America Prish Palo&Cal Carter CLIFTON ARNIM • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 111111111111r PAGE Agnew plow e istortica Alemite Lubricators ALEMITE LUBRICATING CO. OF MICH. SEVEN Rachel, One Hundred Years After For All Makes of Cars." Phone Glendale 7942 4750 Woodward Ave. By HELEN BULLITT LOWRY. (In the New York Times.) her straight, The centennial of the birth of They wrote Hell on b row_ was haughty just passed. Time ng had struck that stage Rachel has S • a lesroom • Sufferi came down from their I She s tood locked in the when Market 4863 - 4. resistance. She thrones to pay tribute to the genius struggle, She gid in acknowledgedly the, , stood, not dressed, but draped in pale first half arper . of Rachel — as Service Station: 59 H greatest tragedienne of the antique folds, long and regular like century as Bern- good, 1 of the is nineteenth Northway 5103, Market 317* hard of today. They pressed ' sculpture. Vashti was not 11101111111111111112111111111."1"1" told," goes on the pathetically Was ere great opals into her hand. "You are : . I will stand while you stay • proper little Englishwoman, "and goo I weary seate," urge the Czar of all the have said she does not ook d. spirit, she 'was al spirit out d d presented her Though athat Rues as. The Czarina with the "costliest set of furs in the of Tophet." No wonder the critics fell head- The Lord of Potsdam re- GLENDALE 2646 world." ceived her into his family as a guest, long among exclamation points when sat down to dine with dealing with that spirit out of Top- het. So the case-hardened theatrical and she JORDAN - COLE SALES CO. a flower reporter falls into a like pitfall in princes. 2932 Canfield Ave. E. Queen Victoria threw her ave her , ce of Bernhardt—Bernhardt at 70 fa te own bouquet and g from her P ONE—MELROSE 6236 PHONE—MELROSE a priva audience—then remarked, —with those ageless eyes. Dazzled It attracts especially those who are sweet, modest girl!"—which by such batteries, one and another "What.% inclined to look for beauty com- was just another bit of conclusive , of us has sat down and written evidence that Rachel knew how to "gush" fit to go into the book of the bined with comfort and economy. act. Rachel was the rage in London, "personal recollections of Rachel." with Countesses and Marchionesses , Maybe these old critics hail the grace of the Best" "Built driving her about. In Vienna it was to blush, too, when they saw their This is evidenced by the astonishing cast indt cold print. the same story over again. Time was outpourings Well, Rachel passed with the last number of women who own and . Michigan Distributors. Rachel handed out appoint. . eye that saw her. And coming gen- when Hemlock 2122. / meats of the government of France ' o h er at drive Dodge Brothers 4 Door Sedan. erations, when th ey think f to tear 12942 Woodward Ave. as if she were a national committee. I all, have had the temerity man disposing of political plums. Time was when all intellectual', down this goddess from her pedestal 4 and 6 Cylinders look with cool, appraising Du- j —and to Power, Beauty, Economy, Comfort good and Paris revolved about her—Victor go Theophile, Gautier, Dumas—tak.I eyes up boa a good Jewish daughter and ens- . s The gasolin. consumption is unusually low 1 1 y y in her art as seriously as on 5911 Woodward Ave. T.I. Glendale 7118 ins The me mileage is unusually high French .intellectuals know how to ter who never forgot her famil he ro- the years of her prosperity. man d t hard time they have of it, take art. Rachel checke 1 ticist movement inF r ance — who too—making a mere woman out of 1 eat e d knows but It mig ht an artist. Being an artist, her moods, into a mid-Victorian period with va- her politics, her loves were all sub- nnysons and calling a pores and to change without notice. Te She restored to public ject spade a rose? Through "Sentimental Tommy" Bar- unsentimental classical rie has taught us mere people some- Edgewood 3112 favor the Ave., Car Antietam. what to understand the artistic tem- drama. 