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May 27, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-05-27

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Thspentonlenvi Ror



A Fine Baby' Must Have
A Fine Carriage




That's why the Whitney Baby Carriage is just the thing

The Whitney Baby Carriage is light and easy to handle
—mother will be just as delighted as baby is contented.

For the baby a little older you will like one of the
Whitney Strollers. The size and price are just what you

are looking for.




(Continued From Page 1.)

black bread was especially baked by
Mr. Mark in the form of brick. Mr.
Mark made the drawing fur the jug
sculptured by Cashwan.

Greeted By Children.

Ask Your Neighbor


Whose Theory of Relativity has revolutionized
scientific thought, writes of the


Adolph Ochs, editor and publisher of the New York Times, and Mrs.
Cries, of Cleveland, in attendance at the convention of the Union of Ameri-
can Hebrew Congregations and the national Temple Sisterhoods.
In the immediate background is seen Charles Shohl, vice-president of
the U. A. H. C., who read the president's report, in the absence of Walter



"Tone Beautiful Knabe".

have derived the greatest pleasure through the tone
beautiful Knabe instrument. Playing on it in my spare
moments acts as a tonic. The Ampico elicits my great
admiration; the reproductions are so finely nuanced and the
operation so simple. Permit me to extend my best corn-
pliments. Very respectfully,

Janney - Bowman Inc.


1243 Washington Boulevard
Book Building

An automobile parade from the
Michigan Central depot took place
upon the arrival of the commission.
The line of march proceeded east on
Michigan avenue to Cass, south on
Cass to Lafayette Boulevard, east to
Woodward avenue, north on Wood-
Ward to High street, east on High to
Hastings street, north on Hastings to
Canfield, west on Canfield to Brush,
from there proceeding through John
It. to the Stotler Hotel.
The automobile parade was halted
for several minutes at the Shaarey
Zedek, on Willis and Brush, where
the Zionist guests were greeted by
the children of the combined Hebrew
schools. Bessie Riske, 12 years old,
extended greetings in Hebrew to the
delegation, and a bouquet of flowers
was presented to Dr. Weizmann by
one of the boys as a token of the
children's love for their leader.
The greatest outburst of enthusi-
I asm, however, was shown at the mass-
meeting that took place on Thursday
evening at the Roller Palace Rink,
Woodward and Forest. Thousands
' of people packed the hall, while many
thousands were turned away for lack
of room. Three hours before the
scheduled time for the opening of
the meeting, hundreds of people
flocked to the box ffioce to supply
themselves with tickets, while hun-
dreds of others entered the hall to
assure themselves of seats.

Thanks Police.

Dr. Weizmann opened his address
in English by thanking the city for
the freedom extended him, by thank-
ing Dr. Inches and the Detroit police
for their efforts in helping arrange
the receptions in the orderly manner
it was carried out and finally by ex-
tending his thanks to the general
public. Dr. Weizmann then con-
tinued his address in Yiddish.
The world Jewish leader dwelt at
great length on the impending crisis
in Jewish life and the problem of
building Eretz Yisrael. lie rapped
the American leaders who wanted to
have the entire say about the way
matters are to be run in l'alestine,
but refused to curry the burden of
responsibility.' Ile said that author-
ity and responsibility went hand in
hand and that one without the other
could not go.

THIS SWEEPING SALE includes the smart-
est garments made. Designed in "Style
Healy" fashion and finished to the Healy high
standard of quality. Sport and Summer gar-
ments the only ors not included in this May
Sale Event.

