A mtericaN Prisk Pericvilad Cater LUPTON AVINUI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO ss MM. Michigan's Only Jewish Newspaper Printed in English HROAICL II- EbETROIT New Telephone GLENDALE 8-3-2-6 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1921. VOL. X. NO. 2. Prominent Figures At Buffalo Convention PISGAH LODGE GETS Install Assistant TROPHY OF DISTRICT Rabbi On Sunday ;171.k lin FOR PROGRESS MADE A ordain Ilenry J. Berkowitz as Union of American Hebrew Congregations and Federation of Temple Sisterhoods Praise American Press and People epLt . .i1 - Detroit Order Is Honored at Convention Held at Des Moines, Iowa. FREUND AND GINSBURG DETROIT'S DELEGATES FORD'S ANTI-SEMITISM IGNORED BY SYNAGOGS midst impressive cerem Ilen ry J. Berkowitz, formally or- dained as Rabbi at the Hebrew Union College of Cincinnati, on Saturday, will be installed as Assistant Rabid of Congregation Beth El, at the tre,r , i , icliote .,k Sunday evening, June 5, Hi BUFFALO, N. Y.—Beyond adoption of a resolution praising the press, clergy and representative citizens of this country for resisting attempts to stir up race prejudice and hatred in America, delegates to the conventions of the Union of American Ilebrew Congregations and the National Federa- tion of Temple Sisterhoods took no action on the attacks made against the Jewish race by Ilenry Ford. His name and the name of his publication were ignored during the discussion. The question of recent laws restricting immigration was also settled by the conference in a passive manner. No reference was made to the Jews in the resolution adopted in relation to this legislation. The congregations and sisterhoods contented themselves with expressing the hope that America would soon return to its historic policy of welcoming all immigrants who are mentally, physically and morally sound and in sympathy with our The services will be simple and dig- DES MOINES, la.—Pisgah Lodge nified. Brief addresses will be • ot- n No. 34, Independent Order of 11'Nai livered by Professor Julian Mge Brith, was presented with a trophy at stern and Professor Ilenry Englander the fifty-third annual convention of of the Ilebrew Union College. Musical Program. district grand lodge No, 6, held here Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Lichtenstein, Monday to Thursday, inclusive, of 1 oted violinist and 'cellist, will rep-, this week. Bernard Ginsburg, president of Pis- der a musical program. 4n informal gah lodge, and Adolph Freund were reception to Rabbi and Mrs. Berko- Detroit's representatives at the con- witz will follow the services. Rabbi Berkowitz, who will assume' vention. Soldiers of all races and all creeds, his new duties immediately, was born. who served and fought in the United in Philadelphia Nov. 27, 1894. Ile, States army and in the forces of the attended the public schools in that Allies during the world war were paid city until 1913, when he came to a rousing tribute by Rabbi Sarnuel S. Cincinnati to continue his studies, Cohen of Chicago in an address to graduating from Hughes High School delegates attending the convention. in 1914. Respect for Dead. Officiated on Holidays. "In justice and respect to the dead, Rabbi Berkowitz received the de- we must consecrate ourselves to carry in 1918 on their fight for liberty and freedom g.ree of Bacelor of Arts from the University of Cincinnati. A and democracy," said Rabbi Cohon. Later Dr. Cohon asserted that it year later his marriage to Miss Claire was not necessary for the B'nai Brith Heide, of Cincinnati, whom he met to single out specifically the Jewish to the university, took place. During his scholastic career at the'. soldiers for this tribute, "as all sol- diers who fought and gave their Hebrew Union College, Rabbi Berko- holh y t witz officiate during thee highwhi lives on the side of the Allies and c , righteousness are equally worthy of d ays in various c included Baton Rouge, La.; Anniston, tribute and honor." Ala.; Alexandria, Va.; Isaiah Temple,' Chicago; Knoxville, Tenn. The sub-' Memberships Gain. Featuring