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September 23, 1921 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-09-23

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the dearth of rabbis, it is particularly gratifying to see this
new evidence of an awakened interest in Jewish leadership.
It is a presage of a bright future for Judaism in America.



Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc.
Joseph J. Cummins, PreeldenL

Join a Synagogue.

1410 . 11

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More than once we have said in these columns that the
Jew or Jewess who is without religious affiliation is an anomaly.
(The New Palestine.)
General Offices and Publication Building
tiny one may follow, the fact remains that it is his religious Dr. Albert 11. Putney, dean' of the
850 High Street West
School of Diplomacy and Jurispru-
faith that over and above all else distinguishes the Jew.
Cable Address:
dence of the American University at
Chronicle tation. Neither the lodge nor the club nor the charities nor Washington, and during the war chief
Glendale 8326
of the Near Eastern division of the
any other organization nominally Jewish can logically be con- Department of State has written an
strued as the representative organization of Jewish life. The article in the Fellowship Forum which
should be read by those who seem to
synagog and only the synagog is that.
be uncertain of American sympathies
Subscription, In Advance
Therefore we appeal to every Jew and Jewess in the com- with Zionism. Dr. Putney is of the
opinion that Palestine cannot be made
To insure publliation, all correspondence and news matter mud reach this
'Nee by Tuesday evening of each week.
ular congregation. We care not whether one affiliates him- ILCItrisetiltehreellvlion;rg that
self with the most Orthodox congregation, or with the most concludes that it would be for the
Editorial Contribute,
radical. Here in Detroit there is a wide range of choice offered best interests of the world at large
The Jewish Chronicle Invites correspondence on subjects of Interest to the to Jews of varying shades of religious opinion. There are that it should be Jewish. Just as
Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for en Indorsement of the view synagogs that may well take rank with the old Chassidic con- Palestine occupies a peculiar
graphical position on the border line
expressed by the writers.
gregations and there is at least one that is radically Reform. of two continents, so the Jews occupy
a peculiar racial position on the bor-
Elul 20, 5681 Between these two, there is a vast number of congregations, der line of the occident and the orient.
Sept. 23, 1921
conservative and Orthodox. Many there are whose member- They seem to possess the ability to
ship represents particular countries and localities. There is understand and mingle with both
therefore no excuse for one being unidentified because his Eastern and Western peoples. A
Masked Cowardice.
Palestine would occupy a
particular religious views are not reflected in the practices Jewish
unique position. It would be a place
The reading public throughout the land is being regaled and customs of one or the other of the existing congregations. where East and West could and would
Moreover, the charge that is sometimes made that con- meet and mingle. The greatest work
with exposures of the methods and policies of the so-called Ku
such a Palestine would be not
Klux Klan Whose object is asserted to be the salvation of Amer- gregations as they exist today are rich men's institutions does of
cultural benefits to be derived by
ica from the dominion of the Jew, the Catholic, the negro, and not apply in Detroit. Many of the congregations are organized the
members of the Jewish race, but the
the foreign born. And the fulfillment of this object, grotesque on a basis of absolute democracy. Moreover, for those who broader work it might do in bringing
as it is, is said to be undertaken in the name of one hundred for economic or other reasons cannot see their way clear to together East and West and explain-
each to the other. We welcome,
percent Americanism. Here is but a mask for corwardice, for joining any of the congregations now established, there are ing
Dr. I'utney'a lucid exposition of the
unscrupulousness, and for ignorance. One can conceive of supplementary services arranged with which one may affiliate subject and appreciate his warns per-
nothing that is more un-American than the fomenting of race himself either gratis or upon the payment of a sum purely sonal sympathies. They show that
well-informed non-Jews see no con-
hatred and religious predudice.
with Americanism in Zionist
At this season in particular, when the holy days are ap- flict
That the Ku Klux Klan has grown by leaps and bounds in
hopes and aspirations, and they con-
every part of the country until now it is said to number upward proaching, every person in the community should think well jure up none of the difficulties non-
of half a million members is not as surprising as at first blush of the problem of synagogal affiliation. The moment occasions Zionists see in the upbuilding of the
would appear. Of course every true American is shamed at of great joy and particularly of supreme sorrow occur in the Jewish national home.
the possibility of race and religious hatred organizing itself family life, persons turn first of all to the good offices of the THE GREAT SYNAGOGUE
in our time and country. But we must count with the fact that synagog. Why should they not do so at other times? Why
(Hebrew Standard.)
there is still much ignorance in this country and the percentage should they not feel it their bounden obligation to support
of illiteracy in the southern states where the Klan has most morally and materially the institution upon which the entire Dr. C. Duschinsky's "The Rabbinate
the Great Synagogue, London,"
prospered is abnormally great. Moreover, very often, great Jewish• life of the community is builded? Where the life of of
which ran seriallly through several
wealth, even fabulous fortunes are at the command of the the synagog is strongly established, one may be almost sure recent volumes of the Jewish Quart-
most ignorant. This must explain the fact that the propagan- to find a Jewish community that meets its social and civic erly Review, has new been published
dists for the organized forces of hatred and misrepresentation obligations in something approaching adequate measure. Where in book form in a limited edition by
the Oxford University l'ress. The
have met with the success that they have. We have little the synagogal life is weak, so, too, will be the community life. study
well deserves this independent
Let us then strengthen our various congregations. Let publication, for it is a careful and
doubt that when a thorough investigation shall have been
made, a close connection will somewhere be found between the us spread abroad the word, first among the members of our expert account of the London Jewish)
from 175f, to 1842, as re-,
