PAGE TEN riff, fierRorrjovisn (ilitamaz r I •i werwit."-. •-• * OrAX CADILLAC nonshRTITHErin monimn BELGRADE.—A Jew was elected vice mayor of this city the capital of the Serb Croat•Slovene kingdom. Him name Is Doctor Pops. PARIS.—Chief Rabbi Sylvan Less' of Paris received the Cross of the Legion of Honor for his war services. • • • PARIS.—The Jewish Relief Committee of South Africa has transmitted front Johannesburg £1,400 for the Ukrainian refugees In Bessarabia. • .• • LONDON.—Prior to his departure for India, Lord Reading. the new viceroy 01 India, will he the guest of King George at a dinner. • • • In most businesses which have adopted it, it is on the go from morning till night. Sturdy construction and uninterrupted ser- vice contribute greatly to the pronounce(' economy of the car. THOMAS J. DOYLE WOODWARD AT BARFIELD 6LtNDALR 4700 LONDON.—The Australian government has appointed General Monash a member of the Australian Defense Council, according to a Sydney dispatch. • • • • Among recent refugees to arrive In this country from Russian Poland Is G. Hersh Ilurshstein, who is now visiting his daughter, Mine. Rosa Rain, the opera !singer, at Chicago, Ill. • • • • LONDON.—According to Moscow advices, a conference of the Bond has just been opened here. Members of the executive and delegates from the provinces are participating in the deliberations. • • • • LONDON.—We are informed from Berlin that there Is a strong move- ment among the Ituasian students In that city to return to Russia as soon as possible. • • • • t.ONDON.—A delegation of Argentine labor representatives, Including Mr. Rosenzweig, who represents the Jewish workers of Argentina, has reached Petrograd, according to a report received here from that city. • • • • LONDON.—Miss Emily Daymans has been granted the degree of Doctor of Music of the University of Oxford. Miss Daymans is the first woman to gain that distinction from Oxford. • • PARIS.—According to a Copenhagen report received Isere, the Russian- Jewish organization "13und" has now completely joined the ranks of the Com- munists. • • • • LONDON.—The Palestine correspondent of the "Daily News" reports that the national council of the Arabs In Mesopotamia Is already in session in Bagdad. An Arab government, he adds. will very shortly be organized. • • • • The railway administration of Palestine has reduced the freight charges for oranges, and due to the organization of the Jaffa orange growers, ship- mettle have been so organized that the markets abroad are not glutted. • • • • It is reported that the Palestine government Is contemplating the estab- lishment of a college of pharmacy, and the International Pharmacists' Asso- ciation has been requested to submit a list of potential students • • • • Edwin Samuel, son of the high commissioner, was presented with the title of Honorary Sheik of the Beersheba Tribes, on the occasion of his recent marriage to Iladassah Graoovsky of Jaffa. • • • • LONDON.—The first publication to be toasted in Palestine by the Cath- olics will make Re appearance during thin month, according to a Jerusalem dispatch. It will be called "Zion's Guard,' and will be printed in Arabic. . • LONDON.—According to Warsaw advices, American Jews are advising their relatives and friends in Poland not to come over at the present moment owing to the econoomic crisis prevailing. LONDON.—The local influential organ, "The Westminster Gazette," din ' cussing the succession of Lord Reading in the office of Chief Justice, declares that the utmost judgment should be exercised in order to find someone suitable to succeed him. • • • • LONDON.—The Bavarian parliament has excluded Deputy Miller in order that he may be brought to justice on a charge of embezzlement which the enthorities are preferring against hint. Miller has been known for his anti- Sent it ism. • • • LONDON.—The arrival of Prince Septette, the Polish Foreign Minister, Is expected today. Prominent local Polish Jews are organizing with the intention of meeting the minister and taking up with hint the Jewish Shop where courtesy question. • • • • and service prevail lust North of Forest Ave LONDON.—In its Issue of yesterday, the "Daily Express" made an edi- torial appeal to Winston Churchill, the new Colonial Secretary, to make an effort to co-operate with )'rinse Feisal in settling the problems affecting the Near East. • • • • URGES ZION AS HAVEN l'ARIS.—The well-known Jewish public worker, Advocate Sliosberg, con- OF REFUGE FOR JEWS tinues his active participation in the judicial work of the Jewish delegations despite the fact that, as has already been reported, be has recently resigned PARIS—The local influential organ from membership in the committee. • • • "The Matin" prints a long interview with M. Nahum Sokolow, noted Zion- WARSAW.—The Jewish banking houses which Mae recently had their ist leader and president of the local licenses revoked by the Polish government have organized themselves in an committee of Jewish Delegations. The effort to protect their interests. Among then firms ar some that have been "Malin" uses the interview in place In existence for more than fifty years. of its daily editorial, giving it the ut- • • • • most prominence. Reproducing the PARIS.