the first day's business jest of Rabbi Berkowitz' graduation ! was the annual message delivered by thesis from the rabbinical college is I he Evolution of Governmental Au- Rabbi Eueene Manheimer, president thority in Israel and Judah Before of the order in District C. The membership of the B'Nai Brith the Exile." order in this district has risen from Will Supervise School. to 12,886 in the past 12 10,746 to a with the It is understood that months, according to the report. itz as Assistant ledges at Sioux City and Cedar Rap- vent of Rabbi Berkow ids, which had been suspended, were Minister of the congregation, a new reinstated during the year, and the emphasis will be laid upon the work • S cho ol an d of the lodge at Grand Forks, N. D., was of the Religious young peoples' or gan ization , both of suspended. Illinois, Michigan, consin, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, which will be, to a large extent, un-t North and South Dakota and the der the supervision of the young! government. Ask Equal Rights. Further resolutions urging the American government to insist upon equal rights fur people throughout the world, and particularly the millions of suffering Jews in Eastern Europe, recommending that the government refuse recognition to countries unless ZIONISTS MEET IN CONVENTION SUNDAY they guarantee to grant equal civil and religious rights regardless of creed or race, and expressing regret at the death of Cardinal Gibbons were adopted before the close of the joint conferences this morning. At the close of the general con- vention the newly-elected executive Eastern Delegates Organize to board met in the LaFayette Hotel and elected officers for the two or- Support World Leaders ganizations. New York City was At Cleveland. chosen for the next convention, to be held in 1923. Two hundred Detroiter!' are ex- Union Officers. pected to go to Cleveland for this Officers of the Union of American week-end to attend the annual con- Ilebrew Congregations were elect- vention of the Zionist Organization ed as follows: of America. The Official delegates J. Walter Freiberg, Cincinnati, from Detroit are, Rabbi A. 91. Hersh- President; Charles Shohl,. Cincinnati, man, Louis Stoll and Mrs. Rachel First Vice President; Juliius Rosen- Weinstein. weld, Chicago, Second Vice Presi- The Cleveland Convention is ex- dent; I. W. Bernheim, Louisville, pected go be the most interesting one Third Vice President; Ludwig Vogel- held by the American Zionists in the stein, New York, Fourth Vice Presi- past 24 years because of the break dent; Jacob L. Moon, Boston, Fifth with the World Zionist Organization. Vice President; Rabbi George Seipen, Delegates in the eastern states have Cincinnati, Treasurer; Rabbi George organized to oppose the present lead- Zepin, Cincinnati, Executive Secre- en and to back the World Zionist tary. leaders. Thousands who are not These are the officers of the Na- delegates, but who are interested in tional Federation of Temple Sister- the present controversy, are going hoods: to Cleveland to get first-hand infor- Mrs. Abram Simon, Washington, mation on the situation. Honorary ]'resident; Mrs. Joseph Leaders Opposed. Wiesenfold, Baltimore, President; Declaring that the Zionists in this Mrs. J. Walter Freiberg, Cincinnati, country will not give a vote of con- First Vice ]'resident; Mrs. Israel fidence to the American Zionist Ad- Cohen, Second Vice President; Mrs. ministration at the forthcoming An- Leon Goodman, Louisville, Third Vice nual Convention which opens in President; Mrs. Henry Nathan, Buf- I Cleveland on June 5, a leading ar- falo, Fourth Vice President; Mrs. t tide in the New Maccabean, of May Ben Lowenstein, Cincinnati, Record- 27, cites 'ten good and sufficient rea- ing Secretary; Mrs. Benjamin M. En- western half of Canada are included rabbi. On Sunday morning, June 5, at 10 t . in this district- o'clock, the closing exercises of the Anti-Semitic Campaign• Concerning the work of the Anti- Religious School will be held. A pro•, Defamation League, which was or- gram of interest to every parent