▪ PAGE EIGHT jilpheritorr,Awisn RoAtaz te. &ST:liourtfin LONDON.—Lord Reading will depart for India to take up his duties of Viceroy on March 17th next. ue num N irr:tnn • VIENNA—A practice has recently been inaugurated to distribute anti. Semitic literature during service in the various churches of the city. • • • PARIS—The new French high commissioner at Tunis received a Zionist ' deputation and expressed to them Ills sympathies towards Zionism and his readiness to give them his support, according to a dispatch received here. a In most businesses which have adopted it, it is on the go from morning till night. • Sturdy construction and uninterrupted ser- vice contribute greatly to the pronouncea economy of the car. PARIS—Madam Breslikovskaya, the noted heroine of revolutionary Rus- sia, has now fully recovered from her illness. It is said that she proposes to return to Russia. 10 HUDSON TA XI Special Sunday Supper 5:30 P. M. to 1:00 A. M. VIENNA—The Socialist organ "Freiheit" has come forward with severe criticism against Minister of the Interior Koch of the German Reichs- tag for his anti-Semitic tendencies. • . LONDON—Announcement of the establishment of new Soviet republics in Daghestan and Highaldin, both located in the Caucasus is made in a wire-, less dispatch received here from Moscow. ▪ • CADILLAC Private Appearing Can Limousines—for all occasions SAM LEVISON, Mgr. CONCERT BY FAMOUS HUNGARIAN GYPSY BAND FIRST CLASS SERVICE KLEIN & LEITNER RESTAURANT DANZIG—There is considerable talk Of possible pogroms in Vilna, ac- ' cording to a dispatch from that city. and a number of Jews are leaving for Kovno in an effort to secure themselves. 25 M. Paul Hymans, the Belgian statesman, has given over the chairmanship BROADWAY of the League of Nations to Senor Cunha, the Brazilian Ambassador to Paris, according to a Park dispatch. ▪ • USED CARS e Marc Klaw, the theatrical producer, has received a commission as colonel on the staff of Governor Edwin P. Morrow of Kentucky. Mr. Klaw is a native of Paducah, Ky. • London—There are at present o ver one hundred and fifty thousand Rus elan refugees in Constantine, all of them in a most destitute condition, ac- cording to a dispatch from Constantinople. • • • • • THOMAS J. DOYLE to the relief work now being done in Europe and especially praised the work being done by Jewish organizations. Paris—The arrival of Professor Chaim Welzmann is expected lucre on Feb- ruary 9th. We learn authentimily that on his visit here. Professor Keizmann will confer with leaders of the I. C. A. Danzig—Despite a definite promise not to expel any foreign Jews who have been residents of Poland for a number of years. the police are now forcing many such to leave the country, according to a Warsaw dispatch. • • • • • The Board of Aldermen of New York City yesterday honored the late Mr. Jacob H. Schiff by renaming Delancey street, one of the m o st important thoroughfares on the East Side, Schiff Parkway. The American Consul in Roumania refuses to vise the passports of Jew- , ish emigrants unless they produce in addition to all other necessary docu- ments, a birth certificate, says a dispatch from Bucharest. • • A Budapest report states that the Hungarian Post Administration has made public in the official government publication, a prohibition against using the mails for correspondence in Yiddish or Hebrew. us Sir David Sassoon, a distinguished member of that Jewish family in India, is a candidate for the championship of the Bombay municipality, and his election is quite assured, says a dispatch from Bombay. LONDON—A Jewish labor bank is to be opened shortly in Palestine, upon the initiative of Julius Simon and Nehemiah DeLinta who have pre- pared plans for such bank during their recent stay in Palestine. Local labor circles expect much of a bank of this character. -wste—"•._ London—The last batch of Russian prisoners, of whom there are about fifty thousand, will be returned to their homes during next summer, says a Berlin dispatch, which quotes the Soviet representative Victor Kopp, as authority for the statement. • MBER E ca CALL Glendale 630 642-658 Grand River Ave. Honorable James Arthur Balfour plans to take a trip to the Continent. In the event of his doing so, the Zionist organization, it is understood, will take all possible steps to ensure that Jewish communities should officially receive and honor Mr. Balfour wherever he arrives. • • Preparations for the publication