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May 20, 1921 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1921-05-20

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Amerkale "apish Periodical Cotter


PAGE 11-111E1

filE9entordnosn 61 RON ICU

Ford and The Jews

---•••••••• LANE BRYANT





In white or pink
coutil or brach.,
slam 26 to 45

5.95 to 18.00


In white or oink,
38 to 56 host.
85" 10 6 95

ne ajernr

.m111.4101) LaCa.a.

Must be Sold as
Owner is Leaving
For Europe


The most beautiful single resi-
dence on West Grand Boulevard,
a few doors off La Salle. Cannot
describe features. Must be seen
to be appreciated.

Will be open Sunday from 11
to 1 and 2 to 5. Come out and
see it and make me an offer. 2423
West Grand Boulevard.

Another exclusive home on
Ferry Ave., F.., between Beaubien
and St. Antoine. Can be bought
at a sacrifice price. This home
cannot be duplicated today for less
than $20,000. Will be shown by
appointment only. Call

Nathan E. Rosenberg

1617 Glynn Court

Hemlock 7152, or

422 Free Press Bldg.

Main 4451.



preposition regardless of your likes Friedberg, Rabbi Ilurwitz, Rabbi the Shnarey Zedek.
A great deal of enthusiasm and in-
and dislikes. .A mien's real work is Bienenfield, A. Keidan, I. Lieberman,
' not always what he would have I. Esser, Louis Dann, .1. Spatter, I. I.. terest is being shown by the members
chosen to do. There i s all the dif- Seheineman, Milton Alexander, Jacob of the organization in the' Doll Mak-
ference between choosing and being Nathan, M. Lott, Mr. Weiswasser. ing Contest." The results of the
Mortimer J. Liss, Adolph Sloman, IL competition will be displayed at the
meeting Monday evening, and it is
So we Like it that Henry Fort Buchhalter.
J. Ogooshevitz, Mn. Cherkose, M. rumored that the Palestine orphans
comes to the task of Jew-baiting not

Select Dancing Nightly

Palais de Danse

Particular People Prefer
the Palais
Strictly censored. Highest

Floyd illokataa's Superb Oronutra.

freely and of his own choice but Rosinsky, NI. Levin, Mr. Zamdwais, will soon be the proud possessors of
merely as the cat's paw of anti-Semi- S. Kaphtan, K. Palmer, M. Wein- many novel and unusual dolls. Prizes
tic propagandists whose product is garten, M. Cohen, J. Levinson, N. for the most handsomely dressed
created from prejudice, poppycock Rosenday, I'. Greenberg, S. Weiss, H. dolls will be awarded by the corn-
Altman, L. Klugman, II. Silken, H. mittee of judges consisting of
and persecution.
Ford has again embarked in a Weiss, M. Fishman, Meyer Bieliaysky, Florence Steiner, Pauline Brindorf

challenge of a maligned people S. Singer, 11 .Lightstone, L. Salia, A. and Libbie Miller.
At this meeting there will also be
Seligson, B. Meister, M. Goldsmith,
1 is already heard and it is direct, sin- Mrs. Ruched S. Weinstein, Miss elected the delegates to the conven-
tion that takes place in Cleveland on
dodgable stuff. ,Jeanette Steinberg, Miss Julia Wine,
The Ford flivver has never been Mr. Rogvo,v Mrs. Weiswasser, Mrs. June 5.
There will be only one more
put to such a test as will this Ford Lett, NIrs. Rothenberg, P. Slomovitz,
regular meeting this season, at which
activity which so bitterly assails the mi ss S y l v i a G o ld sm ith.
the election of officers will be held.
rectitude of our Jewish fellow-citi-
Rabbi Hurwitz, Rabbi Harry Z.
Gordon, Sam Kirsch, A. Farber, Sam
And to quote friend Schermerhorn Shapiro, A. Katzin, H. Rose, Abra-
of the Detroit Times: ham Slutzky, Mrs. B. Miller, J.
"Henry Ford is not so useful and oleshansky, I. Goldman, S. Light-
successful in his day and generation stone, Frank Zusman, Mrs. B. Levine,
that he can afford to ignore the chal- Adolph Freund, Slyer S. Fink, Leon
lenge of the Jewish organizations for Goldsmith, Charles Rosenthal, Jacob
an investigation of allegations against Nathan, llyman Keidan, A. Lapin-
them. He must come out into the Cohen, Samuel Jaulus, William B.
open and accept the c nallenge o nn t Isenberg, Benjamin Gould, M. Beder,
de portment
close down forever this de
of his activities when he resumes Mn. Lansky, M. Derovin, Julius
maximum production in all the rest Deutelbaum,
Langer' Ben Isaac
of his works; or the time is liable to Frank, It. Smelter, II. Goldberg, Mr.
come when he will need something London,
• • •
than maximum production to


