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May 20, 1921 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-05-20

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7i1 E DETROIT, Al% ISfl 01 IZON


Announces Bethrothal

This Week

grguAz el


About Hosiery

Unusual in Quality, Style and



■ ,01.

All Society Items and other local note.. 00,131 he communicated to the office of the
tll:owl, by S o'clock each Wellnesdav afternoon in order to appear in the current week'.
inaue. Phone Glendale 83:6, Society Editor. Mad notices so 116 to be received not Islet
than Wednetttlay

Dainty Lace Boot Hose

$3.95 to $7.50

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fechimer and'
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rosenfield, of Ho-
family, who spent the past two tel Addison, have returned from a
months in the Hawaiian Islands, have trip to Atlantic City, New York and
returned to their home on Pallister Boston.
Mr. S. M. Urban, who visited with
Mrs. Henry A. Krolik, of Rowena relatives and friends in the city, has
street, left on Sunday for an extend- returned to his home in Cincinnati.
ed visit in Atlantic City.
Mr. M. Aronson,' of Longfellow
Mrs. Samuel T. Gilbert, of Dela- avenue, spent some time in New York
ware avenue, who spent the winter and Boston.
months in Southern California, has
Mr. M. Landsberg, of West Grand
Boulevard, has returned from a trip
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wurzber- to New York City.
ger, of Chicago Boulevard, have re-
Mr. David Benyas, of 1177 Glynn
turned from an extended trip to
Mrs. M. Zanville and Mrs. liarry
Loewenthal, of Toledo, who were court, formerly of Petoskey, Mich.,
Southern California.
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. announces the engagement of his
Honoring the birthday anniversary I. l'eritz, of Burlingame avenue, have daughter, ['earl, to Mr. Murray Jack-
man, of this city.
of Miss Anna Solomon, several news- returned home.

All-Over Lace Hose

$3.95 to $7.50

Lace Clox Hose

$3.95 to $6.75

Em roidered Clox Hose

$2 to $5

Plain Silk Hose

$2 to $5

Every wanted color and size.
Best standard makes.

Try our special All-Silk Hose, from
hem to toe. Every size and color.
Special at


Values Extraordinary


paper women of Detroit entertained
at a luncheon Wednesday noon at
Mr. M. P. Levin, of Burlingame
the Women's City Club, followed by avenue, has returned from an extend- .
a theater party.
ed eastern trip.

z Closin g Out


$5,50 to $12,50


Each Hat Individual


Mr. and Mrs. William Rindskoff, of
Mr. F. R. Robinson, of Taylor aye-
Longfellow avenue, have returned nue, is making an extended trip „
from a trip to Cleveland, where they throughout the east.
attended the engagement reception
of their niece, Miss Miriam Solberg,
Mrs. Elsa E. Gould, of Toledo,
and Mr. B. Shield.
Ohio, spent Friday in Detroit.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Kleinsmith, of ?,1
1698 West Philadelphia, announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Mabel Gertrude, to Mr. Arthur A.
Gottesman, son of Mr. and Mrs. M.
Gottesman, of Alger avenue. Re-
Mr. Julian 11. Krolik, of Chicago
Mr. Jacob Netzorg, of Forest ave- ception, Sunday, May 29, afternoon
Boulevard, has returned from a trip nue, east, has returned from a few and evening.
to New York City.
days' trip to Toledo.
Mrs. 1. Epstein, of 545 Medbury
Mrs. Flora Goodman, of Delaware
Mr. T. Kline, of Longfellow ave. avnue, announces the betrothal of
avenue, has returned from several nue, is spending a few days in New her daughter, Adeline, to Mr. Harry
months' visit in Southern California. York and Atlantic City.
Leif, of Flint, Mich.


Mr. Henry Wineman, of East Kirby
Mr. M. Ettlinger has returned
avenue, has returned from a trip to from a trip to New York City.
New York City.
Miss Esther Imerman, of East Ilan-
Mr. anal Mrs. Max May, of West- cock avenue, has returned from sov-,
minster avenue, have taken an apart- oral months' visit in San Antonio,
• ment at the Astor Court, West Grand Texas.
Boulevard, for the summer months.
Mr. W. II. Rhea, of Boston Boule-
Mr. Barnett Brenner, of Detroit, yard, is spending some time in Mh:-
was one of 58 students at the Uni- tic City and Philadelphia
versitv of Michigan to be honored by
election to membership in the Michi-
Mr. harry Horwitz, of the Pioneer
gay Chapter of the Society Sigma apartments, has returned from it trip
XI, national honor organization.
to Ilawks, Mich.