agencies North and South that have been fostering the spirit own families and households and then among the larger com- community
fleeted in and by the personalities of
of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Catholicism and those who with munity of our friends—"Join the Synagog.”
the principal rabbis of the Duke's
their grotesque rites and practices have created the organiza-
Place Synagogue, the leading house of
worship of the German section of the
tion that is said to be responsible for more than one outrage
English community. And these rob;
that has been committed against men and women in various
his, as is evidenced by Dr. Duschin-
A Dream Realized.
parts of the country.
sky's book, were all remarkable men
So far as the Jews are concerned, they need have very little
Our hearty felicitations are given to our sister congrega- who left a profound impression on all
came i
anxiety from this latest manifestation of hate and prejudice. tion at Saginaw, Michigan, upon the realization of its dream volume
c e ne t .t eirt
t g
%e h T e.
The very fact that it masks in the cloak of Americanism is some day to possess a house of worship and community center graphics of Ilirsche'l Lewin, David
sufficient to discredit it in the eyes of those who truly know of its own. For many years, Congregation Beth El of that city 'revels Schiff, a collateral ancestor
what Americanism means. This movement like others of its has been holding services at more or less regular intervals of the late Jacob 11. Schiff, of New
Ymks, and Solomon Ilirschell, the suc-
kind, given enough rope, will surely hang itself. Let us there- in a rented hall. But it has never had at its disposal facilities cessive
occupants of this rabbinical
fore not take it over-seriously. The movement is thoroughly to carry on with a degree of adequacy the religious and com- post. Dr. Duschinsky has produced
un-American and by that token, it cannot prosper in our time munal work that ought to be undertaken by a community of a work of striking interest and of con-
siderable impoi lance for Jewish his-
the size and prominence of that of Saginaw.
and country.
toriography. As a contribution to
For many years, the late Max Ileavenrich who was the the science of Judaism it is entitled
recognized leader of Saginaw Jewry had worked with zeafous to high rank.
enthusiasm to the end that the congregation might buy or build
Correcting a Misquotation.
a place of worship. But before his plans could be carried into ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL
No man who serves the public can hope to be free from mis- effect, he was summoned to his reward. There is an old rab-
(Th American Ileb.rew.)
quotation at the hands of newspaper reporters and others. Of binic maxim that "No good man is called from earth until an-
such misquotation the writer was the victim during the past other is born to take his place." And so fortunately it happened
here is a mystery that should tax
week. On Saturday last, he was quoted in an afternoon local in Saginaw. And upon the passing away of Mr. Heavenrich, the the keenest sleuthing-hounds of the
Reports em-
daily as saying some things about modern charity adminis- duties of leadership fell upon a man whose indomitable energy anating from persuasion.
San Francisco convey
tration which were so ridiculous on their very face that to con- and whose rare zeal for Judaism have proved themselves to be the information that on October 1st
the building of an aquarium to cost
tradict them would seem to be almost unnecessary. The re- a real asset to the Jews of his city.
Under the guidance of Mr. A. D. Philippe and his able $275,000 will be commenced in Golden .
marks attributed to him cast a decided slur upon the rich man
Gate l'ark; the money
who engages in philanthropic enterprises and they tended to
by the late Abraham eein
S t a t . The
to strength, with the result that on Friday evening of this question is: Why should a Jew spend
ridicule many who engage in social service.
The fact of the matter is that not only could no utterance week, it is to dedicate to the service of God and man, its new so vast a sum on an aquarium? What
has a Jew to do with an exhibition
of the writer by any stretch of the imgination have been con- synagog and community center. We predict for our sister of
fishes that cannot be commercial-
strued as expressive of such sentiments, but no interview such congregation a growing usefulness from this time on. The ized. Index finger to forehead, there's
as the article purported to report, was ever given. It was time should not be distant when a resident rabbi shall be en- , a mystery here! Add to this news the
wholly the creature of a reporter's perfervid imagination. We gaged who shall devote his entire time to the work of upbuild- unexpected unearthing of Lord Roth-
as one of the most distinguished
take this opportunity of calling attention to the misquotation ing the religious life of Saginaw Jewry. There are other com- schild
living naturalists and you can see how
lest coming as it did on the eve of the great Community Fund munities in the state, too, that should follow the example of the San Francisco mystery becomes
Drive to which every person in our community should contribute Saginaw. Once a Temple is built in a city, it is likely that the international. A museum of natural
history in England maintained by a
'eagerly and generously, there may be some who would find Jewish life will not lag as it often does in the smaller com- Jew!
An aquarium in San Francisco
munities. To those responsible for bringing the dream of earl- I built by
in the misquoted article an excuse for not doing their duty,
a Jew! It should be as plain
It is our definite belief that to many of the rich men in the ier days to fulfillment, we again extend our hearty con- : as day that here is another of the in-
' ternational Jew plots; an attempt, no
community, the possession of wealth is a sacred trust and to gratulations.
doubt, to capture all the 'Specimens
cast aspersions upon them would be unworthy of any right
that grow on the earth, that fly in
minded man. We believe that many persons of wealth and
the air and inhabit the depths of the
position, though at times overzealous in their efforts, are doing
seas, in order to capture the Golden
Gate (money is always in the back-
heroic work for the poor and the unfortunate in the community.
ground) and frustrate any settlement
In a time like this, it would ill become anyone with a spark
of the Pacific problems which might
of humanity in his heart to undervalue the sacrifices of money,
be peacefully solved at Mr. Ilarding's
Disarmament Conference. Or, is this
time and energy which these people are giving to the solution
New York Day why he did not attend the phase of world-revolution schemed
of the problems of poverty by which the community is con- JUDGE A. LEVY, BACK
the Congress now meeting at Carts in the protocols of the Elders of Zion
FROM EUROPE, TELLS bad, Judge Levy replied. "I decided I , which is to make propaganda for
to go to the Congress because I Bolshevism among the flowers, the
represented the Independent Order birds and the fishes?