8c Each

e ri ca's Finest Furniture"

pontia Notre

1137 Woodward


* 0 0 0 0*

the total amount to date to more
than $3,000,000.
"I have an idea that Zionism is a
world movement and not an Ameri-
can movement," said Mr. Untermyer
in his spech, the mandate Was given,
as I understand it, by Great. Britain
to the world Zionist organizations
and the Zionist Organization of the
World has a responsibility that it
cannot and does not want to evade;
and with responsibility comes author-
ity. Giving me the responsibility and
giving the other fellow the purse
strings does not help much. It may
help him to establish a super govern-
ment. You cannot outline a great, I
comprehensive plan in a strange
country without homogeneity, with-
out guiding forces and without funds
backing you. A united front will ac-
complish the biggest undertaking
ever conceived by the human mind."

With horn a-tootin' and Ovini, her
lots of gas, Henry Ford is again Don
Quixoting 'fhe Dearborn Independent
in his tin Elizabeth Rosinante, and
Sancho Panza Cameron is the guy
who supplies the gasoleen-and cranks
the critter.
And when the Duke of Detroit
goys on a crusade, newspaper corre-
spondents sharpen their trusty Dixons
and there is joy in the camp of the
Henry is aware of this. And know-
ing the value of publicity, he, with a
regularity and precision which should
he an object lesson to the timid ad-
vertiser, stages peripatetic perfor-
mances, arranges pilgrimages, con-
ducts campaigns.
"Ford's Follies," have become a
recognized institution. They add to
the gaiety of the nations. T he world
has not forgot, nor ever will forget,
the "Peace Ship." Even 'though
hearts wore brmki mg
I f aces e
Mr. and Mrs. J. Adelstein are re
drawn at the childishness and the
ceiving congratulations on the birth
foolishness of that Ford project.
of a son, Wallace Bernard, May 10.
Don Quixote tilting at a windmill!
A hoatful—two boatfula of joy-
, Mr. Henry Jacobson and Mr.
riders advertising henry Ford, "the
Gabriel J. Rapaport attended the
millionaire with a vision." It was
Brith State Council meeting
great stuff!
which was held in Jackson, Sunday,
And now Ford, the paladin, is after
May 15.
the Jews. Ile is taking them in his
bare hands and using the same weap-
President World Zionist Organiza-
The Misses Celia and Ethel Barnett
on Samson used upon the Philistines.
entertained 14 guests at their home
Before he and his henchmen have
on Franklin boulevard, Monday eve-
done with the Jews they will make
ning, May 10, honoring Miss Estelle
the starry-eyed houris in Aphrodite
Levin of New York City. The eve-
look like Esquimaux in comparison!
ning was spent in dancing and cards
The Dearborn Independent will leave
and a three-course luncheon was
them naked and ashamed! Henry
Fend has entered the ranks of the
professional Jew-bailers; he has join-
eContimied From riigt . 1.1
ed the line of persecutors and de-
Yenta Samuelson, of Pontiac,
. ,
tractors; mayhap he already feels
Mo., announces
of St. Louis, Mo.,
upon his shoulder r the blade of the Toledo, Flint, Windsor and Port the engagement of her daughtur,
sword of some phantom sceptered Huron will also serve on the cam-
Ruth Irene, to Mr. Amos Baum, of
bigot, whose throne was stained with mittee.
Jacksonville, Tenn.
Other, on the Committee.
the blood of the Jews, giving him the
Practically every organization of
accolade—"Arise! Sir Henry." Poor,
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Orman spent
beknighted—and benighted--man! importance was given representation
Sunday in Detroit as guests of their
Henry Ford has always been re- on the reception committee by the
narents, Mr. and Mrs. i.. Orman, of
garded as the soul of sincerity and nominating committee of which
Palmer street.
truth. "And Henry is an honorable Captain Waiss was chairman. Philip
man." That he has his limitations Slomovitz is acting secretary of the
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwartz en-
the Tribune trial proved. That he is commtitee. In addition to the above
magnificently imperial no one denies. the following were appointed on the tertained 10 guests at their home on
That he is ambitious is obvious. reception committee: Louis Stoll, Dr. Pinegrove stret; Thursday evening,
In Henry Ford's make-up is some- W. W. Kahn, Sam Sarasohn, Mrs. May 12, in honor of Miss Estelle
thing of the Ilohenzollern. Ile be- N. E. Arenstam, Mrs. J. 11. Ehrlich, Levin of New York City. The eve-
Reyes he is "chosen"—for what, he I. Shetzer, S. Sallan, Dr. Beisman, nine was spent in dancing and cards.
isn't really sure; but undoubtedly J. Wetsman, William Friedman,
from time to time his advisors, men- Isidore Levin, Bernard Isaacs, Mrs.
Mrs. Louis Soloman entertained
tors and varlets will supply the sub- A . M. Hershman, . III"I) Miller, I six guiAs Saturday, May 14, in
Charles Rosenthal, Hyman Keidan, honor of Miss Estelle Lavin of New
ject and ammunition.
Interesting in this connection is N. II. Goldstick, S. J. Rhodes, Louis
City, taking her guests to the
the following culled from "Mr. Benson, .lamb Langer
Garrick theatre.
Julius Dentelbaum, Louis Cohane,
Ford's Page" in the Dearborn In-
Morris Gurvett, Max Lieberman, I).
dependent of March 5:
The Barcova Club held their regu-
"Some day there may come to you Robinson, J. II. Ehrlich, E. Raliine-
the duty to do a disagreeable task, to witz, Louis Winkelman, Aaron Kur- or semi-monthly meeting May 11, at
IL the home of Miss Tessa Brown, of
take up a cause that will yield you no land, Samuel Heyman, 1. lass, A.
rowierd, which will, at first, envelop Jaffin, Miss Mary Caplan, S. Schwartz Bagley street.
yen in misunderstanding and abuse, Julius Braun, S. Goldstick, Louis
which will make you look like a fool Cohant., M. Michlin, H. Bari h, Rabbi
before men. You will shrink from it Sachs, M. 11. Zackheim, Miss Rosa
A regular meeting of the Junior
naturally, yet if you are. the person Copinsky, .1. Levin, 11. Goldman, II.
selected for the task, so$110 way it will Parzen, NI. Miirgolies, B. Braver, J. Hadassah Society will take place
make itself known to you as a serious Chaggi, L ouis James Rosenberg, J. Mon d ay, May 23, at 7:30 p. m., at