—The "Malin" today publishes correspondence addressed by the photograph of M. Sokolow, it states that although he is a native of War- one-time French ambassador to Russia Noulens to Chachin In which the for- saw and was previously the editdr mer relates that on February 21, 1918, he offered Trotsky French military choosing the Brest-Litovsk peace instead. of a Hebrew publication, he is a aid, but Trotzky refused the offer, • • • • thorough westerner and a great friend LONDON.—Addressing a meeting of Liberal Nationalists at Birmingham. of France. In his interview Sokolow again points out the fundamental aims Premier Lloyd George declared that If this present campaign for economy of Zionism and points to the brilliant and retrenchment implied that England should return Palestine and Mesopo- results already achieved by the Zion- tamia to the Turks, he was absolutely opposed to that sort of economy. • • • • ist movement. Speaking of the de- velopment of Palestine, Sokolow de- The postoffice superintendent for Northern Palestine promised, on his clares that he foresees Palestine and visit to Sarre& to arrange a daily mail service between the town and Tiberias. Syria working hand in hand for the A now post and telegraph office in Rosh•Pinah and the installation of tele- future development of the Near East, phones In the private houses in Saffed have also been promised. • • • • thereby also strengthening the bonds now existing between the members The Palestine government has leased 3,000 dunam of marshy land near of the Entente. Sokolow discusses Petch Tikvah to that colony, for a term of years on the condition that the the problem of the Jews in Eastern colony drain It at its own expense at the earliest opportunity. The colony Europe and indicates that as a result has appointed a special afforestation committee to work on the job. HILDREN ask for more H-0 by instinct. Its rare • • • of the terrible pogroms in Ukrainia, flavor, its flaky lightness have been safe guides for the world will soon be flooded with A book on zoology is being published by the "Kohelet" Publishing Cons- large numbers of Jewish refugees, un- mIttee in Palestine by Sir. Arhoni, the noted Palestinian zoologist. The com- healthy, childish appetites for nearly fifty years. fortunate and helpless people. It is mittee expects to be able to publish several other books required in the in the interests, not alone of the Jews, Hebrew schools. And millions of mothers have leaned that the food • • • but of all nations and particularly value in every dish of H-0 makes growing boys and those on the American continents to The city of Lyons has honored the memory of Grand Rabbis Armand- girls sturdy and strong. see to it that some haven of refuge Bloch, the first chaplain of the French army to fall In the war In heroic cir- is found for these people, and he sug- cumstances, by naming a street after him. This is the first instance of the This table ie From U.S. Health Education Bulletin No. 2. gests Palestine as the only refuge kind In France. See how Oatmeal leads in nourishment) available. He therefore appeals to all • • • • Jews to aid in the establishment of PARIS.—Some local publications have now come out with an assertion Oatmeal 1,500 Ell flour 1 450 While wheal that country in order to save Jewish that the Jewish emigrant is chiefly responsible for the scarcity of housing Force f,300 Cornwell 1,550 Stour 1.110 pogrom and war victims from their A steal owed f,f00 Macaroni accommodations!. Upon them is also laid the blame for the fact that fewer 1,150 Hominy 1,150 present plight. &alms/lour . t,t00 Another mead 1.350 Rice (while) 1,150 students are availing themselves of Paris educational institutions, it being Barley 1 150 Farina claimed that students can no longer afford the high rental. 1,350 Cora flake, 1,100 Merchant A. C. KRENZ Tailor I 1111 1 1 11 11110 0 0111 0 ,. . . . . . C DECLARES ROUMANIANS NOT LESS ANTI-JEWISH THE 11-0 COMPANY Dept. B. Buffalo. N. Y. • 5:30 P. M. to 1:00 A. M. CONCERT BY FAMOUS HUNGARIAN GYPSY BAND FIRST CLASS SERVICE KLEIN & LEITNER RESTAURANT 25 BROADWAY USED W . anted Select Dancing Nightly — WE PAY SPOT CASH – ALICON AUTO SAID Palais de Danse Particular People Prefer the Palais Strictly censored. Highest standard II Palmer West—(SS Palmer Old) Maloney-Campbell Realty Co., Inc. Floyd Hlokman's Superb °Wieser& Miss Detroit Cigar 5. 504 FREE PRESS BLDG. General Real Estate, Insurance, Choice Homes, Two-Flats, In- vestments and Store Property PHONE CHERRY 1195. 