Mr. William Meyerfeld, student in
Dr. Boyd Kay, of Second Boule-
the engineering department at the yard, hiss Oeurned from a trip to
University of Michigan, who has been Cleveland.
doing research work in the city, was
the guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert ))ivies, who was the
Mrs. Louis Welt, of Chandler avenue. guest of Mrs. Jack•Sayder, of Wilson
avenue, has returned to her home in
Mr. Seymour Anspach Weinberg, Toledo.
of Newark, N. J., is home visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Wein-
+adore Slesinger, of West
berg, of 1522 Monterey
,jlaTIVOCk avenue, spent a few days in
•vuland the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Teller, of Chi-
cago, are visiting with their children,
Mrs. Philip Schulman, of Brush
Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Nieman, of Vir- street, spent 10 days in Mt. Clemens
ginia Turk.
the past week.


fIt t
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Granet, of 291 .4
Erskine street, announce the engage-
ment of their (laughter, Janet, to Mr. 7;
I.ouis Kornhandler, of New York et

Just Received Some Very Pretty
Organdies and Dotted Swiss at

$10.95 to $19.50


See Them

15 °


0 A



Mr. and Mrs. Morris Dinner, of 114 •A
East Euclid avenue, are receiving
felicitations on the birth of a
daughter, Florine Edith, May 11.


The meeting of the Jewish Social
Society was held Wednesday at the
home of Miss S. Harris. The next
w eekly meeting will he at the home
of Miss Ratkofskv, 2624 St. Antoine.
The Org,unizatinn plansits :
outing to Orchard Lake where they
will spend Sunday. May 22. Many
field events have been planned and
every member and friend who at-
tends is assured a good time.


2621 Woodward Ave.



McKcrclicy Bldg.


aaaaaaaavaaavaaaaaaaoonoaaooaaaaaooaaaaaaoaaaaaa aoo r

"Faultless Workmanship"

Y. J. L. C.

Wedding Rings

Our Hats, values up
to $25.00

Mr. Nathan Newman, of Cass aye-
Mrs. Casper Alpern, of Alpena, is
nue, has returned from a pleasant the guest at the home of her children,
visit at Baytield, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Oppenheimer, of
Miss Mary Caplan, leader of the
Rhode Island avenue.
Young Judaea Literary Club. at the
Dr. Williard Mayer, of Boll! Ad-
mooting held Sunday afternoon
dison, has returned from a two days'
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Newman, who
trip to Chicago.
were guests at the home of their chil- at the Shaarey Zedek addressed the
on the importance of the mission
dren, .\I r. and Mrs. Sidney Newman,
Miss Bertha Siegel Weiss, laugh- of Elmhurst avenue, have returned of Dr. Chaim Weizmann to this
Miss Caplan also touched
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Josetti8NI. Weiss, to their home in l'ittsburgh.
on the importance of National Young
of 60 Rhode Island avenue, was one
June 5.
of the soloists at Miss Marion Ber-
Mrs. Rachael Snyder, of Tuxedo
The meetings of the club will here-
Ban's May party at the Arcadia on avenue, has returned from a few
on Thursday evenings,
Thursday evening last.
days' visit at Union Lake, Mich.
at the Shaarey Zedek. The program
meeting will include
Mrs. Louis I. Levinson, of Toledo,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. !merman and
who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. family, who spent the past five "The Life of Dr. Claim Weizmann,",
"The Value of
Edwin Rosenthal, of Boston Houle- months in Los Angeles, Calif., have
Friendship," by Fay,Invkin; "A Fool
vard, has returned.
returned to their home on Frederick
Asks More Questions in a Minute
Than a Wise Man Can Answer in an
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ehrmann, of
Hour," by Eva Marcus.
Colorado avenue, spent several days
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shapiro and
in Cleveland the past week.
family are visiting with relatives and
40- a04: 4003:40001:1-aaaaa00000 000900t7aCharnhattaaattaar11:4001:400008
f lends
in Toronto, Canada, prior to
Mrs. A. Ullman, of Buffalo, is visit-
their departure for Miami, Fla.,
inc with her children, Mr. and Mrs. where they will make their future
Emil Waldbott, of Burlingame
ave. •
The first anual Maytime dance II
recently given by the Clairmont
Club was an undoubted success,
Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Spichler, of
Miss Mildred Beckman, of Boston,
The Club, which recently organiz
is the guest of her sister, Miss Boxy 932 Gladstone avenue, are leaving ed, is divided into several distinct de- 0
Beekman, of 89 Rowena street.
partments, literary, debating an
and 11
there will sail for France on June 1, athletics.
The Jewish Woman's Club had on the Steamer Zeeland. Mr. and
Mr. Jack .1. Krause is directing the
eight public schools in charge on Ar„ Mrs. Spichler will make a tour of Eu- activities of the club. Mr. Ben Safir
menian Day, bundles being sorted rope for live months.
is chairman. The business manager
and taken care of by the following:
is Mr. Sidney Bielfield.
Mrs. Samuel Stearns, chairman, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Segell have
Meetings are open to all visitors.
A. I. Wolf, Mrs. Albert Zenner, Mrs. returned home from a trip to New The society meets in theShaarey
George Epstein, Mrs. 1V. B. Isen- York, Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Zedek clubrooms, Willis and Brush O
berg, Mrs. S. Cohen, Mrs. Julian Kro-
streets, on Sunday afternoons, atoll
lik, Miss Dorothy Barris, Mrs. J. Sid.
p. m. Entertainments follow the 0
berberg, Mrs. Cyrus Arnold, Mrs. honor
dinar was
2 nou
. Sunday
'ti L, r in
z, meetings. r.
r eilinLoNeltr.a,anhlu
F:manutd Decker and Mrs. Barry
the I occasion
of their tenth wedding anniversary.
Mrs. Pomertz was the recipient of
Miss Lottie Hill, of Webb avenue, many beautiful gifts from friends.
has returned from a several days' The following attended the dinner:
visit in Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. I'. Chaimovitz, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Moscovitz, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Cooper and J. Sarkas, Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber,
daughter, Winifred, formerly of lien- Mr. and Mrs. S. Kohn and daughter,
Brie avenue, have moved into their Mr. and Mrs. A. Zusman and daugh-
new home at 1645 Burlingame awe- ter I.illian, the Segell sisters, Mr.
nue. aid Mrs. I. Pomertz of Bay City, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Braun, Mr. D. Wispy,
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Slesinger, of Mr. J. I.ewy, Pully Pomertz and Mrs.
29 Collnigwood avenue, have re- Rosa Pomertz.
turned from a several days' visit in
Miss Rose Banks was the hostess
at a surprise party given at her home
Dr. Nathaniel Ginsberg, of I'almer Friday, May 6, in honor of Miss
avenue, has returned from a few Ethel Smith. There were many novel
days' trip to Buffalo. entertainments. Those present were:
Ethel Smith, Rose Banks, Mollie and
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Musliner have Sadye Garfinckle, Leola Lapides, Lil-
moved from 581 Woodward avenue ban Rosenblum, Francis Farber,
to 33 Collingwood avenue. Mary and Kate Cohn, Anna Mansen,
Billie Silverstein, Joe Newman, Harry
QTYLISH o n e-s trap
Mrs. S. Swartz, who was visiting Seiderman, Sam Greenberg, Walter
relatives and friends, has returned to Aranoff, Ruby Lansman, Roby Wei-
0 , models with plain
her home in Rochester, N. Y. nor, Abe Banks, Herman Salter, Abe
toes, hand-turned soles
Mr. I. Ettlinger has returned from Portney, Ben Sax and Leonard Rider.