designed to reduce
th e figure end give
stout women *lender,
g raceful line..


Detroit Jews Greet
Leader on Thursday

The rapid growth of this store is
an indication of the good judgment
of our customers, no less than of
the supreme efforts we are putting
forth to merit their favor.

Robinson= Cohen Co

High Street at Hastings

Open Evenings


Tailo r

e l;rceo vu ar irsy
ser:l i c t er
Thean S d hop

3 th

J 47, N9


ever before, and acTo.Thing to the
committee of the fi I d events, Mr.
M. Rosenthal and Ilarry Stone, this
The Amitians met in the home of
will mark one of the greatest clays Miss Ruth Weinberg, 536 Watson
of the year for all participants on the street, Tuesday, May 17. Miss Betty
The Rican Cholem excursion will
Davidov presided owing to the
take place on Sunday, June 5, to
The other committees working in absence of the president, Miss Velick.
Tashmoo. Tickets can now be ob-
In place of the usual social hour,
tained from Miss Rose Rosenberg, co-operation with the Club are Mr.
Al Klunover, 100 Penobscot building, Dan Shapero, chairman of all activi- which follows the adjournment of the
the members have arranged
Morris llarris or any members of the
Bicur Cholem Juniors.
ity committe, which consists of to hold a sewing circle twice a month.
meeting will be held
The field events on this day also Eleanor Katzer, Norman Snyder,
at the home of Miss Betty Davidov,
expect to be the greatest ever held
Henrietta Dvorkin and Ethel Schlis- 9149 Cameron avenue, Tuesday eve-
at an outing yet. More prizes have
ning, May 24.
been secured for the winners than sel.


