▪ PAGE TEN jiifilgrKorrlDtisit(ifito,Nraz 1 4.1 4.11 4- ON. 0.1- baXXX)- , zr.- AP •II^ Ar 4, n•C XXX /Th ZIrS•., .7. •%-• ,,ar 4E" .4., C X X X2-042.-0 -1- 0 -I 0-. fAX1 CADILLAC Ilonsi8BrtrrwE.. - Rs A Hebrew - peaking organization is being formed in Denver, Colo. • • 1)1r. Edwin Samuel, eldest son of the High Conunissioner, has been appointed to the staff of the District Governor of Jerusalem. • • • 413E1E1R 5E111\N Secretary of the Navy Daniels announces the appointment of Rear Admiral Joseph Strauss to breome commander of the Pacific fleet. • • • • In their zeal to further Judaism the thirty Jewish students of the Univer -icy of Kansas at Lawrence, Kans., have formed an organization. ▪ • • LONDON.—There arc no less than 3101,000 helpless and needy Jewish orphan. in Russia :nut tfkrainia, according io a Moscow report received In addition to its good looks and the protection it provides, the car has an unusual reputation for consistent service • • DANZIG.—A newly arrived group of 400 Jewish emigrants have been detained in the local quarantine because a few have been found to have symptoms of typhus. • • • VIENNA.—Premier Averesco has invited the Jewish statesman, Golder, to join the Cabinet of the Roumanian government, says a dispatch from Bucharest. • • • DANZIG.—According to a report appearing in the Warsaw "Haint" the government stores, selling food and provisions to the public, not only discriminates against the Jews by compelling them to wait in a separate line until all non - Jews have been served, but are actually given inferior products. • • • • • WARSAW.—The Polish Cabinet last week discussed the question of re- instating the Jewish railroad employes of Eastern Galicia who had been discharged by the local Polish authorities because they were Jews. The Ministers failed to come to an agreement on the subject and it was finally decided to hand the matter over to a special commission. • • • • NEW YORK.—Rabbi Chaim Schapira, the "Tsadik" of Brohohaca, Galicia, arrived in New York last week and was received with great enthu- siasm by his followers in this city. About live thousand admirers of the "Tsadik" jammed every nook and corner leading to the place where the rabbi had his temporary abode to shake hands with him and bid him welcome. • aara-rais..-eacwwwo .wer,Fawat a. 1 • • • LONDON.—A syndicate was formed here for the purpose of producing classical Jewish plays in the Gentile theatrical district. The object of the new association is to stage important Jewish plays with the collaboration of the greatest Yiddish artists. As the first play the new theater will produce Lessing's "Nathan the Misc." The local English press welcomes the new aenture. * * BUCHAR EST.—The Jewish Deputy, Dr. Strauctier, to the name of Roumanian Jewry, has condemned the recent attack made upon Roumanian statesemen in the Senate. Straucher declared that the Jewish law forbids killing, the injunction being that one should fight through spiritual forces only. The Jewish Deputy added that the present Cabinet would have his entire support. • • An Understandable Statement MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE BANK At the Close of Business December 28, 1920. DANZIG.—General lialakowitch, who was reported to have been in- terned by the Polish authorities, is again in White Russia at the head of sonic forces, according to a report received here from Minsk. Ukrainian refugees who arrived here within the past few days' state that a large num- ber of Petlura's followers have now joined the ranks of the Ottoman leader, Yutyunik, and are terrorizing the district of Braschni. ▪ • • • VI ENNA.—Pc emission has been granted by the Jugoslavian govern- ment for the establishment of a Jewish State School at Gross-Becsherek (Jugo-Slavia), according to a dispatch from that city. In announcing the establishment of this school, the Jugoslavian Minister of Education ex- plained that this was being done in accordance with the Minority Rights clauses which Jugoslavia had accepted as part of the Versailles peace treaty. • 1—Cash $ (Gold, Bank Notes and Specici and with legal depositaries returnable on demand. II—Checks on Other Banks 1,034,335.72 $ 943,414.96 These cheeks are payabel In one day. III—Loans to Individuals and Corporations $ 8,592,070.95 This Is the amount we have loaned (after a thorough in vestigationl to individuals and corporations on their notes and against approved collateral. IV—Mortgages on Real Estate and Bonds $ 4,418,791.89 These are salable securities Issued by the U. S. municipal. Wes and other