of Herzfs Memoirs are practically com- pleted and the first volume will make its appearance towards the end of 1921. Considerable difference is said to exist between the editors regarding ma- terial which affects persons still living. • • • In commemoration of King Albert's return to Brussels, he has received a gift from Sir Alfred Mond in the form of a magnificent Dith century reli- quary which has been unearthed among the ruins of Ypres, a portion of which is being restored at Iffrind's expense. LONDON—According to a MOSCOW dispatch received by the London "Daily Herald" Prince Kropotkin, who has been ill with pneumonia, is be. proving, being now out of danger. The Moscow government, it was pre- viously reported, had sent him medical help. • According to reports about to be made public by the Federation of Jew- ish Philanthropies in New York City, the Federation is not getting thc sup- port it requires, for the 90 organizations and institutions which it is helping to maintain. At the forthcoming annual meeting, a special appeal will be 'made to the Jews of New York for greater support. NOTICE TO Our 1921 Wall Paper Sample Books are Now Ready for Distribution Fisher Wall Paper Company A. C. KRENZ 514 RANDOLPH STREET Between Congress and Lamed Merchant Tailor The Shop where courtesy and service prevail 4739 Woodward Ave Just North of Forest Ave. 1vGav 1(71=11:11 Wizini saaimo ZIONIST DELEGATION Motors, Oils, Mining and Curb Industrials for Cash TO VISIT AMERICA or on Moderate Margins g /11:11= CHARLES A. STONEHAM & CO. Real Estate Exchange Bldg., Detroit TELEPHONE CADILLAC 6150 o lEstabltsned 1903) 0 41 Broad Street, New York Direct Private WIree II Weekly Market Letter Bent Free "No Promotions" o1;101==zoi=or=recior=roeto Last, a Life Time. Don't Walt Until the Board of Health Compels You to Buy. Order At Once. H. M. KOFFMAN 912 HANCOCK AVE. EAST. Old No. 296 Hancock Ave. E. P HONE MELROSE 6556 At the Gayety Theatre, Dublin. Ireland, the famous Ulster Players have presented The Jew's Fiddler," the wink of Mr. A. IRsh, a member of the Wallesey Jewish community, who collaborated with T. R. Haywood, a well- known Belfast poet. The Irish press has been given The Jew's Fiddler" commendatory notices. Sweden has accredited a permanent I ish cruiser, says a dispatch from _fern- salernsalem today. In presenting his credentials to the High Commissioner for Palestine the Swedish agent said the chief purpose of hi' Government in sending hem was to develop ex- tensive and binding commercial rota- none between Palestine and Sweden. Sweden's representative is the first foreign agent to be accredited to the new Palestine Government. — WE PAY SPOT CASH – ALKON AUTO SALE.' Palais de Danse Particular People Prefer the Palais Strictly censored. Highest standard Piey ■ 61 Palmer Wett—(35 Palmer Old) 5. AT YOUR SERVICE! AGREE BROS. HIckman'e Superb Oreheetra, — —Company Miss Detroit Cigar PLUMBING & HEATINerj CALL NORTHWAY 185 [ Maloney-Campbell Realty Co., Inc. 504 FREE PRESS BLDG. General Real Estate, Insurance, Choice Homes, Two-Flats, In- vestments and Store Property PHONE CHERRY 1195. ..2 8c Each SPRUNK ENGRAVING COMPANY HENRY! HATTER )ETROITS EXCLUSIVE HATTER 49 GRATIOT AVE COQ LIBRARY AVE. 700 MARQUETTE BLDG. DESIGNING COLOR-PLATES PNOT0RETO0EHING HALF-TONES Glendale 2777-2778-2779 Atl i ro A i°111-r?4 CELLAR FLOORS. 1 ' ilflO MP,11 marCHIARroRRY V6Z vocOr DI TIAMS NM • RI COWIZED GUAPANT ED Pi"" WATER PROOF PAINT. PLASTIC- SLATEGRAVELSLATHILE ROOFING. CORNICES. SK YLIGHTS.GUTTERS , CONDUCTORS. MOONEY SCHREIBER. SECY &TREAS. Z12.214 HANCOCK AVE. WEST. ! DETROIT MICH. 0 6 (BEVERAGES (Rada "'I' ARE MADE IN THE FOLLOWING FLAVORS ORANGE CHERRY LEMON ROOT BEER London—The Anglo-Jewish weekly, the "Jewish World" to its issue of yes- terday takes to task the leaders of the I. C. A. for their failure to make public a report of their activities. The publication declares that by its secret proceedings it Is aiding those numerous anti-Semites who maintain that the Jews have secret world organizations. RASPBERRY STRAWBERRY CREAM SODA BIRCH BEER HAVE A CASE DELIVERED TO GRAPE GINGER-ALE CULA APPLE CIDER YOUR HOME FEIGENSON BROTHERS CO. _ - - BERLIN — Closing of a number of Jewish religious schools in the city and consolidation of others, is the recommendation of the local Kehillah, owing to scarcity of funds with which to pay the salaries of its teachers. The teachers of the schools sought to be closed or