named as second-clan matter March 3, 1916, at the Postale* at Detroit,'
Mich., under the Act of March , 1579.

(Copyright, 1921. By Chas. H. Joseph.)

Colonel Simmons, the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, is
going to enter wholesale libel suits against the newspapers of chic
country because he alleges they have placed the Klan in the wrong
light before the nation. I don't see any reason for the colonel bacon,.
ing nearly no excited as the rest of the people of this country. Here we
have, according to the press, half • million men banded together in a
secret organization bearing the name that once carried terror through.
out the South because they took the law in their own hands. They are
charged with being anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish, anti-Negro and anti-
alien, and the newspapers of the United States say that such an organ-
isation is anti-American. Tint result is the Federal government has
begun an investigation. If there is no reason for the secrecy; if every-
thing that the Klu Klux intends to do is orderly and lawful, why not
come out in the open? That would be far better than libel suits,

NEW YORK.—(J. C. B.) —Judge
Aaron J. Levy, Grand Master of the
Independent Order B'rith Abraham,
returned last Friday from Europe,
abroad the steamer New Amsterdam.
In an interview he gave out to news-
paper reporters, Judge Levy described
the terrible plight of Jewish communi-
ties in Europe.
During his trip he visited Poland,
Galicia, Germany and Austria. He
described the Jewish situation in Po-
land as particularly disastrous and
stated that every Jew there was anx-
ious to come to America.
Asked by a representative of the

B'rith Abraham and could not go as
an individual. Furthermore, 1 would
very much like to see peace established
within the Zionist movement. Though
I am heart and soul in favor of the
Keren IlaYcood I do not believe that ,
that fund con be successful in this
country unless the two factions conic'
to an amicable understanding. The
fact is that the majority of the Zion-
ist leaders whom I met in Paris, in
London and in other cities, feel that
the break has been the cause of ser-
ious damage and that the Congress in
Carlsbad ought to adopt a resolution
instructing the leaders to make peace ;
with the American minority faction."