You can get the benefit of our Reasonable
Summer Rates by having us STORE, RE-
PAIR and REMODEL your Furs NOW.
Phone and our representative will call,

I Lt


R JU 1 ():4


Woodward at Gratiot

Main 2449

1522 Broadway


Our First Annual
Advance Summer Saie,__

Women's Strap Pumps

2 0

$ 5 n 02


Baer & Polansky



Main 7825

Detroit Exclusive

Weddings, Banquets and
All Social Occasions.

For many years we have catered to
the leading Jewish Social Affairs of the
city. Recommendations may be had on
request. No occuion too small or too

large. decorate homes and halls with
Natural and Artificial Flowers.

Phone us for quotations.

Detroit Catering & Decorating Co.

N. A. PEREIRA, Mueller.
Mai. 3777—Hooleek NM


Melrose 6570

Fyfe's Downstairs Department


Second Floor Eureka Building

We Call For
and Deliver

533-537 Forest Ave East

Featuring a 36-inch long Hudson
Seal Coat, Marten (Skunk) Collar
and Bell Cuffs and Belt, Pussy Wil-
low Satin lined, made in our own
factory, to order, if desired, at


Our Guarantee

"There Is No Odor

Fur Coats


Forest Cleaners & Dyers


a rew days' trip in New York City. Mr. Harry Marwil has returned
from a two week's stay at French
Mrs. Ben Goldman, of• East Han- Lick Springs.
cock avenue, entertained 14 guests
at luncheon at the Dixie Tea Rooms,
Mrs. Sarah Manheim, of 4649
followed by a theater party on Wed- Brush street, left for Goshen, Ind.,
nesday last, honoring her sister, Mrs. to attend the graduating exercises of
Sam Schafer, of Chicago. her grandson, Howard Dembufsky.

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Jacobs, of
have moved from Frederick avenue Cleveland, 0., spent the week-end
to Warren and Lincoln avenue,
with Mr. Philip Jacobs, Min Rhea
Jacobs and Mrs. E. Gaitely, of 408
Mr. Phil Fineberg, of Farrand Farnsworth avenue. A delightful
Park, has returned from an extended party was given in their honor Satur-
trip throughout Northern Michigan. day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs
have returned to their home in Cleve-
Mrs. Daniel C. Hirschfield, of Col- land.
lingwood avenue, has returned from
• visit to Cleveland, Ohio.
Mrs. S. L Harrison, of 1688 Webb

avenue, entertained 12 little girls and
Mr. S. Epstein, of Chicago Boule- boys in honor of her son, Gilbert
yard, has returned from • trip to Avery, Sunday, May 8, In celebration
; New York City. of his sixth birthday anniversary.


Shoes and

AU Styles



and baby Louis heels.
Brown and gray suedes.
Patent leathers.
Dull calls.
A complete range of
sizes and widths.

Downstairs Departniant.

Pumps and


2 1/s to 5

at a Special



$ 4 ""

Woodward and Adams


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