and Second Boulevard.

Of interest to Detroiters is the an-
nouncement of the marriage of Miss
Carol Jeannette Adler, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Adler of Mil-
waukee and granddaughter of the
late Seligman Schloss of this city, to
Edward Hines, son of the late Rear
Admiral and Mrs. Ilodgson Hines of
Washington, D. C., which took place
on Saturday, Sept. 17, at the country
estate of the bride's parents, Terrace
Lodge, on Ocononwoc lake, Wis.
Among the Detroit guests who at-
tended the wedding were Miss Hor-
tense Krolik, who attended the bride
as maid of honor; Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Schloss, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Enggass, Louis Lambert, William
Fleischman and Frederick Morris.

The Fall season sees home-makers of all
kinds brightening up their homes for the long
winter months.

Returning from Pittsburgh, where
they spent a few days visiting with
relatives and friends, are Mrs. Ilenry
Wineman and son, James, of East
Kirby avenue.

One of the first rooms in the home to come
to the attention is always the living room—
the family room.

Make it cozy, comfortable and let it have dis-
tinct charm by placing in it only such furni-
ture as will enhance its beauty, but is reason-
able in price.

Charles Mayer, who with Mrs.
Mayer (Jane Rosenheim) have been
guests at the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Rosenheim of,
Pingree avenue, returned on Friday
last to New York, Mrs. Mayer re-
maining for a longer visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Freud of Ilo-1

tel Wolverine accompanied their par-

Easy Terms


$10.00 Down, $10.50 Per Month


1415 Broadway

Main 3566



Herbert Weil, well known former
resident of Detroit, who visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenfield of Put-
nam avenue and Mr. and Mrs. An-,
drew Wineman of Chicago Boulevard
for the past two weeks, returned on
Sunday last to his home in New

2314 Woodward Ave.

"Upper Woodward—Low Prices"

Mrs. Henry Fechimer of Pallister
avenue has returned from Phila-
delphia, where she enrolled her
daughter, Miss Miriam Fechimer, In
an eastern school for girls.

Mrs. Henry Van Baalen of St. Jo-
seph, Mo., formerly of Detroit, spent
a few days in the city the past week
visiting with relatives and friends en
route to Dayton, Ohio, where she will
assume her duties as the newly-elect-
ed executive secretary of the Jewish
Charities of that city.


Returning to Poughkeepsie, where
she is a student at Vassar College, is
Miss Sara Lambert, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Lambert of West
Hancock avenue.



Mrs. Marcus Marks, formerly of
Returning from a trip to Duluth
and Mackinac Island is Jerome Freud Detroit, now of Manistee, Mich., spent
a few days in the city the past week.
of Hotel Wolverine.


Expert Marcel and Water Waving

Try Our Anadon Packs and Preparations
Our Complete Line of Hair Goods will please you.

Phone Main 5310 for Appointment

We wish our many friends and
patrons a Happy and
Prosperous New Year


1525 j BroadWay

Eureka Bldg.


Main 7825

Start the New Year right
by going to the


All Prices Reduced on All Foods

Dancing — NO COVER CHARGE — Orchestra

After-Theater Parties Are Our Specialty

2940 Woodward Ave.

W. A. Chin, Manager

We welcome you to our store to view this
furniture, as well as qur immense stock of
furnishings for every other room in the home.
We aim for the highest quality at the lowest
price—and we nearly always hit the mark.


ents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Strauss of
Chicago, to Watkins Glenn, N. Y.,
where they spent the past two wekes.

M. A. Haas of Hotel Charlevoix
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Hart of Alexan-
has returned from a trip to New York
drine avenue have returned from
and Atlantic City.
ACV/ York, where they attended the
marriage of their daughter, Miriam
The Misses Charlotte and Marcia
Hart, to Theodore Sykes of New
Ermann, daughters of Mrs. A. Er-
mann of West liancock avenue, have
resumed their studies at the Univer-
Walter M. Fuchs of Delaware ave- sity of Michigan.
nue has returned from a few days'
visit to New York.
Miss Florence Brown and Harry Z.
Brown of 81 McLean avenue are tak-
Mrs. Julian H. Krolik and son,
an extended motor tour through-
Henry, have returned from a brief
out the Eastern States.
visit in Chicago.

