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June 24, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-06-24

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What Awakened My
Jewish Consciousness




As I see it anti-Semitism in Am- play on the unfavorable attitude of
erica has until recently assumed only the population. The East-European'
a certain harmless, social character, Jews are used as a scapegoat, and up-
whereas in Germany, the anti-Jewish on them is heaped the blame for the
feeling in society is far more notice. present breakdown of economic life
alibi and far more important. I am in Germany; in fact for the entire
of the opinion that in their relations aftermath of the war. political dem-
to the Gentile world, Jews in Ger - agogues have exploited this public
many should be continually mindfu l sentiment and when a particular par-
of the fact that they constitute a sep ty is rushed into office on the wave of
erate race. They must draw the nec- this sentiment, the danger of the
essar• and inevitable consequences of homeless Jews is critically augment-
this undeniable truism and permit it ed.
Indicts Jaws Expulsion.
to influence them in their twist life
At one such juncture not so lung
and in their cultural contributions.
They should exercise a certain re- ago when it was learned on good au-
straint, and not be so anxious to force thority that the German government
a social assimilation which their was seriously considering the expul-
neighbors are not inclined to accept sion of all Eastern Jews, I penned an
article for the "Berliner Tageblatt,"'
readily nor encourage.
Anti-Semitism in Germany has, on in which I indicated the cruelty and,
the other hand, produced results folly of such an action, particularly
which the Jews should warmly wel- if it were aimed against students at-
I solicited and
come. I believe that the existence tending universities.
of Judaism in Germany is attributa- obtained the assistance of some of my
ble almost wholly to the pressure of Jewish and Gentile colleagues and to-
anti-Semitism in the past, religion has gether we organized special free
The first dancing party will be giv-
inhibited a complete assimilation of courses for the Jewish students. The
by the liar Cilia Club of Pontiac,
Jews with their surroundings. But activities of our smal group were a3- e r
as their prosperity and culture grows sisted by the Department of Instruc. Friday evening, June 24, at Sylvan
one of the lake ballrooms at
so also do religious forms and tradi- tion and received its official recogn
Tower Beach, Pontiac. Music will
tions disappear. Anti-Semitism then tion and sanction.
by Copenhaver (tches.
remains as the only differentiating
soda' committee consisting
factor between Jews and the rest of awakened my national Jewish con- tra. The
, Lew J.
the community and it alone causes acieusness. I am a nationalist in the cif R."
Is. Isenberg and Ruth
the difference in their social life. sense that I regard the maintainance Pills Barnett,
Without this differentation there of a II nationalities as an important Irene Samuelson, are endeavoring to
would come a complete amalgamation aim in itself. I consider the Jewish make this affair one of the biggest
nationality as an incontrovertible soualevents of the season. The club
with their surroundings.
Jewish Consciousness.
fact, the consequences of which all is anticipating a large attendance
I have myself experienced just this Jews are bound to accept. This in from Pontiac and Detroit. Admis.
$1.25 per couple. Tickets can be
thing. Till a few years ago my en- deed, is the basis of my Zionism and , sum .icit at the door.
tire life was spent in Switzerland the motive for my Zionist activity. old:ill
where nothing occured to influence For me, Zionism is not limited to any
my Jewish sentiments. In general, colonizing effort in Palestine.Jew-
connection the great contributions
I was hardly conscious of my Jewish ish nationhood is a fact in both
origin because I was not made con- estine and the Diaspora and Jewish which the English have made towards
h development of our exact scien-
scious of it by others. But as soon nationalism must develop wherever te
as I settled in Berlin everything Jews reside. Those Zionists who de- c es. In their treatment of my theory
changed. There, 1 saw immediately ny the existence of a Jewish nation.. they showed a marked understanding
the distress and mental want of the city in the Diaspora or those Zionists and deep grasp of the high laws of
younger Jewish generation. I began who refuse to participate actively in physics and mathematics. I Won aim-