Manuel Urbach

satisfy the demand for his products. AN
Stranger things have happened in the AP POINTED BY MAYOR
history of mixing wholesale insulting
At a meeting of the reception com-
with wholesale manufacturing."
mitteo for the Weizmann delegation
Every nation from the time of
Moses down has sought to heap scorn to Detroit, held at the Wilkins street
on the Jew. Why? 1 think the an- Talmud Torah Thursday evening,
564 Winder St. Cadillac 48
r is "Because he dares to excel!" Rabbi A. NI. Ilershman was unam-
sweMartyred, pc rsecuted, whipped, re- °ugly elected to preside at the great
The only Jewish Monument Dealer
m Stneeting next Thursday evening,
in Detroit.
vilest, ostracised, beaten to the us at which the Zionist guests are to
the Jews have kept the spark of hop e speak. Rabbi Hershman received an
to in their breasts.
Although they are poop
h ovation from the gathering when his
1 e t out
a country they have woven the weft name was mentioned for the chair-
Glendale 4845.
Captain Hayman Weiss and Philip
the warp of the fabric of history.
Upon the life and thought of all na. Slomovitz were respectively elected
dons they have made an indelible im. chairman and secretary of the recep-
press. tion committee..
Captain Waiss announced that
Good Work—Good Service.
And in every line of art, science
s. among those chosen by Mayor Cou-
W. C•Il For and Deliver.
or statesmanship the Jew has e
celled. And "no crime" said I'liny, tens to act on the reception commit-
3873 Grand River
the Younger, "is no great to the tee are the following: Commissioner
ALBERT B. WEISS, See. and Treas.
envious as that of daring to excel." of Police James W. Inches, chairman;
Is envy, therefore, one of the in- Bishop Charles D. Williams, Rev.
'I'. Doran, Rabbi I,eo M.
spirations of this Ford Jew-hating, William
Rabbi A. M. II rshman
Best Recipes for
Jew baiting campaign? ,
L. Levin, Judge Ira W.
Canning and Preserving.
The greatest asset of the Jew is
his adaptability—his flexibility. Ile Jayne, Judge Harry Keidan, Superin-
cosmopolitan with views and tendent of Schools Frank Cody, Dr.
is a
ilenry W. Vaughan, Ex-Mayor Will-
sympathies that are wide and
capacity for hard work, constructive lam 13. Thompson, Ex-Mayor Philip
13reitmever, Ex-Mayor Oscar B. Marx,
thinking and quick
Councilman D. W. Simons and the
Cadillac 790.
Addison Hotel.
He is an analyst, a critic, a psy-
He knows men and entire City Council, William H. May-
bury, John A. Russel, Fred M. But-
Ile possesses prescience
and persistence which he tempers zel, Capt. Isidore Levin, Capt. H.
degree of cautiousness that in- Weiss, Isaac Goldberg, Bernard Gins-
with a
sures success. He prepares, plans, burg, Louis Stoll, • Julius Freud, Al-
gathers up the loose ends, abhors bert Kahn, Julian II. Krolik, Dr. Hugo
waste, is frugal and provident. . Freund, Joseph J. Cummins, Joseph
Education and development he be- Chaggi, Samuel Summerfield, Jacob
lieves in and supports lavishly. Life Miller, Eugene •
• •
to the Jew is full of possibilities and
himself of $1,100,000 IS ADDED
every opportunity to prepare himself TO KEREN HAYESOD.

for their fulfillment.
so strong NEW YORK.—A challenge to the
What has made the Jew
self-reliant? Persecution. The leaders of the American Zionist
who recently split with
Jew-baiter has sharpened the Jew's Organization,
bound the race together in the World Zionist Organization, to
wits and
their objections to the pro-
a brotherhood bond that will
gram of the World Zion ist Or gani-

Marble and Granite




A Hudson Advantage
That is Distinctive


Its Smoothness and Ease of Operation

Hudson owners tell us they most ap-
preciate the titter forgetfulness of mech-
anism they are permitted in their cars.
Neither sound, nor the lapse of any
function calls it to attention. Even
minor adjustments, which arc annoy-
ing, though not costly, are almost
never necessary. And command of the
controls seems intuitive—hardly
in 1




Fresh Twice Daily.

of the mewing it was said Mr. Unter-
myer would head a board of trustees
which is being formed for the Keren
DANZIG.—It is reported that the Hayesod in the United States.
Contributions to the 8100,000,000
American Joint Distribution Commit-
liquidated its branches In fund at the meeting amounted to $1,-
tee bas
Bialystok, Lemberg, Brest and Romp. 100,000, it wu announced, bringing


Sala. Dept. 444 E. Jefferson As.. Main 3788.



e 4778

, ages.
make the cation, of which he is president, was
Ford fears the Jews will
made Sunday afternoon by Dr. Chaim
United States a new Judaic Zion.
There is no more fear of it than Weizmaon, in an address before a
conference of the Keren Hayesod
there is of this country becoming ■
German possession or Papal kingdom. (Palestine Foundation Fund) in the
Henry Ford is being fooled with Stuyvesant High School, Fifteenth
street, near Second avenue.
Samuel Untermyer spoke in behalf
Back to the flivver and Fordson,
of the work being done by the World
Zionist Organization. At the close

7751 Hamilton Avenue

Near Delta.

Men say the Hudson Super-Six re-
pays a minimum of care with years of
smooth, dependable, punctual convey-
ance, without default or absence
from service.
And we have a gratifying pride in
knowing that more than 100,000 own-
ers drive Hudsons, without envy, we
believe, of any other car, no matter
what its price.

Members D.


Braman, II Charlotte Aye. Cedilla. U.


Only Reliable Cars.
A. D. A.—Responsible Automobile Dealers Who Sell

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