corporations of first quality; also first mortgagee on high class real estate. V—Stock in Federal Reserve Bank $ VI—United States Securities $ 929,745.00 42,000 00 This Includes U. S. Government Bonds, War Savings Cer. theater, Revenue Stamps and United States Certificates of Indebtedness. $ 381,232.62 Eleven of them branches, all located in the city of Detroit . VIII—Other U. S. Government Bonds $ 234,250.00 Left with us for safekeeping. Total Assets $16,575,841.14 Total Deposits Entrusted to Us, 1920 $14,973,312.77 The officers and directors always 'have this in mind when making loans and see to It that the assets are in such form as to enable them to meet all requests made by depositors —This Leaves Capital Stock, Surplus and Undivided Profits of • $ 1,602,528.37 Which becomes the property of the stoikholders after the depositors are paid in full, and is a guarantee fund upon which we solicit new deposits and retain those which have been carried by an for many years. First State Bank of Detroit Main Office: Lafayette and Griswold Street. Eleven Branches: Mack and Mt. Elliott Woodward and Eliot Hamilton and Webb Ferndale and Springwells St. Clair and Mack Jos. Campau and Newton (RESTAURANT Linwood and Vicksburg Grand River and Virginia Park Select Dancing Nightly Palais de Danse Particular People Prefer the Palais Strictly censored, Highest standard Floyd Illokman's Superb Oreh•tra, Miss Detroit Cigar 8c Each The commission on the admission of new states into the League of Nations decided in favor of Finland's admission into the League, and as a consequence of the representation made by the Committee of Jewish Delega- tions and a warm address on the subject delivered by Lord Robert Cecil, the commission recommended that Finland incorporate into its constitution a clause guaranteeing minority rights. Finland gives strong assurances that this reconmiendation will be adopted. • • • • LONDON.—The differences between members of the Zionit Excu- s e tive do not appear to have adjusted themselves, if one is to judge from the attitude of the Dutch leader, DeLieme, who officially tendered his resigna- tion to the Executive. Yielding to the demands of some members of the Greater Actions Committee, the Executive has called a meeting of that committee for Feb. 6. Local Zionist circles expect American Zionists to participate in the meeting of the Greater Actions Committee. • • • The Hai Resh Fraternity held its twelfth annual conclave in Kansas City, December 26 to 30. The Hai Resh Fraternity was organized 15 years ago in St. Joseph, Mo. The Maj chapter of Kansas City was the second chapter formed. There arc now 25 chapters in various cities throughout the country with a total membership of more than 500 young men. Young men between the ages of 17 and 21 are eligible for membership. In the late war 95 per cent of the membership saw service, 75 per cent of whom were commissioned officers. • • • • On December 15th, Rabbi Rudolph I. Coffee, of Toledo, delivered an address at the annual meeting of the Ohio branch of the Child Conservation League of America in Marion, Ohio. Fps subject was, "Can We Get Away From Our l'arents?" Senator Harding spoke under the same auspices on ''Child Conservation." after which Dr. Coffee delivered the closing rayer. During the day he also spoke at the Marion Chamber of Commerce p lunch- eon, the School Teachers' Association and the Marion Jewish Congregation. He was given a signed photo of the Senator by Mrs. Harding during a visit to the home of the President-elect. • • WARSAW.—Members of the Jewish Seim Club recently interpellated at the Ministry of the Interior regarding the appeal against the Jews which the anti - Semitic organization "Rozvoi" placarded on Christmas night. The Jewish deputies pointed out that the appeal deliberately incited the Polish population against the Jews. The government was also requested to punish the police official who had placed David lgeleberg under arrest. Igelberg was arrested because he had made an English translation of the anti-Semitic placard for the English Consul. The authorities released him soon after his arrest. At Elmira, • • • N. V., a handsome three-story structure, one of the finest clubhouses in the city, was dedicated by the Y. M. H. A. and Y. W. H. A, for the uses of their members. A number of the city officials and other rep- resentatives of well-known organizations took part in the ceremonies. The dedicatory address was delivered by Rabbi M. Eckstein, who paid a tribute to the late Rabbi Jacob Marcus, who served at Temple