I ens • great admirer of the Atlantic Monthly. Despite what some
of our "het-up" co-religionists say, that this magazine has been par-
ticularly opposed to Jews, I don't believe a word of it. There have
appeared articles that I didn't, as a Jew, like. I thought thin s were
prejudiced. Nevertheless I could not find it in my heart to say that
the editors of the Atlantic were opposed to Jews because of that. Then
I read that they were opposed to the Catholics, and yes, strange to
say, no meg•sine has hit the Protestant church and clergymen harder
than the Atlantic. It has published article by •nti•Bolshe•ists and it
has published many by radicals of all nations. So I have come to the
conclusion that we Jews have no reason to jump to hasty conclusions
because of the appearance of an occasional article that may be uf•ir
to us. The fault with most of us who criticise is that we don't read
enough. Analyze the contents of the Atlantic for • period of • yea r
and you will find that I am right. The Atlantic is not prejudiced. The
editor says so and I believe him.


I advise every philanthropic worker, every officer of • philanthropic
society, every patron of • philanthropy, e•ery subscriber to a philan-
thropy to read Cornelia Cannon's article "Philanthropic Doubt." which
appears in the September "Atlantic." Mrs. Cannon knows what she
is writing about and she thinks in a line. She comes to the conclusion
that we are being "over-philanthropised," (if I may coin the term).
Private groups are trying to do the job of the community and the na-
tional private philanthropies and philanthropists are using poultice
when the surgeon's knife is necessary to cure the social ills which
these private philanthropists are trying to cope with.

I cannot refrain from quoting • paragraph from this splendid
article. Says Mrs. Cannon, "The Philanthropists belong to • class on
which the injustices of our present basis of society have not borne
very heavily. They serve unconsciously •s a bulwark of the status
quo, for whose defects they are ready and eager to apply palliatives.
They are the great menders and patchers•up of society, not the sur-
geons who cut deep into the festering sore and scrape the bone. They
express the tenderness and pity of man, not his reasoning intelligence."
Then she goes on to say that so many philanthropic organizations and
workers have an almost fanatical sense that they and they alone hold
the key to human regeneration. "To the outsider it looks like • lot of
ants tugging from all sides et • dead beetle." It's ■ good article and
will probably shock some of your smug complacency.

In the same issue the editor takes occasion to say "There will be
cramps in the nation's 'innards' before the last Jew is assimilated. That
we have always thought, and here is proof of it." Below this state-
ment we find a letter from Rabbi Joel Blau of New York who makes
this striking statement: "To many a Jew as to a few thoughtful Gen-
tiles,'the remedy seems to be, not in the Jews ceasing to be Jews, but
in the Christians becoming Christians." This is commended to the
attention of "Assimiliationists" who believe the Jewish question c•n
he solved by the dissolution of the Jews. Sure it would — no Jews — no
Jewish question. Simple as perpetual motion.

A Hopeful Outlook.

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I don't wonder that the "Imperial Wixard•Ernperor of the Invisible
Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan—and I feel like continuing
"Emperor of India," and so on and no forth, like one reciting the title
of some foreign Potentate. But I started out to say that its no won-
der the Imperial Wizard is so peeved with thenewsp•pers of the

United States when one reads the expose of the Ku Klux Klan, as now
directed by the Imperial Wizard William Joseph Simmons. One of the
Klansmen disgusted with the whole movement which he ch•racterixe
as a money-making scheme has written • letter which appears in th
nation-wide journalistic expose that the New York World has un

Quite interesting indeed that bit of news regarding Henry Mor-
genthau's attempt to have the British government make a separte
peace with Turkey and thus gain that country's allegiance to the
Allies. And equally interesting Dr. Weizman'. check-mate of that
move because he relived that if once Turkey made • treaty it would
mean the prolongation of that empire's existence and would sound the
death knell to Zionism. Then another Jew, • Mr. Weil of France en-
tered into the game to see that France's rights were safeguarded. In
the end Weixmann won: how, no one seems to know but according to
this more or less official gossip Weixmann showed himself to po
marvelous influence with the British Foreign Office. So he in given
credit for having put Turkey out of business.

This is the way I just love to pay my compliments to those I hate.
The American Israelite has this paragraph: "A reader of the Israelite"
calls its attention to • scurrilous article that appeared in • recent issue
of the Labor Advocate, ■ local journal, and asks the Israelite to take
notice. This it declines to do as both the Labor Advocate and its
editor rank so low in public esteem that to pay any attention to what
they may have to say would be to compliment them far beyond their
deserts." That is what I mill, good old-fashioned journalism.