consolidated have called a fleeting to take a stand in the matter. • us ei The Jew, Haftka, the head of General Zellgouski's Nationalities Depart- ment, has arrived in London. He denies the report recently circulated that be intends to visit America, or that he ever spoke in the name of the Jews of Vilna. He visited Paris and is now in this city, he states entirely in be- half of his department. • • . It has only just become known that the noted Russian dancer, Nijinski, died about a year ago in an internment camp in Hungary. According to a report made public here, he was interned by the Hungarian government dur- ing the war and is supposed to have died chiefly as the result of unsatisfac. tory conditions in the camp in which he had been confined. This is the rea- son advanced for the fact that his death was never made public. • • • According to a Paris dispatch, the Soviet government has ordered the registration of all aliens. Those not employed in Soviet institutions will he deprived of certain citizenship rights. The same dispatch relates that the LONDON.—Professor Chaim \Vciz- Soviet authorities also contemplate the establishment of bureaus in bord er- ing countries for the purpose of registering all anti-Bolshevists in these mann, the noted Zionist, who is ex- neighboring states. pected to return here from Palestine • • • during the latter part of this week, A loscow report brings details of a recent conference of Jewish repre- will head a Zionist delegation which sentatives from l'krainia, White and Central Russia which important steps for furthering agriculture among the Jews of Russia at were decided upon. will visit the United States. The dele- gates will tell the American Jews of A large number of the children of pogrom-sufferers will he trained for work on the soil. It was reported at the conference that a number of Jewish trade the urgent needs of Palestine and will schools are being entirely maintained by the government department of edu- aid in the campaign for the Palestine cation. • ip Foundation Fund. representative to Palestine , and -be landed recently at Jaffa from a Swed- Concrete Garbage and Ash Receptacles Select Dancing Nightly Paris—The American government has addressed an enquiry to the Latvian government as to whether it would permit the passage through Latvia of one hundred thousand Russians to be deported from America, according to a statement issued by the Lettish Telegraphic Agency which Is reported In a dIspritch from Riga. Wall Paper Dealers and Decorators Cherry 2007 or Main 3033. Wanted Parts—The local Socialist organ, "Toplatiere," yesterday devoted an article WOODWARD AT BARFIELD — 6LENDALe 47011 A large group of Jewish emigrants on their way to America were re- turned from Rotterdam because it Was discovered that they were given false vises by some individuals claiming to represent the American consul. Through the efforts of the local representatives of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immi- grant Aid Society of America, the authorities have been prevailed upon to issue to these unfortunate travelers, new documents which the American consul will vise without delay. a • The general press of this city yesterday carried the following cable from Vienna: "I'l,ns for an international anti-Semitic conference to be held in Vienna in March under the auspices of the German-American Protective Anti- S emitic Association, were announced today. Invitations have been sent to all the nations to send delegates to the conference or to nominate permanent Austrian delegates. A preliminary meeting of all non-Jewish organizations has been called for February." From the President's Desk—Talk No. 38 Banking Methods Differ With Communities--- Banking principles are, of course, the same the world over, but communities engaged in special Beason pursuits most have a specialized banking service to meet the particular conditions peculiar to their needs. A Bank In a crop-growing country lends Its money to the farmer from Spring ploughing time until the crops are harvested,—in the lumber districts. from the time the logs "come down" until they are sold as finished lumber. The same is true in tobacco. cotton, live stock, milling and other sea sonal vocations. It's a once-a-year process. This bank, doing business with no many different kinds of industries. keeps Its money profitably employed ALL THE TIME. It Is a safe bank for your funds. IRS STA T E OF DETROIT C