pfinentortftinsnai RCN ICI4 PAGE TWO LAY CHAPEL CONERSTONE (Copyright, 1921. By Judith Ish-Kishor.) A YOUNG FOLKS' PAGE CONDUCTED BY JUDITH ISH-KISHOR. Taking Care of Yourself. Dear Boys and Girls: These changeable spring days, when you don't know whether to ' put on a crepe-paper dress for a about the most important thing for young folks to do." "Why, that's just what the Jewish religion teaches them," I said. There is even a blessing to be recited while drying the hands. And the children learn that blessing in Hebrew, and also its translation in English, and 1 they recite it before every meal." "No wonder, then," said this lady, who, by the way, is not a Jewess, "that the Jews didn't suffer from the Black Death in the Middle Ages. That was a disease, you know, which came from having dirty houses, and from not being careful about bodily clean- liness." So here you have the word of a doctor on the matter. So remember to wash your hands each time before a meal, and to say the blessing. Do you know the Eng- lish translation of it? Well, in or. der to help you remember it and to make it pleasanter for you to learn, your friend, Miss Jessie Sampter, made the blessing into a pretty little poem which almost says itself. Here It is. Take it, with her love, and say it often. party or to huddle over the steam pipes with a fairy tale book, I often I wonder whether you are taking enough care of yourselves. One day it's so windy and chilly that the thickest winter coat is none too warm, and on the next day, an or- dinary jacket or sweater makes you perspire. Now that means that you must be very careful indeed, because this is just the weather for catching Showing one of the impressive moments during the laying of the corner. all sorts of things that you don't stone of the new Chapel •t the Clover Hill Park Cemetery. In this photo . want. Some of them are horrid, Rabbi Levine is shown reading the invocation. Rabbi A. M. Hershman is at sneezy colds, that make your head the right of Rabbi Levine. ache and keep you in bed for two or three' days. Some of them are bad influenza, or—and this is no joke, boys and girls—the dreadful pneu- monia that kills even the strongest people if they have been careless Factory Cost Systems Audits enough to get it. Office Bookkeeping Systems Tax Reports You know I don't want to frighten Monthly Reports of Operations Investig•tions you. I like you too much for that. But I do say that you must be spe- cially careful what you do in weather "Blessed art thou, 0 God our King, like this. When mother says to you, The Lord of life and everything, "Johnny, come back and put on your Who made us holy with commands, sweater!" don't say "Oh, mamma, And charged us that we wash our hands: what for? It's quite worm," or "I'm only going across the yard for a min- (Before we eat, before we pray, Accountants and Auditors ute!" Just as though it takes an And everywhere and every day, hour to catch a bad chill! Do as That he who with his Maker stands 616 FORD BUILDING mother tells you, and don't go out Be pure of heart and clean of hands.) TELEPHONE MAIN 6464 without a jacket of some sort, even RIDDLE BOX. to play in the sun. Because if you The hidden places, mentioned in run around and play hard and get the Bible, that I gave you to guess / very warm and tired, after that the Resident Partner: Offices: air feels cooler than you do, and then last week were; New York City WILLIAM B. ISENBERG 1. I saw the pretty baby long ago, . if you sit around without a sweater, and gave her some flowers. Syracuse, N. Y. Certified Public Accountant the trouble is likely to come. 2. I ordered her to go; she never . I don't believe in fussing about Detroit, Mich. (New York and Michigan) , one's health, but just in sleeping with did anything right. 3. What, is she bald already, at as the window open, and drinking milk, early an age? " and eating candy only after a meal 4. You asked me what is a dyna- and not between meals, and taking baths every day if possible, and wear- mo?—a big machine for generating ing enough clothing when one goes electricity. So the names hidden are: Babylon, out to play in this doubtful sort of Goshen, Sheba and Boob. ] weather. And another thing! Don't forget Diamond Puzzle. to take off your overcoat when you come into the warm, steam-heated Let's have a diamond puzzle now! living room, just because you are too 1. The first letter in the name of : much interested in that book you a bitter spring. ',have just brought from the library. 2. The nephew of the first pat- ' "Let me see how it begins," says riarch. ' a boy I know, to himself, and he sits 3. A great leader in Israel. Weekly Market Review gives the facts pertaining to E. H. Clarke down at the table for a moment. 