21213-40 Josois4 cainpau And all this in those short 20 years perament, as it leaps from role to , between the night when an almost role. Barrie helps us to understand — GLENDALE 4700 gas of allon 20 miles to g WOODWARD AT BARFIELD illiterate 17-year-old Jewish girl, Rachel's grand coup of chanting "La Instead of 10. with thin face and great eyes, blazed Marsaillaise" in 1848, as famous as tires in of 12,500 miles to set forth in her genius before Paris— any tragic role that she played. stead of 10,000 Sentimental Tommy was sincere and that other day of her premature 50% Slower Depreciation when he played the part of the Pre- death, the victim of consumption.• Yet the hundredth anniversary of tender in "the Den" in Thrums. So 3745 Cass. T.I. Glendale 46G9. Tel. Glendale 5585. the birth of Rachel passed on March was Rachel sincere when she went W. J. DOUGHTY, 21 with hardly a mention by the on a semi-official tour through the Eng provinces arousing the spirit of revo- playgoing writers of France and th nocett lution. She seized the flag and o Sizpeh oes to prove g draped it round her. Bernhardt also inevitable fact that, when the cur- held the flag to her in the one-act 2892 k a tain goes down on an actor's genius, play of the dying poilu. Rachel's • it's down. After the passing of the tour was managed by her father. Ile last eye and ear witness, the highest peddled patriotism as he had peddled D' 'baton histrionic genius has vanished as ut- material by the yard in the old days East Grand Boulevard at Oakland. —and a nice thing he made of it, too, , terly as the least. Those who write biographies of financially, while Rachel was 'seeing Rachel now treat her as mere woman herself" in the role of patriot. By and not as goddess. They tell how the next fall the coup d'etat of Na- d of a Jewish ped- poleon had occurred. Revolutionary she was the chil a ped- patriotism was out of vogue, and, dler and spent her babyhood in dler's cart. They tell of a puny child anyway, Rachel was ready for a new sawing a fiddle and singing songs on role, as any industrious actress Cass and Peterboro. Main 8424 - — C —-- --ST CARS Paris corners. They tell that her let- should be at the beginning of the "RICA'S FIRST A:1E ters always exhibited illiterate gram- INE SIXES AND Tw.J season. mar and bad spelling. Rachel dramatized life and every They even dare wtite of her lapses emotion in it—not least her own ill • into street-singer manners in the health. Always she had been frail. days of her grandeur. They tell that i From 20 on her life was a race with S 1 X she kicked up her heels and said consumption. The disease won the street-corner words when she was race when she was only 37. Again coming away from that memorable and again one can trace hre exquisite audience with Victoria of England. the appreciation of the tragedy that hung has They recount her departure from f over her. She had never been able Now the Seattle school board made it a little easier for Johnny by her success. I.etters tha t • I • house of two grand ladies o Adrienne, enjoying part of _v wro te from Russia, after shebe- France's most conservative old so- to play a an certain giving him a reasonable chance to actress dying of the same "duck." The board has ordered that ciety, where she thumbed her nose who was th ut feeling the sensation ensation came the pet of the Czar and Czar- wio ive child in- cars used by attendance officers be and twiddled her fingers when she d isease, f her own mortality and the pre- ins, exclaim like a naive o thought they weren't looking. But sage of her death. Once, in her early stead of a queen of tragedy, "and Delmore.. in Seattle plainly lettered in conformity with the style of lettering on all other that 1 am the daughter of "Hookey" they were. she was suddenly dissolved in to think Since They Motorised At. cars owned by the school district. While she lived such impiety would 20's, tears while she rehearsed this part, just Papa and Mama Felix, a peddler Officers. When this action