to note that at my university the at- its revivication are doing their work ilarly impressed in America. Before
mosphere of anti-Semitism interfer- but in part and badly at that. Those my recent arrival in this conutry, I
ed with the studio; of the Jewish stu- who maintain that the Jewish nation- had formulated no definite opinion
dent and likewise with his economic Oily is, or is to he, limited to Pelee.; on American science and scientists,
existence, to such an extent that he tine, deny the existence of a Jewish but during my short stay here and
found extreme difficulty in maintain- people. In that event they should, I ; through my personal and kind con•
ing himself at college.
feel, have the courage and consist- tact with many of the professors in
This is particularly true of those ency to work towards a thorough as- the American univers i ties and with
Jewa who came from Eastern Europe, similation in the Diaspora. scientists in general, I have learned
to respect and admire t e detac led
since the armistice though, as far as
Influence in Cultural Life.
I know there is not a considerable They styled themselves "Germans of thful and able scientific mind that
Until a generation ago, the Jews truthful itself here.
unmber of them in Germany, public
of Germany did not consider them. ,
I found the same detached rust
opinion has created a problem of
selves a part of the Jewish people , sympathetic attitude among Gentiles,
their presence which has become an
towards the project of a Hebrew Uni-
unending subject of discussion.
In fact,
the Mosiac Persuasion."
Meetings, conferences and the press many of them still maintain them- versity in Jerusalem, the furthering
deal with it continually, often de- selves as such. I have found indeed of which was the primary cause for
trip to this country. A univer-
manding that the East-European
that they are far more assimiliated my
city in the resurrected and recon- ,
Jews who sought in Germany a hav-
by their environment than the Jews
en of refuge from the hell of pogrom of Russia, at least before the out. structed Palestine, will be the great.
and persecution in Ukralnia and Rus- break of the war, the educated and est instrument towards aiding free
and infettered spiritual production:
sia, be expelled immediately or in-
cultured classes were opposed to and
a most noble
terned. To base these rather un-
even fought the anti-Semitic move- by Jewa.I regard it
venture which should, in the interest
usual demands, all manner of excuses
ment, the situation in Germany was
are concocted. There is the scarcity
and is quite the contrary. There the of humanity, be crowned with
of dwellings, the lack of food and the
crisis in general. And higher strata of society are the lead- cess. Likewise I feel that the ore-,
economic crisis
manufactories of public sentiment ex- ers of the anti-Jewish agitation and ation of a healthy, normal, economic
aggregate these conditions in order to have even created a science of anti- life by the Jews in Palestine will en-
ma rich the world materially and spirit-
Semitism. This state of affairs is ex-
plained by the fact that the Jews of sally.
We live in an age of exaggerated
Germany exercise an influence upon
the cultural life of their country al. nationalism. But my Zionism does
together out of proportion to their not exclude a cosmopolitan welt-
arshcauung. Ever mindful of the re-
numerical strength. Though this is
often exaggerated to serve various ality of Jewish nationalism, I submit



Designed to reduce
the figure and gine
stout women slender,
graceful lines.


In white or pink
coutil or brooks,
sun 26 to 45

purposes, it is nevertheless true that that Jews also have duties towards
Jews exert a considerable and ob. their environment. But in general,

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vious influence upon the press, liter- Zionism permits of manifold inter-
ature and science. There are those pretations. For the Jews of Ckrain-
in Germany who view this circum- ia, Poland or Russia it has opened
bi I ti and new hopes for
stance without evil prejudice, yet who new possibilities
see in it a danger of their national in- decent living, but to me, the out.
dividuality through the gradual en. standing feature of the idea is that
crouchment of a non-German people. self..respect — qualities indispensible

I know that in England where the ' Zionism strengthens self-pride and
proportion of Jews is almost equal to to the continued existence of the Jew.