will ganized to fight the anti-Semitic agi- be given. These exercises will cul- minute at 11 o'clock in a special con- tation, Rabbi Mannheimer said: "There is no need for me to at- firmation service, on which occasion tempt to review for you at this mo- • five members of the advanced class ment the story of the effort of Henry of the Pontiac branch of the Temple con- Ford and of others with him to in- Beth El Religious School will be sons" for withholding the confidence gelhard, Chicago, Treasurer; Rabbi vote for Judge Mack and associates. George Zepin, Cincinnati, Executive the poison of European anti- firmed. The New Maccabean, the organ of troduce The Confirmants. Secretary. merly president of the Central Con- American The top group is of members of oneLi tcan rZionistsLoyal to the World Semitism into the I i f! i o f twenty-sixth biennial conven- HE The following children will be con- Members of Executive. the National Executive Board. Those ference of American Rabbis; Dr. Ed•! r democracy. Though this anti-Semitic ganization and adhereing tion of the Union of American Members of the Executive Com- agitation and propaganda has un- firmed at the regular Confirmation in the picture, reading from left to ward N. Calisch, of Richmond, Va.,' to the Keren Ilayestal (Palestine Hebrew Congregations and the fourth right, are: Samuel Strauss, L. Vogel- doubtedly done some damage, after Services, which will take place in the present incumbent in the office; Foundation Fund), edited by Louis mittee of the union eected for the full year of its activity we are most Temple Sunday morning, June 12, at annual meeting of the National Fede- stein, Jacob Sonadig, Dr. E. N. Ca. Adolph S. Ochs, owner and publisher Lipsky, who resigned recently as two ensuing years are: a Isaac W. Bernheim, Louisville; Al- ration of Temple Sisterhoods, held Bach, Sigmund Rheinstron, Fred E. of the New York Times, and Rabbi Secretary for Organization of the assuredly in a position to say that it 9,45, Charles Adler, Mitred Baer, Mau- simultaneously in Buffalo last week, Brand, Ben Altheimer, Dr. l'hilipson, Joseph Silverman, noted Rabbi of Zionist Organization of America, has freih M. Cohen, Cincinnati; Judge has not succeeded. "Its dastardly effort to arouse the rice Barnett, Irene Beck, Helen brought together a splendid gather- Charles Shohl, Frederick Ullman, for the last few weeks been urging Josiah Cohen, Pittsburgh; Dr David New York City. America Branch, William Brown, Alex Brad- American Zionist to repudiate the W. Edelman, Los Angeles; J. Walter non -Jewish citizens of ing of Jewish men and women in rep- Judge Josiah Cohen, Nathan Miller, In the lower group, reading from citizens field, Arthur Ilenry Cohen, Deborah Freiberg, Cincinnati; Albert L. Levi, against their Jewish fellow resentative groups of the American J. W. Mack, Daniel B. Hays and left to right, are Rabbi Edward N. actions of the present Zionist Or- Brooklyn; Bauch Mahler, Cleveland; of America of his Ci,lbe, Esther Estelle DeYoung, Net- Jewish rabbinate and laity. A few Judge Simon W. Rosendale. and to rob the Jew Calisch, Dr. J. Zunn, Herman Wile ganization and its institutions in Pal- William Ornstein, Cincinnati; Marcus ' tie Dunn, Leo Edloff, Ruth Fine, In the center group, from left to estine. good name, has failed. of the nationally known figures are and Judge Rosendale. 31racus Fordon, Alex Frank, Eleanor right, are Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, for- American Zionists are appealed to Raih, Pittsburg; Sigmund Rheinstein, Non-Jewish Sympathy. May shown above. "On the credit side of the ledger, Cassel, Joseph Gum biLucille ner , I , disavow the policy pursued by Judge Cincinnati, Norris Rosenberg, Wash- ester L. Inger, L son, it is to be recorded that as nothing Ilarrison, Francis Julian W. Mack, President of the ington; Julius Rosenwald, Chicago; r , rman, Annet te G In te as Zionist Organization of America and A. L. Stalzstein, Milwaukee; Louis hc propagand else, this anti-Se emiti imon Katz, Frances Lefkofsky, those who are supporting him