4. The father of Abner. the active stocks in the various markets. Write today for a copy. But that moment usually lasts very 6. First letter in the name of the long. He stays there in his coat for strongest man in the world. half an hour at a time. Indeed, if ' his mother were not to take the book X away from him, I am afraid he would Established 1913. X 'X X go on reading without removing his Ninth Flair Rut Estate Exchange Building, Detroit, Mist. coat until he had finished the book. X X X X X And then what a nice cold he would Cadillac 61504-2.3. have! X X X Private leased wires connecting all offices and markets. Now that boy is not behaving like a Jew. For according to the Jewish X CLEVELAND HARTFORD CHICAGO NEW YORK Law, one's health is very important. The rabbis say that any person who The answer will be printed next neglects his health commits a sin. In week. fact, a scholar, or a student of the law, was not allowed to live in a city IN THE JEWISH WORLD. where there was no doctor, because in case he were taken suddenly ill, Ploughs rod Farming Tools for the Jewish people might lose him, Palestine. ' merely for the want of a physician's You have all heard of "Little Tom- help and care. You Jewish boys and my Tucker," who was asked to cut gigs must be especially careful of the "white bread and butter" for his your health, for you have wonderful supper without any knife. Well, that FIRST CLASS SERVICE work to do as soon as you are old is the position that the Jewish farm- enough and strong enough to, under- ers in Palestine find themselves in. , take it. The whole happiness and They have struggled to reach the usefulness of the Jewish people in Holy Land and have offered their America depend on you and on boys lives to the work of making it fruit- and girls like you. And if you take ful and beautiful again, but they find care of yourself and follow a few they haven't any farming tools! If simple health rules, you have a good they want to plough a field or rid it chance of growing up to be a fine, of stones, the only plough or harrow healthy Jew or Jewess, of whom we they can find—and they are lucky if shall all be proud. they have any at all—is so old and I'll prove it to you. The other day hard to work with that their efforts I went to see a friend of mine, a lady are really wasted. So they have sent who is very fond of children. As a out a message to the Jews in the rest rule, most ladies know a little about of the world, saying: "We cannot what is good for the health of boys work without tools!" Now the Jews and girls, but this one knows a great all over America are trying to collect deal more than usual, for she is not money for this special purpose, out- only a lady but a doctor. So I said side of all others. In New York a Cad. 3285 to her: large bazaar has been held to raise "Can you tell the Jewish girls and money for spades and shovels and boys, Doctor, what they should be ploughs and pickaxes for the Pales- most careful about for the sake of tine farmers. And in other towns, (BEVERAGE arcild their health?" also, they are working for this useful "Well," she said, "I think that cause. See what you can do to help ARE MADE IN THE FOLLOWING FLAVORS washing their hands before eating is them! v i cialid 3eur I Motor -- Oil -- Mining "Quality First" Bridal Gifts Costumers High Grade Suits and Coats are marked at one-half less for Friday and Saturday Just 90 garments. Regular $85.00 Suits, Coats at Half Off—Costs You Regular $150.00 Suits, Coats at Half Off—Costs You $42.50 $75.00 Regular $95.00 Suits, Coats fit Half Off—Costs You Regular $175.00 Suits, Coats at Half Off—Costs You $47.50 $87.50 Regular $110.00 Suits, Coats at Half Off—Costs You Regular $225.00 Suits, Coats at Half Off—Costs You $55.00 $112.50 Regular $125.00 Suits, Coats at Regular $250.00 Suits, Coats at Half Off—Costs You Half Off—Costs You E. H. Clarke & Co. KLEIN & LEITNER RESTAURANT 1307 BROADWAY ORANGE CHERRY LEMON ROOT BEER RASPBERRY GRAPE GINGER-ALE CULA APPLE CIDER STRAWBERRY CREAM SODA BIRCH BEER President of the World Zionist Delegation Pays Tribute to Detroit Jewish Artists, Nehemiah Mark and Samuel Cashwan. FEIGENSON BROTHERS CO. Among the many interesting inci- dents that accompanied the visit to Detroit of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Or- ganization, the one that pleased the world Jewish leader most was the presentation of bread, salt and water by Jewish artists of Detroit. The water was contained in a jug especially modeled by Samuel Cash- wan, noted young Jewish sculptor, who carved it from a design made From the Presidents Desk—Talk No. 54. Have Faith In The Future Mark, the dish being modeled in the form of the letter "Cheth," which is the initial of Dr. Weizmann's Hebrew name. Mr. Mark also baked the bread in the form of a brick. Praises