was proposed it tendance have struck the narrator with apo- an old clothes dealer." Never like her, must die young," she and Tel. Glendale 7946 brought forth a sharp and insistent 1, plexy. The biographies of Rachel, did woman struggle more passion- protest by one of the school officers. live on in the world she had written during her lifetime, are gush: mourned. a has Ask and kid in Seattle who When she visited America in 1855 ately to premonition ing geysers of adoration. The wordy she was nearing her last illness. She conquered. Perhaps a The Seattle police department also memry would pass tendency to play hookey once in • uses 10 Dodge Brothers touring cars. dramatic criticisms of the period, was a triken woman — nor had told er h hw her that he o centennial o of her birth while and he will tell you s c The various departments of the city duly collected and reprinted, read the a whole sufficiently ad- until always keeps a sharp lookout for VALUE CARS AT VOLUME PRIC ES would almst be passed over. and county together operate 37. like the lucubrations of the present- America as o even it s Gopher Prairy the Mary Pickfords Dodge Brothers touring cars and day press agent. The light from her vance d beyond Perhaps period to accord her full apprecia- and the Wallace Reidy are not really roadst ers. must have been such that she Reason—this is the type of car BESSARABIAN JEWS GIVE eyes lion. Though as great a woman as l way 760 was allowe d to make her own aws did not leave furnished with "immortality," for all the eight attendance officers 7351 Woodward Ave. North and Jenny Lind, her coming is written not in used by r that ther recods 50,000,000 LEI FOR ZION and set her spelling to her fancy memories, but in eel- of the Seattle school board, who a mark upon us like that her ignorance. Out of all the "liter- men's of the water ors nightingale of of the North. was the last luloid—the mirror in which their scour the city constantly for symp- That part Adrienne ary" gushings of the period, just one y. toms of juvenile de PA RI S.—Kishenev advices re- linquenc cars has seems to give life again to Rachel that she played in America—the last. public sees them, once one ceived here state that the Zionists and rescue her for us from out the that she played on any stage. Mem- now, pulled alongside the curb or glided of Bessarabia have already collected DANZIG.—For five days past dead century. Somehow the words bers of her company any that nveer has up to the swimmin' hole to the great 10,000,000 out of 60,000,000 lei K of the "prim little Yorkshire gov- bread. Po- dismay of the youngster who had re- pledged by the Jewish community of as her p resentation oi s the role so the l ocal Jewish Free itchen absolutley without erness," Charlotte Bronte, imbedded w d for mained out of school to attend his Bessarabia for the Palestine Founda- glorious, although her lines were been in a novel years after she had seen punctated with a hacking cough. tatoes are being nt suem bstitute and grandm other's faneral. Out popped tion Fund. The work there is being the actress, alone explain how Rachel lieu, laissez boi vivre—quel- bread in the preseergency the well-known Zionist o foot- "Mon suit si jeune those taking advantage of the kitchen the truan ex. conducted by got her personality across the der Avenue move I. ques jours encore. Je Dr. Schwartzman. lights in her high roles of classic amination. tragedy. Charlotte Bronte veils Ra- Those next and last three years of d a ily_ chel's identity as Vashti. life are tragedy as great as that "I had heard this woman termed her any of classic heroine that she plain, and I expected harshness and of played—of any Phedre or Joan of grimness, something large, angular, Arc. in her letters she referred to sallow. What I saw was the shadow herself as "Poor Rachel." Perhaps queen once fair of a royal Vashti, a the great artist found the end less as the day, turned pale now like twi- cruel because she was able to drama- Day and Night Service. light and wasted like wax in