that in Germany, the situation is' isb peopl in Diaspora countries.
quite different, for, although Jews in
Great Britain hold high and responsi-
In white or pink,
ble offices in the government, they
Js in 56 bust
make a for lesser impression on the
culture of the land. We find here
85r to 6.95
(Continued from Page I )
two antitheses. On the one hand
Jews are a great intellectual influence ! ness and poetry of mechanical mo-
but their political power is neglible. tion, something in the deep-breath
On the other hand, they influence cul- compelling exercise that appeals to
1637 Woodward Ave.
ture to a competitively small extent, old and young alike. But it is the
boys and girls of Detroit's Jewish
yet their social prestige rises high.
community that the Chronicle is in-
The Palestine Policy.
In Germany, anti-Semitism is of- viting to cycle over the splendid
ten a question of political policy de- roads that bad from the city through
pending largely on the party to which the summer kissed 'countryside and
a particular individual may beong. to the sleepy little villages lying
A Socialist, for instance, though per- round about, basking in the reflected
sonally a confirmed anti-Semite, will glory of the metropolis.
Of course, the little work involved
never acknowledge it publicly be-
cause such a stand is not fitting to in obtaining a bicycle will be more
the program of his party. A con- than repaid by the minutes saved in
servative, on the other hand, accepts going to and from school, in the hun-
anti-Semitism sometimes in direct dred ways for making spending mon-
variance with his personal opinions, ey open to the intelligent tad with a
because he feels that such tactics are • speedy wheel.
Announcement was made in last
desirable if he wishes to remain in
popular favor. In England where week's issue of the Chronicle, of the
of 500 "Victory" biciycles to be
nfluence of Jews is smaller and
therefore the reaction, the old, deep- given away absolutely free. But 35
to the Chronicle are
ly rooted liberal tendencies of the
English people predominate and pre- needed to obtain a "Victory". There
vent anti-Semitism from getting free
subscribers are those who are not re-
I do not make these assertions out ceiving the Chronicle in their homes.
of personal experience. I never was The annual subscription to the Chron-
in England, yet I consider the atti- isle, delivered by mail, is $3. Con-
tude towards my Theory of Relativ- testants are authorized to receive no
ity, as characteristic. German news- money but as soon as the signatures
Hinufa• Hirers
paper criticism was divided accord.' on the subscription blanks, furnished
Retailers Wholesalers
ing as the are divided in their views by the Chronicle, are verified, the bi-
660 Michigan A
on the Jewish question. Anti-Semi-icycles will be awarded and the names
tic papers hold the theory as unfound-, of the winners announced. The con- .
ed and incorrect. Papers, favorably test will remain open until Septem-
inclined to the Jews, review the the her 1.
ory favorably. In England, on the, "The "Victory" has - long been
other hand, scientists and publications I known as the best built and most ser-
were qutie objective in their judg- vicable bicycle obtainable.
wheel is fully equipped, is guaranteed
for five years and carries an insur-
d with America.
I should like to mention in this ance policy for six months repair of
accidental damages. Specifications
of the bicycle include: Shock absorb-
ing rubber grips, padded saddle, fit-
tell with famous compensating coil
and suspension springs, tubular
featherweight rear platform luggage
carrier, featherweight steel mud-
guards, spring clip for stand and bi-
cycle stand; twin roller anti-friction
chain; rubber pedals; mud-guard
splasher; braced handle bars; bat-1
tery case for electric headlight; hand
horn; tool kit; powerful electric

5,95 to 18.00




At Marks'
you will find
the most
complete and
finest selec-
tion of furs
and fur coats
in Detroit—
you will find
it pays to
buy of the




lamp; mud-guard bracket; superb
frame pump and spring clips; extra
heavy non-skid tread tires and coast-
er brake.
Any inquiries regarding the con-
test will be answered at the Chron-
icle offices, 850 High street west, or
by telephone, Glendale 8326-7-8. Sub-
scription books and other particulars
will be furnished on request. Bicy-
cles will be supplied in any sizes de-


DANZIG. — Four Christian pea-,
santa from Bavaria have applied to
the local Palestine Office for enlist-
ment for the Palestine service as


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