Artists. Your future is yourself. You are liv- ing with it every day. What it will be tomorrow depends on what you do for it today. When you doubt the future you doubt yourself. Commerce, industry and finance are sound—the world needs our output. This country will be their chief source of supply. Your part in the scheme of things is simply to do your share. That means HARD WORK. Give the world your best and the world will pay you with her best. The world-war did not destroy the Law of Compensation. I ...: .a.,. FH152 STATE HANK Or Co / Irmorr $125.00 Suits—Fourth Floor. handedness on the part of the Jew- ish people to help build the National homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine. At the left of the jug there is an eastern fan, suggestive of the nobil- ity and sovereign qualities which the artists see in the character of Dr. Weizmann. "The battle an and spade are not forgotten in the fan, reminding of Isaiah's prophecy that the sword shall be beaten into ploughshares." 10111011d.(5 see nt Ikt11111111 foulltillgs TORONTO PHILANTHROPIES GET $100,000 FOR ORPHANS NEW YORK. — The Bureau of Jewish Social Research, 114 Fifth avenue, announces that the Federa- tion of Jewish Philanthropies of To- ronto, Canada, has just completed successfully a drive for 8100,000 for the Toronto Jewish Orphans Home. Mr. Samuel A. Goldsmith, director, and Mr. Benjamin D. Kaplan, assist- ant director of the Bureau of Jewish Social Research, helped the Toronto community to organize the drive. The bureau is now making a survey of the work done by the Toronto Feder- ation and its constituent societies with a view toward making construc- tive suggestions for the development of a sound community program. of Egli ls if° Dsign Sallart sigh comes and blows the ram's horn, or the "Shofar," the dead will arise. "On the side is an abundance of olives symbolic of Israel's future fruitfulness. In the center of the pot are steps indicative of the gradual development. At the head of the stairs stands an altar with a fire up- on it. DANZIG.—Ica's representative, Janofsky, declares that the Ica is ready to support the relief institu- tions in that city if the local com- munity co-operates with it. Janofsky has left for Warsaw, where he will launch the practical work of the newly organized Emi- gration Council for l'oland. The council was formed at the initiative of the Ica. PARIS. — A report from Rome Embody Prophecy. states that Luigi Luzzati has been ap- "The open purse at the neck of the pointed a senator by the Crown. jug, with coins falling towards the There are now 20 Jews in the Italian by Nehemiah Mark, another artist. altar, hints at the necessity for open- Senate. The dish containing the salt was also especially made out of clay by Mr. What other folks will do in the future doesn't determine your future. a $62.50 INTERESTING CEREMONY ACCOMPANIES ICA TO GIVE AID TO RELIEF BODIES HONORS PAID TO DR. CHAIM WEIZMANN HAVE A CASE DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME Dr. Weizmann declared, at the pre- sentation, that this was the first time since his arrival in this country that he had met a group of artists who were working on art objects of their own conceptions. Ile said they were sorely the only Jewish group of artists of their kind in the land. Messrs. Mark and Cashwan, the artists who made the presentation at the Michigan Central depot, upon Dr. Weizmann's arrival, visited the leader in his hotel room later in the day and made the following explanation of the jug: "In this pot, which is given to the faithful Jewish leader, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the artists tried, in a dec- orative manner, to tell of old legends, present accomplishments and hopes of Israel. Indicate Construction. T N "The brick on the base of the jug indicates construction as the founda- . tion of society. The tombstone erect- ed upon the brick contains the name ! of one among the many Chalutzim, or pioneers, who died toiling to build up and cultivate the land of Israel. Over the tomb is the ram's horn, call- ing out "Geulah"—Redemption. The proxitnity of the horn to the stone re- ; calls the old legend that when Mes- (lentlewomen 4 1. OFF FOREIGN BONDS 5:30 P. M. to 1:00 A. M. t o A Supreme Sale--- 98 Model Suits--Coats Friday and Saturday For Cash, Partial Payment or on Conservative Margin. Special Sunday Supper "Quality First" Bridal Gifts Woodward at Gratiot i..CCO2CLOOCCICCCICa lYT ITY1 "00..IDCrr y-01 1^ -_ Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results %% Ws\N%• ■ %%%%% S‘‘‘ ,.%% %%%% %V,\N %%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATUKDAY JUNE FOURTI-1-7hoDay When Opens Detroit's- Newest Exclusive Shop iefenhn3 AKCY'S SALON o FASHIONS f FUR BUILDING 1503WO0DWARD Ayr sS.VS!