be- Schlesinger, Newark; Isaac Schoen, itherto indi ffea rent E a rallied Jew to many the defense of the good name Philip Lefkowitz, Leon Marx, George cause the American Zionist Admin- Atlanta; Charles Shohl, Ctriclnnati; Rosa- f Jewih istration has "allowed nine precious Samuel Strauss, Cincinnati; Joseph s ideals. The Lewis, Julius Charles Pliskow, of Israel and of noble campaign which many a non- lint Robinson, Lloyd Rosenberg, Les- months to pass without doing any Wiesenfeld, Baltimare; adolf Wolfe, Jew has conducted in protest against ter Sandelman, Marion Schreiber, work for l'alestine.", "For nine Portland, Ore.; Herbert Oettinger, anti-Semitism as a menace, not tom- Henry Silberman, Rosetta Silverman, months it has been living poorly, fear- Cincinnati; A. Leo Weil, Pittsburgh•, Dr. Hough Deplores Efforts Horace Stein, Philadelphia; Sigmund American Sidney Silverman, Beatrice Solomon, ply to the Jew, but to the Rabbis Franklin, HershMan fully, strangling the organization in Kohlman, New Orleans; Aaron Wald- e Simon , Philip Sillman Stern, Eugne Stir Up t to Made Being Pittsburgh Man Gives Views at an attempt to liquidate Zionist af- ideals of democracy, has also been an Van Vliet, and Levine on Program; D. Trid e r , Emanuel a . , A dele 1' fairs upon the basis of 'no expecta- man, St. Louis; Felix M. Warburg, Convention of Union of He. Anti-Semitic Feeling. inspiration. New York; Morris II. Rothschild and ' To the Anti•Defamation League, Herbert Weil and Ruth Zubren. W. Simons Presides. lion," it is stated. brew Congregations. Isaac M. Ullman, New Haven; Henry t Charged with Disruption. organized by and functioning uni er Oppenheimer, Baltimore; Edgar M. Decoration Day, the day for honor- The Administration is charged Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, formerly the supervision of our order, belongs By MARCUS AARON, president of Northwestern univer- ing those who have sacrificed their with having "disrupted and broken Kahn, New Orleans; E. Meissher, St. the greatest share of the credit for of Pittsburgh, Pa. Louis. lives for their country, saw the lay- Zionist Organization by its inepti- sity, now pastor of Central M. E. the manly, straightforward way in Show Gratitude to church, Sunday night, emphatically ing of the cornerstone of the Me- tude, its lack of understanding of the which the anti-Semitic attack upon (An address before the Council of and from the standpoint of a Chris- morial Chapel of the new Clover Hill Jewish people, by its refusal to con- The resolution for the protection the Jew in America has been success- the Union of American Congregations tian took up the cudgels for the Jew. Park Cemetery. sider what was going on in Jewish of the Jew against anti-Semitism in fully met and for the at Buffalo, N. Y., on Wednesday, May this country and abroad was presen- "Equal opportunity and justice for 7shcrerbsetaenryd grounds, owd! ,,it h. fiats. which the real ideals of Israel, the Mr. Aaron is a member of the flowers, Prominent Debating Society Com- ')'5 having published a memorandum ted by Max J. Kohler, of New York, all men," was his plea. He recalled treTes1 position of the Jew of America a be- of Education of Pennsylvania chairman of the committee on legis- o' ac's lates Year's Work at Open Meet- Board ting background for the chapel, beau- which "commits the Zionists of Am- history of Jewish accomplishments p his patriotic services in times of peace vice-president of the Pittsburgh' t in the field of philosophy, in music, tifully decorated with the Stars and erica, without their consent, to prin- lation appointed at the beginning of in g on Wednesday, June 22. as in times of war have been pea the sessions mainly to consider the Board of Education, and also vice- in art and in religion as reasons why Simons, acting chair- _ D. \V. ciples and policies which, if legally Stripes. fore the American public." cam_ president of Temple Rodeph Sholom the race should be given this equal man of the afternoon, gave a short adopted and acted upon, would bring problems of anti-Semitism and