Hotter than Sunshine


To those who are interested in the spread of Jewish ideal-
The Young People's Society of Tem-
ism, it will be gratifying news that the class of students enter-
ple Beth El season of 1021-22 opens
ing the Hebrew Union College thsi year is by far the largest
Sunday evening, September 25, with'
that has ever registered at that institution. This is the more
a business meeting at which many
new innovations which are being plan-
significant when we recall that the theological schools of all
ned by the Board of Directors will be
denominations are bittely complaining at the falling off of
discussed and the coming year's policy
students for the ministry.
outlined in detail. Every effort on the
Moreover, most of the young men now entering the College
part of members will he solicited in
the hope of surpassing if possible the
at Cincinnati are of American parentage. and hence filled and
splendid accomplishments of last
thrilled with the American spirit as we believe the rabbi of the
year's administration.
future in this country must be. We do not think lightly of
consideration of conscientious
members and because of lack of space
the inestimable service that has been rendered to the cause
in the Temple, the "for members only"
of Americn Israel by rabbis of an older generation who were
Ipolicy will be enforced most rigidly
born and educated abroad. Without their contribution to it,
during the coming year. In order to
carry out this intention successfully,
the history of Judaism in America would have been scarcely
members are urged to make their re-
worth recording. Nor would we underestimate the work that
mittance for membership cards as
many men of foreign birth but educated for the ministry in
soon as posible.
our American colleges have rendered. Among the foremost
The business meeting which opens
promptly at 8:30 will be followed by
religious leaders and teachers of our day are such.
dancing. Unusually good music has
But for all that, we hold to the opinion that if the men and
been secured for the occasion.
women of the coming generation are to be held in fealty to
our ancestral faith, the leadership of our congregations must
to the greatest possible extent be in the hands of men who to
the fullest have sensed the American spirit and who speak
Mock on, mock on, Voltaire, Rousseau,
with the utmost fluency the language of our country. The
Mock on, mock on, 'tis all in vain;
charge so often made that the American youth cannot grasp as
You throw the sand against the wind
YORK.—(.1. C. B.)—A con-
does the foreigner, the spirit of Jewish lore and philosophy has
tract was signed in the suite of Sam-
And the wind blows it back again.
been so often contradicted in the lives of present day leaders,
uel Untermeyer in a Parisian hotel, by
that it need not even be taken seriously.
which an American syndicate pur-
chases an immense stretch of territory
And every sand becomes a gem
There is every reason to believe that young men born and ygt
from the Austrian Grand Duke Fred-
educated in this country who turn to the ministry as their
Reflected in the beams divine,
erick, valued at $250,000,000. Among
those interested in the syndicate are
life's work, will be intensely loyal to the spirit of America and
Blown back they blind the mocking eye
Charles II. Sabin, president of the
yet not a whit the less loyal and devoted to the spirit of their
But still in Israel's paths they shine.
Realty Trust Co. and Frank A. Men.
fathers' faith.
sey. Mr. Samuel Untermeyer is to
For this reason, there is true cause for rejoicing in the de-
be the attorney in the syndicate.
Untermeyer is due to leave Paris
cision of some thirty-three young men this year to enter the
within a few days and will return to'
Hebrew Union College and there to prepare themselves for
New York to resume his post as law.1
the Jewish ministry. At a time when many pulpits cannot be
yer for the Lockwood Investigation
filled because of the increasing numbers of congregations and i f L i fero--eieolterAte.- - -,-AwAL6-1xPl- ,7.4v-~elfj Committee.

4161' On' . 41111+ ■ On!


Old King Coal is a friendly old soul,
But a dear old soul is he;
He calls for a price and he calls for a roll
When you buy all at once, you see.
So Mister Coal Buyer, before he fines higher,
Take a very fine tip from me:
A ton at it time saves a run on the mine
And lilts your cellar with glee.

Coal was once condemned as "injurious" and
burned Openly in the market place as a public

Today coal is king—as vital to the American home
as bread and butter—as necessary as beef or pota-
toes. Economical and healthful substitution for
coal products is impossible.

Of course King Coal comes higher than he used
to — freight rates are up 40 per cent and wages
average 82 per cent over the pre-war level.

1921 production is millions of tons short and with
early winter traffic congestion it is probable that
prices will go still higher.

Which is why we suggest you put in a few tons at
time, delivered weekly.

And United Fuel & Supply Company quality and
service, of course.

s„.4-4 7
- 5•„„,,v

Ours is "Hotter Than Sunshine"
Yards in All Parts of the City







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