The regular $35 Suits, Coats and
Cloth Dresses

The regular $55 Suits, Coats and
Cloth Dresses


The regular $65 Suits, Coats and $48.75
Cloth Dresses

The regular $125 Suits, Coats and $93.75
Cloth Dresses

The regular $145 Suits, Coats
and ('loth Dresses

The regular $195 Suits, Coats
and Cloth Dresses

The regular $225 Suits, Coats
The regular $75 Suits, Coats and $56.75
The leader then Cold his audience
and Cloth Dresses
Cloth Dresses
that "tzoros" troubles brought him to
this country, because Palestine has to
The regular $250 Suits, Coats
be built at once. Ile said that he had
the regular $95 Suits, Coats and $71.75
been traveling from city to city and
and Cloth Dresses
Cloth Dresses
village to village with bleeding heart,
not bcause the welcomes were not
The regular $300 Suits, Coats
The regular $110 Suits, Coate and
hearty enough. He was satisfied with
and Cloth Dresses
the welcomes extended the commis-
Cloth Dresses
sion. But the laders were dissatisfied
in the way the movement was mis-
represented by the American leaders,
Suit., Coats—Fourth Floor—Dresses—Third Floor
who did not understand Zion.ism.
"If the American leaders want to
Sport and Summer Garments Not Included
continue to lead in the movement,
if they want to carry out their ideas,
let them go out on the Jewish street
and study Jewish life," Dr. Weizmann
said. "Let them go to Palestine and
study conditions as they are; let them
bleed and suffer with the Chalutzim,
let them witness the true state of in Carlsbad the representatives of
affairs, and then they will deserve the the Jewish people in the world at the
privilege of leadership."
World Zionist Congress, and the only
way to secure peace is for the Ameri-
Not Discouraged.
Dr. Weizmann said that the stag- can Zionist leaders to present their
Sing H•tikvan.
case there. If they win we'll have
When Dr. Weizmann entered the nation in the tanks not only did not peace. If they don't win, we'll also
hall with the reception committees, discourage the leaders, but encour-
have peace."
led by Commissioner of Police Inches,
the audience rose as one man and continue to tour this country from
356,000 Subscribed.
cheered for several minutes. The
Dr. Weizmann dwelt at great
singing of "Hatikvah" and "America" tongues, until the movement is ex-
were again followed by several tended from Jerusalem to San Fran- length on the question of private cor-
, rounds of applause and cheers for cisco and a united Jewish nation joins porations as advocated by the Ameri-
the leader, until Joseph Chaggi, as hands for the mighty movement of can leaders and declared that he was
not opposed to private corporations,
chairman of the Conference of Jew- Jewish rejuvenation."
Dr. Weizmann said in the course but that Palestine could not now be
ish Organizations of Detroit, opened
the massmeeting and introduced Rab- of his -Idress that he could vise pass - built through private corporations.
ports for a thousand more Chalut- Palestine now must be built on a na-
bi A. M. Hershman as chairman.
"It is a unique occasion which has zim with a stroke of the pen, but in tional basis, by the entire Jewish peo-
brought us together tonight," Rabbi order to take a thousand more men ple. Five years hence, he said, pri-
Ilershman said. "We are met to greet and women into Palestine it was nec- vate corporations will find a place in
and welcome the ambassador of the essary to have 15,000 pounds, and he Palestine. But not now.
Dr. Weizmann left Detroit at mid-
Jewish people—the man who is corn- wanted to know how many Chalutzim
• plating the work begun by that un- Detroit would help bring into Pales- night for New York to see his wife
and Professor and Mrs Albert Ein-
Iforgetable leader, Theodore Ilerze- tine.
"But maybe Detroit Jews are wait- stein off for England. An appeal for
- and to that other nobleman, Mossin-
sohn—the man who has consecrated ing for peace in the Zionist ranks," money made after the speeches netted
Weizmann asked. "Then let me a total subscription of $56,000, which
his life to the greatest of all tasks,
the regeneration of Israel in the land say to those who are waiting for sum included $10,800 from 40 of the
that on Sept. 4 there will meet workers for the Keren Hayesod.
of Israel."



Remember, Too, the Living

Though you may be miles from your old home
town this Memorial Day, loved ones and friends
still tread the well remembered streets.

Send a few words of love and greeting to them.
Let them know—on this day of memories—that in
spirit you are still with them.

The telephone is at your hand in your home or office
to carry your message quickly and surely, and it
will take only a few minutes of your time.
On this Memorial Day, remembei the living also.
Call Long Distance operator, and you will bridge
the space that lies between.

Melrose 4778


Beginning Thursday, June 2nd, we
will begin a sale of the finest Furniture
produced in America.
Since we opened our store we have
been known to handle only the high-
est grades and you will find here
styles shown by us exclusively and
which we now offer absolutely below
cost in order to reduce stock and raise
ready cash.


Grosse Pointe
Furniture Co.



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Pianos, $1.75 per month; Trunks,
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Seven rooms of household goods, at
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of the finest grades
of high-class

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The same care and consideratiofhained from
our long experience in handling America's Finest
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acterizes the thoughtfulness with winch we treat
the furniture entrusted to us for storage in our
big fireproof warehouse.
No excessive handling charges! Low Insur-
ance Rates! Guaranteed satisfaction!



Daniel L. Tickton



The regular $175 Suits, Coats $131.75
and Cloth Dresses

Raps Leclerc

Books opened, audited, trial balance and
financial reports prepared. Reasonable rates.

3622-3632 Hastings St.


The regular $45 Suits, Coats and $33.75
Cloth Dresses

I'll Figure it Out For You.

Hickory 4448-M; Main 8295.

G e n t l e w omen

1-4 OFF
Reductions on Coats,
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fur your baby.

Just see the finely woven basket, big and roomy; the
big rubber-tired wheels and the curving springs, to take
up every bump and jar.

t o



"Let them hear your voice"

Chronicle Want Ads 'Bring Resul

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