immi- Indortors Orphan.' Homo Final arr angement have been co gration laws. It read: of that city.) history of the purchase of the first about the disruption of the World opportunity. President Mannheimer indorsed a leted for l'hilomathic' s biggest an- 'The Union of American Hebrew It was the battle through the ages plot of land by the Shaarey Zedek Zionist movement, destroy the value project for the establishment of a p Finer than anything in America, Congregations, in convention assemb- Jewish orphans' home in the sixth in- nual event, the nineteenth Model of Israel which gave us our pure far a cemetery. of the San Remo Decision and make led, views with gratification the un- tricts At present the district con- Meeting, the climax of the work of though itself in the nature of the in- white banner of an ethical religion," our position in Palestine impossible. Franklin, Hershman Speak. tributes to the Cleveland orphanage the organization for the year, to be tangible, is the Spirit of America. he declared. "If Israel had not bat- The Administration of the Zionist animity with which the public press held at the Shaarey Zedeg, Wednos-* Occasionally men have caught glimp- The program opened with an invo- and the churches of the United tled and won, you men and women and orphans there. for tuber- day, June 22, at 8 p. m. The p ublic ' ses of it; but more frequently the cation by Rabbi Levine, The speak- (Continued On Page 5.) States have condemned recent anti- A sends proposed sanitarium their might still be delivering your dough- ers of the afternoon, Rabbi Leo M. Jewish aspersions and representative te d. a faisesresf of the people great m tres to the temples as a sacrifice to C., was a lso ommittee in charge, chair-• er Franklin and Rabbi A. M. Hershman, rulers at Asheville, N. e t u ni ne fellow-citizens have protested against ns , is The c vice." indorsed, its and financial contributio gave interesting and inspiring talks. these un-American attempts to stir towards support were suggested maned by II. G. Baiter, has prepared' completely lost sight of it, and have Cantor Minkowsky, assisted by his One Had Great Weight. up prejudice and hatred." ,t a short, lively program as a supple• remained untouched by its lofty par- choir, rendered two beautiful aelec- from local lodge. Libel Resolution Rejected Dr. each Mannheimer urged that a cam- ' ment to the feature event. The quea- Of the anti-Semitic groups which P(Thet ti cc y te h attenon The assembly rejected a resolution ic will oup et, withal, the few of those who have existed, only one carried great tions and the Talmud Torah boys and ens if tio whh Arrangements have been completed the hed to make citizens n designed to urge enactment of laws paign e lauc he deb aters is "Res olv ed, that the have the vision which enables them weight, according to Dr. Hough. This girls also rendered a selection. the The laying of the cornerstone, un- for the annual Bicur Cholem Juniors' which would make it criminal to li- eligible Jews, and informed of all be . United States Adopt a National Pot- to see and feel it, and by their lives was a group of English philosophers, der the auspices of the Knight* of lursion to be given at Tashmoo bel groups of persons representing convention that considerable pro- grass has been made in this work. icy f o Disarmament." Philomathic's express it, know it to be as real as among them was Gilbert K. Chester- l'ythias, in uniform, actibiz as guards l' k, Sunday, June 5. This marks any creed or race. The resolution talent will be represented in the the products of the farm, mine and ton. "There are others in different Ile also informed the delegates that best honer, was most impressive. The th eleventh successful excursion of the district budget contains an item persons of Daniel Budnitsky, Wilbur • factory, and in the ultimate to be of parts of the country who have ex- of (Continued on page 5.) flag was hoisted to the singing of the the organization, providing an enjoy- hal, who will greater value to the world than all pressed anti-Semitic views, but they Star Spangled Banner, showing the , able outing for throe who wish to or- I DeYoune, J. J. Rosent of $5,000 for the support of 50 of , uphold he affirmative; Louis Rosen- these and more. Though it is sol- are of such little consequence that cornerstone ready to be placed. 