Israel for a number of years. Other speakers were Captain James RiRe, of the American gion; Samuel Reichter, Le- Benjamin F. Lev, chairman of the Americanization Society and prominent in the Jewish work of the city, and the Mayor of Elmira. — WE PAY SPOT CASH — ALKON AUTO SALES 35 Palmer Wed, Near Woodward AT YOUR SERVICE! AGREE BROS. C ompany PLUMBING & HEATING CALL NORTHWAY 186 a Maloney.Carnpbell Realty Co., Inc. 504 FREE PRESS BLDG. General Real Estate, Insurance, Choice Homes, Two.Flats, In. vestments and Store Property PHONE CHERRY 1195. SPRUNK ENGRAVING COMPANY liFARYIIIHATTER 700 MARQUETTE BLDG DESIGNING COLOR-PLATES RIOTO-RCTOUCHING HALFTONES DETROIT EXCLUSIVE HATTER 49 ORATIOT AVE. COR. LIBRARY AVE. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I CARRY ONLY Kosher Delicatessen Baked Goods Canned Goods SAM. MOSKOWITZ 8251 Hamilton Blvd. Northway 5322 Glendale 2777.2778-2779 Welfifir con0 02!4, K. K. Anshe Nfayriv, the oldest congregation in Chicagg, has sold its handsome temple at Thirty-third street and Indiana avenue for $75,000 and will build further south in the residential district. For the present it will hold services at Lincoln Center. Rabbi Tobias Schanfarber is the spiritual leader of the congregation. The other officers are: Jacob Schnadig, presi- dent; Israel Cowan, vice-president; Charles Weinfeld treasurer; L. ‘Vitkow- sky, secretary. • • • • • Forest and Van Dyke • LONDON.—A conference of Dutch Zionists is at present in session there. In his opening address, Dr. Orenstein, the presiding officer, defended the demand of Justice Louis D. Brandeis with regard to the modification of the work in Palestine. M. Zlatopolsky explained to the conference the principles of the Keren Hayesod. The conference adopted a resolution de manding the inclusion of the upper Jordan in Palestine territory while the first session of the conference honored the victims of the Ukrainian pogroms. • • • • • • ESTABLISHED 1853 Gratiot and Hastings Chene and Gratlot KLEIN & LEITNER 25 BROADWAY LONDON.—Dr. Morris Eder, of the Jewish Territorial Association, is going to Soviet Russia next week for the purpose of studying conditions as well as arranging plans for the many Jews who are about to leave Soviet Russia. Mr. Eder will also arrange for the use of Hebrew in the Jewish schools of Russia. ▪ • VII—Branch Banking Houses and Furniture and Fixtures S' FIRST CLASS SERVICE • • At a recent meeting of the Progress Club of Johnstown, Pa., initial steps were taken to creel a Jewish Reform temple as a fitting tribute to the memory of the late Morris Nathan, one of Johnstown's most beloved citi- zens. Already $25,000 has been pledged and the remaining $25,000 necessary is expected to be raised in the near future. • Glendale 4700 .sre 5:30 P. M. to 1:00 A. M. CONCERT BY FAMOUS HUNGARIAN GYPSY BAhu 'remote Israel is now building for the Jewish residents of Nantasket, Mass., and vicinity and will be ready for the summer. To date $15,000 has been raised. The edifice, including the furnishings, will involve an expendi- ture of about V41.000. 'File structure will be 45x65, with a seating capacity of 400. THOMAS J. DOYLE •asr- Special Sunday Supper Jewish women in Switzerland have organized for the express purpose of arousing Europe to a movement of protest against pogroms, says a Geneva dispatch. The organization is formulating a petition in this connection, which is to be placed before the League of Nations. • The gasoline consumption is Lnuaua ly low Th• the mileage Is unusually high *llama t is • here. 10 HUDSON TALI SAM LEVISON, Mgr. 1)ropsie College, Philadelphia, Pa., reports the number of students reg istered this year as fifty-nine, a large increase over the previous year. ▪ • • The simple explanation of its great popularity is that the Sedan deserves all the good things that are said of it Woodward at Garfield Private Appearing Cars Limousines—for all occasions CELLA FLOORS. BUtrifiGOenll, tauwtYlios4Kci AwAyastat ; atm) COvt RED f4 tts WATER PROOF PAINT. GIMANILID PLASTIC - SLATE,G1?AVEL.SLATHILE FING. CORNICES. SKYLIGHTS.GUTTERS,CON I TORS. /1100NEY SCHREIBER. SECY 212 - 214 HANCOCK AVE.WEST. TREA DETR •MICH. EDMUND G. th LEWIS Jewish Undertaker Licensed Embalmer All Funerals conducted un. der toy personal supervision. Old Address 1383 John R. New Address 7739 John R. Telephone: Cherry 393 Northway 2175-11 STEEL AND COPPERPLATE ENGRAVING Society Comni,rcial Order Your Christmas and New Year's Announcements; Representative Will f411. LANGER PRINTING COMPANY 85-81 Congress St., West Phone Al ain 21dd