a flame •y 4412. Phone Northw tize ven death. "I use the dust of 5764 Cass Ave. For a hile—for a long while-- t was only a woman, though the Queens of Egypt to dry my ink, thought it a unique woman, who moved in might . wrote she from Egypt. "That dust and grace before the multitude. By is the most eloquent thing in my let- and by I recognized my mistake—' ter." No written drama could sur- poignancy of her last visit "Behold I found in her something' pass the neither woman nor of man. In each to Paris. Alone, after midnight, she the theaters that ose evi l made the _ of her ees y sat a devil. Th her successes. At each tragedy, hail stagedtour of forces bo re her through the she alighted, and stood on the pave- she ee e s reng — ke pp t u her fbltthfor osed door—for a was but a frail creature. And, as mat before the cl the action rose and the stir deepened, moment with bowed head—then how wildly those evil forces shook drove on. She had never lost her capacity for her with their passions of the pit. 68 - 78 Brady St. (East of 3700 Woodward) 5931 Woodward. Auburn Beauty Six WEISMAN MOTOR SALES CO. 3639 WOODWARD AVE. CASE DIXIE FLYER Donnic , BOTHERS 4 mum EirtnAN H .C.S. DAVIS MOTOR CARS THOMAS BROOKS, INC. LCA BREED, SPEICHER COMP' NY FOSTER SALES AND SERVICE SERVICE AND PARTS FOR KING CARS AXLE SHAFTS FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS THOMAS J. DOYLE FRANKLIN G • to Fit Your Need. A • lai:r7 d rtV aaig OWEN & GRAHAM CO. TRUCKS _ — POTTS MOTOR SALES CO. HA YN E CHARACTER Liberty Harrison-Ruud Sates Co. 4647 Woodward Av e. MOON N AS 11 TRUANTS KEEP EYES ON CARS NASH DISTRIBUTING COMP ANY National - Elgin Six - Premier GORDON MOTOR SALES CO., DISTRIBUTO RS. Northway 4712 5024 Woodward Re Vere "The Car Incomparable" KEliTENRING SALES CO. . uvr C o. G eoe rg HZe WINTON 4465 CAS S AVE.—Glendale 4605 Long Battery Service Co. Free Ispect on. Service on all makes. Tel. Glendale 1267. 41=111V- -110111111 - -=-IIIPIt= 1157 = CHEVROLET I Zenith Carburetors 'Tor Economical Transportation" reliability speed. economy and Used wherever power, are essential. I IIIIII I IIII Hi% ROL4T. SrRVICE CORP AUTO ELECTRIC & 93 5•Idon Ave. Phone Glendale 41214122. When You're in Distress a OPEN DAY AND NIGHT SEVEN DAYS EVERY WEEK Stalled or out of Gas 4606 Grab a Phone — Call Melrose IMM IIII I III IIIII II1 11 1111 111 111 111 11 111 11 11 111111 1 11111 11 1 L MILLER-JUDD C 0. Glen dale 472-428 4846 Woodward Ave. at Warren milmiusiscsissslistinenstsinssitissimilisiliminuttimp T HE efficiency and economy that distinguish the "FB 20" Roadster as a profitable business investment also make it a practical car for general use. Its performance under all con- ditions is exceptional for its low price and up-keep cost. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. Woodward at H•ndrie Northway 500. Service Station 41 to 51 York St. A one of our completely equipped wrecking A NY cars with expert mechanics will be headed way, no matter where the call comes from. your Our duty is to serve you. You Get ONCE ,Your An from some far An immediate answer city may be vital in your business. It may decide the success or failure of some transaction. Hut details must first be accurately and comprehensively transmitted and distinctly. Complicated points may be explained instantl y. And throughout, there is the powerful influence of your personality. Otherwise the deciding answer cannot When your business demands— the quickest — most accurate — and most comprehensive conversation—there is he given. Long Distance Telephone Service meets this problem completely. East Side Auto Service Co. ammicswcwomwx.mwoommwm: Chronicle Want Ads firing Results Ordinary tones are heard clearly and discussed. Connections with even very distant 3938 Chene Street places are made within a few minutes. MICHIGAN STATE one logical thing for you to do— Use Long Distance. T ELEPHONE" CO "Our Ambition—Ideal Telephone Service for Michigan" 20" Reel'., $1.320.f•A Fif'd• Mat IMi1 111511 111WI 12111 i ii=l01 11 ; 51 = 5=0111=0