'partake in same. phans in the devastated districts J central Europe, and asked that each zweig,Jack Honigman anti Maxwell llom found in the counsels of the it is not necessary to enter into a din. Among the many features of the centr Place Memorials. lodge do its utmost in this direction. Cohen, who will comprise the team to State and nation, or in the market cussion as to what they think," Dr day, the most talked of are the field ;dace, it yet underlies the best of Hough said. Of $428,255 raised by the B'nai I favor the negative issue. A metallic box, containing me- events, to be given under the capable Brith in America to help the war-torn t . Judge Ilarry 11. Kenton, E. G. Pipp, , our thinking, and is a standing chat- The speaker cited reasons for morials, members' names and names direction of the committee who prom- Chosen President ibuted by ' editor of l'ipp's Weekly, and Edwin lenge to national honor and ideal- doubting the veracity of the alleged o( all organizations affiliated with the ise worthy and interesting prizes Paul Goldstein Succeed Joseph Erman. regions, $43,565 contr this district. This was money is loaned! I,. Miller, principal of Northern High ism. "protocols" used as a basis for "cer- Shaarey Zedek was placed in the coy- which have been donated by the van- Spirit of America to deserving individuals for long School, will act as judges. tain writings in American Publica- ity of the cornerstone by Messrs. ells members of the organization. The Detroit chapter of the Inter- On Thursday, June 16, the Philo- The Spirit of America exists and tions." Ile said these found birth in Paulson and Shetzer, officers of the , The dancing to be held in the pa- collegiate Zionist Association of mathic has scheduled a debate to be is as indestructible (111 matter and as periods without interest. Russia, but were so confused and Chevra Kadisha. vision has been provided for with an America Tuesday evening elected Held at the Irnai Moshe Synagogue, fiirceful as energy, and Will in the contradictory that "no court in the A. Lapin-Cohen, representing the augmented orchestra. Paul Goldstein, a student of Junior fullness of time A'ork out •tits pear- , tan" , would except them as evidence." 11'Nai Brith, presented the silver Eleaubien and Garhel d estrets. The steamer Greyhound will leave College, president for the ensuing red is ''Re - to the glory of God and the na- Ile was referring in the main part to trowel, with which to spread the ee- i at the foot of Griswold street at 9 term, succeeding Joseph Erman, of subj ect to be consid ed, That the United States Offi- PP" pity, none the less, that the basis for charges that there ex- ment. The president and members a. m. and 2 p. m., respectively. A non. 'Ti, solv the Detroit College of Medicine. 'tally Resume Trade Relations with so few of the vast hosts of America sense the potentiality of America). fists a Jewish world conspiracy to con- of the executive board, aided by the, special program has been arranged Other officers elected were: Miss Soviet Russia." The sides will in- representatives of l'erfection lodge, while en route, same providing en- Rosenstein, vice-president; Rebecca trol anal the world. -- Theta Beta elude: Sydney DeYoung and Maurice atest gift t o the warld—t he Spirit F. & A. M., A. J. Blumenau, master,. tertainment for those who do not Pearlman, corresponding secretary; - Hard to Understand Why. to has- more me ric a—an d there and S. B. Kahn, past master, assisted wish to dance. The committee in Dorothy Labret, recording secretary; Tau fraternity, composed of college G. Abramoff, who will argue uphold men of the Jewish faith, placed a 1 ing the affirmative; Leo Rosenzweig ten the day when the ideals spell- Ti, the charge that the Jews are in placing the stone in its permanent