The Twine, famous movie star hairdressers and beau-
tifiers, are just back from Los Angeles and will dress
your hair like your favorite star on the

At Hartman's you will find a large and varied
assortment of furniture, including over-
stuffed; cane and Mahogany, and all the
period designs, offering helpful suggestions
to those in quest of better things.

Mrs. I. Goldberg and daughter,
Barbara, of Seward avenue have re-
turned from rhsrlevoix, Mich., where
they occupied their summer home
during the season.

William Meyerfeld, who was the
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Meyer Friendly of Elmira, N. Y., for
the past two weeks, spent a few days
in the city enroute to Ann Arbor
where he is a student at the Univer-
Returning from a trip to Duluth sity of Michigan.
and Mackinac Island is Herbert Rob-
inson of Chicago Boulevard.
Miss Anna Ruth Solomon of Glen-
nie, Mich., spent a few days in the
The Misses Jeannette and Eliza- city enroute to Ann Arbor where she
beth Tandy spent a few days in the will resume her studies at the Univer-
city as guests of Miss Rae Ilimel- sity of Michigan.
hoch of Calvert avenue, en route to
their home in Indiana.
Miss Zoa Cohen of Alpena, Mich.,
was a recent guest at Hotel Wolver-
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Rollman (Jo- ine enroute to Newark, N. J., where
sephine Freud) of Cincinnati are re- she will visit friends and relatives.
cowing felicitations on the birth of
a son, Justin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton S. Ashner and
daughter, Winifred, have returned
Mrs. A. Weiler and son of Indian- from a two weeks' tour through New
apolis, Ind., were recent guests at York State.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris !ti-
ger of Burlingame avenue.
Returning from a several weeks'
trip at Petoskey, Mich., is Mrs. Joseph
Dr. Roy Greenthal, who spent a M. Weiss of Rhode Island avenue.
few weeks visiting with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Greenthal of
Miss Gertrude Marks of Oscoda,
Tuxedo avenue, has returned to his Mich., epent a few days in the city
home in Ann Arbor.
enroute to Milwaukee-Downer School
for Girls, Milwaukee, Wis.
Miss Sadie Selminsky of East Bos-
ton Boulevard has returned from a
Leo and David Welling of Brush
several weeks' visit at Fasherman's street are making an extended East-
Paradise, Bellaire, Mich., and has as- ern motor tour through the White
sumed her duties at the Franklin and Adirondack Mountains.
Street Settlement.
Donald Brin of Dallas, Texas, was
.1. J. Marks of Burlingame avenue • recent guest in the city visiting
spent two weeks with relatives and with relatives and friends.
friends in Boston and Worcester,
Returning from New York where
she attended the marriage of her sis-
M. L. Lasser of Edison avenue has ter, Miss Miriam Hart to Theodore
returned from a visit with relatives Sykes, is Mrs. Sidney Silberman of
and friends in Akron, Ohio.
Burlingame avenue.

C. S. Blomstrom of Chalmers ave-
Of interest to Detroiters is the en-
nue spent a few days in New York gagement of Miss Gertrude Goldberg,
and Atlantic City the past week.
formerly of Detroit, to Julius Abram-
son, of Los Angeles, Calif. Miss Gold-
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Harris of berg is a sister of Mrs. I. 0. Rosen-
Hotel Tuller have returned from ■ berg of Collingwood avenue.
trip to Chicago and Cincinnati.
Miss Eva Kahn of 89 Rowena street
I. R. Brueckner of Hotel Charle- has returned from a several weeks'
voix visited with friends and rela- visit with relatives and friends in
tives in Columbus, Ohio, the past Chicago.

Greetings of the Season


Henry The Hatter

Main 970

205 Gratiot Avenue


Returning from a three months'
W. H. Schaffner of Hotel Charle- stay at her home in Gaylord, Mich.,
voix returned on Thursday last from is Miss Lillian Beatrice Kramer, of
a trip to Akron and Columbus, Ohio. 89 Rowena street.

Returning from New York and At-
Mrs. Jennie Lebenaberger has
lantic City is L L. Reuben of Tdison moved from the Roycourt Apartments


to 428 Ilendrie avenue.

41111 ■

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