1 HENRYfoliATTER DETROIn EXCLUSIVE HATTER 8c Each 4,3 ORATIOT AVE. COP. LIBRARY AVE. 0 6 d oe VS/PAGES Imci Teisi ARE MADE IN THE FOLLOWING FLAVORS ORANGE RASPBERRY GRAPE CHERRY STRAWBERRY GINGER-ALE LEMON CREAM SODA COLA ROOT BEER BIRCH BEER APPLE CIDER HAVE A CASE DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME FEIGENSON BROTHERS CO. Glendale 2777-2778-2779 11s WArt&alig Rum 2—E t•• CELLAR nom. Bu llts ~ h.aboofu Ofta!Pielf ALSO NIFSOF WATER PLASTIC- S LATE WM/SW PROOF PAINT. GlI4RIA71119 ROOFI NG. CORNICES. S Y LIGHTS.GUTTERS ,CON DOCTOR S. MOONEY SCHREIBER, SEC'YTI2EAS. 212.214 HANCOCK AVE. WEST. DETROIT mu - H...., From the President's Desk—Talk No. 39. City Banks Use the SmalliTown Banks' Money After the farmers have harvested and sold their crops—after the lumber turn have sold their finished product— after the cotton and tobacco growers have marketed their crops and the stock raisers have received their money from the packers, they repay their loans at their banks . • • • • PARIS.—M. Briand, the French Premier, yesterday received M. Nahum Sokolow, Zionist leader and head of the local committee of Jewish delega• "I want some more". lions, and after a lengthy audience Mr. Sokolow declared himself highly VI E N N :\—Addressing a Jewish pleased with his visit. Zionist questions and the situation of the Jews in delegation, which recently called on Eastern Europe were discussed. Rend your grocer' him, the Roumanian Minister of Jun- • game and we rid tier, Antonescu, declared that anti- DANZIG.—Two thousand five hundred Jewish emigrants who at present @end you Jr... Semitisin its Roumania was fast disap- find themselves to the care of the local station of the Dias will sail for moues 11 - 0 for a nearing, the government taking every America within the next few days. Three hundred Jewish emigrants con. ElIGIfor al:person, posible Itt • aSUre to suppress all and' time to arrive here daiiv and the facilities and provisions made for their Semitic manisfestations. The Minister care are far better than they have bent in the past. added that the status for the Kehil- • • • • labs its litikovinia and Bessarabia are LONDON.—A unique Incident Is reported to have taken place within about to be submitted before the Rou- manias parliament, in accordance with ithepast few days in one of the East End courts here. Justice Cluer was ,„. he representative basis adopted by trying a case In which all interested parties were constantly falling back on Yiddish. The Judge suggested that since he as well as both sides under. O 011ZKI . V1.4.1 WQM• APAZAlic the Jewish congress. 1n Siebenhur- gen, the government has instructed stood Yiddish he had no objectios of the proceedings being continued in that ' Motors, Oils, Mining and Curb Industrials for Cash LI that the Jews he permitted to register Maple. • • • • as belonging to the Jewish nationality or on Moderate Margins its the forthcoming census. WARSAW.—Reports In the local Polish press show that among other moneys subscribed by Poles in Any rica for the support of local institutions million marks was donated for the work of Archbishop Theodoro•itch JEWS FAVOR GEN. SMUTS half a twentv-five thousand dollars for the anti-Semitic organization "Rozvey." The local Jewish daily, the "'faint," expresses astonishment that Americans Real Estate Exchange Bldg., Detroit LONDON—In the elections taking should support reactionary and anti-Semitic organizations of the kind men- TELEPHONE CADILLAC 6150 place in the Union of South Africa tioned. fl the Jews overwhelmingly supported • • • • (Established 190S) • he South African party, which is NEW YORK.—Dr. Shmarya Levine, the noted Zionist leader who spent 41 Broad Street, New York Direct Private Wires headed by the Union Premier, Gen- almost the entire war period in this country but has been away to Europe and Weekly Market Letter Bent Free eral Jan Smuts, according to dispatch Palestine during the past two years. Is now back in New York for a brief from Cape Town. visit. Dr. Levine arrived here from Canada, where he spent two weeks and "No Promotions" 'hen return to Canada to complete his work there. Dr. Levine Is one of the best known Zionist propagandists In Europe as well as America. • • • • A two months' course of Intensive training on police work and other us , fill subjects Is being given to Palestinian policemen In Jerusalem. The ENGRAVING COMPANY' Department of PublIc Security, which started the courses, has selected men 700 MARQUETTE BLDG ' rem each district to receive this special Instrction In police work. It is DESIGNING COLOR PLATES nreeted that this badly needed training will noon provide Palestine with an PITOTORETOLKMING HALF•TONE3 (*Molest pollee force, 10 HUDSON TAXI Special Sunday Supper 4739 Woodward Ave m e Give him that second dish r Private Appearing Can Limousines—for all occasions SAM LEVISON, Mgr. Then those smaller banks have more money on hand than they can use until another season begins, at they ioaan much of it to the larger city banks and receive interest on it. Stoll loans enable our hanks to extend needed aid to Petro t business enterprises—another example of hank srYlee. HORNETS OATMEAL IRS CHARLES A. STONEHAM & CO 0 0 A=s0=03==10=0====0=0=almo Chronicle Advertisers Represent The Best Merchants in Detroit SPRUN STATE OETFIO IT Concrete Garbage and Ash Receptacles Lasts a Life-Time. Don't Wait Until the Board of Health Compels You to Buy. Order At Orce. H. M. KOFFiVIAN 012 HANCOCK AVE. EAST. Old No. 296 Hancock Ave. E. P HONE MELROSE 6556 1