charge is: Dan Shapiro, chairman; Sam Zellman, treasurer. Dr. place. wreath at the base of the statue of and 1,ouis Carp will endeavor to op. ed by it shall be tmbreced by the back of Russian bolshevism, field events, 91. Rosenthal and Harry The new board of directors consists The services closed with the sing- . Stone; tickets, Miss Rose Rosenberg of the following: Harry Platt, Ethel Hough declared that "this is strange, Roger Williams in Statuary Hall in pose any such measure. This debate whole world. fwill close Philomathic's public activi- since we learn_ that the soviet gov- ing of "El Mole Rachmim," by the and Al Klunover; publicity, all mem- Levine, Esther Rosenstein, Dorothy (Continued On Page 3.) o the capitol in commemoration ernment had aohed the use of the Cantor and his choir. hers of the organization. Labret, Sam Zellman, Joseph Erman fact that he was the first to preach ties. Hebrew language. the doctrine of religious liberty on • • The alumni committee requests i and Paul Goldstein, ex-officio. alumni who have not received any "Whenever a man attempts to pre)- An advisory board of 15 I. Z. A. ARABS BOYCOTT JEWS II the Representatives American hemisphere. udice in advance another man or of the fraternity, communication from H. II. Platt, alumni will be announced shortly. , chairman, to write to him at 219 Bed- race, because that man or race is dif- ! JERUSAI.EM—The Arabs of Jaffa This advisory boar4 will assist the which numbers about 5,000 members had charge of the exercises. Ad- mont, sending name and address. VIENNA. — A representative of ferent, and not because of a convic- arrangd a well organized food boy- I. Z. A. in its educational program the Jewish Correspondence Bureau tion of wrong, then he strikes most cott against the Jews during the past and will co-operate with the chapter livereine by Represent- dresses were d ed E R USALEM. — The Rabbis of dangerously. at the solidity of the e, of Rhode! interviewed Herr Raday, the new USSISHKIN REMAINS. wek. It was maintained for several in its Zionist activities. ative Walter R. St world which would disintegrate soc- Palestine have ordained a fast day days and then brake down, but served The Detroit I. Z. A. will complete n which Roger Williams the community lived; Rep-1 -- Minister of the Interior of Hungary. Island, re presenting ially if this should be carried to the for June 2 to commemorate the death to show the dependence of Jews upon the official activities for the year with sentative Theodore E. Burton, of : NEW YORK. — Professor Albert The minister stated that he would not end," he continued. "When a Jew of the victims of the Jaffa pogrom on an excursion to Boblo on Sunday, the mistake any further the ev il condi- for Engla nd. to leratehich May 1, 2 and 3. Every Palestinian Arab food products, and in left Einste existed in the interment does a bad deed, punish him as a man, Jew will be aakd to contribute two of the Jewish system of colonization June 26. Plans are being made for tended to sail ti ons w Ohio, and Representative Juliusi' Mr. U ss ishkin, S who intended not because he is • Jew. When he • study circle to be conducted by the The president of Rev. the Abra- Board' with him, has decided to remain in camps for Galician Jews, and ex- does a good deed, praise him for the shillings towards the upkeep of the which did not create self-supporting Kahn, Simon, of California. Detroit chapter during the summer. s intention of disb colonies. Zionist pre me d families of the deceased. of Co-I this country untif after the ham same reason." g b andin th em at hi s et possi bl e moment. of Education of the District ' convention it) Cleveland. T Thanks ANALYZES LAYMAN' S DU TIES TO JUDAISM Minister Pleads Fairness to Jew M EMORIAL CHAPEL CORNERSTONE LAID MAKE PLANS FOR MODEL MEETING OF PHILOMATHIC Prom BICUR CHOLEM JRS. EXCURSION SUNDAY I. Z. A. ELECTS NEW SEMESTER OFFICERS is JEWISH COLLEGIANS HONOR PREACHER OF RELIGIOUS LIBERTY a HUNGARY DISBANDS INTERNMENT CAMPS 1rd Av• lumbia, delivered the invocation. DECLARE FAST DAY FOR POGROM DEAD